The second I get on school grounds, people are already looking at me and whispering. This really can't be good. A lot of girls, they're the ones whispering a lot. My eyebrows knit and I'm not really able to figure out what is going on and why the hell everyone is whispering about me.
And I know for a fact that it's about me because everyone is pretty obvious about who they're talking about. A lot of students glancing at me before they go back to whispering about me. It's making my blood boil.
And I'm not the type that likes being the center of attention. Especially this sort of attention. At this moment I hate that there are people taking about me. Talking about things that are probably lies and events I know nothing about. Which is ridiculous because, it's my life and I don't understand why and how other people could possibly know more about me than I know about myself. Crazy..
I lean against the side of the stairs and wait for the school to open. "Did you hear that Taehyung broke up with Jennie? The picture and caption she posted on her insta story is so obvious!" I hear some girls that don't know that I'm around to hear. My jaw clinches and I take out my phone to see what everyone is talking about. I'm clearly unaware. And I broke up with her?
I quickly get onto the Instagram app and her story is the first one that pops up, I click on it the top of the page. I press my finger on the post so that the time doesn't run out. Jennie has her head pressed against the window of the car. She's wearing a little pearled necklace and her hair looks nicely done. She's looking straight into the camera. My heart skips a beat, she looks so cute.
I then see the caption on the picture that she's stuck on it, "Confusing Signs and Dead Ends." In a type writer font and it's blocked in a burgundy color. I raise an eyebrow and let the story play, then it skips onto someone else's story and I swipe it away not really caring about anyone else's story. I press the home button on my phone before I turn off my phone.
How the heck did all these girls get 'Taehyung broke up with Jennie' from that post? I let out a breath and turn around to look for Jennie. When I see her, there are a lot of girls that are already crowded around her, possibly asking her all these questions. I use my tongue to give my lips moisture before I grip my phone and take a deep breath before I walk over to the crowd. I instantly catch her attention.
That smile wiping off her face and she looks at me with closed lips. All the girls turn and look at me, many gasping and making a walkway for me. "So you're just going to let people make up rumors?" I ask her. She raises an eyebrow. "Rumors?" She asks. "Yes, supposedly, I broke up with you.", "Isn't that what happened last night at your house?" She tilts her head.
"What? No, that's not what happened last night, you broke up with me." I say. Many girls gasping. "I just thought..." Her eyes water. "I just thought that it would look better for you if people knew you broke up with me. Not the other way around.", "How is that logical? I never wanted to break up with you in the first place." I tell her, making most of the crowd to say 'oooooo'.
She slowly looks away from me. "Go away Taehyung." She whispers. I step even closer to her. "No." I say sternly. "I said go away." Her nostrils flare. "I'm not going anywhere." I whisper, using my hand that's not holding my phone, to grab her face. She looks at me and her tears fall down her cheeks. I hear a lot of screeching around us.
I press my lips against hers, only to have her kiss me back. I don't want to lose her, nope. Not to anyone. She's mine and only mine. I calm myself down I slowly pull away from her, she looks up at me and says nothing. "You're only mine Jennie." I whisper to her, only for our ears to hear. She slowly nods. I slightly grin. I gently let go of her face and I turn and walk into school as the doors are finally opened.
I lick my lips as I walk over to homeroom. I lean against the wall and waiting. Soon the halls were filled with loud teens and I'm sure I'd get a headache today. Jennie then walks over to me by herself. I straighten up and wait for her to approach me completely. "Why'd you do that?" She asks me. I chuckle, "It seems that what I told you went in one ear and out the other."
She crosses her arms over her chest, even when she's mad at me, she's so damn beautiful. "What's this supposed to mean then?" She asks. "You tell me, you're the one who broke up with me. Remember?" She lets out a breath and stands right in front of me. She sets a hand on my chest and the other on my shoulder.
"I don't know what I was saying last night... okay? I've just been so confused lately and I hate that I've been this way. I guess maybe because I've been thinking a lot about the past and my father it's making me..", "It's okay, look. Fighting and getting over this is only making us stronger." I place a hand on her back. She grins and nods.
She slowly tilts her head to the side, I watch her wavy hair fall to her cheek and the rest brushing her arm. "You look beautiful today, like always." I whisper to her. She smiles, "Thank you.. I thought you'd think I'm ugly because of how I acted last night.", "Oh gosh no." I then frown at the remembrance of last night.
"You really hurt me last night." I whisper. Her face looks sad. "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Never." Both of her hands now holding my neck. "I cried myself to sleep." Her expression changes and she looks like she'll even cry herself. "No, I'm sorry Taehyung." She whimpers as she presses against me. "I really love you." I whisper.
"I love you too, I'm sorry." She unexpectedly kisses me. Her hands pulling my head. I wrap my arms around her, kissing her back. "Aye! Aye! No kissing!" I hear the discipline officer say. She slowly pulls away from me. "So we're not broken up?" I ask her, she shakes her head making me smile. "Okay." I whisper. She smiles back.
I pull her into a hug, never wanting to let her go. I already see people whispering about us, and I don't care.
I had the stop the rumors of Jungkook and Lalisa being the IT couple. It was the first thing that I heard about when I walked onto campus. Yeah, my post was a bit obvious. But it was mostly because I wanted people to stop talking about them for a few seconds and talk about me.
And plus, Taehyung and I are that couple. And now everyone is talking about us again. Believe me, I wasn't acting when I told Taehyung all those things. I really do love him and I really am sorry. I felt really bad about Taehyung telling me about him crying himself to sleep.
That means he really loves me. A lot of the times I believe that I don't deserve Taehyung. And it's true, I don't. He loves me so much that I'm hurting him, that's not fair. I'm just hurting myself when I think of someone other than Taehyung. Yes, we've had problems. But not big ones that will be left unsolved.
As he hugs me, I lean my head against his shoulder. I watch the side of his face, he has his eyes closed and then I see him turn his head and kiss my shoulder. "They're back together." I hear a girl say as she walks pass us. "They'll always be the cutest couple in school." I smile to myself. "No, definitely not. I think that Lalisa and Jungkook are the cutest."
I instantly frown and my hands form into fists. I really want to punch that girl that said that, she's wrong. They're not cute, they're so not cute. Ewe! I don't understand how someone can think that! I'm way way way prettier than that dog. Um, cause she's a dog. Duh. Who would ever think that runt is cute? No one!
I will never understand what Jungkook sees in her, she's so ugly and no one likes her. At all. She's not like me, pretty long brown wavy hair. Perfect teeth, brown eyes and a nice body with glowing skin. She also has no fashion sense outside of school. Like, ugh, where do you shop? The thrift store? The sales rack?
And! She took my friend, Chaeyoung. I don't get how she could even tolerate that mutt. Probably so annoying and laughing that ugly high pitched laugh. Always doing aegyo, like. STOP! I get that you're a foreigner, but geeze. It doesn't make you any cuter. Nope.
My mind drifts and I then begin to think about what Taehyung and I did last night. My face instantly heats up. I think he feels my body stiffen up. He looks at me, "What's wrong?" He asks. I bite my lip, and lucky for me. The bell rings and we are all required to go to class. But I know Taehyung won't let it slide.
"It's.. Nothing." I whisper. "You're so obvious, my goodness." He says under his breath. I raise an eyebrow. "Ah? I don't think I'm obvious." I pout. He smiles and squishes my cheeks. "Please tell me. He grabs my hand and leads us into our class. "I was just thinking about last night." I blush again.
And I see his face take on a color as well, his eyes seemed to lighten up in color. I think I even saw his pupils dilate. "Oh, right.. last night." I know he hasn't forgotten. I mean, how could he? Last night he was saying how it brought us together and I agree. I might now have agreed last night, but I agree now.
The thought of it makes my insides tangle up out of order and it all turns into a knot. He gently lets go of my hand and we sit next to each other. "Last night was really special to me.." he whispered in my ear, making my body shudder. I look at him, and he lightly grins.
I slowly smile back at him, his tongue then appears, giving his bottom lip moisture before it disappeared into his mouth. His teeth pulling his lip into his mouth. "Okay students, after school we will be discussing the roles for the play 'Goodbye'." Mr Seokjin explains as he smiles wide and looks at all of us. "It's one of my most favorite productions that I put on in the school year."
I look at Taehyung, "You'll audition right? Everyone is required to." I shrug and bite my lip. "Maybe, Maybe not. I still don't know." I tell him. He stares at me with an expression that seemed to me that he was disappointed or even mad at me.
I know Taehyung, he believes that I'm a good actress. And I believe him, but I don't know what's holding me back. "Jennie?" I hear Mr. Seokjin. I look up at him. "Won't you try out for the role?" He asks me. "Oh, I don't know. I was already the lead for the last production. It wouldn't be right." I say.
Girls were already looking back at me, "No no Jennie. Do it!" One of them says and the rest of the girls agree. "We are only lower class men and it would be nice to see a really talented actress show us how to play the role correctly." Another girl speaks up.
I try not to smile. "Okay, why not?" I say. Mr Seokjin smiles wide, "I can't wait to see how you make this character your own." He says. I look at Taehyung and he smiles.
• Lunch •
"Mmm, I'm trying to think about what I'm going to do to Lalisa tomorrow." I tell my friend as I walk in line for lunch. "Ugh, she's so.. I can't even explain it. But she is a mutt." She says, then looks at me for some sort of acceptance. "Yeah, but I want to do something. I'm done with the shoving.", "Maybe we should just let her think we're done. And when a great idea comes along, do something."
I smile, "That's a good idea." She smiles, "And maybe it doesn't even have to be to her, maybe you can try to do something to Jungkook. To make him break up with her." I had totally forgotten that I wanted to do that. "That's a perfect idea. I'll have to think really hard about what I'm going to do and when." We grab our lunch and head to the table where Taehyung was waiting for me.
• After School •
- Play Auditions -
"To love me would be completely useless." Her eyebrows knit and her eyes water. This is my second time watching her do this, and she does it with even more emotion than before. "I can't! I can't do this anymore! I confuse you with all my words and actions, making you question everything that has to do with us." Her tears fall. "Gosh damn it, I even question myself if I'm even the person who can ever love you the way others think you should be loved." She let's out a shaky breath. I don't take my eyes off of her as I grip the script in my hand.
I feel everyone on the edge of their seats. And Mr. Seokjin is very impressed with her performance as I knew he'd be.
"Being with you any longer would only suffocate us in a wave of anxiety and stress that is too dense for either of us to breathe. And I'm only wondering what tomorrow is going to be like for us. I don't know what I want from you and at this point I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to give back to you when I have nothing more to give." She runs her fingers through her hair and bites her trembling lip.
She lets out a breath and more tears fall. "I think it's just best... if... we say goodbye." She whispers. "Maybe for now. Maybe forever. But at least we know that after we're apart, we can breathe again." She slowly looks at me, the tears in her eyes building up and her eyes look like they're about to explode with tears. "And even if we love each other enough to stay."
Marble sized tears fall down her cheeks, "We can't keep walking around looking for a reason to stay together." She shakes her head, "We can't just make up our own oxygen and hope it works." Her eyes water again and she slowly looks away from me. "I'm sorry..." Her hands hold her chest and her hair shields her face.
I walk up to her and grab her wrist before she can turn away from me more, "How could you say that? After all we've been through, I'm trying! Don't you see me trying!?" I exclaim, making sure that my voice is shaking with emotion. "If I'm going to suffocate, I'd rather suffocate because of you." I start to get myself to cry. "Because I would sacrifice my ability to breathe for you." She slowly looks at me, "You don't understand anything about my feelings!"
I let go of her, barely noticing that I'm gripping her rather tightly. I'm getting too much into character. "And if it's useless?" She whispers, "It's not. And don't you try to convince me that it is." I stare at her, my tears had built up in my eyes, and so had hers. "You are my air." My tears fall. I shake my head, "And don't you say or think that this is goodbye because it's not." She slowly looks down at her hands, I pick up her chin with my hand.
Her tears running down her cheeks, much like this morning. "And I'm not walking away from you, not now and not ever." I say sternly. I wait ten seconds for the dramatic effect before I let go of her chin and wipe my face with the back of my hand and face forward towards everyone. The room fills with loud clapping and cheering.
"Fabulous! Absolutely fabulous! I was very close to shedding a tear! My goodness." Mr Seokjin exclaims as he walks onto the stage. "I could just feel the strong emotion that you two had through out this whole audition!" I smile and look at him. "You both are absolutely phenomenal together." He nods. "Not be biased, but you two have given me one of the best auditions for this play I've ever had."
I almost wanted to react to his response, it made me feel a bit bad for my fellow classmates that had their audition before Jennie and I. Mr Seokjin is saying that we were the best, basically dissing the other auditions
"Thank you Mr Kim, I really like this script." Jennie tells him and I nod in agreement. Walks over the back of the stage and signals us over. "This play would absolutely be amazing if it were you two playing these roles, but I must watch the rest of the auditions to be fair." He tells us in a whisper. "We understand." I tell him. He nods and we then go back to our seats.
I lean back in my seat, ready to watch everyone else's audition. There are only two other boys in our class, so it's between me and them for the boy role. But as for the girls, there are a lot that have to fight for the role. I then feel a hand on mine and I smile, turning my hand over to intertwine our fingers.
It didn't take long for the auditions to be over, and I offered to walk Jennie home. "So, I personally think that you got the role." I tell her as I hold her book bag for her. "Oh nah." She looks ahead. "You even heard Mr Seokjin, it was a definite yes. I tell you that you killed that audition."
"Oh Taehyung, I don't know. With you up there with me really made me feel like I was part of the play and it was me. I wasn't just the girl in the play. I was actually her. I felt a lot of what Mr Seokjin wrote for this play. And it's really crazy if I were to be the lead. Because I never thought that I could relate so much to something that was supposed to be fake." She let's out a breath.
"No, I know how you feel. I felt it too the first time you raised that script and acted it out for me at my dinner table. That's why I feel like this role was made for you. It really was. And it's crazy how it connects to me as well." I grab her hand and I feel right. "And yeah, I felt that on stage with you too." I tell her. We walk pass the ice cream parlor and see Lalisa and Jungkook inside.
I'm very grateful that she doesn't see them, I don't need her turning around and telling me that she made a mistake and actually doesn't want to be with me. That would be a disaster and I really don't want to lose her at all. Not like I did last night.
Along with that kid with the girl hands and that girl with the orange hair. I wonder if she feels weird holding hands with a boy who is partially girl. Oye. That's mean. Never mean. I didn't mean that. What's wrong with me?
"So I actually had an idea." She says getting me out of my trans. "Yeah?" I ask her. "Would you go out with me on Friday?" I look at her and she smiles up at me. "Oh? Asking me out on a date?" I wiggle my eyebrows. "Yes." She laughs. "Ooooh, what are we going to do? Where will we go?" I ask her as we slowly approach her house.
"Haha, I want it to be a surprise." She searches my face. "I've gone to this place every year since I was little. And I really want to take you." I nod. "I can't wait. She stands on the step of her house and I hand her the book bag. She throws it over her shoulder and I stare at her. "I'll see you tomorrow." I whisper. "Okay." She nods.
Her hand then touches my face and I prepare myself. But I never receive a kiss, she only presses her forehead against mine. "Goodnight." She says and turns to walk into her house. I smile and let out a breath, "Goodnight." I whisper to myself knowing that she can't hear me from all the way over by the door. She smiles over her shoulder at me before she disappears into her house.
I stuff my hands into my pockets and turn to leave her yard. "Friday.." whisper to myself and walk to the corner of the block before I call an Uber.
[ R E V I S E D ]
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