#2 1D preferences - You Drown and He Saves You
Can someone please commnet/message me a request? As long as it isn't death, I'll accept it!
I had been dating Harry for a while now and had gotten really close to the other boys and their girlfriends. So, for the annual 'band' holiday, Harry decided to invite me along. They had decided to go to Hawaii for a week this year. We had been here for a couple of days now, but no one really wanted to go shopping or sightseeing today, so we just decided on a lazy day. So, that was how I ended up lounging by the side of the pool in a lounge chair, wearing a bikini and my sunglasses, reading a book.
We had been at the side of the pool for about an hour and a half so far. A deck chair away from me, Sophia and Liam were giggling and throwing white blobs of sunscreen at each other. They really were an adorable couple and I couldn't help but smile at their cute couple moment. Zayn and Perrie were still up in their room, hopefully coming down soon because I got on really well with Perrie and needed some girl talk right now. Louis and Niall were messing around in the pool, splashing each other and the other hotel guests with water. Harry had only just realised that we both had forgotten our phones in the room, so he went up to get them, Eleanor tagging along because she wanted to grab a magazine and a towel for Louis. It would probably take them ten minutes to get their things.
I had just gotten back into my book, when a shadow appeared above me, covering my book in darkness. I looked up at who was creating the shade, shielding my face with my hand from the blazing sun. Niall and Louis were standing above me, dripping water which puddled around their feet, and their hair every which way.
"Why are you not in the pool, Y/N?" Niall asked.
"Don't feel like it," I replied. The truth was, was that I can't swim and am absolutely terrified of water, but I had only told Harry that because he was my boyfriend, although I was too embarrassed to tell anyone else.
"You haven't got into the pool since we got here," Louis interjected.
I shook my head and looked down at my book again. "I really don't feel like it."
I heard Niall sigh above me, then someone picked me up bridal style, which I found out was Louis. I gave a squeal. As he started walking towards the pool, I begged him to let me down, to not do it, clinging onto him for literally dear life. Obviously, he didn't listen to me, probably only thinking that I didn't want to get my hair wet.
I screamed as I was unceremoniously dropped into the pool, Liam giving a shout.
As I had been screaming when I'd landed in the water, I hadn't been able to breathe in and hold my breath. My lungs were filling up with water, which I couldn't help. I was thrashing around, trying to find purchase anywhere, however, because I had been thrown into the middle of the pool, I couldn't. My toes were brushing the pool's tiled floor as I began to sink down. I could feel my lungs collapsing in, or it could have been because I was having a panic attack as well.
As everything went dark, there was a splash near me. All I could think about was that I would never get to tell Harry that I loved him again.
"Come on, Y/N, sweetheart. Please baby," a slow, husky voice pleaded above me, a weight continually pressing down on my chest. "Y/N, breathe baby," the voice again pleaded.
Suddenly, the pressure stopped at my chest, instead someone was blowing into my mouth. I tried to grab onto the delicious oxgen, but my lungs just couldn't. Again, the voice swore and blew.
Finally, my lungs did catch it and I breathed in deeply, however the water bubbled in my lungs. I opened my eyes wide in panic and large hands grabbed my waist, flipping me onto my stomach. Then, they lifted me onto my hands and knees, two arms wrapping securely around my waist to hold me up. I was able to, thankfully, cough up all the water now, in a more comfortable position.
As I continued to heave, not bringing up anything now, large hands were patting my back. My ears focused onto the husky voice which I guessed was Harry's, whispering endearments to me. When I had stopped heaving, Harry lifted me up and settled me back against his chest, where he was kneeling on the ground with his legs spread. I looked up at him, placing my arms over his wrapped around me, staring into his emerald eyes.
I might have never gotten to see those eyes again.
He smiled down at me, squeezing me tight in his arms. My ears faded out from just Harry's continuous endearments and to what else was happening around me. People were crying. I looked up and only saw Niall, Liam, Sophie and Eleanor.
Eleanor came forward, crying softly, to wrap a blanket around my shoulders. I smiled up at her, silently thanking her. Sophie was being cradled against Liam's side, tears streaming down her face. Liam was also crying silently.
Suddenly, a snotty and crying Niall jumped into my arms, holding onto me tightly. I slightly laughed and said hoarsely, my throat burning, "I'm fine, Niall."
"You almost died," he cried out, burying against me.
"I know, sweetheart, but I didn't." I weakly lifted my arm, patting his head. "Everything's okay."
Harry opened his mouth, probably to interject and throw cruel words at Niall, but I talked before he could.
"Niall and Louis had no idea that I'm terrified of water and can't swim."
Again, Niall heaved a sob and Eleanor came over, picking Niall off me and cuddled him in her arms. I silently thanked her again, because he was getting a bit heavy for my weak form.
"Who saved me?" I asked: I didn't want to say Harry, when someone else had actually done it.
"Liam," Harry said.
I turned my head to see the crying boy. "How'd you know? I only told Harry."
"When we got here, you looked terrified at the pool. You also have never been in water around us," he explained.
I smiled at him gratefully for his observational skills and thanked him.
"She's awake!" a high-pitched voice screamed from somewhere around us.
I turned my head to see who it was and saw Louis dragging over a middle-aged woman, carrying a first aid kit, by the wrist. When he saw me looking at him, he dropped the woman's wrist and dived for me, wrapping his arms tightly around me, trapping my arms to my sides. I patted his back, subtly signalling for him to let me go, but he didn't take notice.
"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know that you couldn't swim, and I just wanted you to join in the fun, and - " he babbled on, but I had to cut him off.
"I'm absolutely fine, Louis, nothing to worry about," I rasped.
He smiled up at me and still didn't let me go even when Eleanor came over, trying to wrestle him off me.
"I missed my lunch break for this," the nurse lady sighed, as she turned and walked off.
"Louis, if you drop me - " I threatened, but he cut me off.
"Y/N, darling, I would never drop you," he laughed.
Currently, Louis was holding me up by the ankles, dangling me head first over the sea. We were in a boat, just relaxing on one of the precious days my boyfriend was off. I knew I could trust him, I just didn't know how far his newfound strength would last.
I squealed in fright when he jokingly pretended to drop me, making him laugh.
Suddenly, his grip started slipping. I squealed, thinking it was just him playing around, but I quickly realised it wasn't when his grip slipped altogether and I went plummeting down to the ocean below, screaming as I went. I heard Louis shouting my name. I couldn't catch any air to hold, my lungs quickly filling with water.
Abruptly, a strong arm wrapped around my waist, yanking me back up to the ocean surface. I breathed in the fresh air, extremely thankful for being able to breathe again. I looked up at Louis, tears streaming down my face, and he whispered down to me how I was okay, over and over again.
Louis swam back to the boat, me clinging onto his arm. He lifted me up to the side of the boat, so I could heave myself up onto the floor.
I was lying on my back, breathing in deeply, as he too heaved himself up. He crawled over to me, whispering I love you's and kissing my face and neck. I wrapped myself around him, breathing in that Louis smell.
"You're never doing that again," I whispered in his ear, my eyes shut tightly.
"I know, sweetheart, don't worry."
Niall and I had finally gotten the same holidays off from work for a week, so I was staying over at his London residence. We decided we were going to have a nice, cuddly, lazy night in. So far we had watched both RED movies, had shared three bowls of popcorn and had drank two bottles of coke. Niall thought it would be a nice ending to a nice day if we spent a bit of time in the hot tub.
We both got changed into our swimwear and, while I headed to the hot tub, Niall went to get a bottle of wine and two glasses.
I turned on the hot tub and took off my Toms. I was being careful manoeuvring around the floor, because the tiles around the hot tub were slightly damp and slippy, but it wasn't too much of a problem, as I had gotten into this hot tub plenty of times before.
What I wasn't expecting was the kind of soapy texture which was suddenly under my feet. Being the clumsy person I was known for being, I slipped. My head made a sickening crack as it hit against the tiled floor. Everything went black as my body slipped into the water.
I opened my eyes. I felt absolutely horrible. The fluorescent lights above my head blinded me, so I had to squint, and this annoying whining noise escaped my lips.
Out of nowhere, this face appeared in front of my face, blocking out the light.
"N-Niall?" I stuttered.
His eyes welled up as his arms wrapped around me. "Y/N, my Princess, my precious Princess. You're okay!" he exclaimed.
I gently pried him off me, not because I didn't want him to hold me but because he was blocking off my breathing.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"In the hospital, Princess. You hit your head and almost drowned. You had to get stitches in your head."
At his words, it all came back to me, albeit in fragmented pieces. "What day is it?"
"It's Friday, Princess. You've been out for a day and a half," he cried. His hands came up, holding my face as he kissed me repeatedly. "Y/N, I love you so much," he blubbered.
"I love you too, Niall. Always."
"And forever."
I smiled up at him, pulling him in for another comforting hug, when the door opened. "Y/N, you're okay!" I heard Harry shout joyfully.
I looked up to the door, where presumably the four other boys were, but all I could see were balloons, flowers and teddy bears.
"Am I hallucinating?" I whispered to Niall.
He laughed, pulling away from me. "Nope, the boys are here - " he studied the presents again " - somewhere."
I knew how passionate Liam was about fishing and wildlife, so I thought that today I would go with him while he went fishing. So, we packed up the car with food and fishing gear, and headed down to 'the best fishing pier in England'.
We had a laugh going down, with the occasional toilet break. It took about an hour to get to the spot and fifteen minutes to set everything up.
We sat on the edge of the wall surrounding the pier, our fishing poles dangling in the water. Liam was currently more successful than me, at least catching one fish, while I had nil and not even a jerk on my line.
I was getting a bit impatient, so thought I would sort of be helpful by going to the car and getting us something to eat, because we'd been here forty minutes now and I was getting peckish.
He sent me on my way with a peck on the cheek, taking my fishing pole. What I didn't expect was him shouting for me to "come quick" when I had only taken a few steps away from him.
I immediately ran back, finding him struggling with my fishing pole, which was jerking radically. I stood beside him, grabbing onto the handle of the pole. As the bloody big fish continued to pull on the line, my feet were inching closer and closer to the edge of the pier. I didn't notice until Liam's hand curled around my thigh, trying to hold me back, but I was already over the edge.
As the wall was higher than the water, I was able to calm myself and gulp in air, holding it, before I splashed into the water.
As I resurfaced again, Liam was standing on the edge of the wall, looking down at me with a worried expression on his face. I kept myself floating with my arms swaying in the water.
"Y/N," Liam shouted from the pier.
I looked up at him.
He gestured with his arms to further along the pier. "There's steps over there!" he shouted down to me.
I swam in the direction he was indicating and found the steps. I clambered up them as fast as I could, but my sopping clothes held me down.
When I finally reached the pier again, Liam engulfed me in his arms. "You're freezing," he stated.
I looked at him blankly. "No shit, Sherlock."
He took his jacket off and flung it over my shoulders. "Okay," he said, making sure the jacket was wrapped tightly enough around me, "I think we should go now."
I nodded in agreement.
He handed me the car keys and told me to go to the car and get warmed up. I did as he said, while he collected our belongings.
As he got into the driver's seat, he started pulling out off the car park, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, darling, I'll warm you up when we get home," he said, keeping an eye on the road.
"Oh, I hope you will," I laughed, giving him a cheeky grin.
Zayn and I were at the beach, enjoying a well earned day out. Thankfully, we had found a quiet corner of the beach, where none of the fans showed up, so we had a peaceful couple of hours. I brought sandwiches, so we were able to have a cheap and delicious lunch.
We were going to go soon, so I said that I just wanted to go in the sea for a couple of minutes. Unlike Zayn, I liked water and liked to swim. Zayn protested, stating how it was going to be raining soon.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," I laughed, taking off his jumper which I had put on to keep warm in the English summer weather. "I'll be fine, just a few minutes."
"Baby Doll, I just want you to be safe," he continued.
"I will be safe." I took off jogging towards the sea before he could say anything else, walking into it until the water touched my bikini top. I began to swim a few paces, trying to stay in the same direction. However, when I stood up, trying to get my bearings, all I could see was a faint figure in the distance, which I believed was Zayn.
I knew that I was too far out and needed to get back, so started to swim in the direction of the shore again.
When I was halfway there, it started raining.
Oh great, Zayn will definitely rub this in my face.
I stood up again, to see where Zayn was. I guessed that I could try and walk the rest of the way to where he stood right at the shoreline. I began walking towards him, keeping my eyes on him.
The sea was getting rougher, the waves roaring at me. I tried to keep my breathing calm, not wanting to freak out.
The waves were crashing into me, making me stumble slightly but I kept on walking towards my boyfriend. But, a massive wave suddenly crashed over my head, pushing me into the sea. I gasped and spluttered, trying to get back up again but I kept on being pushed down.
All I could hear was the waves roaring and crashing against me. I thrashed my arms around, trying to pick myself up again to the surface of the water, but I was continually being pushed down.
Suddenly, strong, tattooed arms were wrapped around my waist and I was pulled up, me clinging onto them. Zayn led me back to the beach, fighting against the waves.
As I got to the beach, I realised he had already packed everything away, so he led me to the car. He bundled me into the passenger seat, wrapping a towel and blanket around my shivering form. He ran around the car and to the driver's seat, grabbing a towel himself and drying himself roughly before starting the car.
"I'm sorry," I whispered to him, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.
He placed a hand on my thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm not mad sweetheart, I was just terrified that you could have drowned today."
"I know. I should have listened to you and not have gone so far out."
"All that matters is that you're okay."
"Well, on the bright side, you came into the water," I smiled.
"Yeah, you got your wish you idiot," he laughed, looking over at me and smiling.
"Told you that I would get you swimming some day."
"You little minx."
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