Fernkit woke in the middle of the night. At first she wasn't sure why, but then a sharp sting in her throat gave her the answer. I'm so thirsty! She choked on the dryness, longing for a soaked mossball. Maybe I should wake Mother? No, she needs her rest. I'll just have to sneak into Bluewillow's den or something...
Not really sure where she was going, Fernkit crept out of the nursery. She shivered when she remembered what happened last time she snuck out of the nursery at night. There are no foxes now. Don't be such a scaredy-mouse. With a deep breath, she started towards the medicine den. But before she had made it more than a few steps, movement caught her eye at the camp entrance.
"Are we all here?" That was Mistyshade, Dewfrost's sister.
"Duh," Twigpaw flicked her skinny white tail, as though she were annoyed. "I wish Cedarthorn had let Breezepaw come."
"You two caused a scene at the Clan meeting a few nights ago," her mentor reminded her. "Of course Cedarthorn isn't going to reward bad behavior."
Fernkit saw Twigpaw's jaws move, probably in a sarcastic reply, but she couldn't hear her from her spot up on the hill.
"Let's go," Another cat on the patrol, Yarrowleaf, hissed. "Every heartbeat we waste, we're becoming less of a moonhigh patrol and more of a moon-set patrol."
With a few grunts, the other four cats followed the grumpy pale golden-brown tom out of camp. I feel like... I should follow them, Fernkit wasn't sure what it was, but she felt a tugging at her fur, willing her tiny paws to move forward. Surely there's a stream outside of camp, right?
Without another thought, Fernkit raced silently after the moonhigh patrol. I wonder which border they're going to, she thought as she trotted a few tail-lengths behind the nearest cat. I wonder if they'll meet another patrol.
Fernkit was panting with the effort of keeping up with her Clanmates. Great StarClan, I've never walked this far in my life, let alone ran!
Eventually, a strong, fishy tang hit her nose. That's... odd, she continued scenting the air, and picked up a much stronger stench of dung and warm baking scents, like dried grass. Are we near the Horseplace? Isn't that on the RiverClan border?
Sure enough, a large, brown Twoleg structure came into view. She heard deep bellows and high-pitched neighing inside. I wouldn't want to go in there!
Luckily, the patrol peeled away from the Horseplace, stopping a few fox-lengths from its far side.
"Alright," Yarrowleaf meowed quietly. "Mistyshade, Twigpaw, and Palespots, go towards the lake while Windyheart and I head along the Horseplace side."
The other cats nodded, and began heading off with their groups. Fernkit stood still for a heartbeat, wondering who to follow. I'll go with Yarrowleaf and Windyheart. Less cats, lesser chance of them scenting or spotting me.
Silent as mouse, she crept after the two warriors, watching them stop occasionally to mark a border. That's so cool! I want to do that when I'm a warrior!
Suddenly, a loud yowl sounded in the opposite direction. Windyheart and Yarrowleaf were instantly alert, ears perked and legs set to spring. The yowl sounded again, though this time Fernkit could make out the words.
"You fish-stealing fox-hearts!" some cat spat, though Fernkit didn't recognize their voice. Fish-stealing? Who's stolen fish? Who even likes fish? She suddenly recalled an old elders' tale. RiverClan eats fish. Are there RiverClan cats nearby? She began to tremble. I never should have followed them! Now I'm going to be stuck in a border skirmish!
Reluctantly, Fernkit padded after Windyheart and Yarrowleaf, her ears flat to her head and her tail tip twitching nervously. When they rounded Horseplace, Yarrowleaf let out a yowl of outrage.
"RiverClan cats! Why are their RiverClan cats on our territory?"
Fernkit squinted, and made out the forms of six cats along the border, on the far side, but nose-to-nose with the other three WindClan cats.
One, a silver tabby, turned her head. "We aren't on your territory, blind bat!" She hissed menacingly. "And we're here because some cats have been stealing our prey!"
"Well it wasn't us!" Twigpaw growled, her fur bushed out so she looked twice her size. Fernkit could see her unsheathed claws, glinting in the moonlight. "We don't want your smelly fish!"
Another RiverClan cat, this one a bit smaller and pure white, snarled in return. "Don't even lie to us! Last night at the Gathering, Foxstar said your Clan was "well fed"! No WindClan cat is well fed off of skinny moor rabbits! You must be stealing fish from the lake, and you know the lake belongs to RiverClan!"
A growl was rising in Yarrowleaf's throat. "I'll give you one chance to apologize for accusing us of stealing prey. One," he paused, eyes glaring with hatred. "Two." Fernkit was shaking violently now, terrified of what would happen if Yarrowleaf got to-
"One. WindClan, attack!"
"RiverClan, battle!"
Fernkit's eyes widened as chaos broke out before her. The silver tabby was slashing Windyheart's flanks, causing the warrior to cry out in pain. Twigpaw dove in to help the cream she-cat, and together they sent the silver tabby screeching into the marshes. But a black tom, who's fur was almost invisible against the night sky, barreled into the WindClan apprentice, sending them wrestling in a whirl of teeth and claws.
This is horrible... the blood... the cries of pain... Suddenly, Fernkit heard a loud hiss. It was coming from her left. She whipped her head around to see the white tom, his fur now muddy and... bloody.
Fernkit shook violently as he loomed closed. "Are you hiding scared, little mouse-hearted WindClan apprentice?" His hissed tauntingly. "Well, I'll show you what RicerClan cats do to cowards!"
Before she could scramble away, the tom dug his front claws into her shoulders. She yelped in pain, but the tom didn't let go. He's going to shred me! She thought frantically as he flipped her over, scoring her soft underbelly with thousands and thousands of scratches. I'm going to die! I'm sorry, Mother, I'm sorry Father... I never got to say goodbye!
But just as she was starting to lose consciousness, a silver blur flashed over her head. Great, another warrior's coming to help finish me off, but the warrior wasn't tearing into her fur... she was shoving the white tom off!
Fernkit gasped. Snowheart! Her friend slashed mercilessly at the RiverClan tom, making with silky white fur turn red with blood. She came to save me!
As Snowheart shredded the white tom, he thrashed frantically under her. His eyes were wide and scared, darting around from side to side. What's he looking for? And why isn't he fighting back? Snowheart lunged downward, aiming for the tom's throat, but he didn't even try to protect his neck.
"No!" Fernkit yowled, making Snowheart stop. She turned her gaze to Fernkit, her eyes questioning. "Don't kill him! He thought I was an apprentice!"
Snowheart nodded, and gave the tom one last nick on the ear before dragging him across the RiverClan border. She then returned to Fernkit, whose breathing was slowly steadying.
The queen touched a white paw to Fernkit's belly, which instantly stained her fur bright crimson. Snowheart's eyes shone with sadness as she hauled Fernkit off the ground and dangled her over the ground by her scruff.
Fernkit's belly hurt worse than anything she had ever felt. If she had come a heartbeat later, I'd be dead, the kit realized, trembling. "Th-thank you, Snowheart," she choked out, her green eyes glazed with pain. "I would be crow-food if it weren't for you."
Snowheart nodded, her mouth full of Fernkit's bloody fur. Eventually, they reached camp, and Snowheart placed Fernkit in the nursery. She disappeared for a few moments, then returned with a wad of cobwebs and some yellow flowers, as well as some large leaves. Snowheart began to dress her wounds, first with the yellow flowers chewed into a pulp, then covered with a thick layer of cobwebs.
"Thanks!" Fernkit purred, feeling much better. "And, did you bring poppy seeds?"
Snowheart nodded, pushing two small seeds towards her with a paw. Fernkit blinked gratefully as she devoured the seeds. Within a few heartbeats, her eyelids began to get droopy and she tipped her head back in a massive yawn.
"Thank you... again, Snowheart," she meowed sleepily. "Thanks... so... much...."
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