Get The Blood Flowing

Deep inside the Student Council office of Honnouji Academy, Satsuki and the Elite 4 were still trying to puzzle the events of yesterday, and the fact that Ryuko came to her battle against Fukuroda as a strange tiger-like alien.

"I can't believe that thing was really the New Girl!" Nonon said, feeling quite outraged over how Satsuki's image was being tarnished with every passing second.

"Yeah, I mean, what even was that? She looked like something out of one of those Saturday morning cartoons. I half-expected her to shoot lasers out of her eyes."
Uzu crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall with a grimace.

"This kind of transformation doesn't match any Goku Uniforms that we've made."
Houka meanwhile, was crossing his arms and going over what data he had of Ryuko's transformation on his laptop.

"None of that matters. What we do know is that this Ryuko Matoi could jeopardize everything that Honnouji Academy stands for! We need to stop her before she disrupts our plans for takeovers of Japan's schools!"
Ira on the other hand, wanted to make sure that Kiryuin's status as ruler of Honnouji and its schools was intact. Which she nodded in agreement, and turned her attention back to Uzu.

"You're absolutely right. And I already have our next order of actions all set."
Moments later, the Student Council office door opened to reveal a blonde girl with sharp, shark-like teeth and long pigtails. She wore a standard one-star Goku Uniform themed after Tennis and bowed deeply before the Student Council President, her every movement exuding deference.

"Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko, Third Year Class D, reporting as ordered."
The young student gazed at the president with a set of three interchangeable multipurpose lenses on her right eye, all while having Uzu stand by her side.

"How are preparations proceeding for the Hokkaido interleague match?"
Satsuki asked, keeping a straight and stern expression as she spoke with Hakodate.

"Milady, all club members are devoting themselves entirely to their training, those ursine hicks from the north will learn down to the marrow of their bones the might of Honnouji Academy and Lady Satsuki."

After Omiko reassured her president, with a bit of cockyness in her tone, that she would bring nothing but victory and success for her and all of Honnouji Academy.

"This is armed suppression in the guise of an interleague match, if the Tennis Club succeeds, our dominance of northern Japan will be complete. Don't fail us." Uzu said, taking a moment to remind Omiko of the stakes of the match.

"I understand."

Omiko nodded in agreement. The warning did cause her to tense up slightly, but she was confident enough to do what she was told and emerge triumphant. Meanwhile, another male figure, one with blonde hair in a ponytail going down to his back and wearing glasses over his eyes and a transparent face mask over his face, appeared before the group.

"Ah, right on time Iori...." Uzu said.

"Of course, the Sewing Club is never tardy...." he said to his friend. And from the side, two fellows wearing yellow and white suits and gasmasks came by holding a massive dresser, presenting it to Omiko.

"This is a Tennis-Spec Athleticism-Augmenting Two-Star Goku Uniform, a gift from Lady Satsuki."

Omiko let out a gasp of excitement, feeling quite overjoyed and honored to be upgraded to the school's Two Star status.

"At last, a Two-Star Goku Uniform of my very own! Thank you, milady!"

As she took the new Goku Uniform in her hands, it gave Omiko an even more deeper devotion and loyalty towards her Student Council President.

"Carry out your mission." Satsuki bluntly said to her.

"Without fail, milady! The entire Tennis Club shall pull together, redouble its efforts, and train even harder for the interleague match!" Omiko said in a hurry.

With nothing more to say, Satsuki turned away and walked off, leaving Omiko with her new uniform and a mission to complete. As for Shiro, she had a nagging question that he wanted to ask his boss.

"Why do you not wear a Goku Uniform, Miss?" Shiro asked. "The Sewing Club can quickly prepare one that would be...."

His voice trailed off as Satsuki closed the door behind him, clearly not interested in him.

Later that night, Satsuki arrived in her private quarters, taking a seat and allowing Mitsuzo Soroi to pour her a cup of tea.
"My lady, Shiro told me that you had no interest in wearing a Goku Uniform, why is that?" Soroi asked. "He is my great nephew after all, and a talented sewer."

"This sword is more than sufficient for me." Satsuki said, taking the tea and drinking it slowly to savor the taste.

"Are you saying no uniform is worthy of you?"


Satsuki didn't really reply to that question, instead, appearing seemingly distracted and lost in thought as she looked out the window, seeing that the moon was high and the stars were shining, she couldn't help but hum as she saw the night sky, something Mitsuzo was able to notice.

"Something the matter, m'lady?" Soroi asked as he saw her look up at the stars out the window. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up to him.

"Soroi, do you feel that we aren't the only people in the Universe?" Satsuki thoughtlessly spoke, which caused the butler to raise an eyebrow.

"Where did that remark even come from?" Soroi asked curiously, though she only sighed in response and just shook her head.

"Hm... No reason I suppose, just mindless thinking on my part." Satsuki said, her mind going back to Ryuko as she appeared in the battle against Fukuroda. Shei then drank the rest of her tea before standing up from her seat, allowing his loyal servant to clean up the mess left behind.

"Inform the Elite Four and prepare them for tomorrow."

"As you wish, Lady Satsuki."

Soroi bows politely before leaving to properly put away the tea and dirty cups and do as he was told. Once he leaves, Satsuki is momentarily left alone, also preparing to do what she needed, though again getting distracted by the moon and night sky. She only huffs in response before walking.


Meanwhile, in the small shack home of Mankanshoku, Ryuko Matoi could be seen laying in bed with the sleeping Mako and her family, though as she lay down wide awake, she couldn't help but gazed at the sailor uniform she had found, along with the strange device that was permanently attached to her left hand.

"Hey, Senketsu, are you awake?..." Ryuko asked, getting up close to the eye adornment on her outfit. After that failed conversation, she turned her eyes toward the device she now possessed on her left hand. She was curious if it was also sentient like Senketsu? She figured something like that wouldn't be too far fetched, after all, she didn't expect a sailor uniform to talk until two days ago.

"What about you? Can you talk too?..." Ryuko asked for her device. But no response came from it, other than the familiar humming of energy.

"Did my dad make you? Like he made Senketsu?" She asked, trying a different response. But again, no answer came from the device. While she felt a bit disappointed, as there'd be no answer as to where it even came from, she was still grateful to have it.

"Well, even if he didn't, thank you for helping me..." A small smile formed on Ryuko's face. With that, she put Senketsu back on herself, and when linked with her watch, it regained its familiar glowing circuit pattern.

"Both of you, I promise to use these powers to find out who killed my dad." Ryuko clenched her fist, her face expressed that of pure determination and motivation. "And beat their ass!"

Though, just as Ryuko was having her moment, it was immediately interrupted by the sound of lights turning on and Mako immediately getting up.

Ryuko raised an eyebrow as she watched Mako move all around the small space in a very fast-paced manner, putting on clothes, eating breakfast and brushing her teeth all at the same time, this made the Kamui host roll her eyes and chuckle, as she also got ready for the day.

As the two girls approached the towering gates of Honnouji Academy, a mechanical whir echoed in the distance. A high-tech targeting lens focused on them, its ominous red reticle locking onto their figures.

"Target acquired~..." a mysterious female voice said, locking eyes onto the new transfer student and her brunette haired friend.

"Thank goodness we made it, if I'm late for school again, I'll be expelled..." Mako couldn't help but let out a small whine as she and her new friend walked together towards the entrance of the school. As Ryuko gazed down at their surroundings below, a nagging thought hit her head.

"There's a pretty dramatic difference between the rich and poor here." she remarked, her tone thoughtful as she took in the stark contrast between the slums that Makos family lived in, and the opulent mansions perched right next to the school. To Ryuko, she knew it was obviously run by some kind of class system.

"Well, this city is ruled by Lady Satsuki."
Mako replied matter-of-factly, skipping beside her. Ryuko frowned, her brow furrowing as she observed the sharp divide in living conditions.

"The top-tier students get placed in the exclusive residential areas, while lower-tier students like us get the slums." Mako continued, her cheerful voice completely at odds with the grim reality she described.

"So the more you accomplish in school, in grades, talents, skills and rank, among other things, you automatically are granted a life of pleasure and luxury?" Ryuko asked.

She wasn't really sure how to respond to that, but she feeling a little unfair from the sounds of it.

"Yep! Pretty straightforward, huh?" Mako replied.

Ryuko sighed, shaking her head. "Straightforward isn't the word I'd use..."

But while the tomboy seemed to dislike the difference in lifestyle, Mako seemed happy with everything and unbothered about the whole thing. And in a way, Ryuko found this charm quite infectious, and thought to herself, maybe being poor like them wasn't so bad after all. The Mankanshokus did seem to have a vibe of togetherness that Ryuko wished she had in her life.

Once they crossed the threshold to the main school grounds, Mako suddenly stopped in her tracks, pausing mid-step as a thought struck her. She spun around to face Ryuko, eager to share something important.

"Ryuko, my mom said that-"

Before Mako could finish her sentence, a flurry of tennis balls pelted her face, interrupting her completely.

"If you need a place to-" Another barrage of tennis balls came flying her way, hitting her squarely again.

"Mom said that-" Then, there was even more tennis balls coming to hit her..

"If you don't have a place to stay-" And again, a fresh assault of tennis balls rained down on her, relentless.

"You can stay-" It seemed impossible, but even more balls followed.

"With us-" And still, the bombardment continued, leaving poor Mako battered, bruised, and wobbling unsteadily.

"She's already filed the paperwork!" she managed to say, after finally getting a break from the assault of the tennis balls.

"Is this really the time to talk about living arrangements?!" Ryuko shouted, alarmed at Mako's increasingly disheveled state. Her once-cheerful friend now looked like a human bruise, blood trickling from a cut on her forehead and her face swollen from the repeated impacts.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Ryuko's shock turned to fury as she whipped around to confront the culprit responsible for the absurd attack.

A smug voice responded from across the bridge. "Ah, you're the transfer student who disrespected Lady Satsuki and became a freak show, aren't you?"

The voice belonged to none other than Omiko Hakodate, Captain of the Girls' Tennis Club. She stood confidently, dressed in her 2-Star Goku Uniform, her tennis racket casually slung over her shoulder. Around her, the 1-Star members of the Tennis Club flanked her like a loyal army.

"Freak show?! Look whos talking, you're the one who's been hitting Mako with god knows how many tennis balls!" Ryuko argued.

"Stay out of this. I'm Hakodate Omiko, and this is a club matter," she declared.

Ryuko narrowed her eyes, stepping protectively in front of Mako. "What's your problem with her?"

Omiko huffed disdainfully at Ryuko defending her. "Club member Mankanshoku Mako has failed to fulfill her obligations. As such, she's being purged effective immediately."

When the realization of her being kicked out hit her, Mako groaned, rubbing her bruised face. "I didn't even do anything!"

Omiko shot her a glare at her now former member. "You skipped yesterday's club practice. Anyone who misses practice without a valid excuse must face the 110-Million Cannonball Serve. It's club policy."

She reached under her uniform and produced a handful of tennis balls, her tone cold and resolute. But Ryuko found this punishment a huge load of bull.

"Are you kidding me?!" Ryuko snapped. "She was being held hostage yesterday! Of course, she couldn't go to your stupid practice!"

Omiko rolled her eyes. "The issue is that she got herself taken hostage without permission. Rules are rules.Tennis Club members, ready your serves!"

She raised her racket dramatically, and the other club members followed her lead. "Begin!"

At her command, the club members launched a coordinated attack, their rackets propelling tennis balls towards Mako with the speed and force of bullets. The onslaught was so intense, Mako could do little more than yelp and cover her head.

"Cut that out, damn it!" Ryuko shouted, sprinting to Mako's side. With a flick of her wrist, she raised the metal case carrying her scissor blade, deflecting the barrage of tennis balls before they could do more damage to the brunette girl. Omiko didn't feel upset over the blocking, but rather, intrigued at Ryuko's punk like nature.

"Go on, Mako. You'll get expelled if you're late, right?" Ryuko gave her friend a confident smile, her fiery determination lighting up her face.

Mako hesitated but eventually nodded, a small smile breaking through her battered features. "Thanks, Ryuko!" She hugged her friend quickly before dashing off. "I'll see you at home later, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Go!"

As Mako disappeared from sight, Ryuko turned back to Omiko and her cronies, her grip tightening on the handle of her scissor blade.

"So, you think you can just bully people and get away with it?" Ryuko growled, taking a fighting stance. "Bet you're only like that cause your daddy is a rich bitch who buys you anything you ask for!"

Omiko smirked at Ryuko's verbal assault. "You're really going to defend someone like Mankanshoku? How pathetic. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though. Scrappy little twerps like you stick together."

That jab only made Ryuko's blood boil hotter, the grip on her blade tightening.

"And what's with that ugly glove you're wearing? Did you raid a trash can for that thing?" Omiko sneered.

Ryuko's eyes burned with fury as she pointed her blade at Omiko. "That's it! You're going down, you and your stupid tennis club! Let's do this, Senketsu!"

After calling to her kamui, she expected to return to the alien form she had on the day before. But instead of transforming into her combat form, nothing happened. Ryuko blinked, confused. "Hey! What's wrong? Transform already!" She stared at her glove, shaking it in frustration.

Omiko, meanwhile, looked on with a mix of amusement and disgust. "Is she... talking to her clothes? How utterly pathetic."

Before Ryuko could figure out what was wrong, Omiko and her club launched another wave of tennis balls. With no way of activating Senketsu or her glove to protect her, Ryuko could only brace herself as the powerful attacks sent her flying off the bridge and into the river below.

"Another shutout," Omiko said smugly, turning away. "Talk about being no challenge at all."

Once the danger had been neutralized, Omiko, her presence no longer required, huffed in frustration and turned away. With a swish of her tennis racket, she marched off, muttering about needing to handle another problem. Unbeknownst to her, a certain blue-haired teacher lingered beneath the bridge, his posture relaxed as he watched the Kamui host wash ashore. A hum escaped his lips, a cryptic note of interest.

"Hey, are you awake, Ryuko?"

A groan was her first response, weak and groggy as she stirred to consciousness. As her eyes fluttered open, the world around her gradually came into focus. The first thing she noticed was that she was no longer drifting in water. Instead, she lay sprawled on a couch in what could only be described as a very messy room. The second thing she noticed was the familiar face before her: a blue-haired man with sunglasses, lounging with an infuriatingly smug expression.

"Wait... aren't you my teacher?"

"That's right. I'm your homeroom teacher, Mikisugi Aikuro," he replied, his voice dripping with teasing amusement. "Talk about your crazy extracurricular lessons."

From that, Ryuko felt like she had undergone a mindfuck bigger than being slapped in the face with god knows how many tennis balls. Aikuro's smirk widened as Ryuko's irritation spiked. She sat up sharply, only to immediately clutch the blanket wrapped around her as a horrifying realization dawned on.

"Hang on, you didn't undress me, did you?!" Ryuko asked, blushing profusely at this obvious move of flirting.

Aikuro chuckled, entirely unbothered by her accusation. "Of course, I did. I thought I'd-"

He leaned closer, his shadow looming over her as his voice dropped to a mischievous purr.

"-teach you a few things...~"

Having seen this experience before in her old school, Ryuko's mind immediately started sounding off alarm bells.

"You perverted son of a-!"

Before she could finish, Ryuko sprang at him, her fist cocked back to deliver a knockout punch. But in a blur, Aikuro sidestepped her attack with alarming ease, his hand flicking out with precision. A set of three needles shot forward, embedding themselves into her back.

"What the-?! My body won't move!" Ryuko yelled.

Ryuko's shock turned to panic as she struggled against the invisible bonds locking her in place. She glared at her teacher, who calmly twirled another needle between his fingers.

"Relax," Aikuro said smoothly. "It's only acupuncture. Aesthetic, of course." he said, his voice sounding reassuring despite Ryuko's anger.

"Like hell it is!" she snapped, only able to move her head in protest.

"You seemed a bit hot-blooded, so I figured I'd draw some of it out."

"What the hell does that even mean?!" Ryuko objected.

Ignoring her protests, Aikuro put one hand into his pockets and pulled out an empty syringe used for vaccine injections. It's gleaming needle was enough to make Ryuko pale on the spot.

"No, don't! I hate needles!"

Her fear fell on deaf ears as Aikuro gently inserted the syringe, drawing blood despite her whining and squirming. Once he had enough, he turned his attention back to the sailor uniform hanging nearby.

"Allow me to demonstrate," he said, walking to back towards the hung Senketsu. With a smirk on his face, he started squirting a few drops of her blood onto the kamui, and once done, Ryuko heard the familiar sound of Senketsu getting excited for blood.

"More! Feed me more! Feed me more blood!"

The Kamui's voice echoed through the room as it sprang to life, startling Ryuko out of her lingering grogginess. He noticed that Ryuko was laying down on the futon, still struggling to process the sudden blood and acupuncture work she just underwent.

"Ryuko?" Senketsu's tone shifted to confusion as he finally processed his surroundings.

"Yeah, Senketsu, I'm over here!" Ryuko said, her head pointing to her nearly nude and needle drenched body. His eye locking onto her, Senketsu pounced right onto Ryuko, his voice still ecstatic from the blood.

"Thank you Ryuko! I was asleep from lack of blood till you gave me some! Why didn't you give me some earlier?!" he asked. But Ryuko had a different response in mind.

"You dumbass! Why didn't you wake up when I needed you?!" Ryuko's anger boiled over as she directed her frustration at the Kamui. "Thanks to you slacking off, I got hit in the head with enough tennis balls to fill Wimbledon!"

"Now, now, calm down," Aikuro interjected, stepping between them. "You understand now, don't you?"

"Not really...." Ryuko shot him a withering glare, though her curiosity was piqued despite herself.

"This Kamui-your Kamui-is awakened by your blood."

"That's what you've been calling it? Kamui?" Ryuko glanced at Senketsu, her anger giving way to intrigue, and also looking on at her glove.

"That's right." Aikuro said. And without even warning Ryuko, he began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing more of his fit, muscular body with every movement. This made Ryuko's curiosity instantly shift into one of anger and disgust.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Ryuko demanded, her face flushing with equal parts rage and embarrassment.

"It's important you understand," he continued, unbothered by her outburst. "This Kamui, constructed by your father, Matoi Isshin, is far more powerful than the Goku Uniforms. It's the key to challenging Kiryuin Satsuki."

Ryuko's fury simmered down as she absorbed his words. For all his eccentricity, Aikuro seemed to know more about her father-and the sailor uniform-than she did.

"Who are you really?" she asked, her voice firm and demanding. "And whats with this glove I now have?"

Aikuro chuckled, refusing to give her a straight answer to either his identity, or the glove she was bonded to. "Prove to me you're worthy of knowing."

"What does that even mean?!" Ryuko retorted.

"The first step is defeating the Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko." Aikuro said, plucking the needles from her back and restoring her ability to move. "If you can't master your Kamui and take her down, you'll never stand a chance against Kiryuin Satsuki."

Ryuko flexed her fingers, testing her mobility as she glared at her enigmatic teacher. Begrudgingly, she grabbed Senketsu from him, holding the Kamui tightly as her determination flared.

"Ready this time, Senketsu?"

"Let's do this, Ryuko."

With her Kamui in hand and a fiery resolve in her eyes, Ryuko marched out of the room, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Meanwhile, Aikuro's eyes were still locked onto the glove Ryuko had on.

"How did that glove end up in Dr. Matoi's home?" he asked himself. Either way, he knew that the wargame that he was leading had been dramatically altered, but whether it was for better or worse, only time could tell.

To clarify something, since Senketsu more or less controls the Fibertrix, Ryuko doesn't know how to use it, I mean obviously she will learn how to activate it herself, but she relies a lot on Senketsu when it comes to transforming and picking the best alien for the fight.
(BTW! I'm gonna mix Kill La Kill and Classic Ben 10 story, but after that, I'm gonna lean more towards the Ben 10 story, with a mix of Kill La Kill elements)

{ALSO ALSO ALSO, you might have noticed my story looks different, well that's because I have a partner to fix my mistake I guess, they're known as "Hmaxhanson" who writes the story "Kill La Phoenix", be sure to support and love them~}

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