Chapter 37

Peter sighs as he walks into his apartment, closing the window behind him. Four days stuck with the maven gets on the other side of the world wasn't the arachnid's idea of fun.

Peter stops, nearly tripping over himself when he looks into the kitchen.

" Shit, did I go into the wrong window again?" He hisses out loud, quickly backing away from the kitchen threat surely wasn't his.

He quickly retreats to the window he came from to scurry out. He looks around once he's clinging to the wall outside of the window trying to count how many stories high up he is. The Web head frowns when he counts the correct number of levels he looks across the street to see the familiar, ugly brick building he'd stared at many times from inside his little apartment.

Peter scoots over to peer into the window again. Yup those where certainly his boxers laying on the floor near his couch though he wasn't sure how they had gotten there.

He tentatively re-enters the home and looks at his living room, his rickety dinning table that truthfully was just a reject desk. And then he looks at the kitchen. He tried to look past the few new appliances, dish-ware, kitchen towels, and evidence of new food to look for something that made the kitchen his.

The magnets on his fridge where his. A few shaped like the atoms of the wonderful Nobel gasses of the elemental table, along with the few Deadpool magnets he'd managed to find at a craft store. He looks up on top of the refrigerator to see the small bag containing more magnets that he'd planned on giving to Wade since he seemed to collect avenger merchandise.  Peter had managed to find a Capitan America, Hawkeye, Hulk, himself, and because it was rare to find ( as in Peter had never seen anything if the sorts before) he also got Wade ones of Deadpool also.

Peter returns his attention back to his new kitchen. He walks in and looks around slightly confused before moving to the fridge in hopes his gatoraid he had in there before he left was still there.

He was very aware of how unhealthy he ate. His mutation had very noticeably altered his metabolism. When he still lived with May it Haden't been as big of a problem. He at least was able to feed himself some wasn't carrying a loud stomach, but now Peter just couldn't afford to feed himself the way his body needed. He couldn't afford getting foods with the various nutrients his body needed from fruits, vegetables, and meats. He instead tried to partially Dampen his hunger with cheep starch products that agreed with his wallet.

With his new job he had stares paying back the Bugal for advanced he'd gotten, managed to pay his bills, and pay this months rent on time. This leaving the boy with empty pockets and a growling stomach ( minus after that meal given to him by the mysterious new team member and the meals S.H.I.E.L.D. Supplies but that was hours ago and he's starved and parched now.) So you could imagine his surprise when he opens the fridge to see it fully stocked with said unaffordable foods. He was aware of how his his pupil very well could have dialated at the sight, causing him to shut the appliance quickly unsure what to do.

Someone had to do this. Peter could already cross off Aunt May because she would tell him, or at least be here if it was her.... He didn't have any friends.

Now actually thinking about it he realizes just how deep he had sunk into a hole before he'd met Wade. Purposely pushing people away and out of his life. Trying to distance himself, over working and tiring out his body both physically and mentally. The lack of feeding himself had also taken its toll. Peter did notice just how much harder it was to get up in the morning. Slowly starving himself to death wasn't what he'd intended by moving out to attend collage.

And it wasn't like he could eat what was in his fridge. He couldn't just accept that. Any of this. It had to go. He knew he was tight on money and it made it all the worse to think someone had done it for him out of pity.

He would call Wade in the morning.

He goes back to his fridge to grab his sports drink, going through his cupboards to find his packs of ramen before going to grab something to boil water in. Once the water is on the stove slowly heating he sends and other glance at his fridge.

There where strawberries, grapes, cucumbers, and yogurt.....

" Fuck it," Peter mumbles, quickly moving off and away from the counter head had been so patiently leaning on while he awaited his water to boil to greedily open the door to the heaven inside the metal box.

He could let himself way to fullness this one night. He just came home from a mission after all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Ramen ~~~~~~~~~

The cheep block of noodles stare on in betrayal as his hot tub of boiling water, set aside just for him on the outdated stove top is given to the eggs. Watching as the white ovals of perfect smoothness dip in and Disappear into his bath that would slowly break him apart and unrighteousness the block of oddly curly and intertwined noodles that could be used to build a home of sorts as long as it didn't rain often. His packet of cheep seasoning sitting against its stomach, crying at the thought of not behind freed from its tin foil prison.

It's gaze turns to its betrayer. The great Spider-Man as a plump, juicy strawberry is bitten into. It's perfect shape and color contrast against pale, long fingers holding it up to the Spider's mouth.

The ramen could hear the Strawberry taunt him as its luscious body was bitten into, sweet Juices making wonderful sounds as it rushes from the fruit. How those pink lips suck on the bleeding strawberry.

All this happening in front of him. The Spider Making the poor cheep noodles watch as he cheats on him with the sexy strawberry.

I know what we are all thinking. What the hell was that!?

( Why do cheep noodles that look too much like blocks of pale pubic hair get a POV all to themselves before I get my very own POV instead of being shoved in with Wade??)


( Cause why!?)

Cause you made it so I can never look at ramen the same again.....

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