Chapter 10 - An Icy Voyage

A/N: Just wanted to let you all know that we're at the halfway mark - thanks so much for reading so far!

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Pixal was grateful that she did not perceive cold like her companions, though she was sympathetic towards them. They showed all signs of discomfort in this weather: red noses, unsteady hands, etc. She felt especially bad for Skylor, who was the least accustomed to single-digit temperatures. However, she admired the three of them for being able to put up with it, and without any complaints, as of yet.

Presently, they were surrounded on both sides by glacial cliffs. Their boat drifted along the river that weaved between the towering ice, and the sky above was overcast with dark clouds raining down more snow.

At the helm, Seliel was steering the ship, with Skylor keeping her company. Seliel had lost her metal helmet in the caves after the fiasco with the dragon guardian (which, of course, she blamed the Earth Ninja for), and despite the cold, refused to don her mask until she really needed it. This left exposed her bruised eye which was now redish-purple and slightly swollen. There was also a scab that had formed where her lip had split open. She certainly looked the worse for wear than any of them, and she undoubtedly had more bruises she was hiding.

But this hadn't dissuaded her in the slightest. In fact, it seemed to make her want to fight harder than ever before. Seliel may not have been the most excited to become a ninja when they had first started, but it was clear now what drove her. Skylor and Nya, too, appeared to be more determined than ever. If only willpower could determine their outcome.

"How do you grow up on an island but never get on a boat?" Seliel was asking Skylor incredulously from her place at the helm.

"I never needed to leave," Skylor answered simply.

"That sounds rough," Seliel commented. "I couldn't imagine living alone on a small island for so long.

"Oh, there were plenty of other people. And Dad kept me busy with training." Pixal was reminded of her own early years, which had incorporated more tests than real world experiences. She realized that, in some ways, she may be able to relate to Skylor's situation.

"Hey, Pixal," Nya called. The water ninja had been practicing her kata to keep warm, but now she approached Pixal, icy clouds billowing from her mask. Pixal blinked once, shifting from her observant stupor to a more social demeanor.

"Yes, Nya? Is there something you need?"

"I was just thinking: you said before that with your elemental powers you can act as one big magnet. In that case, shouldn't you be able to get the weapons easily? Even if they have one, you could just rip it right out of their hands, right?"

"That's a good theory, Nya," Seliel called as she gently turned the wheel to avoid another iceberg. "But gold isn't attracted to magnets. Not real gold, anyway."

Pixal nodded. "Technically gold can be repelled by a magnetic field, but I doubt that will help much. I did attempt to get a feel for they scythe after we escaped the caves, due to the slightest chance that there may be some iron or other or other metal within, but I could not get a hold of it. I would assume that they are impervious to elemental abilities, anyway."

Skylor slumped. "Well that stinks."

"Of course you'd have already thought of that," Nya sighed. "For a moment there I really thought we stood a chance."

"Let's not count ourselves out just yet," Seliel encouraged them. "Sensei believes in us. There are three weapons left and, who knows? We might get lucky."

"Even if we get just one, that would be enough to stop Wu, right?" Nya said.

Pixal didn't find the odds to be very probable.

The boat jerked under their feet and all four girls stumbled. Pixal looked up at a crackling sound and saw that ice was creeping up the sails.

"What was that?" Skylor asked.

Seliel put her hands up. "Wasn't me!"

"No," Garmadon said as he came towards them. "We are here."

. . .

Zane was amazed by the seemingly natural formation of the ice mountain – literally, an entire mountain made form ice, with rigid planes cut as if it were a diamond. Or perhaps it was more akin to a volcano, spewing ice from its top like a hungry iceberg whale. Even the torii gates that arched overhead on the path leading to the mountain were constructed from ice as well. 

Kai seemed relieved as they neared the entrance to the temple. He had been complaining all the way up, understandably so, considering that he was drastically out of his element. Jay and Cole on the other hand appeared to be getting on well enough, but it was obvious that everyone had an eye out for trouble. The Skulkin had been left behind to guard the mountain's perimeter, as well as the scythe, and were ready to provide aide if necessary.

As for Zane, well, he was admittedly rather proud to be getting his own weapon, to be able to use the elemental power that he had heard so much about and could already feel flowing through him. He couldn't explain it, but this place felt right to him. He could feel the cold air's sting on his skin, but it was energizing, the biting wind a call to his destiny and the softly falling snowflakes, each one unique, a part of him. There were few places like this where he felt comfortable, like he belonged.

Cole halted at the entrance to the mountain's cave. At least the location of this weapon seemed to be much clearer than the last.

"We need to be ready, in case those girls try to ambush us again," Cole warned.

"You really think they would try the same thing twice?" Kai asked.

"Maybe not, but we need to be prepared. Zane, you take the lead. Focus on finding the weapon, we'll cover you."

Zane nodded. 

"Kai, you'll watch our backs," Cole finished. As Kai grumbled about his position and took up the rear, Zane didn't hesitate to step into the icy-blue cavern. He felt no need for ceremony, for deep breaths or mental preparation. He was ready to get his weapon, right here, right now. It was mere steps away.

The inside of the cave was the same as the outside, and surprisingly well-lit. The sunlight from outside bounced off of every angled surface so that the room shone as bright as day. The path in front of them appeared simple enough. This actually worried Zane as to whether it might be a trick. But it wasn't long before his eyes landed on the dragon. 

Its blue head protruded from the ceiling like another stalactite; it was virtually part of the mountain itself. Two golden shurikens were suspended in midair just below its wide jaws.

"The shurikens!" Zane exclaimed. He was so full of excitement that he nearly sprang forward before his common sense kicked in. He stopped short, the others colliding behind him. He hardly noticed, though, as he was too busy scanning the room for any signs of danger.

"Sense anything?" Jay whispered.

Zane shook his head. "No. I believe we are alone here." His eyes drifted back to the dragon.

The boys approached the dragon head, recalling what had happened at the caves. Zane admired Cole for his ability to mask his widely-known fear as they stood directly beneath the beast. Of course, it did not attack them just yet. The last guardian had waited until they took the weapon, so they needn't be afraid of this one yet.

"How are we supposed to get them from all the way up there?" Kai asked.

"I have an idea," Zane answered. "We can gain enough height if we lift each other up. Jay and Kai will work together as the base to provide structural integrity. You can support Cole so that he can then lift me up to the weapon."

Cole eyed the dragon head with a little more wariness now. "Okay," he finally said. "But be ready to leave as soon as you have them."

Jay and Kai got into position across from each other, lacing their fingers to create a foothold for Cole. Zane climbed over them as carefully as he could, Cole hoisting him up towards the weapons. Zane reached out his hand, and his fingers clasped over cold metal. Again, the thought that this was all too easy flickered in his mind, but that was replaced by the rush of pride and power he felt, holding the key to his destiny and knowing that it would make him an invaluable member of something bigger than himself. 

And then that sense of power seized hold of his arm until he couldn't move it. He saw that his arm was frozen to the shuriken. His eyes widened, and he couldn't think of a counteraction fast enough as the ice quickly crawled up his arm and along his torso. Before he knew it, he found that he was unable to move at all, staring helplessly as the dragon's jaws widened ever so slightly.

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