Recalibration And Upgrades
"So, what are we doing here?"
Ben and Gwen Tennyson, Coco Adel, Velvet Scarlatina, and the Plumber Agent were currently hiding at some abandoned railroad train stations, as if in the middle of waiting for someone, or something to arrive.
Was all the Plumber Agent had to say.
"This brings me back to being a Huntress in training, remember doing stakeouts back at Remnant, busting a Dust deal between the White Fangs?"
Coco couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic in what they were doing, reminding her of doing something similar back where she came from.
"I remember you sending most of them to the hospital before giving them to the cops."
Velvet wanted to add to the memories, which just made her partner chuckle in response.
"Yeah, good times."
Once Coco finished reminiscing about her past, the fish man decided to continue to explain the situation.
"Anyway, according to a tip from Max Tennyson, the Forever Knights, a group of criminals who-"
"Trade in alien technology, yeah, I know."
Though fortunately for the Plumber Agent, not a lot needed to be said, as both Ben and Gwendolyn were able to quickly understand the situation.
"We've run up against them before."
Gwen even explained past experiences with the Forever Knights, which definitely impressed the aquatic officer.
"They're supposed to show up here tonight to receive a shipment of illegal alien tech."
Even though the others might have already gotten the gist of things, the Plumber Agent still wanted to make sure they understood what they were doing, specifically with Scarlatina and Adel, seeing as they were less experienced than others.
"Who do they get it from?
Ben still pressed on for information, hoping anything would lead to clues to find his Grandpa, or at the very least stop whatever Max was fighting before things got worse.
"Don't know, Max was going to tell me, but then he disappeared."
The Plumber Agent couldn't help but feel a bit regretful about not having more information, though before Tennyson could do something to comfort the fish man, the bunny girl suddenly said something that caught everyone's attention.
"Someone's coming."
Once Velvet pointed this out, everyone remained quiet as they looked back down at the abandoned train tracks. A few moments later, two large trucks came rolling in from opposite sides of each other, while a green fancy car pulled up in the middle, between the two bigger vehicles. Once everyone parked, everyone started to get out and unload everything. One truck had men in armor and money, the other truck had "Normal?" People unloading weapons, and the one in a green car was just a young man with a black shirt, hair, and a mischievous bad boy expression, which was familiar to a certain someone.
"That's Kevin!"
Ben went eyes wide in surprise, clearly wasn't expecting to see such a person to be here.
"You know him?"
Coco was also surprised, though mostly because Tennyson seemed to recognize the young man down below with the criminals.
"Kevin Levin, I fought him all the time when we were kids."
Ben quickly explains that the young man, now known as Kevin Levin, had history that clearly goes way back in the past.
"He ended up trapped in the Null Void, kind of an extra-dimensional jail."
Gwen also gave her two cents in what she knew about Kevin, though what she said definitely caught a certain Faunus attention.
"Dimension travel..."
It was very obvious what was going through the mind of Velvet and the itty bitty hope she felt in her heart.
"We'll worry about that later Vel."
Though Coco had to bring her partner back to reality, not wanting her to be distracted while on the mission they were in, Scarlatina nods and looks back at the criminals down below, who were currently making trades and purchasing something from Kevin and his groupies.
"Well, he's brokering the deal."
The Plumber Agent couldn't help but glare at such an illegal sight.
"Why not? You said it was illegal."
Though Ben didn't seem surprised, no doubt having experience with Kevin and his not so lawful activities.
"As promised, four dozen factory new laser lances."
Speaking of which, Kevin was currently in the middle of showing off his new weapon to the Forever Knights.
"Ether-point energy module, antenna-focus emitter, it's good for 35 minutes of continuous fire at .06 terawatts."
Kevin even gave a live demonstration with the new alien weapon, aiming it at a random abandoned train and shooting a concentrated red laser at it. It only took a few seconds of constant fire before the entire train exploded.
"Is that good?"
Kevin looked back at his customers and wore a smug smirk at them as he held up the alien weapon.
"You tell me."
However, what Kevin had and did, has deeply angered a certain fish man.
"Those lances are LV:5 technology!"
The Plumber Agent couldn't help but slam his fist down, which startled his group from his sudden unexpected anger.
"Planet Earth has only level 2!"
And with that, the Plumber Agent got up from his hiding spot and did not hesitate to go down below to the criminals.
"Hey, what happened to the whisper?"
Ben was confused to see the aquatic officer act so irrationally, quickly chasing after him.
"I guess it's time for some action."
Though Coco didn't mind the sudden change of plans, as she, her partner and the other Tennyson quickly followed after them.
"Hands above your heads, air breathers."
All the illegal trading that was being done was suddenly put on hold, as the Plumber Agent, who had his blaster, walked up to them to put a stop on everything, with his groupies following not too far behind.
"By the authority of the Plumbers, you're all busted."
The more human-like criminals, instead of listening to the commanding tone of the Plumber Agent, they instead removed their faces and revealed themselves to be familiar-looking brain aliens, which definitely surprised most.
"Oh, that's so creepy."
Though someone like Gwen felt unsettled.
"I think it's more disgusting."
While Coco felt more gross.
"The other guys are behind us."
However the brain aliens weren't the only problems as a few of the Forever Knights managed to surround the group, something that Velvet noticed and pointed out.
"We are toast."
Gwen did not like the situation they were in, being surrounded by two types of enemies.
"No, we're not."
Though for Ben, he not only felt confident, but was actually eager to fight all these enemies.
"It's hero time!"
Ben then quickly held out his arm, which had the Omnitrix, and used his other hand to slam down on the dial, however instead of doing something amazing, as he and the others were expecting, the watch just suddenly started beeping as the dial started turning and flashing blue.
"Oh come on! This is way too early for you to be doing this to me!"
Ben whines and complains at his Omnitrix, as he quickly tries to mess and fix his watch, which was definitely not giving the group a vote of confidence or hope.
"So much for the most powerful weapon in the universe."
Coco couldn't help but chuckle and somewhat found it amusing to see the Omnitrix not living up to its "Universal Power", though her laughing thoughts were interrupted by the sound of struggling, turning away and seeing her partner looking distressed.
Coco was immediately concerned to see Scarlatina struggling and wearing such a worried panic expression.
"S-Something is wrong with Anesidora!"
And what Velvet was struggling with was her own weapon, known as Anesidora, as it seems to not be working as it should, from the looks of it. However, as she tries to fix her problems, a few of the brain aliens took the chance to quickly run up to the bunny girl, pouncing and no doubt would've tackled her down to be beaten to a pulp. Luckily, Adel was able to react fast, unfolding her Gianduja into its Gatling Gun form and shoot them all away from her.
"Just run away with Ben, we'll handle things from here!"
Once Coco told her partner it was okay to run away, she wasted no time gunning down both the brain aliens and the Forever Knights. Most took cover, though a few weren't so lucky.
Both Velvet and even Ben wanted to protest at what the Huntress said, but were cut off when a pink magical shield immediately covered them and protected the two from getting shot by the enemies wielding the laser lances.
"Don't worry, we can handle this, just go."
Gwen, the one responsible for protecting them with the pink shield, reassured them that everything would be OK, which still made the boy in green and the Faunus hesitate, but in the end they did as they were told and ran off to take cover, leaving behind the group to handle the mess. With Gwendolyn using more of her pink mana construct to either block incoming attacks or use them to hit and knock away enemies. As for the Plumber Agent, he mostly provided cover fire for the magical girl, using her blaster to keep enemies at bay, create a wall of fire for extra protection, or if he was lucky, get in a few lucky head shots to knock out the enemy.
"Now then, who's first for a beating?"
As for Coco, she took a more confident approach, walking up to the group of brain aliens and Forever Knights enemies, her Gianduja still in hand and ready to take on anyone who stepped up first, most seemed to hesitate and even back away in slight worry, however only one was willing to walk forward with the same amount of confidence as the fashionista.
"I'll take you up on your offer."
That someone was none other than Kevin, stopping a few feet away from Adel, cracking her knuckles and wearing a very smug smirk.
"Cute face, but not my type."
Coco returned the smug Levin with her own prideful smile, readying her Gianduja and aimed it at her opponent, finger ready to pull the trigger.
"Likewise, you seem like the type who over-dresses."
And as for Kevin, he also got ready, kneeling down and touching an unconscious Forever Knight, absorbing their metal armor and becoming metal himself, which definitely surprised the Huntress.
"Oh, now you're gonna get it."
However Coco was more offended by what the metal man had said, as she did not hesitate to pull the trigger afterwards.
"Come on, come on, ugh!"
Meanwhile, back with Ben and Velvet, who were currently hiding away from all the action that was going on, Tennyson continued to do everything that he could to fix his Omnitrix, though with little success as it was still flashing and beeping blue, which made him sigh in defeat.
"How are you holding up?"
Ben lays his head back and tiredly glances over to Scarlatina, who works tiredness on her Anesidora weapon, using emergency tools from her pouches to try and fix her device.
"I don't know, this has never done this before?"
But just like the Omnitrix user, it only ends in failure. Velvet drops her tools and lets her bunny ears hang low and droops in depression, which makes the boy in green pat her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.
"Good to know I'm not the only one who deals with these kinds of problems."
Before Ben could continue to comfort the bunny girl, before we were suddenly interrupted by the Omnitrix making a different sound, both looked at the watch and saw the blue light turn green, which then started getting brighter and brighter.
"W-What the-?!"
In a flash of blinding green light, both Ben and his Faunus friend were forced to cover their eyes, to avoid losing their sight from the light. Once the light died down, both were able to look at what just happened, and both were surprised by the results.
"This is new?"
Ben lifted his arm and saw that the Omnitrix had changed a lot. It used to be big and funky, but now it has a more advanced and sleek design. However, not only did it have a new look, but when he twists the dial, all the classic aliens are replaced with some unfamiliar ones.
"I don't recognize any of these guys."
Ben was beyond perplexed. Not only was he not expecting his Omnitrix to change its looks, but it also gave him new aliens. This definitely made it difficult for him, as he didn't know what aliens to choose from.
"But under the circumstances, this one looks pretty good!~"
But in the end, with no time to decide, given the situation, Ben decided to just pick the alien that looked the most useful, and somewhat the coolest, slamming his hand down onto the Omnitrix dial, and in another flash of green light, the once human teen was replaced with a humanoid, plant-like alien whose body was encrusted with muck, mostly with a red flame-patterned head and root-like feet, seemingly holding black rocks. His eyes were oval-shaped with points at each end, and his pupils copied the shape but were smaller. His shoulders and head had red petals, and his elbows and legs had green frills sticking out.
This alien plant, now dubbed Swampfire, was definitely a sight to behold, so much so that Scarlatina was shocked to even move away from an incoming sneak attack from a brain alien and Forever Knight, luckily Ben was able to protect her from the ambush, dashing forward and punching the brain alien far away, while grabbing onto the Forever Knight, putting him into a hold that was impossible to escape, even more so thanks to his alien-enhanced strength.
'So that's what the Omnitrix does?...'
Velvet was definitely speechless, as from what Tennyson had done in his new alien transformation, even if it wasn't a lot, it was still enough to show how much more powerful and better he has gotten. It was definitely impressive for a bunny girl like herself, though before she could continue to admire what she saw, or have a moment to realize the terrible smell that came from the plant alien, another flash of light caught her attention, this time in a more brown yellow color.
Velvet looks down and, once again, much to her surprise, she suddenly saw her Anesidora go through a transformation, just like Ben's Omnitrix, as her case and camera had suddenly changed in design, but not only that, after its recalibration, a pair of gloves, something that the Faunus was not familiar with, had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attached itself to her hands, which definitely startled her a bit from this.
"I don't remember taking a picture of this."
Velvet was very confused as she looked at her new pair of gloves that she was wearing, not recognizing them at all, however, a certain transformed Tennyson on the other hand.
"Hey, that looks like Upgrade hands."
Swampfire, who was still basically choking out the Forever Knight, noticed and even recognized the gloves that Scarlatina was wearing, which made her look at him when he said this.
However Velvet didn't understand what the humanoid plant was talking about, who just sighs in response.
"Nevermind, just touch this."
Swampfire then kicks the weapon, which the Forever Knight has dropped, to the bunny girl, who caught it on reflex. When her new gloves touched the laser lances, it immediately started to upgrade, changing the small device into a very large killing machine. Once it was done upgrading, the new very advanced weapon took aim and fired a very huge energy blast at the Forever Knight. Ben was able to let go and move away just in time for the attack to hit the enemy. Not only did it send him crashing into a nearby train, destroying it completely, but also leaving the Forever Knight completely unconscious and naked, as the weapon managed to destroy both his armor and clothing underneath.
Shock was not enough to describe what Velvet was feeling, as she dropped the offending weapon that almost killed the Forever Knight, said weapon fell apart broken when it was let go, as she looked at both her gloves and her Anesidora that the gloves came from, with newfound, well, indescribable feelings that she didn't know how to process.
"Whenever Upgrade touches technology, it, well, upgrades them."
Swampfire was able to explain what had happened to the Faunus, however all that left her was how she would handle this newfound power, the feeling of overwhelming pressure and new sense of responsibility was somewhat unbearable to her, as while yes she was grateful to have something to help her friend with, she was still unsure if she should even accept it in the first place.
"Upgrade huh?..."
Though, despite such uncertainty, in the end, Velvet knew that even if she wanted her new, "Upgrades", or not, it was still her to use, and if she was going to get such a gift, she would be sure it would be put to good use, her eyes narrowed with determination, as she put away her Anesidora weapon, before standing up back to her feet and looked up to Ben, as if expressing "I'm ready to continue".
"Hey, I have a plan."
Bum bum bummmmmm!~ I've been thinking, I'm thinking at the end of Ultimate Alien and the beginning of Omnivores, I will probably combine the world of Remnant and Earth together, maybe, just an idea, but I'm open to suggestions.
(No wait, instead of Coco x Female Ship, maybe I could do Coco X Helen Wheels instead, I have no idea why, but that just appeals to me very much)
/Velvet Weapons And Abilities Upgrade\
Anesidora 2.0: Now that her camera is linked and connected to the Omnitrix, she not only has access to Aliens, but can now make special weapons made from the DNA of said aliens.
(At the moment she only has the classic alien weapons, but she'll get more soon as time goes on)
Eidetic Memory: She can temporarily copy any ability she sees, it wouldn't be as strong as the original, only having the basic abilities, but paired up with her weapon is a deadly combo.
(She can only use one ability at a time, and after a certain amount of time or when her Aura breaks, she'll lose the copied ability and would only get it back after some rest)
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