June 20, 2003
Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol
N trip, Version 1.0
Design – Protocol – Software
Part I & II
Developed within the framework of EUREF, European Sub-Commission of Commission X
(Global and Regional Geodetic Networks) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
Published by Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt, Germany
http://igs.ifag.de/index_ntrip.htm [email protected]
Harald Gebhard
Georg Weber
Contributions from
Rüdiger Kays
Denise Dettmering
Christian Pagels
(Part I)
Sebastian Pötschke
(Part I)
Ken Fortune
(Part I)
Dirk Stöcker
(Linux Client Example)
Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationstechnik, Universität Dortmund, Germany
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG), Frankfurt, Germany
Trimble Terrasat GmbH, Höhenkirchen, Germany
Trimble New Zealand Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand
Geodätisches Institut, TU Dresden, Germany
General Note
Networked Transportof RTCM via Internet Protocol (Ntrip) stands for an application-level
protocol streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data over the Internet. Ntrip is
a generic, stateless protocol based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1. The HTTP
objects are enhanced to GNSS data streams.
Ntrip is designedfor disseminating differential correction data (e.g in the RTCM-104 format)
or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to stationary or mobile users over the Internet,
allowing simultaneous PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host.
Ntrip supports wireless Internet access through Mobile IP Networks like GSM, GPRS, EDGE,
or UMTS.
Ntrip is implemented in three system software components: NtripClients, NtripServers and
NtripCasters. The NtripCaster is the actual HTTP server program whereas NtripClient and
NtripServer are acting as HTTP clients.
Ntrip is meant to be an open none-proprietary protocol. Major characteristics of Ntrip’s
dissemination technique are:
- Based on the popular HTTP streaming standard; comparatively easy to implement when
having limited client and server platform resources available.
- Application not limited to one particular plain or coded stream content; ability to distribute
any kind of GNSS data.
- Potential to support mass usage; disseminating hundreds of streams simultaneously for
up to thousand users possible when applying modified Internet Radio broadcasting
- Considering security needs; stream providers and users don’t necessarily get into
contact, streams often not blocked by firewalls or proxyservers protecting Local Area
- Enables streaming over any mobile IP network because of using TCP/IP.
This Ntrip documentation will provide information to readers withdiverse levels of IT
knowledge. Its information is therefore given in a more narrative language, trying to avoid a
less comprehensible technical diction.
This documentation describesNtrip Version 1.0. The work done so far for Part I sections
“ Client Messages” and “ Source-Table” has been frozen on March 3
, 2003 in order to allow
the development of Ntrip-based implementations and applications on a firm and fully
anchored basis. Further Ntrip versions will be issued when necessary. Contributions from
anyone to the ongoing work on Ntrip are highly appreciated.
Document History
15 Jan 2003 Draft
24 Jan 2003 Published via Internet
28 Jan 2003 Wording, format, stylistics
30 Jan 2003 Source-table edited, parameter <vrs> renamed to <nmea>
31 Jan 2003 NMEA Request Messages included
03 Feb 2003 Modification of server and client messages, screenshots updated,
Downloads section included
04 Feb 2003 NtripCaster hardware configuration example and proxyserver option included
05 Feb 2003 Additional explanations in Example Implementation section
10 Feb 2003 Appendix B extended, meaning of parameter <protection> in source-table
20 Feb 2003 Source-table parameters <solution>, <carrier>, <authentication>, and <fee>
added, parameter <protection> deleted, Appendix B split into two sections
25 Feb 2003 Wording corrected
26 Feb 2003 Appendix A, new example source-table included
27 Feb 2003 Source-table: parameter <operator> included in CAS -records, sequence of
parameters in STR-records changed, meaning of parameter <carrier>
03 Mar 2003 Status of workon technical content of Part I frozen as “Ntrip Version 1.0”
25 Mar 2003 Appendix C, Linux Client Example added
04 Apr 2003 GNSS Internet Radio screenshots updated
19 May 2003 GNSS Internet Radio screenshots updated
18 June 2003 Co-Processor included in Broadcaster hardware recommendation section
20 June 2003 Source-Agent included in Server Messagesection, Downloadssection
Table of Contents
PART I Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol ............................................. 6
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 7
2. System Concept .................................................................................................................. 8
3. System Elements .............................................................................................................. 10
4. Server Messages .............................................................................................................. 12
5. Client Messages................................................................................................................ 13
5.1. Basic Authentication Scheme .................................................................................... 14
5.2. Digest Authentication Scheme .................................................................................. 16
5.3. NMEA Request Messages ........................................................................................ 16
6. Source-Table..................................................................................................................... 17
7. References ........................................................................................................................ 21
Appendix A Example Source-Table ................................................................................... 22
Appendix B Format Specifications ..................................................................................... 23
1. RTCM Formats.................................................................................................................. 24
2. Other Formats ................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix C Client Example Source Code ......................................................................... 26
PART II Ntrip Example Implementation .............................................................................. 30
1. NtripServer ........................................................................................................................ 31
2. NtripServerCMD ................................................................................................................ 33
3. NtripClient (GNSS Internet Radio).................................................................................... 34
4. NtripCaster ........................................................................................................................ 38
4.1. Status Information...................................................................................................... 38
4.2. Administration ............................................................................................................ 42
4.3. Hardware.................................................................................................................... 48
Downloads ................................................................................................................................ 50
PART I Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol
This documentation is separated in two parts. Part I describes system design and protocol
details, aiming to define an HTTP streaming technique for the dissemination of GNNS data.
Part II describes an example software implementation. While Part I is meant to define the
mandatory communication procedures, Part II reports on an example implementation and
thus contributes to software availability.
1. Introduction
Differential GPS (DGPS),or actually any Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
(DGNSS) in general, improves the achievable positioning accuracy by correcting the pseudo-distances between receiver and satellites or the receiver position. Serious problems in GNSS
positioning are caused by ephemeric, tropospheric, ionospheric, and clock errors. DGNSS is
based on the comparison of parameters calculated from observations at a reference station
and their well-known correct values. The differences can be used to calculate correction data
as defined by the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM). These RTCM
data can be sent to a mobile GNSS rover.
With the stop of the degradation of GPS signals (Selective Availability, SA) on May 1 2000, a
stationary GPS receiver without a differential correction signal will show a 10-15m average
radius “random walk” pattern. The positioning error of the same receiver can be reduced to
approximately ±1.0 m by receiving about 50 Byte/s of DGPS correction data in RTCM format.
The validity of corrections depend on the distance between receiver and rover (±0.5 m
accuracy at a distance of 50 km). For providing a service covering a large area, a reference
station network has to be introduced, which is able to generate a specific real-time correction
for any region. The specific corrections can be transmitted over various communication
channels, e.g. via radio transmission (LF, MF, HF, UHF), or a mobile communication network
using different communication protocols.
This documentation describes a HTTP-based protocol for disseminating RTCM correction
data or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to stationary or mobile receivers over the
Internet, allowing simultaneous PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting
host via IP Networks including GSM, GPRS, EDGE, or UMTS. The protocol development
follows a feasibility study on real-time streaming of differential GPS corrections as described
in [2]). Through the given definitions of this paper, and because a major application will be
thedissemination of RTCM corrections, the system as a whole presents a format which
should be referred to as the Ntrip-Format (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet
As far as DGNSS and Real Time Kinematic GNSS (RTK-GNSS) is concerned, the use of the
popular RTCM-104 standard as the streaming data format is recommended whereby
sufficient precision is obtained if given correction data are not older than a few seconds. The
RTCM-104 standard is used worldwide. Most (if not all) popular GNSS receivers accept
RTCM-104 differential correction messages [3].
The basic data streaming is accomplished by TCP/IP protocol stack. Several attempts based
on a plain Serial-to-TCP conversion of streaming data on the reference-side (server) and
TCP-to-Serial re-conversion on the rover-side (client) have shown the suitability of the
TCP/IP protocol for streaming data to mobile IP clients [4].
2. System Concept
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is designed as an application-level protocol for
distributed collaborative hypermedia information systems but can also be used for linear
streaming media. The basic unit of HTTP communication, consisting of a structured
sequence of octets matching the syntax, is defined in the protocol and transmitted via a
TCP/IP connection. Client and server must understand HTTP request messages and answer
with adequate HTTP respond messages.
Ntrip uses HTTP. It is implemented in three programs called NtripClient, NtripServer and
NtripCaster, whereby the NtripCaster is the real HTTP (splitter-)server. NtripClient and
NtripServer are acting as HTTP client programs.
Concerning message format and status code, the NtripClient-NtripCaster communication is a
full compatible HTTP 1.1 communication [1] whereby Ntrip uses only nonpersistent
connections. The NtripServer-NtripCaster communication extends HTTP by a new message
format which is “SOURCE” and a new status-code which is “ ERROR -Bad Password”.
Loosing the TCP connection between communicating system-components (NtripClient-NtripCaster, NtripServer-NtripCaster) will be automatically recognized by the involved TCP-sockets. This effect can be used to trigger software events like an automated reconnection.
This Ntrip system (see Figure 1) consists of
· NtripSources which generate data streams at a specific location and
· NtripServers which transfer the data streams from a source to an
· NtripCaster, the major system component.
· NtripClients finally access data streams of desired NtripSources on the NtripCaster.
Fig. 1. Ntrip streaming system
NtripClient 1 NtripClient N
HTTP Streams
HTTP Streams
NtripServer 1 NtripServer M
NtripSource 1 …… NtripSource L
NtripServers define a source ID called "mountpoint" for every streamed NtripSource. Several
NtripClients can access data of desired NtripSources at the same time by requesting a
source by its mountpoint on the NtripCaster. If implemented in the NtripCaster program,
authorized personal may remote control the NtripCaster via a password-protected Telnet
session or receive status information via a password-protected HTTP session using an
Internet Browser.
An administrator running an NtripCaster is responsible for allowing new NtripServers to
connect with new NtripSources. The administrator organizes all available NtripSources and
defines all source IDs (mountpoints).
NtripClients need the possibility to choose an NtripSource by its mountpoint on the
NtripCaster. Therefore a source-table is introduced into and maintained on the NtripCaster.
Each record of this source-table contains parameters describing attributes of a data stream,
a network of data streams, or an NtripCaster. Stream attributes (identifier, coordinates,
format, nav-system, mountpoint, etc.)are defined at the NtripServer side for each
If an NtripClient sends an invalid or no mountpoint (no or not up-to-date source-table
available for the client), the NtripCaster will upload an up-to-date source-table as a HTTP
object instead of a GNSS data stream. Afterwards the NtripClient has the up-to-date source-table available and can connect to a GNSS data stream on the NtripCaster.
The Ntrip system depends on direct communication between the r esponsible administrators
of NtripCasters and NtripServers (e.g. via email). They have to specify the parameters
characterizing an NtripSource/mountpoint in the source-table.
3. System Elements
A DGNSS reference station in its simplest configuration consists of a GNSS receiver, located
at a well-surveyed position. As this stationary-operated GNSS receiver knows where the
satellites are located in space at any point in time, as well as its own exact position, the
receiver can compute theoretical distance and signal travel times between itself and each
satellite. When these theoretical values are compared to real observations, differences
represent errors in the received signals. RTCM corrections are derived from these
differences. Making these corrections available in real-time for mobile users is the major
purpose of the Ntrip system elements although Ntrip may be used as well for transporting
other types of GNSS streaming data over its system elements NtripServer, NtripCaster, and
The NtripSources provide continuous GNSS date (e.g. RTCM-104 corrections) as streaming
data. A single source represents GNSS data referring to a specific location. Source
description parameters as compiled in the source-table specify the format in use (e.g. RTCM
2.0, RTCM 2.1, Raw), the recognized navigation system (GPS/ GPS+GLONASS), location
coordinates and other information.
Every single NtripSource needs a unique mountpoint on an NtripCaster.
The NtripServer is used to transfer GNSS data of an NtripSource to the NtripCaster. Before
transmitting GNSS data to the NtripCaster using the TCP/IP connection, the NtripServer
sends an assignment of the mountpoint.
Server passwords and mountpoints have to be defined by the administrator of the
NtripCaster and handed over to the administrators of the involved NtripServers. An
NtripServer in its simplest set-up is a computer program, running on a PC, which sends
correction data of an NtripSource (e.g. as received via the serial communication port from a
GNSS receiver) to the NtripCaster.
The Ntrip protocol may be used for the transportation of RTCM data of a virtual reference
station following the so called VRS concept. Based on data from a number of reference
stations, RTCM corrections are derived for a virtual point at the users approximate position.
Data for these virtual reference station represent a single NtripSource which can be
transmitted by an NtripServer.
The NtripCaster is basically a HTTP server supporting a subset of HTTP request/response
messages and adjusted to low bandwidth streaming data (50 up to 500 Bytes/sec per
stream). The NtripCaster accepts request-messages on a single port from either the
NtripServer or the NtripClient. Depending on these messages, the NtripCaster decides
whether there is streaming data to receive or to send.
An NtripServer might be a part of the NtripCaster program. In this case only the capability of
receiving NtripClient messages has to be implemented into the combined
NtripCaster/NtripServer. Built-inHTTP-based remote administration capability is an optional
An NtripClient will be accepted and receive data from an NtripCaster, if the NtripClient sends
the right request message (TCP connection to the specified NtripCaster IP and listening
Port). Concerning message format and status code, the NtripClient-NtripCaster
communication is fully compatible to HTTP 1.1, but Ntrip uses only nonpersistent
4. Server Messages
The NtripServer-NtripCaster communication extends HTTP b y the additional message format
“SOURCE” and the additional status-code “ ERROR -Bad Password”. The password is not
protected and therefore based like in the HTTP Basic Access Authentications scheme on the
assumption, that the connection between the clientand the server can be regarded as a
trusted carrier.
The NtripServerhas to connect to the NtripCasterusing the IP and specified listening Port of
the NtripCaster. This means, that the NtripCasterhas to be “up and running” before any
source can connect.Before transmitting GNSS data to the NtripCaster using the TCP/IP
connection, the NtripServer has to send an Ntrip server message in order to get access and
to specify a mountpoint.
This message is shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Server message structure
<password> = Encoder password of the Caster
<mountpoint> = Caster mountpoint for the Source
<product|comment> = Information about the source agent
Example: An NtripServer sends the Ntrip server message:
If the password is correct, the NtripCaster will answer:
The caster accepts data after sending the message “ICY 200 OK”. The NtripCasterwill only
accept data from sources with the valid encoder password. An administrator has to pre-define this password on the caster. The password is coded as a plain ASCII string.
Sending a false password leads to the caster response message:
The caster than automatically quits the TCP connection.
SOURCE <password> <mountpoint> <CR><LF>
Source-Agent: NTRIP<product|comment><CR><LF>
ÞSOURCE letmein /Mountpoint
Source-Agent: NTRIP NtripServerCMD/1.0
Ü ICY 200 OK
ÜERROR -Bad Password
5. Client Messages
A client’s request is designed as a HTTP message similar to the server message shown in
Figure 2. Each client only needs to know the mountpoint of the desired data stream. The
message for requesting a data stream is defined in Figure 3. The User-Agent request-header
field has to begin with the string NTRIP.
Fig. 3. Client message structure
<mountpoint> = Caster mountpoint of requested source
<product|comment> = Information about the user agent originating the request
Example: A client sends (in the non protected case) the request message:
For a valid request (desired NtripSource/mountpoint exists), the NtripCaster willanswer:
followed by the GNSS data
For an invalid request (desired NtripSource/mountpoint does not exist), the NtripCaster will
Followed by the source-table object
Via the information from the source-table, as maintained by the NtripCaster, NtripClients are
enabled to choose the desired NtripSource/mountpoint from all available
NtripSources/mountpoints. An NtripClient can either store a source-table in memory (e.g.
hard disc), or request a new source-table before requesting each new NtripSource. The
GET <mountpoint> HTTP/1.0 <CR><LF>
User-Agent: NTRIP<product|comment><CR><LF>
Accept: */* <CR><LF>
Connection: close <CR><LF>
User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0
Ü ICY 200 OK
Ü<GNSS data>
desired NtripSource can be chosen manually (e.g. based on identifier, nav-system, and
format information) or by software (e.g. based on position, format, and nav-system
Requesting unavailable mountpoints (not up-to-date source-table) will automatically result in
the caster replying with an up-to-date source-table. Therefore, mountpoints, as a synonym
for a specific NtripSource, have to be unique on an NtripCaster. Using a Four-character-ID
followed by an integer value (e.g. BUCU0 for Bukarest) as mountpoint parameter is
An example for handling client messages in C programming language is given in Appendix
C. This simple Linux/UNIX NtripClient program reads data from an NtripCaster and writes on
standard output for further redirection of data to a file or COM-port.
5.1. Basic Authentication Scheme
For billing purposes, the NtripSources/mountpoints can be password-protected on an
NtripCaster. In this protected case the HTTP communication differs from the non-protected
The client will send (like in the non-protected case) the request message:
The HTTP-server will answer a client request according to the HTTP Protocol [5]with
for invalid passwords and send a second message to the client:
The client sends a second request message for the same mountpoint including the base64
coded user:password string to the caster:
User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0
ÜHTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
ÜServer: NtripCaster/1.0
WWW-Authenticate: Basic
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close
<html><head><title>401 Unauthorized</title></head><body bgcolor=black text=white
link=blue alink=red>
<h1><center>The server does not recognize your privileges to the requested entity
User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0
Authorization: Basic aHVnb2JlbjpodWdvYmVuMTIz
The NtripCaster will answer
followed by the GNSS data:
If the client already knows beforehand that a mountpoint ispassword protected, it can send
the password with the first request message.
The NtripCaster will again answer
followed by the GNSS data:
Different from the server password, the client password is coded like the HTTP Basic
Authentication Scheme [5] and allows the client access to protected content. The "basic"
authentication scheme is based on the model that the user agent must authenticate with a
user-ID and a password for each realm (here mountpoint). The realm value should be
considered as an opaque string that can only be compared for equality with other realms on
that server. The server will authorize the request only if it can validate the user-ID and
password for the protected space of the requested mountpoint. There are no optional
authentication parameters. To receive authorization, the client sends the user-ID and
password, separated by a single colon (":") character and within a “base64” [8] encoded
string in the credentials. If the user agent wishes to send the user-ID "Aladdin" and password
"open sesame", it would use the following header field:
The basic authentication scheme is a non-secure method of filtering unauthorized access to
resources on an HTTP server. It is based on the assumption that the connection betweenthe
client and the server can be regarded as a trusted carrier. As this is not generally true on an
Ü ICY 200 OK
Ü<GNSS data>
User-Agent: NTRIP GNSSInternetRadio/1.2.0
Authorization: Basic aHVnb2JlbjpodWdvYmVuMTIz
Ü ICY 200 OK
ÞAuthorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Ü <GNSS data>
open network, the basic authentication scheme should be used accordingly. In spite of this,
clients should implement the scheme in order to communicate with servers that use it [5].
5.2. Digest Authentication Scheme
For applications in need for more security regarding user authentication, the Digest Access
Authentication for HTTP specified in RFC 2069 [6] can be used as an alternative.
Like Basic, Digest access authentication verifies that both communicating parties know a
shared secret (a password). Unlike Basic, this verification can be done without sending the
password in the clear, which is Basic's biggest weakness.
Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A valid response
contains a checksum (for Ntrip the MD5 [7] checksum is compulsory) of the username, the
password, the given nonce value, the HTTPmethod, and the requested URI. Thus, the
password is never sent in the clear.
The Digest Access Authentication scheme is conceptually similar to the Basic scheme. The
format of the modified WWW-Authenticate header line and the Authorization header line are
specified in RFC 2069. [6]
5.3. NMEA Request Messages
For some network dependent applications it is necessary to send the position of the
NtripClient to the NtripCaster. That position could be used by the NtripCaster to provide a
data stream for a Virtual Reference Station (VRS) or to determine the best data stream to
broadcast. Ntrip allows clients to send NMEA GGA strings after the HTTP request for a data
If the <nmea> parameter is set to “1” (see Source-table section), the NtripCaster waits for a
NMEA GGA string to prepare the data and start sending.
Following is an example for a request of a source-table named “vrs_bayern” to get a data
stream generated for a virtual reference station with the coordinates of the NMEA string:
ÞGET /vrs_bayern HTTP/1.1<CR><LF>
Accept: rtk/rtcm, dgps/rtcm<CR><LF>
User-Agent: NTRIP Survey-Controller-15.0<CR><LF>
6. Source-Table
The NtripCaster maintains a source-table containing information on available NtripSources,
networks of NtripSources, and NtripCasters to be send to an NtripClient on request. Source-table records are dedicated to either
a) Data STReams (record type STR),
b) CASters (record type CAS), or
c) NETworks of data streams (record type NET).
This structure is expandable by introducing new record types when necessary. Older
NtripClient versions might ignore newly introduced record types. All NtripClients must be able
to decode record type STR. Decoding types CAS and NET is an optional feature.
The source-table is initiated by the HTTP/1.1 header fields
Server: <NtripCasterIdentifier>/<NtripVersion><CR><LF>
Content-Type: text/plain<CR><LF>
Content-Length: <Content-Length><CR><LF>
followed by the actual source-table records. The server record contains
- Before the slash: an NtripCaster identifier to be defined by the NtripCaster operator (see
parameter #4 in Table 2)
- After the slash: an Ntrip version number (e.g. NtripV1.0) in order allow an NtripClient to
understand which version of Ntrip is supported by a particular NtripCaster.
The content-length indicates the size of the source-table records (decimal number of octets,
e.g. “Content-Length: 243”).
The end of the source-table is notified by the string: ENDSOURCETABLE
Table 1: Format and contents of source-table records describing a data stream
# Record
Meaning Format Examples
1 <type> = STR The following parameters of this
record describe a data stream
3 Chara cters STR
2 <mountpoint> Caster mountpoint Characters, 100 max. LEIJ0
3 <identifier> Source identifier, e.g. name of
city next to source location
Characters, undefined
4 <format> Data format
RTCM, RAW, etc.
Characters, undefined
RTCM 2.0
RTCM 2.1
RTCM 2.3
5 <format-details> E.g. RTCM message types or
RAW data format etc., update
rates in parenthesis in seconds
Characters, undefined
6 <carrier> Data stream contains carrier
phase information
Integer 0
phase information
0 = No (e.g. for DGPS)
1 = Yes, L1 (e.g. for RTK)
2 = Yes, L1&L2 (e.g. for RTK)
7 <nav -system> Navigation system(s) Characters, undefined
8 <network> Network Characters, undefined
9 <country> Three character country code in
ISO 3166
3 Characters GER
10 <latitude> Position, latitude, north
(approximate position in case of
nmea = 1)
Floating point
number, two digits
after decimal point
11 <longitude> Position, longitude, east
(approximate position in case of
nmea = 1)
Floating point
number, two digits
after decimal point
12 <nmea> Necessity for Client to send
NMEA message with
approximate position to Caster
0 = Client must not send NMEA
message with approximate
position to Caster
1 = Client must send NMEA
GGA message with
approximate position to
Integer 0
13 <solution> Stream generated from single
refe rence station or from
networked reference stations
0 = Single base
1 = Network
Integer 0
14 <generator> Hard-or software generating
data stream
Characters, undefined
JPS Legacy E
15 <compression> Compression algorithm Characters, undefined
16 <authentication> Access protection for this
particular data stream
N = None
B = Basic
D = Digest
1 Character N
17 <fee> User fee for receiving this
particular data stream
N = No user fee
Y = Usage is charged
1 Charact er N
18 <bitrate> Bitrate of data stream, bits per
Integer 500
second 5000
19 <misc> Miscellaneous information Characters, undefined
Table 2: Format and contents of source-table records describing a Caster
# Source-table
Meaning Format Examples
1 <type> = CAS The following parameters of this
record describe a Caster
3 Characters CAS
2 <host> Caster Internet host domain name
or IP address
Characters, 128
3 <port> Port number Integer 80
4 <identifier> Caster identifier, e.g. name of
undefined lenght
5 <operator> Name of institution / agency /
company operating the Caster
undefined length
6 <nmea> Capability of Caster to receive
NMEA message with approximate
position from Client
0 = Caster is not able to handle
incoming NMEA message
with approximate position
from Client
1 = Caster is able to handle
incoming NMEA GGA
message with approximate
position from Client
Integer 0
7 <country> Three character country code in
ISO 3166
3 Characters GER
8 <latitude> Position, latitude, north Floating point
number, two digits
after decimal point
9 <longitude> Position, longitude, east Floating point
number, two digits
after decimal point
10 <misc> Miscellaneous information Characters,
undefined length
Table 3: Format and contents of source-table records describing a network of data
# Source-table
Meaning Format Examples
1 <type> = NET The following parameters of
this record describe a network
3 Characters NET
of data streams
2 <identifier> Network identifier, e.g. name
of a network of GNSS
permanent reference stations
Characters, undefined
3 <operator> Name of institution / agency /
company operating the
Characters, undefined
4 <authentication> Access protection for data
streams ofthe network
N = None
B = Basic
D = Digest
1 Character N
5 <fee> User fee for receiving data
streams from this network
N = No user fee
Y = Usage is charged
1 Character N
6 <web-net> Web-address for network
Characters, undefined
7 <web-str> Web-address for stream
Characters, undefined
8 <web-reg> Web address or mail address
for registration
Characters, undefined
9 <misc> Miscellaneous information Characters, undefined
7. References
[1] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and H. Frystyk, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol --HTTP/1.1",
RFC 2068, January 1997
[2] Gebhard, H., Kays, R.: “ Real-Time Streaming of Differential GPS Corrections via
Internet”, Feasibility Study, Informatik Centrum Dortmund, unpublished, March 2002
[3] "Real-Time Single Difference GPS Positioning",
[4] Weber, G.: "Echtzeit-Übertragung von RTCM-Daten über Internet und Mobilfunk",
Beitrag zum 57. DVW-Seminar „GPS 2002: Antennen, Höhenbestimmung und RTK
Anwendungen,“ 16.-17. Sep 2002, Karlsruhe, Schriftenreihe Deutscher Verein für
Vermessungswesen, Band 44, S. 107-116, Stuttgart, 2002
[5] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and H. Frystyk: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol --HTTP/1.0.",
RFC 1945 MIT/LCS, UC Irvine, May 1996
[6] [32] Franks, J., Hallam -Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., Sink, E., and L.
Stewart, "An Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication", RFC 2069,
January 1997
[7] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321, April 1992
[8] Borenstein, N., and N. Freed: "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One:
Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC
1521, Bellcore, Innosoft, September 1993
Appendix A Example Source-Table
Content-Type: tex t/plain
Content-Length: 7864
CAS;;80;ICD;BKG;0;GER;51.5;7.5;Trial Broadcaster
NET;GREF;BKG;B;N;http://igs.ifag.de/GREF.htm;none;[email protected];none
NET;IGS-IGLOS;BKG;B;N;http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/projects/rtwg/;none;[email protected];none
NET;Misc;BKG;B;N;none;[email protected];none
NET;ASCOS;Ruhrgas AG;B;N;http://www.ascos.de;none;[email protected];none
NET;SAPOS-THR;LVA Thueringen;B;N;http://www.thueringen.de/vermessung/SAPOS/;none;[email protected];none
NET;SAPOS-BLN;Berliner Senatsverwaltung;B;N;http://www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de/geoinformation/sapos/;none;[email protected];none
NET;EUREF;EUREF;B;N; http://www.epncb.oma.be/;none;[email protected];none
NET;SCIGN -OCRT;SOPAC,CSRC;B;N;http://www.scign.org;none;[email protected];none
STR;FFMJ2;Frankfurt;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;50.12;8.68;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;N;N;560;Demo
STR;FFMT0;Frankfurt;RTCM 2.0;1(3),2(90),3(90),16(90);0;GPS;ALF;GER;50.02;9.02;0;0;Trimble 4000SSI;none;N;N;190;Demo
STR;FFMJ1;Frankfurt;RTCM 2.1;3(19),16(59),18(1),19(1);2;GPS;GREF;GER;50.09;8.66;0;0;GPSNet V1.9;none;N;N;2800;Demo
STR;FFMJ0;Frankfurt;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;50.09;8.66;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;N;N ;3600;Demo
STR;LEIJ0;Leipzig;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;51.33;12.37;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;WTZJ0;Wettzell;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;49.13;12.88;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;HELJ0;Helgoland;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;54.18;7.88;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;TITZ0;Titz;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;51.00;6.42;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;HUEG0;Huegelheim;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;47.82;7.62;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;DREJ0;Dresden;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;51.05;13.73;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;SASS0;Sassnitz;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;54.51;13.64;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;KARJ0;Karlsruhe;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;49.01;8.41;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;WARN0;Warnemuende;RAW;Compact(1);2;GPS+GLO;IGS-IGLOS;GER;54.17;12.10;0;0;Javad Legacy E;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;DRES0;Dresden;RTCA;none;none;EGNOS;Misc;GER;51.05;13.73;0;0;none;none;B;N;250;TU Dresden
STR;BARC0;Barcelona;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(3),16(60);0;GPS;Misc;ESP;41.22;2.16;0;0;none;none;B;N;230;none
STR;BOCH0;Bochum;RTCM 2.1;1(1)3,16,18(1),19(1);2;GPS;Misc;GER;50.45;7.27;0;0;none;none;B;N;13000;FH Bochum
STR;BRUS0;Brussels;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(60),16;0;GPS;Misc;BEL;50.80;4.36;0;0;Ashtech UZ-12;none;B;N;500;none
STR;CAGL0;Cagliari;RTCM 2.1;1(1),3(60),16(60),18(1),19(1);2;GPS+GLO;Misc;ITA;39.14;8.97;0;0;none;none;B;N;3900;DIST
STR;HANO0;Hannover;RTCM 2.2;none;2;GPS+GLO;Misc;GER;52.42;9.58;0;none;none;none;B;N;none;Geo++
STR;HANJ0;Hannover;RTCM 2.3;3(10),16,18(1),19(1);2;GPS+GLO;ASCOS;GER;52.37;9.73;0;none;GPSNet;none;B;N;4800;ALLSAT
STR;KOPE0;Koper;RTCM 2.1;1(5),3(69),20(1),21(1),22;2;GPS;Misc;SLO;48.40;17.03;0;0;none;none;B;N;2500;none
STR;MADR0;Madrid;RTCM 2.1;1(1),3(10),16,18(1),19(1);2;GPS;Misc;ESP;40.43;355.75;0;0;none;none;B;N;3300;none
STR;MILA0;Milano;RTCM 2.1;1(1),3(10),18(1),19(1);2;GPS;Misc;ITA;45.47;9.20;0;0;Trimble 5700;none;B;N;5000;Galileo Systems
STR;PADO0;Padova;RTCM 2.1;1(1),3(10),16(30),18(1),19(1),59;2;GPS;EUREF;ITA;45.41;11.90;0;0;none;none;B;N;3600;none
STR;ROMA0;Roma;RTCM 2.1;1(1),3(10),18(1),19(1),59;2;GPS;Misc;ITA;42.0;12.5;0;0;Trimble 4000;none;B;N;3400;Uni Roma
STR;ROMG0;Roma;RTCM2.1;1(1),3(10),18(1),19(1);2;GPS;Misc;ITA;42.0;12.5;0;0;Trimble 5700;none;B;N;5000;Galileo Sistemi
STR;TORI0;Torino;RTCM 2.1;1(1),3(60),16(30),18(1),19(1);2;GPS;Misc;ITA;45.06;7.66;0;0;none;none;B;N;12000;none
STR;WARS0;Warsaw;RTCM 2.2;1(1),3(60),18(1),19(1),22(60),31(1);2;GPS+GLO;EUREF;POL;52.10;21.03;0;0;none;none;B;N;1200;none
STR;ZIMM0;Zimmerwald;RTCM 2.1;1(1),18(1),19(1),22,23,24;2;GPS;Misc;SUI;46.88;7.47;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;3600;VRS
STR;ERFU0;Erfurt;RAW;(1);2;GPS;SAPOS-THR;GER;51.01;11.03;0;0;Trimble 4000SSI;none;B;N;5000;none
STR;BERL0;Berlin;RTCM AdV;20(1),21(1);2;GPS;SAPOS-BLN;GER;52.52;13.38;0;none;none;none;B;N;500;none
STR;BERJ0;Berlin;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;52.52;13.38;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;DREJ1;Dresden;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;51.05;13.73;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;EISE0;Eisenach;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;50.97;10.32;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;ERLA0;Erlangen;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;49.58;11.00;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;FLEN0;Flensburg;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;54.77;9.43;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;FREI0;Freiburg;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;47.98;7.85;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;HAMB0;Hamburg;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;53.57;10.03;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;HANN0;Hannover;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;52.37;9.73;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;KOEL0;Koeln;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;50.93;6.95;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;LEIJ1;Leipzig;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;51.33;12.37;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;MAGD0;Magdeburg;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;52.12;11.63;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;MUEN0;Muenchen;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;48.13;11.57;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;MUWF0;Muenster-WF;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;51.95;7.62;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;PASS0;Passau;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;48.57;13.45;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;ROST0;Rostock;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;54.08;12.12;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;SARB0;Saarbruecken;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;49.23;6.98;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;ULM00;Ulm;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;48.38;9.98;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;WILH0;Wilhelmshaven;RTCM 2.0;1(1),3(19),16(59);0;GPS;GREF;GER;53.52;8.10;0;1;GPSNet V1.9;none;B;N;560;VRS
STR;SBCC0;Mission-Viejo;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.55;242.34;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;SACY0;Santa-Ana;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.74;242.10;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;WHYT0;Lake-Forest;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.67;242.36;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;MJPK0;Santa-Ana-Mountains;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.71;242.45;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;CAT20;Avalon;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.31;241.67;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;SCMS0;San-Clemente;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.44;242.37;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;FVPK0;Costa-Mesa;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.66;242.06;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;OEOC0;Silverado;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN -OCRT;USA-CA;33.77;242.26;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;TRAK0;Irvine;RTCM 2.1;3(15),18(1),19(1),22(15),59(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.62;242.20;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;4000;none
STR;SBCC1;Mission-Viejo;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.55;242.34;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;SACY1;Santa-Ana;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.74;242.10;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;WHYT1;Lake-Forest;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.67;242.36;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;MJPK1;Santa-Ana-Mountains;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.71;242.45;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;CAT21;Avalon;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.31;241.67;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;SCMS1;San-Clemente;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.44;242.37;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;FVPK1;Costa-Mesa;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.66;242.06;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;OEOC1;Silverado;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.77;242.26;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;7300;none
STR;TRAK1;Irvine;RAW;MBEN(1);2;GPS;SCIGN-OCRT;USA-CA;33.62;242.20;0;0;Ashtech Z-XII3;none;B;N;5000;none
Appendix B Format Specifications
The followingis additional information on format specifications as introduced through
parameter <format> and <format-details> in the source-table (see Source-table section).
Currently a limited number of raw GNSS data formats and RTCM formats for differential
GNSS data are considered.
Each source-table record of type “STR” contains keywords to describe the data format and
format-details provided in a specific data stream (see Source-table section). The following
sections define keywords and format details correspondingto these keywords.
Introducing provider-dependent other format keywords and format details is allowed.
1. RTCM Formats
Differential GNSS corrections are often available in RTCM format. RTCM stands for Radio
Technical Commission for Maritime Services. Working Committees called RTCM Special
Committees are chartered to address in depth radiocommunication and radionavigation
areas of concern. The RTCM Special Committee 104 on Global Navigation Satellite
Navigation Systems Services is responsible for defining RTCM recommended Standards for
Differential GNSS. Documentations are available from http://www.rtcm.org. The following is
mandatory information to be used within Ntrip that is not part of the RTCM standards.
Table 1 defines RTCM keywords to be used as <format> parameter in source-table records
of type STR and the minimum message set corresponding to these keywords. A provider
may add more messages. The update rate is not defined.
Table 1: RTCM Minimum Message Set
Format / Keyword Comment Format Details / Messages
RTCM 2.0 DGPS 1, 3
RTCM 2.1 RTK 3, 18, 19
RTCM 2.3 RTK 18, 19, 23, 24
RTCM SAPOS SAPOS Standard 20, 21, 23, 24, 59
2. Other Formats
Most GNSS equipment vendors have their own proprietary formats. Such “raw” GNSS data
may be disseminated using Ntrip. Table 2 shows examples for source-table parameters
<format> and <format-details> when streaming proprietary formats.
The “Compact Measurement Record” (CMR) format is a publicly documented format
accepted by several GNSS equipment vendors. The CMR format is among those providing
some interoperability across vendors.
Table 2: Other data formats
Format / Keyword Comment Format Details
RAW Raw observation data
from a GNSS receiver
-RT17 (for Trimble receiver)
-MBEN (for Ashtech receiver)
-COMPACT (for Topcon/Javad Receiver)
CMR CMR Standard none
Appendix C Client Example Source Code
The following is source code of a Linux/UNIX NtripClient program written under GNU
General Public License in C programming language. The program reads data from an
NtripCaster and writes on standard output for further redirection of data to a file or COM-port.
Please note that this program version does not handle potentially occurring interruptions of
communication or network congestion situations.
Easy example NTRIP client for Linux/Unix.
Copyright (C) 2003 by Dirk Stoecker <[email protected]>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or read http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
/* Version history
Please always keep revision history and the two related strings up to date!
1.1 2003-02-24 stoecker initial version
1.2 2003-02-25 stoecker fixed agent string
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
/* The string, whic h is send as agent in HTTP request */
#define AGENTSTRING "NTRIP LinuxClient"
#define MAXDATASIZE 1000 /* max number of bytes we can get at once */
char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
/* CVS revision and version */
static char revisionstr[] = "$Revision: 1.2 $";
stat ic char datestr[] = "$Date: 2003/03/25 13:00:00 $";
struct Args
char *server;
char *user;
char *password;
char *data;
/* option parsing */
#define LONG_OPT(a)
#define LONG_OPT(a) a
static struct option opts[] = {
{ "data", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
{ "server", required_argument, 0, 's'},
{ "password", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
{ "port", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
{ "user", required_argument, 0, 'u'},
{ "help", no_a rgument, 0, 'h'},
#define ARGOPT "d:hp:r:s:u:"
static int getargs(int argc, char **argv, struct Args *args)
int res = 1;
char *a;
int i = 0, help = 0;
char *t;
args->server = "";
args->port = 80;
args->user = "";
args->password = "";
args->data = 0;
help = 0;
switch((getoptr = getopt(argc, argv, ARGOPT)))
switch((getoptr = getopt_long(argc, argv, ARGOPT, opts, 0)))
case 's': args ->server = optarg; break;
case 'u': args ->user = optarg; break;
case 'p': args ->password = optarg; break;
case 'd': args ->data = optarg; break;
case 'h': help=1; break;
case 'r':
args->port = strtoul(optarg, &t, 10);
if((t && *t) || args ->port < 1 || args ->port > 65535)
res = 0;
case -1: break;
} while(getoptr != -1 || !res);
for(a = revisionstr+11; *a && *a != ' '; ++a)
revisionstr[i++] = *a;
revisionstr[i] = 0;
datestr[0] = datestr[7];
datestr[1] = datestr[8];
datestr[2] = datestr[9];
datestr[3] = datestr[10];
datestr[5] = datestr[12];
datestr[6] = datestr[13];
datestr[8] = datestr[15];
datestr[9] = datestr[16];
datestr[4] = datestr[7] = '-';
datestr[10]= 0;
if(!res || help)
fprintf(stderr, "Version %s (%s) GPL
Usage: %s -s server -u user ...
" -d " LONG_OPT("--data ") "the requested data set
" -s " LONG_OPT("--server ") "the server name or address
" -p " LONG_OPT("--password ") "the login password
" -r " LONG_OPT("--port ") "the server port number (default 80)
" -u " LONG_OPT("--user ") "the user name
, revisionstr, datestr, argv[0]);
return res;
static char encodingTable [64] = {
/* does not buffer overrun, but breaks directly after an error */
/* returns the number of required bytes */
static int encode(char *buf, int size, char *user, char *pwd)
unsigned char inbuf[3];
char *out = buf;
int i, sep = 0, fill = 0, bytes = 0;
while(*user || *pwd)
i = 0;
while(i < 3 && *user) inbuf[i++] = *(user++);
if(i < 3 && !sep) {inbuf[i++] = ':'; ++sep; }
while(i < 3 && *pwd) inbuf[i++] = *(pwd++);
while(i < 3) {inbuf[i++] = 0; ++fill; }
if(out-buf < size-1)
*(out++) = encodingTable[(inbuf [0] & 0xFC) >> 2];
if(out-buf < size-1)
*(out++) = encodingTable[((inbuf [0] & 0x03) << 4)
| ((inbuf [1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
if(out-buf < size-1)
if(fill == 2)
*(out++) = '=';
*(out++) = encodingTable[((inbuf [1] & 0x0F) << 2)
| ((inbuf [2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
if(out-buf < size-1)
if(fill >= 1)
*(out++) = '=';
*(out++) = encodingTable[inbuf [2] & 0x3F];
bytes += 4;
if(out-buf < size)
*out = 0;
return bytes;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct Args args;
if(getargs(argc, argv, &args))
int i, sockfd, numbytes;
char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
struct hostent *he;
struct sockaddr_in their_addr; /* connector's address information */
if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* host byte order */
their_addr.sin_port = htons(args.port); /* short, network byte order */
their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he ->h_addr);
memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
if(connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr,
sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
i = snprintf(buf, MAXDATASIZE,
"GET / HTTP/1.0
"User -Agent: %s/%s
// "Accept: */*
// "Connection: close
, AGENTSTRING, revisionstr);
i=snprintf(buf, MAXDATASIZE-40, /* leave some space for login */
"GET /%s HTTP/1.0
"User -Agent: %s/%s
// "Accept: */*
// "Connection: close
"Authorization: Basic "
, args.data, AGENTSTRING, revisionstr);
if(i > MAXDATASIZE-40 && i < 0) /* second chec k for old glibc */
fprintf(stderr, "Requested data too long
i += encode(buf+i, MAXDATASIZE-i-5, args.user, args.password);
fprintf(stderr, "Username and/or password too long
snprintf(buf+i, 5, "
i += 5;
if(send(sockfd, buf, i, 0) != i)
int k = 0;
while((numbytes=recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) != -1)
if(numbytes != 12 || strncmp("ICY 200 OK
", buf, 12))
fprintf(stderr, "Could not get the requested data
fwrite(buf, numbytes, 1, stdout);
while((numbytes=recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) != -1)
fwrite(buf, numbytes, 1, stdout);
", buf+numbytes -16, 16))
return 0;
PART II Ntrip Example Implementation
The System components described in Part I of this documentation are implemented as an
example implementation under several operating systems designed with Microsoft Visual
Studio C++ 6.0 including Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5 for Win32 and the gcc
compiler for Linux (UNIX). A modified Icecastversion 1.3.11 is used as the basic element:
The NtripCaster. The other programs developed are called NtripServer (Windows 98/00/XP)
and the “GNSS Internet Radio” (NtripClient, Windows 98/00/XP).
Note that this example implementation is not capable of handling Ntrip’s NMEA Request
Messages as necessary for supporting the VRS concept. It is limited to disseminate data
streams with <nmea> parameter set to “0” (see Source-table section in PART I).
1. NtripServer
The NtripServer (Windows 98/00/XP) is designed to be a server for a single NtripSource.
Basically the NtripServer grabs a serial GNSS byte stream (COM-port) from a GNSS
receiver at a reference stationand sends it off over an Internet TCP connection to the
NtripCaster. The start window is shown in Figure 4.
Mind that the NtripServer cannot handle a proxyserver.When using it in a proxy-protected
Local Area Network (LAN), a TCP-relay has to be established connecting the proxyserver
and the NtripCaster. Establishing the Internet connection for an NtripServer by using an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an alternative.
Fig. 4: NtripServer window
A server administrator needs to set all relevant parameters before the transmission will be
started. The program includes setting windows to configure the serial byte stream (COM-port) from a GNSS receiver and the NtripCaster settings for the data output towards the
NtripCaster (see Figure 5). Note that it is recommended to use a high baud rate (e.g. 19200)
if supported by hardware and software. Server password and mountpoint are provided by the
administrator of the NtripCaster.
Fig. 5: Setting windows -press the button “NtripCaster” (right),
press the button “COM-port” (left)
The program will automatically recognize NtripCaster failures (e.g. NtripCaster is down) und
can be configured, as shown in Figure 6, to automatically reconnect a the lost NtripCaster.
Fig. 6: Reconnection window
This example server implementation is currently an experimental software. The BKG
disclaims any liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or
damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the use and application of
the Ntrip technology (see Figure 7).
Fig 7: About Nrip Server & Copyright
2. NtripServerCMD
Like the NtripServer, the command line program NtripServerCMD (Windows 98/00/XP) is
designed to be a server for a single NtripSource. Basically the NtripServerCMD grabs a
GNSS byte stream via TCP/IP from an IP network address and port number and sends it off
over an Internet TCP connection to the NtripCaster.
Note that the NtripServerCMD cannot handle a proxyserver. When using it in a proxy-protected Local Area Network (LAN), a TCP-relay has to be established connecting the
proxyserver and the NtripCaster. Establishing the Internet connection for the
NtripServerCMD program by using an ISP is an alternative.
The user has to call the program with the following arguments:
NtripServerCMD -q <source IP>:<source port>
-c <caster IP>:<caster port>:<mountpoint>:<password>
-r <attempts>:<time>
-p <protocol file>
-q <>:<> -c <>:<>:<> -r <>:<> Obligatory arguments
:<password> Optional arguments
<attempts> Number of attempts for connection, '0' for infinite number of attempts
<time> Interval between connection attempts in seconds
-p <protocol file> Optional arguments, specifies the name for protocol file,
no protocol is created without this argument
Use 'Ctrl + c' to quit the program during execution.
The argument '-h' or '/?' will display “help information” on the screen.
c:\NtripServerCMD -q -c -r 10:5 -p prot.txt
3. NtripClient (GNSS Internet Radio)
The NtripClient (named “GNSS Internet Radio”) is designed to run on a PC/Laptop (Windows
98/00/XP). It feeds a GNSS receiver, whichis connected via serial port (COM-port)to the
PC/Laptop. The correction data is received from an NtripCaster. The program will handle the
HTTP communication and transfer the received GNSS data e.g. to the serial port. After
setting up the session parameters and pressing the start button, the software connects to the
desired NtripCaster and writes the received GNSS data stream e.g. to the serial port until the
session is stopped.
The basic start window is shown in Figure 8. The program keeps a local file of the last
session parameters (IP/port, username:password, COM-port settings, source-table etc.). As
for f irst time uses no recorded session parameters are available, they have to be set by the
user. The source-table will be automatically received from the NtripCaster when sending the
first request message.
Fig. 8: GNSSInternetRadio window
first time use (left), a source -table is available (right)
Broadcaster IP and Port, user-ID and password as well as reconnection settings are entered
through the “Broadcaster Settings” windows (see Figure 9). The administrator of the
NtripCaster provides t he necessary user-ID and the password. It is generally associated to
the usage of one specific data stream, but access to networks of data streams or even all
data streams available from an NtripCaster can also be allowed through one single
Fig. 9: Broadcaster Settings window
The “Settings” window enables the user to select an output option. The options available are
COM-port, TCP/IP, File, or None (see Figure 10). When using a proxyserver, its IP and port
number can be introduced as well in this window.
Although the "GNSSInternetRadio" can be used within a proxy-protected Local Area Network
(LAN) , users may still experience a blocked communication. This can especially happen if a
combination of firewall, proxyserver, virus scanner etc. is in front. A work-around can be
either to establish a TCP-relay (proxyserver -NtripCaster, to be arranged by a LAN
administrator) or to access the Internet via an ISP.
Fig. 10: Settings window
Details defining the COM-port communication are to be entered through the “COM-port
Settings” window (see Figure 11). The usage of a high baud-rate is recommended (e.g.
19200) if supported by hardware and software.
Fig. 11: COM-port Settings window
A port number can be defined through the “TCP/IP Settings” window when choosing the
TCP/IP output option (see Figure 12). Note that other programs running on the same host as
the “GNSS Internet Radio” can access the data stream via the Local IP Address
Fig. 12: TCP/IP Settings window
Received data may be written into a file. The “File Settings” window enables the user to
define a file name (see Figure 13).
Fig. 13: File Settings window
Details of data streams are available from the “Source Table” windows. You can find
information here about the NtripCaster, the data format provided and the network operating
the stream generator. Web-addresses or an e-mail address is given for background
information or registration purposes.
Fig. 14: Source Table window
Note that this example NtripClient implementationis currently an experimental software. The
BKG disclaims any liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss
or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the use and application
of the Ntrip technology(see Figure 14).
Fig. 15: About GNSS Internet Radio & Copyright
4. NtripCaster
The NtripCaster as the central software component receives data streams from NtripServers
as generated by NtripSources. The NtripCaster administrator is responsible for handling
mountpoints for NtripSources, passwords, NtripClient access-rights, billing, statistics, etc.
The NtripCaster is based on the Icecastsoftware, developed under GNU General Public
License. The purpose of Icecast is to duplicate source data for up to thousand or more
simultaneously connected clients accessing up to a few hundred different sources. Network
connections between source, Icecast, and clients are based on HTTP/TCP/IP. The Icecast
server was originally designed to stream MP3-coded data with bit rates of 32 kbit/s up to
128kbit/s. The NtripCaster is a re-designed Icecastfor
· DGNSS corrections (about 0.5 kbit/s per stream) or
· RTK corrections (about 5 kbit/s per stream) or
· Raw GNSS receiver data (about 5 kbit/s per stream).
The NtripCaster does not alter the data.
The NtripCaster can be accessed by a remote administrator using the same port (listening
port) as NtripServers and NtripClients. This feature is necessary to run the NtripCaster in a
professional manner, especially in an international context like EUREF. The NtripCaster
provides an administration console restricted to exclusive persons [admin password], which
can be accessed by Telnet. In addition, a status inquiry is possible by using a web browser.
This enables to control a remote NtripCaster independent from its physical location. An
NtripCaster hosted at a professional Internet Service Provider might be administrated by a
person located at a completely different place. The administration functionality allows to
organize the available GNSS data streams, set aliases, allow or deny clients (e.g. only
accept clients from a specific country), kicking out connections to sources, clients or admins,
view real-time statistics (all clients, sources) etc. while operating the NtripCaster.
To limit network costs, which are usually calculated based on the transferred data volume,
the administrator can restrict the number N of simultaneous connections (e.g. N max
There is also a built-in bandwidth-measuring tool inside the caster. When the NtripCaster is
using more than a certain bandwidth (e.g. 1 MB/s), no further clients will be accepted until
the bandwidth falls below the specified limit. The NtripCaster is able to connect to GNSS
data streams on a different NtripCaster and can present itself as anNtripServer. This allows
e.g. the installation of a European network of NtripCasters. Therefore, Italian GNSS data
streams could be made accessible via a German server, or German GNSS data streams can
be made accessible via an Italian server.
Very important are the NtripCaster configuration files rtcmcast.conf and source-table.dat,
which are used to set up the behavior of the HTTP-server. The administrator is able to set up
the number of clients, sources, overall throughput, password for sources, password for
admins, access, main behavior, and more. The *.conf and *.dat files can be edited on the
local administrator PC (Windows or Unix) and uploaded to the NtripCaster via an FTP
4.1. Status Information
Authorized administrators (name and password) can receive status information via a
protected HTTP session (e.g. Internet Explorer). The NtripCaster Web Status Interface is
shown in Figure 15.
Fig. 16: NtripCaster Web Status Interface
More than one system administrator may work at the same time on the NtripCaster.
Information on the administrators simultaneously logged into the system is available as
shown in Figure 16.
Fig. 17: NtripCaster Web Status: Admins
As shown in Figure 17, the administrator can check current setting like encoder_password,
client_password, admin_password, max_clients, max_clients_per_source, max_sources,
max_admins, throttle (how much bandwidth the server is allowed to use before client and
source access is denied), etc.
Fig. 18: NtripCaster Web Status: Settings
Statistic information can be of interest for the administrator when operating the NtripCaster.
Mean values characterizing the number of users, the number of data streams, the bandwidth
in use and other important parameters are available (see Figure 18).
Fig. 19:NtripCaster Web Status: Statistics
The system administrator has real-time control over client parameters like listen IP,
username, chosen source/mountpoint, connection time, bytes written, errors und used
NtripClient (Fig. 19). This information is kept in log files for statistical or billing purposes.
NtripClient usernames are only logged and displayed for password-protected mountpoints.
For open mountpoints the username “null” is displayed/recorded. Unwanted users can be
identified in real-time and kicked out by the administrator using the admin console command
Fig. 20: NtripCaster Web Status: Listener
The system administrator can also view all currently connected NtripSources (Fig. 20).
Fig. 21: NtripCaster Web Status: Sources
Red characters when displaying the source-table (see Figure 21) indicate currently
unavailable data streams.
Fig. 22: NtripCaster Web Status: Sourcetable
4.2. Administration
The NtripCaster can be remote controlled via the admin console. To access the admin
console, a password-protected telnet connection to the NtripCaster (e.g. through
communications/listening port 80 or ports 80 and 2101) can be used. After connecting, no
prompt will be displayed. Then 'ADMIN [admin password]' followed by two new lines (press
enter twice) has to be entered. Substitute [admin password] by the admininistrator password
set in ntripcast.conf or enter it as an NtripCaster command line parameter (see following
The admin console command window is shown in Figure 22.
telnet euref-ip.ifag.de 80
ADMIN adm1npa55
Fig. 23. NtripCaster administration console
The admin console defines following basic commands [Icecast 1.3.11,Manual,
http://www.icecast.org, 2002]:
The alias command is used for two things. It can be used to add an alias for a local
mountpoint so that a stream can be accessed from two mountpoints. Or it can be used to
add an alias for a remote NtripCaster stream.
alias add <mountpoint> <newmountpoint>
alias del <mountpoint>
alias list
allow and deny______________________________________
This adds a hostmask to an internal access lists (acl). It specifies that this hostmask should
allow or deny access. A type for this acl can be specified, which can be either all,client,
source or admin. It only has affect on the specified connection type.
allow|deny <client|source|admin|all> add <hostmask>
allow|deny <client|source|admin|all> del <hostmask>
allow|deny <client|source|admin|all> list
allow client add *.se
allow all del *.netcom.com
deny admin add *.se
deny admin del ap.*.com
allow admin list
The „admins“ command is used to list the admins connected to the server. It will display one
admin connection per line, like:
Admin 341 <d66.ryd.student.liu.se> connected for 1 hours, 8 minutes and 14 seconds. 0
commands issued
A host-mask as an argument can be supplied, and only the admins who match the mask, will
be shown.
admins [hostmask]
admins *.ifag.de
This command can be used to dump a connected stream to a file on disk.
If the filename specified is „close“, then the file will be closed.
dump <source id> <filename|close>
dump 230 /tmp/stream.rpcm
Without arguments, the command „help“ prints a list of all commands and what they are used
for. With a command as an argument, a slightly longer description of what the command
does, is printed.
help [command]
help kick
This command can be used to get rid of some listeners, admins, or sources. A single
connection may be kicked out as well as allconnections of a certain type matching a
kick <id>
kick <-acs> <hostmask>
kick <hostmask>
kick 314
kick -a *.com
kick *.badsource.com
This command displays a list of all connected listeners. The output can be restricted to those
listeners matching a specific hostmask.
listeners [hostmask]
listeners *.ifag.de
Most commands on the admin console are restricted to NtripCaster operators. To obtain
operator privileges, the „oper“ command with the NtripCaster operator password as
argument can be used.
oper <operator password>
oper cooloperpass
The data flow to a client or from a source can be cut with this command.
pause <client or source id>
pause 314
The „quit“ command is used to leave the NtripCaster admin console. This can only be used,
when the console is accessed through the remote interface (e.g. using telnet). An optional
argument will be used as a signoff message, e.g. displayed to other connected admins.
quit [message]
quit Bye Bye
rehash___________________________ __________________
This command can be used after changing parameters in the NtripCaster configuration file
(ntripcast.conf or source-table.dat). When used with an argument, it will understand this
argument as a filename and parse this as a configuration file.
rehash [filename]
rehash /tmp/newrtcmast.conf
„select“ is useful when a listeners should be transferred from one stream to another. It can
either transfer all clients connected to source A, to source B, or all clients connected to
source A matching a pattern, to source B, or just one single client with a specified id, to a
new source.
select <-a> <source source id> <target source id>
select <client id> <target source id>
select <source source id> <hostmask> <target source id>
select 514 23
select -a 43 23
select 23 *.se 43
„sources“ is used just like „listeners“ to view all the connected sources.It can be used with an
optional argument to limit the list to only the sources matching the specified hostmask. It also
accepts a large number of options. By default the output is defined by the variable
The options are as follows.
i -Connection id
s -Socket descriptor
t -Time of connect
p -Connection ip
h -Hostname
c -Connection state
y -Source type
c -Number of clients
d -Dumpfile
r -Mountpoint priority
M -Source mountpoint
R -Bytes read
W -Show bytes written
C -Total client connects
T -Time connected
sources [hostmask] [-options]
sources *.apan.com -aCW
This command is used to shutdown the server. An optional argument can be introduced
which will be used as a shutdown message broadcasted to all connected admins.
shutdown [message]
shutdown caster_goes_down
This command is used without arguments. „set“ will display a l ist of all NtripCaster variables
and their current values. It can be used also to change any of those variables if the name is
specified and the new value is entered as arguments. Typing „help settings“ will give a short
description of all the settings, and a longer description for the settings is available here.
set <variable name>
set <variable name> <new value>
set client_timeout
set max_clients 580
The „stats“ command will print some information about the current number of connections,
averages on client connections, bytes read and written, etc. It looks a lot like the output
available from the statistics file. As an argument, „hourly“ or „daily“ can be put. Then the
averages and totals for the last hour or day will be printed.
stats [hourly|daily]
stats hourly
The „tail“ command can be issued by an administrator to display messages written to the
logfile. It's similar to the unix tail command.
An admin can send a message to all other connected admins using the „tell“ command. Any
argument will be send to all admins.
tell <m essage>
tell new NtripSource
The „unpause“ command unfreezes a client or stream previously paused with the „pause“
unpause <client or source id>
unpause 314
The „uptime“ command is similar to the Unix uptime command. It prints the number of days,
hours, minutes and seconds the NtripCaster is up and running.
This command is used to list all connections, sources, admins, or clients.
list [hostmask]
list *.toomanyarguments.com
To mount a remote stream on the NtripCaster, or to mount one of your local streams on a
remote server, the „relay“ command should be used.
relay pull [-m <localmount>] <url>
relay pull ifag.de:2101/BUCU0
This command is used todisplay authorization users, mounts and groups.
auth <groups|users|mounts>
auth groups
auth users
4.3. Hardware
Various Linux distributions and hardware platforms may be used to run the NtripCaster
example implementation. The following configuration has been tested in January 2003 and
may thus be understood as one possible example.
- Server PowerEdge 1650
- Basic Server Installation Packet, Linux Redhat 7.3
- Intel® Pentium® III Processor 1,40 GHz
- Second Processor, PIII P1650
- 8x DVD-ROM
- Rack Kit for 19" Racks
- Redundant power supply (2x)
- PCI Slots -PE 1650 Riser: 2x 64 Bit/66 MHz
- 1 GB PC133 ECC SDRAM (2x 512 MB)
- 2x18 GB SCSI Hard Disc, 10.000 RPM Ultra3/160
- PERC3/DC PCI RAID Controller 128 MB
- RAID Level 1
- 2x Intel® Gigabit Ethernetadapter Onboard (10/100/1000)
- ERA -Embedded Remote Access onboard integrated
The BKG maintains a Web-side in order to keep the interested community up to date about
Ntrip developments. This information is available through
- http://igs.ifag.de/index_ntrip.htm.
The latest version of this document as well as the programs which are part of the example
implementation are available through
- NtripDocumentation (latest version of this document)
- NtripClient for Windows (GNSS Internet Radio)
- NtripClient for Windows CE (GNSS Internet Radio)
- NtripClient for Linux , simple programming example
- NtripServer (reading from serial port)
- NtripServerCMD (command-line version of the NtripServer, reading from TCP/IP port)
- NtripCaster
The NtripCaster developed under GNU General Public License will become available in
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