Argent - Frenzy
Unknown day of scythe season 2448
On the way to Rikarn, the golden capital of Elthen where most of the future knights came to train until they were knighted, Argent and her companions had gotten to know each other and had forged bonds of friendship that were still growing. Zril was the heart of the group. He had enough energy for four people and it was thanks to him that they had not been separated until then. He was always positive, although mischievous. His younger brother Shinko was strict and serious, but wise. It was thanks to him that Zril was able to get out of several unfortunate situations he ended up stuck in.
- Zril, stop mortifying people in their sleep, Shinko scolded. These are their dreams, their nightmares. They certainly don't need you as the icing on their cake.
- You're such a pain in the ass, complained Zril who was on the back of his trusty mount Fooros.
His long, thin black tail broke free from under his clothes and started swinging softly around. The first few times this happened, Argent and Bautog reacted nervously, still uncomfortable with the fact that Zril and Shinko were dangerous creatures from the infamous Grey Lands, and that really, everything they believed to be true was just vile myths to scare children.
- Zril your tail! panicked Shinko who grabbed his brother's tail and forced it into his pants.
- What the hell are you doing!? Zril bellowed. Don't touch my ass like that, bro!
- I caught you red-handed many times, accused the youngest assukar. Honestly, you're going to reveal our identity to the whole world if this keeps up.
- You're worrying too much for nothing, said Zril nonchalantly. Relax a little! Look where we are. There's not a soul around. That reminds me that I'm getting hungry.
His belly growled and Fooros started to whine.
- Well, don't worry, Foo. We'll find a snack soon. A nice little nightmare or two for me and a juicy steak for you! Well, why don't you go on a little hunting trip, old timer?
Fooros didn't even bother to wait for his rider to jump off and rushed for the forest. Zril yelled as he tried to hold on to his furry companion, but he ended up falling face down into the grass.
Shinko sighed and put his right palm on his forehead as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Bautog had stayed next to Argent and together they closed the march. The colossus was still uncomfortable with the two assukars who made him constantly nervous despite their kindness and patience with him. He had vowed to be Argent's bodyguard until his last breath. Thus, he followed the young lady everywhere. For a big guy as strong as an ox, he was shy and reserved. On the other hand, once in a while, he would get angry and cause a lot of damage in his outbursts. At such times, Argent was the only one who could calm him down.
To this day, the group was still in the territory of Nëowalds, the magical kingdom of the Blue Griffin. The fauna was always enveloped by mana so condensed that it gave the plants a delicate bluish hue. Everything looked even more magnificent than it would originally and this place was even more spectacular than the flower filled moors of Daigorn. Argent understood why this kingdom was where most mana users studied. They had to feel comfortable learning with so much mana available to them.
Presently, Argent's group was along a series of mountains called Titan's Peak. This was where the giants of this world resided. The trolls, the true name of this race of devourers of men and elves, were dominated by the most powerful of them all: the Titan whose name inspired these mountains. According to writings and stories, the Titan was three times the size of an adult troll and only a few rare creatures could stand up to it. Yesterday during the night, a powerful howl, filled with power and rage, from the top of these mountains disturbed Argent's sleep. She wondered if it was him, if it was the Titan.
Today, she was a little more nervous than usual, knowing that there was a giant hanging around. Besides, she wasn't sure of today's date. She had completely forgotten the time since she was kidnapped by the barbarians of the Dragon's Blood.
- What's the date? she asked Shinko and Zril.
- Well, the moon is currently a shade of light brown, so I guess we're at the beginning of the scythe season, said Zril, looking proudly at the young lady.
- It's not very accurate, Shinko said, rolling his eyes at his brother. Besides, clearly... I'd say leaning towards medium brown. The night before, the moon was more of a cocoa hue.
Zril giggled so intensely that a tear came to his eye.
- What are you so amused about? Shinko asked in a stern and dry tone.
- Well, you with your elegant ways. You miss your latte, don't you? Cocoa brown... You'd hear a nobleman talk about interior design.
- I don't see the connection, confessed Argent confusedly. Is coffee a rarity around here?
Zril and Shinko simultaneously turned to the young woman and blinked.
- There is hardly any such substance in the Gray Lands, Shinko explained. I tasted this delicious beverage when I had the chance to visit a nobleman from Daigorn. I know commoners generally don't have it.
- Oh, said Argent, who felt a little bad for the subjects of her native kingdom. It's so easy to forget that I'm part of the high society, the privileged ones.
- It's perfectly understandable, replied Shinko with a warm smile.
Zril had watched his little brother's interaction with the storm lady with almost frightening attention.
- Ummm, he mumbled.
Shinko suddenly seemed uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and looked away.
- Anyway, today is the twelfth day of the scythe season, he informed her with a small hint of discomfort in his voice.
There was something fishy going on between the two brothers, but Argent didn't care about it too much. It was probably an inside joke.
So it had been almost half a season now that Argent had been travelling with them and Bautog. At this realization, she felt worried about Kiojar, Lore and her family, who must have been heartbroken at the tragedy. Her disappearance would cause quite a fuss. She hadn't realized how quickly time was running out. She was aware that the journey on foot was going to be long, but not that long. She had made a mistake in her calculations. She was accustomed to fast travel by the luxury of mounts.
The group had met a few skinny elvish brigands whom Bautog had no difficulty intimidating until now. They had been lucky to have the big fella on their side. He was an accomplished warrior despite his slow mind and gentle nature. In fact, he was watching their backs right now.
- ENNEMY! he shouted in a war cry as he rushed towards the so-called enemy.
- Bautog, we asked you not to attack people without first analyzing their intentions, Shinko said. Not all of them are bad.
Argent and Zril had turned around to see what was happening, not Shinko.
- Brother, Zril said with difficulty swallowing. We're in trouble. Damn, Fooros just left to go hunting.
- More of those ill-mannered bandits? Shinko asked as he turned around.
Silent then reigned except for Bautog and a gigantic mountain troll's grunts. They were struggling to dominate each other.
- Oh no! More trolls! Zril exclaimed, pointing to the mountains.
Indeed, there was a group of giants with filthy skin who watched the fight from a higher plane. They must have come from the top of the mountain or a cave somewhere. With their backs bent forward, they looked shorter than they really were. Their skin was rough like that of toads, they had only three large fingers and one thumb on each hand, and the same was true of their toes, they all had impressive muscles that a human could only dream of possessing, and their eyes were small and dark. One of them wore fur shoulder pads, one of which ended in a white griffin's head. Argent was disturbed by the beast's unemotional dead eye sockets and looked away.
- Yejyn grab, bellowed the troll on the shoulder pads. Alone!
Apparently, this one could communicate and that was reason enough for him to give orders.
- We should help Bautog, Shinko said. He may be strong and brave, but he's no match for this monstrosity. It's twice his size.
- She's a female, realized Argent, who had misjudged the sex of the troll because of her square and muscular build.
Now that she took the time to observe her, the one called Yejyn, she had tusks half the length of the male's, facial features that were a little softer, she was slightly shorter and had no beard. Still, she was terrifying to look at. Her back was curved, she had a few warts here and there, and her long hair was so dirty that it looked as if it had been matted into dreadlocks, one tuft of which had been tied backwards, leaving the rest loose.
- What did you expect? Zril asked. They are trolls.
Argent, Shinko and Zril surrounded the giant while Bautog distracted her by grabbing the handle of her club with both hands to prevent her from swinging it around. That's all he could do: obstruct her attempted attacks. He didn't have enough time or strength to risk exposure.
- Weak Yejyn! said the troll who appeared to be the leader of the group. Yejyn no warrior! No hunter! No raiding!
Suddenly, the female troll uttered a beastly roar, reacting perfectly to this provocation. Argent could smell her foul breath from where she was standing, which was about three feet away. Yejyn took a few steps back, gave herself a run-up and violently pushed Bautog back with her shoulder. The poor barbarian was thrown against a tree and yelped when his back cracked on impact.
The group of troll spectators clamoured in chorus. They seemed to appreciate the brutality. All this was just entertainment for them. They didn't seem to have Yejyn's welfare at heart. The female troll reacted to the cheering by bellowing, too. She didn't seem to realize what game she was in. Honestly, she probably wasn't smart enough to realize it. She blindly followed what those around her wanted from her.
She suddenly calmed down, sniffed longly and turned around. Her attention was focused elsewhere, but why? It didn't matter. It was time to strike.
- Shinko, I don't think she sees you right now, the warrior informed. Use this chance! Just watch her tusks if she turns around.
The trolls all had tusks of about a meter longer than the females who's were much more humble. All the same, they had enough to kill.
- I have an idea, said the assukar.
Whatever he was going to do, he only had time to raise his arms. A shadow came out of the bushes that Yejyn was watching, seemed to charge over her, but changed course at the last moment, passed in front of Shinko, and finally slipped between the legs of the troll who didn't understand what had just happened. In fact, the rest of the confused spectators all sighed in surprise. Even Argent hadn't had time to process the information in her head. It had all happened so quickly.
- Who's there? Zril squealed, pointing his dagger at the new presence.
In front of Argent strutted an elegant man with pointed ears and beige skin tinged with light blue. His unusually bright azure eyes and long, smooth silver hair reminded her intensely of her little sister Azena. He looked young, perhaps in his mid-twenties. Was this the answer to the great mystery that was Azena? An elven heritage? Now that she had a lunar elf in front of her, there was no mistaking it.
- Her hair... It's not an anomaly, the warrior whispered to herself.
He was more handsome than any man she had ever had the chance to see in her life, also explaining her younger sister's natural charm. She felt her cheeks warm by embarrassment. She felt a tingling between her legs and hiccupped, completely unprepared.
Suddenly, the elf pushed her and raised his shield shaped like a griffin's head to ward off Yejyn's club blow. He growled softly, seemingly having trouble holding his position. In fact, his physique was rather slender, built for agility more than strength.
Instincts activated in Argent and she drew the dagger that the Assukar brothers had given her so that she could defend herself in case of an attack. She plunged the blade into the troll's bare thigh. The monstrous female roared at the same time. At that moment, their enemy seemed to calm down, except for her muscles, which were shaking and strangely enough, seemed to both contract and slightly swell. Heat was emanating from her body.
- RETREAT! shouted the elf with a pronounced accent, suggesting that he used the aerindian tongue only rarely.
Argent retreated a few steps back and the elf positioned himself in front of her, raising his shield in front of them.
When Yejyn looked up, her eyes were no longer the black they were a moment ago, but a crimson reminiscent of lava. Drool hung from her right tusk. She bared her teeth, which were all canines, confirming that they were carnivorous.
- Oh shit, said Zril, who seemed to understand what was going on with the troll.
- The legendary frenzy of the troll people, Shinko explained, whose eyes were wide open with fear. They say that the chances of survival are minimal if you face a troll in this condition.
- Thank you for the motivational speech, Zril said. Foo! Foo! Where are you, boy? Over here, boy! We're going to need you.
Yejyn turned her head towards Bautog and seemed to consider going after him for a split second, but she lost interest and turned her attention to the next person in her field of vision: the elf and Argent. This time she bared teeth like a wild beast and rushed to her new victims.
- Prepare yourself, warn the elf to her protégée, her words always pronounced with difficulty.
He grabbed his shield firmly with both hands and moved into a defensive position. In the meantime, Argent did exactly as he had suggested: she pointed her dagger at Yejyn. As expected, the troll was completely at the mercy of her own rage. Every step she took was heavy and left a small crack in its wake.
The impact was brutal. The earth vibrated beneath Argent's feet. She heard the sound of metal bending under pressure and then a thud. When she glanced in the direction of the elf, he was no longer there. Yejyn was panting. She was so angry and the shield was so damaged that it was now unusable.
- What? Argent whispered. What the hell is...
She heard a horrified squeak coming from both brothers. That's when she realized the gravity of the situation. She turned her head mechanically and saw the elf who had been impaled to his left shoulder by a branch of the tree into which he had been thrown. He coughed and hastily broke the branch with pain and misery. Blood was running down his arm which was lazily hanging from his body. He seemed to have lost the ability to move it.
- Gnhnn...K-kill, said the troll with as much difficulty as the elf had standing.
Decidedly, she had an extremely limited ability to pronounce words. She prepared once again to charge towards her target. This time, however, the elf had nothing to cushion the shock. He was going to perish.
Argent reacted instinctively and threw the dagger at the troll who was about to unleash herself on the elf who could do nothing but watch his life flash before his eyes as he clutched his ravaged shoulder.
- Fooros! kept calling Zril desperately.
- Ghuurr! grumbled the troll.
The weapon had sunk deep into her biceps, but it didn't deviate from her course. Her movement was still fluid as if nothing had happened. So that was the madness of the troll frenzy. Argent swallowed as her blood froze. She hadn't been able to save him. She felt so devastated. That poor stranger who had risked everything to protect her.
A scream echoed from the forest and a huge black, hairy mass came out of nowhere. Fooros charged at the troll and pushed her back with all his might. The two creatures had finally stopped within inches of the elf.
- Oh by Elysia! exclaimed Argent who could not believe her eyes. I thought it was over for you, she continued, referring to the elf.
Fooros stood up to the troll for the moment and stopped her from moving. He had bitten the arm with which she had tried to grasp her club and restrained it. The brave animal was slowly losing ground and was struggling to keep up. This troll was powerful, far too powerful, and she was smaller than the rest of her group who could decide at any moment to help her get their dinner. It was too dangerous of a situation.
- We have to leave, announced Argent. It's too much for us, especially if the others decide to join her.
- Wise decision, said Shinko. I honestly believe that they don't understand much aerindian otherwise they would get involved.
- Or maybe they just don't care what happens. It seems more of a test to me than a need for food. Either way, it's time to go.
She walked over to the elf and let him lean against her for support. To her surprise, the elf was much lighter than she expected.
- Zril or Shinko! Go help Bautog!
The brothers looked at her with worry, then rushed to help Bautog get up and walk.
- Come on, big boy, encouraged Zril. We have to get out of here now.
- He's so heavy, Shinko grumbled.
The two brothers had great difficulty moving Bautog, but they managed to follow Argent and the elf. In the meantime, Yejyn seemed to get tired and collapsed on her knees, freeing Fooros from her grip. The troll's eyes had returned to their original state and her muscles seemed relaxed.
- This outburst seems to require a lot of energy, Shinko said. I think that's what saved us.
- By the gods, that was monstrous, said Zril. I almost peed my pants.
- It's okay, spare us the details.
Argent glanced at the troll and saw the males scolding her. It must have been a challenge and she had failed.
- I guess they must not have many warriors and hunters among their people, noted Argent, who felt empathy for the troll because she was in the same situation.
- I don't know, said Zril.
- Same for me, confessed Shinko, who was normally overwhelmed with knowledge. I've never been in contact with this race.
- That's exactly the case, weakly informed the lunar elf. T-they have... a v-very closed and primitive mind.
The elf was clearly exhausted. He was losing a great deal of blood and needed treatment. Argent looked behind them and she could no longer see the trolls from here.
- Let's stop. He needs a tourniquet at least. Do any of you have healing skills?
- Brother, Zril said. Hey, where's Fooros?
The big mount came running up and licked Zril's face. The assukar laughed, happy that his companion was safe.
- Is it true that you know something about healing? Argent asked, watching Shinko.
- A little, the assukar confessed.
Suddenly, the ground began to shake under mysterious footsteps. As the group turned their heads back, they saw Yejyn who had started to chase them. Fortunately, she wasn't angry, but she still seemed irritable.
- Damn it! Run! Zril shouted before turning her attention to Bautog. Come on, move your ass, fatso!
The colossus moaned and started to move faster despite his infernal pain, just like the elf that Argent and Zril were helping. Unfortunately, Yejyn would soon catch up with them. She raised her club above her head and redoubled her efforts, transitioning from a race to a charge.
Bautog got out of the brothers' grip and turned his heels. Facing the troll, he stiffened his back, which cracked several times. He seemed to grow a few inches.
- STOP! he bellowed with an animalistic ferocity.
To everyone's surprise, Yejyn stopped drastically and lowered her weapon, seemingly confused. Bautog pointed his finger at her and then he slammed his fist into his own chest. Yejyn didn't react besides blinking.
- What's he trying to do? Zril asked.
- I think he's communicating with her, Shinko said.
Yejyn stepped forward. Bautog reacted immediately by repeating his initial roar. This time the troll seemed upset and simply went back to where she came from.
- B-but what...? Zril said.
- Animal, Bautog explained. She's an animal. Tame.
The tall man suddenly collapsed on his backside and began to breathe with difficulty. He had used the rest of his energy to intimidate the troll.
- It's a good thing we have a barbarian around here, Zril laughed. At least he understands troll language.
- Luckily indeed, said Argent with a smile. Well done, Bautog.
The hairy guy smiled back at her despite his pitiful condition, and then he pointed at the elf.
- Yes well..., said Argent. Shinko, he needs a tourniquet.
- At once, replied the assukar.
He used his dagger to cut a long piece from the sleeve of his jacket and crouched down beside the moon elf, who grimaced in pain.
- I'm sorry... ermm... You are...?
- Anovar, said the elf. I am Anovar, a member of the Aluna'ranhn Patrol which means um...
He hesitated longly, in search of his words. He must have been a novice aerindian speaker.
- Vigilant moon, right? Shinko asked.
- So you know Elvish, Anovar said.
He paused to observe Shinko and paused at his pointed ears.
- But of course you know Elvish! he exclaimed. S-shame to me!
A small pearl of sweat amassed on the assukar's forehead. He became nervous every time he was examined for fear that his true identity would be revealed. In truth, he had studied elvish when he and his brother had visited the kingdom of Nadale. Argent had asked them a few questions about this race of elves, and the answers she had been given had astonished her. Their culture was opposite to hers in many ways. She did not even believe that such a race could exist just a few days ago.
Shinko coughed and squeezed the improvised tourniquet so suddenly that Anovar screamed in pain.
- I'm sorry, you were beginning to look pale.
- Thank you, replied the elf, who indeed had a pale complexion.
Argent laughed softly.
- I'm Argent, this is Shinko, Zril, Bautog and Fooros, she said, pointing to each member of the group one by one.
- Nice to meet all of you, Anovar replied, bowing his head slightly in respect.
Zril sat directly in front of the elf and squinted as if he was suspicious.
- I hope I haven't done anything to offend you, Anovar said.
- No, replied Zril calmly as he continued to examine his interlocutor, swinging his tail up and down.
Shinko realized this immediately and tried to catch and hide his older brother's tail as subtly as possible. It was a rather hilarious scene from Argent's point of view. She had to hold back her laughter.
- Say, continued Zril, smirking slightly, indicating that he had completed his inspection, so you're a.... warrior?
- Excuse my brother, Shinko said, who seemed offended. He has no manners.
- To answer your question, Anovar replied, the vigilant Moon P... Patrol was created only recently because of an unfortunate situation between the moon elves and the troll people.
At that moment, everyone else, even Fooros, was paying attention to his words.
- You see, the elf continued on a sad tone, until now, the trolls have stayed in their mountains and seemed happy. They did not disturb us and we returned the favor. Suddenly, a few seasons ago, they started hunting in our territory.
- So they steal your food? Argent asked.
- Not exactly, the elf warrior replied uneasily. You see, most beautiful lady, they... they... devour elves and humans.
- That's foul! But why did they come down from the mountains?
- We don't know, but we've probed their territory on the backs of our griffins, and there seems to be a famine. The mountain goats that were so common are nowhere to be found. Only the griffins that are powerful enough to stand up to these giants remain. The rest are... unfortunately dead. You're lucky... Most travelers are usually carefree and end up in their stomachs.
- Thank you very much for your help. You're very brave.
Bautog pouted, obviously jealous. He was sitting against a tree near Argent, cuddled his precious waraxe and avoided crossing anyone's eyes.
- Come on, said Argent softly. You were wonderful too, Bautog.
The colossus smiled stupidly and blushed in spite of himself. Decidedly, he couldn't resist her.
- Thank you for your help, but I have to go, Anovar announced. I have to report all this to my captain and get me some herbs for the pain.
- It's sudden, said Argent.
- I know, but I can't hang around for very long. The next scout is waiting for me to come back and start his round. There must always be someone gone patrolling. Sadly, I'm no longer capable... At least, not until I get better.
- I understand, sir.
The lady of the storm suddenly felt disappointed. She would have liked to get to know him better. He seemed so interesting and it wasn't every day that she had the chance to meet an elf. At that moment, she decided that she would come back one day.
- Where are you from if it's not too invasive? I would love to visit you and learn about your people.
- I live in Valhyris, a small village northwest of Titan Peak, and I'd be happy to welcome you.
Zril whistled at length and Shinko elbowed him.
- Ouch, grumbled the elder brother.
- We have to continue on our way to Elthen anyway, Argent explained. Be careful and see you later, Anovar.
- It was good to meet you, Bautog, Shinko, Zril, Lady Argent and... Fooros, the elf ended hesitantly, staring at the strange big mount.
Fooros tilted his head to the side. He obviously didn't understand what was going on.
The elven warrior left and the small group of travelers moved away from the mountains for fear they would be attacked by other trolls and fell asleep under the stars and the brown moon. They had a long journey ahead of them, and such an adventure required a good night's sleep, as this mad day had shown them.
- Soon... Elthen..., murmured Argent half asleep in the sleeping bag that Shinko had bought her a few days ago.
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