The group all pass through a large gorge, tall pillars of snow towering over them. It was an unsettling, as the ice that stuck to the pillars were spiked, dangerously sharp as they seem to be pulling to the exit.
"So, how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?" Kristoff speaks up, turning to the two girls. (Y/N) glances back at him, her brows pulled together.
"Oh, I am gonna talk to my brother." Anna says confidently, both Kristoff and (Y/N) doing a double take at the girl.
"That's your plan?" (Y/N) asks in disbelief, Kristoff speaking up after a moment. "My ice business is riding on you talking to your brother?"
He goes to speak again, but yelps as he almost impales his nose against a long shard of ice. (Y/N) chuckles before she tugs him away from it with a smile.
"So your not at all afraid of him?" He asks, looking to (Y/N), the girl looks down for a second before shrugging her shoulders with a grin.
"I've been exchanging letters with that boy ever since he was locked in his room, I know he's a good person." This causes Anna's eyes to widen as she spins around, her face in complete shock.
"Wait, wait. You've been talking to Espen, for years, and you never told me?" She says in disbelief, Kristoff cringing and backing away from the two.
(Y/N) perks up at the realization and cringes herself. "I know! And I'm sorry, but it was for the best, believe me." She says, her lips pulling into a frown. Anna huffs, but shakes her head as she smiles sadly at her friend.
Before they could continue, they watch as Olaf walks cheerfully, not realizing that he was nearing a spike. "I bet he's the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever." He looks down at his stomach and chortles.
"Oh look at that, I've been impaled."
They walk against the side of a hill, but stop as they realize the road came to an end. "What now?" Anna says, as (Y/N) goes to run her fingers against the cliffs smooth surface, feeling a shiver at the cold rock.
"It's to steep." Kristoff notes, "I've only got one rope and you guys don't know how to climb mountains."
"Says who?" Sven nudges his friend and gestures up, Kristoff looks up and deadpans as he watches Anna try to climb the uneven rocks.
"What..are you doing?" He says, glancing to (Y/N), the girl chuckling as she watches her friend. "Anna, your gonna get hurt!" The Captain says with a smirk, her friend shaking her head harshly.
"I am going..to see..my brother!" Anna declares through several grunts, her palms digging into the icy rock.
"Your going to kill yourself."
Kristoff watches, hands on his hips, as he watches the princess make several errors. "I wouldn't put my foot there." Anna slips, her feet dangling in the air.
"Your distracting me."
"Or there." Again, the princess slips, but (Y/N) merely sighs as she frowns. "Anna, this is pointless, get down."
"How do you even know Espen wants to see you? Either of you?" Kristoff comments, earning himself a slap to the back of the head from (Y/N), the girl glaring at him, her hands on her hips.
She wasnet that intimidating to Kristoff, as she only reached his shoulders, but the glare she wore makes him cringe and side step away from her.
"Okay, blocking you out!" Anna calls, "Because I gotta concentrate here." She groans and grunts as she continues to climb.
"You know, most people who disappear into the mountains want to be alone." Kristoff speaks up, a playful grin on his face. (Y/N) watching as her friend grunts.
"Nobody wants to be alone." Anna disagrees, almost slipping as she grabs hold of the ledge. "Except maybe you." Kristoff scoffs. "I'm not alone, I have friends, remember?"
"Oh yeahhh, the love experts?" (Y/N) fired back, a cheeky grin on her face. Kristoff scoffs again and shoves his shoulder against hers, causing her to ram hers into his, making the boy double over in pain.
The two glare at eachother, but stops as Anna calls out to them. "Please tell me I'm almost there?" The adults glance at eachother with raised brows, their arms folded as they see that the girl was not even half way.
Kristoff chuckles, "Hang on." He goes to get Anna, but stops once Olaf calls over to him.
"Hey, Sven? Not sure if this is gonna solve the problem, but I found a staircase that leads exactly where you wanted to go."
(Y/N) eyes widen as she makes a mad dash towards where the snowman was pointing, but not before turning around and smiling as Anna falls backwards into Kristoff's open arms, before patting his shoulder and walking away.
They all stare up in amazement at the huge ice castle infront of them, gorgeously crafted and formed into the mountain side.
Kristoff marvels at the structure, his entire face in awe as he stares at it.
Olaf chuckles as he immediately hops along the the staircase, the three humans staying behind to take in the beauty. "Now that's ice.." Kristoff mumbles in awe, his cheeks red. Anna nods along and turns to her friend, but stops.
(Y/N)'s eyes were glazed over as she continued to stare at the castle, her form shaking as she feels a sense of pride wash over her. Espen did this, her Espen.
"I might cry." Kristoff says, "Go ahead, we won't judge." Anna says gentky before she walks ahead, (Y/N) following along silently.
Sven eagerly walks up the staircase, but slips and sprawls out against the structure, he tries again, his hooves squeaking loudly as he runs.
Kristoff chuckles and pulls his reindeer off the bridge and sits him down. "Okay, you stay here buddy." Sven whines, but obliged as he slumps against the snow.
The group all make it to the top, and watch as Anna goes to knock in the large crystal doors, but stops herself. (Y/N) watches with a frown as she sets a hand against her friend shoulder, and waits.
"Knock, just knock...why isn't she knocking?" Olaf mumbles with a confused smile, Kristoff continuing to stare at the large doors with a wide grin.
"..do you think she knows how to knock?"
With a deep breath, Anna finally manages to rack her fist against the doors, (Y/N) watching and gasping as the door opens slightly. "It opened!" Anna chuckles.
"That's a first." Turning around sheepishly, both girls stare at Kristoff before speaking. "Oh, you should probably wait out here." Kristoff deflates at this. "What?"
"The last time she introduced him to a guy, he froze everything." (Y/N) reading with him, causing Kristoff to deflate even more. "Oh come on! It's a palace made of ice! Ice is my life!"
"Bye Sven!" Olaf waves him off and turns to walk inside, but stops as (Y/N) gently guides him back out. "You too Olaf." She says softly, grabbing the snowman's hand.
"Me?" He says, "Just, give us a minute." Anna tries, smiling softly as the little man walks outside with a frown. He begins to count as he watches the two girls leave, Kristoff sighing and counting with him.
The doors shut behind them as both girls smile wide at the inside, a frozen water fountain in the center as a long staircase pulled around the interior.
"Espen?" Anna calls out, "Its us..Anna and (Y/N).." she goes to turn to her friend but stops as she slips on the icy floor.
(Y/N) scrambles to catch her, quickly wrapping both arms under her friends shoulders, the two girls don't notice their audience as Anna slips halfway onto the floor, (Y/N) bending over slightly as she grunts.
"..(Y/N)!" A voice calls out in surprise, both girls gasping as they look up with wide eyes. (Y/N) feels her jaw go slack as she takes in Espen's appearance.
He was hot.
The way his blue corset hugged his waist made her eyes travel south as she took in the long blue cape as it stretched behind him.
She felt her lips pull together as she gulped slowly, taking in his messy hair, and those eyes that stared at her with such intensity she felt her arms go limp.
Anna yelps as she falls to the ground with a thud, (Y/N) quickly snapping out of her daze and scrambling to help her friend up again.
Espen chuckles lowly, his deep voice reverberating through the air and catching (Y/N)'s attention once again. The King stares at the girl softly, his eyes traveling around her face.
Her sharp eyes, rosy cheeks, her soft lips that he wished he had the courage to kiss a thousand times over. What surprised him more was her new attire. He had rarely seen her in a dress, and now seeing her in one that fitted her oh so well..
She was beautiful.
"Woah! Espen, you look..different." Anna says, catching both adults attention. (Y/N) nods softly, Espen smiling softly as his sister rambles a little bit.
"I-it's a good different. And this place!" Both girls turn their heads to stare at the beautiful palace once more. "It's amazing!"
"Thank you." Espen says softly, "I never knew what I was capable of." He gestures outwards with his arms, his clothing sparkling under the sunlight.
Anna nods and takes careful steps up the staircase, (Y/N) staying behind as she tries to grab her friends hand. She watches as Espen backs away slightly, his arms raised.
"I'm so sorry about what happened..if I had known.."
"No no, it's okay." He interrupts his sister, curling in on himself as he backs away. He glances at (Y/N), the two holding eachothers gaze as he speaks. "You don't have to apologize, but you should probably go, please."
(Y/N)'s eyes widen at this, she speaks, remaining in her spot. "But..we just got here." She chuckles awkwardly, Espen turning to her with sad eyes.
"You belong down in Arendelle, both of you do."
"So do you." Anna interrupts, taking another step towards him. "No, Anna, I belong here, alone." He chuckles, refusing to meet (Y/N)'s hurt expression.
"Where I can be who I am, without hurting anybody." (Y/N) shakes her head rapidly, "Espen, you didn't hurt anyone, it was an accident-!" She tries to reason but gets interrupted by Anna.
"Actually..about that-" the princess herself is interrupted by a cheerful voice. "Sixty!"
Espen looks up with a raised brow. "Wait, what is that?"
"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" The small snowman runs into the castle, a wide grin on his face before he grunts as he runs into (Y/N)'s legs. The girl chuckles softly before helping him up.
"Olaf?" Espen breaths out in disbelief. "Yeah! You built me..remember that?" Olaf says softly, (Y/N) patting his head gently with a smile.
"And your alive?"
"Um..I think so?"
Espen breaths heavily as he stares at his hands, his sister bending down and smiling at Olaf. "He's just like the one we built as kids.."
The young man breaks out into a wide smile as he stares at the three of them. "Yeah!"
"Espen we were so close..we all were.." Anna says sadly, glancing to (Y/N). She looks up at her brother, a small smile on her face. "We can be like that again.."
Espen smiles at the idea, nodding his head slowly, but stops.
"Catch me!"
"Slow down!!"
His sister getting hit in the head, the white piece of hair that would haunt him forever.
"No..we can't.." he quickly hugs himself tightly, his face sunken as he backs away. "Goodbye Anna..(Y/N).."
And with that, Espen quickly takes his leave, but Anna refuses as she scrambles up the steps, (Y/N) following closely behind.
"Espen wait-!"
"No I'm just trying to protect you!"
"You don't have to protect us, we're not afraid!" Anna pleads as she dashed up the stairs. "Please don't shut us out again!"
"Please don't slam the door..you don't have to keep your distance anymore.."
Anna rushes up the second flight of stairs, (Y/N) nervously following after her, a worried frown on her face.
"Cuz for the first time in forever, I finally understand..for the first time in forever, we can fix this hand in hand."
Anna reaches her hand out to her brother, but sighs with a smile as he continues to run up the stairs. (Y/N) rushes after them as she slips slightly.
"We can head down this mountain together, you don't have to live in fear."
They follow him to the base of the castle, an open area where the sun slipped in. Espen clutches his hands gently, biting his lips as both his sister and friend approach.
"Cuz for the first time in forever..we will be right here.."
Espen turns around, his brows pulled down as a sad smile played on his lips. "Anna.."
"Please, go back home, your life awaits, go enjoy the sun and open up the gates!"
He frowns as (Y/N) enters the room, his attention on her as Anna stammers. "Yeah, but-"
"I know, you mean well..but leave me be.."
He turns and pushes through his balcony door, a sigh leaving him as he breaths in the winter air.
"Yes I'm alone, but I am alone and free!"
He jerks back as his sister appears by his side, making him turn and walk away, (Y/N) watching from the sides.
"Just stay away, and you'll be safe from me.."
Anna bites her lips before finding an opening to speak.
"Actually, we're not.."
Espen turns around, his brows raised.
"What do you mean your not?"
"I get the feeling you don't know.."
Espen watches his sister, his eyes demanding.
"What do I not know?"
Anna shrinks back at his voice, cringing slightly as she pulls her arms up.
"Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep.."
"Snow.." (Y/N) sighs the last line, as she comes up and places a hand on her friends shoulder. Espen meets her eyes, his breath catching in his throat.
"What..?" He breaths out, his sister watching him with a hopeful smile. "You kind of set off and eternal winter..everywhere.."
"Everywhere?" Espen says in disbelief. (Y/N)'s eyes widen as she watches snow begin to fall, grabbing Anna's hand and backing away slightly. Espen catches this and his eyes widen, the snow only doubling.
"Well, it's okay, you can just unfreeze it!" Anna says with hope, her brother shaking his head furiously. "No I can't! I-I don't know how!"
"Sure you can, I know you can!" Anna encourages, not noticing the snow beginning to pull around them in a circle.
(Y/N) shakily breaths in as she nervously watches the siblings, a hand coming up to clutch into Anna's arm.
"Cuz for the first time in forever.."
"Oh, I'm such a fool, I can't be free!"
Espen turns around and yells at himself, the snow circling around him as he hunches over.
"You don't have to be afraid.."
(Y/N) shakes off her nervousness as she pushes through the snow, covering her eyes with her arm as Anna follows her.
"No escape from the storm inside of me!"
"We can work this out together."
(Y/N) reaches out for him, her hand shaking as the cold hips at her fingers.
"I can't control the curse.."
"We'll reverse the storm you've made."
Espen spins around, jerking away from (Y/N)'s open palm as he shakes his head.
"Anna please, you'll only make it worse!"
"Don't panic.."
He turns and runs a hand through his hair, watching himself in the reflection of the wall as he feels his eyes begin to sting.
"There's so much fear!"
"We'll make the sun shine bright.."
He turns around, staring at (Y/N) with a glare as he shakes his head at her.
"Your not safe here!"
"We can face this thing together!"
Anna pushes through the snow building up, a reassuring smile on her face as (Y/N) tries again to reach out to Espen, her hand almost grazing his shoulder.
"We can change this things together..and everything will be alright."
Espen curls into himself, his hands turning to fists as he feels his magic double over, the snow coming to a standstill before bursting out.
Ice shards fly into the air, two of the shards flying and striking both Anna and (Y/N) in the chest harshly.
(Y/N) doubles over in pain, grasping and clawing at her chest as she feels the ice sink into her skin and stick to her blood, causing her to cough.
She turns around and gasps as Anna falls to the floor in pain, her hair seeming to become more white. Espen turns around at the coughing and gasps as he watches (Y/N) hug Anna close to her body.
"(Y/N)!" He goes to reach for her, but stops as he hears a voice call out. "(Y/N)! Anna!" Kristoff yells as he slides against the floor, grasping onto the (H/C) girls arm and helping her up.
"Are you guys okay?" He quickly asks, Anna grabbing his arm next as he slowly helps her up. "I'm okay.." she turns to her brother, a glare on her face. "I'm fine."
The group all stare at eachother before turning as (Y/N) wobbles a bit, her feet slipping and causing her to fall into Kristoff's arms. Espen watches them for a moment, his guard still up as he feels his chest tighten.
"Who's this?" He shakes his head, stammering out. "I-it dosent matter, just..you have to go." He pleads, (Y/N) watching with a gasp as the ice around them slowly turns to a blackish ink.
"No, I know we can figure this out together." Anna protests, Kristoff looking around with nervous eyes.
"How? What power do you have to stop this winter?" Espen cries desperately, his eyes turning to (Y/N) and softening slightly as he watches her stare at him with blurry eyes. "To stop me?"
"Anna, I think we should go.." Kristoff suggests softly, pulling the girl by her shoulder as he wraps an arm around (Y/N) to keep her from falling. "No, I'm not leaving without you Espen!"
Espen shakes his head, his hands turning blue as he feels his shoulders shake. "Yes, you are."
With a low grunt, he throws a streak of blue magic to the ground, the trio all watching with wide eyes as a giant monster made of snow forms form the ground, it's face set in a permanent frown.
"Stop! Put us down!" Anna yells, trying hard to get out of the monsters fist. He held Olaf and (Y/N) in his other hand, the girl desperately holding onto the giants finger.
He throws Anna bad Kristoff into the snow first. "Go away." He grumbles, watching as the two bump against the statue case before falling into the snow.
Next, he tosses Olaf, the snowman's head being first, then his body. "Heads up!"
He grumbles, about to turn but stops as he looks down and raises a brow as (Y/N) continued to cling onto his finger, her eyes shut as she shivered slightly.
The two lock eyes, before the giant monster shrugs his shoulders and gently sets her down, patting her head twice before watching as she wobbled down the stairs with wide eyes.
She makes it to the bottom, about to leave but stops as she watches Anna pick up a snowball. "It is not nice, to throw people!" The princess yells, about to chick the snowball but stops as Kristoff grabs her arm and outs it down.
"Woah, woah feisty pant, okay relax! Just calm down!"
"Okay alright!"
"Just let the snowman be.." he says, turning to (Y/N) with a worried frown as he lets go of Anna. "Hey..you okay?" He says softly, patting the girl on the shoulder and watching as she looks up at him with a raised brow.
"Of cour-Anna wait!" She yells, both turning around and watching with wide eyes as Anna chucks the snowball at the giant beast.
He stays still for a moment, before bellowing a loud roar, blue spikes emerging from his back, causing him to look more..scary.
"I'll distract him! You guys go!" Olaf says quickly, the three humans nodding to him in thanks as they run. His midsection and legs begin to run away to, leaving him to yell at his body parts. "No no! Not you guys!"
The three make it to a hilltop but yell as they slip on the snow and are sent tumbling towards the ground.
The make it down, Anna spinning around and knocking both Kristoff and (Y/N) off their feet. The beast lands infront of them, roaring and causing them to scramble to their feet and run faster.
He chases them through some trees, giving Anna an idea as she ducks behind a bent tree, and begins to pull it as the monster approaches.
"What are you doing?!" She dosnet answer as she lets it go, before running back and laughing as it strikes the snowman in the face and sends him tumbling backwards.
"I did it!" She yells, (Y/N) laughing loudly but stops as they come to an end, pieces of snow falling from the edge.
"It's a hundred foot drop.." Anna says, Kristoff shaking his head. "It's two hundred."
Without a second thought, the man quickly gets his tips out and begins tying it around each of their waists. "Ow!" Anna says as he pulls it to tight, Kristoff not caring as he stares ahead before he begins to dig.
"What's that for?"
"I'm digging a snow anchor."
"Okay..what if we fall?"
He shoves the rope between the snow quickly, his face red. "There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there, it'll be like landing on a pillow...hopefully."
They all look up, their eyes worried as they hear the beast charge through the trees. "Okay, on three." Kristoff sighs, throwing the rope over the edge and pulling on it to make sure it's secure.
He looks up and gets tugged back by (Y/N) as a tree lands infront of him, both turning around as they watch Anna jump off the ledge.
"Three!!" They both turn to eachother with wide eyes before grunting as their jerked back by the force and sent tumbling down the cliff.
The all gasp as the watch Olaf go tumbling down the cliff, his body parts (once again) falling off. "Hang in there guys!"
"Go, go faster!" Anna urges her friends, (Y/N) biting her lips nervously as she looks up and gasps as the rope gets tugged. "Kristo-!!"
Shes cut off as they all get pulled up, Kristoff trying his hardest to reach for his knife but stopping once he turns upside down and hits his head against the rock.
"Kristoff!" Anna yells, yelping as (Y/N) wraps her arms around the boys waist in fear. They all gasp as the beast pulls them up to eye level, before opening his mouth and letting snow spew from it.
"Don't. Come. Back!!"
Anna blinks away the snow form her eyes, "We won't." She reaches up and grabs Kristoff's blade before cutting the rope, the group all yelling as the plummet towards the ground.
Anna yells for a few more seconds before chuckling as she sees she was waist deep in the snow. "You were right! Just like a pillow."
She turns and gasps as she sees Olaf, the snowman hyperventilating as he grips his..boots.
"I can't feel my legs! I can't feel my legs!"
Kristoff pops out from behind him, glaring at the snowman as he watches him fiddle with his feet. "Those are my legs."
Olaf chuckles before gasping as he sees his bottom half scurrying around. "Hey, do me a favor, grab my butt!" Kristoff does so, before setting Olaf together and looking around.
"(Y/N)?" He yells, Anna gasping as she looks around for her friend. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)?!" She yells frantically, only to yelp as a hand smacks her on the back of her head.
"I'm right next to you, Anna." (Y/N) chuckles through a groan, grasping her chest as she pulls herself out of the snow before helping her friend up.
Kristoff pulls himself out next, walking to the girls and stopping as Anna feels his head. "How's your head?" He squirms away from her, grasping it in pain as Anna gasps.
She goes to check on him but stops as he chuckles before shaking his head. "I-I'm fine, I've got a thick skull."
"I don't have a skull..or bones.." (Y/N) raises a brow before shoving Olaf away playfully with a roll of her eyes, staring at her two friends with a smirk and a raised brow.
"So, now what?"
"Now what.." Anna chuckles, before her eyes widen and she stares at her friend in shock. "Ohhhh what are we gonna do? He threw us out! We can't go back to Arendelle with the weather like this! And then there's your ice business-!"
(Y/N) gently guides Anna to face Kristoff as he chuckles softly, glancing to the (H/C) girl with a smile. "Don't worry about my ice business..worry about your hair!"
Anna double takes at that, "What?" She scoffs, "I just feel off a cliff you should see your hair!" Kristoff shake his head, gesturing to her head. "No, yours is turning white." Anna raises a brow at this.
"White? It's..what?" She gasps as she stares at her hair, almost half of her head had been turned white. (Y/N) grasps into it with a small gasp, jerking her head up as both Anna and Kristoff gasps loudly once they look at her.
"What?!" She says, panicked, as Anna stares at her head. "Yours is..also white.." she mumbles, (Y/N) raising a brow and quickly bringing a strand of hair to her face, before gasping as she sees it.
"What in the world.." she mumbles. "It's because he struck you, isn't it?" Kristoff asks, glancing between the two.
"Does it's look bad?"
"You hesitated." Both (Y/N) and Olaf say at the same time, Kristoff stammering out. "No, I didn't." He turns to walk away. "You both need help, come on."
"Okay! Where are we going?" Olaf asks cheekily, causing (Y/N) to chuckle as she goes to lean against Sven for support, the animal obliging without complaint.
"To see my friends."
"..the love experts?" Anna asks with a raised brow, Kristoff nodding his head. "Uh huh, and don't worry, they'll be able to fix this."
(Y/N) raises a brow, "How do you know this?" She asks, Kristoff turning around and smiling at her. "Because I've seen them do it." This causes the women to raise her brow even more, but decides against asking more questions.
Olaf turns around, facing both (Y/N) and Anna as he continues to walk. "I like to consider myself a love expert."
Meanwhile, within his castle, Espen paces back and forth as he watches the walls of his new home become red with anxiety.
He grasps the chain around his neck tightly, trying to calm himself down but failing dismally.
His heels click against the ground as he paces, holding himself tightly as his head begins to ring loudly. "Get it together."
"Control it."
"Don't feel..don't feel.."
"Don't feel!!" He gasp as he watches his castle slowly consume itself, the walls now an ugly red as the patterns against the floors melted through and slowly crawled towards the King.
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