Wade's hands hold Peter's hips as the arachnid grinds small circles on top of the Mercenary, enticing a groan from his mate and himself as the plug shifts inside of him, pressing up against his sensitive nerves.

"I was hoping you'd like it. I've been waiting a long time for you."

"And you haven't come once tonight?" The mercenary questions in disbelieve.

Peter shakes his head. His eyes fluttering shut as the plug moves with his grinding again and presses with a jolt against his prostate. He curls over himself slightly as pleasure floods through his body, his head bowed down. "I-I've been saving myself for you."

Wade's hands slip under Peter's shirt as he pulls the arachnid close enough so he can start marking his Soulmates neck. "I can't wait to take you." Wade says around nips.

"Neither can I," Peter says pulling Wade closer to him, their body's flush against one another.

Peter's shirt his pulled of at some point, revealing his light, smooth skin.

"You're so beautiful."

"Only for you," The Spider says looking down innocently down at Wade. The light from the city outside of their windows makes Peter's eyes shine before Wade turns them over so he hovers above Peter. His fingers lightly tracing over Peter's soft skin.

"You should dress like this more often. I think I like it better."

"Better then the spandex?" Peter asks biting his lip as the loiter strokes of Wade's fingers near the ledge of his panties.

Wade chuckles. "Better then the spandex." He confirms before lowering himself down to kiss the inside of Peter's thighs.



'Gee  put me directly after the porn teaser? Thanks..... I feel dirty already.'

Are you going to put it on?

"I Don't know."

Don't you want to?

"I- yes... I don't know."

I thought you wanted to know what it's like to have a soulmate? You wanted to be able to die again.

"But what if it doesn't work? What if I'll die but I won't have a soulmate? Or, what if I do but it doesn't fix the fact I'm not allowed to die."

Maybe you shouldn't be worried about dying. You should put it on for the person on the other side.

"Why are you so worried about it? Why should I suddenly not care about something that I shouldn't have to worry about? People aren't supposed to live forever."


"Vaughn." Max warns not pleased with her friends drawback. Her Dark grey eyes scan over the watch in her hands once more before glaring at the opposite wall, imagining the platinum blonde sitting across from her. Her eyes are piercing cold as she waits for a response, the snowflake pattern of her iris matching her gaze ever so well.

So maybe I lied... it's not your mother that's keeping you from dying.

"What?" The Dragon snaps standing up strait quite quickly, her stance stuff as her features appear upon their own will, her long, lashing tail causing something to skid across the wooden floor with a sound that makes her cringe and calm ever so slightly to avoid the ear splitting sound.

I was just trying to protect you. The last two times I told you the truth you purposely let someone kill you and after that most recently you killed your self. The voice says I'm a rushed panic. Max that's why I didn't tell you. I thought maybe if you didn't know you wouldn't try to do it again.

"So I can die?" She growls.

No. you just forget everything. Nightfall, death doesn't die. Your a creation from death.

"So all these problems you've caused between me and her was your idea of-"

It was her idea Max. Vaughn snaps. The female no longer hearing the voice of a teen but that of a young man.

She stops in response to the tone. His voice of course didn't literally change but the way he spoke with his authority and mannerism was new and much more mature.

....Max would you just please put the timer on?

"Why?" She asks having been calmed and Intrigued by her friend.

Because I want someone to be there to take care of you.

"But you've always been the one to be there for me when I needed something. Even if you couldn't physically help me you've been here to take care of me. Why do I need more? I'm capable of carding for myself."

Because I'm not going to always be here.

Max stiffens, nervousness taking over her body. She glances over at the spot on the floor where she had been holding the small grey stuffed cat she had kept while looking at her watch which had found its way back in its box. She holds the soft toy close to her stomach. Waves of grey nervousness racing across her mind. "What do you mean."

I'm not going to be here. I want you to put on the watch for me Max. Please. So I know there'll at least be one thing you'll be able to remember incase something happens again... I won't be there to help you anymore. Not to help you remember or help keep you safe. You'll have to completely rely on yourself.

"You're just leaving me? Why? When? Not now please, you can't just leave so quickly. Your the only person why I actually have."

That's why I want you to have someone else.

"But I've always had you here."

I know. But I can't stay much longer. You have to let me go.

"You'll be leaving me here alone." The shifter says, voice rising with the slightest hint of panic.

Please put the watch on. Let me be sure you'll have someone there for you.

"Where are you going?"

...... it's hard to explain. I'm not disappearing. I'm just not going to be there for you anymore. Your mother is helping me.


Because it needs to be done Max.

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