How Harry Wakes You Up One Shot


This morning, Harry had invited the four other boys around for breakfast, because I had a slightly unusual routine in the morning, which the other boys never believed when they were told about it. My morning rountine wasn't dirty or anything, it was just that my brain had definitely not caught up with me yet.

So, again, like every other morning, I woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked downstairs. I stumbled out of bed, took off my pyjama shirt and swapped it with Harry's green button-up shirt that he had been wearing yesterday and taking off my pyjama shirt, which hid my pyjama shorts. Every morning I forget which drawer my socks are located in, so I just kept opening up random drawers until I come across socks. I don't know if they're mine, but it's too early in the morning and I just pull them on anyway. But, to do this, I have to sit down on the floor and pull them on like a child.

I wore glasses and, in the mornings, I couldn't be bothered putting in my contacts, so I just picked up my glasses from the bedside table and put them on. Even though I could put on socks without them, I had learned when I was a teenager that I couldn't get down the stairs without them.

"Y/N, your breakfast is ready!" Harry yelled from downstairs.

In my early morning state, I was only able to grumble back a reply, which he probably didn't hear. I stumbled out off our room and walked slowly down the stairs, because I had a habit of tripping and falling down them.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs unscathed and started heading to the kitchen, but stubbed my toe on the little drawer thing in the hallway beside the front door which held all the keys. I turned to the table, hopping on one foot, and angrily told it to "Fuck off" and gave it the middle finger. This, ironically, happened every morning.

I continued walking to the kitchen and stopped in the doorway when I saw the other boys. I had completely forgotten that they were coming over this morning, so after standing in the doorway with a confused look on my face, I nodded when I figured out why they were here.

I walked over to my seat, which I had got very possessive of. Unfortunately, Louis had sat down in it and was talking to Harry, who had his back to everyone, doing something at the kitchen counter. I glared at Louis for a couple of seconds, then, when he didn't seem to notice my lethal glare or Zayn's words of warning, I decided the best way to get him to move was to grab the collar of his shirt and pull him out of the seat. It was safe to say that I was a bit violent and unpredictable in the morning.

"Hey!" Louis exclaimed, picking himself up off the floor where I had dumped him, while I plonked myself down in my seat.

Harry turned at the commotion, just saying, "Oh, yeah, that's Y/N's seat. I wouldn't mess with it."

"Thanks for telling me now," Louis muttered and went to plonk himself down instead on the empty seat beside Zayn, giving me a glare.

Harry turned to me. "The key table wasn't nice to you, again?"

"Told it to 'fuck off'," I said unfazed, appreciatively taking the mug of tea he offered me. "How much sugar did you put in?"

"Two teaspoons."

I reached across the table to grab the wee pot of sugar and added another two teaspoons to my tea and stirred. "For luck," I said when the four boys gave me a disgusted look and Harry just gave me a fond one. I knew he did this on purpose, because my tea tastes hadn't changed since we met.

"But, Y/N - " Liam began to protest, but Harry just cut him off.

"No point saying anything: I've already tried."

Next, Harry set a plate of sausages, scrambled egg and bacon down in front of me.

"My favourite," I whispered, giving him an appreciative peck on the cheek, because I had morning breath and couldn't snog him.

"I know," he whispered back, smiling at me and sitting down opposite me at the kitchen island.

I started to eat my breakfast and sip my tea, everyone quiet. The only noise for a few minutes was Harry getting Niall a plate of food and making himself a coffee.

"I thought we were here for entertainment, like you said Harry," Zayn spoke up.

I just continued eating my breakfast, and Harry said, "Oh, there is entertainment alright." With a cheeky grin of his, he turned to me and said, "Y/N, what day is it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know."

"It's a Wednesday."


"And it's eight thirty."

I looked up at him, giving him a confused look. Then, it all clicked in my head.

I had work today, starting at nine.

"Shit!" I screamed. In my haste to get out of my chair, I fell off it, like every morning. Harry had gotten so used to this, he had actually placed a small carpet underneath my chair, so that when I fell I wouldn't hurt myself as bad as when I fell on kitchen tile.

As I struggled to get myself up to a standing position again, Harry turned to Louis. "That's why it's her chair."

I scrambled up finally and aimed to run out of the kitchen, banging into the kitchen door frame. I swore at the wood like I had the table, rubbing my forehead. On the second go, I was able to successfully run out of the room and up the stairs, to the chorus of laughter coming from the kitchen.

I only had time to shimmy out of my shorts, grab a pair of trousers and fold Harry's button-up into them. I pulled on my shoes. I only had time left for brushing my teeth, so I multitasked by brushing my teeth and brushing my hair at the same time. I didn't have time to put my contacts in.

I ran down the stairs and was greeted by Harry at the door, like every morning. Except this time he had the boys with him. He handed me my jacket and two contact lense cases, as well as my car keys and phone. I smashed my lips against his and told him I loved him. He told me he loved me as well, and shooed me out the door. As I was getting into my car, he yelled for me to be safe. I waved at him as I reversed out of the driveway and gave the boys laughing at the door a glare.

As I drove to work, I thought about, like I did every morning, how lucky I was to have Harry as a boyfriend. Also, how maybe I should wake up earlier tomorrow morning, but that probably wasn't going to happen.

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