Chapter 39 - Second Deflowering
(Alex's POV – Sun. 9 November 2014)
Phew... Such relief!
To be honest, I'm relieved that we don't go straight to the bedroom – or the playroom that Shannon told me about yesterday afternoon!! As much as I am eager to engage into sexual activities, I'm still a bit scared of how things are going to happen. I entirely trust Mark to take it slow and easy, but I can't help remembering how painful my first time was. My boyfriend and I were both inexperienced, so it had to be sloppy and quite messy in terms of cleanliness, and it required quite a few weeks before he convinced me to try again for the second time, which wasn't much better. I mean, I loved the penetration, but it was a bit difficult for a few minutes...
I can't wait for Mark to replace these bad memories with a more pleasant experience, though.
We end up having lunch in a shopping center that has a huge food court. Mark has decided to get to know me better and fires me with questions about my general tastes for everything: food, color, music, movies, books, drinks, games. As someone who doesn't really like talking about himself, this is almost torture but it's only fair and his questions are not too intrusive. There's nothing about my past – which is the hardest for me to evoke – and Mark also answers the questions I ask him. He tells me a little more about the restaurants he owns, the one he wants to sell, the brasserie business he is expanding. Now I understand why he spends so little time at Le Marais!
Once I am about to unlock the door of my small apartment, I realize that they have never been here before and I suddenly feel very self-conscious when they walk into my one-room home. I should have made them wait outside or in the car while I gathered the few things I needed to pack! And this is precisely what I ask them to do when I see the bit of mess I had left on Saturday morning, but Mark's scowl quickly puts me back into place.
"So this is where you live..." Mark whispers, peering all around him.
"Err... yeah... sorry... I won't be long..." I say, already looking for a duffle bag underneath the convertible couch.
"What are you sorry for, Alex?" Shannon asks softly.
"It's a bit messy..."
"It's not messy at all, Alex," Mark intervenes. "It's only very small. It's just a bedroom with a... toy kitchen... there's not even a stove to cook! Is there at least a bathroom?" he asks.
As he takes another look around, he quickly notices that there is no other door than the entrance one. The genuine concern on his face goes straight to my heart. It's not about belittling me or making fun of me. He just looks really worried.
"It's shared... in the corridor," I reply with a shrug.
"It's fine, Alex. You already pulled through very well on your own. I'm still glad you're moving out of here. That door's not even safe... Yeah, I'm really glad you're moving in with us," he assures me, pulling me into a tight hug.
Less than twenty minutes later, I have tossed all my decent clothes inside a duffle bag – not that there were many in any case... – as well as my box of secrets and toiletries. I also empty the small fridge of its few contents that I throw into a trash bag, and we are out of here. I take a last look at the room where I spent the last year and a half: even if it was my little comfy home, I'm still happy to leave it.
On our way back, Mark unexpectedly stops in another shopping center and drags us through several shops where he buys me an extensive wardrobe of underwear, trousers, tee-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, shoes and whatever. There is this moment I try to protest and argue with him, but he quickly pulls me to the side, pins me against a wall, and leans down to whisper in my ear.
"Wouldn't it be a pity to get your first punishment just the day our relationship starts?"
"It would... Master..." I breathe out.
"I believe so too. So accept these presents, or trust me with giving you a spanking as soon as we return home."
His deep voice sends shivers down my spine and an electrical shock to my groin that wakes up my mini-me. I'm left with an annoying erection for the rest of our shopping! Now I'm getting what Shannon was telling me about punishments and how arousing a strong authority can be.
We barely have time to stop at home to drop off everything that it's already time to go to work. Since we're already late, Mark lets me take the bus to Le Marais while he drives Shannon to the Black Diamond. I really appreciate the ten-minute commute – instead of forty-five minutes to an hour previously – and I am so pumped that the shift goes in a blur. I get to see Mark again too, since he unexpectedly shows up to help from 6:30pm on. At 11:30pm, as we had agreed before we left the apartment earlier, I meet him two streets down where he is waiting for me in his car, and we immediately head west to pick up Shannon.
I thought we might stay at the club for a while, but it's midnight when we get there, and Shannon has already finished his shift. He is waiting outside with Master Aaron who smirks at Mark as he parks.
"You may go and greet Aaron, Alex," Mark sighs before he pulls out of the car, leaving me a bit perplexed. "What the heck are you doing outside, Ron?" I hear him grunt as I also hop out.
"I just wanted to see little Alex!" the Master Dom cheers playfully, and before I know it, I'm pulled into some sort of bear hug that makes Shannon burst out laughing. "Congratulations, Buddy!" he then whispers in my ear.
"Thanks... Master Aaron..." I reply shyly.
"You're such a gossip, Ron..."
"Yep, but I'm also taking care of my baby Subs," he replies, flipping the bird to Mark before he turns to me. "Everything alright, Alex? I heard about a new relationship starting... Are you all good with this?" he then asks, raising my chin to look up.
"Yes, Master Aaron. All good!"
"Perfect then! Remember that you can come talk to me if you need it, Buddy. And Mark, don't forget to pass me a copy of the new contract and the revised activity sheet next week!"
"And you don't forget to keep your trap shut for now!" Mark replies with a threatening voice.
Master Aaron rolls his eyes and after quick goodbyes, he hurries back inside the club while the three of us return to the car. Shannon insists to sit at the back of the car, but in the end, it doesn't change much since I spend the ride back home turned on my seat, speaking with him about our respective shifts. Each time I peek at Mark, I'm glad to see he is smiling at our chatter, chuckling once in a while, and above all, I love the warmth that his hand conveys as it's resting on mine. I'm really feeling good with these two.
"Tomorrow is our common day off," Mark trails off as we're all hanging out coats in the foyer closet. "How tired are you, Boys?"
"Not at all..." Shannon smirks, grabbing my hand. "Are you tired, Alex?"
"No, I'm good," I chuckle.
Shan is definitely eager to get to the sex part, and so am I now... I'm just more of an introvert than he is.
"Well, if none of us is ready to sleep," Mark says, taking his huskiest voice and his hands reaching up to cup one side of our faces, "and since we can always sleep in tomorrow morning, I guess we could have a bit of fun...?"
"Seems like a plan..." I reply with as much confidence as I can muster, because deep down, I'm still a little scared.
"Shan, can you go and prepare what you'll need to help Alex with the usual routine?"
"And Shan! It's okay if it's not perfectly smooth tonight, alright?"
"Yes, Master!" he cheers, already running off toward the end of the corridor while Mark pulls me closer to him, his hands warming my cheeks.
"Alex," he whispers, "I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you to become a part of us. Like I said this morning, I've really had a hard time suppressing my feelings for you over the past two weeks, but I swear that you struck a sensitive cord with me that Friday night. It wasn't pity or anything... You just deeply touched my heart. I'll have to tell Shannon how thankful I am for his little plotting. As you've already found out, he's quite the crazy guy, but he's a ball of affection, I'm sure he'll bring you a lot, and I think you two are going to make a beautiful balance of emotions."
"Thank you..."
"It might be too soon for you yet, but I also want to let you know that my feelings are deep already and that they keep growing with every minute I spend around you. We have our entire life ahead to deepen these feelings and talk about our emotions, but I thought I should let you know..." he murmurs.
"Yeah... It's probably a bit too soon, but know that I feel the same..."
With that he leans down and brushes my lips with his, gently capturing them for a soft kiss.
"Now go get ready with Shan, and tell him to take it easy with you. He's a shameless little minx and I hope his lack of inhibitions will help you to feel at ease," he chuckles. "I'll be with you in fifteen or twenty minutes, so tell Shan to also run a bath, please."
Shannon being shameless? No kidding... I don't think my face has ever been so red for so long!
I find Shannon stark naked in the huge bathroom of the master bedroom that I'm seeing for the first time. This place is just amazing and I can hardly believe I'm going to live here now. My little soldier starts swelling as I take in my... co-Sub's beautiful nakedness beside the big round bathtub. All in all, I'm not feeling that self-conscious as I undress in front of him, and the enema part goes very well. I must say that Shan and Liam had already explained me the process, so even if I don't find it pleasant, at least it remains an uneventful step.
The shaving part is a different story. As Shan advised on Friday, I already trimmed my pubic hair with scissors on Saturday morning, but since Mark likes a smooth skin there, Shannon insists on shaving my privates. Entirely! As we don't have much time, he offers to do it himself – which is probably a good idea – but that creep keeps making me take such weird positions to have a better access to disgraceful hair! And the worst is when he removes the little hair I have between my buttocks while I bend over... I will definitely have to get used to this, but I'm sure it won't be a problem with Shannon.
We're just stepping out of the shower with towels around our waists when Mark arrives, smiling brightly. Shannon immediately steps into the bath, but I'm frozen on my spot as Mark pulls his tee-shirt over his head and discards it on the floor, completely mesmerized by his chest. When he begins to unbuckle the belt of his jeans, I find the strength to avert my eyes and turn around toward the bathtub, ready to get in. That means removing my towel and showing Mark my flat butt, though.
"Hey, not too fast, young man..." he says, grabbing my hips. "Just a second..."
Shannon is smiling widely at me while I hear Mark take off the rest of his clothes, and seconds later, I can feel the warmth of his chest pressed against my back and his hard-on poking against my lower back. My heartbeat picks up speed when his hands reach for the towel and tug on it, because I know he is watching from above my shoulder.
"You're beautiful, Baby..." he whispers in my ear before he gently pushes me toward the bath.
As we both settle in, Mark makes me sit between his parted legs, my back to his chest, and Shannon immediately joins us by straddling my thighs and sitting over my lap. For a moment, we only cuddle, kiss and caress each other. I am feeling so good that even my hands naturally stroke Mark's thighs. Shannon is kissing me when one of Mark's hand suddenly travels down my chest to grab my manhood between his fingers, causing me to gasp and Shannon to abruptly back off a little.
With a mischievous smile at me, he moves further away, and I soon feel Mark lift me a bit to slip his legs beneath me, and as he folds his knees, I find myself straddling his thighs, my erection fully exposed above the water.
"Remember to tell me if anything bothers you, Alex, or you can safeword too. Understood?"
"Yes, Master..."
"Babe? How about you're the first to taste Alex?"
"Thank you, Master!!" Shan replies eagerly and the next second, his lips have closed around my shaft.
Oh my goodness!! He is so good at this, swallowing me whole already!! As Mark's fingers begin to tease my nipples, I lean back against him, resting my head on his shoulder, and close my eyes to focus on containing the fire building down there. The heat in my lower belly is amazing, my body is burning with fever, the flames are ravaging my entire being and I feel like I'm going to explode, unable to control the moans escaping from my mouth.
"Come for us, Baby..." Mark murmurs in a low tone.
This is loud enough to reach my brain and the fire I have been containing suddenly rushes to my balls and explodes. The intensity of my orgasm makes me scream while my body shakes within Mark's hold. Shannon is moaning with content as more and more streams of my seed fill his mouth and I'm vaguely aware of his body leaning above mine to kiss Mark.
Holy crap! These two are just too erotic!
Mark stretches his legs to let my body delve underwater while I recover from my high and Shannon softly lies over me for a sweet cuddle.
"Thank you..." I breathe out, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
I now hope I'll be able to return him the favor afterwards, although I certainly won't be as skilled as he is, but Shannon already knows it and I'm sure he won't hold it against me. I'm more anxious about Mark because from what I gathered, he's been in the lifestyle for much longer and I can only imagine how many experienced Subs he played with in the past, so I hope I won't disappoint him.
Once we have cleaned up and wiped ourselves dry – I love how Mark does it for us, taking care of our bodies with such tenderness!! – he leads us to the bedroom and makes us lie side by side on the huge bed, with Shannon on my right. Mark spends the longest time hovering over us, kissing us in turns, licking our nipples and gradually trailing a path of kisses down our chests. My little soldier is already back to life, leaking with precum and highly anticipating Mark's lips to close around its girth.
However, it's Shannon's shaft that his tongue first gets to lick and damn!! This is such a hot sight that I can't suppress a little moan. Mark's right hand reaches for my sack and begins to massage it, rolling my balls in his palm before his fingers wrap around my cock. While his head bobs up and down, his eyes keep shifting between Shannon and me, and I could definitely drown into their green ocean.
"Please... Master..." Shannon begs, his hand squeezing mine.
Mark lets go of his shaft with a loud pop and, wearing a smug smile, he crawls back up to Shannon's mouth to kiss him deeply.
"I'll keep you edged for a little while longer, Babe... You know it'll only be better and more intense in the end..." Mark whispers before he shifts to part my legs and settle between them. "Now let's take care of you, Baby..." he continues in his husky voice, leaning over to nibble on my lips. "Do you feel ready?"
"I am... I trust you..." I reply in all honesty.
"Just relax, Baby, I'll be gentle and Shan will help..."
"Yes!!" the latter cheers as he rolls to his side and tilts my head to kiss me while Mark scoots back down, dropping lights pecks all along my body.
With Shannon keeping me distracted, I can't see what Mark is doing but I soon feel his fingers rubbing a cold substance at the cleft of my butt. Although I tense a little, I will myself to relax thanks to the pleasant sensation, and I grab the back of Shannon's head to pull him closer and deepen our kiss when a digit starts probing my entrance. Mark is so delicate that I can barely feel a slight sting and the discomfort vanishes very quickly. The sensations actually only get better and better as he thrusts in and out, and I think my moans of content encourage him to add a second finger.
"You're doing great, Baby, keep loosening up for me..." Mark praises me as a third finger joins in a few minutes later.
A little whining moan escapes my mouth at the burning tingle, but with Shannon intensifying our kiss with caresses and Mark stroking my shaft, I manage to relax after a long while, allowing Mark to stretch my ring of muscles very slowly. It feels like he is searching my insides, his fingers palping the walls of my cavern, and quite a few times, he caresses a little spot which only enhances more warmth in my lower belly.
"I think you're ready, Baby..." Mark suddenly whispers.
The sensation of emptiness as he retrieves his fingers causes me to whimper in frustration but as Shannon pulls apart, I can't help looking back at Mark. Dang! Now that things are about to get serious and that I take a better look at his body, I notice that the tool between his legs is a monster! I don't have time to dwell on this though as he quickly slips a pillow underneath my lower back, coats his rod with more lube and leans over me to ravish my mouth.
"Relax, Baby..." he instructs me as he aligns the tip of his shaft to my entrance.
In the end, I am so lost in our kiss and in Shannon's caresses that I almost ignore the pain caused by Mark's thickness as it stretches me further. This is my first time going bareback and I love the warm skin-to-skin contact! The progression is slow with Mark groaning all along, and when he has eventually fully settled in, he lets out a deep grunt of pleasure and relief.
"Mmh... you're so tight... it feels good..." he whispers, shifting a bit to kiss Shannon.
Goodness! I might feel tight, but I'm also feeling full!
I'm glad he gives me time to adjust though, and the beautiful sight of him French kissing Shannon is so hot that I soon forget about the discomfort. My own cock is nearly throbbing, squeezed between our bellies, but as Mark slowly pulls back, only leaving the mushroom head inside of me, and thrusts back in, it gets the long awaited friction. His hips rock at a slow pace and a huge lightening blinds my sight for a second when he hits that soft spot in my rectum, almost bringing me over the edge.
"I found your prostate, it seems..." Mark chuckles.
"Feels gooooooood..." I moan as he hits it again.
"Don't hold back, Baby. You may come whenever you want tonight, and I'm close too..."
I didn't need much more and as Shan looms down on me, attaching his lips to mine again, an intense orgasm seizes me. While my shaft erupts with streams of semen between our chests, the ring of muscles in my ass clenches around Mark's cock, bringing him to his own climax. I would lie saying that I can feel his seed spurting inside of me, but a wave of warmth decidedly fills my insides as he unloads deep within me.
The next minutes happen in some sort of daze for me while I recover from my high. I am barely aware of all the caresses all over my body, the kisses, or even Mark pulling out of me, but when I get out of my daze, Shannon is moaning intensely beside me, on all fours, and Mark is kneeling behind him, preparing his hole for a second round apparently.
"Welcome back, Baby..." Mark chuckles, smiling warmly at me. "How are you feeling?"
Rolling to my side, there's definitely a bit of soreness in my backside and the weird sensation of his essence oozing from my hole – Dang!! I hope it's only his essence!! – but I'm feeling so sated and relieved that it went well!
"I'm great! It was really good..." I reply shyly.
"I'm glad it was! Babe, you're ready now..." he then says to Shan.
While Mark strokes his shaft with lube, I peek at Shannon and that's when I notice how his erection is heavily leaking with precum. As Mark makes him kneel up in front of him, I surprise myself gawking at the purplish head and craving to provide it with the attention it deserves. Shan slowly impales himself on Mark's cock, both of them groaning and moaning in pleasure, and when Mark circles his fingers around the base of Shannon's shaft, I throw him a begging look, seeking for his approval.
"You may pleasure Shannon if you want to try, Baby..."
I'm so glad that he could read through me! Still feeling a bit limp after my own bliss, I scoot before Shannon and while Mark lets him adjust, I shyly begin to lick his length. His little moans of pleasure encourage me to give him more pleasure, so I open my mouth and take him as deep as I can.
"Oh my Gooood..."
This is not my first time giving head to another man, but it's been a long time and I don't think I ever tried to put that much effort into my blowjobs before. I guess that deep feelings help because I'm willing to pleasure Shannon the best I can. As they begin to rock back and forth slowly, Shannon meeting Mark's thrusts in rhythm, I apply myself to use my tongue on what I know to be sensitive areas like the frenum or the head, and I also try to take him further inside my mouth, fighting my gag reflex.
In the end, I guess I'm doing a fairly good job because Shannon's moans and pleas for Mark to let him come get louder and louder. Shannon's shaft is not as long as mine but it's thicker, yet I still use my hand to stroke what can't fit in my mouth, hoping that one day I'll be able to deep-throat properly. Shan suddenly cups my cheeks and gently tilts my head so that we can lock eyes and I can also see Mark's face beside his. This is just too hot and as Mark grants him his permission to come, Shan squeals and I get to feel a stream of warm substance hit the back of my throat.
This was expected, yet it still takes me by surprise and I stupidly pull away, letting the rest of his semen drop on the bed sheet. I try to get back to his shaft, but Mark manages to pull me by one of my arms, bringing me closer until his lips find mine. He is groaning his own orgasm, at the same time tasting Shan's essence in my mouth, and the three of us soon fall back on the mattress in a mess of entangled limbs, panting heavily.
"I'm sorry I didn't do great, Shan..." I apologize.
"You did absolutely great, 'Lex..." he sighs in content.
"And you'll learn more over the time, Baby, just don't worry," Mark adds comfortingly.
After he has cleaned us up from all the sticky substances, Mark lies down between us and pulls the comforter over us. Both Shan and I snuggle against his sides and as our eyes meet, we smile and move to peck our man's lips, then ours, and return to our comfortable positions.
I wasn't expecting this evening to be so good. It was actually amazing. I imagine that things can get much more intense in terms of sex, but I'm glad that my first time was so sweet and soft. I just can't wait to discover more and more in the future, but for now, as I drift to sleep, my fingers woven with Shan's over Mark's stomach and Mark's heartbeat lulling me, I realize that I am fully happy for the first time in long years of sadness and loneliness.
And I just hope it'll last forever.
Published on 26 May 2016
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