Femi's POV.
A smirk was glued to my face as I wrapped my arm around Chioma's neck. I knew she'd kill me after this but I didn't care at the moment, I'm enjoying every bit of this for reasons unknown to me.
"Hi, I'm Chioma" Chioma said to Jade, extending a hand for a shake. I stole a glance at her and I could see her trying to not push my hand away but failing miserably as she finally pushes my arm away and glares at me for a while. Jade shook hands with Chioma and I could've sworn that I saw her glance at me with a sad smile on her face and I immediately regretted dragging myself and Chioma to meet them.
What was I even thinking?
"Well, we'll be on our way now. It was nice meeting you two. I hope you guys work out" Ebuka said as he sent us a smile and held Jade's hands and exited the restaurant. The sight of him holding Jade's hand so possessively made me angry and I unknowingly clenched my fists.
I don't know why I can't forget that girl already.
"Huh!" Chioma huffed and headed for the exit, but not before giving me a death glare.
I sighed as I followed her outside the restaurant and I knew she'd yell at me and to be honest, I seriously don't have her time.
Surprisingly, she didn't say anything till we got into the car. She kept pouting and frowning and I knew she was just as upset as I was.
"I can't believe he chose that thing over me!" She huffed again and I gave her a look.
"Hey! that thing used to be my girlfriend, okay? So please mind the way you talk about her" I said as we drove out of the restaurant.
"Used to be" she murmured but I heard her loud and clear. "I'm not even surprised that you dated her. After all, you do have bad taste" she said whilst folding her arms and staring out the window as we drove by. I was awed at her comment but still, it's Chioma I'm dealing with here. Of course she wouldn't miss an opportunity to be rude.
"You always amaze me with the kinda stuff you say" I said and she scoffed.
"Who cares? I just want to make it clear that what happened in there should never repeat itself. I can never date you, I hope you know that" she said and I gave her a scoff of my own.
"Like I'd even be interested in dating someone like you" I said, stressing the word 'you'
She shot me a glare and I smirked knowing that I'd gotten to her.
"Well, that's because you don't know beauty when you see it, even if it slapped you in the face, you still wouldn't know what it is. Idiotic dirt bag!" She said and I heaved an exasperated sigh.
"Chioma, life isn't all about beauty. Yes, I'll admit that you're pretty. But your arrogance and nasty behaviors overshadows your beauty, such that no one cares if your pretty or not because you keep acting all stuck-up and rude all the time. The beauty will fade away but we all know that your rudeness won't" I said and I could see her grit her teeth at the corner of my eye.
"Femi, I wonder how you feel and act like you're so perfect when you are in fact awful. You call me stuck-up but you are also full of yourself and extremely proud. You feel you have no flaws and you're talented in pointing out other people's flaws. I may be rude, stuck-up, arrogant, and bratty but I know that I don't have to change all because of you. I don't have to change myself because you have a problem with my behavior. Fix your stupid arrogant pride and maybe I'll fix mine" she said. She was about getting down from the car _ cause we just arrived at her house _ when I decided to reply her.
"Chioma, if you think I'm guilty of being too proud, then I'm not sorry about it. I'll take pride over arrogance any day. But as for you," I scoffed. "You seem to not care at all and that's why you think I'm saying this to spite you. Believe what you want but I'm not proud, I know my limits and besides it's called my self-esteem. And no matter what you say or do, I won't bring it down because of you" I said to her and she scowled at me.
"I hate you" she said through gritted teeth as she got down and slammed the door shut.
"I hate you more" I yelled back, but she was already gone. I grunted as I drove out of her house. I wonder what that girl thinks of me. She thinks I'm proud when she's the one who can't even say sorry when she's wrong. The same person that can't even say 'please' and 'thank you' to anyone is busy calling me proud.
I shook my head as I drove back home. But for some reason, I still wanted to talk to her, and I didn't even know why? I was hurt by her calling me proud but why should I? She's Chioma, the arrogant brat with no manners. Why do I care about what she thinks of me? I shouldn't even be bothered.
My mind went back to the events at the restaurant and I shrugged. Maybe it's because I respect people a lot. I'll stop talking to her and I hope we never bump into each other ever again.
* * *
Chioma's POV.
I walked into the house with rage seething through me. His words stung and they only made me madder the more I thought about them.
The beauty will fade away but we all know that your arrogance won't.
I felt like screaming in frustration, I was really angry and I just needed to clear my head. Those words still kept coming back, and each time they did, they brought a heavy weight into my being and I hate the feeling. He doesn't know me, so why does he keep judging me? We both hate each other and yet we keep seeing each other and it's like fate is playing games with us just to annoy us both. I don't want to see his face, I hate Femi, I hate him so much!
"Ah, you're back?" Amara asked, her eyes were still glued to the TV as she ate her popcorn.
"No oh, I'm leaving" I replied sarcastically and she chuckled. She finally turned to look at me when I sat down at the couch next to the one which was sitting on.
"What happened? You look really angry" she said and I hissed.
"Who else would make me this angry? That good-for-nothing fool of course!" I replied and she immediately switched off the TV and faced me with all her attention directed towards me
"What did he do this time?" She asked, a smile tugging at her lips. I could tell cause she was trying to hold it back in.
I hissed once more and told her everything that happened at the restaurant and she listened like she always does.
"Hmm, Chioma. Why do I get the feeling that you somehow like this guy?" She said, staring at me questionably.
"Amara, I can see that you have totally lost it. I'm here telling you that I despise him__"
"I prefer the term mutual dislike" she said, cutting me off.
"As I was saying," I said, giving her the death glare. "He's just so full of himself. I don't know why he feels I'm the only one with the problem. He clearly has the main problem here" I added, gritting my teeth as I thought about it.
"And what's his problem? For all I know, that guy is really nice. I was shocked when I found out that he came here to ask you out, I couldn't help but pray that you don't hurt his ego and self-esteem with your words. And you saying he's proud _ I must be honest _ is really wrong. A proud person wouldn't dream of coming here to ask you out after all the insults you've showered on him. Chioma, Femi is a nice guy. If you let him slip out of your hands, I won't be there when you start crying and begging him to come back. Cause me, I will just go and date him since you don't want to have sense. No offense" she said with a shrug and my mouth hung open in awe.
Did my own sister, the Amara I used to know, just support Femi?
"Amara!" I couldn't help but yell but she just shrugged again.
"What?" She asked with a smug smile on her lips.
"I can't believe this. When did you start liking Femi?" I asked.
"I have my eyes on him oh. The only problem is that he's older than I am but I can still make it work" she smiled again and I shook my head at her stupidity. "You keep saying he's not your type. Is it now my fault that he is infact my type?" She added with her smile still glued to her face.
"Coming from you, this is just shocking" I was still awestruck by it.
"What's shocking about it?" She quirked a brow at me and I shook my head in disbelief.
"Well, you can have him. He's all yours cause I don't care. I don't like him, I will never like him and I'll always hate him for the rest of my life" I said and she just face-palmed herself.
"I thought I was able to get your head working again. But anyways, I'll remind you of this exact same words on your wedding day. It's what they all say...I don't like him, he's not my type." She mimicked and I glared at her but she still chose to remain unfazed by it. "Be there glaring at me oh, when your eyeballs roll on the floor, then you'll know" she teased and I got up to hit her but she ran away with those long legs of hers.
"Bighead!" I yelled at her and she laughed from the stairs where she ran for safety.
"Aboki!" She yelled back.
"Dumbbell!" I yelled at her.
"Mumu!" She yelled back and I chuckled.
"Dry girl. She how skinny she is" I replied and she clapped her hands in mockery and laughed.
"As dry as your life!" She yelled back. "See who is calling me skinny. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? You look like a bamboo stick in a pink dress and silver heels!" She laughed and I immediately ran after her.
"Wait till I get you! You'll be praying for death to take you away after I'm done with you!" I yelled as I chased her upstairs, wondering how I got stuck with such a silly sister.
"You know you don't have height and you are here trying to chase me. I just hope you don't trip in those heels of yours, short stuff" she said and I wondered who gave her the morale to say that.
"I'm coming for you!" I yelled as I headed to her direction. But I was too late cause she got into her room and slammed the door shut in my face.
"Told you so! Goodnight!" She yelled from inside and I groaned, not believing that I just chased that miniature demon all the way up here for no reason.
"Goodnight, idiot!" I yelled back and headed to to my room.
I shut the door behind me and plopped on my bed as a sigh escaped my lips. My eyes shut closed and kicked off my heels and walked into the bathroom to have my bath. After I had already taken my bath and changed into my nightdress, I lay back in my bed. Thinking...
* * *
Femi's POV.
I got home and met my parents both downstairs eating dinner. I wasn't hungry cause I had already eaten out with that Sassy Brat and so I just greeted them both and wished them a goodnight and headed to my room. As I got to my room, I plopped on my bed and flung my car keys on my nightstand. I immediately got up and then headed to the bathroom to shower and after that I returned to my room now dressed in my pajamas.
Finally, I lay on my bed and then remembered everything that had happened today. My biggest regret being the fact that I went out with Chioma.
My train of thoughts was interrupted when I heard a knock on my door and my father's voice followed from outside.
"Femi, it's me" he said and I immediately smiled and opened the door for him. He got inside the room and sat down on my bed while I shut the door behind me. I sat on the bed next to him and I wondered why he was here, don't get me wrong. We usually have time to talk and other stuff but he has been really busy with work lately and we have barely had time to really talk like we used to before I left for the states.
"Femi, let's talk. What has been going on in your life? Cause I know that look. That is the look a man gets when he is frustrated by a female, don't ask me how I know this cause your mom was quite the character" he said and I immediately laughed at his words.
"Well dad, I won't keep any secrets from you cause you are right" I replied honestly and he immediately smiled and nodded his head.
"Interesting, so who is this girl if I may ask?" He said and I scratched the back of my neck with a goofy grin on my lips.
"It's, um, Chioma. Chioma Aniobi" I said and I knew he'd laugh and he did.
"So what happened with her? I thought you were dating Jade?" He asked, a brow quirked at me.
"I was but she broke up with me a few weeks ago, while you were still on your business trip" I said and he nodded his head in understanding.
"Why did she break up with you? What did you do?" He asked and I told him everything that had happened. It was nice talking to my father about things like this, it's not like I don't talk to my mother. I love them both equally but since I'm a guy, my father tends to understand me better.
"Well, that's her loss. I know the kind of son I have, and for her to choose whomever it was she chose, then that's her sore loss. Just let her be and be happy for her, that's the best option cause you can't have her back since she's already pregnant for the guy" he said and I sighed and nodded sadly.
"I still miss her, dad. I won't lie to you" I said and he patted my shoulder.
"Let her go and forget her. That's the best thing you can do for yourself" he said and I nodded my head. " Okay, so tell me what has been going on between you and Chioma" he said and I groaned the minute I remember how she's such a pain in the neck.
"She's the rudest thing that I've ever come across in my lifetime. She's got sass, dad. She looks so pretty and innocent but her words are not, they'll cut you like a knife and stab you in the back all at the same time" I said and he chuckled.
"She's that rude?" He asked, his interest piqued.
"Rude is an understatement when compared to her. That girl lacks respect and her words are so acidic that sometimes I feel like just shutting her mouth up for good. It still baffles me that I almost kisssed___" I immediately shut my mouth the minute my dad smirked and wiggled his brows at me.
I've said too much.
"Kissed, huh? When did that happen?" He asked and I scratched the back of my neck nervously.
"Long story" I simply said.
"I want to hear it" he said and I told him everything. Of course he laughed at me but still. It was really nice talking to him.
"Wow, I've missed so much" he said after I had told him all that happened.
"But she's just confusing. She's like a puzzle with no solution. I try not to judge her but she gives me a reason to every single time" I groaned as I lay back on my bed.
"Femi, I'll be honest with you. Girls are difficult to understand and so if you keep trying to understand them, you'll just run mad or die before your time" he said and I laughed.
"That's so true" I concurred.
"But the thing is, you have to learn how to follow them. They are very emotional, yes, but they can be very brutal too. I just think Chioma has been pampered way too much. I'd advice that you be patient with her. That's the key you need to truly get along with her type. Without patience, they will just frustrate your life. I'm speaking from experience" he said and I laughed so much that my cheeks hurt.
"Dad, I'm done trying to understand Chioma. She's on her own, I only pity the man that she finally ends up with, he has a lot to handle and without God's grace he might just commit suicide" I said and my dad shook his head at my comment.
"All I'm saying is that you be patient with her. She might not be only what she seems. She might be arrogant but you have to help her learn how to be better" dad said.
"And why do I have to do that? I'm not her boyfriend and neither are we friends" I said.
"Femi, go for her. You can still change her"
"No, dad. I'm done trying to befriend that girl"
"Think about it, she can still change and I know that if she does, you'll fall for her. Anyway, I'm tired now and I have to get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow" dad said as he got up to leave.
"Goodnight, dad" I said and he was about exiting the room.
"Night, son" and with that he left and I lay on my bed, thinking...
Sorry if this chapter was crappy. The next will be better and I hope you guys will enjoy it too.
Thanks to all those who have been voting and commenting and also those who have been silently reading this book. You don't know how happy I get when I see that people are actually reading this book.
Thanks for all your support and I hope that your day goes smoothly and you stay happy.
A very happy Sunday to you all and I wish you all the best.
Thanks so much for reading.
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