Chapter 47
Peter knocks on Wade's window as warning before pulling the unlocked pane open and climbing in, his stuffed backpack momentarily getting caught on the frame.
" Wade?" Peter calls as he slides the bag off of his back.
" Yeah?" His soulmate responds from what Peter was pretty came from the direction of his bedroom. Peter also takes not of the nervous strain in his voice.
The spider sets down his bag he'd been rummaging through to pad towards the mostly closed door. " Hey you okay?" Peter asks as he slowly pushes the slightly ajar door open. He finds Wade standing in the middle of the room with an anxious expression as he turns to Peter.
" Hey what's wrong?" Peter asks moving in farther now without the slow carefulness he had used earlier so he can walk towards his disturbed soulmate.
Wade looks at him and then at his leather suit in his covered hands. " Peter I-... I really don't know about this."
" She's not going to mind Wade. I promise." Peter says with reassurance in his warm voice as he moves to stand in front of Wade.
" Peter, How do you know? How do you know that?" Wade asks unconvinced and seeming to show stubbornness at the statement when ever Peter tried to deny Wade's own words about his looks.
Peter pulls off his bug eyed mask. " I just do. She's like my mother Wade." The Spider says as his head cocks ever so slightly to the side. Wade's expression shifts ever so slightly to show fondness through the uncomfortable anxiety because of Peter's small, cute movement.
" You know I'm not pretty,"
" you're plenty Pretty enough for myself," Peter assures before standing on his toes, having to cling to Wade ever so slightly to pull himself up high enough to peck the other's nose.
" How do you do that?" Wade asks.
" What? Cling?"
" No, how do you manage to be so absolutely adorable, smart, Spidery, dangerous, and good looking? All at the same time?"
" Sometimes I ask myself the same thing." Peter sasses jokingly before becoming ever so slightly serious. " You think I'm dangerous?"
" I know you are. So does S.H.I.E.L.D, The people knows how dangerous you could be. That's why people like that dick Jammie or something or another says such God awful things and then people believe him." Wade says looking down Into Peter's Hazel eyes.
" Oh." Peter says becoming quiet. " ... I thought it was because I'm black."
Wade just closes his eyes as he starts to laugh at his little pale vampire.
The Two males sit In Front of the older female as she brings out a tray of coffee and what Peter thought where scones but wasn't quite sure having never actually had or seen one being American and all English scones came hard to find. And the fact his aunt had never made them ever before in his life could add to the confusion.
" So Wade. Tell me a bit about yourself." May says as she sits down in a chair across from them, taking a cup for herself.
Wade is doesn't react for a long moment, surly having some internal conflict with the boxes.
Peter nearly growls out loud at the idea of Yellow trying to attack him under the Social interaction like Peter was sure the voice had already tormented his soulmate the last few days. Peter felt utterly guilty and useless at the idea he had both caused the pain by bringing him here and also by not being able to do anything about it.
The idea that maybe the three where honestly just panicking while trying to find something I tell a nice old woman about himself that wouldn't give her a heart attack never crossed Peter's mind when the Mercenary answers.
" Ah well I'm Canadian." Wade offers unsure of himself as he stares at the arm of a chair on May's right.
" My eyes are over here dear." Mays says with a smile.
Peter franticly try's to think whether or not that was a good thing of her to say. Would Wade feel worse about himself if he has to look at May while talking? Or will he take it well and see it as the positive thing it was. May trying to prove to the man that she really wasn't bothered by the scars or sores. Either way Wade listens to her by looking at the older woman while he continues to speak.
Peter's heart warms when Wade seems to forget about his exposed skin, forgets that he's not wearing what he liked to call his second skin, his new face, as he continues the conversation with much less hesitance as he starts to show who he really is. His gift of socializing flaunting itself as their discussion continues. Wade also shows Peter his adaptive and ability to improvise when he is asked what his job and reputation is as he answers without hesitance. He explains how he is a teacher at a gym for children and adults who want to learn Tae Kwon Do
(It's been a while. I'm hoping I spelt that right )
That's when the thought occurs to Peter. He should really actually take time to leans some sort of hand to hand combat other then basic natural reaction from past experience of being Spider-Man.
Bless the fates for giving him his very own teacher as a soulmate.
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