#2 5SOS preference - You Drown and He Saves You

If anyone is actually reading this, I am so damn sorry for not updating! I always reminded myself then forgot again! Please request something!



"Ashton, don't worry, I can do it," I whined, following after him and the other boys.

Ashton took me to Australia over the summer to meet his parents. I was so excited, because it showed how far our relationship had come over the past year and a half, but I was also really nervous, because what if they didn't like me? As soon as we arrived in Sydney, I ordered for him to take me to meet his parents then and there because I didn't want to wait and get even more worried. Thankfully, the meeting went well and everyone went of satisfied that I actually loved Ash, not just his money and fame. So, now we had two months to enjoy ourselves on holiday.

We had been in Sydney two weeks now, and today the boys and I went to the beach. The four boys decided that they were going to jump off this cliff at the edge of the beach, when they saw other people doing it. When I said I wanted to do it as well, Ash immediately declined the offer, telling me to go into the sea and relax.

No way.

I didn't care what he said and followed them up to the cliff. The other three boys were fine with it and were laughing at Ash and I arguing.

"Y/N, you'll get hurt," Ash insisted.

"Ash, I'm a big girl. I'll be fine."

He caught my hand and pulled me back to his side. "Y/N, I'm being serious. This is really dangerous."

"If you can do it, so can I."

He didn't have anything to say to that, so I walked on to catch up with the three other who were a couple of steps further ahead. When we reached the top of the cliff where it flattened off, we all stopped. Ash moved to stand behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back against him.

"Okay, Y/N," Michael started.

I turned his way and nodded to tell him that I was listening.

"Remember to hold your breath, obviously. Jump away from the cliff, just encase you hit it."

"I'll go first," Luke said.

"Then me," Calum raised his hand.

"Yeah, then me, Ashton and Y/N," Michael ordered off.

"I'll go after Y/N," Ash interjected.

"I want to go first," I said sternly.

"But, if one of us goes first, we can show you what to do," Luke said.

"Fine," I couldn't exactly argue with that, "then I want to go second," I insisted.

"Y/N- " Ash started, but I interrupted.

"Ashton, seriously, I'm not fragile. I'm going second."

"No - "

"Let's get on with this," Calum spoke up.

"Thank you," I sighed. I gestured with my hand for Luke to hurry up with it. The boys laughed at me, except Ash who looked at me sadly.

Luke raised his hands in surrender and stepped up to the edge. With one smirking look back, he stepped back a few steps and took a running jump off. There was a couple of seconds of silence then a gigantic splash coming from the bottom of the cliff.

We all ran to the edge and looked down. Luke's blond head bobbed up from the ocean surface and he looked up at us, his arms keeping him afloat. We clapped down at him, while he laughed up to us.

"Y/N's turn!" he shouted up to us.

I waited till he had swam far away from the diving zone, then I stepped back a few steps. I was going to take a running jump just like Luke had done.

I was just about to start running, when large hands were placed on my hips, over my swimming shorts that I wore instead of bikini bottoms.

"Y/N, please, you don't have to do this," Ash still insisted.

"Ash, you know that I can swim and that I'm not afraid of heights, I'll be absolutely fine."

"I'm coming down after you."

"You can do whatever you want, but I'm jumping now."

"No way I can change your mind?"

"Nope," I giggled.

"Fine, but I love you, Y/N."

"Love you, too, my little Drummer Boy."

He kissed my cheek then stepped back.

Again, I readied myself, then ran and jumped over the cliff. I plummeted down to the ocean below, holding my breath. I was a bit closer to the side of the cliff than I wanted to be, but I couldn't do anything about it now. I closed my eyes as my feet landed in the water. I sunk lower than I should have.

There felt like there was seaweed or something floating around my legs. I thrust my arms down, trying to move up towards the surface of the water, but something was trapping me. I looked down to find the seaweed stuff wrapped around my leg. I tried to pry it off with shaky hands, but it seemed like it just tightened. It was going to take a knife to cut it off from around my ankle.

I could already feel my lungs collapsing and my brain going fuzzy. I looked up to the surface of the water, but there was only darkness. All around me there was only darkness.

I relaxed my body. At least Ash knew that I loved him. I resigned myself to the knowledge that I was going to die. A dark, watery grave. Everything went black.


"Y/N, baby, please," I heard someone sob from close by.

I tried to open my eyes, but they just were sealed shut.

"Please, Y/N sweetheart, open your eyes for your little Drummer Boy!" the person screamed.

Then, I finally recognised it as Ash.

I opened my eyes. Everything was a blur, then focused in. The three other boys were holding Ash back a few metres away from me. There were two strange men on either side of me. One had a first aid bag beside him, the other one had my wrist in his hand, checking my pulse.

The one with the bag leaned over me, his face almost touching mine. He looked right into my eyes and said, "Hello, can you tell me your name?"

My eyes widened at his weird mannerisms. I was not trusting this dude. So, I did the only thing I knew how to do. "Ash!" I screamed. It came out hoarsely, but it was still pretty loud.

The man who asked the question leaned away from me, holding his ears. "That's not your name," he whimpered.

I scrambled away from them, even though my limbs felt like jelly. "I know it's not, you idiot!" I stumbled over to Ash, the blood rushing to my head making me see things blearily. I collapsed into his arms. The other boys let him go and engulf me in his arms.

"It's okay, my sweet Y/N," he whispered in my ear, kissing my forehead.

"Who saved me?" I whimpered into his chest.

"I did, sweetheart. I learned mouth to mouth a while ago."

I kissed him on the lips hard, trying to show my gratitude even though I know it wouldn't suffice.

"We'll have to take her to the hospital. She coughed up a lot of the water, but she might have some left and might need her stomach pumped," the other paramedic interjected.

"I threw up?" I whispered.

Ash looked down at me with love in his eyes. "Yes, sweetheart, it was while you were unconscious."

I nodded, going red in embarrassment. "I don't want to go to the hospital," I whined.

"Y/N, you have to," Ash insisted.

I grumbled but let him pick me up, wrapping my arms and legs tightly around him like a koala. He wrapped an arm around my back and another one under my backside.

As the whole group of us headed to the car park, I nuzzled into Ash's neck. "I'm never doing that again," I whimpered, tightening around him.

"Finally, she's listening to me," he cried out, laughing.

I scoffed and kissed his neck.


Calum was taking me out surfing today. Although I was able to swim, albeit not strongly, I had never been surfing before. I had seen 5SOS and 1D surfing before, but had never been able to get involved.

"Now, Y/N, lie flat and then stand up when a wave is approaching," Calum explained.

I nodded along to his instructions.

"Okay, let's get in there," he smiled, walking towards the sea with his surfboard under his arm.

I hurried after him, dragging my heavy board behind me to try and keep up. "Calum, you'll stay close to me, right?"

"Of course, Y/N." He laughed at me not trusting him.

As we reached the shoreline, he turned to me and said, "Now, remember my instructions, yeah? And always remember to keep safe."

"I will."

With that he took of into the sea, leaving me behind. I walked into the sea, keeping my eye on him, watching what he did.

I was still behind him, but moved to the side. I continually moved forward, losing sight of Calum as he surfed successfully then did it again.

Eventually, I saw the biggest wave I had ever seen before coming towards me. I took this as my chance.

I got prepared and was waiting for the wave. As it got closer, I started thinking that maybe my first time should have been on a smaller wave, but then YOLO.

I tried to stand up as the wave went under my board, but I fell off and the wave swooped me away. I wasn't exactly expecting this and lost my breath, as I was dragged under water. I tried to stand up, but kept being pushed down. Then, I tried to grab onto my board, but it was floating away.

It was floating away!

My leg was still attached to it. I quickly tried to reach down and undo the velcro, but the board suddenly moved with another wave and I was jerked off my feet and into the wave instead.

I was thrashing about, but all I could get was mouthfuls of water. I decided to float, but that just took me further away from the beach...I think. My brain wasn't working any more. I was drowning. This was the end. My limbs were failing me and finally my brain shut off.


"Hey, Y/N, darling?" a voice was pestering me.

"Sir, she has to go to hospital."

"But, she's breathing. She's fine."

"Sir, she has to bring up the water, it's still in her lungs."

Suddenly, one of the voices was really close to my ear. "Wake up, sweetheart. Throw up please."

With that, my brain kinda kicked into gear about what was happening around me, and I swiftly started choking up water like a bloody fountain. Although I was weak, I moved onto my hands and knees, coughing up whatever was in me. It burned my throat.

Arms wrapped around my waist when I was done and pulled me back. "You're okay," they whispered in my ear.

"Calum," I hoarsely cried, trying to turn in his arms but he held me still.

"I don't want your stomach to be even more upset," he explained. He turned his head. "She doesn't need to go to the hospital."

I turned to see who he was talking to, which was a woman wearing a lifeguard uniform.

"Are you sure?" she insisted.

"Absolutely positive."

She reluctantly got up and left us two alone.

I was finally allowed to turn in Calum's arms and I said to him, "I'll just stick to swimming."

His response was to laugh.


"You are learning today," Luke insisted.

"I don't want to," I insisted.

The three other boys laughed at our ridiculous argument.

"Y/N, you have to learn how to swim," Luke again pestered.

"If I give it a go, will you leave me alone?"


"Fine." I went up to my room and got changed into my bikini, then headed back down to the four boys in the living room again. "Let's go."

The boys followed me out to the swimming pool at the back of the house.

I slowly walked down the metal steps and into the pool.

Luke followed me and the rest of the boys sat in the chairs at the side of the pool, getting ready to watch my humiliation.

"Remember not to breathe," Luke told me, taking my hand and leading me to the deep end of the pool.

"I'm not a fish."

"Okay." He knew that when I got stressed, I got a bit testy and snarky.

We reached the end of the pool. "Just relax."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"I'm going to put your head under water for a second, then we'll build up with how long you can stay underwater."

I nodded, not going to trust my voice.

He gently grasped the back of my head and lowered my head under the water. I held my breath and closed my eyes. My heart was pounding so hard I could literally hear it pounding in my ears. He immediately lifted my head again.

"Okay, that was one second, now two seconds."

Again, he repeated his actions. I made it up to four without incidence, then at five seconds what I was doing clicked in my brain. My heart was beating too fast and I started thrashing about in the pool, breathing in water. I was having a panic attack.

He let my head out of the water and I immediately scrambled out of the swimming pool, covering my mouth. I ran into one of the bathrooms, slamming the door closed behind me, falling to my knees in front of the toilet and throwing up all the water I could. I had my head pressed against the toilet seat after I flushed when someone started patting my back. I turned my head to see Luke.

"You okay?"

I nodded, turning my head back to the toilet. My cheeks were flaming in embarrassment.

"I'm never making you learn how to swim again."

"You got that right."


I was invited around to Luke's house today. I had been friends with Luke since high school and we were always really close. I got on really well with Calum and Ashton as well, it was just Michael that there was a problem. He was always rude to me, acting like he hated even the thought of me. When I asked the other boys about it, they couldn't understand because Michael was sweet to everyone else. The worst part of all was that I had a slight crush on him. Actually, forget slightly, I had a major crush on him.

So, yeah, today was both good and bad because I knew Michael would be there, but so would the rest of the boys.

We were gathered around the pool. I was sitting at the side, my legs dangling in the water. Michael was playing around in the water with Luke and Ashton. Calum had went into the house to get a drink, and should be coming back any minute now.

"Hey, Y/N?" Calum called from the house.

"Yeah?" I called back, not taking my eyes of the three boys in the pool.

"Why don't you take a dip?" he asked.

Before I could reply, he shoved me into the pool from behind. I was gasping as I went in, so swallowed a bit of water.

Suddenly, strong, but pale arms, wrapped around me and pulled me up onto the side of the pool again.

"You okay?" Michael asked me, his hands circling my waist.

"Um, yeah, nothing I can't live with," I replied, giving him a look of confusion. He was the last one I thought would save me.

"Good," he stated.

And before I knew it, he was kissing me. I stayed frozen for a second, then melted into the kiss, kissing him back.

He pulled away from me first. "You want to go out sometime?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I didn't really know what he was asking me due to my current state of mind, but I would do anything for him.

He smiled at my dazed expression. "That's fantastic. Now excuse me, please, sweet Y/N."

"Of course."

He nodded and lifted himself out of the pool, his biceps bulging. I watched as he walked over to Calum and got in his face, saying something to Calum.

What I wasn't expecting was for Calum to gulp and turn, running into the house, Michael chasing after him.

For a few days, Calum sported a suspicious black eye.

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