Max lands on the helipad of the Base already ready to get over with the stupid mission report and official Shit so she could just eat. The shifter being a hangery person was putting it by the least and most polite manner. She had a few miles back already shifted while I n flight into her smaller, more useless form (by no means offense to the humans. But if you ever get a taste of being a dragon you'll know what she means.) only having to food in her wings as she walks towards the entrance where she knees she'll be taking a left and walking down the fall to take a right and go to the elevator and go to the basement floor four with a level three clearance. Issue was is that she wasn't entirely sure what had happened on that mission or if she was even the one who had completed it. She could bring herself to remember the objective and knew she would get periodicity suspended for dropping her communicator purposely even if it was at fault to the medieval team but that's how anything run by the government works.
"Agent." She is greeted before being quickly dragged aside from her normal destination without much say not that she objected being it was most likely because she was in trouble to put it the least.
She just wasn't expecting her welcome to be met with a-(with exaggeration) a death squad.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Peter knew it would be hard to retrain himself. He knew it would be painful just as it had been before. But he still needed out. If he wanted to get past this hunger he needed to be away from temptations, he needed somewhere where his senses wouldn't be bothered. Where he could sit in silence and tell himself no.... but before he has always been telling himself no. Hebhad already partially trained himself and now after just letting himself go it wasn't as easy.
He sits in his own corner of the room with a blanket over his head for it's the only way he can hide from the blinding white lights of the room. Wade keeping himself and the child as far away from Peter as possible as the arachnid internally battles with himself and natures instincts.
Three days he's been hiding. He has so much more torturous time ahead of him... but it would be so much easier to just stop. Peter felt better when he fed. He'd have to get used to always feeling half starved once more. He'd by the least now have a steady amount of food in his kitchen rather then living off of a single meal of ramen a day.
But Peter isn't at home now. He doesn't have the option to feed himself as needed to goofily denture himself from hunting. Oh it would be so much easier to take Wade up on his offer now. To simply just take what his soulmate had offered.
No!.... no he couldn't take from his mate. Not like that. Look at where he had already led them. He had forced Wade into what he knew was one of the man's larger fears. To be held captive by S.H.I.E.L.D. Only one command away from being shipped off to the negative zone.
"Wade." The young man quietly calls.
"What is it?" The Merc whispers after several seconds. Peter hears the man settling down to kneel near him.
"Wade I need to get out. I need to get out now before someone gets hurt."
"You can't Peter."
"But I think I can. I just. I just need you to stay out of the way. Keep Grey out of the way."
"Peter." Wade says quietly as he moves the blanket the arachnid is using to hide from the harsh lighting to stare down at Peter squinting eyes as he's exposed to the white light. Peter pulled the soft shield over both their heads once Wade was close enough.
"What do you think you can do? I'm sure even if they don't know your strength that easily you could expect they have reinforced this place to withstand a force you can display." Wade says warily as Peter inhales his scent at the crook of his neck. Peter's pink tongue darts out to lick a stripe along scared skin causing his soulmate to jump slightly because, okay lets be honest here. It's your body's natural wtf reaction to move away from soft wet things when you're unaware of what the is.
"Wade I can render you unconscious by booping you on the nose to hard. S.H.I.E.L.D. has no idea what I'm capable of and they never have taken into consideration that I have other abilities they don't know of." Peter says having moved away from Wade's neck to look him in the eyes not that Wade could entirely see that.
"You're really cute when you say boop, you know that."
"That's completely beside the point." Peter says.
"You're still cute."
"But dangerous." Peter sadly points out with grimacing smile.
"Everyone is Peter. Everyone."
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