s e v e n t y s e v e n

They had three vans.

Abraham, Tara, Rosita, Maggie, Glenn and Eugene took one.

Rick, Michonne, Carol, Carl and Judith took another.

Theo, Daryl, Noah and Sasha as well as Saint took another.

The journey was silent.

No one knew what to say to one another.

There was grief all around them

All cars were the same. It made the journey longer, but no one knew what to say to each other.

Eventually 3 was down to 2 and 2 was down to 1. Eventually 1 was down to none.

"We walk," Rick explained. They got out exhausted.

Hot and fed up.

The heat was extreme and they were low on water as it was.

It had been 2 days on the road, but it had been a day and a half since they last had water.

They had to ration.

But finally it all went.

"I'll go look for water." Daryl barely spoke before walking away from the group.

Theo stepped forward to go with him, but instead Carol spoke up.

"Can i come?" She asked a smile on her face,

"If you wanna" Daryl told her shrugging, not exactly caring.

"Just try and stop me" She smiled as they went off into the woods.

The rest of them continued to walk in the direction of Washington, noticing a small herd forming behind them.

Theo's mouth was dry, she hadnt had the taste of water in days.

They came across a small bridge with caves in the ground on either side.

"We use this and push the walkers in." Rick explained out of breath. "That herd is getting too big," He continued, looking between everyone.

Abraham, Theo, Sasha stood on one side.

Michonne, Glenn and Rick stood on the other.

"Ready?" Rick asked, nodding with a sigh.

The others all nodded, matching the energy.

When a walker was close enough, they either moved in time for them to fall or they would push them down.

The plan was working fine until Sasha let her anger get to her.

She walked forward killing one with her knife.

Theo sighed, already exhausted but grabbed her machete.

The rest of them moved out, killing all the walkers heading their way.

But they began to struggle.

Sasha swung for a walker, but she ended up pushing Theo as she did. Having a walker land on top of her.

Theo used all her energy to push it from biting her. But she couldn't reach a weapon and due to the fatigue in her muscles, she found it hard to fight it off,

Suddenly a knife was driven through its skull and it was dragged off her.

She sat up and looked up to see Daryl.

He gave her his hand helping her up to her feet, brushing the dirt off of her back.

"You okay?" He asked worried

She nodded out of breath, having to bend over forwards to catch her breath

"I told you to stop!" Michonne yelled at Sasha who just stared her down.

She walked off ahead of the others, joining the rest of the group before they continued to walk.

They had all sat down for a break, Daryl heading out for more water.

Theo patted Saint who was panting.

She rubbed her head, wiping off the sweat.

"Imma eat that dog if we don't find food soon" Sasha sighed looking at Saint.

"You eat my dog, ill kill you" Theo threatened

Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Look, I know you're pissed, we all are. But instead of using that anger to be stupid, use it to your advantage and do something that aint going to get the rest of us killed. Your not the only one hurting" Theo snapped at Sasha before looking at Maggie who had finally stopped crying, whether it was due to her feeling a bit better in that moment, or if she was too dehydrated to make tears.

It made her silent, knowing Theo was right.

A branch snapped in front making them all change their focus, but luckily Daryl walked out.

"Imma go for a pee" Theo sighed standing up, making sure Saint followed her.

By the time she was back, a fire had been made and they were cutting into an animal.

"Is that dog?" Theo asked, hoping Saint didn't understand.

Rick nodded cooking more of the meat.

Theo sighed as she knew she would have to feed Saint that too.

After eating they managed to get some rest.

Heading out again a couple hours later.

Daryl once again went out looking for water.

Carol went to follow but this time Theo stopped her.

"I'll go" She told her. Carol nodded as Theo slowly made her way towards Daryl who was sat by a tree.

She noticed him place the end of a cigarette down on his hand before sobbing.

"D" She quietly spoke.

He didn't move, he just wiped his face.

She kneeled down in front of him taking his hands in hers.

She could see how much he was hurting.

She decided not to mention him hurting himself.

She just hugged him, allowing him to let out everything he had been holding back.

Theo tried comforting as much as she could, but she didn't know what to say.

He hugged her tight, wetting her shirt he cried on.

He looked up to her.

"I'm here Daryl" She nodded, hoping he could hear her.

He sniffed before looking around.

He got up before walking away without saying anything.

She sat there alone for a moment, wishing she knew how to make him feel better.

She looked up to the sky.

Almost as if she was praying for answers, but that fact she didn't believe in god, especially not now, meant nothing came to her.

She stood before heading back.

She came out of the woods seeing a concerned look on all their faces.

"From a friend" Rick read out a note, Theo looked to see a lot of water in the middle of the road.

"Someone is following us" Theo panicked.

But that was soon cut off by a rumble in the sky, followed by the falling rain.

Theo sighed in relief.

"God works in a mysterious way right?" Rosita smiled as her and Tara laid on the floor.

Theo opened her mouth taking in any water she could.

But it began to get heavier, and it was soon followed by a dark cloud which carried a loud clap of thunder and a bright flash of lightning.

"There's a barn!" Daryl yelled as everyone followed to where he and Theo just were.

They walked in, it being clear except from the one walker which Maggie quickly took out.

Theo sat in the corner, shivering her brains out as the others attempted a fire. Some were spare around the barn, only a few sitting together.

Theo watched the fire from far away.

"Here" Carl handed her a blanket he carried in his bag.

She thanked him before walking away and settling down for the night.

She watched her dad talk, unable to hear what he was saying.

Theo sighed as she feared Daryl feeling like he wasn't able to talk to her.

She caught him looking at her, he stood and made his way over.

But instead of walking to her, he walked straight past.

She sighed again, thinking that was all she ever did.

She was in a world of her own, only to be snapped out of it when she noticed everyone running towards the barn door.

She stood up and walked around the corner to see everyone huddled together to stop the door being taken down by a large herd of walkers. She quickly ran over, pushing against the door the best she could.

They did this for what felt like hours, the battle being hard due to the wind and the walkers, but eventually they won, the walkers had given up.

They all slowly and awkwardly went their separate ways again.

Daryl headed over to the far side of the barn, Theo taking the opposite side.

She curled up under the blanket. She tried to sleep but of course she couldn't.

So she did what she always did, she took watch.

She sat up against the wooden wall and kept her eyes on the barn doors until sunrise.

"You sleep at all?" Maggie asked from behind her.

Theo shook her head.

"Get some sleep, please" Maggie asked.

Theo looked at Daryl before looking at the ground.

"I can't" She admitted.

"I'll send him over" She smiled before walking over to Daryl.

But that's not what she wanted, she wanted him to come to her when he was ready, she didn't want to force him to talk, as much as he affected her, she didn't want to rush him into being okay again.

Maggie and Sasha walked past her.

"He wants you" Maggie smiled as she and Sasha left the barn.

Theo stood up and walked to Daryl who was laying down.

He looked up at her before opening his arms.

She gave him a small smile before crawling beside him, laying the blanket over them both.

She moved in close, their faces only inches apart.

"I'm sorry" Daryl began

"Don't" She stopped him. "Don't apologise, I wanted you to have space, as long as you knew I was there to talk, I was willing to wait," She smiled.

He nodded at her before placing a kiss on her head.

"Come on, let's get some sleep" He nodded as she closed her eyes.

Them both being able to fall asleep for the first time in days.

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