28| syncope

SYNCOPEsudden loss of consciousness caused by insufficient supply of blood to the brain. In common terms, referred to as "fainting."

Warnings: mentions of blood/needles.

[Requested by: nanuenSOLO (doctor concept); Arsh_m (sick treatment)]

Word Count: 3908


It was around four in the morning when the alarm went off. It was just a regular day for Jungkook; he stayed up on the bed, his brain rewinding the few scenes of his dreams as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair, slowly trying to wake up.

Being a fourth year resident especially in the emergency department only meant that he had to compromise his free schedules to attend the patients. On an average, he worked nearly sixteen hour shifts everyday, taking breaks from time to time, although he was willing to work more.

No, it wasn't the case of money; he wasn't paid on an hourly basis anyway, but probably because living in the hospital and talking with the patients was much better than going back to an empty household every night. It wasn't just his dedication for the work; he felt a certain sense of pride and merry whenever he would see the smiles of the families after the patients were out of danger, seemingly because thats what doctors do: they save lives and are regarded with the prestige of angels themselves.

Perhaps there was another reason too, maybe a certain someone he admiredㅡ


It wasn't the time to dream again.

Drifting away from his thoughts, he took a warm shower before he drove off to the hospital situated a few miles away from his quarters.

The atmosphere inside the hospital was in complete contrast to the serenity outside. There was a hustle of injured people being rushed into stretchers, the elevators alarming in readiness as the medical crash carts were loaded in. Hospitals were perhaps one of the only few places that radiated with activity at all times.

Pushing through, making his way into the trauma centre, he scanned the room filled with new faces, some bleeding wounds being treated by nurses. "Jeon!" He heard his last name being called out, to find his fellow trainee friend Jung Jaehyun waving at him.

"Its a relief you're finally here! Can you look after the little girl at bed 3 until Dr Min comes by? Apparently the poor child suffered an accidental impact and I'm currently called into the paramedics..."

"Okay, okay let me clean up first." Jaehyun nodded before rushing out from the ER as Jungkook changed into a comfortable pair of blue scrubs as he kneeled before the sobbing child.

"Hi there!" He flashed a friendly grin as the girl slowly smiled, being reminded of her bunny soft toy that resembled the doctor's smile.

Jungkook stared at the cute six year old; trying to remember if he had seen her anywhere prior to this.

"Your name's Minjoo?" He questioned with his hand resting under his chin as the girl mouthed a yes. His guess was correct; some days back he saw the child with her mother who was admitted into the OB/GYN for her second born.

"It h-hurts." She whimpered, her hand oozing with blood as some glass pieces were left unattended. Jungkook frowned a concern.

"Can I have a look, hmm?" He politely asked, as the girl slowly stretched her arm out for him to wash the wound.

He removed the glass pieces carefully, his hand reaching into the first aid box to apply antiseptic to it. In the slightest attempt to not cause discomfort before he wrapped a gauze bandage around it.

"Eomma and Appa don't lob me anymore....they care for that baby, not me." The girl spoke for the first time, as Jungkook was done treating the wound.

"No baby, thats not the case. Is this why you hurt yourself?" The girl only nodded, her eyes drooped down in melancholy.

"Ahh thats not what you think it is, Minjoo-yah. They sure love you a lot, but the baby is a part of your family now. Their love for you will never change, you get that, dear?"

"Oh my! Minjoo-yah!!!" A masculine voice was heard amidst the clutter, making the two turned their heads to a man, who seemingly was Minjoo's father.

The man came crashing down, kneeling beside her as the stress lines in his forehead came to a relax. "Where were you? I looked around everywhere, you got me scared." He noticed the bandage around her arm immediately recognising the injury. "Appa is so sorry to leave you alone, please forgive me?" He pleaded as he young girl smiled, hugging her father. The heartwarming scene brought a tranquillising effect to Jungkook's heart yet again, his lips twitching upwards into a smile.

"Thank you, doctor." The man greeted, before picking his daughter in his arms as he walked towards his wife's ward.

Minjoo quickly pecked Jungkook's cheek as he gave her a lollipop, knowing that the girl was now being taken away from the crowded chaos, in good hands.

He proceeded to treat the minor wounds of the other patients and check their pulse rate, before searching up their family records to contact their families about their situation by the time the Dr Min arrived at the scene and the severely injured patients were taken into the ICU to be further treated by specialists.

"So much in the first two hours of the day, I heard from the nurse about you and the situation. You really know how to take the situation under control Jungkook." Jaehyun patted his friend's back as the two sat for a cup of morning coffee when the cafeteria opened.

"Thanks Jae-" He halted himself when he noticed a woman nearly the same age as him, sitting a few tables behind them. Her long brunette hair braided into a bun with some strands of hair falling out from the sides. The girl was seated alone, her long thin fingers gripping onto her latte as though she was too worn out to hold it tightly.

It took a couple number of seconds to recognise Lalisa — one of the other postgraduates in the residency programme. The two of them had worked together under the supervision of Dr Kim Namjoon and eventually Jungkook had taken a liking for the woman.

Actually, he had secretly fallen for her, though his shyness forced him to curb his feelings. He did catch a few hints she would give him through the small talks and laughs they would share during breaks. He wasn't sure if the girl liked him back but he was just pretend as if they were only medical practitioners and maybe friends but nothing more.

Moreover, they were colleagues and it was highly unprofessional of him to confess to her and make things awkward for them, especially when they were meeting each other everyday.

But that probably didn't reject what his heart had to say. They say that actions speak more than words, perhaps the notion stood true for both of them. Jungkook had been increasingly concerned for Lalisa over the past week; probably because he had assumed that the latter was overworking herself. First he would simply regard it as an unnecessary suspicion. Later into the days they barely saw each other let alone greeting a simple salutation. Jungkook being observant himself, had noticed her working continuous shifts ranging for prolonged number of hours.

Jungkook himself had been so occupied that he couldn't find time to approach her and ask if everything was alright, and slowly even he was starting to repent about it. He decided he would excuse himself from Jaehyun and meet Lalisa whilst he still had a chance, but was suddenly interrupted in his thoughts when Jaehyun placed his palm on his shoulder.

Jaehyun's phone buzzed with a text from the receptionist requesting his presence at a road accident immediate operation so without wasting a tempting second, he turned towards Jungkook. "I think I'll catch up with you at lunch hour." Jaehyun waved goodbye to him before rushing his way up into emergency ward number four.

A moment after Jaehyun left, Jungkook turned his head back to glimpse at Lalisa — only to find that she had already left.

He resumed to the other operations consulting the senior doctors, trying to grasp more knowledge on specialising operations he would be able to independently perform in the coming years. This time too, Lalisa was present with him as the second house officer as they operated on a heart patient along with Dr Namjoon. Successfully Jungkook managed to stop the internal bleedings as Lalisa kept checking the pulse from time to time, making sure the patient was still under the anaesthesia effect with Dr Namjoon quickly secured the wounds and examined the organs with his surgical adhesives.

The patient was slowly losing breath and the heart was beginning to crash, a gasp of horror slowly forming on their faces. "The heart is bleeding again, we need to close up fast!" Namjoon commanded as Jungkook and Lalisa hastily helped the doctor with the stitches before the patient was finally announced out of danger and returned to the stable state.

"Operation was successful," Namjoon declared with a generous smile, his dimples gently poking out. "Good job, the two of you." He regarded, before stepping out of the operation theatre.

"I suddenly panicked in middle of the operation, I think I should've been more careful." Lisa answered for the first time, as Jungkook gazed at her.

"I think that you were certainly careful, sometimes the assessment of the issue becomes rough when the surgery is intense." Jungkook tried to explain in a convincing tone. She only stayed silent, briefly nodding in response.

"Uhm Lalisa....are you okay?" He took her by surprise when he fired the question at her, causing her to gawk unbelievably at him.

"Yes ofcourse I am." She laughed dryly as Jungkook observed her tone suddenly getting fainter.

"Why w-would..." Her voice faltered before she could come up with a coherent reply and her legs felt weak all of a sudden, she felt an invisible load over her head as her hands grew pale, the vision getting hazy before eventually blacking out. Lalisa instinctively stuck her arms out on the nearest support that could help her balance; in this case it was Jungkook.

By the time Lalisa had restored her consciousness, the blinding lights at the hospital caused her eyes to instinctively flutter close.

Her mind started to travels back the events of what had happened before she landed up here. She was currently in a ward, surrounded by the off white walls of the square room.

The feeling was strange; it was awkward to live in this unfamiliar familiarity when she was the one to stand over and check on the patients, instead of being one of them.

"How are you?" She craned her neck towards the source of a familiar voice, only to discover Jungkook Jungkook against the wall.

"Why am I here?" She questioned, trying to pull herself when a sharp jerk on her elbow caused her to wince in pain, making her collapse deeper into the bed she laid in.

"You fainted." He answered, almost as if he deadpanned her.

"And stop answering my questions by adding more of them. When I asked you if you were fine, I did have a purpose behind it." Lalisa handy expected Jungkook to behave strangely, because bis cold stature was in complete contrast to his gentle, friendly behaviour.

"How long was I out?" Lalisa held her aching head, drifting her head towards Jungkook to expect an answer from him.

"About seven hours back. Do you even take care of yourself? Your blood sugars are a literal mess so is your biological clock, your blood pressure is dwindling and you're sleep deprived." Jungkook continues to rebuke her in a monotonous tone, trying to stay as calm as a professional. But on listening closely, he was sounding like a father scolding his careless kid for skipping meals.

Lalisa wanted to retort back to, but she somehow halts herself. Because firstly, this wasn't the time to lose her calm at being pessimistic at someone especially after she just came back to her senses; secondly a nurse had to step in right after his lecture had ended that thickened the already awkward atmosphere between the two.

"Lets say that.... it just slipped out of my head." She desperately looked for an excuse, trying to sound as mediocre as possible.

Jungkook's gaze was only fixed on Lalisa; that was probably the reason why he wasn't going to accept the stupid excuse at all and he literally sat on the stool beside the stretcher bed, leaning intensively close to her, causing Lalisa to hitch her breath, and maybe also of the nurse.

The nurse chose to stand there and pretend to be oblivious to everything as she was administering a vial medication through the drip.

The proximity of the two house officers was intriguing to pique her attention anyway; for it was quite impossible to not notice if two persons were dating, as the hospital was very alive with people all around from the very start. A physically intimate relation between two medical practitioners labelled merely as colleagues would attract more gossip to the fact.

Feeling flustered, her cheeks bloomed pink and she shut her eyes close at the stimulus. Jungkook in a dangerously close angle looked beyond handsome. She could soon feel his hot breath fanning her skin, also he thick liquid seeping into her palm through the glucose drip.

And just when the nurse was excited anticipating that something was about to happen, her happiness died when she saw the boy flick his fingers too hard on the girl's forehead, causing her to whimper in pain.

The sound was too loud for her to assume that it must've pained more than the drip being injected onto her.

"You almost got yourself killed, idiot. Don't take it for a joke, its alarming."

The nurse left the room to get some ORS supplements, and that's when Lalisa threw her arms at him in protest.

She head her head feeling a sharp sting, as she hissed in pain. "Jungkook!"

Looking around to find no one else in the room, he did what his brain hinted at that instant: he leaned his head closer to her forehead, soothing the stinging pain with his plump lips.

"You scared me...each and every one of us." Jungkook pulled back the strands of her hair crowning her face, Lalisa's eyes meeting his which were filled only with shock and terror. Never had she seen someone have so much concern for her, other than her parents of course.

Truly, Jungkook deserved to be in a panicking state; it wasn't a regular syncope of fatigue, he had assumed. In fact, he had encountered much more dangerous situations than these. Neglecting one's own health at the cost of saving someone else's didn't always come easy.

His heart dropped when Lalisa fell into his arms, as he carried her around like a crazy maniac and didn't even hesitate to admit her in an ICU upon noticing how consistently the blood levels kept crashing down. Despite his body crying out in literal exhaustion, he chose to stay by her side during his whole shift, monitoring her and administering supplementary vials in her drip so she could respond to the medications.

The nurse returned back once again, offering her the ORS she chugged down in one go.

Jungkook exited the room for sometime, before returning back with a wooden board and folding it across its edges to form a makeshift table. He then placed a soup and a piece of brisket beside it.

"You need to eat this, right in front of me so that I can know you aren't starving yourself, at least." Unwillingly, Lalisa forces herself to straighten her back, her neck craned towards the nurse who cleared her throat, silently excusing herself to give privacy to the newly discovered love birds.

"You aren't going to eat? I don't lie eating alone." She sighed as Jungkook ignored her, before taking a spoonful of soup and blowing it out before feeding it in her mouth.

Jungkook then sliced the brisket before bringing it near Lalisa's lips. The food wasn't appetising at all, given the number of times it must've been reheated before she was finally getting to eat it. Lalisa noticed Jungkook's features up close as his gaze softened. He couldn't stay angry for long, she could conclude.

She expected him to take a bite as she was sure he hadn't eaten too. But when Jungkook held the silverware between his fingers, bringing it close to her lips, she signalled with her brows to feed himself.

Lalisa wasn't sure if he got the gesture or he just wasn't messing around with her. Because the very next instant, he frowned upon a cute pout, as Lalisa parted her lips to it.

I thought we were eating together, but look who's babysitting whom. Her alter ego silently confronted herself.

Lalisa controlled over her urge to resist eating, yet she couldn't. Primarily because of Jeon Jungkook's deadly stare that quietly made her open her mouth and churn the food in. But having finished eating almost half the food, she finally collected herself before nudging his elbow away.

"We aren't done yet."

"I can't eat anymore, stop for goodness sake Jeon!" She whined, as Jungkook pulled the table away, blushing on the inside with the mention of his surname from her lips for the first time. It created a magical effect before him, the after-effects were only about falling deeper in love with her.

"Oh shoot! I had to attend some more patients with Dr Kim, I might've caused him so much trouble by making a fool of myself—"

"You are going straight home after finishing your meal." Jungkook sternly replied, his grip on her right arm seemingly supported his words as well.

"But what about-"

"Don't worry, he knows. He was the one who advised you to get a day off." Jungkook calmly answered but Lalisa frantically ran her hands into her hair, stressing over casuality at work.

"He must think I am such a lazy bitch..." She gulped in fear, trying to be optimistic but her efforts were failing.

"Listen up, Lalisa. At this point of time, I don't see you as a doctor. You are my patient. Its me who gets to decide if you're staying under observation or going back to work again. And from what I've inferred bout your condition, I won't let you a green ticket."

Lalisa sulked upon hearing him, still not ready to accept how her superiors would understand.

So does that mean she would have to stay for another twenty four hours? Her lips curve into a frown.

Looking at Lalisa's gloomy face, Jungkook chuckled.

"Do you know how to drive?"

She shook her head as a 'yes' in response. Jungkook raised his brow, examining her face, as she felt flustered, butterflies erupting in her stomach each time he would stare at her. Maybe this was one of the reasons she had decided to overwork for the past week.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go alone. Would you mind if I give you a ride?"

At the back of her head, Lalisa was thinking of reaching out to her friend Bambam to come over and pick her up.

Her immediate reaction was to decline the offer, but after a second thought, she concluded it might not be a great idea.

"I'm not sure," she started. "I do live with a roommate but he's at work, so it might be a little while—"

"Our shift ends in another twenty minutes. You're coming with me and thats final. Let me go pack up and we can get out of here." Jungkook explained with a smile on his face, as Lalisa hummed in response.

"If you're really sure..." she said, rubbing the nape of her neck awkwardly, thankful for his offer but still feeling a little guilty accepting it.

He left the room, a few minutes after returning back with some of her stuffs she'd carry to work, in her handbag. Lalisa noticed some things pop out off her bag, but before she could complain, Jungkook neatly arranged it in her bag.

"Thanks." She quickly took the bag from him, her cheeks burning.

A sudden awkward silence consumed the room, not a single word being uttered at all. Judging by the time there was still another fifteen minutes left for the shift to get over, as Lalisa decided to break the silence.

"Can you escort me to the washroom? So I could, you know, clean up my face?" Her head darted towards Jungkook who first looked at her with widened eyes, before agreeing to it.

This could be just a little step, yet this was a progress.

"You done?" Jungkook leaned against the edge of the door as Lalisa wiped her face, a pouty grin slowly making way to her lips as an idea struck to her head. "Can you come in for a second?"

Jungkook enters, unsure of why he was called for. Lalisa steps close to him, startling him and herself at the sudden courage she had mustered up.

She cupped his face with her hands, her heart skipping beats with the passing second. Closing her eyes, she slowly leans in — only to brush them against his supple ones.

Her eyes blink for a second, only to find Jungkook staring back at her with the same confusion as her.

Upon analysing the dynamics, anyone would say it was a bad idea — because first, she kissed a colleague in the bathroom and second, she doesn't know how to cope up with the effect ensued.

"I, uh, I'm sorry-" she started to back off, when Jungkook gripped her wrist and pulled her towards him, making her land against his chest.

"Don't you think its rude that you left me hanging like that?" He huskily questioned, before playfully leaning into her ear, "let me show you how you should really do that."

His warning alone had got her instantly weak in your knees, the familiar heat rapidly spreading in her stomach, and all she could do was fist his hair groaning achingly in need as the latter smirked, before capturing their lips again into a searing kiss.

At the end of the day, who knew that fainting in front of Jungkook would be the best accidental decision Lalisa had ever made?




This is the shit you write when you're sleepy at 3am 🤡

This is the first longest one shot I wrote in a while lmao!

I had a cluster of ideas about this scenario but I didn't get how to proceed with it, so I decided to go for a doctor-doctor ship lol. Most of the information in the story was taken from the net so I might be incorrect at some technical terms, I'm sorry for that. Now medical residency is basically the stage in medicine practice where the medical graduates work as interns or residents in the hospital to get familiar with the technical practice (surgeries etc).

Here Lalisa and Jungkook were book house officers (another term for residents).

I'm trying to take up as many requests as I can, please patiently wait till I can upload your request! 

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