Part 9 : Finding a way back

Jaemin lied down on his bed, trying to organize all the information he got while in the car. The most jaemin had got was that

β€’ Renjun had brought the band into the company
β€’ Mark was not happy about it
β€’ Haechan was struggling with something but the company didn't do anything about it

He texted Mars about her trip so far, and drifted off to sleep.


Jaemin arrived to the studio earlier than he would've hoped. He approached the door and was about to open when he heard something like scolding. Jaemin decided to eavesdrop.

"-renjun hyung please.." that was definitely Jisung voice, but it sounded like he was sobbing.

"My answer is final, I want you get rid of everything associated as well."

Jaemin quietly opened the door. Renjun and Jisung both turned their heads towards him. Renjun looked quite mad while Jisung eyes had became red and puffy.

"You're early for once." Renjun said


Jisung walked to Jaemin and put his hands out. Jaemin tilted his head, confused of what Jisung wanted.

"The picture." Renjun said

"ah.. can I just hold on to it for-"

"Absolutely not"

"Please hyung.." Jisung pleaded

Jaemin took out the photo and handed it to Jisung. He stared at it for a while before handing it Renjun who threw it the trash.

"We'll wait for the others to join then we can start practice" Renjun said.


Jaemin decided to take the train to Haechans apartment, he needed more answers. Jaemin got off on his stop and walked to the apartment location.

When he reached the apartment door he knocked on the door. Haechan peeked out.

"Oh hey Nana I didn't expect you here again."

"Hey, yeah I just wanted to talk"

Haechan opened the door fully and let Jaemin in.
The apartment was still the mess it was the last time he came here.

"Sorry for the mess, what did you want to talk about Jaemin?" Haechan sat down on the little stool while Jaemin sat down on couch.

Wait, did Haechan just say his name? He never told him his actual name, well at least he doesn't remember.

"Shocked, I know. I actually talked to Doyoung hyung about you. I can't exactly read your mind but whatever plan you're coming up with will won't work."

Dammit. There goes Jaemin chance, but he isn't going give up so easily.

"Why don't you think it will work? You couldn't at least make it work?"

"Listen I don't want to talk about this."


"Are you okay?" Jaemin asked.

"first time in a while since someone asked me that. Actually no, I'm a disaster at the moment. My mind is filled with a poisonous gas and I just want to sleep for eternity."

Jaemin listens carefully and sincerely. He wanted to help Haechan before allowing him to talk about the groups past.

"I've been struggling with this stress for a while now, when I talked to the company about my mental situation they brushed it off and forced me to keep practicing. Our popularity was not helping as well, as it meant more practices and no rest. I just could not take it anymore and dropped out of the band."

"..Yet you joined a different band?"

"The band isn't under some stupid company that won't give me a 5min break. Taeyong hyung actually is willing to give me months of breaks just for me to recovery."

Jaemin stayed silent, he was quite speechless. Jaemin thought the company was treating them fairly. That was what Jaemin thought as he never got any harsh treatment from them, in fact he was always praised.

"Anyways.. thanks for listening to me ramble. I really needed to talk to someone. Although I do have a question for you"


"Do the members.. talk about me? In a bad way or.."

"Hmm.. why don't you find out yourself?" Jaemin smiled at him.

"What do you mean?"

Jaemin quickly took out his phone and texted him and address.

"What's this?"

"Go and find out."

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