Chioma's POV.
So there I was, standing right next to my dad right outside the hospital, surrounded by a cloud of silence and a bed of flowers and grass surrounding us both. He wasn't willing to say anything, I wasn't either and as always, my heart thumped within my chest and I silently grunted cause I couldn't take all the suspense coming from his utter silence.
What did he want to tell me? Did he want me home? Was he here to tell me something really...?
"Chioma, we have a lot to talk about. But first, let's start with how you've been coping on the mainland" he said and I cleared my throat, ready to spill my gut all through.
"Well, I've been managing just fine and I finally have a job. I work at St. Nicholas hospital now" I said, the confidence in my voice definitely couldn't go unnoticed. I wanted to tell him more, to let him know that I'm more responsible now...and that I've turned a new leaf.
I watched as my father peered at me through the corner of his eyes, his stern and uptight look, still glued to his golden brown face. My heart clenched by that look, he wouldn't even spare me a half-smile or something to let me know that I wasn't in trouble.
"That's good" was all he said and the entire atmosphere fell silent again, all that could be heard were the sound of our occasional breathing and the chirps from the birds that perched on the mango tree nearby. "Chioma, I don't know if you've noticed this but your mother has been avoiding you. She's really angry at you, and not that I'm not as well, just that hers is way...worse" he cleared his throat and my shoulders slumped in disappointment.
Oh, tell me something I don't know!
Heaving a sigh, I shrugged in response. "It's quite obvious. She doesn't even want my shadow near her let alone, me" once again, I heaved a sigh, suddenly feeling tired. Of everything.
"That's right. And that's why, after much thought and a lot of consideration..." He took a pause, a serious look still on his face. "I decided to let you come home again. I figured that would help fix the rift between you and your mom. I'm hoping you don't blow this opportunity, once again" he said, all seriousness deepening and my eyes longed for a smile to finally stretch through that face of his.
"Dad, I_"
"That's not all..." He said, his voice stern and demanding attention, cutting me off in the process. "You still aren't allowed any privileges, yet. You will when you've earned them but you will come home and that isn't even a request; it's an order. You will come home tomorrow" he said and my face remained stoic and refrained.
"I'm really sorry, dad. For everything I did and said to you, for everything I said to you. And I'm not saying this cause I want those privileges back, you can keep them. I'm saying this cause I really mean it, I'm truly sorry for all I said. I swear, please find a place in your heart to forgive me" my eyes stung with the tears that'd welled up in them as I spoke. My throat felt dry and my voice; shaky.
Truth be told, I was happy to finally return home and I honestly didn't want to blow it once again. To my horror, my father said nothing to me. He only spared me a glance, didn't even smile or move his lips in the slightest, and looked ahead - eyes seemingly drained. Like he didn't believe me. Like he didn't trust me. Wouldn't even at least say he didn't believe me. He didn't have my time.
"I'll only believe that the minute I see it happen with my own eyes. Respect is earned, and to earn my respect and trust, you'll have to do more than just changing. You'll have to fix your mistakes as well, right ALL your wrongs" he said and my eyes lowered, as I stared at the grass below my feet, a tear falling off from my eyes and unto the ground. I didn't even know why exactly I was crying. Maybe it's 'cause I thought we were cool now? Or 'cause I felt he wasn't mad at me anymore...? I couldn't really decide.
"I understand" I muttered, my voice once again failing to sound firm. I shut my eyes as more tears rolled down my cheeks and unto the ground, it's saltiness leaving it's taste on my lips as it rolled off my face.
A firm hand was placed on my shoulders while my eyes were still shut, and I was made to turn towards my father. He offered me a half-smile and I slowly reached for my tears and wiped them off.
"Dad, I'm really sorry. If there was a word greater than the word 'sorry' then I'd say it to you. I really mean it and you should know that since it's not something I normally say to people and__"
"Then show me that you're indeed sorry, Chioma. Action does speak better than words, you know?" He replied and I nodded my head in understanding.
And with a pat on my shoulder, my father left me standing there, with my thoughts running wild in my head - all to myself. I wasn't focused at all, I wanted to, but I wasn't. To be honest, I wasn't sure how I'd handle returning home. How the servants would look at me after all I'd said that day. After I was kicked out of my own house. A place where I'd grown to love so much, a place where I was seen as the queen and nothing could change that. I could flick my fingers and a lot could change at just that flick.
My orders never fell on deaf ears, I was the boss of what I wanted and everything I wanted; I got without hesitation. But now? A lot has changed. I don't even feel like my old self anymore.
The old me will never apologise to anyone, nothing even my own father. The old me will never thank anyone and would NEVER say please or beg anyone. I'd contradicted everything I stood for in a matter of a few weeks. A month was all it took to change me. A month which went by so fast, flashed before my eyes before I even knew it.
And now? Here I am, standing - right before the same line where my fate was drawn with a deem light. Returning back home sure wouldn't feel the same, a lot definitely won't be the same either. Finally returning to the place where all the whole hocus-pocus began and where the entire rumble began.
The exact same place I'd insulted my father, my parents.
Home definitely WON'T feel the same anymore, a lot has certainly changed.
* * *
With careful strides, I walked into Femi's hospital room. His mom, Kunmi, and the lady I'd found out to be Kunmi's mother, Amanda and a really tall guy with fair skin, sharp brown eyes, chiselled chin and a well sculpted face - were all standing right next to his bed.
My parents left a few minutes ago and I was glad they did cause at this point, I wasn't exactly ready to face them.
Walking closer to his hospital bed, I figured that he still hadn't woken up and Kunmi's mother and the guy whom I haven't seen before, got up to leave. I was happy they were leaving and I too wanted to leave cause right now, just knowing he's okay was enough for me, and so I found no reason for me to stay here any further.
I didn't miss the eyeballing Kunmi sent my way the minute I walked past her to meet Amanda, but I decided to ignore her since she wasn't exactly stable and was in fact a sick person!
I informed Amanda of my wish to finally head back to work and she agreed to offer me a ride. I bade Mrs. Omashola goodbye and finally walked out of the room alongside Amanda who still wasn't saying anything. I had nothing to say either and it was way worse that I still had work to return to.
My head needed to be cleared but I guessed that'd have to wait until after I'm done with work. I hoped to drop by from work to check on Femi but decided against it, concluding that I'd visit tomorrow morning before heading off to work - 'cause I figured I'd be tired after working all day.
Now strapped with my seatbelt, Amanda drove the car out of the hospital's parking lot and finally; out of the hospital. The car remained silent, a comfortable silence though, and a soft music blared through the car's speakers. I didn't realize the minute I slowly fell asleep, drained from all the panic and from everything else.
* * *
"Aw, my head hurts so bad! My everything hurts!" I murmured the minute Amanda dropped me off at my house. She'd taken the stress to go get me some lunch from the Kilimanjaro restaurant at the mall. I was thankful for that cause I hadn't eaten anything and wasn't planning on making anything either cause I couldn't cook anything besides noodles.
I huffed the minute my behind connected with the plush black couch in my living room, the air conditioner blasting at it's full speed and cooling me off - drying off the sweats that glued to my body. My stilettos were now in my hands as I groaned while walking into my bedroom. A nice warm shower was all I needed right now, and then: food. I walked into my bathroom to bathe and the minute the hot water landed on my skin, I sighed in relief as the hot water helped in loosening some tensed muscles.
After I was done with bathing, I dried myself off, applied some lotion and changed into a midnight blue nightdress.
Now seated at the living room, I dug into my plate of white rice and Ofada stew. I moaned in delight as the flavors exploded on my tongue.
Some really good stuff.
I was halfway through my food when I heard the sound of the doorbell being rang. I grunted in annoyance, wondering who the idiot at the door was. I decided to ignore it, hopefully the person would get tired, give up and leave.
I was wrong, 'cause I heard the doorbell being rung again, and again, and again and I finally gave up and got up, my face marred with a frown, as I stomped towards the door in annoyance. With gritted teeth, I looked through the peep hole, peering real hard to see the face of the person at the door, but I couldn't make out the face of the person standing at the door. For fear of the person being a thief or something of the sort, I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a ladle. Just in case. Returning to door, with my hands held firmly on the ladle, I slowly unlocked the door and pulled it open.
The minute my eyes set on the person's face, now clear - with the light from my living room making it easier to see - I let out a gasp. My eyes bulged out of their sockets and doubled in size as the ladle fell out of my hands. Speechless, for an entire minute I was speechless and wouldn't even move.
"Agozie..." It came out as I whisper and my face finally morphed into a smiling one.
"Miss me?" He smiled, his deep brown orbs dancing around mine as I stared at him in utter shock. His hands - which had been shoved into his black pants pocket - spread out for a hug, hair half-covered by an orange beanie and he was putting an orange t-shirt with the words 'Rip It', on it. "May I come in?" He asked, snapping me out of my reverie as I managed a small nod, stepping aside to let him in. The minute he got in, he hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.
"Yeah, I missed you" I muttered, nuzzling into his soft orange t-shirt, a smile still glued to my face.
* * *
Femi's POV.
Bright light and white, that was all I saw before shutting my eyes once again, the continuous beeping sound at the background irritating my ears. Slowly, yet gently, I opened my eyes again and was welcome by the exact same light and warm and welcoming white surroundings.
My head ached badly, I could barely make out where exactly I was and a sharp pain coursed through my chest region and that of my head pumped with an impending headache on the rise.
With great difficulty, I tried getting up but failed miserably, slumping back on the soft bed, covered in white beddings. I grunted in frustration, accompanied by the pain that came with my unsuccessful rising. At that moment, I turned my head to the side and saw my mom and Kunmi sitting on a black plush couch in the room - fast asleep. It was then that I really took my time to look around the room and finally realized that I was - in fact - in a hospital.
My eyes met with right wrist and I noticed the transparent tube connected into my veins, containing blood which flowed through the tube and into my veins. I winced as I turned my head to the side, a sharp pain welcoming me.
Crashes and shards of glass.
A scene flashed before my eyes, although a bit foggy, and I groaned as I reached for my forehead and realized the bandage wrapped around my head - which had a few patched of sticky blood on it. The memory from all that had happened the night before came slamming into my head, way too quickly, that I winced again, shutting my eyes from the pain.
"Femi?" I heard Kunmi's slow and delicates voice say. I tore my eyes open and stared at her with a small smile on my face.
Without warning, she squealed and engulfed me in a mild hug. I tried chuckling but the pain I felt in my chest region made it hard to do that, so I just hugged her back instead - wincing a bit. Afterwards, she tapped my mom awake and the minute her eyes came open and her eyes landed on me, she immediately jumped out of the couch and rushed to my side, hugging me, pecking my cheeks and forehead.
I smiled as I hugged her back, but the smile fell off my face the minute she burst into tears, refusing to let go of me, for fear of losing me again.
"Mom..." I tried saying but ended up wincing at the end, with that, she let go of me and wiped off her tears with Kunmi rubbing her back soothingly.
"I'm fine, Femi. Don't worry about me, how are you?" She asked, sitting beside me on the bed. Meanwhile, Kunmi stood beside her, staring at me with so much joy in her eyes.
"I'm fine, mom..." I started, managing a small smile. "How...?" I winced again and she held my hand for support and rubbed it soothingly. "How's dad doing?" I asked and she nodded her head encouragingly.
"He's fine, he's asleep now but the doctor said he's out of danger and we have nothing to worry about" she replied and I shut my eyes thankfully, silently muttering a prayer of thanks to God, whilst heaving a sigh of relief.
"Femi, you almost gave me a heart attack. Why did you have to drive so recklessly? Why?" Kunmi asked, a slightly angry look on her face. I blamed myself for that, I should've driven carefully...but I was just so worried that I wasn't even thinking about the repercussions of my reckless driving.
"Femi, I would've lost you today. Do you know how worried I was? I lost your sister and now you want to go ahead and die too?" My mom said, eyes turning glassy and I immediately felt so guilty.
I should've thought of my mom too.
"I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you worried or anything of the sort, I was just so worried about dad" I said to her and she folded her arms and heaved a sigh.
"I'm happy you're okay now" she smiled at me, running her hand through my hair.
"See as your face has a lot of scratches now, even your lip" Kunmi said and I rolled my eyes at her.
"At least be happy that I'm alive" I said and she shook her head at me, coming to sit beside me on the bed. She reached for my other hand and smiled, her eyes dancing around mine, reading genuine happiness.
"I'm more than happy that you're alive. If you had... If anything had happened to you..." She choked on her words, refusing to get emotional. "Anyway, forget that now. I'm just wondering how mad Damola will be at me when I tell him what happened to you" she said and I chuckled while my mom slowly excused herself to see my dad.
"You didn't tell him?" I asked and she shrugged.
"He's not feeling well and if I'd told him, he would've rushed over here like a madman probably would've died while rushing over" she said and I smiled, it's good she didn't tell him.
"You scared me. You really had me worried" she said, her voice firm but gentle. Her voice held so much concern that I feared how worried she must've actually been.
"And I'm sorry, I apologise sincerely for that" I said and she smiled in response. "I feel so horrible. Everything hurts" I muttered and she immediately got up from the bed.
"I'll go call the doctor" she said before letting go of my hand. I thought she'd leave immediately, but then she shocked me by placing a peck on my left cheek.
That's really...odd.
I guess it's cause of my accident, although, I was in fact shocked by it.
"I'll be back" and with that, she exited the room.
* * *
Chioma's POV.
"You should've at least told me you were coming! Jeez! Agozie, I so wasn't expecting to see you" I said and he laughed, throwing his head backwards as his laughter resounded in my ears, spilling out of his mouth in a drum-like hum.
"It's called a surprise for a reason, Chioma. Ever heard of it?" He said and I folded my arms and playfully glared at him.
"Ha, ha, ha! Very funny" the sarcasm laced in voice couldn't and didn't go unnoticed.
"I'm hungry oh, is there anything I can eat?" He said and I hurriedly guarded my plate of rice and Ofada stew.
"Why so stingy? Share na!" He whined and I shook my head vehemently.
"Why?" He asked.
"I just don't like to share food. It's a woman's best friend sometimes, get your own" I replied and he rolled his eyes.
"I hope you choke on something" he muttered and I laughed and suddenly started coughing really hard, tears gathering in my eyes and leaving a stinging sensation as they welled up in my eyes.
"Faker!" He yelled.
"I'm..." I coughed. "I'm seriously..." I coughed once more. "Choking!" And he immediately got up and ran to the kitchen to get some water.
With him gone, I laughed. I was faking the entire thing and he fell for it. I put a spoonful of rice into my mouth and then the darn doorbell rang again. I wondered who the stupido at the door could be.
With a grunt, I walked to the door and peered through my peep hole. I couldn't make out the person's face and I had a really bad feeling about opening the door.
"So you're no longer choking? Can't believe I fell for that amateur acting!" Agozie exclaimed the minute he walked into the living room with a glass of water in hand and plopped on a couch nearby. I laughed before returning my attention to the door.
"Who's that?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Ask" he suggested and I nodded my head in understanding and did as told.
"Who's there?" I got no reply and the person stupidly rang the doorbell again.
"Who's there?!" I yelled, frustrated. Still no reply.
Finally, I pulled open the door and was shocked when a gun was pointed to my head.
My words got stuck in my throat and my hand involuntarily went up in the air, for fear of doing anything that would warrant my death this night.
"Step out of the house" a husky voice said. It was then that I realized the other two guys behind him, they all had a mask over their faces but by the looks of things, they're definitely dangerous people.
"Leave her alone!" Agozie yelled, getting up from the couch and about walking towards us. Without warning, one of the guys grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house despite my constant resistance. The gun was still pointed to my head and another one was now pointed at Agozie.
"You think say we dey joke? Guy, if dem born you well; move" the first guy from earlier - the one who had pointed a gun to my head at first - said, his voice deadly serious. I tried making eye contact with Agozie, pleading with him with my eyes not to move.
["You think we are joking? Guy, if you were born well; move"]
With a pained expression on his face, Agozie gritted his teeth at them but did nothing.
I tried all I could to free myself from their grip, but the gun was put closer to my head and all motion came to a halt, my breath hitched as my heart skipped random beats.
"Alaye, if I tear you better slap eh! You wan die?!" The one holding me said as he brought the gun closer. My heart raced as I shook my head vehemently, immediately standing still.
["My friend, if I slap you! You want to die?"]
"Mo we dey go!" The guy from earlier - who seemed to be their boss - said and a white handkerchief was pulled out of the pocket of the second guy who held me.
["Let's go"].
"Chioma!" And the last thing I remembered before the handkerchief was put over my nose; was Agozie racing towards them and the supposed gang leader pulling the trigger - twice. My heart clenched and I was about screaming when the handkerchief was put over my nose. My limbs weakened, my eyes felt suddenly heavy and my head spun.
"Ag..." And everything else became blurry as I fell unconscious.
It has happened!!!!ππππ
Poor Agozieπ
And Chioma doesn't somehow have sense. If I were her, I'm not opening the door without grabbing a ladle or mop stick. She did it when it was Agozie, then did not have sense to do it for the bad guys.
Predictions, please...
Will Chioma be okay?
Will AGOZIE be okay?
Ha! I'm mean oh, I dee even knowπππππ
See how I'm putting y'all on suspense, forgive me for that. I'll try to update as soon as possible.
Thanks so much for sticking with the book till this far, I can't even thank you guys enough. Y'all are the reason I keep typing more words each day, trying my best to complete this book.
I love you all, to the moon and back!!!β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπππππ
Okay, please vote if you enjoyed the chapter and think I should update soon, then ease voteπ€ and also leave a comment if you can, loves.
Till my next update,
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