21| unintentionally fond

❝Sometimes a lot can happen over a simple accident.❞

Caution: contains mentions of road accident and death.

Word Count: 1512


I woke up to Leo purring beside me on my desk. Taking a yawn, I stretched my arms a little realising I slept off on my desk. My laptop screen had already turned black, indicating the boring class was over.

Who schedules class on Saturday, anyway?

Looking into my fridge, rummaging through the shelves for food, my stomach rumbled with hunger since I'd been starving since morning.

There wasn't a trace of food left inside my fridge.

"Ugh, why does food have to disappear only when I'm hungry?" I groaned in frustration.

The weather didn't seem very nice as the afternoon sky was covered in dark clouds. Scrolling through food apps was of no use as they weren't offering delivery during this time of the day.

"Its better if I get some ramen and snacks from the grocery store."

I was hesitant to drive, because my car haunted me a lot. I'm a very cautious driver, no doubt. But my car seemingly malfunctioned these days and I still hadn't sent it to repairs yet.

But I had no choice; the nearest convenience store was a walk of about half an hour away and I didn't have the energy to spare. So clutching my car keys I quickly put on my shoes, locking my apartment. Dusting my car that I rarely used, I put on my seatbelt before speeding away to the nearest store I could remember.

The person on the radio was announcing the forecast, reporting about the grey weather and suggesting everyone to stay indoors today. Probably the reason why the streets looked too deserted today.

Just then a brilliant idea hit my brain; why not speed up a little, taking advantage of an empty road? I grinned, accelerating my car, mentally rejoicing at my own thought.

I didn't notice I was nearing a crossing and my car was speedily approaching a hooded figure, the very next second crashing into the person.

"Shit!" I forcefully applied brakes, hurriedly making my way out of the car to help the person who I just knocked down.

My hands went to the person's head, blood dripping from his forehead. Tapping at the unconscious man, I held his wrist to check his pulse, my own heart pulsating with each passing second. I gasped.

His heart wasn't beating at all...is he dead?

No way, did I just kill someone?

Will I get arrested now?

Will I have to pay his family a compensation for him? But I don't even know his family!

The voices in my head kept shooting questions without an idea what to do next. That was when I realised, there was no one at the pavement; I could just lock him in the car and slip away from here at the earliest.

Making sure the coast was clear, I applied my entire strength in dragging the body towards the backseat of my car, with utmost care. I tied his forehead with my bandana to prevent loss of more blood, pushing some strands of his blonde his to reveal his face. He was around the same age as me, a muscular body and his fluffy hair just made him look so beautiful.

Stop drooling over a dead guy Lisa! I scolded myself when I noticed his fingers showed a slight movement. There was scarce hope to save this person but I didn't want to be involved into a police case, so I couldn't let him see me; I lowered my bandana a little so that it covered his eyes from seeing me. I quickly walked over to the driver's seat, racing back to my apartment.

What a day, my alter ego mocked me. I just wanted to buy some food to relieve my starving self and here I was, planning to keep a guy in hostage at my own house at least until I'm assured he's alive.

I entered my house through the back entrance in the garage, without falling into an eye of suspicion of my neighbours. His body slumped onto my couch as I lifted his torso a little, before running to the kitchen to get a bowl of warm water and cloth.

When the water had boiled just enough I heard a groan from the living room. Hastily running back to the room, I found him holding his bleeding forehead and moving around in pain. I cleared my throat a little, trying to sound a little calmer so that he would think I am a nurse, curing his wounds.

"Sir, please lay down quietly...I need to clean your wounds."

"Am I blind!! I can't see a thing..." He hysterically cried.

"No you aren't, you seemingly got into an accident. So please stop flinching and peacefully lay down and you'll be fine." I replied nonchalantly, as I dipped the cloth in water.

"Oh...okay." He nodded with a monotonous voice and I smiled in success. It was difficult to keep eyes off him that I kept regretting of hitting him by my car.

I placed the warm cloth on his forehead, he hissed in pain at the sensation. "Easy! Just a little patience." I convinced and so after a few wipes the blood had stop oozing and the wound was clear.

I looked into my first aid box for a bandage when he removed the bandana from his head, looking around the strange place.

"I thought this was a hospital at first." "Yah, who told you to remove the blind?"

"Shit wait, was this why I couldn't see, damn." His Bambi-like eyes grazed deeply at my panic state as he was clearly understanding the situation.

Avoiding questions, I quickly bandaged the wound like pro, showing him the way out.

"Done. You may head out from here." "And you think I'll go so easily, especially after you tried to kill me?"

"N-no it was an a-accident." My stutter only fuelled his confidence as I could see my plan of early farewell was failing.

"What-aaah!" He whined as I immediately stood alert. He held his leg, so I rolled his pants to the knees only to reveal a huge bruise. "Care to explain this?" He shoved the rash as I gulped.

"I'm calling the police-"

"No please, I will get some medication to treat it, I'm a medical student, I know how to treat wounds." I pleaded, tears lined my eyes as he sat perplexed.

"Okay, okay. If you say so." He nodded unbelievably.

"He's beautiful but definitely arrogant." I muttered as I heard him from behind, "I'm not visibly deaf, miss. I can clearly hear you."

"Sorry!" I bit my lip, quietly walking away.


I glanced at the girl who rushed into a room to get some additional first aid as a cat followed behind.

I smirked.

The bruise on my leg was a few days back and it hurt me, so I whined a bit. The girl's concern for me was commendable and me being the evil prankster as I am, decided to get her down the guilt trip.

Her phone placed on the table buzzed with a notification as I reached my hand to heck the time. My fingers accidentally swiped and the phone instantly unlocked.

Doesn't she know a thing about passcodes?

Someone called Jennie was spamming texts, she was addressing 'Lalisa' in the texts. Probably thats her name.

I wasn't going to admit, but I was perfectly fine. Except for the small bruise on my forehead. But honestly the girl's concern for me made me want to stay longer and since she didn't want to be involved with the police I turned the events into my favour so that she would take care of me.

I kept the phone aside as she walked towards me. Just then I groaned again, her attention diverted to me as her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Just a minute please." She applied some cream on my injured leg as I admired her doll face. She's so beautiful....pretty innocent as well.

"Jungkook." I said. "Huh?"

"My name is Jungkook." I answered. "Oh sorry, I'm Lalisa by the way. And sorry for today too, it was unintentional...I promise not to drive again." She mumbled the last sentence, scolding herself for her negligence, how cute.

I couldn't carry this anymore. So I held her hand, pulling her close to me. Her flustered face increased my heartbeats.

"A word of advice; please don't ever crash into another man with your car." I sighed.

She couldn't register my context properly, so she scared in confusion. "Why?" Her gaze reflecting sheer innocence.

"Because they may fall for you, just like I did."



Moral of the story: drive cautiously and avoid rash driving. Lisa was lucky that the guy she crashed into forgave her but that's not the case everyone will face :)

I'm getting so adventurous with my imagines nowadays lol.

I have a strong feeling that this one's gonna flop though :(

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