#1 One Direction Preference - How You Met
P.S. Zayn will be in these, and Eleanor Calder will be in some, because I wrote these before they broke up. Please don't comment any hate.
I was currently on my way to see Eleanor Calder. Yes, the Eleanor Calder, as in involved with Louis Tomlinson and friends with One Direction. But, don't worry, I wasn't a stalker. You see, myself and Eleanor are cousins. Although she is a couple of years older than myself, we were really close when I was younger. However, we slowly started drifting apart and the fact that I moved away didn't exactly help. Don't get me wrong, we weren't complete strangers, we still texted each other, we just weren't as close. And I was missing our friendship.
So, that is how I ended up on a train travelling to a stadium an hour away, where One Direction was playing, surrounded by crazy Directioners who were singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' out of tune, and I have to admit I was feeling claustrophobic. As soon as I heard that One Direction was playing in a stadium an hour away from where I lived, and that Eleanor was touring with them around the country, I couldn't help but to clear my measly bank account and snatch a ticket, after camping outside TicketMaster from two in the morning. I was determined to see Eleanor again and catch up.
I breathed in deeply when I was able to stumble off the train carriage and actually was able to breathe in fresh air, instead of One Direction's perfume. I trailed along my rolling suitcase behind me and headed in the direction of my hotel that I would be staying at tonight. I had come here plenty of times for shopping before, so it was easy enough for me to find my home for the night, instead of paying a small fortune for a taxi that would take me down all the small roads when he could have just gone straight ahead.
When I had gotten myself settled, I decided that maybe it was time for me to head to the stadium now and so I would hopefully be able to see Eleanor before the concert started, because I didn't want to waste my ticket. After all, it was the first night at this stadium, so they should be practising right?
So, even though the ticket said that the doors weren't opening until 5 o'clock, I headed off to get there at 3:30. Of course, the doors at the entrance weren't open, so I headed round the back of the stadium, because I knew that there had to be an entertainer's entrance. Luckily, I easily found the big fire door and pushed it open, thanking the man above when it was unlocked and I could just simply push through. I snuck inside and carefully tiptoed down the dimly lit hall, hoping to quickly find the dressing room which Eleanor would hopefully be in. For some reason, there was no security or guards anywhere, but I didn't want to question anything knowing my luck.
It was actually quite easy to find One Direction's dressing room, especially as it had their name stuck on it. I took a breath and put my hand on the doorknob.
"What do you think you're doing?" I heard a really gruff voice say from behind me.
Oh, shit.
"Um, just have to meet someone. It's really important," I squeaked out.
"Come on, Missy. You know you can't do that." He put his hand around my upper arm and pulled me back.
No way in Hell did I sit through that train journey to not get anywhere.
I shoved him away from me and turned the doorknob, pushing the door open wide. At the same time he threw me over his shoulder and started taking me away.
"Eleanor!" I screamed, grabbing onto the door frame and holding on for dear life.
All noise in the room stopped.
My fingers slipped.
A brown head peeked out from the door. She looked right at me and her jaw dropped. "Oh my God," she whispered.
"Get the Hulk to let me go!" I screamed at her.
"Paul, you can let her go. I know her," Eleanor said.
"Sorry, Miss, she shouldn't be here." And he kept on walking.
Then, another brunette popped out from behind the door. "Paul, let her down," he told the Hulk.
And, surprisingly, he did let me down.
I happily ran down to Eleanor and was engulfed in a warm embrace. "I missed you, Ellie," I whispered into her shoulder.
"Me too, sweetheart," she whispered into my hair, squeezing me tight.
A throat was cleared to my right, and I looked up to see the other brunette.
Oh my God. Harry Styles!
I almost fainted.
"Hi," I said, blushing, my hands twisting together in my nervousness in being in Harry Styles' breathing space.
He smiled down at me.
"Y/N Y/L/N, meet Harry Styles," I vaguely heard Eleanor say beside me.
"How are you doing, Y/N?" Harry asked me.
"Not so bad now."
I was a tutor and was currently going over to help Charlotte Tomlinson. It wasn't that she was stupid, she was really smart, she just wanted some help to finalise everything before doing her GCSEs. I helped the Tomlinson/Deakin household to babysit sometimes, so it wasn't like it was a bother for me. I had done relatively well in my exams and had went on to do A-Levels, so they asked me if I would help Charlotte just finalise everything, like wee tips with how to deal with the stress. So, that was how I had found myself in the Deakin living room, multiple textbooks and filed pages lying around me and Charlotte. There was a plate of chocolate cake slices in front of us and an empty pitcher of lemonade.
"But, Y/N, I am so nervous. What if I go blank?" she asked me, biting on her lower lip.
I heard the front door opening and closing again. Johannah, Charlotte's mum, told the guests to go somewhere, but I wasn't listening and just wanted to concentrate on helping Charlotte.
"This is what I've found really helps me, okay? For the nerves, it is completely natural. But, don't stress yourself out. You've been learning this stuff for two years and can't do any more than you have. Everything is up there." I gently tapped her temple, making her smile. "Oh, and I suggest skipping the first page completely and moving on, because it is always the first page that people freak out at."
She nodded. "I'll remember to do that." She picked up her history textbook. "What do you have to do when answering source questions again?"
I gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about anything. I'm going to go and fill up the lemonade again, then we'll go over that. Keep calm and carry on," I singsonged.
I stood and grabbed the empty pitcher, heading towards the kitchen. What I didn't expect was a group of four bubbly boys jumping over themselves in the kitchen. I didn't know who they were, as they were moving too fast and were more like a blur than people. I decided to take no notice of them and just continued on my way to fill up the lemonade again. I had to keep on dodging them, which didn't really annoy me, they were fun-loving boys after all.
What really riled me up was when one of the little girls, Daisy I think it was, came in, screaming "Louis" at the top of her lungs, and one of the boys fell into her. She stumbled, thankfully not falling, but that didn't please me.
I slammed the pitcher onto the kitchen counter. I turned to them, whistled with my fingers in mouth shrilly and shouted, "That is enough!"
They all stopped and turned to me, eyes wide and mouths open.
"Sit your backsides in the chairs," I growled, pointing towards the kitchen chairs.
They scrambled over each other to follow my directions.
When I was pleased that they weren't going to move, I knelt down and signalled for Daisy to come over to me. "Daisy, come here, sweetheart," I said softly, not wanting to scare her.
She walked over to me, standing in front of me.
"You okay? They hurt you?" I asked, lifting up her little arms and looking them over for any bruises.
"What happened in here?" A high-pitched, but manly voice asked from the doorway. He was laughing at the boys sitting timidly at the table, then looked at me.
He was an angel.
"Your friends here almost knocked over Daisy," I explained.
The boys at the table looked down guiltily.
The boy tsked and walked over to me and Daisy. He knelt down beside me, looking up at Daisy. "You okay?" he asked her.
"Louis!" she screamed, falling into his arms.
It all clicked in my head. "So, you're the infamous Louis Tomlinson?"
"The one and only. And who might you be, darling?"
"Y/N Y/L/N. The babysitter."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N."
From then on, while he wasn't on tour, he always managed to, coincidentally, show up when I was babysitting the kids.
I was tired. I was pissed off. I was ready to hit someone. But, when Nando's got my order wrong, it was the last straw and I was ready to strangle the cashier.
I marched right back in, the paper bag held tightly in my hand, my knuckles turning white at the pressure. There was a long line of people waiting to get their food, but I really didn't give a shit. I easily shoved people out of my way, until I got to the front.
"Missus, I was here first," an Irish voice spoke up, stepping right back in front of me and continuing his order.
I was having none of it. I think I actually growled at him, but I know that I definitely grabbed the back of his hoodie and yanked him back. "Listen here mate, I have a problem and it's going to get fixed."
He looked back at me.
Then, I recognised him.
Niall Horan.
I had just assaulted a celebrity.
Oh, well, might as well go the whole hog.
Another boy spoke up from behind me. I turned to him, and who did I see? The one and only Harry Styles.
This was both the worst and best day.
"Maybe you should just calm down," he said gently, in that slow voice.
Might as well assault two celebrities at once. This has to be a new record.
"Shut it, Curly Fries," I snapped, turning back to Horan and the cashier.
"Now - " Niall began, but I cut him off.
"You too, Blondie," I snapped again.
"I want my chicken. I have been waiting here for a while now," he snapped right back.
Finally, someone who talks back to me...I like it.
"Listen, Horan, they gave me the wrong order. I've had a bloody bad day and want the right Goddamn chicken." Throughout my little speech, my voice was getting continually higher in pitch and, like I normally did in an argument because of my height, I was actually rising onto my tiptoes.
He studied me for a few seconds, then turned back to the cashier. "Get the lady the right order."
"Sir - "
I slammed the receipt on the counter in front of her. "Get it right this time."
She looked between me and Niall, then huffed and turned to tell the cooks the order.
I sighed in relief and I think actually smiled. "Thank you," I whispered to Niall, feeling slightly guilty now.
"Not a bother. What's your name?" he asked.
In my peripheral vision, I saw Harry confusedly looking between us two,
"Y/N Y/L/N, Blondie," I stuck my hand out for him to shake.
He gladly took it. "I think I'll just call you Princess."
It was my sister's eighteenth birthday and I was going to give her the best birthday night she could imagine. I was taking her out to the Funky Buddha. She was obsessed with celebrities and I was hoping at least one would show up, so I could give her the best birthday ever.
We were both dressed up to the nines, definitely intending to go out and have fun to the best of our abilities.
I parked as close to the club as I could and we all got out off my car. I had invited some of my sister's closest friends who were also eighteen - I was not taking underage girls to a nightclub. It took a wee while to get into the club, but when we did I think it was worth the wait, well for the girls anyway.
I let them go off and have their fun, which left me by my lonesome. I had promised myself when I was a teenager that I was never going to drink and now at twenty years old, I had withstood that promise. So, because of this, I was the dedicated driver tonight, which I didn't really care about because I wanted the girls to get home when this night was over. As long as they drank responsibly and didn't go off with any strange men, I was happy enough to let them go and have their fun.
What I wasn't counting on was the club being so crowded. I had always been claustrophobic, but I tried to get my mind of that thought by going up to the bar. I ordered a coke and specifically no alcohol in it, and I was thankful when I took a sip and the drink wasn't tainted. More and more people were crowding around the bar and I felt like I was getting squished. So many people were touching me and blocking me in. It was getting harder for me to breathe. I tried pushing people away from me, so I could get out of this constricting situation.
I was finally able to scramble out of the mass of people from my barstool, but it now looked like more people were filing into the bar. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm. I struggled, like my brain said, but I was so weak from my claustrophobic attack, I just let them drag me away from the crowd and to a secluded back room. Which, when I looked at the person, I was pretty happy that I let happen.
Liam Payne.
In a onesie.
Dreams do come true.
"You okay, love?" he asked, sitting me down in a chair and crouching down in front of me.
I nodded slowly. I didn't know what he wanted with me. Me. A twenty year old nobody.
"What's your name, love?"
"Y/N Y/L/N."
"Well, Y/N, let's get you something to drink and get you calm again, yeah? A good looking girl like yourself shouldn't have to experience that kind of thing."
With that, he got up, left the room and returned a couple of minutes later with an iced water.
After that, he never let me go into a club by myself again.
I was at a rugby match. I liked rugby, the only problem was, was that I didn't actually know the rules. I supported Ulster, because it's where I'm from. The other team today was Munster, which is from Down South. They were playing at Ravenhill, in Belfast. I was trying to follow the game, only cheering when the other people in Ulster shirts did and booing when the other people in Ulster shirts did. I didn't want to make a mistake and cheer for an own goal, or whatever you call it in rugby.
I was having a grand old time, the only problem was the two boys sitting beside me. One of them sat huddled up in his coat the whole time, his hood over his head and his feet on the back of the plastic seat in front of him, obviously trying to keep warm. I didn't really blame him - I was absolutely freezing at the moment.
But. The other boy. He just wouldn't shut up!
Every move that the players made he would comment on or make a noise at. It was starting to annoy me and the people around us. Which, unfortunately for him, was mostly Ulster fans. I thought that by half time he could have gotten something to eat, which would have kept his mouth preoccupied. But, the three hot dogs and two milkshakes he did get were quickly scoffed down, then the packet of Maltesers afterwards as well. And believe me, he kept on with the noises throughout the meal, some food spitting out.
I was not amused, in simple terms.
I decided, being the kind citizen I am, that I was going to help this boy to not get killed by the people around us. I leant a little closer towards the boy beside me, the one who was very quiet and huddled, and said, "Hello?"
There was no reply.
I shook him a bit. "Hello?"
At that, his head slowly lifted and he looked sleepily at me.
He looked like a bloody Greek God! Absolute perfection.
"Can I help you?" he asked, a gloved hand moving up to wipe away the tiredness from his eyes. He had obviously been sleeping through the whole thing. I had no idea how.
I paused for a few seconds at his beauty, then remembered his question. "Oh, yeah, yeah. Can you please get your friend to be a little quieter? He's starting to annoy a few of the people around us."
A man sitting behind the Greek God spoke up. "Annoy? I'm ready to strangle him if he doesn't shut it!"
"Thank you, sir, but I'm sorting this out," I said forcefully to him, giving him a stony face and turned back to the tanned, tattooed God in front of me. "Can you at least get Blondie to quieten down a wee bit?"
"Of course, anything for you sweetheart."
I was a little bit surprised at this answer, but was relieved when he grabbed a belt loop on Blondie's jeans and yanked him back to his seat. Blondie looked at him, then I think he noticed all the angry people looking at him and he shrunk into his seat. The God pulled a packet of strawberry laces out of his pocket and handed them to Blondie. Blondie took them excitedly, like a little kid on Christmas Day. Well, a hot twenty year old.
Then, the Greek God turned back to me. "Sweets always calm him and entertain him for a while." From his voice, I knew he was from England. So, what was he doing here, watching a rugby match in Northern Irish weather? His friend must have dragged him along, because he sounded Irish.
"Thank you," I whispered, mesmerised by his beauty.
"No problem, Baby Doll. What's your name?"
"Y/N Y/L/N," I said, smiling when he smiled warmly at me.
"I'm Zayn Malik. How would you like to go out sometime?"
"Um, I'd like that."
"Good, because I wouldn't have taken no for an answer." With that he pulled my phone out of where I was holding it in my hand, slid the lock button and entered in his number. Then he took out his own phone and entered in mine.
"I think we'll be good together, Y/N. Now, tell me what the Hell is going on in this game."
"To tell you the truth, I have no idea," I laughed.
And we were good together, just like he said.
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