10. 24 HOURS~Payback




"Oh my God"

"Dios Mio!"

The three girls gasped as they stared at Aydah now done with makeup and adorned in her gown. They were ushered out the moment her makeup started and were only allowed back in now that everything's done. The photographers were already in there since they had to snap some pictures when the makeup was being done.

"You look really breathtaking" Ummulkhayr said blinking back the fake tears in her eyes. Maryam nodded in agreement.

"She really does" she said pulling her phone out to snap her friend.

"Ammar won't be able to take his eyes off you", Liana commented placing her hand over Aydah's shoulder.

"Thank you all. Now I have to put my dress on, they'll be here any time from now" Aydah said standing up.

"Let me help you" Ummulkhayr said as Aydah nodded.



The groom along with his friends arrived at the Barau residence. They all got off the various cars they came in and all the men look dead drop handsome adorned in their matching regalia. The friends had on matching grey outfits with their heavily brocaded babban riga while the groom is donning his raven babbar riga which only complimented his fair skin.

The four men walked in with their heads held up high as there weren't much people in the house accompanied by the bride's brothers and a few other men wearing the same color regalia as the friends as they happened to be the groom's friends too.

However, truth be told is that JD, Anwar, Fahad and Ammar stood out. The few ladies left from the Barau family stare at them with interest though none of the men paid any attention to them. To JD, they were too young. To Fahad, they aren't even human beings. To Anwar, they haven't reached his 'pay attention to' level while to Ammar, they were invincible.

They are waited in the living room as the bride and her friends were informed that the groom and his friends had arrived as they were all going to the event center together.

The photographer and his crew were just snapping pictures of the groom and his friends anyhow as the men conversed amongst themselves—and moreover with Ammar smiling like a he-goat. No one blamed him though except Anwar whom kept throwing remarks at Ammar teasing him about what happened to him on his wedding day. This angered and irritated Ammar so much that he secretly wished something—no matter how small it is should happen to Anwar so that he'll see whether it's funny to be teased at or not.

Only few minutes passed before four ladies walked down the stairs. Then Liana came, with Maryam and Ummulkhayr behind her and the sound of the clanks of their heels on the marbled floor gained the men's attention. All the girls looked beautiful in their midnight blue gowns with silver heels and head gears—well, except for liana whom had her hair tied into a curly chignon. All three ladies had their makeup done beautifully so much that some of the groom's friends—with the exception of the trio were just swooning over them.

Ammar's attention wasn't on all the ladies, he didn't even spare them a second look as he looked up expecting to see his wife walk down. And it actually seemed like luck is on his side for the first time that day because the minute all the girls were down the steps, another clank of heels were heard and soon enough the bride emerged.

Aydah had on a custom made guipure lace gown with contours. It had half-cut floral bursts with matching soft tulle finishing. The waistline sequined with embellishments and the sleeves were long as the train is too. Her headgear matched her outfit in the sense that it was the darkest shade of grey just as her six inch shoes. Her lips covered with matte cerise lipstick is stretched into a wide grin and her eye blinked every now and then.

Ammar knew very much of the others' presence in the room but his whole attention was on his wife whom when locked eyes with him grinned and look down earning 'Awws' and 'Iyyes' from the friends that stood there watching the beautiful moment.

Aydah's long train followed suit as she stepped down the stairs. The sound of the photographer snapping pictures made her look at him and flashed him another smile he took as a pose.

Her friends made way for her to walk into the living room where the others are. With slow cautious steps she walked in with her eyes fixated on Ammar alone. She took her time to look at him completely right from the top to his shoes. The way the raven babbar riga fitted perfectly and the way his subtle beard was trimmed into perfection made her imperceptibly drool. His hand was adorned with his signature black Patek Philippe wrist watch and his eyes were on her too.

Damn! She thought as a blush made its way on her face when she looked back at his face and caught him smirking at her definitely having noticed the way she checked him out in front of everyone there.

And he's all hers! She thought looking at one of the positive sides of the situation.

Before she realized she stood in front of the love of her life, her husband Ammar Bulama.

She looked down shyly as all the confidence she had earlier disappeared into thin air. But can anyone blame her? The guy always made her feel like a secondary school girl talking to her crush for the first time.

From the side she could see flashes from her friend's phone as they snapped pictures of the two, and that only made her more cautious and shy.

Two fingers held her chin up and raised her head up slowly. She gulped as she flicked her eyes up and they landed on her husband's beautiful piercing raven ones. Her breath hitched for the second, he looks even more handsome up closely.

Masha Allah! She thought.

"Hello wifey" he said making her blush at the endearment. She never thought she'll get to see the day he'll call her that and it's finally here!


"Hey" she whispered unable to hide the grin on her face. She didn't trust her vocal cords enough to raise her voice higher than that—reason because she might end up saying something stupid.

He chuckled when he saw that before he too grinned. He leaned down ever so slowly and kissed her forehead making her flicker her eyes shut before he pulled her into an embrace making the honorable members of the association of awws so their job. Aydah didn't mind though, today is her day she might as well enjoy every minute of it. Ammar didn't care about them though, if anything they only made his happiness increase.

The sound of the photographer snapping the picture of the two snapped her out of her reverie. She hugged him back as her eyes well up with tears of happiness.

"Ok separate you two! I said separate!" Exclaimed Anwar all of the sudden making people turn to look at him.

Ammar glared at his brother to which Anwar shrugged, "Guy do you want us to put a romantic music for you two ne? This is not Indian films fa! It's Naija people wedding" he said to which some people laugh including Aydah but Ammar didn't find this in anyway amusing.

Allah please...Just something! He silently prayed hoping for something that'll shut Anwar up.

JD placed his hand on Anwar's shoulder and shut him a small glare though he is laughing too, "How about we give the couples some time alone before we all head out. How about five minutes?" he asked looking at the girls for confirmation.

"Yeah, five minutes good" Ummulkhyar replied as she flashed the couples one last smile before one by one, including the photographers, they all left the newlywed alone.

Aydah watched as her brother, Bilal, couldn't take his eyes off his fiancée Maryam. Yes, Maryam Aydah's friend is Bilal's fiancée. Their wedding date had been set already three months from now that was why Aydah didn't believe that there was anything between she and Ammar. It simply didn't make sense because Maryam is madly in love with Bilal just as much as he is.

She could never do that to the siblings.

Once they were all outside, they waited just a few feet—a reasonable distance though, away from the living room. Anwar was just about to pull out his phone when JD stopped him.

"What?" Anwar asked.

"What do you think you're doing?" JD asked narrowing his eyes at the phone in Anwar's grip.


"You need to go out and make sure everything's good with the couple's car" JD said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"And why should I do that?"

"That's the only way you can pay Ammar back for leaving him stranded at home earlier" JD said giving him the say otherwise look.

Anwar huffed, "You left him stranded too"

"Yeah but you don't see me teasing him every now and then do you?"

"I'm his brother! That's my job—to tease the hell out of him"

JD sighed knowing that dealing with his guy will not be easy, "Fine. Just go and help please" he said hoping that it will convince Anwar enough to go and make sure the couple's ride is ready for when they leave.

Anwar scoffed but made his way out either ways. Somehow he felt like JD was trying to get rid of him but he dismissed that thought anyways knowing that it was a ridiculous idea.

He saw the driver cleaning the sleek Lexus over and over again just like he'd been doing before they left the Bulama mansion. He didn't get what was up with the man ad cleaning the car every so often considering the car is brand new! He just shook his head as he approached the driver and they shook hands again.

"Ogaa!" the driver drawled looking at Anwar from head to toe, "This baff ba don pass that of za intended seff" the driver said giving Anwar a thumbs up.

"Allah my guy?" Anwar asked flexing his shoulder before wiping the invisible dirt on it.

"Wallahi Alaji!"

"So you mean the groom hasn't reached my level right?"

"Exactly!" the man nodded, "Ai Alaji this look you don look like those white people—those Irish potatos! But the handsome ones...Alaji you pass them seff! They no reach your level"

"Ahh you deserve this for saying that" Anwar said stuffing his hand into his pocket and then handed the man ten one thousand naira notes.

The guy grinned stuffing the money in his pocket, "Long live Alaji!' he praised Anwar whom grinned feeling his ego grow bigger due to the compliments.

Soon as Anwar was leaning on the car and the driver is now spraying perfume in the car for the nth time, a group of ladies walked out of the mansion. They were causing so much commotion that Anwar had to look up to see what the cause of the problem was.

"Wannan ma ai rainin hankali ne! What do they take us for?" Yelled one of the old women that seemed to be around fifty or sixty something years old.

"Ai shine dai(Exactly!) From the looks of it they don't want us to attend that wedding kuma alqur'an sai munje (I swear we must go)" agreed a woman by her side who had three tribal marks running on each sides of her face.

"Alankatapur we must go!" Yelled another woman.

"Zuwa ai dole ne!" (Going is a must)

"But wait oo...How are we going to go there since they left with all the cars?" Another woman asked—she looked younger than the others.

About six other women agreed with her questions while the rest murmured amongst themselves thinking of a solution. Anwar shook his head and continued scrolling through his twitter threads not giving them much attention.

"Goddi boddi gongon" one of the woman said making his scrunch his brows. He wasn't an expert in Fulani but he knew that can't be Fulani. It must just be some messed up language that only them understand.

"Jungan goddi zuburun!"

Ok is this Chinese the Nigerian version or what? Anwar thought wanting to laugh at how they sounded like Chinese people.


Ok that's it...Anwar thought as he chuckled because he couldn't hold it back in any longer.

"Uhm...Alaji..." The driver started as he walked towards Anwar, "Those women...is like they don discuss about us ooo" he said eying the women carefully.

Anwar looked at the driver, "And what makes you say that?" he asked in an amused tone. He found it hilarious that the driver looked like he fears the women when the man can pass for a bouncer in a small local club.

"Eh....is because they wan look at us sey one way like that" the driver said gesturing to the women with his head.

Anwar finally looked at them and sure enough the women were looking at the two. Anwar scoffed glancing at the driver, "Don't tell me you're scared of them..." he trailed off his tone dripping lark, "You're a buff guy seff you shouldn't be afraid of them"

The driver shook his head as the women talked amongst themselves while glancing at the two men and something behind them, "Alaji...kasan bahausa yece sarkin yawa ya fi sarkin pawa (Alhaji you know the Hausa says the a large number of people is better than one strong king"

Anwar scoffed, "Come on...these women's body resembles that of chickens. If they say they want to fight you just give them one backhand slap and they'll just faint. It's just no man should ever hit a woman but these old women are just chickens in strength" he said just in time the women started approaching them.

The driver's eyes widened as he gulped, "Alaji I think they heard you"

Anwar shook his head, "Rago kawai (coward)"

The first woman that talked earlier stepped in front as the crowd of about 20 women approached them. She glared at Anwar as she fixes her big wrapper, "Kai yaro move aside" she half yelled making a wave sign with her hand.

"Baba what happen?" he asked as politely as he can because the old woman looked old enough to be his grandmother.

She hissed, "Motar zamu hige (It's the car we'll enter)"

Anwar blinked as he offered her a small smile, "Baba wannan motar ta ango da amarya ce (This car is for the bride and the bridegroom)"

This time it was another woman that hissed, "And so? Where is our water inside? We said we want to attend the event in the car and so? You should wait till that man" she pointed her finger at the driver, "Take us to the event then he'll come back for them"

"Baba how about I call another driver for you and he'll take you there in—" Anwar was cut off by the first old lady that's just half his size in height.

"We said we want to go in that car and we will go in that car!"

"Baba please just—"

Another woman hissed loudly getting tired of all the banters and so made her way towards the car door by attempting to push Anwar whom refused to budge, "Please just be patient, I will call you another driver"

"Kai we must enter this car fa!"

Anwar sighed. He didn't want to argue with these elderly people but they are getting on his nerves by being persistent, "You will not enter this car, end of discussion" he said after another young lady threw an insult at him hitting the last nerve.

"Bazamu shiga ba kace? (Did you just say we won't eneter?)" the lady that insulted him asked raising one of her over-shaded brows.

"Yes" he replied looking at her directly in the eyes. The girl doesn't seem to be more than 20 years so she could pass as his younger sister.

"Alqur'an sai mu maka shegen duka kuma mushiga motan (I swear we'll beat you black and blue and then enter the car" she said making the women—or chickens as Anwar called them nod in agreement.

"Just try that" Anwar said sounding not interested. He knew the woman can't dare lay a finger on him.

"Oh haka kace? (Oh so that's what you said?)"

"Eh (Yes)"

The lady turned to the first woman that stood in front of Anwar. The woman glared at Anwar then turned to the others, "Mu ci ubansa wallahi" she said and as if they were set off the group to women attacked Anwar whose eyes widen when he realized they were being serious—but then it was too late.

The old women were just beating Anwar anyhow—they included the driver in the beatings. Some women even removed their slippers and beat them with it while some were using their bare hands. Anywhere they get, they beat. Anwar shouted for help when the first old women knocked him on the head, "Yimina shiru! (Shut up!)" she said removing her own slippers.

Some of the mentally unstable ones ran to the house and brought pestles to hit them with it when the woman stopped them. The women backed away from the two.

Anwar was now lying on his babbar gida while his shirt looked all creased up as if he fought with a dog. His cap has disappeared to Allah knows where and the first three buttons of his shirt were undone. He pants as he rubbed his swollen head.

The driver however was just silently weeping in a funny way.

The old woman leaned down and glared at the driver, "Kai kum kukan me kakeyi? (You what is this crying for?)"

Despite the tears running down his face, the driver forced a smile on his face, "Kukan farin ciki ne (It's tears of joy)" he said.

"Kukan farin ciki? (Tears of joy?)" the woman asked making him nod as the tears kept falling from his eyes.

"Yes. Tears of joy kawai baba"

She grinned as she nodded at the other woman. She rubbed his bald head that had received probably more knocks than he had received when he was a kid.

She walked pass them and all twenty women tried to fit in the car. Some were sitting on the other's lap while some tried to enter the car trunk. When they realized they can't get in they joined the others in the car. When they closed the doors some had their heads peaking out like Christmas goats seeing the city for the last time. One of the women farted so loudly that even Anwar and the driver whom were outside heard it but didn't dare say anything about it.

It made the driver wail louder, "I just sprayed perfume in it" he muttered as he heard another fart coming from there. He turned to Anwar whom had his face on this palm as he sat quietly. "Alaji you said they were chickens...."

Anwar glared at him and then hissed, "Wayennan basamudai ne (These people are giants!)"

The old woman who sat by the window stretched her hand out and slapped Anwar loudly at the nape of the neck," Dan gafar uba!" she said and once the hand made contact with Anwar's neck he jumped like a person that has been electrocuted.

He pushed his lips forward as head dragged his babbar riga and sat on the floor far away from the woman.

"Damagana ne? (Is there something you want to say?)" she asked challenging him to say something.

He shook his head, "A'a bakomai. Allah ja tsawon rai (No nothing. May you live long)"

She glared at him, "What if I want to die at this age?"

"Toh Allah sa ki mutu" he said lowly but she heard him.

"Kaji dan shehun shehunnai! Idan na sakko sai na chanja mak kamani (If I come down I'll change your look)"

He shook his head quickly, "No wallahi ki zauna nagode (Please just sit there thank you)"

She glared at him but didn't say anything again.

"What happened here?" Anwar shot his head up to see the others coming out but stopping when they saw the scene in front of them. The driver's sitting on the floor silently crying, the couple's new car has village people filling it up and they were looking at them through the window since some of their heads peaked out, the groom's brother's sitting on his gara looking like someone that came back from the second world war.

As everyone looked at them waiting for answers, Ammar laughed.

Yes, laughed.

He took this as payback. He didn't know what happened but he liked it.


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Love, Jannah.

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