Chapter 78 - Slow Vs. Quick
(Liam's POV - Sat. 26 July 2014)
5:09 pm
So it took me two minutes to slowly cross the whole ground floor again. Let's see if I can do this more slowly.
5:13 pm
Yeah! Two more minutes this time. Maybe I should add the upper floor? It would certainly take me more time...
Oh God! This week has been awfully long and busy already but it feels like this Saturday afternoon alone at Joshua's place will never end. I am so bored! Damn! It's only 5:16 pm now, barely three minutes later than the last time I checked the time on my phone. Right now, I am cursing Joshua for not letting me go with him to the club this afternoon and I even silently give him quite a few bad names that I am not used to pronounce in general. If he heard my thoughts, I would probably end up across his knees for a good spanking! Well, forget about that! My ass still remembers last week-end's punishment and I am not ready for another one. Not just yet! Of course, it no longer hurts but it is like these persons who lose one of their limbs and still feel them itch. This is the same for my butt. It is not painful anymore but it still remembers the sting of the paddle and it sends reminders to my brain that I had better behave if I don't want to get into troubles again. I do like the occasional pain enhanced by Joshua's hands on my backside, but the paddle is a different story and I would rather avoid it for a few weeks... or months.
5:18 pm
Why has time slowed down? I have been wandering in the house like a lost soul for over an hour now, roaming from one room to another and waiting for that call I have been expecting. Once again, I end up in the kitchen and angrily open the freezer to grab a jar of Ben & Jerries ice-cream and slam the flatware drawer after I have taken a spoon. I haul myself up on a stool at the island counter and greedily start digging into the jar of vanilla and peanut butter chunks. This is not a good time to eat some dessert, Pet, Joshua would certainly say. Yeah right, see my mental middle finger raised to your face? Oh dear... Boredom obviously doesn't sit very well with me. It seems like even the sweetness of the ice-cream won't soothe my nerves.
5:27 pm
Damn!!! What the hell are they doing? It was supposed to be a quick meeting and I thought that Shan would have already called me by then!!
I can't help smiling as I think back to all the texts I exchanged with Shannon over the week; or let's be more precise, the texts that Shannon spammed me with. After last Saturday evening when he spent an evening at the club as a guest, Shannon kept bugging me for more information about the lifestyle, details on the process to become a member and begging me for a lunch out. On my side, I was trying to keep a low profile after Friday evening's fiasco and I had decided that I would spend all the evenings of the week at Joshua's place to buy myself back. That night, I realized that all my lies to Shannon had taken me far into troubles, and that things had really become ridiculous. Just because I wasn't being honest to him, I had downed some alcohol too fast, quickly losing my self-control and clarity of mind and thus getting me into more problems. I think I learned an important lesson at last: honesty is a key rule to any type of relationship and this includes our best friends. From now on, I well intend to speak more openly with Shan and I am pretty sure that things will get even better between us.
I was already able to tell him a lot on Saturday afternoon while Joshua was working in his study. We caught up on things; I told him about some of my friends at the club and explained him a little more about how my relationship with Joshua works. He frowned a lot and worried a little too when I mentioned the submission and punishments, but he eventually relaxed. I think he was mostly surprised but at least he completely understood when I told him that I wanted to spend the entire week with Joshua, explaining that I was still feeling guilty for what happened on Friday evening and that I needed to apologize more. I just thought that Joshua would appreciate and be happy about it. And happy, he was. He did try to convince me to stay with Shan at least one night, but I was truly decided to please my man and I had a feeling that I would soon spend more time with my friend. I was just happy to be back in Joshua's good books in the end.
As a way not to leave out Shannon, I allowed myself a longer break on Thursday and had lunch with him in a restaurant nearby. It seems like all my worries about him judging me for my lifestyle and rejecting me were totally vain. On the contrary, Shan absolutely loved what he saw and the emotions he experienced at the club. We went over the whole night again, talking about the people he met and the scene we watched, and despite my pleas, he just couldn't help telling me how he had to jack off when he got back home. You would think that I had gotten used to his antics after six years! I just told him I hoped he had cleaned his mess...
Anyway, he hasn't stopped thinking about the club since last Saturday and clearly expressed his desire to join the lifestyle. I think this is something I have hoped for, for months now. Of course, Shan isn't much of a natural Sub, but as it happens, I think that someone with a strong temper and authority might be able to reign him in. What if it was what he needs to finally settle down and start a more stable life? My own experience is different; as Joshua says, I am a natural Sub and I easily got into the concept of submission. Well, I do have my little temper, but I believe Joshua never had much difficulty to make me yield to his authority... almost. Now I just wonder how things could work for someone who is as unruly and crazy as Shannon. I am pretty sure it could work! Yes, I am certain that someone like Aaron could do something good with Shannon!
Anyway, I am going astray here, so back to Thursday. Shannon wanted to have more details on how to become a member of the club. Can you believe that this idiot is even considering becoming a Dominant? I laughed so hard at that and tried to explain that it requires some character traits that he doesn't have for now. Not that he has any of the Submissive's traits either, but a Dominant? No, I can't imagine that! So, I wasn't too good at convincing him and he still begged me to work on my man and get him an appointment with some of the main Dominants of the club so that he could ask them questions. I am so eager to see him join the lifestyle that I promised him I would. And so I did, that same evening.
It is needless to say that since last week-end, I have been on my best behavior, doing my utmost to please Joshua. We got home rather early that evening, but he still had a few calls to make and a report to read, so he headed straight to his study while I went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes. Dinner was ready and Liz had already left. Even the table was set. I was about to go and chill into the swimming-pool when an idea suddenly started blooming in my mind; something that would certainly help the conversation I needed to have with Joshua; so I allowed myself to turn a little crazy.
I rushed back upstairs and prepped like I would on a club night, except that I inserted a medium-sized plug in the right place, and also stole a pair of wrist-restraints from the playroom, before I scurried downstairs, stark naked. Once in the dining-room, I pushed aside Joshua's dishes and hopped on the table; somehow, I managed to wrap the Velcro straps of the leather shackles around my wrists in my back, just in time before he walked out of his office. When Joshua called out from the kitchen saying he was ready for dinner, he found me kneeling on the table, where his plate should have been, with my back to him and fully exposed. I heard him chuckle as he walked closer and I shuddered when he rested his hands on my thighs and leaned to whisper in my ear. I have a feeling that someone needs to ask for a favor tonight. That someone had better keep his mouth shut until I allow him to speak, and be on his best behavior for the rest of the evening. Then, I might agree to just anything.
Yes, of course he wasn't buying my little act and he knew that I needed a favor from him, but it still worked. We had a very weird dinner, during which I was fed, used as a plate - thank God, our meal was cold! - and edged to the point I really had a hard time withholding my orgasm after dessert was over. Contrary to what he said, Joshua wasn't ready to agree to just anything, and it still required a little more pleading before he accepted to call Aaron and arrange a short meeting with Shannon for the following Saturday afternoon at five. But it finally worked out well and I was able to send a confirmation to Shan before we went to sleep.
I wanted to go and attend their meeting. After all, as a Sub, I could also answer some of my friend's questions but I was mostly curious to see how Shan would react in front of the four big men. I wasn't sure that all of Joshua's friends would be there, but even if it was only Aaron and Josh, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see that! However, Joshua refused and from his tone, I knew that it wasn't subject to discussion. He said that Subs don't attend this kind of interviews and that I wouldn't be an exception to the rule. So, this is why I am all alone at home this afternoon, bored and waiting for my friend to call me with an update. I know that Joshua won't because Aaron suggested that they take the opportunity to discuss other matters afterwards. I almost fall from my stool when my phone finally goes off and I curse at myself for having let the ice-cream melt in its jar while I was day-dreaming.
"How did it go?" I ask right away when I answer the phone, at the same time throwing away the rest of the cream before I head to the family room.
"It went super well!!! Master Mark is going to take care of my training!!!" Shannon squeals in the phone.
"What...? What did you say??" I ask, thinking I didn't hear well. Shannon was going there to have a conversation and find out about the lifestyle, not to...
"I said, Master Mark is going to take care of my training!!" Shannon repeats, exaggeratingly articulating each word. I can hear the sounds of the street in the background and I hope that nobody can hear him.
"Oh my God, Shan... Did you ask for it?"
"No... well... yes, a bit... You remember I wasn't sure about the roles of a Dominant and that of a Submissive, and what would suit me best, and the four of them... well... they just convinced me that I was rather a Submissive than a Dominant and now... thinking about it... they're probably right, you see... and you know... things went so fast in my mind... the way they spoke... it was all clear to me... and... by the way, that guy Camden is so freaking scary... damn!!! I could have pissed myself when he spoke to me the first time!!! And anyway... oh you little asshole! We're gonna have another conversation because you didn't tell me that there was a training... and they wouldn't tell me how yours went... and I swear you'll have to tell me... and then... fuck... where was I again... Oh yes, so I asked for a training and they all said I should wait and discuss with other Subs first ... and needed to think about all that before I make a decision, because it's serious and bla, bla, bla... and then... wow... that was amazing... Master Mark stood up and asked them to leave the room so that he could talk to me alone... and you should have seen their faces... that was..." he rambles on and on and I have a hard time understanding all he is telling me, but that last part...
"Wait, wait, wait.... Shan calm down!! What did you just say? Mark asked them to leave the room??" I ask. I can smell something off there. This is definitely not how things should have worked. Aaron could have done that, but not Mark. But now that I think about it, I remember how Mark kept his smoldering eyes on Shannon at the club last Saturday evening during the show, but I never thought that...
"He did, Li!!! And once they were gone, he asked me a few more questions but in the end, he proposed to take care of my training and of course, I couldn't refuse!!! That guy is so damn hot!!! You know what, Liam Reed? I really hate you right now!!! I hate that you kept me away from these God-like men!!!"
"Ugh, Shan... I already apologized... You don't need to make me feel guiltier than I am already!" I complain, making him laugh darkly.
"Oh yes I do!! I'm gonna get my revenge, Bunny! But damn! I can't believe he's going to train me!!!" he squeaks again.
"Damn... that was quick!! You got lucky there, Shan... I don't think that this is the usual process..." I comment, but then realization hits me and I start bouncing on the couch. "Oh my God, Shan!!!! So this means that you'll really become a member of the club!!!"
"Yes, bunny!! I will!! That's if I pass the tests though," he replies, a bit warily.
"You will!! Mark is really great!!! You'll like him a lot and he will help you, I'm sure!"
"I don't know if I'll like him, but he is so hot that I wouldn't mind the training to last for ages!!" he guffaws.
Our conversation goes on and on, between screams and squeals at the thought of spending more time together, but when I realize that it is almost seven, I quickly cut the call with Shannon. I almost forgot that Tony is picking me up at 7:15 to drive me to the club. Fortunately enough, I was well organized; my duffle bag is ready and I only need to check that all the windows are closed, put the alarm on and lock the door. Joshua took the small BMW Z3 when he left earlier this afternoon and when I walk down the stoop, Tony is waiting for me by the Sedan.
"Hi Tony. Sorry to make you work on a Saturday ag..."
"Just shut up, boy, and get in the car!" Tony grunts playfully as he grabs my bag and goes to drop it in the trunk. I take the opportunity to ignore the opened backseat door and hurry to the passenger seat and buckle myself in before he has had time to react. Yes, this is getting old, but I am in a great mood now and I feel like teasing him a little. I pretend to be busy with my phone but I can sense his presence by my side; his glare too. The door reopens but he remains silent, certainly expecting me to look up at him. "Get out, Liam."
"Nope. I'm staying here," I reply, fighting my urge to laugh.
"Liam, get out and move to the back seat," he grumbles, but I still ignore him. "Liam, I am the driver and you are the passenger! Passengers sit at the back!"
"As far as I know, this is called a passenger seat too," I argue, still staring at my phone.
"If I have to unbuckle you myself, and carry you to the back, I swear I w..."
"Oh Tony, give him a break! Just let him stay at the front!!" Liz scolds him, suddenly by his side and I finally raise my head and look to the side, beaming at her. "Hi Sweetie, have a good evening!!"
"Hi Liz! What are you up to?" I ask when I recognize the keys to Joshua's place in her hand.
"I just forgot to transfer the clean clothes in the dryer yesterday evening so I..."
"I took care of it this morning, don't worry!" I reply with a warm smile.
"Oh you're such a sweetheart! Thank you!"
"No problem! It wasn't much..."
"If you're done chatting, can we go now?" Tony grumbles with a sigh.
"Yes, Sir!" I cheer. "Have a good evening, Liz!"
"You too, Sweetie!"
Tony finally gives in and shuts my door before he walks around the car and settles down behind the steering wheel with another groan. My relationship with Tony is more serene than a few weeks ago. Yes, I promise it is!! I have eventually gotten over his fatherly attitude and the fact that he has to drive me around all the time; he or Jeff. I actually like him a lot and I have to say that he has changed pretty much throughout the months. He is not as serious and cold as he used to be in the beginning. He hasn't become a Shannon-like type of guy of course, but he smiles and talks more easily. We like teasing each other too.
"Jesus Christ... I can't believe you're getting worse than Joshua," he grumbles while he buckles his belt and adjusts the rearview mirror.
"I promise I'll be good! I will keep quiet and I won't put my feet on the dashboard..." I state solemnly as he starts the car. He throws me one of those dark scowls before he pulls out of the alley.
"You'd better not, or the next ride, you'll be in the trunk!" he replies very seriously but I know he is kidding from the little glint in his eyes.
"You wouldn't."
"Don't make bets with me, Liam," he warns me.
"I don't. I'm just saying." I am trying to keep my serious like he does but a little chuckle escapes my throat.
"You're lucky you have Liz on your side..." he just replies with a heavy sigh that makes me burst out laughing. I don't think Joshua would appreciate either actually.
The rest of the ride is pretty silent as I try to keep my promise. Tony is one of those drivers who like to concentrate on his driving and not speak to other people while he drives, so I leave him alone and just listen to the radio. He drops me off at the back of the club, and after some quick goodbyes, I hurry to the private entrance and briefly stop by Aaron's office. Voices are coming from the meeting room so I guess they are not done with their meeting yet and head to the Subs' Room, at the same time as I send a text to Joshua to let him know that I have arrived. There, I meet with some of my usual friends, Mick and Ed principally, and we have dinner together.
Chris, one of the masochistic Subs, joins us briefly. It has been a long time since we last saw him. Well, he is often here, but he rarely mingles with others and I don't have any particular affinity with him anyway. He is kind and all, but spends most of his time on his own, like the majority of the other masochistic Subs. Like Joey too, by the way. Chris doesn't have an assigned Dom at the moment, but he rarely does; the only one I have ever seen him with - I mean, under contract - is Master Andrei, another Sadist of the club, but their contracts never last for more than a month and are spaced by several weeks. Tonight, Chris is performing a public scene with Camden and I am actually quite eager to see this. As much as I never really understood why Sadists and Masochists feel the need to bring the pain to higher levels, both mentally and physically, Camden's public performances are rather rare and always impressive and I can't wait to see this.
Josh replied to my text while I was having dinner, saying he would be at the Black Diamond by nine-thirty the latest. It is barely half past eight when I am done with my sandwiches and go to prep with Ed and Mick. The guys want to go to the Black Moon for a while, but I am not in the mood for that; besides, Joshua probably wouldn't let me. Anyway, I haven't seen him since earlier this afternoon and, other than the fact that I am curious to hear what he has to say about his meeting with Shan, I mostly feel a terrible need to be by his side. Apart from the little incident last week-end, our relationship has grown much stronger recently and I am becoming more and more dependent on him, but that no longer scares me because I have faith in the reciprocity of our feelings. And right now, I need to feel his presence beside me. As we walk out of the Subs' Room, I wave goodbye to the guys and walk straight into the private club, glad to see that they are all there already; all except Camden, but then I remember that he is performing tonight.
My heart beats faster under my hugging black tank top as I get closer to the VIP area, head lowered, my eyes peeking up just enough to make sure I won't collide with someone. I can feel Joshua's stare on me and I can almost picture his smile in my head. When I reach the couch, about to kneel down by his legs, he grabs my hand and immediately makes me straddle his legs. Then I know that I can look up and meet his eyes, and... Oh shoot! I know that look! Joshua is wearing that blank expression that doesn't show off anything. So much for my inexistent sixth sense that was imagining him smiling! It doesn't mean that he is angry or anything but there is this dark sparkle in his eyes that tells me that something has upset him; and by how tense his muscles are, I don't think I am wrong this time. I just hope that it doesn't have anything to do with Shannon.
Deciding to remain on my best behavior, I gently run my fingers in his hair at the back of his head and begin to shower his face with soft kisses while his hands rub against my thighs and my hips, slowly reaching my backside and firmly squeezing my buttocks through the leather of my pants.
"I've missed you..." I whisper in his ear when the lights dim in the room, announcing the beginning of Camden's performance.
Before I know it, Joshua is standing up, still carrying me, and I wrap my legs around his waist for support as he walks out of the Diamond and heads toward his private room. Ugh!!! Tonight, we were supposed to watch Camden's scene and then go to his room to rehearse for our own upcoming public scene!! Well, it seems like we're skipping the first part... As soon as he has shut the door, Joshua drops me to the floor and I find myself being spun around and smashed against the wall, his body pressed into my back as he flattens my hands against the wall.
"Leave them here," he instructs with a deep voice. His own eager hands are immediately all over me and his teeth are grazing the skin of my neck; his heavy breathing is in perfect harmony with mine. His fervor is so unexpected that I just keep my hands resting against the wall and let him lead the way. "I've missed you too..." he says hoarsely in my ear as he undoes the buttons of my pants and slips a hand inside, wrapping his fingers around my erection. The first stroke has me gasping and my breathing only worsens when I start feeling his own hard-on against my hip.
"Please, Master..." I beg. His extreme fervor and roughness have gotten my emotions on haywire and I am already close to explode. Damn!!! What's wrong with me? This is only just a hand job!!!
"Cum, Pet!" Joshua growls and at that command, I completely lose it; my hands turn into fists, my muscles tense and my eyes squeeze shut as I release in his hands with a loud moan. Holy Shit! Where did that come from? It was so quick!!! That hasn't happened to me since my first experiences when I couldn't control myself!
Tilting my head to the side with his left hand, Joshua leans down to kiss me; his tongue invades my mouth, dominating my own wet muscle, while his other hand is still in my pants, smearing my fluids all over my private area, and somehow, that turns me on like crazy. After barely two minutes of kissing and massaging, I feel my cock already swell again. I try to turn around to face Joshua, but he doesn't let me and he hastily guides me toward the bed, pulling my tee-shirt up and over my head before he pushes me face down on the bed. Someone needs to release some pressure, it seems, so I just let him in full charge. He removes my shoes and then yanks my trousers down, leaving me naked on the bed. I hear him take off his clothes and soon enough, he spreads my legs open to kneel between them. I have a feeling that this is going to be rough. Both his hands land on my butt with a smacking noise, making me yelp in surprise, before he starts kneading the flesh of my buttocks.
"That ass is getting firmer, Pet," he praises me and I am glad that all my efforts in the gym are finally starting to pay.
"Thank you, Master." The next second, I bury my face into a pillow when I feel his hands roughly part my cheeks and his tongue lick my entrance, poking the ring of muscles that quickly loosens under Joshua's skilled muscle. "Ngghhh..." My moans are coming out muffled by the pillow but I don't even try to keep them quiet. Feeling his tongue tease this sensitive area almost throws me overboard. This is so good! This is too good!! Joshua must have sensed my orgasm building after a few minutes because he suddenly stops to grab a bottle of lube. I was expecting the coldness of the substance to pour at the crack of my ass and contrast with the warmth of his tongue, but it doesn't happen and I soon feel him hover above me, before his hard member comes knocking at my back door.
"I want to feel you tight, Pet. Now try and relax..." he whispers as the mushroom head of his cock slowly pushes past the tight ring of muscles. His tongue was obviously not enough to stretch me, but it still started to loosen my entrance. Joshua is moving forward at a very slow pace, nibbling on the skin of my shoulder and allowing me to adjust progressively to his thickness. The mix of pleasure and pain is amazing and I even push my hips backwards to meet his more quickly, craving to have him fill me. "Urghhhh..." he groans once he is fully sat inside of me, resting his forehead against the back of my head. After one more minute without moving, he finally pulls back and immediately thrusts back in, hitting my prostate on the way and making me squeal at the sensation. Then starts a long, very long series of hard pounding into my ass; each time that I am getting close to reaching my orgasm, he reminds me that I am not allowed to cum and changes his angle of penetration or slows down, making me more and more needy for release.
"Please, Master..." I beg him for the umpteenth time. How the hell can he last for so long? Or maybe hasn't it been that long, I don't know; I think I have lost track of time.
"One more minute, Baby," he whispers, slipping his hands underneath my armpits and grabbing my shoulders in reverse. I feel his body press into my back and he starts a last series of fast pounding, ramming into me, and I know I won't be able to hold it for much longer, especially with the friction against the bed sheets. "Cum with me, Pet!" he growls as he thrusts one last time and we both reach our climax at the same time in a mix of moans and groans. I feel his cock pulse inside of me while mine pulses between my lower belly and the mattress, our bodies shuddering from the immense pleasure. Of fuck! That was so damn good!!
* * *
My emotions have been on such a high tonight and the sex has been so amazing that I should have passed out already, but my mind refuses to let go. Joshua and I are recovering from our intense sex, cuddled on the bed, our breathing still a bit uneven. While I am running my fingers over his hard abs and through the little hair on his chest, I anticipate that this man will never cease to amaze me and to take me to Cloud Nine. I want to do that again and again.
"What's so funny?" Joshua asks and I realize that I was chuckling.
"Nothing... I was just thinking that tonight was great; and that I would like to do it again," I reply mischievously, moving to lie over him. My weight doesn't seem to bother him and he wraps his arms around my waist, resting his hands at the small of my back and allowing me to have access to those lips I could kiss endlessly.
"Yeah, it was pretty good..." he replies, grinning through the kiss. I lean up on my elbow and glare down at him.
"Only pretty good...?" I mutter.
"No, extremely good," he replies, laughing at me. "It was excellent, but do you think your hole can take another round for tonight?"
"Hmm... I guess so..." I reply, leaning down to snuggle into the crook of his neck for a while.
"Did you get to speak with Shannon before you arrived?" he suddenly asks out of the blue.
"Yeah... He told me how it went, and he also told me that... Master Mark proposed to take care of his training..." I mumble against the side of his neck.
"Hmm... he did."
"That was rather unexpected... and a quick decision..." I add in a whisper.
"It was... I wonder what got into Mark," Joshua comments thoughtfully. His thumbs are now rubbing circles on my bottom and I lift my head up to look into his eyes, but they are closed.
"Do you think he could have a crush on Shannon?" I ask, giggling at the thought of Mark being attracted by Shannon - now that would be funny, right? - and Joshua's eyes flick open at once.
"Does Shannon have a crush on Mark?" he asks in return.
"Shannon doesn't crush on people..." I reply, shaking my head. "He said Mark is super hot, but if he ever joins the club, he'll probably be like Ed or the twins, just looking for one-evening stands. Unless... he finds the right one. That would be great!" I surprise myself saying, but Joshua doesn't answer, his eyes looking at the ceiling above us. "Are you upset?"
"No! Not at all... just wondering what's going on in Mark's head..." he finally replies with a smile.
"Didn't he say anything after Shannon left? Didn't you ask him?"
"We did ask him briefly, but he wasn't willing to speak, so we didn't insist."
"And does it annoy you?"
"No. Absolutely not. The future will tell us what happens," he replies with a beaming smile just as I feel a finger poking at my entrance, making me bite my lip to stifle a moan. "I believe this hole could easily handle another round indeed," he then says, pulling my legs apart with his knees and lifting his hips for his - what the hell!!?? - already hard member to reach for my entrance. Oh God! I feel like this is going to be a long night but I certainly won't complain about it!
Published on 5 Jan 2017
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