
Sophie suddenly got up and collected their plates. Cortez got up as well and offered to help. Sophie refused by Cortez already had the plates out of her hand and a playful glare in his eyes. Sophie stepped back and let Cortez take over. The smile scratching at the back of her teeth caused her to nibble on her bottom lip. Cortez kept proving himself to be a gentleman and it pushed Sophie to like him more and more, little by little.

While Cortez washed the dishes, Sophie walked through the house to let Daisy go outside. It wasn't a surprise that Daisy darted directly towards the back fence and started pacing back and forth as she barked her head off. Sophie stayed by the door just to make sure Daisy didn't get under the fence again. But as she watched her, Sophie's eyes shifted towards the woods behind their house.

The sun was slowly setting behind the trees and casting wild shades through the leaves and tree trunks. Sophie admired it for a moment before she caught sight of something moving through the forest. Four dog-like silhouettes were prancing through the woods all in a line together. The sun was warm but the sudden sight of such large, dangerous creatures made the view slightly eery to Sophie. All she could think about was how violent they were.

"Cortez!" Sophie yelled from the back door.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Come look at this! There are wolves in the woods!" Sophie cringed.

Cortez dropped the things hand his hand and rushed through the house to get to Sophie. He appeared beside her, wiping his wet hands on his jeans as he looked outside. He could see the wolves she was talking about walking along the edge of the tree line. He instantly recognized them. They were a couple of his warrior pack members that were stalking the perimeter or his territory to make sure everything was normal and safe. It was their job to do so every morning and evening.

"Do you see them often?" Cortez looked down at his mate as she stared outside and nibbled on his thumb nail.

"Not really." Sophie answered. She continued staring until a shiver ran up her spin and she turned to leave. "Wolves freak me out. I don't like them that close to the house."

Cortez frowned and followed her back to the kitchen. "You don't like wolves?"

"No. They're unnaturally large creatures, their behavior patterns make no sense to me, and they're incredibly violent." Sophie huffed as she fell into the chair she was previously sat in.

"They're not all violent." Cortez defended. He returned to washing the last of the dishes Sophie used to cook.

"I know not all of them are. That doesn't make them any less frightening."

"I'm good with wolves if you want me to introduce you to one."

"What?" Sophie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How can you be good with wolves?"

"They're friendlier than you think they are. I'll help you get over your fear of them if you'll let me." Cortez glanced over his shoulders to see Sophie's face twisted in confusion.

"No thanks. I don't want to be mauled to death." Sophie snorted a laugh.

Cortez turned around and his began wiping his hands on his jeans again. He didn't like Sophie talking like that. Wolves were only violent when they needed to be and even then, there was always a reason and there was always control. He understood that she had gotten caught up in the worst of it before but that was only one time. That was just a bad situation. Besides, he had lead her safely home afterwards. Didn't that show her how nice and protective they could be?

"Let's go outside." Cortez blurted.

Sophie's head whipped towards Cortez, her eyes slightly wide. "What? No!"

"Yeah, come on. It's time you actually met a wolf." Cortez stepped towards Sophie and gestured for her to give him her hand.

Sophie green eyes bounced between his eyes and his hand. She was hesitant but that didn't bother Cortez. He would stand here all night and wait for her if that's what it took. Sophie couldn't be scared of wolves forever. Especially, not when she was their Luna.

Reluctantly, Sophie placed her small hand in Cortez's very large hand. Just as their skin touched, that weird tingling feeling returned and Sophie yanked her hand back to her chest. That happened the last time they touched. When she looked up at Cortez, he seemed unbothered. Was it just in her head? It couldn't be because even now that they weren't touching, the tingling still slightly lingered. It was freaking her out.

Cortez folded his fingers into his palm and stepped back from Sophie. She carefully watched him as he gestured towards the doorway of the kitchen. "After you."

Sophie took a deep breath and pushed herself out of her seat. Whatever, she thought. It was probably better to get his over with than forever be scared of wolves.

Sophie walked out the front door and Cortez followed close behind her. She nervously hugged her arms around her chest as she walked along side the house and towards the woods. Cortez felt proud that she was willing to face her fears head on like this. But then, Sophie stopped at the end of her fence and looked to Cortez, silently declaring this was as close as she'd get to the woods. Cortez smirked and turned his attention to the tree line.

Jeremiah, I need you at Sophie's. Cortez spoke through the mind link between him and his Beta.

No problem, Alpha. Jeremiah answered. He quickly got up from beside his mate, said his farewells and jogged through the pack house.

Come as your wolf and do it quickly, please.

My wolf? But Sophie doesn't know...

And if you don't shift in front of her, she won't know.

"Aren't you going to go get one?" Sophie asked as she peered up at Cortez.

Cortez shook his head. "They come to me."

Sophie snorted a laugh and nervously bounced on the balls of her feet. "So you're like a wolf whisperer or something?"

"I wouldn't call it that." Cortez shrugged.

Sophie cocked eyebrow at the man stood beside her. Cortez was so strange sometimes. He was very vague when it came to answering her questions.

After a quiet moment, Sophie spotted a wolf jogging through the woods but, instead of it walking along the tree line, it was coming straight towards them. Daisy bursted into endless barking again, which made Sophie flinch away from the fence and towards Cortez. Cortez growled as Daisy, which she easily caught and obeyed. Sophie watched in awe as Daisy rushed towards the porch and laid down as if she were suddenly exhausted. Luckily, she hadn't even caught Cortez's growl over the sound of Daisy's barking.

"Sophie." Cortez whispered as he noticed she was still staring at Daisy, who was in the opposite direction of Jeremiah.

"Huh?" Sophie turned back towards the woods and was met eye to eye with a giant brown and white wolf hardly sat a foot from her. With a loud shriek, Sophie jumped behind Cortez and wrapped her hands around his arm. "Jesus, Cortez! You could've warned me!"

Cortez chuckled and he raised his arm, dragging Sophie back into view. She peeked around Cortez's large frame and spotted the big wolf staring back at her. To be fair, it was sat nicely and had its head tilted in a cute way.

Cortez placed his hand on the small of Sophie's back and pushed her a step forward. "Try saying hi."

"Saying hi!? It's a dog!" Sophie exclaimed.

Her insult caused Jeremiah to growl lowly on instinct. Sophie jerked back in terror at the sound and prompted Cortez to growl back at Jeremiah for scaring his mate. Sophie watched the wolf hang his head, her eyes widening and jaw dropping. Did Cortez just growl at a wolf? Was it intimidated by him?

"Nope. I'm going back inside." Sophie threw her hands in the air and turned on her heels.

She didn't get far before Cortez caught her arm, causing that tingling feeling to invade her skin again. Sophie had forgotten about that tingling. She felt it when she grabbed his arm but was too scared by the wolf to notice it. This time, she did notice but it freaked her out less.

"Come on, Sophie. You didn't even try yet." Cortez chuckled as he pulled her back.

"It just growled at me!" Sophie exclaimed, shocked that Cortez wouldn't accept that as a valid excuse to leave. "And then you growled at it! Are you an animal or something?"

Cortez held back his laughter as he shook his head. He stole a glance at Jeremiah, who was in fact chuckling. "It won't happen again, Sophie. Come on. You can't be afraid of them forever."

Sophie groaned and looked to the wolf, carefully eyeing it as it stared back at her. It's height was intimidating. They were nearly the same size. "What am I suppose to do with it?"

"Pet him." Cortez answered simply.

Sophie cringed but still considered that idea. Reluctantly, Sophie raised her hand and Jeremiah ducked so she could place it atop his head. Her fingers slipped into his fur and she was surprised by how soft it was. Her nerves settled as she slowly stroked the wolves head. Cortez quietly watched and mind linked Jeremiah to thank him, claiming he would've taken his spot if he could.

"His head is soft." Sophie subconsciously whispered.

Cortez chuckled. "He's not scary, now is he?"

"No. Not until he suddenly nips at me."

"He would never do that."

"How do you know?"

"Trust me, Sophie. And trust the wolf."

Stand now, Jeremiah.

Just as Sophie was petting the giant wolf, it suddenly rose to stand on all four feet. Not expecting him to move so suddenly, Sophie retracted her hand and cowered backwards. Cortez caught her arm to stop her and let his hand slide down until it enveloped hers, those familiar tingles littering her skin.

"You're fine. Don't run." Cortez reassured.

"Tell him to sit." Sophie whined.

"You tell him."

"You're the dog whisperer." Sophie retorted, causing Jeremiah to hold back another growl. Cortez could hear Jeremiah growl but not outwardly this time, which he appreciated.

"Sophie." Cortez gently pulled the small brunette closer.

Sophie looked from Cortez to the wolf, eyeing his large body. "S-sit." She nervously stuttered.

Jeremiah obeyed, taking his previous position. Sophie glanced at Cortez, who shot her a knowing smirk.

"Lay down." Sophie then commanded. The wolf slowly lowered until he was laid in the grass. Sophie felt relieved that the wolf listened so well. "Does he do anything else?" She whispered to Cortez.

"He'll do whatever you ask him to do." Cortez answered.

If you say that, she's going to treat me like a circus dog.

Cortez's smirk broadened as he glanced at Jeremiah. And you will listen to her.

"Speak!" Sophie excitedly chirped.

"No!" Cortez instantly countered, shocking Sophie with his incredibly loud voice. Cortez looked from Jeremiah to Sophie. "Trust me, you don't want him to do that."

There were two ways that command could've gone. Jeremiah could've barked and scared Sophie into a coma. Cortez wasn't convinced Sophie was comfortable enough to hear a wolves bark. The second scenario would've been Jeremiah shifting right here and greeting her like a human. She probably would've been scared into a coma then too. Both were very bad situations.

"Can he speak?" Sophie asked.

"He can and he's very loud."

"How does he know how to do all this stuff? Is he yours?"

Cortez didn't really know how to answer that. Technically, he was. He was his pack member and his Beta. But it wasn't like he owned him like a dog. "Uh.. Sure.."

"And those ones?" Sophie pointed towards the wolves making their way along the tree line in the opposite direction they were walking in before.

Kano, Nick, Trevor, and Lee, may I borrow your wolves for a moment? Cortez mind linked the wolves Sophie had pointed at.

All four wolves turned towards Cortez and started walking out of the woods. Sophie's jaw dropped again as she looked to Cortez, who proudly lifted his chin. He was happy Sophie was impressed but at the same time, she had no idea. She had no idea how many others there were that listened to him. She also had no idea that every single one of them had the ability to shift into human beings.

"Okay, okay... five might be too many." Sophie's voice wavered as she patted Cortez's arm with one hand and squeezed his hand with the one he was still holding on to.

Stop and sit. Cortez commanded.

A couple feet behind Jeremiah, all four wolves sat beside each other. Sophie marveled in awe at the small crowd of equally as huge and intimidating features all sat in front of her. She took a cautious step back as Jeremiah's wolf rose and sauntered back to sit beside the others.

"This is so weird." Sophie said more to herself than to Cortez. He still heard her and nodded. This was the least of the weirdness.

"Would you believe me if I said they'd protect you?" Cortez asked.

Sophie cocked an eyebrow up at Cortez. "From what?"

"Anything and everything."

"Like.. they're trained? Are they trained to protect you?" Sophie continued.

Cortez sighed. It was hard to answer all her questions without giving away the real answers. They weren't dogs. They weren't trained. They weren't violent or wild. But there was no way to explain that without telling her they were half human. And that Cortez, himself, was half human.

"They protect me just as I protect them. And now, they will protect you." Cortez answered.

Sophie stared at the five wolves for a moment and tilted her head at them. It was weird to think these wolves understood so much. They were basically domestic wolves but Cortez still let them roam free. He had a good metaphorical leash on them. But she couldn't help but wonder where he got all these wolves. Why couldn't he just have normal dogs?

She's our Luna? Kano asked.

Mhmm... Jeremiah hummed.

She's tiny. Nick stated.

Not to mention human. And basically a child. Lee added.

That's why you have to take care of her. Cortez butted into their mind link conversation. Don't tell the rest of the pack yet.

So she doesn't know what we are? Trevor asked.

Nope. Jeremiah answered. And she's scared of wolves so that complicates things.

So let's meet her as humans. Lee said and stood up on all fours, ready to shift.

Cortez suddenly growled, causing Sophie to flinch and stare at him wide eyed. Why did he keep doing that? Did he speak wolf?

You're all dismissed. Cortez seethed.

Sophie turned to the wolves as the other four stood up and turned around, casually sauntering through the grass to get back to the woods. She couldn't completely wrap her head around it all. Cortez owed wolves. Cortez growled at wolves. The wolves understood Cortez when he growled. So Cortez lived through the woods right? With wolves? Was he some kind of crazy dog man?

"You're a mystery to me and I can't wrap my head around anything you do." Sophie muttered as she let her hand slip out of Cortez's. She turned and walked back towards the house.

"What does that mean?" Cortez called after her as she jogged to catch up.

Before Sophie could say anything, she reached the front of the house and noticed Mabel's car driving towards her on the dirt road. Cortez stood beside her and realized he would have to say his goodbyes now. They had spent a couple hours together at this point but he didn't want to leave her yet. He didn't want to ever leave her.

"You might be right, Sophie." Henry said as Mabel helped him out of the passenger side of the car. "We do need the house painted. Cortez, you know how to paint?"

Cortez scratched the back of his neck as he looked back at the big white house. "I could get some of my buddies to help me paint it if you want."

"I would pay you real good if you did." Henry laughed as he shuffled by, playfully nudging the younger but much taller and bigger man. "Did you keep my lovely granddaughter company, Cortez?"

Cortez's eyes fell on Sophie as she retrieved her grandfather from Mabel and helped him up the porch steps. "I tried my best."

"Good. I'm glad she has someone to lean on while I'm gone. Although, I secretly wish she picked someone younger and of the same gender as her." Henry chuckled.

"Chief.." Sophie grumbled lowly in embarrassment, which made Cortez smile.

Henry suddenly stopped on the porch and turned to Cortez, who was still stood in front of the house. "Are you coming in?"

"Uh.. No. It's getting late and my parents are just leaving my house." Cortez shrugged, shoving his hands in his jean pockets.

"Oh, your parents! I totally forgot! I'm sorry I kept you so long, Cortez." Sophie frowned.

"Don't worry about it, Sophie." Cortez smiled and took a couple steps backwards. "Call me when you want the house painted. I'll see you guys later."

"Goodbye and goodnight!" Sophie yelled after him as he rushed around side the house.

"Goodnight, Sophie!" Cortez yelled with a smile on his face. He was happy. He could easy declare that a successful day with his mate. She even got to meet a few pack members.

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