Chapter 2
Meanwhile inside the transport on their way to ARK.
Cindy was with her nikkei and Xandern Mando, Andres, and Amanda as they went to the Ark. The Nikke look at the four operators of 141 as they are busy with their stuff and notice they are using old weapons but still affect the rapture, Xander on other hand doing some coding with his Tacpad about the chip core that he plugs inside while he tries to hack the system of the chip.
(N/A: Pretending that his doing hacking the chip and trying to fix it while the chip inside the Tacpad tactical)
He got it from the dead body of Nikke known as Marian, he tries to fix it and notices there is something wrong as he tries to find the source of when and where she got corrupted. Amanda on the other hand sleeps on his shoulder because of her tired from fighting their new threat Raptures.
Mando: (cleaning his pistol) This is unlike anything we've ever done before we did it before but nothing like this my friends.
Andres: Tell me about it..(sigh)
While the two were busy talking Rapi briefed Shifty on an 'abridged' report of what happened during the battle.
Rapi: and that's what happened, and we managed to get a backup some four Friendlys who seems to be a human that seems have experienced battle.
Shifty (coms): I see......That is disturbing, but I'm glad that the Corruption was not to the point where it could not be removed.
Anis: But, She didn't even give a sign or anything hinting at her corruption. (concern)
Shifty (coms): Probably because of the Commander. Any Nikke's number one priority is protecting their Commander and obeying any orders given.
Rapi: Probably....the problem only started when she met the Commander. Maybe that's when her priorities got all scrambled up.
Shifty (coms)(frowned): But what I don't get is how the corruption manages to get into Marian. this corruption has gotten quite severe.
Rapi:...When did it start?
Shifty (coms): Huh?
Rapi: When she was first corrupted?
Shifty (coms): During the operation, I suppose...
Rapi: You said that she was the one that sabotaged the transport ship, right?
Shifty (coms): Yes, why?
She must have been corrupted at that point. And the transport ship came from the Ark.
Shifty (coms): (Gasps) Were the Aegis Barriers broken?
Rapi: No, The Aegis Barriers are strong. They'd pick up any corruption in an instant.
Anis: ...Rapi, What are you trying to say?
Rapi: Well...
Mando: hey Xander what do you think happened this isn't like our state was supposed to be.
Xander: Who knows...(fixing coding with his Tacpad) Also I am a bit busy right now...I mean who knows if we got some job even though I am still your Lieutenant or not in charge 141 team cause (look at Cindy), that girl there seems to be a rookie too soon to be commander but her action in the field really...perfect like good offense Cindy.
Cindy: no taken (laugh nervous) I just graduated from the military academy yesterday and I was sent go to the Ark base.
Xander: Ark? (Raise eye brown)
Cindy: Things are messed up on the surface, so we lived underground city.
Xander: Well we know the surface is a mess but we kinda don't know what happened here after we did our last mission.
Anis: how have you not the raptures took over the surface humanity had to live underground to stay safe from them the war between us and them has gotten out of control.
Andres: (sigh) Well is a long story, because from what we are from we may have transport to your world, and our world is kinda chaos and having a war because of the Russian invasion and Makarov's army.
Rapi: so y'all were in a war as well against people but y'all were transported here it almost sounds insane.
Mando: how about all Europeans got attacked by blow-up toxic gas? (Concern)
Andres: We don't have to worry about that gas since UN Researchers are trying to fix it since they are using whatever they can to get rid of the gas.
Xander: not to mention Russia invasions (sigh) damn...those poor people got killed by those gas even structures got blown up)
Andres: please don't remind me about the Eifel tower
Mando: Let's not forget what happened to Sandman, to Soap, and to many of our friends who fought with us against everyone that stood against us.
Andres: (holds their dog tags) I won't forget those men they were such great men they would never be forgotten.
Xander: Yup...(Nodded and look down)
Cindy: you guys have done so much for your county you know y'all are stronger than your group because you guys are here.
Xander: That is what our job is, Ma'am. (smile) we soldiers, patriotic, to serve our country, and defend our home.
Anis: all this sound cool but your weapons were about to take down the raptures what kind of bullets are in those things?
Xander:(raises eye brown) What do you mean? Our bullets were original bullets standard ammo like you all.
Anis: What! (surprised) those kinds of shells shouldn't have hurt the raptures no less kill one that doesn't make sense.
Andres: Oh yeah now that you mention...I think I am may know why.
Xander and Anis: You do?
Andres took out his clip from his gun and revealed the bullets that they used but for some reason, it looked a lot different than before.
Xander: (take look at the bullets) it just me or did our bullets just change?
Mando: Well would you look at that? (amazed at the bullets)
Rapi: (catch the bullet) Shifty, can you analyze this bullet for us? (Show her the bullet)
Shifty (coms): Yes just give me a second. (Start analyzing the bullet)
Anis: (whisper)Hey Rapi do you think that thing can copy for our ammo? And that thing can sell at a big price. Imagine Missilis, Elysion, and other companies wanting to buy that bullets or ammunition.
Rapi:(whisper) I don't know we have never seen this kind of shell before plus if someone from the corrupted side get their hands on this things could be bad and I thought the Missilis would be bad if she found out about these bullets and the other companies won't believe it.
Anis: (whisper) Wait so you saying if someone has this to wrong hand then-
Shifty (coms): (Shock) Thi-this is unbelievable!! how is this possible? there's no way!!
Rapi: (surprised) What is it shifty? did you find anything about the unknown bullets?
Shifty (coms): the bullet shells are made of the same metal as raptures and the bullet is made of some kind of unknown metal shelling that can pierce through gold.
Everyone:.......Eh?!?!?( jawsdrop and shocked)
Xander: So you were saying that Our bullet in our mags can be piercing through all raptures? Even any kind with their tough armor??
Shifty (coms): yes any rapture that comes at you will be hurting from those shells, not even a high-class rapture will try to resist the pain.
Xander: (looks at her with serious look).......your name is shifty right?
Shifty (coms): Hai it is why you ask?
Xander: Please don't make that report about a new discovery of our bullets....because is dangerous. (Concern)
Shifty: um I, uh (sigh) fine I won't report this the new bullets I'll ignore for the time being with such power within your weapons you guys are going to kill raptures left and right.
Shifty (coms): Good. That would be all. (smile)
Shift nodded as she shuts off the coms.
Cindy: looks like we're here.
Everyone turn around and saw below as they were shocked to see how big the city they are.
Mando: Holy shit...(awe)
Andres: I gotta admit this is unlike anything I've ever seen having a city they can live in here peace down here must be hard.
While Xander was busy, he did about to finish hacking the code through his Tacpad as it loaded to 95% to 100% a couple of minutes later it was 99% to 100% as it was complete. He raises his fist.
Xander: YES! FINALLY! HAHAHA! (laughing cheer)
Mando, Andres, and Cindy looked at John thinking what is he celebrating, or why he is so happy?
Xander: Oh sorry (rub his head) Hehe (laughs nervously)
Andres and Mando looked at each other thinking of what got him excited nothing to them had been happy since they were transported here and now they fight alien machines along with Mando ending the life of Marian.
Xander: I have some good news and bad news for all of you which one do you all like to hear? Including you too shifty And I might need your bloody help with this part.
Andres: (blinking eyes) Let's hear the bad news since we just got here things have gotten difficult for us.
Xander: Bad news, I need equipment like more materials that can use for constructing a Nikke and a big tube size of a human because is....for....secret project, Only I can make them in this project.
Shifty: I can see if I give you some help on that I'm pretty sure since you and your team were able to take down multiple raptures.
Xander: Now the good news is (show them a chip core as everyone looks at the chip)
Cindy/Rapi/Anis: a computer chip?
Xander: more than that~ is your all memories core from inside you all Nikke bodies. What I saying this thing is your life like brains, data, and everything is all here.
Cindy: (eyes wide) Wait! did you get that out of Nikke's body? but the Nikke that was corrupted is unable to crack or unless that's-(gasp shocked) You were able to crack and save her? (tears flow from her eyes)
Xander: Yup, is all fixed thanks to my experience, and my hacker skills (chuckle) not gonna lie that was really hard, and also this chip finally retore memory about what happened before she got corrupted.
Rapi: (surprising) You're going to bring her back because she didn't deserve to die like that I believe she was a good Nikke before she got corrupted.
Xander: Well I am gonna make more than just a Nikke (chuckle) also. (Plug the chip behind his helmet) Marian, can you hear me?
Marian:(voice) Yes, I can hear you I can't believe I am living within a chip now I can talk to you guys.
Xander: Alright you can show yourself Maira (raise his hand and opens his palm)
The figure shows Maria as she transforms into an A.I. with blue color hologram in full body but small. (N/A: Imagine similar to Cortana from Halo.)
Marian: hello everyone it's good to see you all again I am so glad to see you all ok since you know. (smile)
Anis: MARIAN! (Gasp shocked)
Andres: Holy shit, did you just make an A.I like Halo. (Shocked)
Cindy:(wipes her tears) I'll say I am impressed you brought one of my Nikke back by using a chip from her body I like to thank you for that (bow and smile)
Xander: Just doing my job, and is a good thing I brought my device Tacpad (show her his left arm that has a gadget)
Rapi: seems like you guys are going to be more helpful than I thought you probably can help us end this dumb war that we've been fighting for years.
Mando: hope so, but there is more we need to worry about since outside there will be more dangerous a lot about the raptures.
Amanda: We dealt with many dangerous things, but this is not what we were expecting to fight against these human killing machines.
Andres: Well What worse that could be rather than raptures? (chuckle)
Meanwhile at Military Central Command in ARK.
At the Deputy Chief of the Central Government, Office, a person known as Andersen was talking to Shifty about what was out from what saw in the report who seems a bit surprised about this newcomer of four soldiers that show up from the surface.
Shifty: And that concludes my report. (Smile)
Andersen: I see, we almost lost a Nikke another Nikke because of corruption but we got four soldiers that appeared out of nowhere they help defeat the raptures and did the commander's job of kissing the Nikke.
Shifty: Yes they didn't show any kind of fear for fighting against the raptures but they don't know anything about the raptures, to begin with even this world.
Andersen: I see.
The man hummed interest at what was just reported as he tapped a finger on the desk in thought.
Andersen: How interesting, and you also not to mention that corruption Nikke were somehow were able to be repaired by this man, (a hologram view picture of Xander) as he constructed an A.I requested some equipment that he really needs.
Shifty: Yes, he requested the materials for what I believe is to build a new Nikke body for her that was already brought back alive.
Andersen: Hmmm interesting...well Marian belonged to company I suggest asking the CEO first before he begins constructing.
Shifty: Hai I'll see if I can get permission from Elysion to give him full permission to make Marian she was one of our best.
Andersen: I see....also Shifty.
Shifty: yes sit what do you need?
Andersen: I would like to meet this new Commander along with those new four a week, they may need some rest and also if the CEO agreed to remake a new Nikke please be prepared for this man a new lab and workshop.
Shifty: yes sir I will call them and make a call for the CEO to see if we can get full permission to rebuild Marian.
Andersen: good,...ah yes, also be sure to get the two Nikkes ready for simulation along with those four people. In arms...I mean fully arm themselves.
Shifty: yes sir I'll tell them right away.
Andersen: that would be all...dismissed.
Shifty ends the call as she tells the others to go to the deputy's office.
Meanwhile at the resting room.
Andres and Mando were sleeping as Rapi and Anis were watching them as Cindy was having a talk with Marian, Xander, and Amanda.
Anis: Well Rapi things...getting interesting after we found out unexpected happens and meet crazy 4 people and beat the crap out of the big rapture. (Sigh and lazy sitting on the sofa)
Rapi: yes it has gotten interesting but I believe things are going to change with them around (sits on the chair)
The two Nikke then turn to look at their new commander who seems surprised like a fangirl while listening to Amanda told some of her stories about their mission for Xander on another hand still wear his helmet except Mando and Andres who was already taken off their helmet causing the two Nikkes blushing when they saw the two male face.
"Mando's face"
"Andre's face"
Rapi: (looks at Mando/mind) He is quite handsome to be a soldier I would to get to know him a little more.
Anis: (looks at Andres/mind) Holy shit! he's hot! I want to get to know him better before I make a move on him.
Xander was pretending to sleep while wearing his helmet when he notice those two girls were looking at the boys who still sleeping he was a silent chuckle, what he doesn't know was that Marian, on the other hand, noticed that he wasn't sleeping while she is in his helmet.
Marian (coms): (whisper) I see what you are doing Xander I know you care for your friends and they never had the chance to have a person they love.
Xander: (whisper) Hey Marian, I thought you were talking to Amanda along with Cindy?
Marian (coms): (whisper) They were started talking about something else so I decided that relax while I saw you staring at Rapi and Anis who looking at your soldiers.
Xander:(whisper)....they are not a soldier....they are my friends and my comrades...(look at Amanda) and my love....even though I still notice that you hiding something Marian.
Marian (coms): (whisper) I am still trying to figure out what happened to me all I wanted was to help others but I get corrupted then I had no choice but to die.
Xander: (whisper) Well you did. But since you got your second chance as I will recreate your new bodies, (smile) and we both share connections, our emotions, our feeling, and our thoughts too.
Marian (coms): (whisper) Thank you once again Xander (smile) for doing all of this for me even though I tried to kill y'all.
Xander: (whisper) Oh hush! stop saying that (annoying) I mean it wasn't you back there since you got corrupted but lucky it took me an hour to remove the virus or corruption of the core of your system...also...I can feel something from your warm heart. After I save you, Marian.
Marian (coms): (whisper) Still thank you for doing this I may be small in this form but once I get a new body I'll be my big self again.
Xander: (whisper)) So.....step by step know each other first then talk to Amanda about "it"
Marian (coms): (whisper) Sure I wouldn't like you to hurt your girlfriend's feelings plus she looks like the type that hurts people. (Shiver)
Xander: (whisper) Yeah....(sigh) I mean she's kinda scared and that's why I promised not to cheat someone else. (laugh nervous)
Marian (coms): (whisper) That's good, cause you to know you don't want to hurt the girl's heart if that heart is either hurt or broken she won't be the same.
Xander: agreed (chuckle)
Suddenly shifty show-up.
Shifty (coms): hello everyone I know you guys have gone through a lot today but I would like you guys to come to the deputy's office you are needed also to come armed.
Everyone looks at each other as they get up and the boys grab their helmets on except John who's still on his helmet.
They left the resting place and headed to the deputy's office.
25 minutes later, inside Ark Command Central.
Everyone went Inside the deputy's office as they face Andersen who standing near his table office.
Andersen: hello everyone I am Andersen deputy commander in chief central command.
The four operators salute to him and he sighs as he waves his hand as they lower their four-soldier salute.
Andersen: I know y'all have been through a lot today but I like to put y'all through a test so I can see how y'all took down high-class raptures.
Xander: You mean seven of us, Deputy, Sir?
Andersen: yes all seven of you Commander Cindy will be giving you the orders while you are in there.
They all look at Cindy as if she was nervous and laugh as she rubs behind her neck.
Xander (mind): Yeah....she might need some more help and more teaching strategy (sweatdrop)
Andersen: now then get ready your instructor is waiting for you.
All of them were heading to the simulation except Xander who still standing this makes others wonder why.
Xander: May I have one question?
Andersen: (nodded) Yes go ahead, young man.
Xander: I want to know who and corrupting Marian. The Nikke from Elysion Company.
Anderson: I see for now we got nothing we are still investigating it I'll tell you or the commander if we get something because she was pure before and I'm sure you will help her once we get permission from Elysion Corp to make her again.
Xander nodded as he join the rest of the simulation room as they gear up and arm themselves.
As they were geared up and ready in the simulation room they see their instructor. Her name was Ingrid, vice Commander of ARK central command, and CEO of Elysion company.
Ingrid: Hello gentleman, and ladies. I am Ingrid your instructor for today's simulation I want to see how you all work together against the raptures because it's not every day for you (look at Four operators) four humans and Nikkes work together to take down a high-class rapture, so I would see if that's true.
Anis:... Commander, what is this all about?
Rapi: Having our combat skills tested after a mission? I've never heard of such a thing. They usually do this beforehand.
Mando: It is good to have your skills in check even after a mission, we do this all the time back where we are from. Every week we do some simulator training and even tactical room training exercises along with practicing our CQC (Close Quater Combat). Because we need to prepare for what's it come for another war or threat.
After Mando said in assurance which surprised the three Nikkes and the CEO, learning that he does this almost daily week.
Marian (coms): Did you all always do that?
Xander: not every time, due to our limited training, will be so exhausting, but even though we fail during training we may able to fix our mistake and learn it (smile)
Anis: And isn't that the CEO of Elysion? What is she doing here?
Rapi: This is a hobby of hers.
Ingrid: No chit-chat when I'm talking! (Tickmark) Next, you will face a battle simulation in the Simulation Room. I can tell you, you'd better not be lax and think it's just a simulation. The Simulation Room is the Ark's pride and joy. You can experience combat in reality here. Not only can it simulate all kinds of real battle scenarios, but you can also fight virtual raptures. Tactics will be essential to handle these various situations in battle. So, go and complete the test tactically. That is all.
Mando, Amanda, Andres, Xander (mind): So strict and.....remind me about Captain Price...
Rapi: I have a question.
Ingrid: No questions allowed (look at Rapi then turn to others) Before we begin the training, I need to know your Squad name. You (point her finger at Cindy) tell me your Squad name.
Cindy: Counter, Ma'am.
Ingrid: And what about you Soldier? (look at Xander)
Xander: 141, Ma'am.
Ingrid: Name Confirmed. Well then, Squad Counters, and Squad 141 looking forward to your superb combat skills.
And with that Ingrid exits the chamber and enters an observation post.
Ingrid (intercom): Simulation shall commence. begin!
Rapi: Commander your orders.
Cindy: work together and communicate with each other to take down the raptures simulation, if you need help 141 squad will support you. (Commanded them)
Rapi and Anis: right! (Nodded)
Xander: (Cocked his rifle) Bravo 6, engaging the raptures! Show them what we training for!
Mando/Andres/Amanda: URRAAAA!! (Battle cry)
Start Music:
Andres: Commander! stay with us! and don't leave it behind! (Firing sniper rifle )
Xander: Anis! Raptures at the bridge! Take it down!
Anis: Copy! (Smirks and fires the grenade launcher)
(Imagine Zombies is Rapture and the soldier is Anis firing her Grenade launcher)
Mando: Rapi! cover fire! I'm reloading! (reloading his M4A1 and starting given surprising fire)
As he gives suppressing fire it causes him to get five Raptures torn apart and destroyed.
Rapi: got it (shoots the raptures near him)
Amanda: Xan! Target that raptures from 3 o'clock!
Xander: Copy that! (Firing 4 raptures as he takes them down from far sight)
Cindy: Counter Squad! Keep pushing forward! 141! keep suppressing those Raptures and watch out back!
141 squad & Counter squad: Hai!
Ingrid (mind): Impressive they already killed 25 rapture in the past few minutes (smirk) let's bring out the main target. (press the button)
Back in the field simulation, the duo squad is busy suddenly the floor simulator shows up revealing a high-class rapture simulation appeared.
Marian (coms): Xander! Another contact rapture! is incoming and is High-class elite!
Xander: (nodded) Copy..(look at others) Everyone! we got incoming high-class elite raptures, it could bring more backup! Let's send this bastard to hell! Mando, Rapi you up! Let's do this together! (Changing mag of his rifle)
Cindy: You hear him! Amanda! Andres! Anis! firing support! Xander! Rapi! Mando! Take care of that Elite! (taking cover behind Andres)
Amanda/Andres/Anis: Yes commander! (They started cover firing)
As the Rapi, Xander, and Mando line up at their Firing ranger their bursa Firing automatically as they rain Firing their bullets on the raptures simulators as they pick their own target while taking covering fire along dodging from Raptures, Xander also got some help thanks to Marian she can guide him a point where raptures coming in.
Xander: Mando! Up top! (dodge from firing line from rapture simulator)
He Uses his left hand to hold a combat knife as he charged the rapture and stabs the optics eye and points his rifle barrel at the rapture simulator shells as he pulls the trigger the shell blows it up to pieces when he fires with his rifle.
Mando fires his pistol three times as one of the raptures falls and crashes the floor right behind him, which makes Ingrid from observation surprised about the firepower of his sidearm even though all three soldiers had the same size and are able to destroy each of the raptures that they firing at them.
Ingrid: (surprised) Even their pistol has an effect to damage The raptures without any problem even their skills are really remarkable even their teamwork.... just who are these people...Things are going to be interesting. (smirks and wrote the report result)
After the six they took down the high-class rapture they headed back to Cindy who was happy after they took down the rapture with ease then Ingrid looked at the results it was unbelievable to her that those two squads managed to beat her elite squad time record, The Absolute Squad, she is now wondering if these people here to help them end the war.
End Music:
A few minutes later.
As their mission, all the raptures simulator were terminated the six of them were returned back to the start area as they complete
Anis: damn! That was kinda really a bit-
Rapi: Exhausted?
Anis: Yup and what about you boys and Amanda, Commander?
Amanda: I hardly broke a sweat.
Andres: I thought it was pretty fun.
Mando: I thought it would be more intense.
Xander: Well that's what I called a simulation.
Marian (coms): Xander, Rapture at six o'clock.
Xander unsheathed his knife he throw it from behind all six of them as he hit a Rapture who was still alive, the throwing knife stabbed through its head and then suddenly drop the ground.
Xander: (tap coms Thanks again, Marian. (chuckle)
Marian (coms): Anytime. (Giggle)
Amanda: Now what do we do?
As she walked past the simulator rapture it suddenly small blew up causing a fire from behind her.
Xander: (shrug) How about we wait for the next order, honey (chuckle)
Andres: for what? we already killed the high-class rapture.
Xander: waiting for a new mission? Taking break? And also I still have work to do.
Ingrid: (shows up from observation post) Well y'all did very well taking down Rapture is not as easy as it sounds but y'all took most of them down within minutes.
Everyone turns to Ingrid as they salute her.
Everyone: Ma'am! (Salute)
Ingrid: at ease now then y'all did unexpected well no wonder y'all took down a high-class rapture known as Blacksmith, that is really impressive soldier.
Mando: Let's just say we been face something worse than that (chuckle)
Xander: You mean that we blow a fucking Tank with only a C4? (smirk)
Mando: Yup! (fist bump with Xander)
Ingrid: I'm not sure what's worse than a rapture but I can see it in your eyes. (amused)
Xander: So what now? Cause I still need something to do with Marian. (Notice a sign language from Amanda wants to talk to her) Also Marian I think Amanda wants to talk to you. (Pull a chip from his helmet)
Marian (coms): Okay
Amanda: Thank you (she takes it) I won't scratch her.
Ingrid: Also I'm willing to give you my permission to build her but, what is your goal after rebuilding her after what happened on the surface and your friend ending her life?
Xander: a second chance, ma'am. She doesn't deserve to be dead and make everyone sad even her friends. That is why I won't let anyone die on my watch even though...if it was too late...but there is always hope and limit to saving someone.
Ingrid: I see, very well you do your thing plus I trust you to bring her back she was one of the ones I like to have around, Lieutenant.(smile)
Xander: Don't worry I will take care of her, although I need a lab and workshop. (laugh nervous)
Xander: Yes ma'am. (Salute)
With Marian and Amanda in the resting room.
Amanda: so Marian how does it feel to be back as an A.I.
Marian: It's quite surprising, that when I was unconscious or (sigh) killed I felt like been reborn or given another chance for life and I was happy I can meet others and you again Amanda (smile)
Amanda: That's good when you die our friend Mando felt so bad even though he ended multiple lives but when killed you it hurt him and your commander.Marian: i-I see...(sad smile) But Xander was the only one who try to save me is he?
Amanda: he would have tried but he didn't have the equipment to help you he take that chip
out if you were the only thing he could do for you.
Marian: I see...(sad smile)
Amanda: Now then how do you feel about Xander?
Marian: (blush) What- what do you mean?
Amanda: don't think I see how you look at him, you when touching your heart when he not looking and you are blushing.
Marian: I-I (sigh) Yes I do like him and love him too since he helps me a lot and I can't do anything since My body turned like this....wish there is something I could do for him. (Sad smile)
Amanda: my for a little A.I you are really dumb....(giggle)
Marian: What?! (Tickmarck)
Amanda: have you not noticed that you are already done things for him you helped him with the simulation you told him where the enemy was and you help him make sure he was good and not hurt.
Marian wasn't un notice as she did help him during the simulation and a shame that she didn't realize it.
Marian: I-I see...sorry for the outburst. (bow and small smile)
Amanda: (shook her hand) It's fine I'm used to it, because I say the truth now don't feel down you are always helping, so don't think you are not helpful and turn your brain on.
Marian: ha-hai! (nodded and smile)
Amanda: good now let's get you back to Xander since I already got the answers I wanted from you.
As the two girls went out of her room they went to his room as they want to speak with him, with him, Xander was doing upgrade his helmet and needed to make sure nothing will happen suddenly when the doors open reveal Amanda and Marian.
Marian: Xander, we were going to- (look at his face as she was eyes wide) Wow (blushing)
Amanda: Oh my~ is been a while since I saw your face~ (lick lips and smirk)
Xander: Mmmm (small blush) Is there something wrong?
Marian: It's nothing it's just this is the first time I have ever seen you without your helmet.
Xander: Well now you have seen my face and Amanda here has already seen my face before but I dint have a beard (chuckle) so is there anything I can help you with?
Amanda: nope nothing at all I'm just giving her back to you (offers the chip to him)
Xander: (accepts and takes the chip and puts it on top of the drawer) Thanks Amanda,'s the talk things doing you both?
Amanda: It was good to talk expecting someone needs to pay more attention to things that she doesn't realize.
Xander: Oh and that is because she has a feeling he loves me? (smirk)
Amanda: Oh my~ I knew you knew about her having feelings for you. (smirk)
Xander:(shrugs and small smile) Let's just say...when I put the chip inside my helmet, we both share some of our emotions, feeling, and reading thoughts.
Marian: (blushing and covering her face)AHHHH!!! I thought I was good at hiding my feelings now he knows about them (groaning) this is so embarrassing.
Xander: Didn't I explain that we can share things? (Raise eye brown) also, let's not make you more embarrassed of yourself Marian (chuckle) but...Amanda, what do you think since you are the alpha wife?
Amanda: I'll allow her to join once she gets a body then we will confirm it for you.
Marian: really! (Eyes star)
Amanda: yep and you'll probably have your brain working.
Marian: Oi! (Pout)
Amanda: (giggle) Now then what do we do now?
Xander: go sleeping together?
Amanda: ok but Marian sleeps behind me, and I want to sleep in the middle.
Marian: I am fine with that, and wait until I get my new body so We both can sleep together and have fun~ (wink)
Amanda: (Blinking eyes) I didn't you were into that kind of thing Marian I thought you were a pure innocent Nikke girl.
Marian: Well girls have a secret right~ (giggle).
Amanda: Right (wink) now then let's go.
Marian: Hai~
The three of them headed to a room where they could get some sleep as Xander slept on the right side of the bed, Amanda slept on the left side and Marian slept in the middle.
Meanwhile at the Deputy office.
Ingrid: unbelievable (look at the report result)
Andersen: I'm guessing the results are more unexpected than you thought. (amused)
Ingrid: That yes, and not to mention commander Cindy was a rookie commander but good with her IQ and strategies, and not to mention the four new members who were former soldiers known as 141 squads were also rare! Even manage to destroy all simulation raptures! As for the Counter squad they do very well with the help of Commander Cindy and the 141 squads! The record time is 2 minutes and 45 seconds!?
Andersen: I believe we got four soldiers that fought in a war before from what I see that they are experienced soldiers they fought other things out there, and they are now here to fight to end the rapture ruling even their queen.
Ingrid: (sigh) And not to mention I have some of my Nikke to guide sir Xander to his new lab and workshop. (Swipe a mission list) so....should we give them a mission difficult?
Anderson: (puts two fingers on his chin) Hmmm I believe they can handle this one (points at the mission)
Ingrid: Very well I will send the mission report to the commander (look at him) do you believe she will handle this mission along two squads?
Andersen: I believe she can since she has her new friends watching over her and also giving her a new Nikke.
Ingrid: Fine also...I give two Nikke of mine since I need someone to watch them.
Andersen: (nodded) Very well, you are dismissed Ingrid you did well.
Ingrid nodded as she left the office, with Andersen humming as he watch the video record their activities in the simulation.
Andersen: this is unlike anything I've seen from any military force these four soldiers know what they are doing and they are not showing any fear in fighting
Chapter 2.
(N/A: Did you all surprised? And YES! I decide to make Marian back alive! my dear readers! trust me when I watch the scene it makes me breaks my heart and as for those who wonder how Modernia's copy of Marian shows up, I tell you my dear readers let's just say after she has been corrupted before 141 operators show up, and after the blacksmith defeated The former corpse of Marian was been given mercy shot by Mando, as Xander save her memories core of her chip when they leave her former body leaning of the corpse of Blacksmith rapture, unknown to them the raptures taking her corpse making the new Marian or also known as Heretics. The new chapter will soon show up! so be patient my dear readers! Ja~ ne~)
(Note: Also Just to let you know, I and my partner asalinas31 have been working so hard so please follow us and support us, give us to bring more ideas for the story so we can work things up. This is Xander_Silver. Over out.)
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