C.XI - Parade Fest : The Invite
(lgbt based chapter - skip if uncomfortable)
Also I have no idea how to describe clothes so if you guys want I can post a picture on how Carissa love interest oc looks like. (I already have a sketch done)
10:24 AM - Usual Sunday morning
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It's been around a year since I arrived on Earth, but still things seem so new.. I know much about each of the princesses, and a rough outline of their individual personalities. But they're still a lot of things I need to get used to - smoothies, for example.
Of course I zoned out - and wrote a whole diary log of my days on earth in my head - in the middle of drinking my smoothie.
"You know how- *slurp* Praxina- *slurp* hasn't attacked in a while? *Slurp* There's something fishy going on.. *sluuuuuuuuurp*" said Auriana while vigorously slurping on her new favourite smoothie combo - strawberries, limes and kiwis - just don't ask her why she changes her smoothie combos every week. She says it's something to do with 'getting updated to the trends' or something of that sort.
"Auriana's right. We should try to figure out what's really going on." Talia commented, agreeing to Auriana in a long while.
Auriana smiled a grin of accomplishment, most probably referring to how Talia actually agreed to what she said. And let me verify, that does not happen regularly.
"The last time she attacked - when that girl, Missy - had turned her evil.. how could she just do that?" I asked, being new to Praxina's battle techniques.
"It's a long story. And we should know, since it has happened before - to us..." Iris spoke for the first time since the conversation began. She seemed to have remembered an old memory, and it was obvious that it was not a good one in the least.
"Wait- to you? Do you mean-" I was going to ask when it hit me.
"You guys were turned evil too - Like Carissa and Lyna?!" I asked, not too surprised but mostly startled that this has happened like fives times by now, and no one asked any questions.
"Yeah- but I still looked fabulous, unlike these two. My hair looked gorgeous actually. That shampoo- maybe I should use it again!.." Auriana mumbled to herself, a finger to her chin.
"NO!" Both the other girls snapped, Talia slammed her hand hard on the table, making me flinch in surprise. In the next moment, I grew conscious of the eyes, of most of the people in the bar, staring at us.
"Uh... Maybe we should quieten down a bit - just calm down maybe." I said, putting my finished drink down on the table, and one hand on an enraged Talia's shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. Or maybe just to get the eyes off of us.
"Hm. Yeah, thanks. Sorry, I just - don't like to recall those times." She blinked a few times to realise what just happened and sent me an apologetic smile, to make up for her sudden outburst.
"It's fine. At times, there are specific things that make me want to - how do I put this?..- strangle anyone who's immediately next to me? It's totally normal." I said casually, flailing my forearms to gesture 'its completely normal'.
All three of the girls stared at me, wide-eyed. Auriana even shifted herself a few inches away from me for assured safety (don't know how assured it would be).
Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that..
"Okay! So, anyways..." I laughed and clasped my hands to change the embarrassing topic. Why does everything end up in me being embarrassed in every possible way?..
Auriana nodded as if trying to ignore everything that just happened and continued on.
"Speaking to turning people into mindless minions, I hope Missy's alright now. Poor girl seemed quite hurt when we got her to the hospital." Auriana said resting her smoothie bottle on the table.
"Yeah, she's fine. I checked up on her at the hospital the next day. They said she'd be discharged soon enough. She didn't have alot of injuries, just a few scratches on her knees, elbows, you know, the basics." I said out of the blue while the girls shared a conversation on the topic.
"You did? But When?" Talia raised an eyebrow in question.
"You three are mostly busy half the time, and don't even get started on the other two. I managed to take some time out of my day since I'm not in a band or in a war of frenemies half the time." I stated simply.
" 'frenemies'? Wow you really are great at picking up on the earth lifestyle." Iris smiled at me and finished her smoothie as well.
"Well I really don't have a lot to do around the house except help Aunt Ellen, which isn't that much of a task in itself. So, yes, I am good at picking up stuff." I stated proudly at my newly found talent.
Carissa and Lyna walked into the bar since Iris had called them for this 'group meeting'. Honestly, I don't know what we should be talking about because we have little to no idea of what Praxina has been plotting. And the fact that this was just a regular visit to the smoothie until Iris decided to use it as a meeting venue out of the blue should also be considered. I mean, discussing how to save the world as undercover princesses from another planet in an open smoothie bar where anyone could be eavesdropping? What could possibly go wrong?
"Took you girls long enough. Where were you?" I asked as Carissa joined us at our table, followed by Lyna who had apparantly refused Nathaniel any smoothies for the both of them.
"We would've been here thirty minutes earlier, if it wasn't for ms. 'i don't know what to wear for a routine smoothie bar outing' here. And then she spent fifteen minutes trying to choose an outfit but ended up deciding on green, the colour she wears practically everyday!" Carissa explained trying to maintain low volume but unfortunately failing. She rested her cheek on the plan of her hand while Lyna sat down beside her, on her right.
"Well I decided that I look good in anything I wear - and green is the best colour, shame on you for not noticin-" Lyna started but was cut off by Talia," Okay girls we get it. Now on the situation at hand. Does anyone have any idea whatsoever on what Praxina may be planning?"
"No, she's not planning to destroy the world with an army of plushie monsters, Auriana. That's probably the last thing on her list." Talia disregarded Auriana's reply while stating the very obvious statement Auriana would've actually given. Not the most practical option, but hey, she's being creative atleast - A for effort!
Out of nowhere someone slid a magazine onto our table and grinned at us. I've got to admit, staying with girls has made me want to get out of the house more than anything in my whole life. I can't stand putting up with frenemy wars and concert plans all day long.
Wonder how Mephisto's handling himself?
It was a girl with short brown hair and blonde bangs who had popped up behind us with some pamphlets in her hands. The girl seemed somewhere around seventeen, my age. She had a tank top on and a fishnet overlay top, finger cut gloves and flare jeans.
Fair skin and something usual and beautiful about her eyes - they were two different colours... The centre of them being hazel or brown and the outer being green. A pair of headphones too - A fan of music, I presume. She seemed sweet and confident from her looks and appearance.
What was it? Hetra- hetro? Oh, heterochromia! Just another beauty of the universe.
"Hello! Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, I'm on a time crunch, but we're hosting an lgbt parade festival in Sunnybae Central Park and would love if you'd join to show support. The more the merrier! - " She took a breather and continued, "You guys are lolirock, right? If it's not too much of a favour, we'd love it if you performed at the fest at today's evening."
"Uhm, can we get a bit of time to think over it?" Iris requested the girl to which she nodded.
"Sure! I have to distribute these here as well, so I'll probably be right outside, if you come to a decision." And she left with a small wave. But I think I'm the only one who noticed Carissa staring at her with her mouth wide open who only flushed red when the girl sent a small wink before leaving.
Well, guess I know what's in store for Carissa today.
Carissa only covered her cheeks with her hands, and lifted her elbows to the surface of table. Her existant body was here, beside me, but I could where her mind was. She was smiling but at nothing particular, just outside the window across the room.
The girls started to talk about going to the parade fest while Lyna was on her phone.
"You okay there, Criss?" I asked nudging closer to her with an arm around her shoulders. Yes, Carissa despises being called 'Crissy' but she prefers 'Criss' better.
"Uh-uhm Yes! Of course." She shook herself and managed a small smile at me before readjusting herself to her previous position.
"You can drop the act, I know all about it." I smirked at her as she snapped her head towards me.
"What are ya talking 'bout?" She laughed nervously as I raised an eyebrow that seemed to say 'you know what I'm talking about'.
She stared at me in utter disbelief and some other emotion that didn't quite fit her character, fear.
"Okay then that's sorted. We'll go to the parade." Iris suddenly announced while getting up. Carissa broke away from the side-hug we were in and got up with the rest of the girls. I sighed and eventually joined along with girls where Iris stood talking to Nathaniel about the fest.
"Will you be going?"
"Sorry Iris, I can't. The bar's been really busy the last couple of days-" He said, while washing up a few glass cups and filling the smoothie machine with newly bought fruits. "- can't make it this time. But I heard you'll be performing?" He turned to the blonde girl, who stood there in a blushing mess, and rested his elbow on the counter.
"Good luck with that - and be safe, alright?" He smiled while looking up at Iris.
"Yup!-" she began but was sharply nudged with Talia's elbow. "Okay, sure! But gotta go, - you know, band business!" She continued as she got dragged away pathetically by Talia.
"She reeeaaally likes you Nat!-" Auriana waved goodbye followed by Carissa and her, once again very obvious, mind occupied by you-know-who.
Nathaniel just laughed after Auriana, I presume because of what she said, and turned to me expecting any other obnoxious comment on his love life.
"What are you looking at me for?" I scoffed at the man infront of me and headed to the exit. Before leaving I decided to leave a pinch of brutality just to keep him on his toes. "Oh and also-" I peeked back at him and he looked up from writing something. "If you break her heart, I'd love to break your bones." I smiled him a closed-eye smile and went on.
Being a protective older member of a friend group who just so happens to be the lead's elder sister is very motivating if you're into brutal threat jokes.
But this one wasn't a joke.
Moving on...
"Oh great, I'm so blessed!" The girl from before exclaimed. The girls had already talked to her about the fest and their concert. "Oh and I almost forgot! My name's Dana, meet me when you get to the fest. You'll need to sign your names. We have keep proof of the number of people supporting the cause, don't we?" She chuckled.
"And who would you be?" She nodded her head at Lyna and Carissa as I joined the girls from behind. Red dusted over Carissa's cheeks while Lyna introduced herself and I did for myself.
"And you?" She turned to Carissa and she wasn't anywhere near ready to introduce herself to Dana, a supposed goddess in her eyes.
"This is Carissa, and she's great at - martial arts. A hobby really." I chuckled, grabbing Carissa's shoulders to shake her into reality. The other girls caught into a low volume conversation with Lyna who had supposedly said something regarding revealing our identities
"Oh great! Well I better go now, catch ya later Lolirock - and the martial artist." She winked before bowing slightly at Carissa and saluted goodbye to the others before walking off into the distance.
I smiled after the girl who had pulled up her headphones to her ears to which I assumed she'd be listening to music. I looked back at Carissa only to be met by a pair of eyes filled with disbelief and tomato red cheeks.
I laughed at her expression and brought her to join the others who had already begun to head back home.
"You.. I... What's wrong with me?"
"Why do I.. why am I not like the others?-" she crossed her arms and held them tight. I hung my arm around her neck and over her shoulder. "- why do I act like I need to - I don't know... - be a fighter? Be .. aggressive? Other girls seem to interested in, painting nails, and some other stuff while I'm just... Me." She looked up from her her feet and watched something ahead.
I lifted my eyes to see her watching Lyna who was walking along with the girls ahead. "You're... Not acting - you're the best fighter I know. In my eyes, I would be blessed if you were training me in your traditional Calix-ian? Whatever... Calix art of aggression... truly."
We shared a laugh at my choice of words and it lightened the mood. "I don't think it's bad or disobeying to like whoever I want to - what I'm worried about is... - what if .."
"What if she thinks it's bad?"
"You really think a girl who just invited us to a lgbt parade fest would be against the lgbt community? Then again, she could just be doing it for her job - But If she does, then she's not right for you. But this is your life, and it should be you who realises what's good for you." She looked at me and I smiled while letting go of our side-hug when the house came into view.
"That's.. reassuring! Thanks.."
"Glad to help - Crissy." I teased and ran off into the house before she tore me into a million pieces.
"Oh, c'mon!" She yelled behind me.
"Uff- " I groaned before realising that I just slammed myself into something and was now falling backwards.
I'm falling backwards? Great!
Something - or someone grabbed my waist and I was swiftly brought to my feet.
"Oh, cladsnick! Watch where you're going! You almost made me drop my banana chocolate double scoop ice cream!"
Oh I know exactly who that is.
"Mephisto? What- wait where did get a double scoop ice cream?" I said, stabilizing myself from what just happened.
Just then, Carissa entered the hallway with Amaru in her arms. She just shot me a smirk before heading upstairs.
"Uh, I bought it - duh!"
"Where did you even get the money, much less but it?" I asked walking into the kitchen followed by the infamous boy behind me.
"Our dear Aunt Ellen gave me the money. She's the best!" He with a scoop of ice cream in his mouth and stars in his eyes.
"Okay, sweet tooth, great alibi." I walked behind the counter and grabbed a pack of cookies which I had saved up from all those girl scouts that come by. But then I noticed - three cookies weren't in the pack!
"Are you kidding me?!" I groaned and stood straight with my arms on the table. "Did you take my cookies?! I bought those with my money!"
"Uh- no?" He smiled sheepishly and started backing away into the hallway.
"Ugh - whatever it's fine. Atleast Auriana didn't find them, then they're would've been no cookies at all." I grabbed the packet of the remaining five chocolate chip cookies and walked into the hallway. But oh- luck just doesn't have my back!
I was met by a pair of emerald eyes and a blur of red hair before I realised that my hands felt empty. I looked down and saw - my cookies! Then looked up again to see a blur of red run upstairs with my cookies in hand.
"Auriana! Oh, come on!" I ran behind the pesky red head who just so appeared to have locked herself in her room. Iris and Talia were standing in the hallway, about to enter Iris's room before I ran past them. "Sorry, got a thief in the house!"
I ran upto the door and cast a spell. "Crystal Solvenda!"
The door burst open but no redhead in sight. I walked into a empty mess of a room.
Sewing kit?
Needles! "Yikes! Get your needles sorted! I almost stepped on one!"
More clothes.
Some random junk.
Colourful rocks?
Pink, red and blue empty cans of paint beside a large blank canvas, but the floor under it was definitely not blank.
"Oh c'mon! Where is she?!" I gritted my teeth. If I were Auriana, where would I be?
I'm not Auriana, for the sake of cladsnick!
I looked up at the ceiling and only once did luck take my side!
"Gotcha." I smiled wickedly at the redhead who had made a crystal cocoon around herself in the corner of the ceiling. She just smiled at me and flung the pack of cookies down to me. And she ate one! Now I only have four.
"Can you help?" She asked trapped in her own creation.
"No. Should've thought of that before running off with my cookies." I chuckled and walked out of the mess of a room.
"H-Hey! You can't leave me here! Please?!"
"Oh I sure can. Watch me!" I nodded at Talia who just facepalmed and sighed before going to help out Auriana. Iris laughed at me and I just shrugged.
I went downstairs and found Mephisto still standing there with his banana double scooped ice cream. Well it was only one scoop now.
I smiled at him with the cookies in my hand and he just blinked before crouching slightly, head in one hand. "Ahh- brain freeze!"
I chuckled and shook my head while entering the room at the end of the hallway. Cookies in my grasp, I flopped onto the bed. After a bit of searching, I found my phone under the sheets and checked the time.
12:47 pm
I sighed and grabbed my half read book off the table and opened the pack of cookies. Just an hour or two left before the parade.
Let's just hope nothing goes wrong, whatsoever.
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