Serfantor - Of Loyalty And Of Betrayal

12th day of the season of death 2448

That morning, Serfantor had announced to his skotar team that they would practice one last time before the game against Whitebreeze that evening during their lunch break. Not to his surprise, all members whined about the last-minute decision except Arièlla and Azena's temporary replacement: Nremyn, Beldroth's friend and just like the absent half-elf, he was a bound to a gray dragon and possessed a fiery temper. The latter, on the other hand, was in his third cycle and was a lunar elf of pure blood. His extravagant hair and bright blue eyes did not impress the captain. Many times, the newcomer had made inappropriate comments that made the two girls on the team uncomfortable, especially Restelle who blushed every time. Serfantor had noticed that Arièlla was channeling her anger by cracking her knuckles. She had a quick temperament like her mother and she respected only the most worthy.

- Still don't know when Azena is coming back? Ragnor asked.

The fourth-cycle human was following his superior from behind while on their way to the academy's skotar terrain

- Sadly not, confessed the gray elf, keeping his focus on his destination.

- He is ... how to say?

Serfantor knew who his teammate was talking about: Nremyn.

- Annoying, snapped the captain.

- Uh ... well ... It's a bit straightforward, but ... It's accurate.

Ragnor continued chatting, mainly about a strategy that would prevent the team from relying too much on Nremyn, but Serfantor was not listening. He was approaching the skotar terrain and a sea of flavescent waves had entered his field of vision and it had captivated his attention. The golden reflections shone beneath the dense rays of the twin suns who were standing high and proud in the sky. The captain stopped, retreating into his memory in search of the comforting words of the black dragoness who knew him better than himself.

- We need allies, she had insisted.

He looked away from the half-elf whose back was turned to him. She had not seen noticed him yet, and it was better for him so he could keep his thoughts in order.

- She does not seem so bad, Shalith's voice echoed again in his mind. Give her a chance. It is not every being in this world who wishes us wrong.

He clenched his jaws, channeling his mixed emotions and in an instant he regained his composure.

- You all right captain? asked Ragnor, who was waiting nearby, announcing the presence of his interlocutor.

And so, Ariella turned her head and greeted him with a small smile, showing her playfulness. As usual, playing skotar excited the blonde. It was an adrenaline rush for her, a bit like Azena towards any risky situation now that he thought about it.

- Oh, simply said Ragnor.

The skotar defender gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder and continued on his way laughing as subtly as possible without too much success.

- Captain, saluted Ariella, who had returned to her serious self again.

The dragon rider appreciated respect of authority and technically Serfantor was her elder as an apprentice and was her superior on the Darkblade team. Thus, she showed him courtesy, especially in public. She acted much more personally when they were alone.

- Ariella, said Serfantor, with a slight hint of embarrassment.

The gray elf was still not completely at ease in his role as captain. Sometimes he wondered why he had opted for this title. Maybe it was just out of habit. He had been conditioned by his mother and his people to aim as high as possible at all times.

He had no choice; he had to advance. This despite the memories of the evening yesterday. He and Ariella had almost been caught by Rendar outside their room after curfew. This time, Harath had saved them by distracting the large red male by making him advances. Obviously, she was quickly rejected, being too young and inexperienced for him.

- How is Harath? Serfantor asked hoping to break the awkward silence between them.

- Oh you know, she is very irritable since the incident, confessed Ariella. It was a shame, she told me, in a most ferocious growl.

The blonde crossed her fingers behind her back and looked up at the sky. Her beautiful azure eyes reacted to the light, reflecting stars it seemed. Serfantor nearly lost himself in this spectacle, but he quickly recovered when a winged shadow blocked the rays and put an end to the effect.

- There you are ! groused a female voice.

Shalith landed on his right while Ariella was to his left. The trio headed for the field where the rest of the team was waiting for them, all but Harath. Immediately, the captain noticed that Shalith seemed agitated despite her attempt to conceal it. She was a little too excited at the idea that he was getting closer to the blonde.

- Damn, Ariella growled. Harath is not here ... She is surely too proud to show up. Such stubbornness...

- Indeed, grumpiness did not make an appearance, mentioned Shalith. What could have happened? she continued sarcastically.

- Oh do not mention it in front of her. She is sensitive about this.

- Promise.

Serfantor could not help but smile. He had to admit that the dynamic of the four new friends brought him a lot of happiness. Shalith's innocent teases, Harath's irritability, but her good heart of Harath, his own calmness and Ariella's positive energy.

- Come on let's get this done! exclaimed the young red dragon rider, striding toward the center of the field.

- Wait ! snapped Serfantor, who began to run along. How are you going to participate without Harath?

- She will come. Just show a little patience. She is easily preyed on by her susceptibility, but she never abandons me.

As if she was telepathically linked to the red dragoness, she pointed to the Dragon's Nest and soon after, Harath's figure appeared on the horizon. She uttered a bestial roar as if to give a warning.

Ariella stopped and put herself in a defensive position under the intrigued gaze of the rest of her skotar team. Nothing happens until the red dragon was near. The latter beat her wings powerfully to accelerate her pace. It looks like she was preparing for an assault as if she were planning to devour the half-elf. This did not demotivate her rider that jumped with determination, narrowly avoiding the murderous fangs of her assailant. Harath turned her head, upset and in her distraction, she changed her course slightly and in the end, she fell heavily to the ground.

- You're still too slow my old rug, sneered Ariella.

- Well, that settles who's dominant between the two, whispered Shalith.

Serfantor rolled his eyes and contented himself with remaining silent. Strangely, the behavior of Ariella and Harath reminded him strangely of Azena and Tyrath. He had to admit that he had never acted like this with Shalith. It just was not their style. Still, he found it kind of adorable.

Meanwhile, Harath spat rocky ground and vigorously shook her wide, muscular neck. Despite the situation, she seemed happy to see her partner.

- Next time, she growled ferociously.

- Go! exclaimed Arièlla with determination. It's time to practice! Who will we give a good beating?

Shalith tilted her head to the side and watched the blond's interaction and her dragoness.

- Curious, she hissed with amusement. Looks like she's trying to impress someone.

At these words, Serfantor felt his cheeks ignite. Embarrassed, he simply ignored this comment hoping it would disappear.

- It's true she's rowdy today, said Restelle.

- She's a bit crazy, said her dragon, a slate-gray male with a row of white spikes for a beard.

- Alright, said Serfantor. Divide into two teams. Whitebreeze will not show any pity to us.

The gray elf pulled off his uniform tunic to reveal a dark tank top. He was not very muscular for a man, fault of his elven blood, but he was slender and still quite well built: the result of two intensive years of training with the dragon riders, the first being mainly theoretical.

- Whitebreeze, sneered Restelle with a smile on her lips. They were wimps last year.

- Well, I'm sorry to inform you they almost completely change their team. So... we do not know what to expect.

He paused to examine the expression of the members of his team. Most had wide eyes, a sign of shock or surprise. The rest... seemed rather determined. Arièlla, Harath and Restelle were definitely the bravest of the team, without forgetting Azéna and Tyrath.

- Almost all girls, Serfantor murmured to himself as he remembered the gray elf matriarch culture.

Suddenly, he felt himself being watched. Of course he knew his teammates were paying attention to him which was obvious, but there was something more tickling his spine. From the corner of his eye, he saw Arièlla blinking, fixed on his shoulders and arms. Now that he thought about it, he rarely wore so little clothes since he was almost constantly in a dragon rider apprentice uniform. Today, he was too hot to play with such accoutrement and as such,the blonde would have to get used to it.

To ease the atmosphere, he sent Ariella and Harath on the opposite side of him. When they practiced, there was a goalkeeper, a defender and an attacker for each team and they exchanged roles from time to time.

Often during practice, Serfantor's mind caused him difficulty concentrating. He kept thinking of his problems as well as his friendship with Ariella, which was deepening rapidly, too quickly for his taste. He became anxious and received the elemental ball to the face. Fortunately, it was surrounded by water and the only damage he received was that of the impact.

- Is everything fine ? asked Ariella, who signaled to Harath to stop at Shalith's right side. You seem... in another universe.

- I-I'm fine, he stuttered, caught off guard by the attention of the dragon rider.

- Hmph, Harath hissed before heading for the enemy goals.

Soon after, he nearly got stuck by the elemental ball behind the skull and another time in the belly. He was not even present enough to discipline his teammates when they had mediocre performances. This time, he was thinking of Azéna and Tyrath, who were surely somewhere in the golden kingdom of Elthen. He wondered about the safety of these two idiots. The Dragon's Blood was a dangerous bunch, maybe as dangerous as his mother. In addition, the queen was planning a tragic event for her return; something that he might possibly have to participate in from one side or the other. If he made a misstep, a wrong choice, he could end up executed and Shalith would suffer the consequences too. He could not conceive it. He began to feel sickly; the stress was gnawing at his muscles and he suddenly had an urge to vomit.

- That's enough for today, he bellowed before he had the energy to raise his voice.

Everyone stopped, obeying the orders of their superior. All except Nremyn who continued on his way and threw the elemental ball into one of the enemy goals.

- Goal ! he exclaimed, ignoring his captain. I am so good!

- Nremyn! Serfantor growled. I said that's enough!

Kultin, Restelle's dragon, approached Shalith with a worried look.

- What? he asked softly. Already?

The black dragoness snapped her jaws firmly twice; she knew what was going on. She had often been witness to the anxiety attacks of her rider. Small black dots appeared everywhere in Serfantor's vision. He had to rest.

- Yes already ! Shalith roared with all his soul, giving Kultin a menacing look.

She hissed like an angry snake then, she folded her wings and dove to the ground. The gray elf prince's situation made her nervous.

- Go back to the academy! she ordered coolly.

Restelle picked up the elemental ball and followed the rest of the team to the keep that was so familiar to them. During this time, Shalith let Serfantor down and he leaned against a tree. She was so worried that she had not noticed the half-elf and her red dragon that had remained behind. The latter seemed reluctant to leave. Finally, Harath motioned for Ariella to follow her.

- We should leave.

- But ... Well you're probably right, gave up Arièlla. My behavior should be more polite.

- Give him some space.

She passed her wing around her rider and gently pushed her to encourage her to move forward. It took a moment, but the latter obeyed.

Serfantor felt a wave of sadness crossing his tense body when he realized the blonde was about to leave. He decided on impulsiveness to tell her everything. But before, he wanted to get Shalith's blessing, so he met her eyes. The black dragoness blinked slowly, showing her agreement.

- I think they are trustworthy, the big hot-head included.

Still near enough to hear Shalith's words, Harath turned around and exhaled a cloud of gray smoke. She snapped her jaws and shook her tail.

- Say you're sorry, ordered Serfantor to the mistress of the shadows.

- At least I caught their attention, she said, adopting a mischievous tone.

She turned her attention to Harath:

- I regret my indiscreet words, she continued sincerely.

The red dragoness tightened her jaws and remained silent, but she did not flinch, which meant she had accepted Shalith's apology.

- What did you mean when you claimed that I and Ariella are trustworthy? she asked after a long pause.

Shalith took a few steps back as if she wanted to show that the right to speak was reserved to her rider. The latter was now calm enough to explain himself without problems. His anxiety had quietly, but surely receded. With the help of one hand, he stood up and wondered about the best way to explain their life situation.

- I have something to confess to you ... Something I never reveal to anyone before. Only Shalith and my family know about it. But I...

His voice twitched and the words refused to come out. He was not only afraid to repel Arièlla and Harath, but also to be heard by a spy sent by his mother or by another rider. He surveyed his surroundings and he did not see a single soul.

- I'll take a look, said Shalith.

The black dragoness took off and outlined a few circles in the sky before returning to land next to Serfantor.

- We are alone, she assured him.

At this point, Ariella's eyes showed a mixture of curiosity and concern. Serfantor wanted to reassure her, but he had only bad news to announce.

- I was sent to this academy in the hope to bond with a dragon so that it would give access to an immense source of power to my people, especially my mother who is the queen as you must know.

- I know you're a prince, Ariella said. Well, that you were.

She added nothing else, seeming immersed in her thoughts. For the moment, her expression was neutral; making it hard to read what was going on in her mind. For her part, Harath did not hesitate to express herself.

- That explains why Katanor is also present, she concluded with a small grunt. You were lucky to have both been chosen by a dragon.

- Bad luck in that chance, Shalith said in a poisonous hiss. The goals of the Queen of gray elves are not positive.

The mistress of the shadows was already beginning to get upset; this subject often tested her patience.

- She keeps us on a leash like vulgar animals, she growled.

- Explain to me in more detail, Ariella asked, addressing the two victims. What exactly does she want with such power?

Shalith snorted then, she giggled, showing her irritation at this question. Unable to contain her emotions, she decided to leave the explanation to her rider.

- Is it the war? Ariella guessed.

Serfantor's facial features suddenly widened. He knew that most of the apprentices knew of rumors about a war that would threaten the lives of many people. On the other hand, they did not believe in its severity. It was understandable. The times seemed calm and there was no sign of conflict from their point of view. Serfantor knew that it was not fake; he had heard his mother talk about it several times. She had surrounded herself with powerful allies and prepared plans, though she did not share everything with him. Often what he heard was not meant for his ears.

- I'm not aware of the details, but it's not something to be taken lightly, he said sternly. This war will eventually break out if it is not already started.

- She plans to have you and Katanor in her ranks, concluded the blonde.

- That's nothing, said Harath. Dragon rider forces can stop two dragons without difficulty.

Unable to restrain her rage, Shalith roared and then threatened the red dragoness by baring her fangs and swaying her tail violently.

- Do not you see the problem? The queen is not stupid. She wants to conquer Aerinda in its entirety and the dragon riders can not divide their numbers around the world. She will strategically place us in the least protected places and who can stop us if no dragon is there to bring us down? We will not go after the dragon riders; we will go after the weak.

- Easy and quick conquest, murmured Ariella. It will be difficult to regain control if many places fall to the enemy. Also, it will distract us, disperse us and make us vulnerable.

- You understand, complimented the black dragoness.

Harath raised her head and bent her chest, too proud to admit she had assumed without thinking.

- All right, said Serfantor softly. But that does not change our problem.

- You do not wish to participate, Ariella said sadly.

- Of course, Shalith growled. But she's still in control of us. She is cruel and we must choose our next moves. It's hard to make allies because she has spies around and in the academy. She does not trust us. And there is another problem...

- Katanor, whispered the prince bitterly. He is corrupt, but he is still my little brother.

- So what ? asked Harath.

Shalith shook his head in disagreement.

- Do not try. I already did; they do not think like us. We are not very close to our blood, contrary to them.

Harath blew a thick cloud of smoke from her nostrils.

- It's irrational. Nothing is more important than survival.

- Harath, please, Ariella said with some authority in his tone of voice.

- That's wrong, said Shalith passionately. There are two things that matter more than survival, Harath. You are born guardian of fire, an essential part of life and death. Also, you are bonded to another being and I am sure you know how it feels in this situation.

Ariella's partner hesitated, seeming uncertain of her feelings.

- I-I...

She turned her face away, avoiding the eyes of others. She swallowed deeply and continued:

- Shalith is right... Forgive my ungrateful attitude, Ariella.

The blonde approached her interlocutor, she cupped her muzzle with both hands and gently turned her head so she could plunge her eyes into her. At that moment, she continued by putting her nose on Harath's. At this touch, Harath half-opened her mouth and then exhaled for a long time. Her warm, dry breath caressed Serfantor's skin who was moved by such a sentimental spectacle.

- You are my family and your blood, your race, your past, and where you come from do not matter, the half-elf hummed.

A single tear rolled down along Harath's scaly cheek and despite this, the latter purred loudly.

Shalith stared at the prince. The latter guessed what she was looking for and smiled. He caressed her forehead, ignoring the sticky substance that clung to his hand. When he turned his attention to Ariella again, he saw Harath pushing the back of her rider with her snout as if she wanted her to approach him. Shalith puffed, a sign that something amused her.

- Wait a second, thought the gray elf. Is Harath encouraging her to something ...?

And suddenly, he imagined the worst. The two dragoness had been in agreement for some time about the mating of their dragon riders. Did Arièlla find him to her liking and was that why Harath was trying to encourage her to kiss him? At this thought, the prince felt his knees lose their strength and he began to tremble slightly. He was maybe seventeen, but he had no experience with women and it made him nervous. He had no luck with Merryn, but he still had a good feeling with Ariella. She was a good person and she did not seem frightened by the possibility that he would betray the Guardians of Aerinda despite his delicate situation. Perhaps...

He was so preoccupied with the thoughts that poured into his mind like a torrent of rain that he jumped when he felt soft skin brush against his fingers. Arièlla squeezed his hand with hers and at that moment nothing else mattered. His instinct told him that this woman was the way to go, no matter the consequences. He could not follow his cruel mother, never again. His heart was pounding and his breathing was weak, slow and in a sense, it was calm. It made no sense, but he appreciated that his body was losing its mind. A chill both warm and cold ran across his back and then the back of his skull. Nobody existed except her right now.

- A-Ariella, he finally said timidly.

Two sparkling blue pearls stared at his eyes and for a long time, a joyful silence reigned until the red dragon rider decided to take action.

She brushed the tips of her fingers on the prince's cheek, caressing gently. The skin of the gray elf tingled at this contact and a wave of embarrassment invaded him. His cheeks ignited instantly and blushed considerably. Unable to hide his emotions, he felt his lips tremble and his stomach twist. His mouth was dry when it was perfectly normal a moment earlier. Arièlla froze for a moment as if waiting for permission to continue.

- M-mhhmmm, whispered Serfantor sheepishly.

It was the only sound that came out of his mouth and that was all the information Arièlla needed to know what to do next. The blonde leaned down and pressed her lips against his. A completely new sensation took control of the body of the prince: tingling crossed his spine and then settled in his belly to remain. The kiss did not last long. It was gentle, almost ephemeral like a dream, but he had just formed the base of a unique relationship that the two dragon riders had never known.

Serfantor expected it to be over for the moment, but when they parted, he was enveloped with a burning desire to reconnect with her. She was so splendid under the dazzling rays of the twin suns. She seemed to radiate with joy, a broad smile drawn on her face. Her cheeks, too, were tinged with flagrant redness. Was it her first kiss too?

Really, it was not important.

He kissed Ariella as softly as the first time and the red rider melted inside him, gripping the dark prince by the hips to bring him closer. She became a little more aggressive and did not break contact for a long time. Too long. Serfantor's heart was beating fast, but he was not even aware of it, completely intoxicated by the scent of vanilla and the tender touch of his partner. He could feel the hasty exhalations of the latter's nose on his face.

Then the half-elf slowly withdrew. The two teenagers stared at each other for a moment. Serfantor was the first to look away, trying to be polite and above all, because he did not know what to think. Ariella regained control of her emotions it seemed because she giggled and said happily:

- I am not an enemy. I understand your situation and I assure you that I will help you as best as I can.

- It is... very appreciated, mumbled clumsily the prince, always taken from his embarrassment.

He realized that Shalith and Harath had witnessed the whole scene. He swallowed and searched for the dragonesses in vain. They were no longer there.

- W-what? Since when... ?

Ariella probed her surroundings for their partners too.

- They're more polite than I thought, she sneered before taking a few steps toward the black dragon rider. About your problem... We will find a solution together. I will keep your secret. It's not mine to reveal.

Serfantor was comfortable with his choice and with Ariella's devotion. He had finally found someone to confide in besides Shalith. Decidedly, this girl was right. Now he only had to hope that their relationship would flourish.


After classes, Serfantor did not join the other apprentices for the usual feast prepared for supper. Instead, he went to his room to put away his books and to change. That evening, he felt anxious despite the unexpected affection he had received from Ariella this afternoon because he had to meet Bregkhon and this sorceress to plan the ambush on Azena. In a sense, he felt pity for Bregkhon. The poor Black Helm had to be tortured and possibly sexually abused at least a few times since their last meeting. If his mother preferred this Seveth to him, the latter must have a lot of power. In addition, she was able to control her mana which was dangerous. Serfantor looked up to look at himself in the mirror that was hanging on the wall opposite to his single bed. He had no scars on his face which was almost a miracle at his age considering where he had grown up.

- Only because you are a prince, he reminded himself coldly.

He put on his combat gear, the same he wore during his famous duel against Azena. He was not proud of these actions, but he was surprisingly impressed by his opponent. Her victory made him smile. He had to admit that she had taught him a good lesson which he had badly needed. He had let himself be carried away by the desires of his vicious mother, who was trying so fiercely to twist his mind.

- I must escape, he whispered, squeezing the edge of the bedside table he was grasping.

He seriously thought of reporting everything to the High Council. It was the only way not to attract the Guardians' anger and stay close to Ariella. It was a big risk, but he was surrounded by powerful dragons and warriors. It was probably the safest place he could choose to escape the wrath of the gray elf Queen when he would betray her. As for Katanor, he would try to convince him to do the same.

He opened his window in one aggressive motion and an icy breeze stroked his neck. Strangely, this feeling of coldness convinced him that it was time to put fire to his bonds with his mother even if he had to get rid of his relationship with his little brother too. The first sun had gone and the second was slowly descending to the horizon. The sinister silhouette of the moon was beginning to appear in the distance. The days were short and darkness showed early, allowing this secret meeting to take place so early. Besides, it was time and Shalith arrived at the precise moment.

The dragoness clung firmly to the tower until his rider straddled her.

- You made a decision, she said.

Serfantor could not hide anything from her, so he nodded and looked stern.

- That's good, she continued in a purr that was almost excited.

- After the meeting, said the prince.

- About time.

During their journey, Shalith remained silent, watching for any sign of danger.

- So these eggs ...? I hope you have thought of a suitable shelter.

- W-what? Serfantor asked, confused by the question. What do you mean ?

- Well, when are you gonna lay your eggs? Err ... Should I say your babies? Offspring?

The elf felt his cheeks flare up as if the blood of his entire body was stuck in those two places. The image of him and Arièlla intertwined with each other formed without his consent in his mind. A shiver ran through his body and he suddenly felt guilty. He shook his head and dismissed his evil thoughts.

- Sh-Shalith it's not...

- That's not the way of the humanoids, she growled. I know I know. You lose so much time! I just do not understand.

Serfantor honestly did not know what to say, so he kept silent.

It was early so the duo did not need to worry about going unnoticed. The curfew was not yet in effect, and still, when passing near a guard or sentinel stationed on the walls of the city or the academy, Serfantor felt himself being watched. It was as if he was not supposed to be there, but nobody was doing anything about it.

- It's suspicious, said the dragon warily.

- You noticed, too, whispered the prince.

Serfantor thought he saw a rider send a signal to another who was stationed on another wall, further away. He began to survey his surroundings as Shalith approached the roof where she usually landed.

- Go elsewhere, he ordered.

- That's exactly what I thought, she confessed. Something is moving in the city and it annoys me because I do not know what.

- Are we getting attacked?

Being accustomed to the gray elf civilization, the prince would have thought that there would have been an attack or a coup d'etat on the city or on one of the Grand Masters. Such events were often unnoticed until it was too late.

- No. There will be a lot more turmoil, Shalith explained. It's too quiet...

She changed course and hid behind a gigantic tavern, all in absolute discretion. Her wide wings did not produce the slightest sound, exactly like when she was hunting. She was perhaps not the fastest, the fiercest, or the strongest, but she knew the art of subtlety.

- Unless we're being tracked which I doubt, we should be safe, she murmured. I'm leaving, but I'll watch you at all times.

She took off like an owl that had merged with its environment, ready to dive towards a prey.

For his part, Serfantor undertook to take the road least used to go to the famous forge behind which he occasionally met his tormentor. Halfway, he heard a crackle on his right as he turned a corner to sneak into another alley. He stopped in his tracks, drew a dagger from his belt and set himself in a defensive position. There in front of him was a fat disgusting rat sniffing a garbage can. He was used to seeing them; they were so common in Norkux.

He wanted to swear, but he restrained himself, promoting subtlety. His heart was wild and it refused to calm down which made the task difficult. He had to keep his cool, but why was he having so much trouble feeling safe surrounded by his allies?

He continued his journey, slowing down his pace to make sure he was not spotted. At this moment, he felt like he was back in Norkux. This heavy, dark, sinister and particularly dangerous atmosphere seemed to have taken control of Atgoren who was normally so peaceful and comforting. Was it all just his imagination?

Another rat. It was smaller, more agile, and had slipped between his legs to join the first. He turned to look at them and it seemed for a moment that the rodents were returning his attention.

- I'm losing my mind, he whispered softly.

Finally, he turned a last corner and he found himself in front of the forge, which was still open. The armor craftsman was inside banging on iron, hard at work. He was far too busy to realize that a gray elf had slipped behind his home.

Honestly, Serfantor was hoping to see Bregkhon and Seveth at this point, but he soon realized he was alone. It was nothing alarming. Bregkhon was sometimes slightly late. He leaned against the wall of the forge and waited patiently, a nervous hand on his dagger.

Moments later, he heard Shalith's familiar roar. According to the tone of the dragoness, she was not in danger. On the contrary, it was rather a warning to someone else.

On this realization, Serfantor grabbed his huge bardiche and once again he prepared for a possible attack. Nothing happens during what seemed like an eternity. His palms sweaty, his weapon slipped and he had to readjust it several times. Shalith would not play with his feelings. Something had to happen.

Finally, four silhouettes appeared and surrounded him. Stuck between the newcomers and the wall, he quickly realized that he was at a disadvantage. He had no way out if he had to escape.

- Calm down boy, rang out a stern, masculine voice.

The one who spoke came forward and out of the darkness was revealed the familiar face of the First Sage Wirus. Immediately, Serfantor's heart slowed and he fell to his knees, letting his bardiche slip from his fingers. The weapon bounces slightly against the slabs in a cavernous sound. He was safe. His anxiety faded. No matter what Shalith wanted to tell him, everything was going to be fine now.

He felt a pressure against each of his arms and then he was forced to stand. They were certainly trying to help him.

- But wait...

He finally noticed. The pressure was far too strong for it to be friendly. The two dragon riders were holding him in place. Confused and seeking for an explanation, he looked up and before him, Wirus was holding a parchment whose seal had been broken. He recognized his mother's handwriting immediately, but he was too shocked to find the concentration to read the letter.

- W-what?

- Join us behind the forge of the city right after your classes on the fifteenth day, during the black moon, Wirus recited vehemently. This is the best moment; the season where the shadows and Noktow dance. It will be at this moment that we will obtain this perfect weapon. Serfantor, my brave prince with a heart of stone, you will be the star of this plan. Keep this knowledge safe, because you will be executed if it is discovered. Come and fulfill your duty! Come my knight of darkness and together, we will conquer this world, including these filthy dragon riders. We will force them to drink their own blood! Signed, the queen of gray elves your mother.

With every word, Serfantor's heart got torn apart a bit more. It was impossible for his mother to write him such a letter. She hated him so much. She never complimented him. Unless she wanted all this.

- You are a risk, too great of a risk, Wirus said. You will be sentenced to death, Apprentice Diramin.

So that was it ... She wanted to eliminate him because he had disappointed her too many times. He had become weak and untrustworthy. He then wondered about the state of Bregkhon, who was probably in the same situation as him regarding the queen. Maybe that's what she meant to say between the lines when she told Seveth to make him feel good. At that moment, she had already decided. It was a game, a trick, a stab in the back ... The expertise of the gray elf race would have ended him. And right when he was going to confess everything to the Grand Master.

- I was going to tell you everything, he admitted in a voice broken by emotions.

- Clearly and that's why you took all this time to do it, retorted Wirus who did not seem convinced at all.

Serfantor noticed that the fourth person had not revealed himself. He had been in the shadows, his hood on his head as if something was wrong.

- She knows about Azena, he said with a little more force than before. Protect her when she returns from her mission. They are waiting for her.

- You informed them, spat Wirus, completely disgusted.

- No... They intercepted a message from Master Ruvior. She was angry that I was hiding this from her.

- It does not change that you were actively participating in these plans.

He seemed to be waiting for a reply, but Serfantor had no excuse to give. He knew he was supposed to report this kind of information to the dragon riders as soon as possible. He had betrayed them all despite these good intentions. He had been weak and so, he had broken his oath.

- What are you going to do with Shalith?

- She's going to be released in the wild, said Wirus dryly. It is not for us to take the life of a dragon unless it puts our own in danger.

- Thank you, whispered the gray elf.

With all his being, he hoped that his companion was not going to be dominated by her suffering which was unlikely. He was never going to see her again nor Arièlla. He was so sad that his body had not realized what was happening. He was numb to his pain. He let himself be carried away, his legs awkwardly unbalanced.

Then, a wave of emotions invaded him. He let his head hang forward, a single tear rolled down his cheek and he struggled against his jaw that was shaking too much to let him pronounce words with ease:

- I-I am s-sorry.

He did not know who he was talking to. In fact, these words were intended for many people: the Guardians who had trusted him, Arièlla with whom he had shared a deep affection and especially Shalith who would live the rest of her life with a broken heart.

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