A BLACK TAIL MADE HIM SNEEZE. A furry vision was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes in the morning, the living being making sounds, purring and scratching him with its' fluffy paws.
"Sharp." Mercy Reeves complained as his black cat continued to 'meow' to make him wake up. "Sharp, for God's sake, I'll feed you, stop scratching me" But the cat pratically lied on his bare muscular chest, not allowing him to move. Mercy sighed. "How am I going to be able to get up now?"He raised an eyebrow at his feline son. "Sharp, get up." He pleaded. "Shaaaarp." And the cat did not care one bit about his begging.
It took 30 minutes for Mercy to have courage to take the adorable cat from his chest and place it back on the floor with delicacy, so the feline with only 3 legs would be balanced. Then, he put a shirt and walked straight to the kitchen, visualizing his only servant, Miss Dorothy Fickle watering a plant vase.
"Mr.Reeves, good morning!" The elderly woman smiled to him, her hands trembling to hold the watering can because of her natural disease. "I see Sharp has already waken you up, good boy" She smiled to the cat who purred to her, rubbing himself against her legs.
"Good morning, Miss Fickle." Mercy yawned while stretching his arms, looking at the window outside, where a grey sky stook over London. "Looks like the rain is coming to town."
"Do you have bussiness to attend today?" She asked as she served the breakfest on the table, her hands almost failed, but the man gently helped her. "Thank you."She smiled grateful. "I am very sorry, my condition-"
"It is no issue."He calmly established as the woman looked at him gladly. "I may go downtown to buy new fabric for our project."
"Oh, I can not wait!" She said excitedly as Mercy sat down to eat. "How is it?" He made a thumbs up and delightmed faces, the woman chortled. "You exaggerate, child." She shook her head. "How was the concert last night? Did you enjoy yourself?"
He swallowed the food fastly. "Enjoy is a strong word. I did what i had to do and left." Mercy only responded as he resumed his breakfest.
"Oh, for god's sake, Mr.Reeves." She sighed annoyed and sat down in front of him. "You were between the richest of society and did not even savor the moment?" She questioned but he didn't change his posture. "Have you at least tried to dance with some lady?" She smirked.
At this moment, a flash of beauty passed through his mind, a delicate feature overwhelmed by the crowd who stood there, in the middle of the night just by his side. What a sight. How was it even possible to exist such beauty? And to witness it? He was definetely blessed to be there, at the certain fragment of time, breathing the same air as such an angelical creature.
But he needed to remind himself that although as radiant as she appeared to be, she was still one of them.
"Do not speak nonsense, Dorothy, I was working, not searching for a wife." He finished his food and the maid quickly took the dish from his hands. "Besides, those people are nothing but shallow creatures who only love themselves."
Dorothy sighed, clicking her tongue with disapproval. "One day I'll die-
"Well that's new."He joked.
"Listen." She slapped him with a dish drying fabric and he chuckled. "One day I'll die and you'll be here, alone in this house. Is that what you want?"
"I'll finally have some peace!"He mocked her again and Dorothy almost threw her shoe at him."Calm down, Miss Fickle! I am certain you'll outlive us all, perhaps you are immortal even."
"So much arrogance." She sighed and shook her head.
Mercy quickly grabbed his coat by the door, searching everywhere for the boots that Miss Fickle always put in a different place. The chilly air seemed to get colder by the minute, and he didn-'t wish to be late so he wouldn't be in the most crowded hour where the nobles would go shopping. The morning, the lonely time of it, where eonly the birds could be heard in distance, was the perfect time of the day for him.
"Mr.Reeves!" The door suddenly opened, bringing in the cold breeze as Miss Fickle cursed in surprise. "Mr.Reeves!" It was the young Jonah Tuxley who lived at the end of the street with his widowed father, a poor man named Samuel Tuxley. "It is here!" He carried a paper in his hands.
"Good morning to you foo, Jonah." Mercy smiled, watching as the boy came in and accepted some food from his servant, but still didn't loose his energetic stance. "Did you do your lessons already?"
"Not yet sir, I'll be done with them by tomorrow, I promise." He responded obediently, Mercy knew that in no time that boy could be a prodigy in the piano, the time he spent teaching him for free only proved that. "I've came to bring other news"
"Sounds promising, what are the news?"
"It is the latest Lady Whistledown issue-"
"Oh, please, Jonah, I've told you not to care what this lunatic woman has to say-"
"I like her" Miss Fickle grinned. "She's an extraordinary storyteller, I wonder how she knows so much..."
"...about people that matter so little." Mercy tilted his head. "The ton are rather ridiculous and curious, they have nothing better to do than gossip about one another."
"And you only complain." Miss Fickle pushed him with her shoulder. "Go on, Jonah, what does it say?"
"It's about you, Mr.Reeves, she wrote about you!" Jonah said anxious to share the news, and this time Mercy finally grabbed the paper in his hands.
❝Dearest gentle reader,
The season has offically begun. A list of the most prodigious debutantes have presented themselves before the queen, and showed their talent on last night's soireé in Lady Danbury's residence.
Once again, the duchess has outdone herself, the decoration, the food, and one can also mention, the newest and intriguing entertainment.
Some of you already know the musician Mercy Reeves. Although lacking title or fortune, Mr.Reeves has made, with great effort, his name on the musical path and received many patronages of wealthy members of the ton over the years. Last night, Lady Danbury graced her event with his music, which is mostly exquisite.
But what most has to say isn't even about his musical talents, the ladies are euphoric about the mysterious nd silent aurea surrouding the pianoforte player. One might even dare to declare that if he had a title or money, he would be a charming suitor.
Now, enough of music, let's move on to the most sordid and exciting events of the first day of the season, beginning with Miss Cowper's horrid pink dress....❞
"Oh my goodness!" Miss Fickle let out a little shriek and tried to jump a little. "She mentioned you! She complimented you!"
"Congratulations, Mr.Reeves!" Jonah said joyfully.
But Mercy's eyes were still stuck to thsoe pages, his expression not changing for a single minute, as his two friends now noticed his knuckles flexing, crumbling the pamphlet in his hands until he rested it on the table.
"Mercy...?"Dorothy tried to call him, but he shook his head serious.
"Mysterious and silent aurea?" He raised an eyebrow. "If he owned a title he could've been a charming suitor?" He exhaled heavily. "She barely mentioned my music, she talks about my appearance!"
"Well...it's still a compliment, people will recognize you." Miss Fickle tried to be optimistic.
"Recognize me, the handsome but poor musician, how delightful." He rolled his eyes. It was noticeable his frustration, but he couldn't let it overtake his life. Instead, he shook away the news and turned to the boy. "Thanks for informing me, still." He smiled gently and gave him some coins. "Here, give this to your father."
"Thanks, Mr.Reeves!" He exclaimed happily. "I'll see you on thursday!" Jonah left running back to his home.
Mercy waved back, and now, with no news or visits to receive, he grabbed once again his coat, preparing to face the cold outside.
"Try to think positive about this, Mercy." Miss fickle said gently. "It might not be the most adequate mention, but it's still something."
Mercy sighed, his shoulders falling a bit. "I know, Miss Fickle but..."He said sadly, hating to verbalize the thought. "I did not wish to mention such terrible news in the morning, but we lost Mr.Gully's patronage last week."
She gasped. "What? Why?"
"He said he's not so interested in the pianoforte anymore and my concerts or compositions won't be necessary."
"But he can't do that so suddenly...or can he?"
"He's a rich baron, of course he can, and he did." Mercy unfortunetely declared. "I will be able to cover this month's finances with Lady Danbury's payment for last night's concert, but I'm afraid that's still not enough for the project and the donations."
Miss Fickle's expression was of absolute sadness. "What now?" She asked weakly. "Are there any other patrons available?"
"I was looking for that when I went to that soireé, but all I received were some compliments about my face." He hissed. "But do not fear, I shall find a way to overcome this."
Miss Fickle nodded, trying to be optimistic. "I'm sure you will." She tapped his shoulder and adjusted the coat on him as a mother would. "Just..do not take too much upon yourself, alright? Remember-"
"You are only human after all."They spoke at once.
"I am well aware already." He said with a short smile. "Thanks for your concern." He then grabbed his suitcase and walked towards the door. "I shall get going before it gets late." His cat rubbed against his leg, as Mercy scratched it's head making him purr.
"I'll prepare some soup for when you arrive." She exclaimed. "Might add a rat to give it some flavor!" She joked to lighten up the mood and he laughed loudly.
"How delicious! I shall tell Lady Whistledown to write about it!" He joked and walked into the streets with only a brave heart and a few coins in his pocket.
"Francesca, can you please play it slower?" Violet asked gently her daughter, who did not listen to her. "Francesca?" she asked once ahain but she did not reply. "Oh God."
On a sofa nearby, Eloise would be lazily lying on it, reading Emma, and laughing at the chaos installed in her residence. Anthony, otherwise, played with his niece, Aurora, pretending to hide his face and then appear once again.
"Where's Uncle Anthony?" He said in a babyish voice, while hiding. "Here he is!" He lowered the fabric showing his eyes as the little girl giggled. "Yes, you found me! You are so smart, Rory!"
While Violet would melt at the scene of her son playing with his niece, many laughs would fill the home, followed by fast steps.
"It's Gregory's turn!" Hyancith shouted while taking Bellatrix's hand. "Come Bella!"
The two ran as the young Gregroy chose a wall of his preference, pretended to close his eyes and counted to 10 in the speed of lightning only to chase after them.
"Careful Hyacinth!" Bella yelled to the girl who quickly avoided being caught by her brother.
"I'll catch you!" Gregory chuckled as he switched after his sister in law, who ran througj the living room as a child.
"Look at your mom." Anthony pointed as Bella waved to her daughter. "I know, she's just as insane as your father." He nodded. "Bellatrix, you're going to trip over that carpet, this is the last time I warn you!"
"Bellatrix you're gonna fall!" Hyancinth imitated him, making Gregory, Bella and Eloise laugh.
"Even you?" Anthony furrowed his eyebrows at his sister on the sofa.
"She did sound like you though." She smirked.
"One more word and I'll let you change Aurora's diapers."
Francesca's tune only got louder and more agitated by each moment.
"Francesca, please!"Violet tried to talk to her. "Where is Benedict and Colin?" She asked her eldest son, who was distracted, smiling at Bellatrix running. "Anthony!"
"Yes?" He looked at her, a faint blush on his cheeks while letting Aurora blurp on his shoulder.
"Where are your brothers?"
"Uh..."He tried to think as a large noise came from the kitchen. "There they are."
Colin was the first to arrive, face covered in flour as Gregory bumped on him while running.
"What happened to you?" Violet widened her eyes to the scene.
"Benedict had the incredible idea to bake cookies for the family." He responded. "And I was hungry-"
"As always" Eloise mocked.
"So I helped him."
"But I may have forgotten that we do not know how to cook."Benedict came behind, his clothes a pure mess. "Is that my wife hiding behind the sofa?"
"Ha! Found you Bella!" Gregory exclaimed excited.
"Ben! You made me lose!" Bellatrix said competitive as she groaned and approached her husband. "Now I must eat Gregory's vegetables for a week."
"No, you won't." Violet looked at her young son. "Gregory, you must eat your own vegebtables."
"But Bellatrix should honor her word, we made a bet!" Hyancinth added.
"I was going to win to make him eat the vegetables, guess my trick didn't work as planned." Bella said and Violet couldn't help but laugh this time.
Hyancinth and Gregory continued to run through the house as Eloise laughed loudly at them, Anthony played with his niece, while Violet yelled at the children to stop, everything at once ahen suddenly the pianoforte stopped abruptely, in a sudden violet team of notes.
All of the eyes turned to Francesca Bridgerton, who faced stone cold the tiles, eyes closed trying to process the chaos surrounding her.
"Is she alright?" Colin whispered.
"She might be a little stressed with the season." Violet added. "Specially now that Mrs.Jensen retired."
"Mrs.Jensen retired?" Benedict raised his eyebrows. "Thought she would die before that."
"Benedict" Bella pushed his shoulder.
"Your sister was very upset, still is, since this was supposed to be the time for her classes." Violet continued.
"And we created a war in our home instead, poor Francesca." Colin retorted, cleaning some flour from his face.
"I told her I would hire someone else to teacher her...it's the least I could do since she was so frustrated, adding to the season's pressure." Violet looked back at her daughter, who was stil patalyzed in front of the piano, hands flexing. "Do you know any instructors Bella?"
"Our intructors used to be foreign from Germany. I may ask my mother for their contacts." The ex princess explained.
"Oh, thank you, that would be great. Although I'm not sure if I could pay someone so expensive. We'll find a way." She tookna deep breath determined.
"Bellatrix?" Anthony came over, bringing Aurora in his arms, who cried incessantly. "I believe I can not provide what she needs now."
"Oh, baby..."Bella chuckled and grabbed her hungry child in her arms. "It's okay, mama will feed you right away."
"Can't I give her a cookie?" Benedict asked, as if a 3 month old would be able to eat that type of snack.
"God, Ben." She rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "If you'll excuse me, family, gotta take this cutie upstairs."
"I'll help you." Violet volunteered promptly as an A+ grandmother. "Gregory, Hyancinth" Her children turned to her. "Help Colin and Benedict clean the kitchen." The two whimpered. "No complaints, now."
"I must leave to attend some bussiness in town."Anthony looked at the clock on the wall. Bella pointed to the stain on his shoulder caused by Aurora, he chuckled. "Leave it as it is, it's fine."
"Oh, I just remembered I must go buy some ink as well." Benedict lied so he wouldn't clean the kitchen. "May I share the carriage with you brother?"
"Benedict this was your idea, clean this!" Colin chased after him.
"Come, my favorite brother!" He linked his arm to his. "Bella, my love, Aurora, I'll return soon, I love you!" He shouted and quickly excused himself out if the residence.
"Such a liar you are." Anthony complained as they walked through the streets. "Why are we going to the modiste anyway?"
"I wanted to escape the cleaning and also buy Bella a new dress." Benedict said as he walked with his brother.
It was funny, how after all that happened betwern them both, Anthony had never, even once, stood between his marriage wuth his wife. It was almost as he created his wall he would never break through, prespecting and cherishing the bond they had.
And Benedict was immensely grateful for that.
"So suddenly?" Anthony asked.
"I wanted to create a portrait for her anniversary, but that would be too predictable." He responded, as Anthony now reflected how it has been a whole year since he had left the love of his life go. "So I wanted to buy a dress and paint on it."
The elderly one stopped.
"What?" He asked.
"I want to make little stars and comets on it." He grinned as a little boy. "Bella will absolutely love it."
Anthony couldn't yet understand. "Why don't you buy something instead? Such as jewels, or flowers? Sounds more...common"
"But not as special." He said joyfully. "She could also wear it to visit her father, he will like it."
Anthony envied his brother. Not just for his wife, but for his mind, his geat this king, his immaculate empathy that transcended his artistic gifts. Something in Benedict was witty, humorous, and extraordinary, and that had to be his kind heart.
Of course, he thought to himself, she chose him.
"Here we are." He announced. "I might need your help to speak to Madame Delacroix though...let's say it might seem akward for me to face her while buying a dress for my wife."
"Wait..."Anthony furrowed his eyebrows. "My God, you slept with her-"
"Way before I had the chance to meet my muse." He quickly retorted. "Come on, Anthony, please?"
The eldest sighed. "I hope the fabric is purple."
"Yes! How did you guess?"
"It's Bella's color." Anthony gave a half smile as they entered the established.
While the Viscount went over to speak to the modiste, Benedict wandered through the store, taking in any inspiration that could strike him by the colors or their design.
Truth is he couldn't help but keep that jovial, intense and excited spirit. He knew Bellatrix like the palm of his hand but still felt nervous about giving her a present, for God's sake.
But this thoughts only stopped when they landed on a unique individual.
"Mr.Reeves?" Benedict smiled as he approached the man, who arched his back as a cat who did not wish to be seen.
"Oh...Mister...."Mercy looked up for a minute, trying to recall. "Bridgerton, correct? Pardon me, I'm not very good with names."
"Correct answer."He chuckle as he shook his hand. "It is great to see you, I must say your performance yesterday was espectacular."
"That is delightning to hear, especially after Whistledown's...excentric opinions...thank you."He tilted his head as he selected a fabric aside, something rather childish and youthful, made Benedict wonder who was that for.
"Yes, Whistledown is certainly not very keen to musical details, but rather visual ones." The artist chuckled, then gazed upon his fabrics. "Present for someone?"
The musician quickly stood in front of the fabrics so the noble would not see them. "Almost...well...yes, for a relative." He lied, but Benedict didn't really care about it. "What about you, Mr.Bridgerton? Presneting someone?"
"Precisely, I'm picking something for my wife for our first anniversary."
"Oh, you're married, cogratulations." The two smiled gently.
"Thank you, truly I could not have been more blessed." He grinned, and Mercy could notice the nitid smile in his face. "Have you found your muse yet, Mr.Reeves?"
Mercy gave a bittersweet smile. "I'm more focused on my career for now." He nodded. "You see, it is a path that demands much time and effort to succeed in it."
"I completely understand."Benedict nodded. "I believe you must've attracted many patrons, last evening?"
"Not quite, If I do allow myself to say it." He sighed, hands buried in his pockets. "But I'll manage it somehow."
Benedict looked at the man's concerned expression, a clear evidence of finance problems, and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. The clock ticked on the wall while Anthony still waited for his turn to be attended by Miss Delacroix, and just then something snapped in Benedict Bridgerton's artistical mind.
"Mr.Reeves." He suddenly said.
"...Yes?" The musician asked confused.
"Do you by any chance teach the pianoforte? Give classes?"
It took a moment for Mercy to respond to his strange question.
"Depends on who's asking."He replied instead. "Is it for you?"
"No, no, actually for my sister." He ibterjected instead. "You see, she's very talented, used to be taught for years but her teacher retired. Ir used to be her pastime, a step on her routine, and now that she's left without it, it turned into a terrible nuisance." He explained calmly, as the man listened. "I know it might not seem as leveled as a patronage to play in events, but do you, perhaps, might find interest in teaching her? I can assure you she is an incredibly dedicated and polite student."
Mercy took a moment pondering on gis offer. Teach a noble? Teaching Jonah, a poor boy who had a drunk father at home and many debts, was one thing. Now to teach some lady who has been pampered her whole life, and who already knew how to play was sonething entirely different.
"I am...not sure, Mr.Bridgerton."He responded ibstead. "You see it's...it's not something I usually do."
Benedict's smile faded a bit disappointed. "Ah...I see, I understand." He nodded.
Madame Delacroix finally came to approach the musician. "Mr.Bridgerton."She acknowldged the artist's presence awkwardly. "I did not know you were in town."
"My wife had just gave birth to my daughter, we wished to spend some time with the family." He said proudly.
"Oh."Genevieve gave a sincere smile. "The previous princess correct? I remember her last season, her dresses were immaculate."She said with great admiration. "Congratulations for you both."
"Thank you."
"Wait, did she say princess?" Mercy Reeves, who mostly lived under a rock by not reading the Whistledown's pamphlets, questioned. "Your wife is-"
"Queen Charlotte's and King George's daughter." Benedict chortled as the man dropped his jaw at the mention. "She adbicated the throne last season and we married."
Mercy Reeves did not fail to make Madame Delacroix laugh at his amused reaction.
"That is...well you are full of surprises certainly, Mr.Bridgerton" Was all he could say as Benedict only chuckled in return. Mercy turned once again to the modiste. "How much is it in total?" He asked as Delacroix answered. "That much?" He gasped a bit amused. "Did the prices increase?"
"So did the taxes."Anthony approached the two as he turned to his brother. "I found a remarkable shade of purple that would look astonishing in Bella." Benedict smiled to him.
But between the laughs and smiles, Mercy Reeves could only feel the cracks of his consciousness crumble with the debts hanging in his thoughts. The promises he made, the duties he created to himself, the goal he planned to achieve.
The darkness in reality is that without money, without a title, without property, in the cold land of England, you are a nobody.
Once again, Mercy Reeves felt like one.
But when he turned his head to face the charming Bridgerton Brithers, he knew that all his morals needed to be pushed aside for an instant.
"It couldn't get worse than it already was, couldn't it?"
"Actuay, I accept your offer, Bridgerton." He suddenly said, making Benedict smile. "I may teach your sister, let's arrange it all soon."
"You've found her an instructor?" Anthony smiled and his brother nodded. "Oh great, she'll be finally pacified." The two laughed. "I'll make sure to give a suitable compensation for your efforts, Mr.Reeves." Anthony gave him his word, and Mercy could feel weight of them at the same instant.
The conversation stopped when Madame Delacroix cleared her throat, the fabrics still needed to be paid.
"Oh, right." He let the coins on the counter for her to count. "I should get going." He announced as he grabbed his bags. "Bridgertons." He nodded to them. "Let's meet soon at Mondrich's to officialize the contract, yes?"
"Of course. Have a pleasant day, Mr.Reeves." Anthony took the lead and watched as the musician left the establishment. "You know, sometimes you can be a great bussinessman." He mocked his brother. "Francesca will be very much pleased, good job."
"I know, that is what I do best." He chuckled. "Now, back to Bella?"
"Back to Bella."
"She even spoke about the musician." Hyancinth said as Eloise rolled her eyes to the news. "Oh I wish I could've seen it! Eloise?"
"What now?" She said, tired of seeing Hyancinth so entranced by the latest Whistledown's issue, she seemed excited about it since it cane out, trying to search for any clues that could reveal the idenity of the mysterious author, but to be honest, she just adored some good gossip.
"Was the pianist so handsome as Whistledown says?" She asked excitedly as Gregory faked to vomit.
"I don't know, do I look like I paid attention to that?"
Hyancinth sighed and turned to her other sister, who only looked outside the window, looking as a waiting porcelain doll. It was 2 days after the soireé, calling time, and Violet Bridgerton was certain her daughter would receive a visit in no time, she just had to wait and expect a love match.
"Francesca, did you see him?" Hyancinth asked. "Francesca?"
"Uhm?" The doll turned to her, a bit in her own world, hands fidgeting.
"The musician of Lady Danbury's event." Hyacinth questioned as the front door opened and Violet hushed to see if it was any caller. "Did you see him?"
"Oh, well yes...he did a great presentation" Was all Francesca would say, as her thoughts traveled back to the silence shared at that small fragment of time.
"And what did you think about him?" Hyancinth asked as one of the servants announced something none of them understood, including Lady Bridgerton. "Was he really that handsome?"
"Oh...uh...."Francesca stuttered, almost giving an embarrassed smike to the question. "Well, I...I guess so-"
"There is a caller for Miss Francesca Bridgerton." The servant announced as the man came in with him. Francesca becane frozen, completely stuck in place as her eyes landed on the silent ghost who promised to never haunt her again. "Mr.Mercy Reeves."
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