10DWH: M [directly copied and pasted from word]
Sachiko's PoV
"Yo, Saki." Minato called out to me right when the entire team finished work. 'Saki' is what all my friends call me.
"We have an interview together tomorrow, remember to prepare your notes." He instructed. How much I hate being bossed around, it just doesn't seem that bad coming out of his mouth.
"Hai, hai." I replied as I gathered my things. Then my phone. I see a text from Tsubasa asking if I had time later on today. We do this often. After the Seasonelle team, Tsubasa is like my best friend.
As I reach out to the door, a strong arm pushes it open from my side instead and held it open for me.
"Shusei?" he smiled at me, I returned it and walked out.
Shusei is such a nice guy, he helps me with my work often. We chatted along our way back since we go in the same direction for half a block.
"see you tomorrow." He waved as we parted ways.
I follow the way back to my apartment.
I feel eyes on me. My pace quickened. It's probably my imagination, but it won't hurt to walk faster.
Suddenly, I heard a bark to my right and followed by that, a huge black dog came running directly at me. I quickly shifted backwards, avoiding the dog just in time but I bump into someone.
Suddenly, all my surroundings became white.
I'm crossing the road, then, a big truck comes full speed at my way, I shift back and let it hit a tree.
Sometimes I get these so called 'visions', I think it's crazy. But most of the times, it's bulls-eye. I didn't have much time to think about it though.
"I am so sorry about my dog." A blonde-haired man came running up, "bad Cerby."
"It's quite alright." I replied, then turned back, wanting to apologize to whoever I just bumped into. But no one was behind me. And that blonde-haired man was gone with his dog as well.
That was weird.
This is the street in my vision. I thought as I cross the road. There aren't even any vehicles around, what could possibly happen? I think that, but my brain was constantly on alarm.
When I heard sudden engine roaring, I already took a few steps back. Then, my eyes told me my vision was true, I shifted back to the sidewalk. Not ran, not sprinted. Shifted. I led the truck directly crashing into a large tree, just as I was told.
That was close.
"Jeez, who messed up?" I heard a mutter and footsteps coming toward me. I scanned their faces.
Demon Prince.
An angel-turned demon
The first three all had their own stories and backgrounds, but the one with light brown hair and a blue tie seems to not have much background. I narrow my eyes, trying to see into him, but his guard is up.
"You were supposed to be toast." The black haired man grumbled. He's the aristocrat.
Burnt to crisp, blown to smithereens. The definition of 'toast'.
"You're the ones who messed up." Don't know where I got the guts to say that, but it's kinda true.
The dark-brown haired man reached out to grab my wrist, he's the demon prince. My thoughts told me. I jumped back, "wait! What?!" demon....Why does it sound so normal to me?
The aristocrat looked thoroughly annoyed as the mysterious man said: "Sachiko Sakura, you are supposed to be dead. But due to some sort of mistake you avoided it, so we have to kill-you-now."
He emphasized the last three words. No. I can't die. Not yet.
I ducked out again when the demon prince tried to grab me.
"You're demons?" I blurted out. Somehow I knew what they were.
"That's right." The man with blonde hair said with a sunny smile, he's the angel-turned demon. I was slightly stunned to the spot, and didn't realize until the demon prince got a grip on me this time.
"Wait-no! I can't!" I struggle to break free, I know how strong demons are, but it won't hurt to try.
"I need more time, please. Can I just have...ten more days?" I pleaded. I know it's not enough time and I'm just giving more work load and pressure on these demons but I desperately needed the extra time even though it's only ten days.
The Seasonelle team are the only ones who know my secrets. Only parts of them.
"No. We can't do this. This has already been done before, not again." The demon prince stood his ground. For now. I see him holding hands, on a sweet date with a girl. I wouldn't say she's beautiful, but she's really cute, that makes her pretty. And...she's a human.
Isn't it such a big thing to fall for a human in the demon realm?
"...Fine. Ten days, starting today." I let out a small sigh as he finally let it pass. There's gotta be conditions. My thoughts warned me and I know I shouldn't let my guard down just yet.
"We'll all have to take turns watching you over these ten days. And when time's up, you're toast. For sure." Ouch, he's not sugar-coating it at all. I nod in agreement.
I wonder if Tsubasa can detect me as a 'toastie'. He's an angel, after all. It'll even be okay if I need to live with these people-I mean demons, I don't have much in my place. Tsubasa often gives me a fly home right after our talk in the park. Angels have feather wings, so I'm pretty sure demons can fly of some sort, too.
My arms wrapped around the mysterious man's neck, my legs still dangling, we took off. I was getting used to be so high up by now, so it doesn't scare me.
As we landed, we were in front of a what looks like a mini-mansion. I slid off from his back to stand on my own two feet. Honestly, it's a pretty normal-looking house. I'd thought it'd be more whoozy, and demon-y. Like maybe it's underground, has a passageway, needs handprints and stuff to gain access-okay I'm just babbling about shit right now.
"Oh, Kakeru!" a boy with shining silver hair greeted the demon prince. The child of the demon king and his mistress, the crown prince's half-brother. My thoughts introduced.
The blonde man explains the situation to the boy, the aristocrat plopped down onto the sofa. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn to see the mysterious man holding out a hand to me: "may I escort you around the house?"
My first instinct was to take his hand, but then his presence feels familiar. I think he's the one whom I bumped into when that dog ran towards me. I peered at his hand. Precognition. I kept my hands at my side, "sure, thank you."
His eyes widened a fraction before he knows where I'm getting at so he lowered his hand and just walked around introducing places.
"...And that's the bathroom, make sure to knock before opening the door. Or you could not..." he trailed off with a naughty smirk playing on his lips. I know exactly what he means. There is no way I would wanna walk in on one of the guys half-naked or worse.
When I just came back into the living room, there I saw her. Takara Taiki; human; the crown prince's fiancée. Fiancée? I thought she was just the girlfriend. Looks like their relationship is more serious than I thought.
"You must be Takara." I tried to smile at her, but I'm pretty sure I failed. "Call me Saki. I'll be here for ten days max."
"U-um...hi...." She stuttered. She seems to be in a daze. What a stupid girl.
"We should introduce ourselves." The silver-haired boy suggested. "I'll go first, my name is Meguru Kamui."
Demon prince: "Kakeru Kamui."
Two Kamuis, of course. They're half-brothers.
"I'm Haruhito Amano! You can call me Haru."
Yes. He's been punished to be demon when he made a mistake as an angel.
"Satoru Kamagari." His intro was brief.
He's still a mystery. I can't look into him, his guard is too tight.
"..." the man with black hair is already asleep on the couch.
"And that's Shiki. Shiki Kurobane." Meguru added.
The aristocrat. The Kurobane family is important in the demon realm.
I love the automatic information my head gives me. Even though most people will think I'm nuts.
"Okay...Satoru will follow you to your work tomorrow to keep an eye on you." Kakeru announced. I called it. I nod, taking him by surprise.
I was shown to a room at the end of the hall to the right, just next to Takara's. I just glanced around the room, it seems legit. I shifted to the end of the staircase, in time to hear them wanting to plan a surprise welcome party. Well, no thanks, I'm no party gurl.
My hand was already touching the handle when Kakeru took the cup and poured me boiled water, instead. I don't like boiled water, it tastes like metal and stuff. I'd always drank sink water just fine. I take over the cup and took a sip. Nope. Can't drink it, I put it back down and said: "I'm going out."
Satoru stood up right after. Looks like he's the 'work' type.
When there was a big step in our way to the park, Satoru held out a hand again. I know he's helping me but I also know he wants to look into me.
He sat on a bench at the other side of the garden park while I'm here waiting for Tsubasa to appear.
Then, my eyes caught a girl eyeing him from a few feet away. Niece of a famous Osaka CEO. My thoughts introduced. She approached Satoru. I was pretty confident that he'll brush her off since her hair literally looks like an animal barfed on her. But no, he escorted her to sit down beside him and he talked with her. She gave him a piece of paper...
"That your boyfriend or something?" I hear him. I looked up to see Tsubasa landing just two feet in front of me, putting down his barrier. I smile at him.
"Nah, I was just watching stuff around me cuz *you're late*." I emphasized the last two words.
"Gomen, you know the life of a model." That face always works on me....
"It's alright, I was just kidding." I let out a single giggle before we started walking.
We could talk about anything. Now that the subject has landed on how we met...
"It's been like, four years already, right?" He looked up at the sky, as if remembering it as clearly as if it was just yesterday.
"Yup, I was still in university, even." I smiled.
I was on my way back to my apartment after school, yes I was already living on my own even then, it was basically dark since I stayed back to study.
Then, I heard voices at the corner of a quiet alley.
"No way in heaven I'm gonna find those souls!" someone whisper-shouted. That was Tsubasa.
"Yer not goin', then why am I goin'?" another one talked back.
"You've been at this longer than I have, of course they'll need a more experienced angel."
Then, I peeked around the wall. My head introduced them. Tsubasa Shirai, angel; Rein Isaka, angel. It was really brief, but it was enough.
"It's a experience that makes ye a good angel!"
Suddenly, Rein perked up, "I smell a human." He turned my way so fast that both of them caught my eyes on them.
I tried to run, everyone would've.
But they have wings, they caught up to me.
"How'd ye see us?" Rein asked. "The barrier was set up within ze entire block."
Barrier, something demons and angels can set up so they are invisible to humans.
Then how come I can see them? I had thought.
"Well it was just this and that, and we actually stayed as friends." I concluded as I shook my head.
"Uh-huh. And you haven't even changed one single bit through four years." He nodded in agreement. Now Tsubasa works in the human realm as well as a model, so I can see him often; but Rein rarely comes down, he's always in the angel realm.
"Seriously, though, how'd you see through our barrier?" he said more to himself than asking me, then a joking smile formed on his lips, "are you a hidden angel or something?"
I laughed along, "I wish!"
"Wanna take a fly?" I know he means an air-stroll around the city, but I can't here with Satoru still watching us closely from behind.
"Nah, not today."
"Really? You always take it up." My answer to that question was always 'yes' or 'sure', a fly with Tsubasa always makes me feel better on anything, this is really the first time that I've said no to him on that. Even the first time he offered I gladly took it up.
"Whoa it's been an hour." I looked at my wrist watch.
"Times fly when you're having fun." He winked at me. He's a bit of a flirt, even though he's like, a hundred something years old already.... Okay that makes him sound old.
"So I'll see you another time?" I always say this, just to promise to him that there will be a next time.
"Yup, see ya soon." He was about to set a barrier, when I held down his arm: "maybe you could consider walking back to your studio today?"
"Huh?" that took him by nowhere, "why?"
"It's good for you." I say and nod my head towards some of the people in the park, "besides, there are more people here today, you can fly when you go in an alley or something."
He gave me a suspicious look before he nodded, "okay, see ya, Saki."
As soon as Satoru and I arrive back at the house, Kakeru asked for a report and he said: "she was with an angel."
I sat down on the sofa. WTH how'd he find out. I guess demons and angels have specific 'auras' about them that they can detect each other.
"...come again?" everybody else was shocked.
Tsubasa didn't find out I was a 'toastee' but Rein sure would've. He has a strong scent of smell to angels, demons, human and toast candidates.
"I'm not all buddy-buddy with Tsubasa...." Haruhito started, "but I know Rein very well!"
Rein? Haruhito was an angel, maybe they were partners. Rein never mentioned someone named Haruhito.
"Any who, we were supposed to be throwing a party for you!" He added.
I remain blank as streamers popped around me and even balloons fell from the ceiling somehow. I thought I'd told them I don't want one? I guess Haruhito isn't one to listen.
"Come on, Sachiko, cheer up!" Meguru pulled out a chair for me, I sat down by the dining table and Takara took a seat beside me.
"Hey..." she tried to start a conversation, but obviously she isn't very good at it either.
"So...um what was your reason for ten more days?" she asked, and I wished she hadn't. I have my own reasons, I can't die without even knowing who I am. Or what I am.
"It's kind of personal," I dodge the question, "what about you?"
"Oh, my sister was having her baby due in exactly ten days. She was always sick since little, I wanted to see my niece." The smile on her face was so full of pure happiness, I feel bad for ignoring her.
"Well..." I try to be honest with her since she is very much with me, "let's just say, there's still a lot of things I need to work out, I need some extra time."
She nodded in understanding. I'm glad she's not pushy. I decide I like her.
"Yo, Satoru? The usual?" I hear Kakeru challenge so I look up to see Satoru taking up a wine bottle, saying: "of course."
"What's going on?" I ask Takara and she sighed, "Kakeru's having a drinking contest with Satoru again. They do this when they celebrate something."
I can tell that Takara is getting worried of Kakeru as they downed five bottles of red wine. I mean, I'm pretty much a big drinker as well. Five bottles isn't something she should worry about for a demon prince.
"That was like water." Kakeru popped open another bottle of alcohol.
While in the convenience store with Shiki to get more drinks for those two idiots, I turn after taking down a couple of drinks to see Shiki not around me.
Must...find...pirate ship.... I heard his thoughts since his guard was down choosing the crackle Jack prizes.
Second one from the left, third row. My thoughts told me and I picked up the exact box.
"If you're looking for the Sirius pirate ship model, it's in this one." I said to him, that was when he noticed my presence. He didn't show any reaction and just stared at the box. He doesn't believe me. Of course he won't.
His facial expression was absolutely priceless as I took out the prize and showed him. His eyes were big as an egg and his jaw dropped open.
"Thanks...." He muttered. How can he be so happy for a toy? Showing his smile to me for the first time, he looked kinda adorable.
On our way back, I felt him come to a sudden halt so I look behind me to see him gazing at a clover bed. Don't tell me he believes in flour leaf clovers?
"Four leaf clovers do nothing, it's just a story." I reminded and he seems to agree because he nodded.
I'm surprised that none of them are whoozy in the slightest for so many bottles and cans.
"Chips?" Satoru took a seat beside me putting down a plate of Doritos on the table.
I nod, and just as I picked one up...hot sauce and chilli...I immediately put the chip back down.
Just on cue, almost everybody else went rushing to find water to wash their tongues.
Satoru just laughed at everyone's complaints to him, I looked at all their angry expressions but hoarse voices, and I almost laughed out loud as well.
To avoid suspiciousness from them of how I avoided it, I said purposely with hints of laughter in my tone: "Can't you guys smell the chilli in the food?"
"She's good." Satoru remarked. Of course I am that little prank wouldn't come on me.
Takara went into Kakeru's room after the party came to an end. I'm just gonna say, glad that they're not both in Takara's room, which is right next to mine.
Wait, what about cleaning duty? Who's doing it?
I go back down to the first floor to see Meguru whipping the tables by himself. How can they let him clean by himself? I took a cloth from the kitchen sink and went to clean the table with him.
What's she doing here? I heard him think so I explained to him before he could ask, I was saving my time.
"It's just that, starting tomorrow you have nine days left to live." He reminded me, "use your time wisely okay? Whatever your reason for asking for more time is."
Nodding with a blank expression, I can tell that he waited for a few seconds, wanting for me to tell him at least a little bit of my reason. But I still don't know him that well.
Lying in bed, I text Tsubasa to ask if I can see him tomorrow.
'sorry Saki I have filming until late'
'Then can u tell me ze address?'
'sure u can come anytime during lunch, weve a twenty-minute break'
Sigh, life of a celebrity. He only gets a double ten minute break for lunch.
I need him to contact Rein so I can talk to him. He hasn't mentioned anyone named 'Haruhito' before if they were really close friends.
3360 words.
Don't question about her visions and thoughts and stuff like that ;) I won't wanna spoil anything. Other than that question away! Thanks once again @Nima117 for being first to comment I really appreciate it.
Thnx for reading, vote & comment!
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