Chapter 1:

After 2 hours later, been transported to new another world.

The four soldiers were knockout as they were groaning and Xander woke up and rub his head he look around and notice something wrong as he look 

Xander: (groan) what.the.fuck.happened here?? Where am I? (Look around)

Andres: (gets up) by the holy grail where are we weren't we in the ocean and now we are now in the middle of nowhere with destroyed buildings and no signs of life?

Xander: Andres! You awake! (Surprised)

Andres: It's hard not to wake up when you got an 80-pound LMG to fall on my leg.

Xander: (chuckle) touche...also (giving him a bro hug) is good to see you alive.

Andres: It's gonna take more than falling from 20 storie buildings and landing into the ocean to kill me I survived a nuke attack.

Xander: Anyway (look around ) where's Amanda? And Mando?

Andres: Let's see if we are here but the float is not here that would mean we find the float we find our friend and your girlfriend. (Started walking away)

Xander:.....wait (mad blushing) how did you-

Andres: you just told (chuckle as he continued walking)

Xander:(shocked) You listened to our conversation before we all gonna die!?!? (Follow him)

Andres: no Amanda left her recording device on I listen to it when I was getting up.

Xander: Wait? What do you mean?

Andres: you two recorded your confession to each other.

Xander: (groan) You got to be kidding.

Andres: nope and congratulations on finally confessing to her it's about time you two started a relationship with each other.

Xander: Thanks, now come on. Let's go find those two.

Andres: Let's go something tells me we're going to have a hard time finding them and what the heck happened to this city?

Xander looks around and notices the city looks very different from what they went through during their mission, as he watches around them they were at the ruined city that seems to collapse by causing a war or apocalypse.

Xander: Hey...Andres? I dont think this is the city that we went past when we go after Makarov, cause these buildings and vehicles' scrap looks different.(look around and saw a weird transport vehicle shape)

Andres: yeah I can tell we caused damage we didn't do all this something must've happened do you remember anything before waking up here?

Xander: Well we were at the ocean and gonna the shore but suddenly a big wave was incoming, and then- (eyes wide) that light...I think that abnormal thing just brought all of us to this place.

Andres: a light huh I'm guessing we were transported here for a reason because this place looks like it's been through the apocalypse or at war with something.

Xander: Both might be...(checking his rifle and ammo) So how many mags do you leave, Andres? I got 5 mags for my AUG and 6 mags for PP5 along with 2 frags left. 

Andres: Let's see (checks his M60) I got two box clips, seven mags left I'm my m1911 and three frags left.

Xander: Sounds good to me while you are on our rear guard, now then let's go find Amanda and Mando they should be around here somewhere right-

Andres: Hold up (looking at his radar) I got some 50 meters from us it's coming towards us and it's coming fast.

Xander: (raise his AUG) Get into position! and ready to open fire!

Andres: (gets in position) be prepared we don't know what we are up against so be ready for a fight.
The two were in the position they saw something that they would have thought they would see.

Xander: What the fuck is that? (raise eye brown)

Andres: a machine or a drone I don't know but it doesn't look friendly and those weapons it has that ain't normal.

Xander: Then let's fire that thing to piece a scrap! open fire!! (firing AUG at the Unknown drone)

The Two of them fire their weapons at the machine as the machine sees them and takes aim with its weapons.

Xander: Ok now they have plasma rounds!!! (taking cover and suppressing fire)

Xander manages to destroy a couple of drones as he grabs a frag and tosses them.

Xander: FRAG OUT! (toss a frag)

As the frag grenade landed it explode he manage to destroy 8 drones but more of them still came toward the two soldiers as started firing at them.

Andres: at this rate, we'll be overrun by these creatures we have to do something or we're done for (tossed a frag as he kills four drones)

The drone continues firing at the two soldiers as three got destroyed by a rocket and two of them were torn apart by a heavy machine gun.

Xander: Wait what? ( take a peek for the look and be shocked)

Andres: (he looks to see that machines were destroyed) seems like our job here it's done but who did that?

Xander looks around and notices from the right up top abandoned building and show two figures, as he lowers his AUG down.

Xander: Identify yourself! (Shout)

Amanda: Xander, Andres is that you?! (shouts)

Xander: (lowers his rifle) Amanda? (Shocked) Holy shit! Is good to see you two alive from that whatever they are.

Amanda: It's good to see you too we've been searching for a while these drones keep on attacking us every time we run into them luckily we found these weapons and ammo on the way here.

Xander toward her then hug Amanda and wrapped them around her neck this make her catch her guard.

Xander: (whisper) I thought I lost you....

Amanda:(whisper) I thought I lost you too luckily I had Mando with a scanner to find your signal luckily we did find you.

Xander: (sigh) thank since we finally reunited, did you two find anything else like survivors? Or something?

Mando: negative this place is a wasteland with no survivors, these drones are everywhere and I can't get a signal up out here something is jamming the radio.

Xander: did you manage to go try to go somewhere a high ground?

Amanda: We tried but there are flying drones around to we couldn't get a signal.

Xander: (sigh) Alright, let's grab some ammo. We are going to continue on foot and find where's the jammer coming from so we might able to contact to military HQ.

Everyone: right let's go. (They started moving out as they passed by multiple destroyed buildings)

2 hours later, at the highway.

The four soldiers walked past nothing but wasteland, as they were all tired and nowhere to be found, they all stopped for while before continuing to walk.

Xander: Let's grab some rest, and we still have a long journey. (Take a deep breath).

Andres: (looks around) What the hell happened here? this isn't the city we know this is something else these drones are not normally something has happened here.

Mando: Could be their cause of it? I mean this drone looks like the one who cause this city or could be around the country.

Amanda: He has a point these drones are everywhere we haven't spotted or found a single person since we got here.

Xander: (rubbing chin) so.. that thing the one who cause all this place...(sigh) seems like we the only four humans left..(look at Mando) Mando you able to track where's the jammer at?

Mando: (looks at the scanner) I can find it but for some reason, the signal keeps on moving like it's being moved or something.

Andres: must be one of the drones that's jamming our signals we should find it and destroy it.

Xander: Agreed, but we need to be cautious because it could be a trap, (look Amanda) Amanda how many explosive stuff and RPG missiles we have left?

Amanda: I only got three rockets left and 10 pounds C4 left I think that should be enough to kill those machines while we try to get away.

Xander: Alright, lets we find this drone for good (cocking AUG), Everyone ready?

A/M/A:( cocked their M4A1/M60/MiniGun) ready as we'll ever be.

The four of them continue to move out as they follow the signal trace that Mando pickup as he leads.

Mando: (looking at the scanner as he was getting confused) what the? this can't be right?? (checking if the scanner wasn't broken)

Amanda: Something wrong?

Mando: according to the scanner it should be here either above us or below us.

Xander:.......(looks around) I dont see anything, everyone is on guard! this could be a trap! (rise AUG rifle)

Andres: (looks at his scanner) uh guys we got company coming from the west side of us. (loaded the M60)

Xander: Everyone gets into position! and set up an ambush await my signal! (went to cover and hide behind the car scrap)

Everyone: right!

Amanda hides in the building on the second floor, Andres hides in the pile of rubble and Mando goes to hide in the ally. The four soldiers waited for what was coming as they hide and were ready to fire at the drone, Xander peeked as he saw a shadow movement and went to walk past.

Xander: (taps coms) Let them pass.

Andres, Amanda, and Mando hold their fire as they let the drones pass by but they noticed that one of the drones was holding a jammer on its side.

Amanda (coms): Xander you seeing what I'm seeing?

Xander: Affirmative, one of the drones could be the jammer, Does anyone has a clear shot?

Andres (coms): no I can't he gets shot it keeps on moving around we need to do something before it leaves.

Xander: Amanda, use the RPG when you fire at that thing, we all go loud and bow that scrap. sync?

Amanda (coms): Roger that taking aim( aims at the drone)

Xander: Everyone takes aim at the drone (aiming at the drone)

Amanda, Andres, and Mando took aim at the drone as they waited for Xander's signal.

Xander: MARK!

The four of them started shooting at the drone tearing it to pieces as the drone tries to get shoot at them but it couldn't do anything about it.

Xander: Keep firing! make sure that thing turns to scrap! (firing AUG)

Everyone: right!

They continue firing as the other drones try to help but they got torn to bits as well).

Xander: Amanda! Rocket!

Amanda: firing (she shoots the RPG at the drone destroying it )

Xander: Cease fire! Cease fire!

The three of them stop firing as they see that the drones were destroyed.

Xander: Mando! check the device, are we getting a signal?

Mando: on it (checks the radar) I'm getting more signals but from multiple locations and the one coming from three blocks away.

Xander: then let's check at three blocks could be friendly. (changing mag to AUG) On me, double time! Mando! you take point! 

A/A/M: right let's go (Mando takes point as he looks at the scanner)

The four of them were making their way through the city but when they arrived they heard gunshots they headed where it was coming from but when they arrived they saw the drones shooting at two women they shot back while a woman in a commander uniform was taking cover.

Andres: we should help them they won't last much longer.

Xander: Bravo-6, give them a supported firing! engage! (run toward them and fire at the drone)

A/A/M: copy that (they started suppressing fire)

The four operators show up and started firing at the unknown drones which caught the attention of both sides the three girls were shocked to see them as they are easy to kill the drones.

???: What the?- (shocked)

???2: Reinforcement? (surprised)

???3: (mind) Those four who are they?

The drones took their attention away from the girls as they start shooting at the four soldiers.

Xander: Frag out! (toss a grenade)

After Xander throw the grenade and managed to destroy 8 of them, he then fired his rifle at the two drones and manage to destroy them.

Xander: Changing mags! Cover me! (move backward)

Amanda: cover fire (fires her M4A1 at the drones)

Xander: Mando! watch your right! 3 scraps coming at you! (changing mag)

Mando: (turns right he aims his minigun) opening fire (he shoots his minigun as he kills the drones but his gun stop shooting) Dammit it's overheated.

Andres: Here! Take my UMP45 with you Mando! (toss him UMP45 along 4 mags), Sorry, that's all I have.

Mando: thank you it will do (he cocked the gun and started shooting) the drones are losing numbers keep it up.

Xander: (Look at the two girls holding a gun) DONT JUST STARING US! KEEP FIGHT! (throw a combat knife at the drone and blow it up)

???/???2: (shake their heads)right we'll help y'all (they started shooting)

Xander: And you lady! (toss her an MP5K) Can you shoot?

???3: (catch an MP5K and inspect the weapon) um it's been a while but yes I can shoot.

Xander: Try to keep up rookie (chuckle), and you will get used to it. now stand behind me! and watch your aiming. Aim and shoot. (fire AUG at 2 drones and pierce to piece)

???3: Yes (nodded) I'll watch where I was aiming my gun.

The three women join the battle to help the soldiers firing at the drones.

Xander: Amanda, Andres status! (tap coms and fire with pistol PP5)

Amanda:(com) we're running low on ammo and they keep coming. (Shoots her m1911 taking down 5 of them)

Andres(coms): yeah I'm on my last mag and these things keep coming. (Load his last mag as he fires his M60)

Xander: Fall back, and regroup on me! (Taking cover and firing back as he manages to destroy 4 of them with his pistol PP5)

A/A/M (coms): roger/ on it/ AAAHHHHH!!!

Xander: Mando? what's going on?! (Worried)

Mando(coms):  damn thing got me in my left leg and there's a big one I guess that's the leader.

Xander: Fall back! I say again fall back! if don't stay away from the leader! (changing mag) LAST MAG!

The girl In the commander's uniform helped Mando as she takes him to the others.

Amanda: I think I got the idea that involves an explosion. (taking cover and grabbing a bag)

Xander: I am listening, (taking cover) hope you brought some good fireworks.

Amanda: (shows Xander the ten pounds of C4) we need to get close to the big one set it and then boom.

Xander: Welp, looks like we need some distraction. (look at the three girls fighting) Hey! what's your three girls' name?!

The girls introduce themselves.

Rapi: I am Rapi. (reloading her mag)

Anis: I am Anis nice to meet ya! (firing at the group drones)

Cindy: I am Cindy, A commander of the Nikke. (taking cover)

Xander (mind): Nikke?

Xander: We need someone to keep the big one busy! we planning to get close to that thing!

Cindy: ok we'll do what we can just don't get killed out there.

Xander: Ma'am, this is what we training for and we only missing in action (run toward to Amanda) Amanda! Are you set?!

Amanda: yep now we need to move quickly before we get blasted by those things.

Andres: (takes cover) let's do this quickly I'm out of ammo here.

Xander: Copy! And where is the big one?!

Mando: it's 10 meters away from us it's getting close it wants to kill us (shoots his desert eagle)

Xander take a peek and saw a big drone as it firing missiles and a laser at them as they took cover.

Xander: Alright! Rapi! Anis! COVERING FIRE WE GO NG IN NOW!!! (run toward the drone lead)

Rapi and Anis: roger leave it to us. (They started covering fire)

Amanda, Andres, and Xander were moving to get closer to the drone as they slid past and put the C4 on its legs, and even on the bottom center core the three of them run behind and found some cover.


Amanda, Andres, and Xander took cover along those two, Amanda toss a detonator to Xander and he catch it.

Amanda: we're in the clear blow that thing into pieces.

Xander: (nodded) Fire in the hole!!! (Press detonator trigger) 


When he pressed the trigger detonator the C4 that has set on its leg and bottom blow up to pieces and torn apart it fall to the ground and was destroyed because of the amount of the c4 enough to blow up a tank.

Xander: That was-(peeking)

Andres looks to see that all thrones are destroyed.

Andres: well we did it somehow?

Xander: (groans) yeah....and we're all out of ammo.

Cindy: amazing y'all beat that psycho machine.

Xander: (blinking eyes) Is that what it's called?

Rapi: no (shook head) they are known as rapture machines created by living beings from another world, the one you three blow up is known as Blacksmith.

Andres: (groan) Great, now we facing aliens now, after we beat Makarov's troops and now alien robots.

Amanda: seems we catch a break can we boys looks like we're here to finish another war.

Xander: Most likely also (look at the three girls) what are you three doing here?

Cindy: I was on my way to base until my plane crash my friend Marian-(realized) Marian! 

???: over here- over here-.

They all turn around and saw a girl, but it was torn apart when the four soldiers saw with shock as they look at her who was a machine or android or cyborg.

Xander: (shocked) dear God...

Andres: (awe and shocked) what happened to her she has been torn apart.

Mando looked away because of how bad their condition she was.

Xander: Is android? ( inspect her body)

Rapi: yes she's a Nikke giving human-like machines that are made to save humanity and to protect the commander.

Xander: I you think we can save her?

Rapi: (Shook's head) no she has been corrupted she can't be saved she must be eliminated.

Andres: Wait what?! (Shocked)

Xander:.....(sigh) I see...

Xander (mind): wish there is a miracle if I can help her....(looks down) poor girl..

Rapi: commander it's your duty to finish her off. (Gives her a pistol)

Cindy: I- (sigh) Very well (look down and take the pistol)

Mando: (taps her shoulder)Would you like do it? Let me end her suffering...

Cindy: please I can't do this (trying not to cry)

Mando: is alright, if you are not ready. Let me handle this (grab her pistol and walked toward her)

Amanda: (looks away and tries not to cry)....

Mando: (aims his gun at her) I'm sorry for this.

Before Mando could pull the Trigger Marian put both of her hands on the gun and put the gun at her head.

Cindy: Marian. (surprised)

Marian: commander( she puts her hand on Mando's as it was near the Trigger) thank you.... for your... bandages(she closed her eyes)


A few minutes later.

Rapi: (tap coms)...No signs of life. 

??? (Coms):...Official confirmation of death. The investigation is complete. Head back to the Ark.

After Mando execute her, Xander walked toward her and gave her a bandage that wrapped around her head and cover her left eye, a d notice something on her neck which he was silent and curious about as he taps unknown her head unattached, and show some kind of chip.

Xander (mind): this could be useful, I should keep it secret and try to fix it(inspect the chip)

Xander (mind): (looks at the sky) seems like there is a miracle happened...(chuckles silently)

He grab it and put it inside his pocket to keep it safe as he finished wrapping her head.

He and Mando walked back to where others were while they watched the Fallen comrades who were at peace right now.

Xander: (taps Mando's shoulder) you did the right thing to do...Mando.

Mando: yeah you think so but then why do I feel so bad about it (he walks away to get his stuff)

Xander: Trust will get used to it, sometimes people need to ask to end their life for mercy or...ask doesn't want to have more suffered.

Mando didn't say anything but nodded as he went to talk to Andres.

He on the other thinking about the chip that he got from her head thinking that might be her core memory or something as he went to Amanda.

Amanda: I can't believe what just happened plus I saw that look in Mando's eyes he didn't want to do it either but she gave the courage to do it and the both of them pulled the trigger.

Xander: (sigh) yeah....(grab his pocket) at least I have this chip for her head.(show her) un scratch.

Amanda: do you think it's a chance for us to bring her back after what just happened?

Xander: Well I was hoping we can check it first if this is her memory even her core. Let's hope there's no virus or corruption inside of this. (Inspect the chip and put it inside the pocket)

Amanda: Let's hope so come on they want us to follow them to their base.

Xander: Great(sigh) I really need some relaxing and a hot shower this time...

Amanda: I hope so too I really need a nap after all this.

Xander: So...would you like to cuddle?

Amanda: of course, I have never done it before with a-.

Andres: (groans) will you two not flirt with each other right now? we got to get moving.

Xander and Amanda: Ri-right! (Blushing)

The seven of them left the area and headed to the base to have a talk with the people in charge and what are their new friends doing up on the surface fighting raptures.






End Chapter 1

(N/A: for those who love Marian fans, don't worry new miracles will happen for her :D and is surprised no spoiler hehe)

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