32| casual affection
❝Its more than just platonic feelings.❞
Warning: Merely fluff and a bunch of random cliches, although the following content is not-safe-for-ramadan (for practicing muslims) because it has swearing and a slight mention of dirty(?) talk towards the end.
Word Count: 3528
Getting off her car, Lisa craned her neck to look at the sky scraping building she stood in front of: the label Golden Closet Enterprises plastered in big, bold lettering.
Mumbling the same name under her breath, she sighed before stepping foot into the glass entrance of the wide, spacious office. She stepped into the elevator, a soft, retro melody playing in its background. Lisa constantly tapped her stilettos until the doors opened to a certain fiftieth floor, reserved exclusively to the director's son under whom she worked as a secretary.
As soon as she placed her bag to settle down on her cubicle, the telephone on her desk rang as she noticed her boss's silhouette looking directly at her from his office. Lisa pushed her chair and tiredly made way into the cabin, mentally preparing herself with whatever work she has to manage.
"Morning Mr Jeon."
"Heard you went out with Kyungsoo last night." Her boss, Jungkook said nonchalantly as he skimmed through some of the documents scattered around his desk.
"It was a blind date set up by my friend, I wasn't aware it'd be him. We aren't dating." Lisa answered with utmost care. Romantic relationship between colleagues was regarded unprofessional and restricted from the employment contracts; as the director was a man of norms, he made sure that this rule was enforced upon all departments, serving an exception for some who acquired the highest positions in the company.
These norms were to be followed until the director would have officially declared his retirement and let his son take over his company and make amendments to the stated terms and conditions, though there wasn't a chance it was anytime near.
Yes, the contract scheming was pretty unfair on certain grounds as one might call out, although it helped the employees to present a clean record of themselves and avoid falling into scandals, specifically as GCF was a leading media company.
Jungkook raised a surprised brow at the response, the expression soon replaced by a faint grin — leaving Lisa confused if it was actually directed at her. Lisa hadn't been into relationships either; specifically when she had heard of the many office based scandals that were caused mainly due to office relationships and affairs. She didn't want to risk and be a part of it either, but her boss was making it difficult to keep her promises strong.
Jeon Jungkook was infamous for his charming looks and humble personality, although sometimes his stone cold behaviour would throw any person literally off the ledge. Lisa, just like the many other employees had fallen prey to his beautiful smile yet, she was certain whatever she felt for her boss was purely an infatuation and nothing more. She didn't wish to compete though, and instead she settled to admire him from afar. Moreover, unlike the women who wanted to be romantically involved with him only adored the superficial things like his physique and his credit cards, Lisa's crush was based on the fact of how kind and patient he was with her, correcting the every small mistake she made ever since she first took up the job.
"These are the list of articles that were supposedly controversial as listed out by the editors, therefore I want you to review them and submit consequential reports regarding the same."
"Sure sir."
Lisa returned to her desk, checking all the reports at the same time reviewing the submissions of the younger interns. It was almost six in the evening, when Lisa felt a little dizzy and nauseous as she tried her best to stand still.
"Lisa, are the rep— oh my god, are you okay?" Jungkook panicked upon noticing the sudden paleness forming over Lisa's face, causing her to look back at him stunned and shocked. "Oh...uh, yes. I think..."
"You should head home and take rest okay?" He stepped closer, his hand placed over her shoulder. Lisa didn't understand if she was supposed to faint out of stress or out of the sudden spasm of euphoria gushing in with the sudden contact with her crush...er—her boss.
"I a-am not ye d-done f-fi—" "Thats not a concern for now, your health is. You seem to be exhausted, you can continue the rest at home if you like to. For now, you should relax a bit."
Lisa was persistent only because she always worked until eight, even stayed back until nine to exit the premises with Jungkook so that he wouldn't feel alone. It shouldn't have been much of a concern though, considering the fact that Jungkook was usually quiet and didn't try to be intrusive in his conversations for once. Still, there was a sense of relief to have him walk with her to the parking lot, to just have him walking with her by the alleyway knowing things couldn't escalate further than this.
Despite Lisa's relentless pleas of staying back, Jungkook was adamant over his decision . So ultimately, one of them had to give up and it was Lisa who did it.
Lisa jolted out from her bed with a start; her eyes bloodshot red as she just broke apart from her sleep, immediately face palming herself at the blotch of blood that had stained the bed. She furiously sprinted off to the bathroom, her eyes soaked in horror of not being aware that the time of the month had approached.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lisa cursed under her breath as she rummaged through the section of feminine products in the cabinet.
She heaved out a sigh or disappointment, slowly coming to a realisation that she was running around a crazy lunatic at nearly two am in the night looking for something she had obviously ran out of: sanitary pads.
Tiredly slipping into a black oversized hoodie, she loaded a bunch of toilet paper that would suffice for the pads, wearing her sweatpants and continuously praying for some shop to be open round the corner and that she doesn't stain herself while buying the pads.
"Hmmm..." With a hood placed over her head, Lisa waked through the aisles of the convenient store with just a few customers around. She wasn't looking ahead as she hurriedly tried to sprint towards the counter, and being the clumsy girl she is, she tripped over and scooted on someone's foot.
To her fortune, the person managed to catch her before her back made rough contact with the cold floor, arms secured around her waist as her hood fell back — catching a vivid glimpse of the person before her: her boss.
Her blood ran cold as soon as her brain comprehended the entire scenario: awkward and embarrassing to look at. Jungkook slowly pulled his arms away as he stood speechless, Lisa mirroring his expressions.
"Hello Ms Lisa..." He awkwardly scratched his nape, picking up the pads that fell on the floor, Lisa covering her face to hide from embarrassment.
Because she had already believed that nothing could be worse than colliding with her boss in a convenience store, dressed in nothing but sweatpants and him noticing her sanitary products.
Right. She wished to bury herself six feet under the ground at the moment.
Her trance fell off when she heard a low chuckle from Jungkook, who had been keenly observing her expression all this time as he handed her the packet. "Don't worry yourself, Ms Lisa, its completely normal besides you're just being healthy so there's nothing you should be embarrassed about."
"Right." She nodded, overwhelmed to speak louder.
His smile made the crease lines on her forehead relax, when she noticed his eyes darting to a wafers section at the corner. "Those are your favourite snacks, aren't they?"
"Errr...how do you know?"
"I happen to notice you sneakily eating them during work, although I pretend not to. I know you aren't slick, nobody is, at the end of the day Ms Lisa—"
"Just Lisa would be fine." She whimpered through an airy laugh, looking away to avoid eye contact with him and prevent the obvious scarlet hue that painted on her cheeks. He gently took the sanitary pads from her hand before landing it in his basket full of snacks and drinks, as he made his way to the cashier.
"Mr Jeon...there's no need, I can pay—" Lisa tried to stop him but widened her eyes and a cute gasp escaped her lips when Jungkook did nothing but intertwined his fingers with hers. Not daring to utter a single word, Lisa quietly followed him to the chair as he took out his wallet, paying for the listed items.
The woman sitting at the counter warmly smiled as she handed the bag. "What a cute couple you two are. Ah, young love."
"Excuse me ma'am, we aren't—"
"Thank you." Jungkook cut Lisa midway of her explanation, her head snapping in denial when he indirectly admitted they were in a relationship — which couldn't be true in her widest dreams.
Could it be possible she was in a dream right now?
It was a common symptom of PMS after all.
Lisa immediately pinched her cheek and winced in pain when she pulled the skin too hard, causing a faint red bruise to form on the impact.
"Uhm, Lisa are you okay?"
Great, another way to embarrass yourself and make him believe you're schizophrenic.
"I never expected to meet you like this, so its a bit of shock for me to have you here. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" She interrogated him when they stepped out of the glass doors.
"I excused myself from work just sometime back and a thought of you crossed my mind. I didn't realise that I already drove into your neighbourhood while thinking about you so I am here."
"You were working all this while?" Lisa's lips curved into an O-shape.
"Yes, I was looking into your incomplete reports. I then thought of getting something to eat nearby so I was looking for snacks there — though you cn have them."
"Oh." She frowned a concern, shyly accepting the bag from him. She never imagined to encounter Jungkook in a weird instance like this, although she was thankful she did. At the same time, her brows furrowed again which seemingly didn't go unnoticed by him.
"You can voice your concerns."
"Some of this sounds like creepy stalking to me."
"Are you implying that I am stalking you?" He raised a brow in surprise as she giggled. "Precisely."
"Oh, I must've made you uncomfortable then. It must be weird..." His cheeks were flushed as it was his turn to be awkward as Lisa flashed a wide grin.
"I was just teasing you."
"Ah, right. I should've seen in coming." He mumbled, his words still audible to her.
"We must head back, its getting late." Jungkook uttered as Lisa immediate stopped him. "You can rest for a while at my place. You don't seem to look good as well."
"Ah is it? Am I looking ugly—"
"No, that isn't what I meant. You seem very tired and worn out. Just accept it as a thank you, for everything you did today."
Jungkook was still apprehensive about the offer, worrying if it was uncanny to have himself over at his employee's house, even though it was for a few hours. At the same time his body was aching from overworking too, and he wasn't sure if it would be safe for him to drive back home with no one to guide him along the way.
"I'll be back in a matter of minutes." Lisa explained before rushing into the bathroom to get changed when they stepped into her rented apartment. Jungkook made himself comfortable over the couch as Lisa mentally slapped herself for the dull and misarranged condition her apartment was in, especially when her boss preferred cleanliness over everything else.
Jungkook and Lisa munched on the snacks they bought sometime ago, talking over a number of unrelated topics; honestly they were having a great time together now, acknowledging the fact of how late it was. After all, both of them seemed to be troubled and there wasn't much to look into the darkness the night held and it was better to spend time together than being alone.
Lisa silently whimpered feeling a contraction, the pain didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.
"Hey, are you—"
"I'm fine. Just cramps." Lisa quoted it short and simple, as Jungkook nodded, before he swiftly lifted her up from her seat, walking defy towards her bedroom before he rested her on the bed to get a blanket that lay over.
"What are you doing?"
"I've heard period cramps can get worse, so I'm just thinking of ways I could help."
He frantically shifted, wanting to go to the kitchen to get a hot water compress when Lisa caught his hand.
"You could just stay here, I'll be alright."
He complied, before removing his coat and shoes, shyly getting onto the bed. He caressed her hair, feeling intimacy for the first time in a while. He knew it was wrong and unprofessional at so many levels and so did Lisa, yet everything felt so right at that moment. Lisa was prolly one of the employees who had secured his trust after working with him as his secretary for over a course of four years now. Though Jungkook was a powerful personality when it came to business, he was still a loner at heart; there was particularly no one he could talk to, his friends list only a limited to a handful of his friends and seniors. Lisa could understand there was something that had been troubling him although he never expressed it out.
She ran a hand along his raven hair that glimmered in the dim lighting of the room. Unknowingly her touch brought him warmth and comfort as his heart encouraged him to open up to her.
"My father is considering an early retirement. The matter is into discussion with the board members and the meetings will proceed from next week onwards." He started off professionally. "Sometimes the work is too demanding to look at, because I have never imagined myself to work and command as greatly like he does. There are a number of things I agree that aren't just with the employees, but it doesn't get better for me as well."
"What are you trying to imply, Mr Jeon—"
"Jungkook. We are not working at the moment, you can drop the honourifics."
"Okay, uh...J-Jungkook. Is this why you've been reserving yourself lately?"
"Perhaps. Sometimes I feel like I am not deserving of the position I am about to take over, that is sooner than I had expected. I reserve myself, working for hours and still feel its not enough, the articles we publish shouldn't cause unhealthy scandals always runs at the back of my head. I still think I should go on further, but thats when I stop when I see you waiting outside my cabin. In a way it signals my brain to halt to check the time and understand its already past working hours but you are still there, when everyone has left long back. I don't know why you do it, but it relieves me a lot when I get back home. I haven't thanked you for it, but today when you were unwell and I asked you to go back, I didn't catch a glimpse of time as I went on working."
"I'll wait for you more often then, you don't have to thank me at all for that. In a way, it relieves me too, to have you walk me back to the parking lot. I know that I shouldn't be crossing the limits of just an employee working under you, but I feel the happiest moments of the day within that five minutes of walk, though its not much to ask for."
"So you're trying to say I'm your comfort, Lisa?"
"No, I mean to say that I have started to realise that what I feel for you isn't platonic nor a casual attraction. I think that I have started liking you, for real now. Although its very wrong of me to say that and probably its just because of the hormonal changes within me thats acting up, but—"
"Say no more." Jungkook stated, causing Lisa to shut her mouth, pondering if it was right of her to bring up the sudden confession out of nowhere. No, she wasn't feeling embarrassed at all. She felt relieved for letting out her thoughts aloud. At least it cleared up the confusion stuck in her head, a false pretense of her feelings that were real for Jungkook.
Not for her boss. For Jungkook, as a person. As the man who laid by her side, caring for her like no man would.
"Don't overthink about my words, those stress lines make you look ugly."
"Do they? I was thinking of how I should, you know, explain if I feel the same way."
"Do you mean...?"
"Yes." He answered the question in her head. "I've liked you too. Never mustered enough courage to say it."
Lisa wished to cry tears of happiness at the moment, although the were replaced by a sigh of despair when she felt yet another contraction.
Jungkook caressed Lisa's tummy, his other hand rubbing her back, feeling her warmth in his fingertips.
"Do they still hurt?"
"Hmm." She nodded in response.
Jungkook's lips instinctively pressed against Lisa's forehead to distract her from the pain as his gaze averted to her soft lips.
She nudged softly under his touch. "So what does this make us now?"
"Lovers, I say." He lips twitched as he said the word, Lisa's heart pulsating as well.
"Lovers it is then. Lovers in tryst would make a better phrase."
"Right, couldn't have said it any better."
A grin plastered over Jungkook's lips as a though surfaced his mind, as Lisa seemed to take notice.
"May I know what's going in that handsome brain of yours?"
"Yah~" Lisa cooed, nudging him to speak.
"I bet you would be blushing deeply when I say it. I was thinking of something we could do as a real couple, you see."
"I can assure you the pain I have will last for a week now. So if you're thinking about taking me out on dates, you might need to wait before you start courting me."
"I like the confidence when you say that."
"Maybe its just my hormones acting up again." She chortled.
"Ah really? You're completely the opposite of the shy secretary who likes to secretly glance at me while working."
"YOU KNEW?" Lisa was now too flabbergasted to come up with a coherent response, the slightest of her actions getting caught up.
"I did know it, because practically I did the same as well. So it was obvious to me that you liked me too, though I wasn't sure if it was just an intuition but a sweet reality."
"Well, now you know. How are you feeling?"
"A little apprehensive because I have a fair share of responsibilities to take up as your lover."
"You would excel in it. You excel in almost everything. Besides, I don't want you to be all lovey-dovey towards me as long as you feel relaxed in your work. So you don't have to worry about me at all."
"I like that you're so thoughtful."
"You should be thankful to have a thoughtful girlfriend. Soon enough, you would see a crackhead version of myself, so take this as a fair warning to deal with in the future."
The two of them giggled at the phrase, when Lisa clutched her abdomen in pain, as Jungkook rubbed soothing circles on her back to calm her again.
"Ms Lisa." He went back to call her with the honourifics that had Lisa confused.
With a smirk on his lips, he placed a thumb over her lips, as she gestured him to go further in curiosity.
"I was thinking about your cramps."
"And...? You have a remedy for it?"
"I think I do."
"Care to share with me?" Gladly, his lips twitched a little more.
"How about we make your period disappear for nine months?"
Here's a flop attempt of me to write some premium quality fluff I totally suck at huhuヽ(;▽;)ノ
The secretary-boss scenario (requested by LalisaManobal3 and rednpink) & cuddling during cramps (by ggukiephoriaa)
This oneshot was particularly challenging to write since the genre was pretty cliche and I mostly emphasise character development over the storyline in the smallest of scenarios. I was so confused with what to write with just the given professions so I combined two requests and went with a random plot that I'm not very proud of =/
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