
"Spidey pull back. No. Peter!" Wade yells at the arachnid

The mercenary lunges forward grabbing the arachnid. Peter squirms in his tight hold as he's turned away from his victim.

"No! I have it." Peter says, trying to free his arms from Wade.

"No you don't. Your going to kill them." Wade says pulling Peter away. Turning his back to the bloodied person.

"Put me down!" Peter demands as the Mercenary starts walking away from the scene.

"No." Wade responds to the spider.

"Do I need to come down and survey damage?" Max asks through an ear piece.

"No!" Peter Peter responds to the voice, his advanced hearing easily understanding what is said.

"Yes." Wade answers. He tightens his hold on Peter as he violently tries to thrash out at his restraining mate.

"I'm fine! I can do it! I've been out all the time now, you don't have to lock me up!" Peter declares out in a desperate, feral tone.

"No Peter. You're not stable enough to stay out on patrol today."

"Please Wade." Peter cries as he tries to twist in his Soulmate's hold.

Wade stops walking, Peter's struggling becoming to Erratic for him to continue  walking with the smaller yet stronger male.

"Peter stop." Wade warns. As he lowers Peter to the ground, aware the other could bolt but risking it for the sake of needing a better grip on the arachnid.

Peter stills momentarily seeming confused as to why Wade was setting him down. He's about to pull away, to turn back towards his prey. Their blood still fresh in the air, his mouth watering at the possible chance of feeding.

Before he can do much of anything then jerk away Wade grabs both of Peter's smaller wrists. Large, strong hands keeping them together as he grabs Peter again. Peter sits on the ground, Wade pinning his legs down by sitting on the smaller's lap. God is Wade happy that Peter hasn't quite dedicated enough to his prey that he'd start biting to get to it. Peter's bites when he is hungry aren't anything to not be wary about. The instinct to supply himself with the supply iron supplements seemed to awaken the fang like needles set just behind the hybrids normal canines. Not visible. But most surely felt.

"Everything alright?" Max asks.

Peter growls. In these moods he could hardly stand the shifter. Spider could hardly stand anyone's presence but he most surely hated the female.

[Well maybe. If we went back and read chapter fifty-eight of the previous book I'm sure we'd at least have an idea.]

(Wait, but all she did was help him. Why would he hate her for that?)

[For discovering him in the first place and then locking him up for a year could be a very high factor.]

(Oh... Maybe.)

"By the way guys. The author doesn't actually know for sure it was fifty eight. Could have been fifty nine. Don't bother checking."

Peter if he had been in control of his mind or body would have most likely stopped to stare at Wade but instead he is set on trying to get free. The arachnid moves to bite Wade's hand. Luckily for the anti-hero he's able to give Peter's nose a quick swat before the other can do anything. The hit isn't harmful or offensive. It's just simply like a water spray used on cats.

[Not that we actually use the cat bottle on the cat.] Yellow mutters, recalling the many times they had had to used the bottle on the arachnid. [The troubles of being married to your love that periodically turns into a vicious, blood thirsty animal.]

(It's not like you ever act like you love him.) White points out rather hotly to his fellow box.

[Of course I love him.] Yellow defends. [I just know he still doesn't deserve us.]

"No. But now he needs us." Wade says quietly to the boxes before completely focusing on Peter, pushing their voices to the far back of his mind to keep himself on task.

Peter had quickly recoiled from biting, trying to rub his nose on his shoulder for his lack of useful hands. The vibration of being schmooked in the nose uncomfortable.

When he glares back at his mate he is mildly calmer though still carefully balancing between remaining containable and going into a complete instinctual mode where he gets what he wants regardless for his body takes over and any rationalism is thrown away and forgotten until his needs are fulfilled. A very dangerous thing to play with.

"Peter I'll feed you okay. Just sit still Wade says. Slowly releasing Peter's wrists. The smaller sits silently waiting. He knows if he listens he'll get what he wants. It's been something the spider had to be trained to understand.

Of course Wade hates this. He hates the biting, the slow, almost death before a searing headache would cut in as his blood started coming back at a too slow of rate for his likening.

The mercenary raises up his mask to his nose, pulling down at the leather fabric on his neck to reveal his jugular.

It's always the left. He won't let the Spider bite the right. He only lets Peter touch the right. That's where he likes to kiss and mark Wade as his own. He's no longer slowed to touch where he's Fed. Wade doesn't want either of them mixing Peter's personalities. For both of their sakes...

The Mercenary tries not to flinch away as The Spider slowly comes forward. Deadpool is thankful the arachnid doesn't move quickly when ever this happens. He doesn't treat Wade like prey.

The targeted area is licked carefully, Peter's head tucked under his jaw as the other soothes the area of scarred skin.

" Such a kind mate." Peter whispers. He bites slowly, the pain being more like needles then small stu wounds when he's gentle.

Wade just lets himself be supported by Peter. He knows he'll sink into deep
Unconsciousness. He'll wake being held in Spider's arms, maybe this time it'll be Peter's if he stays unconscious long enough for the possession of Peter's body by his own mind lets go to let the real person free if it's containment.

Peter's hair is soft against Wade's jaw as he finally sinks into the dark, welcoming sleep.

Such a good mate....

Wow. I'm amazed that all of you stuck around for so long. This has been a very long story and I'm so thankful for all of your support. I love each and every one of you for all your comments and votes. Seeing such familiar usernames in my notifications really made my day. I would wait excitedly for your opinions and comments. A special thanks to all of you.

There is a sequel to this story. If you don't want to read that 100 chapter pain in the ass then at least read book three which is 3 chapters. Just so you know how the story ends.

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