2. 24 HOURS~Bouquets
Dedicated to berwerh who's the reason why I updated❤
Zeynearb don't kill me, I'd finally updated 😂
Abuja, Nigeria.
Hameed Barau's residence.
Troops of people kept walking in and out of the house; workers rushing to get their jobs done and guests making their way in to pay their respects and offer their own well wishes. Most of the yen biki who always arrive a week or two before the wedding had already settled in thanks to the Baraus graciousness. The way and amount of workers that were busy working around the house would make you wonder if this is a wedding or an award ceremony. Ranging from the furniture to the house painting entirely, everything was brand new.
It's no surprise though that the Baraus are putting this much effort considering that Siddiqah is the only female daughter amongst four children with the eldest being Bilaal, and the twins Hammad and Ahmad.
Traditionally, the yen kalan dangi whom invited themselves are just there to eat rice, nothing more, nothing less. If they were to be counted, they would exceed 30 women in total and the wedding was just in a week.
You'd think their close relative is the one that will get married with the way they walk around as if they own the place. They just had no pride in them whatsoever and they didn't bother to hide it. The little ounce of respect they have is for the immediate members of the Baraus family, other than that, you're just a nobody. The interesting fact is that they are all from the Hameed part of the family, the dangin miji squad, so whatever they're doing is just natural.
Luckily though, Mrs Hameed Barau, Hajiya Aisha Hameedah, being the no nonsense woman she is didn't tolerate this uncouth act of theirs. They simply had no right! And once she put them in their place, they never uttered a word more to disturb another's peace and everyone was thankful for that. That of course didn't stop the gossip that kept taking place in between the women. Her solution to that was simple; ignoring the fools.
Paying heed to a fool only makes you a fool.
She has better things to worry about, and that is keeping Mrs Bulama from ruining her daughter's wedding. The hatred between the two women is just something else.
While this entire hullabaloo is happening in the main part of the house, the guest flat far from there is completely quiet much to the bride's comfort. She just can't simply stand being around that much people and having them ruin her plan.
Her wedding meant the world to her and her goal is to get through it drama free.
Seated on an Amber royal king-size bed is a silhouette. The beams of light came into her room through the opened windows and the rays castes upon her unbraided silky shoulder length raven hair. Though she had bed hair, somehow she still manages to look stunning. Her round eyes held that contrast in them; the dark iris was immensely dark and it glinted. Her long eye lashes rest upon her face whenever she closed her eyes and her pink lips stretch into a smile complimenting her slender nose. Her face was literally flawless except for the freckles on her face, and her skin glows from all the gyaran jiki session.
Though her beautician, the Sudan lady made her go through some painful sessions; it was totally worth it seeing the result. Her beauty knew no bound, and that is something being a full Fulani blood must be recommended for. Without much effort, she always manages to look stunning and that was one of the many reasons Ammar fell for her.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the sarcastic, overdramatic Siddiqah Aydah Hameed Barau.
Her entire room is painted in a light brown tone with a glistening chandelier which added more light in the room. Every single detail around it was arranged orderly and her closet was another matter itself. The marble floor looked spotless, and do was the couches situated at the far end of the room.
Reaching her hand out to the bedside cabinet, she took a remote and turned off the air conditioning system. Afterwards, she placed it back and ran her slender fingers through her hair to push it away from her face.
Her check list is there beside her and she had already planned every minute of her wedding already. Heck every second was already planned.
A week to the wedding;
Monday: Spend day at home with the beautician.
Tuesday: Make sure all the event centers are ready
Wednesday: Invite all those whom weren't invited, except party poopers.
Thursday: BFFs arrive.
Friday: Spend day with my girls.
Saturday: Make sure all event outfits and jewelries are nowhere out of sight.
Sunday: Contact other close friends
And the list goes on.
Today being Thursday meant that her two best friends, Maryam and Ummulkhair will be back in Nigeria and she can't wait to go and pick them up from the airport. The two agreed to meet up in Germany and then fly back to Nigeria together seeing it would be much easier.
Maryam and Ummulkhair were over the moon when they heard of the wedding between Ammar and Siddiqah was set.
Who would've thought the two would actually get married considering their families history.
There's one problem though; there's no way the bride will be allowed to leave the house. Her only choice right now is to sneak out, and to do that unnoticed meant she has to steal one of the driver's car keys and leave hers at home so no one would suspect.
Quick to put this plan of hers into action, she stood up from her bed after checking the time on her phone which reads 1:36pm. That leaves her with more than enough time to dress up and put her plan in action.
She quickly slipped into her velvet flip flops and wrapped a fluffy white robe over her lilac silk night gown. Now, being standing actually just shows out how short she is being 5'4. It's actually cute though since she's a bit chubby---not too much though. With her high cheekbones and prominent dimples, it added more to the quintessential beauty.
She made a dash to the en-suite to get ready for the day almost in an unladylike manner. Surely, if Hajiya Hameedah was here, she would've reprimanded her for her act.
The thing is, Siddiqah has been molded into being the perfect little dove. She had been though the proper table etiquette since she was five. At that age, after being enrolled in kindergarten at the age of two, she was already too smart for a five year old. At the age of eight, she knew how to act around guests and was taught how to cook the most extravagant food there was out there.
Turning ten, she was made to learn all other extra chores and activities ranging from seeing, knitting, painting, learning the art of literature and so much more. The ten year old could paint Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece; the Mona Lisa and one could hardly tell the difference. Also, turning fifteen, before she was sent abroad to study, the teenager could fluently speak seven languages from French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Hungarian, Korean and Hindu. She was taught to know that the smallest detail matter and it wasn't surprising that her mother made her go through this seeing that she's her only daughter.
Of course, the Islamic knowledge isn't left out of this training too. Although she hasn't memorized the full Quran yet, Tarteelan she has all 60Hizb up-head. She had memorized over 500 Hadiths and many more Islamic books ranging from Sahih Bukhary, Sahih Muslim, Umdathul Ahkam, Arabauna Hadeeth, Izziyah and so much more. She could explain a lot of topics too mostly on Aishah radiyallahu Anha, the female sahabees, and the role of women in Islam just like Mufti Menk would exactly.
She was bound for greatness, destined to be a wife to only the most eligible bachelor in the country and not to some Bulama boy.
Life doesn't always go as we plan though.
The Bulamas are actually one of the top richest families in Nigeria, alongside with the Qureishs, the Shazads, the Sayhans, the El Khabirs, the Endimis and the Baraus. So, being married to Zayn Ammar is still a win-win even if it isn't what was originally planned.
As Siddiqah stepped under the shower, she let the warm water cascade on her body and took her time to bath with her favorite Vanilla and lotus flower shower gel. She rinse her hair with some shampoo given to her by the Sudan lady and finished off her bath with some gel also given to her by the lady.
Afterwards, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in another fluffy pearl white robe and tied her wet hair with another towel.
She headed straight to her walk in closet and sat on the stool by the vanity table. She picked up different lotions and applied it on her body thoroughly limb by limb. She applied some hair oil on her palms and rubbed it on her hair after drying it with a dryer. She stretched it and made the ends in curls before trying it in a low bun. She applied minimal makeup, or in her words what she calls minimal consisted of kohl, smoky eye makeup and cut crease. Her little lips were covered with carmine matte lipstick, and finally mascara to finish off the look.
Picking up an outfit to wear wasn't that hard. She just picked out a nude colored skirt, a pearl white top and matching nude kimono to finish of the look. She quickly slipped into a pair of Aldo flats, grabbed her couch which was stuffed with her phone and ATM card and quietly left the room after putting on a grey turban cap. It was easier to sneak out in this considering she has to dress up for everything otherwise she knows she'll be reprimanded. Sneaking meant she gets to dress however she likes.
Having done this before, she was able to snuck out of the house and steal the car keys without much problem. She put her phone in silent mode so as to avoid any distractions and calls she knew she would receive once her mother realize she smacked out, which is probably five minute from now.
Keeping her clutch on the passenger seat, she settled in the driver's seat and revved the car to life. Swiftly, she drove the car out of the driveway, passes the gate and into the road ignoring the worried and panicked looks that overtook the guard's appearance once they saw she was the one driving. They tried to follow her, but she outsmarted them easily.
It took her 30 minutes to get to Nnamdi Azikwe airport considering she had to deal with traffic and such. That was one of the things she hates about Nigeria. Don't get her wrong, she absolutely adores her fatherland but honestly, there's just something about Naija compared to foreign countries one can't overlook no matter how hard she tries-traffic being one of them.
As she walked around the airport, patiently waiting for the flight to land, she bumped into a wall--probably someone muscular. She flinched, immediately reaching out her hand to soothe the ache on her forehead after muttering an 'ouch!' under her breath. She slowly stretched her head up to look at the wall--person only for her eyes to widen at the sight in front of her.
"Aydah..." He muttered almost to himself like he couldn't believe she was the one in front of him. Ya Rahman she's even more stunning than the last time he saw her, she still had that fiery look on her face though and that was one of the things that amused him and intrigued him more about her.
"Fahad!" she said clearly surprised and yet happy to see him. After all these years, here he is.
He still looked the same as when she last saw him---four years ago. He still looked the same though, only older. His hair still left in a messy attractive way, his subtle stubble clearly visible and honestly, it was drool worthy. His eyes however lost that glint it always had in them, immediately she knew something was wrong. This is not her Fahad, but then it's been years already. Things had changed and so did he probably so she didn't pry into the matter further.
He resisted the urge to engulf her in an embrace, now knowing his boundaries no matter how he detested it. He knows how to keep his hands off what's off limit to him though that doesn't mean he wouldn't fight for it.
It took everything in him to return back to Nigeria for the wedding. And right now it took every ounce of self control left in him to control himself and not do anything that will cause any problem though that was what he was seeking in a way.
So, he was taken aback when she threw her arms around him in an embrace. Immediately, his body stiffened knowing that this is wrong, but then this is what he has been longing for; he should probably just take the opportunity that was presented to him on a silver platter.
She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her from the joy of seeing him again. "Fahad I can't believe it's really you. You actually came!" she squeaked, embracing him tighter.
Sensing his tensed state, she slowly pulled back to look at him with confusion masking her face. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy to finally see your baby sister?" she asked quietly in a tone she only used around people close to her; it was a sign of weakness.
Not wanting her go feel bad, he ruffled her head, or more like her cap and flashed her his million dollar smile, "Of course not 'cuz. I'm just surprised to see you all grown up. The last time I saw you, you were just as tall as a Maggi cube" he teased, knowing that will lighten up her mood, and it did.
She rolled her eyes, "Maggi cube was taller than me. I guess I'm just blessed to have been this tall now"
He laughed, and she knew her cousin was still the same after all, "I can't wait for marry you off, you've disturbed our lives enough. Anty Hameedah is probably over the moon by now; she'll finally get rid of this trouble maker"
"Wait!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide as realization dawned upon her, "Haven't you heard of what happened?" she asked seriously making all trace of lark to disappear from his face in that instant.
"Heard of what?" he asked impatiently.
"Ummetah threw a party last week where she invited all the people in Nigeria to celebrate the fact that she's marrying off her only daughter to the Bulama family, you have no idea how elated she was" she said sarcastically making him stare at her warily, before a smile made its way on his face.
"You still are the same Siddiqah I know, Miss sarcastic"
"Point of correction!" she exclaimed a little too loudly gaining attention of some people nearby, "Mrs. Sarcastic Bulama"
Oh Lord! Fahad thought.
He felt as he was stabbed by her words. If it isn't bad enough living the fact that she's getting married to his best friend, she just had to remind him of how deeply in love with Ammar she is.
"Yeah yeah whatever"
She laughed at his expression, not seeing the truth behind his eyes that were bright hazel, something that made him unique. "So are you going to stay in our house or you'll stay at your house?" she asked, totally forgetting about the real reason why she's here.
He narrowed his eyes at her, "Are you kidding me? Why stay in a house filled with women when I can go to my father's house instead?" it was obviously a rhetorical question so she just nodded instead of answering.
She checked the time on her watch seeing that the plane has landed five minutes ago.
"Well then, I'll see you soon. I've got to go" she said and without waiting for his reply, she waved at him and quickly scurried away and getting lost among the crowd of people.
He stared at her retreating back.
She was now more beautiful than he remembered. She's still the same cute girl.
If only Ammar haven't gotten in the way.
After ten minutes of waiting, seeing that she hasn't spotted the two she brought out her phone to try and contact them. She has been standing in the same place for over ten minutes and she's tired.
"Hello" Ummulkhair picked up the phone making Addah sigh.
"Where are you guys? I'd been waiting for you since. Wasn't it your plane that already landed?" she asked still her eyes roaming around in search of them. She was more worried that she'd stayed out longer and Ummetah would've found out by now.
"Ummetah sent a driver to pick us up already. I thought you knew that? We're just 15 minutes away from your house right now" Ummulkhaiyr said and Aydah could hear Maryam's faint voice in the background probably blabbing about something that happened while she was in Nicosia.
"What?" Aydah asked getting vexed by the answer she got, "I told you I'd come pick you up. You should've waited for me!"
"We knew you weren't allowed out and besides, the driver was already there when we came out" Her friend explained in a tone that is supposed to soothe the anger Aydah's feeling right now.
"Fine! I'll meet you there then" She ended the call not really in the mood to speak more on that matter.
Now, she just hopes Ummetah hasn't found out about her little escape from home. She keeps praying that in her head as she headed home all the while going that none of the guards or drivers rat her out. The bigger problem is if the two girls actually arrived at her house and people finds out that the bride is nowhere to be found. Now that, will be bad.
Returning back home was easier than escaping. And just as she quietly snuck back into her flat, she met with an ireful Ummetah standing in the living room, hands akimbo.
Aydah's heart beat quickened, and she almost forgot how to breathe out of fear. It was evident in her face that Hajiya Hameedah is angry and that made Aydah's hand become sweaty that instant.
"Ummetah..." She started when a minute passed and no one spoke. She couldn't even dare to look into her mother's eyes.
"Get dressed and meet us in the main flat's dinning. We are having dinner with your grandparents" Ummetah informed and then walked pass her daughter not sparing her a glance more.
Aydah bit down her lip to stop the tears that were threatening to spill. Her mother never showed her an ounce of love. All she cares about was image and making her the perfect little girl. She never sees her good in anything rather her flaws. How she failed to do this and that. That was it! Sometimes Siddiqah wonders if not for the resemblance, is she really Hajiya Hameedah's daughter? Her grandparents are another thing, most especially her grandfather, he believes in perfection and excellence, nothing less. She knows that if he finds out about this stunt she pulled, he'll reprimand her for it and she has heard enough of that already.
She dragged herself to her room to get ready, hearing the voices of her friends as she passed the room next door to hers. She couldn't bring herself to see them though, at least not in this state. So, she just slowly turned the doorknob to her room and entered, licking the door behind her.
She kept her clutch on the bedside cabinet and removed her turban cap and Kimono keeping it beside her phone that now lies on the bed. Just as she was about to head to the closet to change, something caught her attention-something that was placed on the chaise lounge by the window.
She headed to where it was and much to her surprise; it was a bouquet of red roses. A smile immediately made its way on her face as she took the card that was delicately placed in the bouquet.
Everyday, every night I lay awake counting down the days left for you to become mine. These roses remind me so much of you for now all I think about all day is you my love. You have invaded my thoughts and I can't help but love it. Always know my love for you knows no boundaries. I love you my Hayaat. Have a good day.
By the end of it, she found herself giggling like a secondary school girl whose crush has just spoken to her for the first time. Ammar had always been the Romeo type whilst she was more of the shy one around him. It was hard not to blush when he's around seeing that he always reminds her of what butterflies feel like.
This was her Ammar after all.
Deciding that she'd admired the beautiful roses enough, she headed to her walk in closet to dress up. She changed out of the cloth she had in and choose a more appropriate formal outfit.
A luscious two piece gown made of damask fabric with pinkfluer's signature sleeve. She took her time to tie her head tie and decided against putting on a veil seeing it's a dinner with her family.
She quickly slipped into another Vincci heels that made her taller than she was. She's used to wearing heels so she has no problem putting it on and walking around in it although at times some heels made her feet hurt like hell. She put on her spectacles not really for medication, but it goes with her outfit, it made her look a lot like Zahra Buhari. Although if Ummetah ever finds out about this, she'd make Aydah change for she always says 'Never get entangled in a situation which involves politics or anyone related to polticians. Their world is a very cruel one.'
After admiring her roses one last time, she headed to the main flat deciding not to make her family late.
Tardiness is very unladylike and it's not something someone of a high class society should exhibit. Is what her etiquettes teacher, Madam Christine would always tell her when she was young. At first she thought they were just words but growing up in the Barau family she now understood the truth behind the woman's words.
She got into the house through the back door, which safely was people-free and she was more than thankful to Allah for that. At least she doesn't have to deal with greeting elders and blushing every now and then they say something about her being the amarya.
Maxbye went away by Pi was played in the dining room once she stepped in. This was kind of normal in her family; a classic music is always played for background effect whenever they're having a dinner like this. Somehow, it helps ease the tension if ever there was any which in most cases there is.
At the head of the table sat her father who seems so engrossed in a conversation with Ummetah's mother, Aydah's grandmother whom she addresses as Ada. By his right is Ummetah who is silently eating her food, wiping her mouth with a napkin every now and then. By Ada's side is the grandfather whom Aydah's calls grandpa, he's strict like that. And lastly by her mother's side are her brothers, the twins, Ahmad and Hammad.
She walked in quietly after saying her Salaam such they answered. She took her seat next to Ahmad after greeting them all. Ada enquired about her well being to which she answered without hesitation.
"A bride leaving her home a week before her wedding without anyone knowing, what does that send to others about our family?" Her grandfather suddenly interrupted the conversation between her and Ada gruffly.
Aydah kept mute. Her head hung low.
Why was he making a big deal out of this? She wondered silently in her head.
"Siddiqah I asked you a question!" He repeated, more strictly this time.
"A bad one" she eventually answered trying her best not to let her voice waver. Madam Christine taught her to never let anyone see your weakness it's a sign of defeat.
"What was that?"
"A bad one!" she raised her voice knowing that's what he meant.
"Exactly" he nodded, his gaze squarely know her and no one dares to interfere, "If we can't even keep an eye on our daughter, how do we expect to marry her off to another family. It's bad enough the Bulamas take us as a joke, and now this?! What were you thinking Siddiqah?" his fist met with the shiny expensive oak table and Aydah almost flinched at the impact.
"I'm sorry grandpa, it will never happen again"
"I don't need your apologies. And after the news we got today, it will never happen again" he cleared his throat and resumed eating as if he wasn't the one that was just yelling at her.
She wanted to ask what the news is, but she kept mute afraid that if she says something else she'll upset him.
This is what being a Barau feels like and she hated it.
"Your wedding day's been shifted" Her grandfather informed answering the question in her head.
"To when?" she asked before she could even get to think.
"This Saturday, in the next two days you shall be a married woman and no longer our problem to deal with"
19th March, 2020.
Ferdeausee Jannah🌸
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