Chapter 63
Deadpool's fingers don't pull away from their occupation inside of the Spider as he looks over his shoulder at the person intruding in on them.
" What are you doing to 'im? Spider-Man, y'all right? Should I call the fuzz?"
Peter manages a petrified expression in his diligent horror to acting being walked in on before he makes a high pitched almost feminine sound as Wade curls his fingers again, pushing up into his prostate again.
It takes him a moment in his panting to remember to answer the man's appreciated but unneeded concern.
" Na I'm alright." He mumbles. Some how blood is directed to his cheeks and ears as he answers slightly ashamed to be in this situation. God why didn't have to happen? See he had been completely in the green to be anxious. He shouldn't have listened to what ever had convinced him it would be alright to just strip down in the light of day because you want the D.
Peter's whole face is painted in deep red as he answers. Why did this man have to come? At least it was someone who didn't hate him, But they caught him with his pants down... And with Wade's fingers shoved up his ass.
" You sure? I know who this guy is. I known what he does. I'll go get help."
Peter feels like crying in frustration for so many reasons. One of them being his damned teenage libido. Why couldn't he just have an off switch in some instances?
" If you don't scram you're going to get to seen first class just how good I am at my job I'm so well known for." Wade growls at the man.
Peter listens and hears no evidence that the stranger had walked away. He would give it to the man. He was brave but Insanely stupid.
Peter tried to speak again but Wade makes it that much harder when his fingers start moving again.
" N-no I'm. Im okay." Peter stutters off.
" Man you sure? You don't sound too good."
" Would you mind? You're sort of interrupting something." Wade says as the one hand without digits up inside of Peter reaches for on of his weapons Peter knows had been replaced with rubber bullets.
The stranger backs off with the new threat of the firearm. Peter let's out a sigh of relief when the footsteps stop echoing in the alley and returns to the street.
" Some people."
" They didn't see anything did they? W-would it be okay if we could go home?" Peter asks as he inches up the wall slightly, fingers Justin accordingly inside of him.
" Home?" Wade questions.
Peter's blush deepens. " Y-you know what I mean. One of our- Do you want to move in? Or maybe we can find a place of our own? I don't know. Maybe you don't want to or not ready for that but-"
" Shh baby boy." Wade say holding a finger of his clean hand up to Peter's lips to gently silence him. " We'll talk about it later. Right now I have a problem to fix." He says lifting his finger from Peter's soft pink lips to trail down his defined torso and up his somehow still effect cock even after the bone killer incident that had just taken place with the strangers presence.
Bonus of being just out of this adolescent stage. Though quite technically he'd still be in it until he was around twenty five if his abilities don't alter his development.
" And to answer your question about what he saw was only that if your for arms in the wall and your legs warped around me Mkay. Everything's fine." Wade says he pulls his fingers out from Peter's entrance, enticing a whimper from the teen at the loss. He instead maneuvers Peter's leggings back up his one leg before dressing him the rest of the way and taking the smaller one and picking him up so the spider wraps with legs around the Merc.
Peter can't help himself from rolling his hips on Wade's abdomen. It was just too tempting to resist.
Peter had been forced into a painful, partial arousal by the time the window to his apartment had opened.
Peter throws off his mask once he's sure the shades are shut. Wade down to his hight. He pauses for permission before raising the Deadpool mask off of his boyfriend as he places his hands on each side of his head. He stands on his toes to strain the taller man less as he pulls him down into a kiss that they teen makes heated ever so quickly. Their tongues wrestle for dominance shortly before Peter let's Wade take over. He relishes the feeling of the other exploring his mouth and nipping lightly at his bottom lip before moving down his neck, leaving a trail of bite marks and reddened skin that is sure to start bruising before they are done.
Peter smiles. He would wear the marks like a fucking badge. Literally. Showing how much he is loved and how proud he is to love the man back. To have been courting with the mercenary.
The spider is slowly pushed backwards until once again he is pressed up against a wall. Only now he wouldn't have to worry about someone seeing. About being caught. Without the mortification threatening him the teen becomes quite interested, giddy almost at the idea of this new experience. Would it be better or could it be almost painful? Peter doubted the later thought but didn't act foolish enough to cast it away out of possibility.
" I love you." Wade says pausing to look Peter in the eyes. To stare into the green speckled grey eyes that hide so may secrets. That have seen things many would break after seeing. That remain cold and hard, yet open and warm for Wade.
Somehow fate had given him something he'd never dreamed of truly being given. The thought flashing across both male's minds.
" I love you too." Peter smiles genuinely letting the true meaning of trust in his words sink in before it turns into something more playful, not as purely innocent. " But why don't you show me just how much you love me? " Peter asks pushing up against his partner lustfully pressing his hardened shaft against the anti-hero's thigh.
" Then why don't you turn around like a good boy you're supposed to be." Wade says into the Hero's ear.
Slightly puzzled but not in any mood to question why Peter slowly turns around to face the wall his back is to. After he's turns around the weight of his partner leaning delicately on him but with a sense of presence and control. Peter tries to press back onto the hard prick against his bum.
He feels the mercenary smile Before grabbing the Arachnid's hips and pushing the little one flush against the wall. Peter makes a small sound as the action forces friction between him and the flat surface.
Wade's hands travel around to lightly take a handful of Peter's glutes. Peter hums in response before it becomes mores of a moan as one of partner's hands slip around to his front to cup around the bulging area of his pants. The hand occupied by feeling his rear moves to his hip and moves up to his masculine curve of Peter's side while the mercenary leans down to plant small kisses on the teens light skin on his exposed neck. Peter makes a pleasured sound at the stimulation.
" You like that Baby Boy?"
Peter hums. " Yes daddy. But I need more." Peter pushes back on Wade's own erection in his own demand of need.
" So spoiled. I should punish you for wanting so much."
" Please. Do anything. Teach me to know better. Punish me because I'm a bad boy." Peter whines not concealing any of his desire.
Wade exhales at the words coming from the small ones mouth before his hand moves away from Peter's from and both go to his hips. Without needing any instruction the boy takes himself up into a waiting position on the wall. The Spider's legs at spread nicely as his chest is pressed against the wall, ass nicely sticking out. Wade takes his time playing the the division of the tight leggings and shirt before pulling them off and out of his way. Wade produces a tube of lube from one of his many pouches.
When the cap opens with a small snap Peter takes a moment to identify the scent of strawberries before a finger slowly runs along the tight ring of muscle at his entrance. Peter gasps at the coolness of the lubricant coating Wade's fingers before pushing back onto the digits.
" Greedy are we?" Wade asks as he lets the teen suck his digits in, mildly impressed when the arachnid takes the finger in fully after given a few seconds to relax. Wade slowly fucks the teen with his finger, making sure to drag along the sensitive ball of nerves inside of him.
Peter moans. The feeling of pleasure surprising him every time like its never been hit before. " Wade I need more of you please. " Peter begs hit long after a second digit along with more lube are slipped into him.
" What's my name son?" Wade asks.
" Daddy!" Peter cries as the fingers inside of him press directly onto the right spot. The teen whimpers when the digits are removed, leaving him feeling empty inside.
At the sound of Deadpool's belt buckle being undone plowed by the sound of a zipper. Peter arches his back ever so more as he sticks to the wall. A hand moving down to grip his own throbbing and ignored cock. He isn't allowed to do much to help himself before a hand grabs his wrist and beings it back to work keeping himself up on the wall.
Peter momentarily wonders why the dry wall has never fallen or ripped off the wall with his weight before but the though is dropped and forgotten the moment he feels the slick head of Wade's prick at his entrance. Peter's cock dribbles pre-come as he waits in anticipation.
" If there's something wrong or to hurts you tell me and I'll stop." Wade says not moving to do anything until Peter gives a serious nod of understanding.
Peter moans as the member slowly pushes inside of him. It doesn't hurt nearly as much as last time now that Peter knows what to expect but the stretch still stings as Wade continues to slowly push deeper inside his tight heat until Peter is fully seated on the cock.
The feeling of Wade pressing him against the wall as he's filled sends a deep appreciation for his abilities. Even with the high cost the require. Wade was just so big. He feels like he is completely filled, like no one else could possible ever make him feel content enough because they wouldn't be able to just fill him like they where made to fit together. But in reality they truly had been. Wade was his soulmate. Wade was made for Peter.
The two moan as Wade starts to
Move after waiting to let the smaller one adjust. " You're just so tight baby boy,"
Peter hums in reply to the comment as he waits for Wade to pick up his pace.
Peter moves his hand again to go relive his aching prick as it stands full mast awaiting for its needs but Wade moves for him instead to wrap his nicely textured hand around his shaft. Wade moves his hand in time with his movements. The deep warmth collecting in the teens stomach I'm warning if his approaching climax as the man continues.
Peter moans as Wade hits his prostate as he pushes back into Peter. He continue the attack in the nerves until finally the teen can't take anymore and with a loud shout, he paints the wall and Wade's hand with his semen. He teen becomes lightheaded as blotches of color form in his limited sight the wall.
The clenching of his muscles around the intrusion inside of him causing the older man to release deeply buried inside of the teen. They both remain still and panting their skin snap under their suits.
Peter Looks to his side to see their cat. She sits there not six feet away with her tail carefully wrapped around her paws as she watches them curiously as she had since the start of their mating session. Peter blushes and looks away from the innocent baby animal monetarily guilty it had to witness something like that at such a young age.
Wade pulls out of him with a groan. And tucking himself back into his pants Peter doesn't dismount off of the wall right away and is slightly supposed when he feels something slide back into him. He looks back at Wade questioningly.
" We recall you saying you wanted me to come inside of you and to keep all of it as to not let it go to waste." Wade says as he takes Peter, lifting him away from the wall and shifting him to be carried him bridal style in his arms over to the couch, the cat's eyes not leaving her parents taking a second to observe the odd thing inside her smaller father's bum before following them to the couch to lay on top of the tired couple.
Thank you ck221B for helping me write this. Without your help this would have been a dingy nine page chapter
And sorry for 4 mins late update
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