A Hero's Guide To Babysitting!
One down and chapter 5 is going to be the special smut chapter!
This fight scene in this chapter was fun to writeguys! I love making Tatsuo op!
But will she be op forever? Maybe who knows.
Anyways That's all Goldilocks out!
[3rd Pov]
We see Tatsuo and Y/n watching tv and eating some cereal, cause none of them were motivated to make themselves a nice balance breakfast.
"You never kissed a girl before?" A taunting girl's voice said as the sound of response from a Boy nodding with a hum in his throat.
"What are you? GAY! AHAHAH!" the girl's voice asked as she laughs cruelly at a boy.
The boy shook his head. "nope, I kissed one of my homies and I didn't get a rise from down under." With that the Girl jaw drops at the boy's words.
"That's gay!" She pointed out.
"Oh you're one of THOSE people, when a girl kisses another girl it's between friend's. But when I kiss my homies goodnight." He clenches his fist as he radiates an enraged Aura "Society.....SOCIETY CALLS ME GAY!" and he with that he pulls out a gun and shoots the girl in the head.
You and Tatsuo stared at the screen with confusion, the end credits rolled indicating the show was over as you both looked at each other with even more confusion on your faces.
Looking at your phone, you see a notification about the child you and Tatsuo were going to be babysitting, "He's Here." You said as you got up and head over to the door and opened it.
Standing in the doorway was a kid with Pink hair with blue highlights, he wore a blue and white striped shirt and black cargo shorts.
Tatsuo got some weird uneasy vibes from this kid.
1. The kid had different coloured hair.
2. He was radiating this creepy aura that screamed 'I'm Not Innocent'.
But pulling out a book called "Babysitting for Dummies vol.4" she looks at one of the pages paragraph that says, "if you feel uneasy with a child, it's just your anxiety of taking care of someone else's child and you could end up getting it killed somehow."
Sighing softly, she puts the book down and watches the boy sit down next to her, and gives her an innocent smile.
"Hello! I'm Shota Conley!" He introduces himself and offers a handshake, which she gladly takes. Only for the boy to kiss it and looks at her Crimson Red eyes weirdly.
"Join My Harem, Milady~" He asks with a wicked grin on his face.
What the fuck?!
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Intro lyrics
Tears streaming down your sorrow face.
Came a long and painful road, you gave yourself away
You saw everything, heaven to hell
You say you need a self redemption, to mend the broken wings.
Drowning in the dark, no place to be,
But you are by my side
It means I'm not alone.
Daylight, shed your light so I won't disappear
Cause I know where you belong, save My saddened heart.
With a flashback, screaming out but still we're holding on
Waiting for the break of dawn for a new day to begin
Left out to dry, slip through the hands
Is there a reason anymore to keep me hanging on
Memories of the past running so fast, can't look back on yesterday
Cause I don't trust in my power
It haunts my weary soul, I'm lonely
Crawling in the dark, no where to go
Will you be by my side
Darling are you there?
I knew you once before
But the devil in my head has taken over me
Oh I need your warm embrace to melt my weeping heart
Craving for tomorrow
For a painless day to come
Maybe nothing matters
Still I'm searching for the daylight
Tell me, nothing matters?
I'm waiting for salvation
Now I see it shine, blindness is gone
Rising from the ground.
You brought me back alive
Daylight in my eyes, I knew it all along
Your Fire burning in my soul, to make a better world
I've got everything I need with you there by my side
Waiting for the break of dawn, for a new day to begin
Your Fire burning in my soul
Daylight, daylight
My love Stay a little while
[Tatsuo Pov]
Okay that song is pretty much has a meaning, anyways let's get back to what just happened.
This kid wants me in his WHAT?!
"I'm Sorry Shota, but can you repeat that?" I asked sweetly as I quickly pull my hand away from her and wipe it on my pant legs. "Because I heard you say, you want me to join your Harem." I said as the boy's smile widens even more.
"That's right! I want you to join my Harem of Older Women!" His grin was so perverted, before I can ask why, he cuts me off before I could say anything. "I sense a massive amount of Power coming this apartment, so when I sent one of my girls to track it, it turns out it was a beautiful girl like you!" He explains as I gave a disgusted look, this kid is so fucking weird.
"I'm back, so little Guy what do you wanna do?" Y/n asked, coming back from talking to shota's Mom as the boy immediately hugs me and pretends to be shy. "Big Sis, he's scary make him go away please~" he begs as he looks at me with those freakishly weird shimmering eyes.
"Hey I'm not scary!" Y/n stated in shock.
I feel like something is trying to invade my mind, but it couldn't be.
Is this kid a psychic?
[Shota Pov]
Odd, why isn't my hypnotism ability working? She's looking at me with disgust, but why?
She unwraps my arm's off her body and lightly pushes me away to the point I'm sitting next to her weird boyfriend, who is sad that I called him scary.
BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
[Shota's Pov]
This is strange, I'm using hypnotism at twelve percent and nothing is working, it feels like I'm trying to break into a massive high security wall and even my cuteness doesn't work. what the hell is going on?!
"Come on down to Fredina's Pizzaria, there's Lot's of Games, Playgrounds and Prizes to be won! And let's not forget our adorable animatronic band, featuring the one and only! Fredina FazBear!" Looking at the commercial about some shady Pizzaria.
I got an idea.
[Y/n Pov]
"Fredina's Pizzaria? I don't know, that place is known for its Urban legends and the animatronics are not kid-friendly designed." I said, looking at the replayed commercial of this Pizzaria Shota wanted to go.
Tatsuo head pops into the side of my vision and let's out an agreed hum. "They still haven't found little Timmy, back when it was my nine years birthday party." My girlfriend explained, I shivered at the thought of becoming one of those Urban legends.
"Please! I'll be good, and my Mom did left extra cash for food and junk!" He pointed at the small envelope that had the money to spend on for Shota, sighing as I look at Tatsuo, her Bright Red eyes staring at my F/c one's.
"Wanna be a urban legend, Blood Orange?" I asked as Tatsuo Lightly laughs.
"Yea, let's be an Urban legend together, Sweet potato." She smiles as she pecks my lips as my face turned beet Red with at the affection.
[Shota Pov]
That Bastard! I should get kiss liked that, what does he have that I don't?!
Putting on my kiddish charm, I immediately put on my backpack and shoes and wait for them to take me to that Pizzaria.
And when I get them two apart, I'm going to use Hypnotism on that Y/n Bastard!
And besides-
What's the worse, that could happen?
You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
[Pizzaria+3rd Pov]
The trio arrived at the Pizzaria, they all stare at it with emotionless stares at the sound of children screaming and playing was loudly heard.
Suddenly a child smashes through a window, Giggling, they brush the broken glass shards off themselves and picked up a glass shard and ate it without feeling any pain.
"Billy! Stop fucking jumping through windows, this is why your father went to grab Milk at Hawaii!" A woman's voice shouted as she grabs her child and drags them back inside as they continue to giggle.
Children are fucking terrifying! Was the one thing that went through Tatsuo, Y/n and Shota's minds.
Y/n clapped his hands together. Putting a smile on his face, he faces the two as they flinched at the sudden noise from his hands. "Alright I'll set us up for a table, Tatsuo you keep an eye on Shota, Ok?" Tatsuo nodded as Y/n walks inside.
"How do you put up with that weakling?" Shota asked as he held Tatsuo's hand, who immediately rips her hand out of his grasp. "He isn't weak." She spat out, venom was evident in her voice.
Shota shrugs and walks away from the girl and without missing a beat. "Then why do you keep pretending your normal? It's because you think he's weak!" Shota enters the Pizzaria as Tatsuo stands there, her eyes flickering a violent pink hue as she gritted her teeth together.
Taking a few deep breaths she hugs herself. "He isn't weak." She says to herself as she walks inside the Pizzaria.
"He's alot more powerful than you realise."
[Y/n Pov]
God, this place is fucking gives me the creeps, the dead look in the employees faces, the obnoxious entitled parents harassing people, who are trying to do their jobs. This place is a fucking breeding ground for falsifying a lawsuit.
Suddenly, a weird happy girl with dark skin appeared, she was wearing a black top hat and a waitress tuxedo like outfit and she appeared out of nowhere, "Welcome to Fredina's Pizzaria! I'm Freddy, how can I help you sugar?" She held a notepad and waited for me to speak. "Uhm, table for three and two pizzas, one large and one medium." I said as she writes it down without breaking eye contact with me. "Anything else?" She asks, but I shake my head no.
The waitress nods and immediately walks- er no, skates away from me, as I released a sigh of relief that I was holding. I look around to look for a table to sit at and found one.
Feeling someone staring at me, I look down to see a little girl with big round brown eyes, Rosey cheeks and wore a blue dress, she picks her nose and eats the booger.
Smiling I ask her, "Can I help you?"
"Are you a Pedophile?" She asks.
"Uhm, No?" I answered.
"You look like one, but you don't act like one" she says picking her nose again, before walking away as I stood there, too stunned to speak as Tatsuo and Shota appeared.
"Who was the little girl?" Tatsuo asks as I face her.
"Do I look like a Pedophile?" I ask her.
"The fuck?"
"I know"
"Kids are fucking creepy"
"Aren't you a kid?"
"Shut up!"
I will flip off god while also walking backwards into Hell!
[3rd Pov]
The three ate their pizza, Shota tried to use his psychic abilities to try and hypnotised Tatsuo but would face the same outcome. A massive wall would continue to block him out.
"So, we know this pizza is terrible." Y/n said as the other two nodded as they agreed to what he was saying.
"Feels like someone dunked it into water." Shota said putting the slice down.
"Same, except it feels like you can use it as a weapon, here watch" Tatsuo demonstrated by throwing her slice of pizza which somehow impeded itself into the wall.
"God what's the health code here?" Tatsuo asked.
"What health code" Y/n joked as this got Tatsuo to laugh.
Y/n chuckles before getting up and walking away, "I'm going to use the restroom, be right back!" And with that he was gone, leaving the two superpowered people alone.
"I'll say it again, you can do alot better" Shota said as Tatsuo nearly chokes on her drink as she casually slams her drink down as her Red eyes stares deathly daggers.
"What was that, Brat?" She asked.
"I mean look at him, he's practically a bug that could be squashed and we're practically powerful and we can do whatever we want, what's stopping us?" He answered as he hears Tatsuo pop some bones in her neck as she rolled her shoulders.
"You me, outside, Now" she demanded as Shota felt this weird feeling in his gut, telling him he screwed up.
[With Y/n]
Y/n sat in one of the toilet stalls as he watches a video of a basketball getting compressed by a compressing machine.
"This is oddly satisfying" he mumbled as someone enters the stall next to his.
"Wanna play Mario kart bro?" A voice said, offering a switch controller, as the boy stares at it before grabbing it. "Eh, sure."
[Back with Tatsuo and Shota]
"Fight me"
It was an odd request as Tatsuo stares at Shota, with a murderous stare as the child looks at her with confusion on his face.
"Why?" He asks "because you've been nothing but a creepy, perverted, rude little bitch that needs to be punished!" Tatsuo answered as she cracks her knuckles as Shota laughs at her.
"You think you can beat me? Alright I'll play along" the boy said as his body glows a Orange psychic energy as his smile sharpens. "But I should warn you, I can easily break the bone's in your body." Tatsuo didn't seem intimated as she rolled her eyes, "23" she mumbles.
"Oh since I know your going full power at the start, I'm not going to use my true full power for personal reasons" Tatsuo said as she gets into a fighting stance.
Shota looks at her confusedly and asks "but why? You'll die if you don't go all out, you know what? Just die!" He shouted as he uses his psychic powers to launch himself towards her at blazing speed.
Twisting his body, he delivers a kick to her face, Tatsuo easily dodges it by performing the Limbo.
"What?!" He shouted as Tatsuo Smirks.
"Predictable." she mocks evily as Shota performs a hard turn as he launches himself into the air as Shota conjures him Psychic Energy balls and fires away as Tatsuo easily evades it by side-stepping in every direction as she yawns, "so easy" she taunts as she Leaps into the air and kicks the child in the face as he crashes into a building.
Pulling himself out of the rubble, blood dripping from his nose as he flies out of hole and rips the building he crashed into out of the ground, he throws his hands down as he throws the building down towards Tatsuo, who takes the full blunt of the attack.
Crashing into the ground with the building on top of her, Tatsuo punches her way out of it and dusts herself any rubble.
"Lame~" Tatsuo grins as Shota growls and flies a bit higher in the air before performing a spinning leg drop
"๐ฆ๐ต๐ถ๐๐๐ ๐ป๐ฎ๐บ๐ฒ ๐ฑ๐๐ฑ๐ฒ, ๐ป๐ด๐น"
Tatsuo playfully says as she dodge's out of the way with ease as Shota flies out of the crater "FIGHT ME SERIOUSLY!" he demanded as Tatsuo huffs and shrugs. "Alright, your funeral, but I'll be using."
"4% of 1% of my power"
A sudden shift of Power began to emit from the girls body, a glowing Green aura surrounded her body as she slowly levitated off the ground.
Confused, Shota asks "4% of 1% of your power, What does that mean?" He asks as Tatsuo smiles even more.
"It means I'm not really using the full extent of 1% of my power, I'm just using 4% of the 1%" she explains as Shota looks even more confused, Tatsuo sighs. "I'm not using the full extent of 1% of my power." She easily explains as Shota "Ooh's".
"No matter, it doesn't compare against....THIS!" With the snap of his fingers, the boy conjured up massive Psychic missiles and sends them downwards towards her.
"Cool, Okay my turn!"
Holding her hand out, Tatsuo catches the psychic missiles without even trying.
"What the fuck?! How!" He shouted in shocked as Tatsuo snickered.
"Dunno, I'm not psychic," she raised her other hand and flips the boy off causing the psychic missiles to be aiming at him.
"Get fucked, lmao!"
Tatsuo then sends them back at him, via spreading her arms outwards as the missiles fired out towards him.
The boy quickly summons a psychic Shield at the last second as he was blasted out of the sky. Crashing into the ground the boy gets back up and spits out some blood as he watches Tatsuo float back to the ground as she walks towards him as he was filled with utter fear and dread.
Shota gets back up and tries to summon anything, he could do to at least hit the girl but nothing came, his hand was shaking with fear.
"Why can't I use my Psychic Energy?!" He fearfully asks as Tatsuo was now standing in front of him and looks at his shaking hand.
"You and your psychic powers are afraid, that's fucking funny and cool." She says as Shota looks at her as she flexes her fingers a bit as she looks at him.
"Playtimes over Kid"
"So his Mom picked him up?" Y/n asked as Tatsuo nodded as she was eating a pull-apart as Tatsuo smiles and nods. "Yep! His Mom wanted him home, because he didn't clean his room like he was supposed to!" She lied as Y/n rolls his eyes and smiles, patting Tatsuo's head, who leans into the gentle affection. "Well, I'm glad that we get to keep the money Ms.Conley gave us." He said showing Tatsuo the money filled envelope as she gasps excitedly.
Tatsuo opens the door to their apartment, the two enter their shared home and took off their shoes and decided to take a bath together.
Later on the two were sitting in their beds a large futon that they own, because they don't have enough money to afford a big bed.
It was currently 1:45am as Tatsuo and Y/n were busy watching some Animal video's as Tatsuo snuggled up to her boyfriend. "Oh I just remembered something!" She says sitting up as Y/n looks at her.
"What is it?" He asks
"Today is your eighteenth birthday! That means your legally an adult like me now!" She said as Y/n eyes widened.
"Oh that means I get to do adult stuff like you!" He laughs joyfully and hugs Tatsuo who laughs with him. "I wonder what you got for me, for my birthday of course" He looks at her as Tatsuo thinks for a moment before a Blush spreads across her face as she gives a smile that could be something different.
"I know what gift you're getting~"
And that marks for chapter 4 and chapter 5 is going to be in heavy development!
As always see you next time!
Goldilocks out!
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