(quite a few things were skipped in the last part of this episode but i promise it may (or may not) be worth it)
"Lydia, Eichen House isn't a library. You need a warrant to get files from there."
"That being said- do i have to come?" Ryder asked, looking between the two.
"Yes, you do." Stiles huffed, "We've been over this, okay? You come, we live. It's not that hard."
The Stilinski flinched at the rough punch the redhead sent to his arm, "Don't talk to me like i'm an idiot."
"My grandmother left me a list of 10 suicides, including her own. There's got to be a reason why. Is there anyone there who's willing to help us?" Lydia cut into their bickering.
Stiles sighed, "No. But there might be someone willing to take a bribe."
"Not gonna tell me to slow down?"
Austin shrugged his shoulders, "You're not my kid, there's not much I can say."
He definitely could have pointed out how he was practically drinking water as the alcohol wouldn't do anything for him.
"Actually, I was gonna say, "Keep drinking". I think you should get drunk. And I mean stumbling down, fall on your ass, passed out with your face in a toilet drunk." Mason said.
"That can't be healthy." Josie narrowed her brown eyes.
Liam frowned, "Why?"
"For many reasons actually. The first being that—"
Austin cut Josie off with a chuckle, "He wasn't talking to you."
"Maybe then when I ask you what's going on, you'll be too drunk to lie. I'm not asking this because I want to know. I'm asking because I want to help."
"I'm gonna get another drink." Liam said, the others simply watch as he does so. Two of them already knowing that he would be perfectly fine and the other being saddened that his best friend didn't trust him, "Yeah... I'm getting drunk."
"A thousand."
Stiles spluttered in disbelief, "A thousand dollars? To use one little key to open up one little file room? Are you out of your mind?"
"When you get the keys, you make the price." Brunski sassed him.
"Right. You actually think we have that kind of money?"
Ryder didn't bother to point out how two of them did in fact 'have that kind of money'. She wasn't a fan of Stiles at the moment but she was never the type of person to make someone feel bad about themselves or the life they lived.
Brunski, however, had not problem making Stiles feel bad,
"I know you don't. If you did, Daddy Sheriff would've paid the bill by now. That's why I'm talking to them."
Ryder scoffed, rolling her eyes at the man, "Well, you aren't getting my money."
Lydia let out a breath of air, digging in her purse to pull out a wad of cash, "I have $500."
Brunski stood with a thoughtful look on his face for a second before he took the money out of Lydia's hand and led the way,
"Follow me."
"What's wrong with you?"
Austin glanced up from his phone at the question, sighing as he noticed Josie eyeing him weirdly.
"Ryder won't answer me."
The girl hummed, "Right..."
The movement of his fingers stopped typing as he placed his phone down, "Why did you say it like that?"
"Why'd I say what like what?"
"Right..." He mocked her voice, "Why did you say it like that?"
"I didn't say it like anything. You're reading too much into it." Josie rolled her eyes, "I just find it both odd and endearing how obsessed you are with my sister."
"It's not an obsession." He tried defending himself.
"It's been five minutes since she responded to your text and you're about to pop a blood vessel in your eye."
"Forgive me for having a sense that something is wrong with my girlfriend." He rose his hands in defense.
"It's not a bad thing, Austin." She chuckled, "I'm just glad you're not the creepy type of obsessed. Then we'd have an issue."
Her eyes glanced away from the older teen and towards the Dunbar.
"I'll be back. Stay in Scott's line of vision."
"Like he's gonna watch me. Where are you going?"
Austin let out a shaky breath, "Locker room. I'm going to try and call her."
"I seriously think something's wrong." He ushered out as he walked away, "I'll be quick."
As he walked away with his phone to his ear, he failed to notice Malia and Liam's stumbling bodies struggling to stay up. Or the couple that followed behind him.
"Help us! Help us!" Lydia yelled out, grunting as she struggled to get out of the ropes that Brunski tied their arms with, "Someone, help!"
"Lydia, there's a lot of people screaming for help in a place like this. I don't think anyone's listening."
"Well, I'm open to better ideas. Because if you didn't notice, all of those suicides were murders."
"I'm glad you figured that out." Ryder mumbled as she opened her eyes. Brunski had taken the liberty to inject her with wolfsbane, furthermore knocking her unconscious as he did whatever he wanted to Lydia and Stiles.
To say she was pissed would be an understatement.
She could feel Stiles perk up next to her, "That's why she left you the message."
"She predicted her own death. She knew I'd figure it out." Lydia whispered.
"Once you were able to predict your own." Brunski's voice, followed by a door slam, echoed throughout the room, "But they weren't murdered. I'm not some serial killer like Ted Bundy going around cutting up college girls."
"Good to know." Ryder said, not backing down as he looked her in the eyes. He seemed to be unaware of the girls claws flicking out to cut through the ropes holding her. Granted, she was a little weak at the moment, she was still using what little strength she had to get out.
"No, you're just an Angel of Death."
"I don't think you understand my level of commitment to my work here, Stiles. There are people here who don't simply need treatment. They need release. I helped them. I helped Lorraine."
Lydia's eyes filled with tears, "You killed her."
"I helped her. And now you can help me. Because there is something about it that's always bothered me."
"Liam?" Josie frowned as the Dunbar slumped against her body.
"How much has he had to drink?" Scott ran up to her and Mason, looking down at his beta with a concerned expression.
"Not enough to get him like this." Mason answered as Josie run a subconscious hand through Liam's hair.
"Something's happening. We need to get them out of here. I think we're gonna have to, um—" Scott cut himself off as he too began to stumble.
"How much did you drink?"
"Nothing. Not even a sip." The McCall responded, looking around before he began to realize, "It's not the drinks. It's the music."
"What are you... Brunski, what are you doing?"
"Don't worry, Lorraine. It's going to be all right. You're just going to have a little trouble breathing."
"Lydia, look at me. Don't listen." Stiles whispered to the girl, "Okay, don't listen to it. Just focus on my voice, Lydia. Don't listen to it, block it out. Okay?"
Lydia's body began to shake as quiet sobs racked her body.
"Lydia." Ryder's voice filled her ears, the Martin girl sniffling softly before a ring covered hand tapped against her own.
"Hey, turn it off!" Stiles shouted at Brunski.
"Then listen... Just listen. I need your help with this, Lydia."
"Please don't..."
"Here it is. This is the part I never understood. Listen."
"Please don't hurt her."
"Don't hurt who?"
Ryder's eyes closed tightly as they listened to Lorraine take her last breath.
Austin grunted as his body hit the lockers for a third time, his head smacking harshly against the metal, enough to create a ringing in his head.
"You humans just don't know when to stop, do you?"
Austin didn't know if he was expected to answer, so he just kept quiet as he stood up.
The Assassins attacking him just so happened to be a man and a woman. He had given the older man a nice swell on his face but refused to put his hand on the woman that attacked him from behind.
Assassin, or not, he wouldn't dare hurt a female. He had a feeling that it's what will get him killed one day, but he refused to end up like his father.
Just as a, what he assumed was a metal rod, made contact with his stomach, the sound of a panicked gasp from the man above him filled his ears.
The bodies were tugged off of him and thrown to the side harshly, knocking the two killers unconscious.
Austin caught a simple glance into his saviors bright blue eyes before his vision went black, one last sentence being heard before he fell unconscious,
"God, Ryder's gonna kill me."
A/N: it's been almost a week since i've updated 💀 i'm so sorry y'all 😭
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