38| her

All of my wonder, you are the answer.
I call you her, cause you're my tear.

; wc: a little over 5.8k

; notable inspirations: her (BTS), jamais vu (BTS), clouds (before you exit)

; genres/warnings: fantasy, soulmates!au, mellow outpour of angst, fluff (considerable amount of it when seen via microscope), maybe some hurt-comfort, majority of this fic is jungkook centered, main character death(s), indirect mention of suicides, a mention of ableism, hotel del luna references for the character(s), reincarnation and immortality concepts, references to too many historical myths, events and personas, applications of mathematics lol.

; notes: this scenario is not a request. what you're about to read below is probably the greatest written work i'm proud of. this is a roller coaster of emotions so a humble request to arrange some tissues by the side as you read and please be kind in comments lmao.



Once upon a time, there lived a hermit. Initially belonging to a group of bandits who looted villages that surrounded the citadel inhabited by the King of Goryeo; he was said to be a brave, invincible warrior and a conman in the eyes of the locals.

Years after when he bloomed into an adult did the young man had started to realise the struggle of virtues and vices were deliberate indications from God that he had been walking a wrong path in life. This converted the aggressive conscience of his and dove him to become a patron of peace and non-violence.

Living in absolute isolation and celibacy, the young man had attained a noble status; all of which changed when once he took shelter in a shrine looked after by a young courtesan.

From hearsay of the other priests residing in the temple, he learned that the woman was de facto regarded a cursed princess, 'married' off to the deity by her parents to uplift the curse and dedicate her life in worship for the rest of her life.

His peaking curiosity only led him into conversing with the said princess during his time in the temple and discover more about her, till the point where he had deeply fallen for her. He let his heart go for once, knowing it was a forbidden sin to his celibate oath and a peril to the consort's dignity.

The hermit was furious and enraged when he learnt that the princess had been forced out into royal exile, trapped in a life devoid of luxuries and tied to this system for her parents' orthodox perception that there shall be no queen consort even though it is a first born.

It was perhaps this moment when his heart had lost control over his mind when he rebelled against the unjust royal family along with other democratic supremacists in a coup and seized power within just a week.

The war, said to have been one of the most sudden, terrorising blows of state led to deaths in several thousands.

— ➷ —

Jungkook stared at the stone in which the words were engraved in a seemingly ancient language. A carving so bland wasn't a definite subject of curiosity in minds of other visitors in the museum as nobody bothered to hover close to it; yet the man stood rooted, as though he could read and understand the language.

If he went on to explain the engraved text, the modern day humans would probably disregard his claims for a fabricated fairytale so he chose to stay silent. He grimly chuckled at the endless number of struggles archaeologists and researchers have faced to decode such mysterious texts.

The inscription still happens to be his favourite among all the relics in the museum though — he considers to be a story closest to his 'past' life — that has him trapped into a vicious purgatory of life without a motive.

Because here's the thing;
Jungkook estimated he was roughly 1040 years old.

It is hard to believe that how a human can survive for this long, but well, this is how it has been; he doesn't think whether it's right to call him human-like anymore.

He has seen endless amounts of misfortunes, survived world wars, adhered to incessant rains and floods, terrifying earthquakes and global pandemics. Yet nothing had seemed to have the slightest of effect on his physical growth.

Yes. For more than a thousand years, Jungkook is stuck in the youthful age of twenty-four — the golden age when one ventures out to discover the endless possibilities in this fascinating realm where fiction meets reality and more.

And though he hasn't undergone much change in his appearance for the past millennium he has lived, his mind has seemed to develop a lot more than an average man should've accomplished in a lifetime.

Travelling across miles from one continent to the next, Jungkook has accustomed himself to nearly a thousand cultures, mastered hundreds of languages and has participated in philosophical debates from different periods — the reforms over renaissance, romanticism and scientific era and of course, the infamous arguments made over twenty-first century's social media.

Cursed to dwell aimlessly in this human form for an eternity to atone for his sin, Jungkook doesn't have much recollect of his past life. All he does know that he was punished in the court of the afterlife — a sin, he no longer remembers to have committed.

But there was a faint remembrance of words that help him connect the dots and trace them to the roots, in a hope to break free from this irrational continuity of disdain and misfortune he is forced to witness with open eyes.

The lines in the final verdict would go something like this—

"A sin comparable to that of Lucifer; the angel who defied his devotion to God and thus fell from grace."

This is why the legend of the hermit fit so close to his own grief, though he wasn't sure how and had lost hope a long time ago.

Contrary to that, Jungkook is pretty amazed with how the human race has evolved over centuries. With modernisation in infrastructure, socio-economic situations and establishments of democracies all around the world, Jungkook had never known how a one-man one-nation could also be visualised as a people's republic.

There has been a dramatic shift over maintaining records, a three-tier governance in most nations, advancements in healthcare and technologies and just the transformation in general. The ever evolving theories about life sciences, literature, philosophy, space, geology and more — he has seen nations rise, their fall, laws that govern the universe, the unification of different cultures around the world.

What Jungkook has really appreciated is the notion that there has always been an ephemerality in opinions that vary from one individual to another and a platform to express an umbrella of views like the contrasting hues of the rainbow — given the freedom of speech, every man or woman had the power to think and openly express a gender neutral perspective about what they thought.

He's seen the times change, places turn unrecognisable, some disappear, some destroyed and some completely anew.

Being a human himself, though immortal, he has mourned for the loss of some people he has known, some brilliant minds  upon this earth. In these changing times, there are instances when he's felt like he doesn't belong in this world he had been propelled into.

And when Jungkook feels like he has lost his perception of time, there's her.

The still point of the turning world.

The only woman he has loved in his life.

His only wonder among the seven other wonders in the world, his only tear — a love mightier than fire, always destined to fall.

The miracle strikes once in every twenty-six years of loneliness, when the universe brings him to her — no matter whichever corner of the earth he is present at a given point of time, its inevitable.

They shall meet, fall in love and stay for a period of merely six months, believing that they're each other's better halves forever and ever. After this transient bliss nears an end, she must go. The universe cruelly consumes her life.

If fate was a cruel thing, destiny hadn't been any kinder to Jungkook. She was fated to die at the tender age of only twenty-two. Leaving behind all her aspirations, her dreams, her people, her attachments, him — sometimes breathing her last breaths in Jungkook's arms, sometimes in his absence.

It strikes very quick at one too many random chances that Jungkook can't even predict when she's gone.

Following this a period of silence would follow. It would ring in his head like some inaudible symphony that it would suggest him to be patient and wait. First four years until she's born into a new life, then twenty-two years until she is of age.

Jungkook is aware that he has to wait for nearly three decades before he gets to spend six months of his life with her, seems like an unfair deal on his part.

He doesn't complain, though; because he is aware that their fates have been written since the beginning of time and in every lifetime, her heart would always love him. This perhaps accounts to the only boon in this erstwhile unceasing curse. Consequently he has learnt the virtue of patience and he was willing to wait forever, for all his life was otherwise directionless.

So he prays and wishes her happy birthday on the magical day of March 27th — the fateful day she is always born as a reincarnation of her past self.

Like a series of wistful events, she came to him like a breath of fresh air, bringing life to his bones. The type of art that existed in white, grainy canvases and deserved to be worshipped like Monalisa was.

Her smile was the most beautiful element he always missed as he wished them away — the smile that could cause a thousand flowers to bloom in the pit of his stomach and squinting bronze irises ending into a slight scrunch of the nose that could never be forgotten.

— ➷ —

The watchman outside the museum entrance warmly greets Jungkook before he returns the umbrella in his hands. In the past one year he had been staying in Seoul, he walked past the old man during his weekly visits to the museum.

The same routine follows like a religion whenever Jungkook drops by for a visit; he offers some kind pay to the watchman who politely refuses the tip and finally accepts after Jungkook regards it as a gift.

This time too, as Jungkook proceeded to open his wallet, he finds the picture of a young woman in it. It wasn't just a picture of a simple woman, but a picture of her from the era of the 1940s. He instantly remembers the incident that was engraved very well in his mind because just two days after taking this photograph, she was forcibly taken away by officials and poisoned to death during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.

Though he wished to forget the unfortunate event, he never failed to remember it every time he happened to glance on the photograph which happened to be his most valued treasure to hold onto; probably because it seemed to give him hope that she would return to him again and provide him some solace during the long wait.

— ➷ —

It was always the same face. Her visage was comprised of elegance, clearly marked with wisdom in the form of joy and an inquisitive mind to know more about the affairs of the world, the past and more.

Invariably, every time it was the same face, the same birthdate and the same age — yet never the same person.

Even though her physical attributes never changed the least bit, everything about her always seemed enigmatic. The guiding lines of philosophy suggest that the environment lays cues that control and influence a person's soul. So was what meeting her felt like — she was a different person altogether.

Over the past thirty-nine reincarnations Jungkook had witnessed previously, he has seen her being born as a daughter of a rich merchant, a prisoner of war, a princess of a nation located miles away in obscurity, a virtuoso violinist struggling to make a name during the renaissance period, a textile worker during the industrial revolution, a graceful dancer in the streets of Broadway and more often than not an easily forgettable citizen of the middle class among the population of millions in over hundreds of countries.

In the same way, the circumstances in which she waltzed her way into Jungkook's patterned life in her every lifetime were unique in their own way; sometimes she would be smitten with him at the first sight itself, sometimes their love takes a rocky start as she would be a tough nut to crack and expects him to show some form of decent chivalry and sometimes it would simply follow the erstwhile infamous friends to lovers trope.

Conclusively, every lifetime she was born into was always a mystery for Jungkook to unravel.

Fate was sly at times — because no matter how prepared Jungkook felt he was, he always felt like he was falling in love for the first time.

This weird essence of nostalgia struck with a tinge of unfamiliarity gives him a momentary sense of jamais vu, or never seen — because despite having recognised her face, she seemingly felt like a known stranger, as though she was always unfamiliar since the very beginning.

Born under different names over the centuries, she differed from the opinions of her past self. With having seen thirty-nine different versions and different values, Jungkook is convinced to have mastered the art of loving someone through their changes; he always preferred to call her 'her'.

— ➷ —

Since twenty-six years was a long time to wait, Jungkook has taken up certain strenuous and interesting activities. Having achieved honours in many professions he has mastered, he usually dedicated his sparse free time to adventure, painting landscapes and mostly reading. He would be probably lying if he didn't confess he has read almost every book from the archives of the National Library.

Sometimes he would go through research papers of a subject that peaks his curiosity, or simply drown himself in the concord of music and stare in amusement at the evolution of music over generations. Right from the era of instruments that laid the foundation of classical music, their legacy that extends beyond opera and modern-day emo rock music, to ballads, R&B, country music and jazz themes — he has heard them all. He does own a collection of several disc records, exquisitely antique musical instruments and some physical albums that are collectively worth in probably millions today.

Therefore, even so in case he felt too occupied to fall asleep, he inclined himself towards mathematics. No, Jungkook was no connoisseur of the subject, it was just that numbers fascinated him. He was enthusiastic about one series in particular, the most complicated of them all — the Fibonacci sequence.

At first when he came across the sequence after understanding its significance in life and biological matter around him, he thought it was a good method to busy himself and pass time. Yet now, the perception of the numbers in his life has completely changed.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... and the pattern continues to cascade towards eternity and it seems to remind Jungkook about things other than his life that transcend through time and persist to go on forever.

— ➷ —

"I'm home." Jungkook declared as he twisted the doorknob and entered in, both of his hands filled with groceries he got from the local neighbourhood grocers.

A sudden gust of wind brought in a bunch of fleeting papers into the hallway, as one of them landed under his feet right when he was hanging his coat on the rack. Confused, he knelt down and picked the piece, walking straight into the study.

And that is where he found her — seated in her wheelchair by the windowsill as she quietly peered over the winter scenery outside.

This year in particular marked her 40th reincarnation. Born as Lalisa, a name that meant 'the one who is praised', Jungkook perceived her as someone showered in excellence in whatever she did; a curious and intuitive student with an intellect sky-rocketing like her ambitions. In the last semester of her graduate course, her research papers on quantum physics had already been accepted by CERN, the reputed institution that also offered her a spring program to complete her doctorate.

To achieve so much at the young age of 22 was a dream come true for every parent's aspirations but unfortunately, not everything was as euphonious as it sounded like; the life that Lalisa lived was more of a vicious cycle of helplessness and remorse.

Lalisa was 18 when she was first diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) just a few months after she had finally turned into a young adult. Her later years vanished almost immediately after she was trapped into the bland walls of the hospital room for her failing muscles and decreased coordination of her nerves that caused her to fall and result numerous seizures.

Sooner than expected, the movement got restricted each day as the doctor had told her; she would gradually lose the movements of her limbs and arms as they would decline to near torpor, later on compromise with the ability to swallow and even breathe.

The disease was extremely rare, fatal and without a cure; a form of a progressive imprisonment, felt like being inside a prison cell that kept steadily shrinking by six inches each day. She didn't know when exactly it would get too small and crush her to death, but she knew time was near when she learnt that she had around 2-4 years of her time before she would have to succumb to her illness.

Amidst these instances as Lalisa grew reclusive towards her surroundings, her family got burdened with an extremity of responsibilities being forced into them — her mother had already passed away at an age she wasn't aware of how to walk, and her father became an addict to alcohol after her condition surfaced. The alcohol slowly poisoned him and in the brink of an eye, Lalisa was orphaned in this lonely world. Her life had only taken a surprise turn when her professor and mentor, Mr Lee introduced her to Jungkook, who volunteered to look after her wellbeing for the months to come.

"Why are the papers scattered here for? I thought I had asked Juyun-ssi to keep a stack for your reach—"

"She did, before she left for holidays. I was looking for something.....a book." She spoke as she took stable breaths from the respirator tube and definite halts after a couple words. Jungkook glanced back at her and this was when he finally noticed her holding a book — a revised edition of the historic arithmetic manuscript Liber Abaci.

He reached his arm out as she placed the publication on his palm and that's when he realised. "Shit, we have to turn this into the library today?"

Jungkook turned to leave when he felt a slight tug on his muffler. "I want to go out."

He sighed as his eyes bore into hers. "Lisa, its not ideal for you to step out in this weather. Its freezing cold outside."

"Still." She whined. "Just this once." She pleaded through her eyes as she glanced outside again. "I can't stay trapped in this house forever."

Jungkook halted and sighed at his defeat. Lisa had won the debate. "You need to dress up first."

He went upstairs and got her a woollen sweater and a beanie to wear and draped a shawl over her thin frame. Once that was done, he crouched down before her and gently brought her feet to rest over his thigh as he made her wear her socks. Placing the book in a small basket-like provision on the wheelchair, he put on his coat and clutched the push handle behind the backrest.

"Are we ready to leave?" He asked as she smiled in return. And so Jungkook rushed out at once, as Lisa squealed with the sudden breeze blowing past her face.

— ➷ —

Jungkook halted Lisa in a nearby park and suggested her to wait for him as he rushed his way into the library to return the book.

Within fifteen minutes, by the time he was back, he felt pellets of fresh snow fall on his head.

Oh darn, they must get home.

He looked around and found her coyly smiling as she watched the three kids play with snow at a distance.

"Let's get back." Jungkook announced as he approached her when he noticed the hold of her only motile arm tightened around the armrest, showing reluctance to leave.

"No." She whispered. "I want to stay a little longer."

"Lisa." He looked into her eyes and realised they were brimming with tears....of joy or bitter sweetness, he doesn't know. "Fine, let's rest somewhere the snow won't fall as much."

So he got her to rest beneath a roof as he settled beside on a groove, the two of them looking outside as the children made snow angels on the thick layer of white formed on the earth.

"You know Jungkook", she started. "Every time I see you, I have déjà vu."

"Hmmm..?" Really? His conscience says.

Draped into a blanket of silence, Jungkook didn't expect Lisa to be straightforward when she smiled meekly out of the blue.

He had always grown to love this timid but direct nature of herself that made an appearance once in a hundred years. The type where she would ask fewer questions that would cover up the chances of him to slip the truth out, yet at the same time confuse him with her innate talent of making detailed observations of infinitesimal minuscule nuances that any random passerby would've carelessly looked past.

"I can't exactly put a finger on it," she paused, before she continued, "but it seems like I have known you for a long time. Sometimes I think we were soulmates from our past lives."

Jungkook chortled at her joke, nodding understandingly in agreement.

Yes we are soulmates, maybe something like that.

"Is it weird that I see you as someone who has dealt with time itself."

"So you're calling me wise?"

"Uh....uhmm, maybe. The way you talk," she asserts, "has a very refined touch to it. When you look outside into the scenery you look like you're having war flashbacks and atrocities. I don't know but there's this vibe that you have answers to all questions I wonder about." She took a long pause to get a fresh breath of air. She did this often when she usually felt a shortage of air in her lungs.

"It could also be because I read a lot." Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line, thoroughly impressed at the incredible hindsight Lalisa had. He was aware that this reincarnation of hers was very persistent, to get to the root of every problem till she had a reasonable answer to it.

Interesting, he thinks.

"N-no that wasn't what I was trying to say," she turned her wheelchair so that she was facing him. "I see you in my dreams."

"I never thought I was intriguing enough to appear in your brilliant thoughts, forget about dreams." He snorted. "Do you remember what you've dreamed about?"

"Something like I was the princess and you were a country boy. Metaphorically though, my knight in a shining armour." She closed her eyes as if to recall the memory.

The reincarnation was a vivid imagery in Jungkook's mind. He was a peasant of a corn farm who had given her shelter in his homely abode after the angry peasants had struck a rebellion against the royalty. Jungkook was still bitter because he couldn't save her before his neighbours discovered and beheaded her right on spot while he was out to the neighbouring town to sell the little of what his produce had reaped.

"Most of my dreams are wacky and eccentric, you know, just the night before I met you, I had this dream.....of a pattern of numbers that kept on increasing." He heard her giggle as a speck of snowflakes fell on her lap. "My research does not even concern about numbers yet I'm impressed, how those numbers transcend towards infinity, which is why I borrowed the book. Numbers have an elfin charm."

Just as everything cascaded down into one, Jungkook squinted in his place.

Not in these 1040 years that Jungkook has lived, has he witnessed such a miracle unfold before his eyes. Until yesterday, he had known that she never carried the encounters from her past reincarnations, and to some extent, he felt sad to be the sole bearer of the memories they had weaved together. It was always a weird juxtaposition when she in the past promised to remember him while she was on her deathbed, that would only stay as hollow promises as the next life would be fresh as a nascent flower.

"If I add on, sometimes I feel that I see life from your perspective. There's pleasant daylight, but it's dark....lonely, even." She coughed slightly. "Oftentimes, you've tried to end yourself but then the epiphany strikes and you know you would live no matter what. I end up crying to you in my dreams in those times."

An exasperated rush of excitement and disbelief had engulfed his heart, sending shivers down his spine as he stared directly at her, pupils wide and shock graced features melting down to a smile tugging his pink lips so beautiful.

She remembered.

"Y-you know e-everything, don't you?" He voiced his thoughts out loud and all he got as a confirmatory response was a beaming smile with the maximum possible stretch of her face muscles.

He cupped her face and planted a supple kiss to her forehead, stroking her hair as she moulded into his gentle caress. "I'm sorry, Jungkook."

"Hey Lisa, this is not your fault. It's not your fault that your memories are wiped out each subsequent lifetime you're born into. It's not your fault that we are bound to this curse — which happens to be more like a blessing in disguise to me instead. I always keep waiting for you to walk into my loneliness and make my heart feel full evermore. If there's someone who needs to be apologetic, it has to be me. I'm quite the force that keeps barring you from living to the fullest—"

With every ounce of power contained within her trembling body, she tugged at his muffler and pulled him close, only to close the proximal gap between his lips and hers. His lips perfectly moulded against her own and he smelt of vanilla and spice, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her wit had rendered her speechless and she was at a loss of words to describe how life altering it absolutely felt. Even if she knew she didn't have much time left in her hands and could lose her life at any forthcoming instant, she poured in everything into the kiss, as if making up for all the chances she had unknowingly missed.

Jungkook rested his forehead against hers as they pulled apart, their nose tips brushing against one another as he breathlessly chuckled.

"If there's something I must confess", Lisa began, "its that I've felt eager and afraid of meeting you this lifetime." She grasped her hold on his hand as he hastened to listen.

"Whenever I saw you in those dreams, they always ended on a dark note because I always died after meeting you. This was no happenstance as these dreams would always recurred in different timelines but ended in the same felony. I knew that falling in love with you is inevitable, has agonising pain and there would be repercussions. Even if I didn't meet you already, I am aware that I would die, from this illness. So it always kept me eager like a moth to a flame, and the fear gradually wafted away after I met you. In these six months you have lived by my side have been one of the happiest in my life."

"Lisa—" Jungkook drops silent as Lisa shushed him as she continued to go on.

"H-hence even if...when I die, I would die without any regrets of meeting you. Those dreams of you had prepared me to love you back when we meet again. I can't guarantee if the next me would ever remember any of this, but, I am certain that she would love you just the same as I have. And this would go on, just like the never-ending Fibonacci sequence."

"Lisa...I...j-just don't know how I would comprehend a-any of this. Part of me wants to let y-you go because it pricks my heart to see you struggling on this wheelchair as you soar closer to death, for I have loved you through the pain that it's easier for me to get over your many deaths. Y-yet, at the same time, I know time is running out, slipping through the gaps of our fingers like sand. Your condition is not a conundrum nor is it impervious to anything — that no matter how much I plead to God or Mother Nature would you be spared from the circle of life as its called. A-and just as much as it hurts me, I would always hold onto your anchor the next time we shall cross paths. I promise you, I will always love the many versions of you I shall see till this spiral stops, possibly longer than that. Because I know its fated, its all fated."

Jungkook leaned over and pecked her once again as she wiped his tears off and he smiled a wistful smile.

He smiled in the same wistfulness when he learnt that Lalisa had passed away two days later in her sleep, leaving no legacy behind — just an unfortunate young woman gone too soon in an untimely death. It occurred on a gloomy winter afternoon, some unusual grey clouds foreshadowed the funeral attended by only a handful number of people — some of her friends from university, her professors, caretaker Juyun and him.

Shortly after the funeral rites were over, Jungkook remembered how Juyun — a loving, kind woman in her late forties approached him with an envelope in her hands, a present Lalisa wanted to dedicate to him just the night before she died. It was her dying wish that Jungkook would read the first letter on her 23rd birthday just so that he stays happy for a long time in his wait.

Just as promised, he stood before her portrait hung in the mini art gallery inside his house, the one that he painted shortly after her death. Depressing days of winter had faded into spring as flowers bloomed and Mother Nature rejuvenated herself in her unique ways. Some lonely months after her death, here came March 27th as he teared open the envelope as the paper slid out. The crisp sound of the crease made him feel giddy, an expression he hadn't seen since she had died.

With shaking hands, he smiled at the wobbly heart she had made with her trembling hands, her minimalistic handwriting contained no long essays but a simple poem followed after two lines of a cheeky salutation.

To Jungkook,
my eternal beacon of light.

What we feel for each other is too big to be put into words, so I like to compare them with numbers. Our love is like the Fibonacci sequence, or the golden ratio. We start at zero, then we add a one, then another. And the numbers keep on increasing in this ever-so familiar pattern, but the numbers never repeat themselves. How irrational, is it, isn't it like us?

In this lifetime and all others to come, these numbers are a reminder of the bond that is shared between us could never be broken by the infinitesimal obstacles thrown in the way.

The sun sets from a distance I can never reach,

And yet I still dream of stretching my arm out.

I shall never forget your smile, your face so peach,

Your rays far and wide into eternity without a doubt.

Even though the gray cityscape is difficult to pass through,

One day, my hand will reach out to you.

The sunlight shall colour us golden,

And we shall rewrite the stars disburden.

I didn't expect this would turn all cheesy, because I don't possess the extremity of expressing myself with the excellence you do. I hope this letter keeps you company and reminds you of me until next time till we meet again.

Goodbye, my love.

Jungkook read through the final lines again. Goodbye indeed, he wondered.

Déjà vu is an emotion perceived by many, however, its only an utmost rarity when people like the 40th reincarnation of her are born. Ones who remember incidents and instances they were never there for, and possess paramount prowess about etymology of divine omniscience.

Although Jungkook was aware that every version of her was a masterpiece in itself, the 40th reincarnation would be a stellar paradigm to remember. Not only because she had remembered everything about him, in every shape or form, but also because that was probably the first time that Jungkook had felt she had known more than what he had acquired in all these years.

And just like his heart was painted passionately in the sapphire droplets of her love, he swore to divulge a remembrance of her soul's presence until the day they would meet again in the clouds.

Because no matter how many lives she had lived so far, and would continue till the end of time, he would always find a way to her at some point, a simple fact that everything would be okay.




firstly, happy tae day and belated christmas wishes to all<3

if it doesn't look obvious from the text already, let me confess that this oneshot was intended to be a series months ago. then i had enough crisis to feel demotivated so here's a congested scenario with a messed up sentence structure since wp's bug fixes wouldn't let me revise this at all so please forgive me for the wrong grammar :((

the reason i'm so frikin proud of this is because i literally stemmed this from one single line — that happens to be the chorus of 'her' so ;) also the poem in the end is me being a corny poet excuse that lmao.

please please let me know your thoughts, any means of feedback would be very appreciated cause this took ages to make and i'll cry at this point :P


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