Unknown day of the sun season 2448
- It's impossible! Argent shouted breathlessly. It can't be true. I'm not supposed to be able to see them...
In front of her, standing over there in the corridor of the palace she called home, a pale skinned young man was watching her curiously. He smiled slightly, revealing a sharp canine tooth. His long black tail, hanging down to the ground and curled like a snake around his calf. The fluffy tip shook slightly, from excitement perhaps? It was exactly as Argent suspected: he was not human or of elvish origin.
- An evil spirit, she said with trembling lips. What is this... What are you doing in my home?
An evil spirit was an evil spirit. You should never take chances with them, no matter how they looked. This one was pretty short, no more than five feet high. It could have been mistaken for a lunar elf at first glance because of its pointed ears, but with closer observation, you could see a subtle difference in shape, as if they had been broken and healed. In addition, it had a slender build, so it must not have been a very good fighter. Although she was a woman, Argent felt confident that she would have won a duel against this creature if it had been mortal. Besides, it had a rather strange, but elegant attire. Argent liked its long black coat with a high collar. It was open and revealed a dark tunic and a pendant with a symbol that seemed gloomy and was attached to a long thin chain.
- Oh yes, I am an evil spirit, he chuckled maliciously. I'm going to devour you like... like... Oww!
Strangely, the spirit lost its focus and seriousness. Now he rubbed his head as if he had been hit, but no one else was present.
- All right, all right, he muttered. You're no fun at all.
He tried to comb through his black hair that cascaded down to his jaw with his fingers, but his efforts were futile. The rebellious locks refused to flatten.
Then Argent opened her eyes and a new reality was presented to her: the real situation in which she was stuck. At first she saw only the landscape around her, a humble forest with large blue and red mushrooms that she didn't recognize. The two suns were high in the sky, so it must have been about time for dinner. Speaking of food, Argent felt her belly rumbling.
- What's going on? she mumbled, blinking her tired eyes.
A muscular man carried her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Now she remembered what had happened. She was the captive of a band of barbarians who wanted to copulate and have children with her. Disgusted, she struggled in vain. Her carrier's grip was far too strong. The evil spirit she'd seen in her dreams didn't matter anymore. If she didn't escape quickly, she would find herself pregnant and forced to raise barbarian to become.
- Uncomfortable? asked the barbarian in an obtuse tone, as if he was expressing himself with difficulty.
- Not really, murmured Argent.
The man made an abrupt movement of his shoulder as he tried to move Argent in the hope of making her feel a little comfortable. But all it accomplished was to force her to breathe with her face squished against his shoulder leather and dirty fur shoulder pad. She raised her head and breathed out for a long time.
- We home soon, the barbarian assured her. You'll see, it beautiful. First we have to get money.
Argent imagined a small, rudimentary tent made of animal skins supported by long logs. She tried to struggle once again without success. She hated to admit that she was a damsel in distress, but it seemed to be her last resort.
- Help! she shouted.
- No... Don't, said the barbarian softly. The raid leader not happy.
- Raid?
- Yes! exclaimed the stocky man energetically. It going be fun. We're to plunder the next village and take women because we need. Have you looted place before?
Poor thing... Argent realized that he wasn't very bright and didn't know the difference between right and wrong. All he knew was what he'd been taught since birth. Fortunately, he seemed to have an affectionate personality. In fact, he was already treating Argent as if she was one of them. Decidedly, he must have been naive too. Maybe she could convince him to let her go or to turn against the raid leader. Speaking of which, she didn't know how long she'd been unconscious. Besides, part of her memory was failing her. How was she knocked out?
A second barbarian, this time a woman, patted him on the other shoulder and glared at him. She had a brighter glow in her eyes. She was smarter than her compatriot.
- Be careful what you say to her, she grunted. She hasn't been tamed. You chose her well. She's a warrior and she's fierce. She's not going to be easy to win.
Argent felt like a wild horse that some ranchers had just captured. She watched the newcomer. She had long, tousled red hair and a dark face with a few freckles. Her teeth were all intact, but they were yellow and dirty. This was probably the best that could be expected from these people. Like most other barbarians, she wore light armour of leather and fur and carried a huge battle axe suspended to her back. For a woman, she was physically fit. It was easy to see that she had probably trained long and hard to be accepted in this raid among the men. On this side, Argent was sympathetic because she understood the feeling.
- So raid leader rejected her, the man said. I no understand why. She pretty and strong!
- You're a little slow sometimes, Bautog.
- Sorry Gwenda, whispered the one called Bautog.
- At least you are one of the most effective warriors we have. Well, I'll leave you alone with your new conquest.
She rushed to the front of the line, probably to report her conversation with Bautog to the raid leader. Bautog would probably be punished for his naiveté later.
- You know, Bautog, you'll probably get scolded when we're stopped.
- What do you mean? Bautog asked, surprised. Bautog is behaving well.
- Indeed, indeed. You are a great man with a good heart.
She hated using manipulation, especially on such an innocent being, but she saw no other way out. She swallowed hard and brought her face close to the colossus' ear.
- Are you treated well with them? she whispered. From what I see, you're just trying to be a good person and for that you're going to get in trouble. It doesn't seem fair to me.
- Bautog doesn't think the raid leader is going to do that. Bautog trusts...
Despite everything, he seemed convinced. He chewed his lower lip, a sign of stress. Argent knew she was on the right track and prepared to continue but a whistle caught everyone's attention. Immediately, Bautog stopped dead in his tracks and looked forward.
- We're taking a break, announced the raid leader. You have fifteen minutes to cool off and then we'll continue the march.
He turned around, his long fur cape, twirling in his sudden movements, was damaged by what appeared to be claws. He pointed to Bautog and Argent.
- You two, come with me.
- Yes, Raid Leader Tharulkon, said Bautog with a faith that sincerely saddened Argent because she knew what Tharulkon was going to tell him.
Tharulkon guided Bautog away from the other members of the group, near a large tree and a blue phosphorescent mushroom that grew to become as large as a man. Even the spores of the colored plant were incredibly bright. Argent had never seen anything like it. There was no way she could still be in Daigorn; maybe she was in elvish territory. She had heard rumors coming from Buhrik that the presence of elves in the long term was transforming the nature around them to match their way of life. For example, the territory of the grey elves was rather barren, with few trees and was stuck in eternal night. So, Argent concluded that it was not there. The forest around her was thriving, mystical, almost magical. It was so beautiful that she felt a tear form in the corner of her eye and she was suddenly drawn to the mystery of the fauna.
- So, began Tharulkon, leaning against the mushroom, which turned a reddish hue on contact with him. I hear you're getting along wonderfully with your new campanion, Bautog.
- She nice, confirmed the colossus with small blue eyes filled with affection.
The raid leader's face twisted in disgust and he put a hand on the mushroom, which provoked the plant again. The latter shuddered slightly and released several spores that infested the air around it.
- Unacceptable! barked Tharulkon with rage. She is an intruder, you idiot!
Immediately, Bautog's reaction was obvious. He lowered his gaze, ashamed that he had disappointed his superior. As Tharulkon continued to bully him, Argent kept his attention fixed on the spores that were spreading around the oppressor. She smiled as he finally coughed. He continued his speech, completely unaware of the danger he was in. At this point, Bautog trembled as if he was trying not to cry.
- She's nothing more than a sow that you're going to use as a container to grow your children! Remember that. You can't trust her. You can't share our plans with her. Do you realize the danger this could cause?
It looked like he was going to keep yelling, but he coughed, even deeper this time. As he recovered, he finally noticed the small bluish particles floating around his head and panicked, moving away.
- You didn't say anything! he bellowed, his face purple with anger. This is an indirect assassination attempt!
At the time, Argent didn't think Tharulkon would defeat Bautog in battle. He had a medium build and the colossus... well... he was a human beast. The latter was three times the width of his leader. So she wasn't worried about the gentle giant.
- What? Bautog said incomprehensibly. I never wished that...
- You liar! Now you will pay with your life!
He grabbed his gigantic battle-ax and ran towards Bautog. The colossus put Argent on the ground, making sure she was out of the spore cloud, turned to his leader and raised his arms in a sign of abandonment. Clearly, he wasn't lying. Besides, he must not have had enough sense to think of this kind of betrayal.
- Leader! he cried. Believe me! I never want you dead!
Tharulkon didn't care; he wouldn't slow down. Lost in his thirst for blood, he raised his arms and prepared to swing the weapon with all his might. Argent ordered her body to close its eyes, assured that the colossus was not going to defend himself and die, but she remained frozen on the scene.
- Zril, don't do that! shouted a man that Argent didn't recognize.
Suddenly, Tharulkon lost his balance and was pushed right into the mushroom, which became as red as blood on contact with the human. The plant quivered aggressively and released a second cloud of spores that joined the previous one.
The desperate scream of Tharulkon and the demonic laughter of the so-called Zril echoed through the forest.
- Leader! Bautog roared.
Argent grabbed the hand of the colossus who was about to commit suicide trying to save his leader.
- Don't go, she said. It's too late for him.
Moments later, Tharulkon began to twitch and shake. His convulsions worsened rapidly until he finally stopped, lying dead on the grass. Meanwhile, a second young man came out of hiding and joined Zril. He seemed to be shocked like the situation overwhelmed him.
- Brother... No...
Zril blinked his eyes and raised his fist in the air as if he was preparing to defend his actions by scolding his brother.
- You killed my leader! roared Bautog, glaring at the killer. You'll pay for this with your life!
- Hey! I saved you, fat guy, Zril replied.
Bautog stepped forward like an angry ox ready to start a one-man stampede. Under the weight of his footsteps the ground was shaking.
- Zril! called the second stranger.
He pushed his brother out of the way as Bautog began to charge headfirst towards him. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Well, except Zril's tail, which had been trampled by Bautog. Zril screamed, grabbed his tail and stroked it in an attempt to ease the pain.
- A tail?! Argent said aloud, completely shocked by his discovery.
- The tail! Zril's brother bellowed dramatically.
He ran towards Zril and tried to take his tail to hide it, but his brother struggled.
- I'm in pain, you asshole! Zril growled angrily. Stop it!
- Anyway, it's too late, said his brother with abandon. We are discovered.
- It's not the end of the world, you know.
Like a flash exploding before her eyes, something clicked in Argent. She recognized this tail, this face, these unusually long and pointed canines...
- You! she exclaimed, pointing at Zril. You were in my dreams.
- Caught red-handed, Zril laughed with an innocent smile.
- I told you not to play bad, reminded her of her brother.
- Let me have some fun, Shinko. We are what we are, after all. And, uh... My tail is twisted!
He lifted his tail, which had indeed been twisted by Bautog's immense weight. In fact, the colossus had almost hit a tree. He turned around slowly and strangely. He had lost all trace of anger.
- I don't know what to do anymore, he admitted, sniffing. I'm a disgrace. My people won't accept me. I couldn't save my leader. I should have died in his place to bring him the inner peace he deserved.
- Well, he was a dirty bastard, said Zril a bit too openly. That's why I killed him. Besides, it was hilarious! I kicked him in the ass and he flew back into the poisonous mushroom.
Argent and Shinko shook their heads in disagreement. At least the second brother was acting a little more nobly.
- It was a low blow, Shinko reproached. How stupid you can be. You're constantly putting us in danger. It's safer for us to remain anonymous. How are we going to explain your tails to these humans now? Huh?
- Well, we tell them the truth! exclaimed Zril. I mean... I mean... The fat one is a bit stupid, but they both have good hearts from what I could see. Besides, being in the company of humans will make our quest much easier, won't it?
- It's out of the question! Shinko barked with irritation. I don't even know what to do with our current situation. We weren't supposed to reveal our identity!
A long whimper echoed. Bautog was crouched next to the body of his leader and started babbling excuses as if the body could hear him. Fortunately, the fungus had calmed down, regained its blue tint and the spores had disappeared. Shinko folded his arms and gave his brother a reprehensible look.
- I know, I know, mumbled Zril.
He put an arm around the Bautog's shoulders, who was still whispering incomprehensibly. He was so small next to him that he looked like a fourteen-year-old with a mature body and face. His arms were not long enough to reach the opposite shoulder of him.
- You're full of emotion, he said as if it was supposed to be a compliment.
- Zril, Shinko grunted.
- You're a real buzzkill, Zril complained to his brother before turning his attention to Bautog. I think we should all travel together!
- What!? Shinko bellowed. Absolutely not...
- Tut tut tut brother, cut Zril. Didn't you want a little diplomacy with the humans? Well, here it is! I'm trying to find us some friends.
- Bautog has nothing left, said the colossus, affectionately taking his leader's hand in his own. The code of honor... It worst dishonour to let leader die at your watch!
- Well, that's it! Come with us! And you...
He turned his attention to Argent who was still in shock. She really didn't know what to think of these strange creatures. Zril and Shinko were very similar physically. Shinko had a slightly younger face, but he was slightly taller. She assumed that he must have a tail too, but it was hidden, probably in his pants.
- From what I understood, you were the prisoner of these barbarians, Zril continued. So... Come with us! We could help you find your loved ones. We'd make excellent traveling companions.
- Ummm... I don't know, said Argent.
- We don't bite.
- Mmm... I must confess, I don't know this area...
- Where are your relatives?
- My family is... in Elthen. We were traveling to the capital from Daigorn when we were separated.
Argent suddenly felt a knot forming in her throat. In a way, she was lying, but she had a duty to Kiojar although it wasn't the perfect joy that awaited her at her new home. The prince had been kind and gentle to her and she appreciated him greatly. Her honor did not allow her to abandon him like that. Moreover, if she had run away, she could never see her family again, for she would have been disowned and rejected.
- And you, fatso, Zril continued, now addressing Bautog. Are you coming with us? It's better than staying with your abusers, nah?
- Bautog protects Argent, the colossus said with determination. It only thing I have left!
Argent realized that Bautog probably thought that he and she would still be a couple and that they would procreate. She was going to have to make him understand that there was nothing between them.
- Well, it's decided! Zril announced. We're turning around and going to the capital of Elthen! I've always wanted to visit it anyway.
- Wait a moment, ordered Shinko, who seemed thoroughly displeased. What about our plans?
- Adventure dear brother, adventure, said Zril. Our plan is... well, to be honest, I'm tired of it. There are much more fun ways to achieve our goals.
Shinko growled and after a long moment of denial, he accepted the situation.
- Foo! Zril yelled suddenly.
- Foo...? questioned Argent with a raised eyebrow.
- He's the last member of the band and also, he happens to be my best friend. Come on Foo, show your filthy carcass!
Suddenly, a howl that sounded strangely like that of a wolf, but also like a cat's hiss, froze Argent's blood cold. She scanned her surroundings for a weapon, and noticed Tharulkon's battle axe. It looked big enough to decapitate a horse, so it would do the job if the need arose.
Footsteps made the ground shake slightly. Whatever Foo was, he was big. As she saw a pair of frosty blue eyes glistening in the shadow of a giant bush, Argent swallowed with difficulty and prepared to retaliate against an attack. A large four-legged creature jumped up and landed directly beside the brothers, who did not react as if it was a trivial event.
- This is Fooros, said Zril. Foo, these are our new fellow travelers Argent and... and....
- Bautog, finished the colossus with a smile. What a beautiful dog!
Fooros barked a kind of greeting and sat down, asking his master for a pat on the head. He must have been strong enough to carry the two brothers, considering that they were only about five feet tall. Honestly, Argent could not tell if Fooros was a canine or a feline. He seemed like a perfect hybrid of the two. He had long, flexible, pointed ears that fell backwards when he ran, two upper canines that emerged from his upper jaw, longer fur on his neck, on the sides of his face, at the top of his head going to the middle of his belly and to his tail, large clawed paws, a dark dog nose and a thick tail that was the same size as the rest of his body, thus doubling the total length of the animal. Despite his imposing physique, his facial expression shone with well-being. He had to be treated well and happy.
- By Elysia, how do you manage to conceal this creature? Argent asked.
She wanted to touch and even pet Fooros. His smooth, dark blue-grey fur reminded her of his silk blanket. He looked so soft, but she didn't dare disrespect him, so she stayed away.
- He manipulates the shadow so it's easy enough for him, Zril explained.
Argent suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Priests and spiritual guides taught their people to stay away from those who control the shadows, because they are associated with the dark god Noktow and only attract trouble. However, this species of wolf-feline did not seem to fit this description. It was currently licking Zril's face and wagging its tail cheerfully.
- Where did he come from? Argent asked. I've never heard of his kind.
- The Grey Lands, Shinko replied, looking just as stressed as she was.
- Like us! Zril exclaimed, laughing between Fooros' tongues.
- Brother! A little restraint! These people are still strangers to us.
Argent was stunned by this revelation. It was not possible. The Gray Lands... The legendary gray moors from which no one returned and where creatures from outside the world roamed. It was as if fairies had just appeared in front of her.
- What? asked Zril, who had noticed that she was staring at them.
- Well... it's so... unbelievable... that you exist, she explained, looking for her words.
- You humans are stuck in your own little world. Most of you don't even know that your neighbors are elves. You're so self-centered and blind. Aerinda is far more interesting and larger than you think! You don't know anything about your fellow Aerindians, and maybe with reasons!
- What are you trying to say? If I'd known you existed, I would have been very interested to know more.
- Oh, but I think you knew subconsciously. We're always around, hiding or in your books. Unlike you, many other races are curious and like to learn. We watch you and sometimes pass ourselves off as one of your own. We are not the creatures from fairy tales and legends that scare your children, but we can become it! Heheheh.
At the mention of books and fairy tales, Argent had a vision of the old man who had sold her a book full of suspicious information about what she thought was the manuscript of an excellent tale. Indeed, she had used it to scare her younger sisters, but deep down inside, she had always had a doubt about its veracity. Perhaps this man she had met in the market was not human... Perhaps he wanted to educate a human whom he believed to be trustworthy. She would probably never find out the truth.
- Usually you only act like this if you have malicious intentions such as an invasion, mentioned Argent, trying to get the brothers to talk a little more about their people.
- Pah! You guys are so paranoid and violent.
- So, why don't you interact with us? replied Argent, who was beginning to feel her patience wearing thin.
- Because you are a young and growing race, Shinko explained wisely and patiently. You are never satisfied and self-destructive. Our people believe that our revelation to the human race would bring us destruction and war.
Argent blinked and thought back to the stories his father had told her and the recent events in her life. There were so many wars, conflicts, civil wars, murders and betrayals. All that humans, especially the most important ones, wanted was wealth and power.
- You are right, she reluctantly confessed. But we are not all like that.
- Well, we trust you, said Zril. To some degree... If something goes wrong, well, Foo will eat you up.
Shinko rolled his eyes and sighed.
- My big brother Zril isn't always the best example of the Assukar people. However, I'll ask you and Bautog not to reveal our identity. Some of you... wouldn't react well to the shock.
- And we'd like to stay alive, laughed Zril.
- What Assukar? Bautog asked.
- That's what we are, fatso, Zril grunted impatiently.
- Really, I would have thought Shinko would be the older of the two, commented Argent with a slight touch of mockery. Physically and mentally.
- All right, all right, said Zril. I'm sorry, Bautog.
- The first sun is starting to go down, Shinko informed, looking up at the sky. We'll have to find a place to sleep.
- Yahooo! Zril yelled excitedly. There must be a village or town nearby. I need to get my tail taken care of too. Rahhh... Well, Foo, it's up to you!
Fooros lifted his tail and ears and started sniffing. Decidedly, he had the smell of a dog. He circled around the group of companions a few times before stopping on a track.
- We're going to have to slow down if we want our two humans to follow us, Zril laughed as he got on the feline-wolf.
- You're so rude brother, Shinko snarled as he settled behind his brother on Fooros' back.
- You know I'm teasing. Come on, Foo! Easy, though!
Fooros began his walk, wagging his tail merrily. Argent decided to leave Tharulkon's hatchet behind out of respect for Bautog. In fact, she noticed that the colossus had crouched near his late leader and seemed upset.
- It's going to be alright, she assured her, putting one hand on his big, strong shoulder. You won't be alone in your grief.
- That's true, said Bautog sniffing.
- Come on, it's time to leave, said Argent softly. And, I assure you, you'll feel better in time.
- Thank you, beautiful white flower.
He got up and accompanied Argent. They catched up with the two Assukar brothers who had already gotten a bit ahead. The brunette guessed that Bautog had nicknamed her beautiful white flower because she was from Daigorn, but how did he get this information?
- Why the nickname?
- Your fair skin and beauty... You can't be from Elthen. So... I guess you must be from the realm of that white flower.
- Woodruff, corrected Argent with a smile. And, you are right. Good eye, Bautog.
The colossus smiled back. He seemed sincere, which was reassuring. His heart was already starting to heal.
Speaking of woodruff, Argent wondered how her family, including Azena, was doing. She bitterly regretted not being there for her departure to the academy.
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