Note to Reader: If you haven't noticed before, I'll tell you now. My thoughts are broken up into perspectives. Into different "sides" if you will. This is not an original idea. Thomas Sanders was my personal inspiration for my Sides, But you could also reference Inside Out, the Disney movie. Or Bo Burnam. I think it's time to explain what font means what Side and which job goes to that Side. Names, too. Because yes, they each have their own tendencies and looks and genders and attractions and habits and wants and needs and names. I might have over personalities the functions of my brain but aH WELL. My Sides are more defined by what body part I think they would control, more than one specific trait like the Sander Sides started out as. They have more depth. So yeah :)
Warning: Information about me (ooh scary), cursing most definitely
1. Part: Brain // Gender: Male // Name: Cato // Function: logic, Sarcasm, common sense, facts and figures, Logos, intelligence, guidance, calm, sense, calmed creativity, driving force, sometimes stubbornness? // Sexuality: straight // "Yes, this is very thought out *fixes glasses* // Font: Underlined // Looks (about): long, messy har he tries to tame but has pretty much given up on. Brown hair. Grey/green eyes. Glasses. Tallest of the aspects. He usually wears a trained face but his smile is wide and contagious unless he's around a lot of people- then it's small.
2. Body Part: Guts // Gender: Female // Name: Regina // Function: Romantics, daydreams (good), dramatic creativity, drawing, writing, feelings of attraction, "Princess", love of Disney, sass, pride, main source of confidence, flirtiness // Sexuality: Pansexual (fricking fight me) // "Either you can love me or I will. Either way, someone will do it." // Font: Italics/Underlined // Looks(about): very dark brown, wavy hair, vibrant green eyes (the picture but doing the gif, you feel?), that kind of natural pretty, third tallest of the girls, looks really delicate and rather petite despite her height but will flip out on you if you even think about pushing her or her friends too far. Do not fight. You'll win but she won't go down without leaving her mark. Nails. Long nails.
3. Part: Heart // Gender: Female // Name: Hari(ette) (Don't call her that though) // Function: "heart", mom-Friend, protectiveness, emotional drive, pathos, childless, enthusiasm, obsessive impulses, dad jokes, procrastination for real life, drive to love imaginary worlds, PUPPIES, distraction, morality drive, selflessness, curiosity, concern, I think you get the point // "HEY! Did you have a good day? How was work?" // Font: Italics // Looks: Long blonde-light brown hair. Regular green eyes. Usually wearing a bright smile and a sunny attitude around people. By herself, she usually more calm and wears a small smile or a tired expression. Because of this, she has both smile and frown lines around her eyes and the corner of her mouth. Tallest of the girls. Long arms and legs and has more muscle than Regina but less than Norma. She holds a lot of kids. And people. In general.
4. Part: Stomach // Gender: female // Name: Vana // Function: anxiety, mainly. Pessimism, mistrust, over caution, wariness, sometimes also self hate, abandonment issues, shyness, nervous curiosity, childish amazement, quiet, background character impulses, people watcher, helper, please give direct instructions because she will stress about messing things up oops, honestly just a smol child in need of a lot of love but too scared to except any from anyone because people leave and ahhhhhhhh // "Um, do you need something? I'd like to at least, Uh, try to help. Maybe. If I can." // Font: Bold/Italics // Looks: light brown hair. Hazel (more green) eyes. Shortest aspect. Below shoulder length hair she usually ties in two ponytails, bangs pinned to the side. Actually takes the most time of the aspects to do her hair because she wants to lo9. Cute but doesn't know how? Really fluffy hair that's often misplaced and sticks up in random places. She keeps it straightened but if it isn't it's varies between straight to curvy to wavy to Shirley Temple ringlets to loose curls - all natural and all in random chunks of sectioned hair. Too crazy and random to not just be... straightened.
5. Part: Nerves // Gender: Female // Name: Norma // Function: Mainly the self deprecating actions I do. My self hate most definitely, self harm urges, depression pulls, that urge that makes you want to scream and hit something and curse and fUCKING BREAK SOMETHING ARGH, anger :) Despite this, she is also the drive to overcome the hardships and the pains and the urges and to be good and better and best to be good enough for the people around her. // "If you're honest, human beings are naturally evil. We are all born innocent and the first things we do is bite and scratch and scream and cause pain and misery to others. Despite that natural line, though, humans fight that upfront instinct and push past it, fighting the easy path and forcing themselves to be good. That's what makes fighting for them, loving them, and living with and around and as one of them worth it. They try." // Font: Bold // Looks: Either really long or above shoulder length hair. Not a bob, but not shoulder length. Grey/brown eyes. Pretty plain actually. Her anger requires her to work out a lot to work it off so she's really toned and strong, but she holds weight so she would be pretty pudgy (and was very pudgy) without the work outs. Second tallest of the girls. Talk and muscular but kind of awkward and never sure what to do with her body. She's precious honestly I adore my plain girl.
(First picture if her with a friend 😊)
6. Part: throat // Gender: female(yes only Cato is male deal with it) // Name: Karter // Function: Feeds the negative Nd wants to watch me and the world burn. The self destructive thoughts. The need to tear myself down and have everyone hate me, pushing people away. Hating everyone and wanting to have everyone hate me. When you want to hurt yourself and someone else so badly it's like an itch you want to scratch but know you just... can't. Feeds anxiety, self harm/depression/Eating Disorder (Ana, ED, etc.), and anger issues. Masochistic. Sadistic. The bitch who wants to watch everything and everyone fall. You have every right to hate her. // "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught. There are no good people, just good lies." // Font: Bold/Underlined // Looks: Porcelain skin. A simple, cold, sharp beauty. Black hair. Murky green eyes. Cruel smile. She wears clothes that never give it away, but she's as strong as Norma and formidable in the way she looks and talks even though she's only barely taller than Vana. She's got long legs but short arms. She makes up for everything else in curve and physical attraction and that's how she gets her attention. Sometimes outs different color streaks in her hair and often cuts it and lets it grow out sporadically. Hates to stay the same with her look for to long. HATES.
Closing Note: LOTS of editing. New character. Cato used to be Bold but when I sat down and set it all out, I realized that Norma should be bold and it made more sense that Cato is Underlined because he tries to stay straight to the point. Also, new names! Before, I didn't want to go into depth about Gender and names in the middle of the story so I just improvised new ones. Punny one's. They're actually the names I used to have before. Also. I am Female. I know this. My Sides being different genders pertains to experiences in my life that have created a feeling that parts of me were more masculine. Norma can actually be very boyish and even Hari can sometimes get pretty masculine. Cato is male. Me, myself, is Female. This probably makes no sense to you and is over thought out, too complicated, and over personified but... yep! Also, yes, these are the characters I personify in the mini stories later on. Though they are my aspects, I also have a world where they are their own people in an alternative universe and if you like those stories, you can act on them too! It's all very symbolic so enjoy every bit of it haha.
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