You slowly nodded, moving out of the way so Tigerclaw could enter. Tigerclaw walked in and sat on your bed, now seeing because of your fur, you had no shirt on. You closed the door and grabbed a light grey shirt to put on. "What did you need Tigerclaw?" You asked, Tigerclaw looked into your eyes and pulled your arm to sit next to him.
"Why do you not suggest ideas or argue with me? Why do you try to avoid me or not talk to me in general?" Tigerclaw saw you look down and over at your dresser, walking over to grab a picture. "My parents... were KILLED by your kind. They were killed by tigers. I... thought that if I didn't listen or if I snapped at you, I would have the same fate." You explained, handing Tigerclaw the picture.
He saw a little girl laughing at a man who's wife seemed to have shoved icecream in his face. He looked and saw you tearing up, you felt Tigerclaw pulling you to a hug. "I'm sorry, I wish I knew." Tigerclaw said into the back of your neck, you felt tears running down as you tried to choke them down.
"No cub. It is ok to cry. Just cry." Tigerclaw ordered, soon seeing a once, cold hearted fox warrior crying like a little pup who had lost everything. "There we go. Now, I would like to help you starting tomorrow." Tigerclaw said, before leaving a small and gentle kiss on your neck.
You blushed as Tigerclaw held you and letting you cry. "Thank you Tigerclaw... thank you..." You whimpered, feeling your tail curling with Tigerclaw's. "Anything for you cub. Anything for you." Tigerclaw replied, putting his head on your neck as you stopped crying.
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