"WILL YOU quit fucking around before one of you gets hurt?" Lennon snapped, arms crossed tightly across her chest as James threw Lily over his shoulder recklessly, laughter echoing down the dark, secluded alleyway.

"What's got you so grumpy, love? Past your bedtime?" James teased as Lily's face turned as fiery red as the hair that swayed around the taller boys legs. She was delighted to say the least, an absolute contrast to her best friend, who was for some reason, entirely too jealous. 

"I don't want my best friend's head to get cracked open in a shitty alleyway, you speccy git, so be careful. Okay?" Her reply was sharp, and as soon as she'd spouted it she fell back in line towards Remus and Sirius. Peter stayed near the front, joining gleefully into the conversation as James placed Lily upright on the ground again.

"Is your friend always such a twat?" She asked, hoping her voice sounded more humorous than cruel. 

The sudden arrival of her voice shocked the two men and they jumped apart, leaving between them a sizeable distance of clear space. Lennon said nothing, not concerned by their suspicious behaviour as the darkness concealed their actions.

"Pretty much. None of us are particularly boyfriend material though, are we Pads?" Remus joked, moving closer to his friend tentatively to jab him lightly in the ribs with his elbow.

"Not for young girls like you, anyways," Sirius teased, having expertly deduced that Lennon hated being undermined for her age. He may have only met her that evening, but she didn't seem to have a complex bone in her body. With Lennon Lowe, what you saw was exactly what you would get.

"We're not really all that young, y'know. Must you tease us endlessly for it?" She groaned, knowing all too well that her protests would only add fuel to their ever-burning fire of mockery. 

"Whatever you say, love." Remus shoved his hands into his large pockets, the material of his thick, long coat drowning his lanky body. "You got the time, Pads?"

Sirius lifted his head; he was being the quietest he had been all night. Deciding not to say anything, Lennon studied his face for any signs of tell-tale emotion but found nothing. Unlike her, he seemed to be a closed book, and any personal information he held dear obviously required an emotional attachment for him to share it. He lifted his arm closer to his face, squinting his eyes at the hands on the watch-face amidst the evening's murk. 

"I make that about twelve thirty, Moony." He dropped his arm back to his side limply, glancing between his companions. Lennon's vague smile fell instantly, and even in the shadows her face obviously paled. 

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit! We have to hurry up! C'mon!" She reached desperately between the two men, fumbling to reach for their calloused hands to drag them hurriedly along the street.

In unison, the three dashed forward towards the group a few metres ahead of them. Left, right, left, right. Their timing with each other was impeccable, despite Lennon's far shorter legs; she was just glad she had natural speed on her side. Detaching herself from the duo, Lennon rushed forward and draped herself around Lily, much to the ginger's annoyance.

"What is it, Len?" Lily huffed, her irritation evident in her voice. "I was talking to the boys before you so rudely interrupted." 

Continuing her leisurely pace, she swatted Lennon away from her shoulders as she stole a glance towards James. The most flirtatious of smiles imprinted itself onto her lips, and Lennon swallowed down a gag at the sight of the honey-dimpled blush that illuminated her cheeks beneath the streetlights.

"Well if you want your parents to murder us, I'm sure this pace is desirable. However, it is now in fact half twelve, precisely an hour later than we stated we'd be home! Lily, we're going to be dead!" Lennon exclaimed irritatedly, searching her best friend's face for any signs of distress.

"Ah, to be young and apprehensive, eh James?" Peter nudged his pal, pointy elbows digging into the taller boy's somewhat muscular bicep. Lennon shot him a murderous glare, and Peter seemed to catch the hint that she was less than pleased. 

"You know it, Wormy," James retorted with a grin, flashing his teeth at the man beside him. "We'd best rush these little ladies home before they get in anymore trouble, though."

Lennon was certain that was the first bit of sense James had spouted all night, even if it was for the sake of impressing Lily. His approval under her belt, Lennon let her feet carry her faster around the corner, her feet dancing over cracks in the pavement as the low breeze swept through her hair. Behind her, still walking slower, James had latched onto Lily again, taking the walk as ample opportunity to flirt. 

It took another ten minutes at least to arrive outside Lily's house. The boy's made a quick disappearance, deciding now was perhaps not the best time to 'meet the family'. James refused to leave without a quick peck on Lily's cheek, one that made her giggle rabidly like a little schoolgirl. Lennon was certain that any more affection would have made her vomit right there on the curb.

"C'mon, Lils. We really had best get inside." Lennon's tone was reluctant now, knowing that as soon as they stepped through the threshold, all hell was bound to break loose. She knew that going there was better than going home to her own mother, though - if she went there, she would be heinously murdered before she'd made it past the hallway.

Pushing open the door and praying it wouldn't creak under the pressure, Lily slid off her Mary Janes' and propped them up on a mat by the door. As she only wore sneakers, Lennon left her own on, the risk of extra noise being created on the wood floorboards eliminated by the quiet, flat soles.

"Are they asleep?" Lennon whispered, voice barely audible amongst the silence of the household.

"I think so. We might've actually got away with this one," Lily said, bouncing on the heels of her feet excitedly that they'd pulled off their mission after all. Lennon stifled a giggle with the back of her hand, careful not to blow their cover just yet.

Together, they tread painstakingly slowly up the staircase, avoiding any sensitive areas that were known to squeal under the weight of them. They dashed swiftly across the landing, pushing open Lily's door and shutting it with precise caution behind them. They had made it.

As if telepathic, the girls shared not another word as they approached the chest of drawers and retrieved a set of pyjamas each. They changed silently, still cautious that the Evans family could wake at any moment. Then, almost certain they'd pulled it off, they tiptoed towards the bed and slid underneath the duvet, arms pressed together with the close proximity of the single bed. Silence penetrated the room for a few moments, lingering around them like a bomb waiting to be detonated. As always, it was Lennon who caused the explosion by breaking the peace.

"Do you like him? That James bloke," she asked, sounding harsher than she'd expected herself to. Perhaps it was her fatigue that stopped Lily from noticing. Perhaps she just didn't care to bring it up.

"I just met him, Len. How should I know?" Lily answered simply, a muffled yawn escaping her full lips.

"You usually kiss boys by now. Sometimes more. You don't do it with boys you like," Lennon explained, rolling onto her side to face her best friend. As she did so, she tucked a strand of her dark locks behind her ear.

"Perhaps James didn't want to kiss me," Lily responded, eyebrows furrowed together in agitation. She too, turned onto her side, close enough to see Lennon's features even in the tenebrosity that surrounded them. "He is quite the gentleman."

"Oh please, Lils, he was all over you! If you'd invited him in, God knows he'd be shagging you as we speak!" Lennon replied, trying her hardest not to raise her voice in her annoyance.

"Shut your mouth! He is not like that. Perhaps you should give him a chance, actually speak to him, instead of moping up the back with those other two gloomy guys."

The silence returned. Lily's tone had left Lennon seething with anger and she had absolutely no idea why. She was at a loss as to why she was so resentful of the bespectacled boy they'd met that evening. In fact, she was sure he was lovely, but in her mind at least, he just wasn't the right fit for her best friend.

Both girls twisted, rolling lazily onto their sides once more, yet this time to face away from each other. With nothing else to say, the two heavy-lidded girls drifted into a peaceful sleep, their minds straying slowly from the touchy subject that evening's outing had procured.

Each girl dreamed. The fiesty brunette dreamed of a revolution, in which peace could be restored. The romantic redhead dreamed of glasses, messy hair, and lanky arms that willed to be wrapped around her. The two girls were drifting, far further away from each other than ever before. And yet, there was nothing they could do to save themselves.

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