Unlocking New Features
"May I ask what you are doing?"
A crested penguin with white hair found along with the sideburns of his face, eyebrows, and ponytail, a yellow-shaped mark on his forehead with 5 black dots that vaguely resembled an insect. He goes by the name of Peggy, and he stands before Neferpitou with a tilted head curious expression.
"Just doing some research."
As for Neferpitou herself, she was currently in the middle of reading through multiple books, being sure to analyze each page very carefully, one by one as she does her research.
"What kind of research?"
This only made Peggy more confused and curious, unsure what someone like Pitou could personally want to find in her study.
"Mostly what this item is that is stuck on my tail."
Neferpitou reveals her tail to the Chimera Penguin, who was able to get a good look at it and noticed that it had a flower shaped device at the tip of her appendage.
"Though all I can find are books about watches or collars, which I doubt is what I'm wearing."
Neferpitou sighs as she tosses aside the book, clearly not finding anything useful in her research.
"I'm assuming you don't wish for this device to be stuck on you?"
Peggy was starting to understand what the situation was, and now curious about what the Royal Guard was gonna do about this.
"Mhm, though at the moment, it's impossible to do so, unless I wish to rip off my own tail."
Neferpitou rested her chin on her fist and looked at her cat tail with the object stuck to her, slightly glaring at it with annoyance that she couldn't do anything about it.
"Which doesn't seem worth doing."
But since Neferpitou could do anything about it, she could only accept and be depressed about her defeat, pouting and puffing her cheeks.
"I see."
Peggy clearly wanted to do his own research and experiments with the item on the Chimera Cat tail, but he decided that now was not the best time at the moment.
"But enough about me, how are things going with Rammot and helping the other Chimera Ants unlock their Nen?"
Neferpitou then stands back up to feet, stretching her legs and arms to loosen herself up, wanting to move on from her problems and focus on something else.
"So far, besides most of them struggling to take a punch, everything has been going smoothly with little to no issues."
Sensing the sudden change of subject, Peggy wasted no time turning the conversation into something else and quickly gave his report about the Chimera Ants unlocking their Nen.
"That's good to hear, hopefully their new powers will be useful for the Queen giving birth to the King."
The good news appeared to lift up Neferpitou's mood, glad to know that the progress of serving the Queen and preparing for the arrival of the King was going well and smoothly.
"If you like, I can show you what kind of process has been made so far."
Peggy then offered Pitou to observe and witness the operation herself, which did make her think about it, though before she could have a chance to make a proper decision, her kitty ears suddenly twitched, which confused her at first.
"No, that's all right, I trust you to handle things from here."
But then realized what that was, judging by Neferpitou smirking and curious expression, quickly turning away from the Chimera Penguin and started to walk away.
"Where are you going, Neferpitou?"
Peggy was now confused on why the Royal Guard was suddenly leaving, unsure where she could possibly be going at a time like this.
"I wish to see how strong I really am."
Neferpitou hums softly to herself, excited to see and meet this something that had caught her attention, though she didn't miss the chance to glance over and glare at her kitty tail with the item on it.
"As well as letting out some of my frustration on someone."
Meanwhile, outside and very far away from the dirt castle, a trio of fully fledged humans could be seen hiding out and watching the building from a distance with caution.
"A-A monster, I don't believe it..."
Though for the white hair, blue hat man, known as Kite, his cautious expression has turned into something similar to pure shock and horror once he was able to sense what was actually out there and what they were actually facing.
"Kite? What's wrong?"
The two humans that followed the Pro Hunter, both children, one being the black hair with green clothing known as Gon Freecss, and other being a white hair and very snow white pale skin was known Killua Zoldyck, both of them were confused and concerned with their fellow companion sudden change of mood.
"Gon, Killian, run."
Though what Kite suggested next was what truly made the two Hunters worried and shocked.
"What do you-"
But before Gon and Killua could even understand what Kite was even talking about, everyone was suddenly interrupted and cut off quite literally by Pitou suddenly flying past the Pro Hunter, slicing his arm off in the process, and landing in the center of the trio of humans.
"Heh, found you~"
Neferpitou was in a pouncing stance, very ready, and even eager, about facing off the people she had found, an excited expression could be seen all over face and body movement, though it was clear not everyone felt the same way.
Especially Gon, after fully processing what just happened, and once realizing that seeing someone he knew since childhood got hurt so badly, made him yell out and let his aura go all out of control, which made the Pro Hunter go wide eyes in a panic, though before anything drastic could happen, Zoldyck was able to hit his best friend in the back of the head with enough force to knock him out.
"Wise decision Killua, now get out of here, while you still have the chance."
The young assassin nodded his head to what Kite suggested, quickly the pale boy picked up the young hunter and wasted no time running off and away to safety, much to the relief of the Pro Hunter.
"I hope you don't mind being my new playmate~"
Neferpitou ignored the children, not viewing them as worth her attention, as all of her focus and eagerness was aimed at the Pro Hunter, who didn't say anything in response, holding out her hand and then summoning a jester looking character above his hand.
"HAH! You sure are in big trouble now, better hope for a good number, hehe!~"
The jester character, known as Crazy Slots, couldn't help but laugh at his summoner for the dangerous situation he had found himself in.
"Oh? You can do that stuff too?"
This did interest Neferpitou, even though she knew her opponent was a Nen user, she was clearly fascinated in seeing how Nen could be used in such a way, which made her curious on what she could do as well.
Crazy Slots then starts his spins and random chance, before landing on the number "3", and in a puff of smoke, the Jester character had then transformed and turned into a mace like weapon for the Pro Hunter.
"What a bad spin."
Kite grumbles at his weapon selection, but decided not to complain about it now, as his main focus and attention was all aimed at the Royal Guard, who crouch low and ready to attack at any moment, the two of them were there and waiting for the other to make the first move first, none backing down or second guessing in what they were about to do, as they both knew, here and now, that this was a battle to the death, with only one being the survivor of this tussle between them.
Meanwhile, back inside the castle of dirt and Chimera Ants, Peggy was currently in the middle standing with and speaking to a Chimera Turtle, who goes by Kame.
"Neferpitou sure has been gone for quite a while."
Kame couldn't help but note the absence of the Chimera Cat and how long it has been since she had left.
"Yeah, I wonder where she could be?"
Peggy was worried and curious as well, still unsure on where Pitou could be at.
"I can only hope she returns soon, we could use her presence to keep our troops in line."
Kame lets out a sigh, even though nothing bad has happened yet, to say their current situation was great would be a lie.
"They have been more overconfident and cocky after unlocking their Nen."
Before Peggy and his Chimera Turtle friend could say anything more, both interrupted themselves when they heard the sound of someone walking and dragging something behind themselves.
"Neferpitou! Thank goodness you returned!"
It didn't take long to figure out who it was, as Kame and his Chimera Penguin friend quickly turned around and saw the Royal Guard herself, who seemed to be a bit beat up, but was completely fine and was even walking up to them
"What is that?"
Though Peggy was able to instantly notice and see what the Chimera Cat was dragging behind herself.
"My prize."
Which Neferpitou dropped the item in question before the two Chimera Ants, revealing that it was the corpse of Kite himself, who seemed to be reduced into nothing but broken pieces.
"Um, shall we feed it to our Queen?"
Kame was a little confused about what they should say or do about this corpse.
"No, I wish to keep this one, he's way too much to throw away."
Neferpitou shook her head at the suggestion, as she then looked at the corpse of Kite and wore a familiar excited and eager smile again.
"Hehe, I can't wait to play with him again~"
Neferpitou giggles to herself, as she trembles in joy at the mere thought of having fun with the corpse Kite again.
"Erm, forgive my ignorance, but isn't this human dead? I'm pretty sure those who are not alive can't be very fun to be around?"
This didn't help Peggy understand why Pitou would go out of her way to keep the corpse Kite, or how she plans to play with something that was obviously very dead.
"Well, I can always revive him~"
Neferpitou causally suggested something so outrageous as if it was a normal idea.
"Y-You can do that?"
Both Kame and the Chimera Penguin was shocked to hear the Royal Guard having the potential ability of reviving others, this no doubt cake with ideas and uses to exploit and use such a grand power.
"Well, not really."
Though such hope was instantly dashed when Neferpitou admits to not having such an ability.
"At least not yet."
Or at the very least, not having the power yet, Neferpitou lets out a thoughtful hum as she rubs her cheeks, as she was now considering and in deep thoughts about what her Nen ability should be.
'Hmm, I wonder if that should be my Nen ability?'
Though before Neferpitou could actually consider the specific, it seems that her desire was heard loud and clear, not only by her Nen itself, but by the items on her tail as well, which started to beep and blink before letting out a bright flash of blinding light.
"Oh, well this is definitely a new and interesting experience for me?"
And when the bright light died down, all three of the Chimera Ants were suddenly met with a certain someone appearing behind and attached to Pitou tail, this said someone appeared to have a humanoid shape, yet at the same time, all of the parts was fully connected, just floating close enough together, and that was not considering that the figure herself was green in color, the only thing truly normal would be her outfit, which resembles a nurses outfit.
No doubt the Nurse's out of nowhere appearance was obviously met with surprise and shock, especially from Neferpitou since the green lady came out from and was currently attached to her tail.
"Who are you!"
Neferpitou tried backing away and removing her cat tail from the stranger.
"And what are you doing on my tail?!"
Though it would appear that Neferpitou could do neither, as she was completely stuck with the Nurse, unable to remove herself from the lady.
"Oh, how rude of me."
But the green lady didn't seem to notice the Royal Guard upset, as she was then more focused on meeting and introducing herself to the one she was connected to.
"My name is Serena, the Voice of Love and Compassion, a pleasure to meet you."
Though as the Nurse revealed to be known as Serena, she couldn't help but look down and noticed the corpse of Kite.
"Oh dear, how absolutely terrible."
Which made Serena gasp from such a sight.
"Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing someone lose their life."
Though shock then turned to guilt and heartbreak, living up to her title as "Love" and "Compassion", as Serena kneels down to the corpse of Kite, mourning his death and giving her sympathy for the body and how he lost his life.
"May I have your permission to fix this fallen human?"
Wishing to no longer bear witness to an unbearable sight, Serena wasted no time asking for permission to revive the fallen man Kite, which definitely caught the Chimera Cat's attention.
"H-Huh, you mean, you can actually revive him?"
Neferpitou, even though she had the desire and was even planning to do the same thing, it was still surprising to hear someone actually suggest and apparently have the chance of doing it.
"Of course, that's why you summoned me right?"
Serena tilted her head when she answered, which still confused Pitou, however, after having a moment to process what happening, she then was able to look back at her cat tail, and realized that the item attached to it being both surrounded and using her Nen, which also seemed to be used to give the form to the Nurse.
'Meow I get it...'
Once finally able to understand what was going on, Neferpitou was able to let her excited return to her face, not only was she happy for the existence of the green lady, but also realizing the possibility of what she can do thanks to the item on her tail and its potential usage for the future.
"Then please, bring him back."
Neferpitou no longer hesitated and allowed the living personality to do what she desired, which made her happy to hear and wasted no time helping the corpse of Kite.
"A shame I can't use my Celestialsapiens powers to achieve this process faster."
All of Serena's focus and attention were all aimed at the corpse of Kite, quickly she realized that what she could do was limited.
"But I can definitely work with this."
But at the same time, Serena was able to do a lot as well, she summons a basket full of unknown body parts, that the Royal Guard didn't recognize them as human parts, the Nurse then used the items in the basket to start fixing up the corpse, for minor injuries, she was able to fix with little to no major changes, however when it came to replacing entire organs, bones and other missing parts, she had to use what she had in the basket to replace them, the unknown body parts clearly didn't match the human side of Kite, resulting in a change of looks and design, yet despite this, it was still able to accomplish what it needed to do, and once she finished replacing what was needed, she decided to end it all by putting pieces together and make the once torn apart body whole again.
"A few more final touches, annnnnd-"
After all was said and done, Serena then finished it off by place a hand on Kite chest, and with a simple of jolt electricity, the once dead corpse let out a loud gasp of air, while still seemingly unconscious, not to mention not looking fully human, it was very apparent that he was alive again.
"As you requested, this young man is all fixed up."
Satisfied for what was accomplished, Serena smiles happily and looks at her summoner with a very bright and joyful expression for being able to revive Kite.
"Why, thank you very much, my lovely Nurse~"
A feeling shared by Neferpitou, but for entirely different reasons.
"It was no problem, please don't hesitate in requesting my help again, it always makes me happy to be used, unlike other ungrateful hosts..."
The Chimera Cat raised an eyebrow by Serena sudden change of mood at the end of her sentence, but wasn't really given a chance to properly question it as the personality then disappear in a puff of smoke, letting the cat tail return to normal, as well as the device beeping and turning red, signaling the need to recharge.
"Hehe, now then."
But Neferpitou didn't really care about what Nurse Serena said, what truly had her interest was the unconscious and now living Kite, her excitement grew more wild and eager, letting our dangerous aura that even made Kame and Peggy step away in fear, she bent down before the Pro Hunter and smiled at him mischievous like.
"Ready to play with me again?~"
She hasn't transformed yet, but I wanted to take the chance to show off what she can do before that~
(BTW, I am open to suggestions on what her Playlist of 10 aliens she should have and he able to transform into, my only conditions is that it can't be the original classic Ben 10 alien, I have plans for them, also it can't be Rath, I have plans for him, and it can't be Alien X, she doesn't need him yet, besides those aliens, I'm open to suggestions~)
/Clownesque Puppeteer\
Neferpitou can turn any corpses, or willing volunteers, into Ben 10 Alien transformation, which she can control like puppets, however she is limited to 10 alien puppets.
/Nurse Serena\
Whenever Neferpitou needs to heal or revive herself or others, she can summon Nurse Serena, who can use the DNA from the Nen-Trix to heal or revive others with, depending on your injuries or how you die will determine the time to fix you up.
/Terpsichora Bellicus\
Whenever Neferpitou needs to transform herself and fight, she will summon Terpsichora Bellicus, who will not only control her body like a puppet, but increase the base powers even more so, not only that, but thanks to Bellicus near infinite knowledge, he will always know what to do in fight, though given his personality, it might result in something violence, not to mention, he will be the one making Neferpitou move, whether or not she can or want to do them.
(you can find the art in DeviantArt)
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