C.XII - Parade Fest : One of Us
3:12 𝗉𝗆
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I was pleasantly reading my book when Auriana stepped in my room with a grin on her face. I looked up at her from my bed where I was sitting and she put her hands on her hip. "Watcha reading?" She smiled with her teeth.
"A series." I replied, putting down the book face down on my side table. She peeked on the cover and read the title.
"Ooohh!-" she straightened her posture. "A dragon series? Awesome!" She commented. "Anyways, you should get ready, it's time for the paraadee~!" She spread her arms out to stretch out the ending word before leaving and shutting the door to its previous position.
I sighed. We just got home though, I cried inwardly and got up to get ready. I opened my closet and decided on my daily theme, sunshine yellows, whites and blacks.
Glancing back at my side table, I grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my pocket along with a random lolipop on the table. Wonder where that came from?
Aside my phone lay the book I'd been reading. Laying it face down would break the spine so I picked it up, closed it, and inserted it into the bookshelf along with the rest of the books from the series. Which arc did it belongs to again? Oh right.
Second arc, Wings of Fire.
Glad to know humans have a better imagination on mythical beasts, atleast. Or maybe Sunnybae's just different. I left my room alone and joined Carissa, Auriana, Talia and Iris outside.
4:48 𝗉𝗆
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"Okay! Everyone's here. Now we just wait." Iris noted while crossing her arms and looking off to the distance.
"Wait for what? And where's Lyna?" I asked. I figured maybe Mephisto wouldn't be coming to such a thing, assuming he wouldn't be interested.
"Oh, she won't be coming. But Mephisto seemed to be interested, so he'll be coming as well." Talia replied instead of Iris. On second thought, maybe he is interested.
Talia and Iris walked away to Amaru who was huffing about some squirrel stealing his food or something, leaving me and Carissa infront of the porch. Yes, Auriana didn't walk, she ran but that's a given, no?
"Okay. So where is he?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows when the said person wasn't around the group.
"Stuck in a tree." Carissa answered in a monotonous voice as if expecting the question.
"Uh- you know what, I'm not even surprised." I joked shaking my head.
"OW! OH FOR THE SAKE OF-" A voice shouted out from behind the house before continuing in a lower yell, "... Cladsnick.." accompanied by a sound somewhat resembling a thud.
And in the next moment, the infamous redhead stood before us with a few twigs and leaves in his hair. "Don't ask." He said huffing at the strand of hair that fell on his eyes.
"We don't intend to anyway. Now let's get going before we get the girls late." I affirmed while walking away, followed by the other two. We joined the band shortly after whatever in the name of Ephidia just happened, and continued our walk to the park.
"These human clothes feel so comfortable. Why is that?" Mephisto pointed out while stretching his shirt from the bottom. His shirt seemed to say 'Shoo people' which was funny because he rather attracted more people than shoo them away. I snickered at the text on his shirt before commenting on the earlier question," I dunno, maybe because they're really just .. more simple? Our clothes are so.. tacky."
"Glad someone pointed that out. I was dying back there wearing those long skirts all day, everyday." Carissa joined in on the topic, rolling her eyes and scoffing.
"Hmm... Hey I heard a word for this- oh curse these human languages!" Mephisto cursed at the English language which was understandable really. "It was something like- oh! It was Trio! We're a good trio." He claimed in a proud gesture.
"We're a .. trio? What in the name of Calix is that supposed to be like?" The girl beside me asked in a confused tone.
"Well, I guess that's not a half bad idea. Watcha say Criss?" I smiled at the thought.
"Hmm." She put a finger to her chin and smiled back at me. "Not a traditional thing in Calix, but let's stab the gut. What do ya wanna name it?"
A very calix-ian? Way of saying it.
Still figuring that out..
"What options do we have?" I walked ahead backwards raising an eyebrow at the both of them. They just gave me a 'I don't know, it's on you' look and shared a nervous laugh.
"Oh come on! Everything's on me?!" I scoffed and backed up with them again.
"Heyyy!! We're hereeee!!" Auriana announced the obvious as we approached park. It had rainbow flags and party ballons hung up from every street lamp to every stall pillar. The entry arch was decorated by beautiful flowers of a variety of shades and hues. The crowd wasn't small at the least, let me say. Heart lanterns hung from tree branches, and chilling soft music.
I think we're alone now starts playing...
The music rang through the park seemingly bouncing off the petals of the many so uncountable flowers. Dew flourished amidst the sepals and leaves of the flowers in the fields.
"Beautiful.." I muttered under my breath, darting eyes taking in the sight before us.
"You aren't kidding..." Carissa said, though not talking about the fields of beauty, not even at the least, no. It was definitely you-know-who.
"I was talking about the flowers.." I whispered leaning closer to her ear. Dana appeared out of the crowd in a quite suitable red jacket and her previous flare jeans. Her iconic headphones also dangled around her neck of course.
"Hey you made it! It was getting cold so I just threw on whatever looked half decent. I know I don't look the best right now so don't comment." She waved her hands in explanation.
"Uh- no you look stunning- I mean- you look good." Carissa said whatever was at the tip of her tongue trying her truly best not to blush and miserably failing at it.
"Aww thanks! But enough about flattering me, you guys ready for your performance?" Dana put her hand to her chest at the compliment before talking to the band.
"Yup! When is it?" Iris replied positively.
"Well there's still time." She checked her watch before continuing "Your time is at six so you have like an hour or so. It's fifteen past five right now so you guys can check out the area, decor, and even some stalls. But if you're not interested then the backstage is open if you're up for some finishing touch-ups."
"Alright, thank you. We'll be fine from here." Talia acknowledged the brunette before the band grouped together and walked off to the right.
"Well I guess we're left behind." I commented on the situation.
"If you want, I can show you guys around. I have my other colleagues around here to help me out and I have a short break time right now." Dana said, her hands crossed behind her head.
"I guess so. Guys?" I questioned for the other's approval.
"Uh- sure? I don't know, you're the boss here. Mainly because I don't know anything around here not because I can't do it. I can be the boss, I just gave you the chance-" Mephisto crossed his arms and huffed realising he'd just crossed himself with his own choice of words.
"Okay sure, mr. Mulberry" I rolled my eyes.
"Well yes- I guess. I mean that would be great- we just got here. So yeah." Carissa said agreeably. We all know why.
"Okay. Then it's settled. We'd like it, thank you in advance Dana."
And we set off. She showed us around the park. It seemed so lively and full of life.
How wondrous, isn't it? The park that was once green but usually empty was now in shades of red and orange and crowded to the brim.
"This is so mesmerizing. How did you guys get everything done so quickly? Oh and I have to say, whoever stylized the lanterns and decorations is truly god gifted."
The brunette laughed heartily at my observation and agreed. "Nice eye. I mean yes, Chris is his name. His a truly talented designer. He's more into home decor and architecture really but this is a small time job."
"Sounds like a nice guy."
"He is. He's the best helper out of all of them if I had to judge. Don't tell the others though."
"I wouldn't don't worry. ...Or would I?"
"Oh come on. Don't set me up now. Atleast I hope ms. Fighter here wouldn't be as bad as you." She rolled her eyes and I looked over at Carissa who was on the other side of Dana as we walked. Mephisto seemed to have fallen behind on the trail so I excused myself to go get him back on track.
Third person pov
Here they were, the warrior lady and the brunette music lover standing together in awkward stances. The background music hadn't left them alone all together, and nor did the soft scenery lighting.
"Children behave"
That's what they say
When we're together
"And watch how you play"
They don't understand
The girls looked over at the other. The brunette smiled as the redhead blushed but returned the smile.
And so we're running just as fast as we can
Holding on to one another's hand
Trying to get away into the night
Dana bounced her head side to side in the rhythm of the music, in complete sync.
And then you put your arms around me as we tumble to the ground and then you say-
"I think we're alone now~" Dana starts singing, smiling. "There doesn't seem to be anyone around.." she nods to Carissa
"I- I think we're alone now.." Carissa tries though unwilling to sing. But Dana's sight and song might've changed that.
Dana chuckled missing her line. The beating of our hearts is the only sound.
"Not much of a singer, are you?" She looked down at the ground shaking her head and back at the other smiling.
"No, not really. You're very good!" Carissa acclaimed laughing.
"Ha, thanks, I appreciate it."
"Not a problem. It's true though."
"Really now?"
"Heh. Thanks anyways. Hey! They're freestyling right before the concert! Let's go!" Dana said out of nowhere and paired her arm with Carissa's before dragging her to the stage.
"Uh- what? Whoa!-"
First person pov 5:34 PM
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I was standing before the stage with Mephisto when the duet finished their song and stepped down from the stage.
"These humans are really talented, don't you think?" I asked Mephisto who had been fiddling with the crust of the pizza he'd had earlier.
"Yeah. Hmm, yeah..." He said half hearing what I'd asked.
"Okay?.. and what's with the pizza crust? Did you not like it?"
"Meh. The taste was weird- like spicy but sweet-ish? I don't know,.. humans are strange."
"They're not strange. They're just not Ephidians like us, goofball. That actually gives us an advantage in singing. Wait that's not fair-"
"I am not a goofball!!!"
"Uhm- very debatable." I shrugged and turned back to the stage infront.
The girls had gone backstage to get ready just half an hour before their concert.
"Alrighty folks! Last entry of freestyle for today! It's sing it or lose it!! Wait no that's not right-" The announcer's voice boomed through the speakers.
The audience laughed at the rhyme fail and the next singers stepped up onto the stage. Wait.
"Isn't that Carissa and Dana?" Mephisto asked and flung the pizza crust behind his shoulder.
"Looks like them alright." I confirmed.
"What's with the redhead? She seems- uncomfortable or something." Mephisto squinted his eyes as to look for distress signs from Carissa.
He didn't get any of course.
"She's flustered not distressed, goofball."
"Okay- will you stop calling me that?!" He stomped his feet and huffed crossing his arms like a toddler.
"Nope-puh" I said popping the 'p'.
"Witch!" He cursed at me quietly but my ears caught it.
"Really?! I gave you such a cute nickname and you call me a witch?!.... To be honest, I've heard worse- but still!!"
"Okay okay sorry. I didn't mean it like that! And goofball is not cute! That only suits that purple furry cat thing."
"Thats Amaru- and you're not very wrong either. But! You're still a goofball." I said blowing a raspberry at him.
"stop, I don't like being called that! Come up with something better which actually suits me!"
"Fine.. I'll think over it.."
Before we could continue arguing, a beautiful echo rang through our ears. Mesmerizing even.
"I'm in a field of dandelions, counting on every one to be mine~"
My head turned to the stage where Dana had started singing. A melody that seemed to be like of those mythical creature the humans call, sirens. Her voice was so enchanting,,
Like I could listen to it my whole life.
"Sorry to crash the party sweethearts but I've got business to deal with!" A voice shouted from afar. Not a familiar voice though.
But I got no time to thinking about that as dark crystals started raining down on the crowd.
"We left Amaru back at the house!" I exclaimed realising our big mistake. "Crystal Eternitas!"
I froze the park with my golden yellow crystal and the people in it. My head snapped to the one showering the dark crystals and it was a male around Mephisto's age, maybe older. He had long luscious white hair in a high pony tail. The odd thing about him was that his face was covered with a black veil just above his lips that formed a smirk as he seemed to have spotted us.
Hard to tell really, with the veil and all.
"Greetings peasants! Feast your eyes on your new tormentor for the rest of your worthless lives!" The white haired man shouted out as he gracefully landed on the ground, spreading his arms out in a kingly manner.
"The only thing I'll be feasting on is your pale flesh if you don't shut that mouth of yours, grandma." I groaned.
"Not everyone who has white hair is old!" He shouted back offended.
"Right-eo. Girls?"
"Iris! Princess of Ephidia!"
"Talia! Princess of Xeris!"
"Auriana! Princess of Volta!"
"Carissa! Princess of Calix!"
"Mephisto! Get out of here!" I whispered to him, annoyed.
Do I read too many books or is any random villain that pops up as a minion or subordinate in the middle of a story always so fine?
But nah, cuz firstly, he's a villain, additionally has a terrible personality, and acts in an obnoxiously self absorbed manner.
"Who are you?!" Iris demanded at the man infront of us.
"Oh, introduction time already? My favourite part!" He chuckled and continued, "Well I do deserve the spotlight now, don't I?" And he vanished.
"He can teleport!" Mephisto noted. Wait what.
"What are you still doing here?!"
"If he's working for my sister, she wouldn't tell him about me. Then if he doesn't know about me, I can still help. Plus I look way different in human clothes."
I shook my head sighing and turned to Iris. She nodded at his approach so I just shrugged and continued my part.
"Huh. Guess you still have a bit of IQ in there." I said laughing.
"Girls, focus! He could be anywhere!" Talia informed which turned me back to serious mode. Just then a patch of white blurred in the corner of my eye and I blasted crystals at it. "Crystal Offencio!"
The crystals pierced through the shoulder of his outfit. Very tacky so obviously Ephidian.
"Ugh! You ruined my outfit! Do you know how much time it takes to get an original outfit on Ephidia?!" He stomped his foot on the stage, "Alright, Enough chit chat, sweetheart. Let me introduce you to the infamous Kade - Me, Myself and I!"
"Talk about self-confidence.." I noted at his too much of a proud gesture, to which Mephisto snickered beside me.
"Enough time has been wasted, thanks to you ruining my outfit! - let's dance, shall we?" He held his hand to his chin with a grin on his face. Hard to tell about his other facial features, where he was looking etcetera, etcetera because of his black veil.
"Telanoc." He said calmly, sure. But the ground did not seem calm as a tower of black dark crystal came raging at us.
I jumped onto one of the spikes of crystals as the others ran in different directions. Auriana formed a shield which wouldn't have lasted longer than a second if Talia hadn't joined.
"Crystal Collidum!"
"Crystal Offencio!"
Spells fired back and forth on the crystal clad parade grounds.
"Is it just me or are we actually destroying publice property?" Mephisto asked as I pulled him and Carissa out of the way of flying crystals and behind a fallen over table.
"Nah, we are, definitely." I affirmed.
"Do we have a plan?" Carissa asked huffing from exhaustion.
"Not really. This guy's new. I can't tell any of his weaknesses yet." I sighed at the fail.
"You don't, but I recognise him from somewhere. I cant tell where though." Mephisto put a finger to his chin.
"Maybe he was with you when Gramorr was around?"
"No it was only us. Except Kakos and Deinos. The 'Replacements' .."
"What? Who're they?" I asked confused. Clearly I was missing something.
"Not the time. But-" He stopped and gasped, "infamous, Kade. That's it!"
"What is he on about?" Carissa asked annoyed.
"I have no idea." I said sharing the same tone.
"I kinda remember. Not really but a little. Follow me!" And he's off.
"Great. Just great."
And we were off as well. We followed as he around the ongoing battle and out of the park?
"Where are going?!" Talia's voice appeared as someone grabbed my wrist. Carissa stopped halfway because of Talia.
"Carissa, you go. We'll lose him." I nodded as she ran after Mephisto once again. "We think Mephisto's got a plan. Something about infamous? Or his name? I have no idea."
"Well whatever you're doing, do it quick! This new one's tough. We won't hold him back too long."
I nodded and ran after the other two. "Just a few more minutes, I promise!"
I heaved a few breathes with my hands on my knees when Carissa and Mephisto came into view. "What're we doing outside of the park?"
"Yeah! The battle's inside! I wanna bash that guy in the head so hard right now." Carissa grunted while her fingers dug into the lantern beside her.
"Calm down. If my memory serves me right, this should work." Mephisto said when I noticed him crouching over something on the ground.
"What's the plan?" I asked relieved after a long while.
"See for yourself." He said grinning.
Me and Carissa gasped. "No way, Hosey!"
"Thank you!" I said with a smile to the shopkeeper girl infront of me. "Wonderful store you have here."
"Oh thanks. I never thought anyone would come into a costume shop in the middle of March. That too only to buy that."
"Oh yes- uh- my little brother loves X-Men and Wolverine. So I decided why not dress up as him for his birthday! Haha. Thanks for the claws. I didn't think I'd find real ones in here."
"Oh no, they're not real. They're just handcrafted with thermosetting plastic. A little secret though. My family used to be of blacksmiths so I just picked up a few hobbies and put my own twist to it along the way. They're one of a kind to me. Pity that no one sees the craft as you do."
"Thanks again. And I promise you'll get more customers in the future. Who actually see the craft in it."
"Feels good too. Anyways, I thought you were in a hurry? Move along now!" She said and posed with her hands on her hips.
We laughed and said goodbye. "See you!" The bell chimed as I left the store.
"Why in the name of Cladsnick would you go to a costume shop in the middle of March?" Mephisto asked finishing his contraption.
"To get these!" I said as I swung the claws infront of his face.
"Woah! Watch where you're clawing with that thing! Or whatever it's called.."
"Anyways, Are we ready now? Did Carissa go to help out the others?"
"Yes 'cause you took your time."
"Of course I had too. I felt sorry when I had to crystallize her though."
"Hey, it's for their own safety. Plus she won't even remember after your 'crystal solvenda' her or whatever."
"Right. You're right. Now, let's take this plan to action. They won't hold him off too long."
"It's done. You should go now."
"And let you climb a wall by yourself just to break your neck? No way. Crystal Scala."
My crystal tower formed below his feet which rose above the ground to the same level as the park walls. He jumped onto the walls just before my crystal tower dissipated.
"Thanks. I owe you one!"
"Oh you do alright." I smirked and ran back into the park just to see the battle go on. Carissa, Iris, Auriana, and Talia fighting against one white haired Kade.
"Alright claws, show me what you got with that thermosetting plastic for yours." I said curling the claws on my fingers just to get the vibe.
I spotted Mephisto standing on the wall with his contraption in hand. "Heya Kade, since you're so stunning and all,.. I don't think you'd mind getting stunned yourself would you?" He yelled out from atop the wall.
"What are you on about?!"
"This.!" He said as he threw his contraption mid air. The solid hexagon opened up with beams of bright blinding lights. Kade was especially blinded by the lights since it was thrown at him and it was my turn.
"I'd be worried about your precious veil if I were you!~" I chuckled and sped my way to the blinded man.
The claws on my fingers pierced through his veil and his bright red vermillion eyes were now visible for the world to see. Shreds of black cloth stuck to the pointed edges of my claws as I backed away from him. "No! Why would you do that?!" He yelled, covering his face.
"Crystal Paktus!" Carissa shot a spell at him which trapped him in a cage of violet crystals rising from the ground in the form of a cage.
Our trio shared a laugh at Kade who was covering his face with his hands trapped in a crystal cage. "Hurray to us, I guess."
"Hurray would be an understatement." Talia said while the Lolirock joined us. The girls de-transformed into their human attire.
"That. Was. Amazing!!!" Auriana squealed jumping up and down while Iris joined.
"Okay, but you have some explaining to do,
"I guess Dana should let Mephisto do the light show for her program now." Iris laughed.
We all laughed and shared comments on what just happened and our utter awesomeness. Until-
The next thing we know, a large black crystal is flying straight towards Carissa who seemed to not notice.
"Crystarmum!" Out of nowhere a shield of red crystal formed infront of Carissa, blocking our view of both Carissa and who'd created the shield in the first place.
"Ugh! More ?! Are you guys a whole organisation or something?!" He yelled in frustration before teleporting away and Carissa's crystal cage dissipating.
The red crystal shield dissipated as well only to reveal, Carissa and.. Dana?!
"Okay, now you both have explaining to do!"
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