The Example Request
-no hybrid
-boy and girl
-Harry is Louis' teacher; Louis likes Mr. Styles; one night stand; Louis goes into labor in Harry's class; Harry didn't know Louis is preggy
Ugh. Mr. Styles is just perfection. From his emerald eyes that I could get lost for hours in to his thin lips i want to kiss all day... No Louis, not in class again. I will get so hard just thinking about him that I've come in my pants more than enough times. "Mr. Tomlinson, please stay after class please.", Mr.Styles says to me as I snap out of my daze. "Yes, Mr. Styles." After the bell rang, I went up to his desk. "What did you want me to stay after for?", i ask him. He doesn't say anything, he just comes around his desk, shuts the door, and turns the light off. Suddenly I feel warm lips on mine and I realize just what he plans to do to me. I kiss him with everything in me. <INSERT DIRTY SMUT SCENE HERE> After he finishes, he tells me that I cant tell any one about what happened between us. I run out of the room in tears.
Three weeks after that day, I am in my bathroom throwing up for the millionth time today. Mum is taking me to the doctors today to see whats going on with me.I finally pull myself off the floor to take a shower. Hmm... My belly isn't toned anymore... <SKIP CAR RIDE> Were finally at the doctors and im getting worried. "Louis Tomlinson?", the doctor says. She directs mum and me into the room. "So what's been going on?" she asks. Well, I've been really sick lately, throwing up 24/7, really moody, hormonal, and I noticed that my abs aren't toned any more. "Gave you had sexual intercourse lately?" i blush. "Um... Yes. Three weeks ago." She hands me a cup and tells me to pee in it. I do and she takes it to the lab. When she returns she also brings in an ultrasound machine. She lifts up my shirt and squirts some gel on my belly. She moves the wand around and finds something that troubles her. She leaves and brings back another lady. They talk to each other while looking deeply troubled. "Mr.Tomlinson, I know this is absolutely insane for me to be saying this, but you're pregnant."she says seriously. I can't help it. I burst out laughing. "So what's really wrong with me?" I ask. "I was being serious. Look at your baby."She shows me the screen. "LouBear, you remember that first scan of Doris and Ernest? Well that's what they looked like." My mum tells me. "Im really pregnant? How?" I ask. "It looks like you were born with both male and female and male reproductive systems. It isn't the first case of this happening though. You don't have to worry if anything is going to go wrong." The doctor explains." I am just going to perscribe some hormone pills to help you and the baby stay healthy. Ill go fill this real quick."After she comes back, we check out and head home. "Girls come down here and bring the babies with you!" Mum shouts. "Family meeting time!" I went to the doctors today, and I found something completely amazing today." I start. "All of you will be aunties in about eight months." All of my sisters squeal with delight when they hear that. "I have a boyfriend." Lottie says. "Ooh. Gaaaahhh." Doris babbles.
Im now almost three months pregnant and I have a big baby bump. im liske twice the size i should be. I have my three month ultrasound tomorrow to see whats goin on.
"How are you today, Mr. Tomlinson?" the doctor asks me. "Im just glad the morning sickness is slowly going away. Just a question, but why is my baby belly so big already?" "Let's have a look, shall we?" the doctor replies. She squirts the -freezing- gel onto my belly and rubs it around with the wand she has. "Oh my goodness! This is amazing! Mr.Tomlinson, look at the screen. What you see there is two different sacks which means that you are having twins.Congratulations! I am going to have to give you a higher prescription now." What?! This is unbelievable! Two little miracles from the man I secretly love. No, I still haven't told Mr.Styles. I don't even want to though. Im afraid of him hating me and thinking im a freak. But im having TWINS! "Can you determine their genders?" I ask. "Not yet, but at the next appointment i will." she replies.
After the doctor put the gel on and I can see my babies, I ask,"What are the genders?" "Let's see here. Baby A is... a boy! And Baby B is... a girl! Congrats!"
Ugh. I feel like a fucking whale right now. Swollen ankles, Moodswings, Wierd Cravings, I haven't even been able to see my- uhhhh toes (dirty minds) since four months. I just want these babies out of me. I feel like im about to pop. It's horrible. Oh and to make it worse, my due date was two days ago. Owwwwwww. Stupid Braxton Hicks. Mum says that its gotta happen for them to come into this world, but they're horrible! It's like a horrible cramp in my belly and I just can't deal with them right now. I've had them all morning and they just won't go away. It's even worse because I still have to go to school. "Just because you're pregnant doesnt mean you don't need an education." Mum tells me. Well, it's really wierd that she says that because she was just fine when my cousin dropped out after getting pregnant. But now that its me, she won't have it. I have to stay in school until I go into labor, which shouldve happened days ago. Owwwwww. Im not sure if that was just a bh or not..... It was completely different feel. Itfelt like my lower belly was suddenly really tight. Owwwwwwwww! Im really starting to doubt that this isn't labor..... I felt a warm fluid flush out of me. SHIT. This cant be happening. Not in Mr. Styles class! Suddenly I feel a HUGE wave of pain after that horrible tightening in my belly. I whimper. "Mr.Styles, may I please be excused to the nurse?" I ask. As soon as I go to stand up, I feel one of the babies drop and I know that I'll have to deliver them in the classroom the babies were made in. "Um... Mr. Styles, I know this is crazy, but I need you to get every student out of this classroom and have one of them get the nurse. Just have them tell the nurse that Louis Tomlinson needs help. She will know what's going ON." I say as another contraction hits me. "Just trust me." After everyone gets out of the room I take off all my shirts and my pants. I don't have to push until my next contraction so I don't take my boxers off. "Mr. Styles, dial 999 pleASE"I scream out. I start bearing down as much as I can, but its really hard to considering the pain im in. On my next contraction, the nurse comes running in with all the supplies she needs to deliver my babies. I take my underwear off and really start pushing with all my might. I soon feel the first baby's head pop out and I start panting. The shoulders slip out and with one small push, my baby boy comes into the world. "Mr. Styles, come cut your sons cord." I tell him and he gasps. "Wha- You mean- What? You mean I got you pregnant?!" "Yes you did now cut his cord before his sister decides to join the WORLD" I yelp as I get the next contraction. I push and push until the nurse tells me to stop pushing because she doesn't see a head. "I see feet Mr. Tomlinson. You're going to have to push twice as hard to get your little girl out." she tells me. I push as hard as I can and finally her head pops out and Mr. Styles cuts her cord. The EMSs people bring a stretcher in and I get on. I call my mum when all four of us get to the hospital. Yes, four. Mr. Styles came with us because these were his babies too. Two years later i was pregnant again, but this time I was married to Mr. Styles AKA Harry.
Tristan James Matthew Styles
Makaliana Addalyn Marie Styles
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