Cody's Peril
Scared student must convince an official of another world, their people's healing is harmful.
Trouble At School
"You just wait, Cody Bird! Mrs. Thompson, she has drugs in her backpack!"
"And what makes you think I'll believe you, Ronny?" Mrs. Thompson frowned at him.
But, he unzipped my backpack and held it open. Grinned at me.
In the top was my zipper bag with my inhaler and epi-pen. My old school let me carry
'em. I was already wheezing.
But, she sighed. "You'll have to sign those in at the Nurse's Office, honey. I'll sign a pass for you."
While she was writing it out, another boy slipped him a candy bar. He ripped it open and smeared it on my arm. I'm allergic to nuts and this was a Reese's cup. Oh boy.
He crammed it in his pocket, but she saw. "That was deliberate. Let's all go to the office." She gave me the pass and my hands shook almost too badly to grab. "Walk fast."
I wheezed almost too loudly to catch that. We walked.
Another student put an arm around me. "Let me help."
"Aren't you supposed to be in class? She doesn't—"
I fell into his arms. He carried me at a run, to the Nurse's Office. Mrs. Arrendale saw me and had him put me on a cot. She grabbed the Epi-Pen and used it through my jeans leg. He sat on the floor and held my hand. I still wheezed. Last time someone touched me after eating a candy with nuts—they'd wiped their hand off—I had to go to the hospital. This felt like that! I tried to just calm down.
She tore open an alcohol wipe and got all the chocolate off. It took three. "Carrie, call an ambulance! This is Cody Bird, she's allergic to nuts and she got chocolate on her! What was it, honey?"
That boy answered. "Ronny Marsh had a Reese's and he smeared it on her, on purpose! I saw it through the door because I was late to class! It was after he opened her backpack and showed Mrs. Thompson her inhaler and Epi-pen. He wanted to get her in trouble!"
I gave him a grateful look and wished for telepathy!
I have it. I wish to take you to a healer. You know of SETI, Miss Bird?
My jaw dropped. I couldn't have said a word anyway. Breath whistled in my throat. Aliens want me? But, maybe they can help this! I nodded.
We heard an ambulance siren. The crew came in. "Let's move, People! Miss, just relax. We'll have you to the hospital before you know it." They put me on the gurney and rolled me out. That student walked with me.
I tried to smile at him. Thanks. I thought it to him.
You are welcome. We go to our ship, and a healer sees you quickly!
Didn't know if I was gonna faint, but they put an oxygen mask on me and I felt relief.
They lifted up and he got in with me. The doors closed.
But, hands lifted me onto a bed.
An older man leaned over me. "O, let me help you!" His warm hands—twin, flat fingers—soft hands laid on my head and I could breathe! He crushed leaves with faded rainbow stripes and I smelled spices.
I blinked and a crowd of people sang. I breathed. Not hyper like that Epi-Pen would do to me. My heart wasn't racing, and I just breathed at a normal pace. "Oh, that's better!"
That man in white hugged me. "Daughter, I am happy! You had peril! I am Pas, a healer."
"Pas, thanks! I never had anyone attack me with chocolate before! I'm scared!" Now I sobbed.
He hugged me. His breath smelled like sweet spices. "Maiden, rest. He can ne harm you here!"
"But, I'll have to go back to school tomorrow and he or his buddies'll just do it again! They're out to get me!" I sobbed out my problems. How my parents died in a wreck and I came to Atlanta to live with Aunt Irene and Uncle Barney, and I just started school at Howard Middle School this week. Oh, how I missed my parents! I don't know Barney and Irene at all. They think my allergies are just nerves. I'm scared to eat. Something at breakfast set me off, and that's why I had the inhaler and Epi-Pen with me.
They've never seen what happened at school. Don't believe in doctors. Uncle Barney thinks herbs are the cure for everything. That's why he and Daddy didn't talk. The school's probably talking to Uncle Barney or Aunt Irene right now. What'll I do? I started wheezing again.
Pas hummed and it stopped. "Daughter, ne this upset. I shall speak to your dear ones. For now, rest. I will ne release you to go back to school. I can provide 'paperwork' to this effect. Today, you need rest. Angel, would you sit with us? Miss Bird—"
"Oh, you can call me Cody. I'm just 12. I'm in 8th grade, 'cause I got put up a grade last year—"
"So did I! I'm Angel Pedersen. I go—well, I was in 8th grade at Marietta Middle, but Pas wrote a letter so I can stay out. I almost had ulcers, but Pas fixed it." She smiled. Beautiful light blue eyes and black waves. "What's wrong with you?"
I pulled my light brown hair out of my eyes. "I'm allergic to nuts—"
"Daughter, I healed you. Nae food harms you now!"
I looked up into those beautiful red-gold eyes and wanted to believe it. "Really? I can eat a Reese's?" But they wouldn't have one--
That boy put one in my hand. "Are you frightened, Cody? Ejis nae, I should nae—" He started to take it back.
"It's okay! If I'm really cured, I can eat this!" I tore the orange wrapper open. My hands shook.
Pas frowned. "I know you can without harm, but this food harmed you today! I wish ne to harm you with this memory!"
"It's okay. I've always wondered what one would taste like!" I bent the inside wrapper down and took a bite. Didn't expect the creamy filling. I chewed, and didn't feel sick at all! Breathed just fine! Swallowed. "Oh, that's good!" I ate the rest. Enjoyed it.
Lots of people were watching me. Angel frowned. "You feel okay?"
I laughed. "I feel fine! Oh, it's so nice to just feel normal, to eat a candy bar, to not have to worry if some food is gonna make me sick! Pas, thank you! It's great to be normal!"
Then I looked at my new friend. A handsome friend, but with school bus yellow skin. "I want to thank you. If you hadn't brought me here, I might've died! I know your ambulance was a lot faster than they could have gotten one there."
His blue eyes turned very dark blue. It startled me. "I feared you would die! We planned to meet you later today. Cody, one of our team sees futures for certain persons. I am Pirson, Biome Engineer Of Elshar Zheiea, and I am a member of Joe's Team. Here is Joe, Diplomat-In-Aid Of Elshar Mashai and Haran, Diplomat Of Elshar Zheiea. In another future, we served together in Diplomatic Service. You were our biome tech, and saved many."
Two other men sat on the bed. One took my hand. "I'm Joe." He looked like me, five fingers, but light brown hair and eyes that wavered between light and dark blue.
"Hi." I shook his hand. Firm handshake.
The other one was twin-fingered and yellow like Pirson, but paler. "Pleased to meet." He also shook my hand, but Pas touched his. "Maiden, I must teach you. Our hands are more delicate than—"
"Healer, I am well!" Haran laughed, but I loosened up on his hand.
"You've got soft hands! I don't want to hurt you!" Already where I grabbed was darker yellow!
Pas touched it and hummed, and yellow came back. I smiled. "I wish I could do that!"
But they all held my hands. The red-violet of the round ship faded.
Memories From An Older Me
Our team leader held onto his arm until Haran frowned at him. "I am well, Joe."
"I'm worried! You know how the Nohkahtseh are if anybody looks sick—"
"I can project a well image. Hopefully, our mission here is short."
Yeah, and I felt the same way. Earthans get sick here fast. My healer at B'ansah told me to forget DS, but I told him to fix my records so I could do this. After two missions, I'm almost ready to admit defeat, but Pirson doesn't know much about Earthans. Our other missions were on worlds with no poisons.
Joe looked at me. "Bird, be very careful around Elshars. Excuse my mention of it, but your light brown hair and blue eyes make you look like a happy Elshar, and your figure is very attractive to us." He kept his eyes on mine, but I still blushed.
"I wouldn't be, on Earth, with this much weight on me. Should I adjust my clothing former to make my uniform looser?"
"That won't help, Bird. I'm sorry! Most of the traders here are too dishonest to work on Elshar Mashai, and the Bokruks put up with it." He sighed. "Don't talk to Elshars, or the natives."
We stepped through the wallport, and I took my first lungful of poison. Floral-smelling air. It's the dry season. Flowers are dying and fruit's being gathered. But, the dust has a lot of poisons in it for all of us. The dusty street was brown, the fields were brown, and no horizon divided that from the equally brown sky. Already the dust made my mouth dry, and I wheezed.
Pirson grabbed my arm. "Are you unwell, Bird?"
I laughed, and my chest rattled. "I'm okay. Bokrukzky does this to Earthans. I—"
Two men came up and sniffed at our faces. "Oy huhhg pereskat ehehstezz shrreeyvaz?"
"Shrreeyvaz peresat, hanyee." I told him I was fine, but I wheezed louder. He frowned.
"Vy zabes voxyooy noyehobo pehmyah yighnad." Joe bowed low, his official greeting.
The other man, who returned his bow, had flabby fingers that waved at his beltline. They wore dusty brown robes, like everyone here, tied with brightly-colored sashes that only showed when one moved and a little cake of dust fell off. His was red.
My Bokruk friend had cobalt blue. He still sniffed at my face. I'd learned Bokruk last month when I learned we were coming here, and practiced often with the diplomats. But, he didn't think I understood much. "This woman is sick. I will take her with me."
The other one frowned. "Hovanan, one of the diplomats is also sick! Can your healer care for a Zheien and an Elshar at the same time?"
"He must, Ferjisah. Let the other diplomat go with you to settle with the rude Elshar. Come with me, Lady."
I trembled. "I cannot go with you. I must stay with Pirson. He is my superior." I hoped my translation was okay. Women aren't supposed to do much talking, but DS is respected—
Joe tried to talk them out of the healer, but they waved, and men carried Haran and I after Leader Hovanan.
Another man joined them. His brown eyes opened very wide. "You should not bring DS people to healers! The new treaty states—"
"That is for the common people! I am leader, and responsible for the health of any DS persons that come to see me, am I not?"
The man gave a bow from the waist, and hurried off. We came to a group of low buildings. They carried us in. Less dust in here. Must be containments.
A man in clean brown robes sat at a low table with a mortar and pestle. "Leader Hovanan! How may I serve you?"
He sat at the table with him and switched to a dialect only men used. I'd learned this one, too. "These people are sick. The woman understands our language, but a sick person might not comprehend—"
"This is dangerous talk—"
"Will you listen? The trader is a dangerous man. If they offend him, he will bring slavers. I will give these two to him for slaves—"
"This is outrage! I am a healer—"
"Without my support, you are nothing. He comes tonight. Have them ready." Hovanan left in a cloud of dust.
The healer stood up and cursed. Then, he waved towards two beds, thick mattresses on the floor. Our carriers put us down.
Haran got up. "If you please, I must go to help my friend—"
"You are sick, and must rest!" He poked an herb in Haran's mouth and caught him.
I sat up. "Be careful! Zheien often have to leave DS after a trip to Bokrukzky, because so many of the herbs have terrible effects on them!"
He gasped. I answered him in the dialect they were using. "If you heard what we said, you know I have no choice—"
"I can give Dirin something. He likes to get drunk. He likes women. I'm Earthan. You spare my friend, and I'll destroy Dirin for you." What am I saying? Biome Tech, Spy Supreme. In my dreams! But, anything to save Haran. He laid on the bed with his eyes staring at the healer. Tears filled them.
The healer sighed. "What can I do?"
"What did you give my friend?" I trembled. I'd found Ahstam and got a database of Bokrukzkan herbs from him, what they did to diff species, and what a Zheien healer would do for a Zheien.
He pulled out a leaf from a bag. "Pteris—"
"Let me give him vek ea. Pteris is something you should never give a Zheien!" I pulled out my herb terminal and crushed a handful in front of Haran's face. He looked peacefully asleep now, but without this, he'd wake up hallucinating. Then, I pressed the database into the healer's hand. "This will help you understand Zheien herbalry. Do you know of Ahstam, Master Healer of All Zheiea?"
A gasp. "What do you ask for his wisdom? I cannot ask for such a database in the Traders' Circle, because an Elshar has to trade for me!"
"Help me to help my friend." I tucked five leaves of nesfa in his mouth, to try to treat the damage the poisoning might have already done. "I need to know what herbs Dirin might use that affect Elshars."
I gasped. The yellowish stone walls of that place vanished, and I quit wheezing. Memories flooded me as the crowded red-violet ship came back to my view. And, across it with a group of traders, was Dirin.
I didn't think. I got off the bed and stormed over there. "I need a TS Inspector!"
A man in black robes came up to me. Frowned. "I think you are too young to bring a case. Earthan, aren't you?"
I pulled his hand to my forehead. I may not have telepathy, but Pirson heard me. I thought loudly about this man, his trades, what he planned to do on Bokrukzky, where he had slaves, I remembered all of the secrets he willingly gave me when I trained him! I showed this TS Inspector, Andrisch, how I did it.
Berto gasped and strode over. Our boss, who sent us to Bokrukzky. He heard it all, too.
Dirin laughed. "You will take the word of a child—"
Andrisch gave him a look that could freeze a lake. "Wave up your trades. All of them. I will see them all."
His eyes turned black. His pink skin turned grayish! With quick waves, we saw all of his trades. Ships filled with slaves. There were Zheien and Thordes, which are not legal in any Alliance world. A trader with Traders' Service status can't own illegal slaves, no matter what world he's on.
"I see in your favor, DS." Andrisch waved up and I got a shower of terminals! I flinched, but Andrisch wasn't looking at me. They hovered in front of my face. He waved a man in white to Dirin. Not bright white like healer's robes. This was rougher cloth, kind of grayish.
This man poked an herb in Dirin's mouth. He simpered and looked drunk. Suddenly, his light blue eyes turned black and he choked. Fell.
White Robe waved and a vaporizer left only his peasant outfit and his trader's robes over that. On the floor. Flat.
I felt sick. Joe held my head against his chest until I quit gasping. "Novas, Bird, you—I can help you get your slaves to healers!"
"Can we send 'em to Rainbow? Uh—" But, Rainbow wasn't there before Earth had Contact.
Berto smiled. "We can send them to Rainbow. As of today, there are 25 worlds in Alb that have Rainbow Unwell Colony. Molly is not there yet, but she will be. She is 12 like you, Bird. You were very brave, to send Dirin to Ih Esta!"
I shook all over, then got with the program and gave an Elshar bow. Stared at him to show my respect, with my long hair draped to my left. "Berto, I should have asked you first!" I spoke it in Elshar.
He answered in Elshar. "You have the memories of a DS man, and gave expert testimony! I am happy you acted, and I am sure Andrisch is. He loves to catch slavers. He is Earth's TS Inspector, if Earth joins in our treaties. We are inviting her to join the Alliance and the Unified. And, we are looking for certain Earthans who can help us defeat slavers.
"I was not going to ask you, but I suspect Fhlohas' brother Rohanan is in your holdings. Dirin just took him for his slave last week."
"Help me find him! Can Ahstam give us that database he had?"
"I will ask him!" Pas got a faraway stare. Healers can do that?
Another man put large hands on his bald head. "Let me help you, Pas!"
Berto's eyes turned light. "Thank you, Kimmerisch! He is 9th Galaxy Minister, and from Zhea~ where Ahstam lives. Zhea~ moved to Alb Monday."
"B-But, Zhea~'s in the Sixth, isn't it? We can move planets?"
"Esta ay! Entire star systems moved to Alb this week! Elshar Zheiea has a new world and they moved there Monday. Escet Vu, Par Vu, MarKu, Ye~, and a lot more of 'em!"
"MarKu? Is that before or after slavers took it?"
"Ejis nae!" A diplomat near me went yellow from orange! His friend grabbed him before I could move to try.
"My friend, MarKu is well and all his people are safe! We had warning and moved it before slavers could come! Goes will tell you—Sanderdin, is it?"
And, First Prince Goes of MarKu came running to him! "San, nae think! Pie, see him, please!"
"I am well, Liege—"
"You are nae. I must release you from our work. You remember many injuries, eae? Any with as many as you shall see Decision again. Think lightly of this other future! All of you. It can be changed."
"I am well enough. I wished to go trading before we gather to find Elsie and her friends, eae?"
Another healer with red-gold eyes frowned. "I think you should rest. How long did you stand in such mind pain?" Several of his friends led them away.
"I need to watch my mouth." I started to put a hand over it, then put the hand down. Need to watch my gestures, too, around all these Zheien!
Goes came to me. I tried to bow like Zheien do, with one leg behind, but for a king you go really low—and he held me up! "Maiden, I wish to reassure you. What you know is important to all Zheien kingdoms, for all of us must have herbs from Bokrukzky. You have polite customs, but you and I see a different future, and must have courage to change it.
"All is different for you, today, as it is for many on this ship! You came here unwell, and now I fear for you! May I assist you in searching these terminals? If my title is nae too discomfiting?"
I giggled. "First Prince Goes, it is an honor to have your help! Thank you. I never traded for slaves, so I only know a little about Alliance terminals." Pirson taught me a lot, but I only served those three missions. At Sigan Mas I tried to learn a lot about Hubs and terminals, but there are too many diff kinds to learn them all. Every menu is diff for every person. A Hub engineer has to help people set up their terminals, so I knew the basics. Everyone who studies Biomes learns a bit of everything, and your Challenge decides for you whether you install Hubs or carry biomes for your engineer. Biome engineers direct maintenance on server installations and Hub engineers install Hubs, giant servers that control planetary servers for tens to thousands of worlds.
I...didn't learn enough.
"O, feel nae shame. Without biome techs, there would be nae servers or Hubs! We learn together, these terminals."
All of us got to work. Angel picked one up. "Can I help?"
A boy ran to her. "I can show you how. Take a coin and shake it like this." He picked up an Alliance coin. There were hundreds floating around my hands! A shake, and a menu came up. "Now you just think about who these items might belong to, and they will group themselves according to owner. There! This one belonged to this diplomat." His finger pointed to a holo of a Zheien wearing DS blue with a sash. "Fernon Pah, Diplomat Of Elshar Zheiea."
Pirson looked pale and reached for that coin. Items in little holos floated with his picture. "I know his fa. I can return these, with your permission, Cody."
"You've got it!"
Angel tried it and got another Elshar Zheien's holo. "Oh, you made it easy, Brian!"
"I did this all day in Rainbow! I helped Jog Sa with returning stolen assets. Is he missing, Prince Goes?"
Those brown eyes filled. "Eae, and for 3 months. I also hope he might be in these holdings." Around him, 20 diplomat's holos floated, with holdings. These must be MarKuan.
We worked until there were many groups of holos, and diplomats gathered to help give the terminals back. More came to help.
Even some kids came, and Brian showed them what to do. I smiled. I love kids. Of course, I am one, just with adult memories. My mind feels a lot different.
Then, Goes pulled a holo to me. "Here is Rohanan, Minister Of Trade, Bokrukzky."
With it came a cloud of holos, mostly herbs. I recognized a lot of slaver herbs. But, that's just what Bokrukzky grows, mostly. They also have vast fields of healing herbs, so Zheien trade with them for those.
Pas waved a holo of Ahstam down, and put a green cube in my hand. "Here is Ahstam's database. He remembered creating it, and now we also have copies for all Rainbow colonies. This database is now saving lives, because you caused him to remember it!"
I held it against my chest. "Is he okay?"
Pas hugged me. "Ea, he is well, and moreso because of what he remembers! He can save many more lives through healers like me who learn from him! Fear ne to harm us. Instead, think of how happy we healers are, to have this blessing that will save so many!" He waved towards the cube. "Let us heal this one!" He waved Rohanan out and set stasis to thaw.
I put a hand on his. Freezing, of course!
"Ea. Help us comfort him. He will be very frightened."
Angel waved a heated white blanket on him.
Pas smiled. "Ea, Angel. Small comforts are important. Let us put him on this bed." The old healer picked him up and smoothly got up on the bed I just left. I sat by him and tried to keep my hand on his. I felt warmth on my hand. Love this tech! But, stasis is awful.
He also dimmed light around his face, like shade. I'd seen that in Rainbow when I had headaches. So nice. I had a lot of them after Bokrukzky. The herb I chose to take for my breathing caused brain damage. I knew it would, but it was the best choice I had because I didn't have any good herbs with me. We came from Rainbow, but the ones in my pocket doctor had gradual effects. I needed quick results, and it was a stupid choice, but I had to be functional. For what I had to do, and it wasn't planned, I couldn't really see an alternative. If I had known I'd have to train a slaver, Rainbow would have given me yllis to give him. That's safe for the person who trains, and it heals the person.
Rohanan groaned.
I spoke in that formal dialect. "You are safe. We are not slavers. Here is a healer for you who knows herbs for you. His name is Pas. Rest. You earned rest today. You earned a healer's care and this soft bed, and good food."
His brown eyes stared at me. He groaned again.
It took about ten minutes before his hand could pull at mine.
About ten more before Pas rubbed his head. Berto translated for him, but let me keep on talking to him in that dialect. I thought that was really out of place, but his mind pushed me to keep on.
"Did you rescue me?"
"I brought a trade dispute with Dirin, and you were in his holdings."
The poor man cried. "I am your slave. What must I do, to please you?"
"Rest, and this will please me. Do you want to be free?" I mentally crossed my fingers. If he's trained, he won't say yes.
"I want to go home, to my healer, to my people! They need me."
"Then, you are free. We can send you home. Let Pas sing healing, then they will send you home."
"You must come with me. I wish to show you to my brother."
Berto was nodding for an Elshar no! But, if he wants me to go with him, I have to go, don't I?
Pas looked worried, but he sang healing. Other healers sang with him. His bones popped, and he cried, and they sang louder. I sang, too. That's how they did things in Rainbow. If you're with someone, you sing, too.
He stopped crying and watched me. "I name you my Pinir." That's like an assistant, a government position! But he fell asleep before I could answer.
Pas put his hands on the man's head in front of his ears. "She can ne go! Her body can ne withstand but a few days there, and she is too young for this strain!"
Berto nodded for my benefit. "She cannot go. But, Pirad can clone her as a Bokruk. Then, if her clone chooses, she can go. We can explain this to them. What an opportunity! Legally, you are his relative, now!" His eyes turned light.
I nodded. I don't have to go, and die. But, will my...daughter? Sister? Will she choose to do this?
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