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110 Amazing Magic Tricks With Everyday Objects
Compiled and Edited by Marvin Berglas, Marvin's Magic
Copyright by Marvin's Magic, 2002
All rights reserved
Published by Marvin's Magic, 3 London Road, Herts AL3 8JL
Magic is a wonderful hobby.
We have selected 110 superb magic tricks, most of which can be performed with simple everyday objects. Once learned, you will be able to mystify and entertain no matter where you are. Read and follow the illustrated instructions carefully and regularly practice and rehearse the tricks until you feel completely confident - then get ready to baffle, bewilder and amaze! But remember our magicians code and
Magically Yours
Marvin Berglas - Marvin's Magic
1. Cup Through Table
Effect: A cup or glass vanishes when wrapped in a sheet of paper.
Secret: A piece of paper wrapped around the cup or glass will retain the shape of the cup – even after the magician has secretly dropped the cup into his lap.
Props: A cup or glass, any small object and a sheet of newspaper or tissue paper.
Preparation: Select a piece of newspaper slightly larger than the cup so that it will cover it completely with some overlap.
Presentation: Place the cup over any small object and wrap the paper around it. Ask the audience what is under the cup. Everyone will, of course, suspect that you are about to vanish the object. Lift the paper and cup to reassure everyone that the object is still on the table. Moving the wrapped cup slightly towards you, just clear of the table relax your hold so that the cup is allowed to quietly drop into your lap, out of sight of the audience, of course, whose attention is still focused on the object.The paper will retain the shape of the cup. When you again place the paper over the object, you must maintain the illusion that you are replacing both paper and cup. Wave your hand mysteriously over the "cup" and claim that you will make the object vanish. When you lift the "cup" the object is still there. Remove the object but replace the "cup". Tell the audience that something must have gone wrong and you are unable to vanish the object, so you have decided to vanish the cup instead! At that moment dramatically smash your hand down onto the paper which will flatten, giving the appearance that the "cup" has penetrated the table. Bring the cup from under the table (removing it from your lap, in one smooth movement) and replace it on the table.
2. Wand Power
Effect: The magician makes some mysterious passes around a wand or pencil which uncannily starts to move on its own.
Secret: The magician secretly blows on the wand, which causes it to roll.
Props: Use a wand or pencil. A smooth, firm surface is essential.
Preparation: Practise blowing toward the wand gently and secretly.
Presentation: Lay the wand on the table and very slowly trace circles around the outside of the wand with a finger. Then, as you move the finger away, the wand seems to follow. You claim to have created a static field that pulls plastic like a magnet. The trick is that as you draw the finger away from you and from the wand, you blow gently on the wand. The audience is so busy watching the movement of the finger, they won't notice that you are blowing towards the wand, which causes it to roll easily on the flat surface.
3. Ring And String
Effect: A ring threaded onto a loop is released, although a spectator is holding the string.
Secret: Read PREPARATION carefully to see how you can solve this puzzle.
Props: Any ring and one cord.
Preparation: Get someone to help you practise this item before presenting it. Tie one piece of cord into a loop (circle). Slide the ring onto one end of the loop. Have your friend hold up his fingers. Put each end of the loop over one finger (see figure 1) but not too tight. Take a section of this cord and make another loop over the finger on the other side of the ring (see figure 2). Be sure you put the second loop below the first loop on the finger. Take the original loop and carefully lift it above the finger (see figure 3). Tell the holder to tighten up on the cord. As he does, you let go of your loop. The ring will fall free even though the string is still on his fingers. You will have to practise this a number of times before you can expect to do it smoothly.
4. Appearing Wand
Effect: From a small purse you produce a large solid magic wand or pencil.
Secret: Obtain a small money purse and cut a small hole at the bottom.
Presentation: Have the wand partly up your sleeve and the other end inside the purse, through the hole. Show the purse, then open it and slowly pull out the large wand. This impressive illusion should be practised in front of a mirror. It is a real fooler and worth the extra trouble in obtaining a suitable purse.
5. Rubber Wand
Effect: The magician's solid wand or pencil seems to turn to soft rubber. On command, it turns solid again. Secret: Hold the wand horizontally in front of you between thumb and forefinger about a third of the way from the end. By moving your hand up and down in short quick moves, the wand will seem to become flexible and appear as if it were made of rubber (see illustration). This is an excellent optical illusion. Presentation: Tap the wand on something to show that it is solid. Say the magic word and now demonstrate that it is wobbly and flexible. Another magic word and it turns solid again.
6. Palm The Wand
Effect: To prove that you have magical powers, place the wand or pencil across the top of the palm of one hand, with the back of the hand towards the audience. Slowly open your fingers and the wand apparently sticks to the hand as if magnetised (see figure 1).
Secret: Grip your wrist with your other hand (see figure 2). Unbeknown to your audience, your right index finger is holding the wand. Don't ever let the audience see the way you hold the wand.
7. Find The Coin
Effect: A coin is covered with any one of three cups and the cups are then moved around. You can say immediately which cup is covering the coin.
Secret: Attached to the coin is a long hair. When the coin has been covered the three cups can be moved around as much as anyone wants. Although your back has been turned while this has been going on you can easily locate which cup hides the coin. All you have to do is look for the hair sticking out from beneath one of the cups and that tells you all you need to know!
8. Reverse Loops
Effect: A cord, coiled around a magic wand or pencil and tied through a ring, is pulled free of the wand and yet the ring remains securely tied.
Secret: As you wind on the cord, you secretly reverse the direction.
Props: A magic wand or pencil, a ring and a length of cord.
Preparation: Practise coiling the cord around the wand until you can do it without hesitation.
Presentation: Take the cord and wind it around the magic wand in one direction for the loops then stop as if counting the loops with the first finger of the hand that is holding the wand. Leave the tip of the finger on the wand, just past the third loop (see illustration). Then add three more loops but in the reverse direction. Practise this carefully and try to get the ends of the cords to hang down about the same lengths. Cover all of the loops with your free hand, now have someone tie a ring to the two loose ends of the cord. As you say a magic word, have him pull straight down and the cord will come free from the wand.
9. Sticky Wand
Effect: This effect is similar to "Palm the Wand" but takes a little more practice to do it correctly. Secret: A combination of holding the wand or pencil in different ways will give the impression that it has become magnetised and is sticking to your fingers magically.
Presentation: Hold the wand between your hands (see figure 1). Lift one thumb (see figure 2). The audience will still think that your other thumb is holding the wand. Then lift the second thumb (see figure 3). They will be amazed! Study figures 4 and 5 and you will see how the trick is achieved. Carefully interlace your fingers so that one is folded inside your palms (see figure 4). The wand is held behind this hidden finger (see figure 4). Pull your hands apart quickly and let the wand fall when the trick is over.
10. Rising Pencil
Effect: The magician places a pencil into a bottle. It reacts to his commands and slowly rises and falls in the bottle.
Secret: The pencil is made to move with the aid of a very fine thread.
Props: A pencil, a vase or bottle and a fine thread.
Preparation: A very fine nylon or black cotton thread or even a long human hair (18 inches to 24 inches in length) is tied, taped or applied with wax to one end of the pencil. The other end is tied to a button on the magician's clothing.
Presentation: Drop the pencil (thread end first) into the bottle or vase (see illustration). By moving slightly away from the table the thread will become tight and, on command, the pencil will either rise or fall, depending on your movements.
11. Dice Deception
Effect: You read someone's mind.
Secret: Whilst your back is turned (or you can be blindfolded) someone throws a die on the table. Ask him to remember the number thrown and then to make another throw. Tell him to double the first number he threw and to add five to the answer. He has now to multiply his answer by five and then add on the second number thrown. Ask him what total he has reached. Mentally subtract 25 from the answer he gives. You will end up with a two digit number – the first digit is the first number thrown and the second is the second number thrown. Now pretend to read the spectator's mind and tell him what numbers he threw.
(ko có hình)
12. Bewildering Beaker
Effect: A beaker vanishes.
Secret: The beaker is glued to a small wooden tray. In the centre of a scarf sew a circle of cardboard. Show the beaker then cover it with the scarf or handkerchief. Lift the scarf (holding the cardboard disc so it looks as if you are holding the rim of the beaker) and turn the tray towards you. Stand the tray against something on your table – with the beaker side away from the audience. Everyone believes you are holding the beaker. Throw the scarf in the air and catch it as it falls – the beaker has vanished.
13. Ring On
Effect: A ring is magically threaded on a string.
Secret: Place the string and ring supplied on a table, together with a safety pin and a handkerchief. Cover the string, ring and pin with the handkerchief. Allow the ends of the string to remain visible at all times. Place your hands beneath the handkerchief and push the centre of the string through the ring. Open the pin then close it so it goes around the right side of the loop and the rest of the string (see figure 1). Put your left forefinger into the loop (see figure 2). Remove your right hand and lift up the right end of the string and ask someone to hold it. At the same time move your left hand along the string (keeping your finger in the loop) until you reach the end. Remove the handkerchief and show that the ring and pin are now on the string (see figure 3).
14. Floating Beaker
Effect: A plastic beaker floats in the air.
Secret: On one side of a plastic beaker attach a strip of strong paper. It is important that the paper is loose along the centre portion. To make the beaker appear to float, you push your right thumb through the paper loop. Place your left hand near your right hand and then lift your hands in the air. With practice it will appear that the beaker is floating in the air. Keep the taped side of the beaker nearest your body so the audience do not see it.
15. The Removable Thumb
Effect: You appear to remove your thumb!
Secret: Practise this in front of a mirror. Hold out your left hand with the palm facing you. Bend your left thumb in half towards your body. Bend your right thumb in half and place it alongside the left (see figure 1). Place your right forefinger over the front of the two thumbs where they touch (see figure 2). Move your right hand to the right and it looks as if you have removed your thumb (see figure 3). This trick should be done only to people who are directly facing you.
16. Folding Money
Effect: A currency note turns itself over.
Secret: Hold the note in your left hand then fold it in half lengthways towards you. Next fold it in half away from you. Finally, fold the note in half again, this time towards your body. Now slowly unfold the note from the front, making each movement in the same direction. The note is now upside down! Strangely enough, this trick is more baffling if you do it really slowly but, like all tricks, you must practise it thoroughly to make sure you can do it perfectly before showing it to anyone.
17. Stop!
Effect: A matchbox obeys your commands.
Secret: Run a thread through the end of a matchbox drawer (see figure 1). Put a small eraser or a block of wood in the drawer on top of the thread (see figure 2) then close the box. You are now ready to show the trick. Hold each end of the thread, with one hand above the other. The matchbox should be near the top of the thread. If you hold the thread loosely the box will slide down the thread but if you secretly tighten the thread the box will stop (see figure 3). With practice you can make it stop or go at your command.
18. Kings And Aces
Effect: Two playing cards make a mysterious journey.
Secret: You need a special playing card. First glue an Ace of Spades and a King of Diamonds back to back. Cut an Ace of Clubs in half lengthways. Glue this on top of the Ace of Spades. Now glue a smaller strip of another King of Diamonds on top of that. Hold a King of Hearts against the special card and it looks like four cards. Place the four cards in a box. Bring out the King of Hearts and place it in another box. Secretly turn the special card over and bring it out, showing the King of Diamonds. Also place this in the other box. Show the first box empty. The Aces have vanished. Take all four cards (really only two) from the second box, showing them as you did before. It seems that the Aces have magically travelled across.
19. Spelling Bee
Effect: Ten cards are counted in a magical manner.
Secret: The cards you use have been secretly arranged in the order shown. The actual suits do not matter. Run the cards, one at a time, from hand to hand. This reverses the order so the Nine is now on the top. Place the 10 cards on the pack. To show the trick count off 10 cards (this gets the arrangement back to normal, with the Three on top). Take the cards one at a time from the top of the packet and place them on the bottom as you spell A C E (one card to each letter). Turn over the card on the E and it is an Ace. Drop this card on the table. Now spell T W O – again moving one card from the top to the bottom of the packet for each letter. Turn over the "O" card, a Two, and drop it on the table. Continue spelling in this way until you get to 10. For the 10th card you have only one card left but pretend to spell the letters as before to amuse your audience.
20. A Neat Escape
Effect: You escape from a rope.
Secret: Ask someone to tie your wrists together with a large scarf. A long length of soft rope is now placed between your wrists and someone holds the ends. Another scarf is thrown over your bound wrists. As soon as your hands are out of sight move your hands back and forth to cause the rope to form a loop between your wrists. Keep working the rope until you can get one hand into the loop. When you have done this ask the person who is holding the rope to pull – the rope will come free and yet your wrists are still securely tied!
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