[Hey everyone...I'm back? Haha...Yeah...Sorry. I DID NOT plan to be away for what felt like eight weeks. But, I've been more inclined to write books I'm inspired to write, well, really only one book lol. Anyway, I didn't want to write something I wasn't really motivated to write, and sometimes it's good to get away from something like this book so people are left wanting more. To be honest, though, I'm still not entirely eager to write this book. Not that I don't like any of it or anything. Just not as excited as I used to be for it. Even so, this book still holds a place in my heart, and I know people do want to see it. So I'm back! I hope you all have been patient with me, and in return, I hope to bring you all a chapter that makes the wait worth it!]
[I know it's been a while, so here's a quick recap of what went down in the last chapter
1.) Villains arrived near the campsite Classes 1-A and B are at for the BootCamp training. The reader saw girls naked after stopping Mineta from seeing girls naked. He found out about Kota's backstory. Bakugo became Gordan Ramsey for a bit. Oh! And Akiko is still trying to become friends with the reader again...Speaking of which~]
[Akiko's POV]
--Over a Decade Earlier | Aldera Junior High--
...I still remember my first day at school. I was so nervous. I mean, I could barely put my clothes on without what felt like a panic attack. Honestly, thinking back on it, I don't really know why I was scared. Like, I know I was born in a much quiet village, where everyone knew everyone, so it wasn't very stressful when I went to the schools there. But after my Dad got a job at a company in Tokyo and we were forced to move here, going to a new school suddenly become a whole lot more of a problem to me.
Now, it's not like I was scared to go to move from a tiny village to a massive city. Far from it, actually. When I first found out we were moving from my parents, I was beyond excited. I saw it as a big adventure! But when I heard that I had to go to a new school, that's when my opinion changed slightly. I wasn't so much as scared about going to a new school, but more so nervous about meeting new people. Don't get me wrong, again, I'm not very scared when it comes to meeting new people. Especially as a kid. I mean, you know kids. They're stupid.
They don't realise just how scary the world can be. But the thought of meeting new kids, new classmates, it was a little nerve-wracking. I still remember the shakes my body would offer as I sat in the back of my parent's car, their voices speaking to me from the front telling me that everything would be alright and I wouldn't be scared once I got in there. I tried to take their words to heart, however, when I finally found myself standing before the class, a group of almost twenty people my own age was seated before me...I couldn't help but have my doubts.
Female Teacher: "Now, children, today we have a new student joining us. Her name is Sazama Akiko, and she's coming from a village on the other side of Japan." [Smiles down at Akiko] "Is that correct, dear?"
I could only nod to the teacher in the moment. Her actually saying my name seemed rather sudden for the emotions I currently felt. Even so, it didn't take long before I was forced to look back at the crowd myself and offer my own introductions.
Akiko: "...H-Hello everyone. I'm Sazama Akiko--" [Bows head] "It's nice to meet you all, I hope we can get along as well."
As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt my courage slowly rising. It felt like I was a runner who had just reached a milestone point in the race. I wasn't done yet, but getting this far pushed me further, encouraging me to go faster...until like most runners when they realise they've still got halfway to go, and that courage drops. That's what I felt like when I lifted my head to see the eyes of everyone looking at me still. It felt no matter where I turned, I was greeted by a blank gaze. There was no expressions, just eyes staring at me.
It made me feel uncomfortable, that was, until I landed on a pair in the back of the class. They, just like everyone else's, were focused on me. But the difference with this pair was that they were accompanied by a smile. It wasn't much, barely noticeable. But even through the army of heads placed before me, I could still spot the small outline of raised lips. Honestly, I don't know why upon seeing that, that it made me feel better. I didn't even know this boy. He had (H/c) hair with green tips at the edges and (E/c) eyes.
He seemed just like everyone else, is what I'm trying to get at. But his small smile was enough to give me the encouragement to push past my fears and step forward, to find a desk of my own in the front next to a boy with black hair. Surprisingly, as soon as I sat down, he started grinning at me and told me his name was Kaito. Little did I know how much that name would be involved in my future, and little did I know how much I'd be chasing after the name of the other boy. A name I can't help but keep thinking about over and over in my head. The name belonging to the only boy I know as...
Kirishima: "Yo, (Y/n)! Is that stew almost cooked or what? Everything is served on the table! Someone is getting a little...Hangry!"
(Y/n): "Yeah! Yeah! It's coming, tell Bakugo to wait a second!"
Kirishima: "It's not Bakugo, dude. It's, um...Mirko."
A decade later, I'm in another school. U.A. High to be exact. It's the number one hero school in the world, and yet, I'm here! I can hardly believe it, yet, my excitement levels of such is kinda forced to be a little lower than I would have expected, and it's all due to the name that came from the mouth of one of my new classmates. That name, of course, being (Y/n). If it wasn't obvious already, (Y/n) Midoriya was the boy I was talking about who's smile helped me get over my nerves. He sat at the back of the class, and rarely stood out from the crowd when I first met him, but I always carried that smile he offered me in my head whenever I did see him hanging around his own friends.
Which was this guy named Bakugo, but he...was a whole other story. The point being, I didn't think about (Y/n) much during Junior High, but whenever I did, I felt inclined to introduce myself. Or something. I don't know. Just the fact alone that his smile and the courage he gave me remained in my head even after a few months of going to that school made me feel like I should at least do something...But I never did. Surprisingly, that's what I was scared about most. Not moving to a big city, or going to a new school. Sure, I was nervous about those things, but not really scared. But when it came to introducing myself to (Y/n), that's where I felt inclined to maybe step back.
Add in the fact I had Kaito confessing to me almost every day didn't really help with me being able to get some free time. Of course, (Y/n) and I would eventually meet...as I'm sure is very well known by this point, also being well known was how it went, but even with all that, it didn't stop me from regretting that I didn't introduce myself to him on that very same day I arrived at Aldera Junior High. And now, as I sit at a table in the middle of the forest outside our training camp building, with a bunch of other students in the hero course waiting to receive our meals, I'm left to watch from my spot as the boy from my past walked on over with a pot full of stew. Something Miss Mirko seemed more than eager to get her hands on.
Mirko: [Stands up from seat] "Finally, (Y/n)! I've been waiting forever to taste your stuff."
As soon as that sentence excited Mirko's mouth, (Y/n)'s eyes widen and he dropped the pot abruptly. Luckily, the table wasn't far off below, so nothing but a loud thud echoed before (Y/n) placed his full attention on the rabbit hero.
(Y/n): [Eyes widen, turns to Mirko] "Wh-What, Mirko?"
Mirko: "Hmm? What's the matter, (Y/n)? Careful, you almost spilled the food."
(Y/n): "...H-Huh? Oh, uh, ye-yeah. I know, I, um...I thought you just said--"
Mirko: "I just said I've been waiting forever to taste your stuff. Can't you hear?"
(Y/n): [Blushes] "No, I can. I just...Argh! Forget it. Let's just--"
"...What's the matter, (Y/n)? Can't hear? Oh, I think you can~"
And just when (Y/n) thought things had ended, it got worse. The voice of Bakugo enlisting a wave of further remarks from more of (Y/n)'s male classmates.
Kirishima: "Yeah, didn't you hear her, dude?" [Tries not to laugh] "She's been waiting FOREVER to taste your...haha...stuff."
(Y/n): [Blushes slightly] "Um...I-I don't think she meant--"
Sero: [Grins] "Hey, (Y/n)? What's with the face?"
Kaminari: "Yeah! You're getting a little red, man."
Sato: "Mirko just wants to try some of your 'stuff', dude."
Mineta: "Yeah, give it to her, (Y/n)! Haha! Right, guys? ...Guys?"
Everyone kinda just went silent and turned to Mineta after he said that. Of course, I may have only been here for a short while now, but even I knew how bad that was coming out of the mouth of Mineta. That, for (Y/n)'s relief, seemed to bring some peace to (Y/n)'s embarrassing moment, though for whatever reason, Midnight seemed to be a little annoyed by it all.
Midnight: [mumbles] "I'm Mirko, I can make (Y/n) blush, la, la, la, give me your stuff, (Y/n), I wanna taste it. Pfft! Yeah, right. We all see what you're doing...pretending to be dumb...Well, I don't care. Really. I don't!"
Her remarks seemed to go unnoticed by everyone, as everyone else was more so focused on (Y/n) and the embarrassed expression that now faced down towards the metal lid of the pot before him. In which, his expression could be seen through the reflection. I began to wonder if this torture for him would go on forever, then it came to mind that maybe I could help (Y/n) now. I mean, I know as of late our connection has been wonky, but I was confident I could fix it. All I had to do was come to his rescue right now...even if I was extremely terrified about what he'd say afterwards.
Akiko: "Hey, guys, I think we should--"
Uraraka: [Speaking over Akiko] "--I can't wait to try your stew as well, (Y/n)!"
...Only for all that fear to be taken away as a new voice cut me off. Turning his embarrassed expression to the left, (Y/n) was greeted by the smiling face of his girlfriend, Uraraka. That's another new thing about him...He had a girlfriend now, or, well, multiple, actually.
(Y/n): [Turns to Uraraka] "Huh?"
Uraraka: [Nervously turns to Mirko] "I mean...That's what you were talking about, right, Miss Mirko? Wanting to try (Y/n)'s stew?"
Mirko: "Huh? Oh, yeah. I've been wanting to try his stu--"
Uraraka: "--S-See everyone? Stew! Th-That's what Miss Mirko was talking about. Wanting to try (Y/n)'s stew..." [Blushes] "N-Nothing else..."
Bakugo: "Pfft! Yeah, right..." [Glances at you] "We know what's going on, (Y/n)~ You, dog, you~"
(Y/n): "Bakugo, come on, man."
Kirishima: [Grins] "I'm sure Mirko will be saying the same to you later, dude."
Mirko: "Now, hurry up and serve whatever you've cooked up, (Y/n). It smells really good, and you know I need it after punching people I think are beneath me all day. I can't wait to eat it--"
Bakugo: "Oh, I'm sure can't, Lola Bunny." [Glances and grins at you] "Because I'm sure once you taste (Y/n)'s 'stuff', you won't be able to get enough of it."
Bakugo just continued to grin at (Y/n) as he said that. Clearly, Bakugo thought he was being funny, though he didn't seem to realize how weird him saying all of that whilst looking at (Y/n) sounded. To the point it managed to get rid of all the embarrassment (Y/n) had on his face by the looks of it. At least, from where I was sitting. So much so that when Mirko looked at him next, no sign of a blush could be seen.
Mirko: "The angry pomeranian is right, (Y/n)!"
(Y/n): "Um...I don't think you want to agree with--"
Mirko: [Ignores you, turns to Bakugo] "--Though, next time, don't interrupt me, okay?"
The two boys clearly didn't care much about Mirko's final statement, as they were far more focused on laughing as (Y/n)'s blush grew with the second. Obviously, everyone else had an idea of what the boys were suggesting at, and clearly, (Y/n) knew as well. I think the fact that everyone else had an idea of it is what led him to cast his gaze around the table to all the people seated there. Everyone, no matter where he looked, either carried grins like Bakugo and Kirishima, or blushes of their own. Most who carried blushes were (Y/n)'s girlfriends, who felt offshoots of embarrassment due to obvious reasons. Whilst majority of the guys who (Y/n) knew laughed at seeing their number one student blushing and being put in quite a situation.
I think the matter was doubled because Mirko seemed to have no idea about what she was talking about. As for me, I couldn't help but blush myself. I mean, I have known (Y/n) since we were kids, so that kinda led me to have more understanding of how he felt in the moment. But, honestly, looking at his blushing expression now kinda remained me of how he was when I first met him. Quiet, cute, easily embarrassed, and barely carrying a backbone. That was the (Y/n) I knew...Not what everyone else here knew him as. It seemed after everything that happened back in junior high, and took on a whole other personality when he came here. He was cold, brooding, and yet surprisingly confident.
Of course, he had the flashes of his old self, like right now, but before long he'd return to this different person. I couldn't help but notice such that once the scene of everything that just happened settled down amongst the crowd, (Y/n) began walking around the table with the pot of stew in hand and began serving it to everyone. Along the way he could a few teasing remarks from the guys in the class, which he seemed to take fairly well. Though what I was more noticeable of was the way the girls reacted around him as he made his way through the table. They seemed silent, for the most part. Only smiling at him with slight blushes whilst offering minimal words as he served them their food.
It was something I noticed with every girl he passed by. I wondered if that made him feel worse, if if brought him back to the embarrassing moments of everything that just happened. Then I began to wonder if I could change that. If I could make him feel better. That's when I realized he was growing close to my position, and if everyone else was going to remind him of what just happened and make him feel awkward, I wanted to be different. That's why I bided my time and waited for him to get closer. One by one he served stew to the people along my side of the table, offering smiles to each as he did so. As he grew within a few spots from my own, I question if he would smile at me. I know we had our moments as of late, but I really hoped we could move past it.
That we could be friends again and realise I'm not the person he thinks I am. I wanted to change his perspective, tonight! So I didn't wait any longer. I held off momentarily as he placed food on the plate of the person next to me before my bowl was next to be set. Before he even placed the large metal spoon into the pot to scoop up the stew, I turned to (Y/n), smile on full display as my prepared words rushed from my mouth. This was it, I was going to fix our friendship.
Akiko: [Turns to you; smiles] "Hey, (Y/n), I just wanted to say I--"
(Y/n): "Yep."
That...was it. One word. One, single, word was all that came out of his mouth. Unlike everyone else, he barely talked to me. Also unlike the others, his smile was now gone, completely. That smile that brought me comfort on my first day of school, now cold. Freeze over. He didn't even look at me as he scooped up some stew and placed it on my plate. Before I knew it, he had moved on and began serving Kirishima his own, and disputed the early remarks from him and Bakugo, (Y/n) seemed happy to smile at them. Which left me as the odd man out, and honestly, it brought on a pain I had never felt before.
It made me feel alone, it made me feel...empty inside. Such a feeling seemed to widespread to the rest of my body in seconds. Any fragment of a smile or happiness that was there previously, is now left to dust as my eyes waywardly followed after (Y/n). Yet, like it always seemed to be as of late, I was greeted by nothing but his back. It was like he really had turned his entire life away from her since arriving at U.A., and for me, that was something that kept my mind stuck in this place for what felt like an eternity. It was fair to say that any appetite I had previously was gone.
In fact, for the entirety of the meal time, which was spent with countless people talking to one another as they ate, I said not a single word. All I could do was eat alone, whilst watching from across the table as (Y/n) sat between Uraraka and Yaoyorozu, his girlfriends. Smiles spread across their faces as they spoke and ate their meal together. It seemed nice...at least, that's what I thought before I finally turned down to focus onto the food before me. Slowly, I started to eat. But even so, I couldn't clean her mouth of the disgusting taste that was left behind from (Y/n)'s offering of a cold shoulder earlier. All I could do was sit and eat, whilst thinking about where things went wrong for me and him.
[3rd Person POV]
Little did Akiko know that anything she thought wrong in the current moment, was about to be overshadowed by a much larger problem. But before we reached that point, once mealtime was done for the students of U.A. Academy, it was finally time for them to have some fun on this boot camp training arc they were all placed on. And it all came to a beginning when from the crowd of people, one of the members of the Wild Wil Pussycat, Pixiebob, stood up to speak.
Pixiebob: "Alright, students! Now that we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes, it's time for what you've all been waiting for." [Grins] "Can anyone tell me what that is...?"
Everyone: "It's time for the test of courage!"
Pixiebob: "That's right! It's that time once again!"
The confirmation of this caused everyone to jump up and down with excitement. After all, this was the one time during this boot camp that actually came across as fun for the students, such leading them to showcase just how excited they were upon hearing that the time finally arrived. Hardly anyone could contain their excitement it seemed, though, noticeably, the two genders had different ideas about what this 'test of courage' meant for them as a people.
Ashido: "This is going to be so fun!"
Jiro: "I've waited all day for this to happen."
Tsuyu: "I can't wait to scare people randomly...It's very fun."
Kendo: [Chuckles nervously] "Um...She's not serious, right? She won't just randomly scare people, right?"
Ashido: "Honestly, it's hard to say with Tsu. She's definitely...Unique."
Tsu just blinked without saying a word, leaving Kendo a little uncomfortable at the idea of potentially being scared by Tsu suddenly. Meanwhile, Uraraka and the rest of (Y/n)'s girlfriends had their own concerns about the test of courage.
Uraraka: "I hope it won't be too scary. I mean, I know they get us to go off in groups. But this forest is a little scary at night, you know?"
Yaoyorozu: "Well, I know they use it as an opportunity to help us heroes in training to get braver, so the night is the perfect opportunity for it, but I'm sure they wouldn't go too far with it."
Uraraka: "You really think so?"
Hagakure: "Don't worry, Uraraka, we can do it together if you want."
Yaoyorozu: "And if you get scared, we can hold hands and comfort one another."
Hearing that made Uraraka smile, leading herself and the other girls of the two classes to smile and giggle at one another. Meanwhile, with the boys, they were taking it just a liiiittle more seriously.
Bakugo: "Alright, I know that the teachers use this night to scare us and make us 'brave' or whatever. But fuck that. We're fucking flipping the script with this one boy's. They scare us? Pfft! Bitch, please. We scare them. Are you all in, or what, pussies?"
Huddled together in a group, with arms over each shoulders, the boys of Class 1-A and B all looked at one another as Bakugo marched the orders. And whilst some seemed keen by the idea, there were a few who were against Bakugo's urge to scare the living shit out of his teachers.
Iida: "Bakugo, you can't be serious about all of this?"
(Y/n): "And what's with all the swearing, dude?"
Bakugo: [Sighs; drops head] "Why am I not surprised? Mister 'I wanna be a police officer when I am older Dad' wants nothing to do with this fun." [Looks at Iida] "You've just gotta ruin it, huh, Extra?"
Iida: "Ruin it? I'm not the one trying to disrupt the plans of my teachers. I'm not sure if you noticed, Bakugo, but they are doing this for our benefit."
Bakugo: "Oh, yeah, right. They're just doing this being legally hitting us isn't enough to get their rocks off anymore. So now they want to scare us shitless to make us feel shame that punches to the head can't do to us anymore."
(Y/n): [Smirks] "That because your Mom hits you at home and you're worried it'll be like that time she scared you on Halloween and started crying?"
Bakugo: [Panicking] "Wh-Wh-What? No! What the fuck are you--"
Kirishima: "Hold up, what?! Bakugo cried?"
Bakugo: "Hey! Shut it, Knuckles! I didn't--"
Sero: "Huh, he doesn't seem like a crier."
Kaminari: "Really? He seems like one to me."
Sero: "You think?"
Kaminari: "Yeah, he feels like the guy who goes home at night and has a good cry."
Bakugo: [Getting Agitated] "Would you all fucking shut up?! I'm not a fucking--"
(Y/n): "Oh, please. If you think that's funny, let me tell you about the time I--"
Bakugo: "Nope! That's it! I'm done with this shit!" [Pulls away from the group] "You all get scared, I don't care anymore. And you, (Y/n)..." [Points at you] "I won't forget this betrayal..."
(Y/n): [Smiles] "Come on, Bakugo, I was only--"
Bakugo: "--Only breaking our bond, dude. Actually, you know what? I don't want to hear this...Just go."
Crossing his arms and shifting his head away, Bakugo signalled for (Y/n) to go ahead and meet up with the teachers, the final step where people would be split into groups and go off to face the test of courage. So (Y/n) did that, not once dropping his smile as he did so. Meanwhile, one by one, everyone else followed. Such left Bakugo in this cross-armed position until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Upon turning around, he was greeted by the gentle smile of his classmate, Koda.
Bakugo: "What do you want, Doctor Dolittle?"
Koda: "I just..." [Smiles nervously] "...I just wanted to say it's okay. To cry, I mean."
Bakugo: "...What?"
Koda: "I mean, I know you try to be tough and cool all the time, but it's okay to be sensitive sometimes. If you want, maybe we can meet up one day and touch about our feelings and--"
Bakugo: "--Are you gay?"
Koda: [Shocked; lifts head] "H-Huh? What? No, I--"
Bakugo: "Like, that's okay, and everything. It's just...I'm not, and I just want to make that clear now."
Koda: "I-I'm not...I like girls. I'm just saying, that if you feel the need to cry I can--"
Bakugo: "Yeah, look, I don't know if you know, but I'm the resident comic relief slash bad boy slash wingman to (Y/n) slash future number two hero...And you talk to birds. Which is cool...To preschoolers, but not the type of cool that I involve myself with. So, you do you, I'll do me, and we won't do each, okay?" [Begins to walk away] "...Again, It's okay if you're into dudes. But not this dude...This dude is an explosive piece of candy that likes women...Well, women that aren't with (Y/n), duh."
With that final remark, Bakugo left, leaving Koda alone and...very confused. Meanwhile, not very far away, a group of Class 1-A students, consisting of familiar faces such as Ashido, Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari and Sato could all be seen carrying smiles as large as could be, clearly they were the most hyped amongst the students about the Test of Courage, and couldn't wait to do it...When suddenly.
Aizawa: "I hate to do this, the extra lessons group will be having class with me now.
Within the span of a few seconds, the large smiles on this destined group's faces instantly swapped out with looks of horror.
Ashido: "You've gotta be kidding me!"
Kirishima: "Quick! Make a run for it! If we split up, at least some of us can get away and enjoy the test of courage. There's no way Aizawa can--"
Kirishima: "...Catch us all."
The defeated tone in which Kirishima's voice took on all came about due to the sudden embrace of Aizawa's bandages that had now wrapped around not only his body, but the bodies of his fellow 'extra lessons group'. They were called such because out of all members of Class 1-A, these five students were the only ones who failed their written exams that took place during their physical exams against teachers a few weeks back.
The defeated look that rested on Kirishima's face quickly shared its way to the others, all looking down in silence. Meanwhile, (Y/n) smiled in pity at his classmates and their disappointment of not being able to do the test of courage. Luckily for (Y/n), he passed in both his physical and written exam, the former being his fight against All Might. (Y/n) may not have beat the number one hero, but he put on enough of a display to earn his passing grades.
(Y/n): "Don't worry, guys, I'm sure it'll be over and done with soon enough."
Uraraka: "Yeah! I'm sure you'll do great everyone!"
Ashido: "Forget doing great! I wanted to do the test of courage!"
Kaminari: "Man! I've been waiting for this all day." [Turns to Aizawa] "Why do we have to do it now?"
Aizawa: "Because your training during the day wasn't good enough. So I have to use this time to help you all catch up. Now, come on, everyone, let's leave everyone else to the test of courage."
Just hearing the name broke the hearts of Ashido and Kirishima, who reached out for their designated groups. The girls felt sympathy for their friend, whilst (Y/n) and Bakugo just watched on with smiles without doing anything. You know...Like bros.
Kirishima: "(Y/n)! Bakugo! Bros! You have to do something! Come on! Take me with you!"
(Y/n): "You'll do fine, Kirishima. You got this."
Bakugo: "Haha! I don't know what's worse. That Kirishima can't do the test, or that the worm is!"
Kirishima: "...Huh? Oh! Hey! That's right!" [Turns to Aizawa] "Hey, why is Mineta not coming with us? He's a terrible student!"
Mineta: "I may be terrible, Kirishima. But I'm at least caught up with my lessons."
Kirishima: "Wha--But I don't--"
Bakugo: [Cackles] "Don't worry, 'bro', we'll be sure to enjoy it for you! I'll tell you all about it afterwards!"
Kirishima: "WWHHHYYY?!?!?!"
Such was the final word that came from Kirishima's mouth before he and the others, still restrained by Aizawas' bandages, disappeared behind a wall of bushes.
Uraraka: "...I hope they'll be okay."
Yaoyorozu: [Sighs] "They're so lucky. They get to do more lessons now."
Iida: "Tell me about it. I wish I was with them right now. Almost makes me wish I had failed purposely on my written exam...Of course! I could never do that! I must keep my track record of 100% completing my tests in tack. Ha!"
Bakugo: [Coughs Loudly] "Massive fucking nerd" [Coughs Loudly; Clears throat] "Oh...Oh, uh, sorry everyone. I had a bad case of 'Nerd-itis'."
Iida: "That's not a real disease, Bakugo."
Bakugo: "And you're not a real person." [Grins] "That's why you're called Extra, Extra."
Immediately Iida's eyes narrowed in on Bakugo. However, before he could do anything, (Y/n) cut off any more of the conversation when he stepped between Uraraka and Yaoyorozu, before tossing his arms over their shoulders and smiling down at them.
(Y/n): [Smirks] "Don't worry, Yaoyorozu, I'm sure tonight will be just as fun as writing on a test."
Yaoyorozu: "Ha! You're funny, (Y/n). I mean..." [Chuckles] "...A test of courage isn't exactly the same as working out the proper equations for the proper use of my quirk, now is it?"
(Y/n): [Blinks] "Um..." [Suddenly turns to Uraraka] "Anyway, hope you girls have a great time tonight. I'm out of here!"
Uraraka: "Huh? Wait? What?"
Yaoyorozu: "You're leaving, (Y/n)?"
Hagakure: "But I thought we were going to do the test of courage together?"
The three girlfriends of (Y/n) Midioriya all said as they looked on at their walking boyfriend, who simply smirked over his shoulder as he did so.
(Y/n): "Sorry, girls, I'd love to, but I don't think a test to show how brave we can be against fear isn't really the best test for me. I mean, Nightmare quirk, remember? Fears my tool to use."
Uraraka: "Oh...I guess that's right." [Looks up at you] "But what's if we get scared?"
Hagakure: "Yeah, you're our boyfriend, (Y/n). You gotta protect us and stuff."
Yaoyorozu: "...A-And hold our hands and things..." [Scoffs; Mutters] "I am such a vile woman for even suggesting such. I'm so sorry, (Y/n)!"
(Y/n): "Um...That's fine, Yaoyorozu."
He said with a brief smile. All before he leaned down and whispered something into Uraraka's ears. Whatever was said seemed to give her enough understanding that she smiled up at him confidently and gave him the all clear to leave.
Uraraka: "Don't worry, (Y/n), we'll be fine. You do what you gotta do."
Hagakure: "Huh? What? Why the sudden change, Uraraka? I thought we were going to use the night to spend time with (Y/n)?"
Yaoyorozu: "...And hold hands." [Grumbles] "Tsk. Again? I am so bad...Mother would be ashamed of me."
Uraraka: [Whispers to them] "Don't worry, I'll explain it to you soon."
The girls just looked at their friend, confused, meanwhile Bakugo just mumbled to himself as all of this went on.
Bakugo: [Mutters] "Damn...So fear is basically (Y/n)'s bitch, huh? Hmm...Never thought of it like that before."
(Y/n): [Turns to the Wild Wild Pussycats] "Is it cool if I skip the test tonight?"
The two of the four members of the Wild Wild Pussycats that were present, Pixiebob and Mandalay, both offered each other a glance as they thought over (Y/n)'s proposal. Noticeably, they were the only two teachers present, as Mirko, Midnight, as well as the other members of the WWPC, Ragdoll and Tiger, were absent after leaving a few minutes earlier to help 'set up' the test of courage. Such meant these two were the only ones able to clear (Y/n) to skip out on the test, something they were eventually persuaded to do after thinking over it momentarily.
Mandalay: "Well, I guess you make a good point with the whole 'Fear Quirk' thing. So I guess you're welcome to skip it. But what are you going to do?"
Pixiebob: [Smiles] "Oh! Do you wanna help us with it? A Quirk like yours could really help scare this kitty's real wild."
As soon as (Y/n) heard that, he began looking at his fellow students of both classes and thought over it. Meanwhile, the students themselves thought over it as well. Flashes of the young boy's entrance during the Sports Festival, his fight with Stain; the USJ incident at U.A.; as well as all the other countless times (Y/n) had used his Quirk whilst in the presence of the others was more than enough for their faces to go pale immediately. That was all the sight (Y/n) needed to bring about a smile onto his face before he turned back to the two teachers present in front of him.
(Y/n): "You know...As tempting as that sounds, it might be best if I sit this one out. I might just go for a walk or something. Get ready for tomorrow, you know?"
Mandalay: "Oh...Okay. Well, be safe, okay?"
(Y/n): "Don't worry. Not much scares me anymore, so I should be fine." [Turns to the others] "Have fun everyone!"
His final remark, brought alongside with a backward wave, was all that came from (Y/n) before he turned back around and continued walking away. The combined wave of air that came from everyone's sigh of relief was felt, even at his distance. Clearly everyone was not a fan of going up against (Y/n)'s quirk. However, that wasn't to say everyone was just fine with him choosing to go off on his own. Most notably Bakugo, who quickly stormed after his friend. Upon reaching (Y/n)'s position, he reached out and grabbed the boy by his arm. Immediately using such to twist (Y/n) around so his smiling face looked Bakugo right in the eyes.
Bakugo: "What the hell, man? I thought we planned to use your Quirk to scare the living shit out of the worm and all the other pussies here?"
(Y/n): "Yeah, I know...But then I thought of doing something else."
Bakugo: "Pfft! Please! What could be better than making the worm piss himself from fear?"
Mineta: "...What?!"
(Y/n): "Hmm...You're right. Maybe I should just call Midnight and Mirko and tell them I'll be late for our combined makeout session?" [Raises eyebrow] "You think they'll be mad?"
To say Bakugo was speechless in this moment was something that was a MASSIVE understatement. Especially when you add on the fact that Bakugo is ever silent. But right now, he was. And it was all thanks to the wave of sudden shock that washed over his system upon hearing that his friend, (Y/n) Midoriya, the boy who previously showcased no interest in making out with girls, let alone multiple, was now willing to ditch the awesome fun of making people weaker then them cry, all so he could swap saliva with two hot mature women! To put it in Pokemon terms...(Y/n)'s stun attack was super effective! However, that did leave Bakugo's entire body completely still, which made (Y/n) a little uncertain when the minute mark rolled around for their conversation.
(Y/n): "Um...Bakugo? You all good? Do you think I should cancel with--"
Bakugo: "--Cancel?! Are you fucking kidding me, (Y/n)? Fuck off already! Why are you still here, man? Get going!"
(Y/n): [Grins] "But I thought you wanted me to help scare Mineta?"
"Hey! Stop, guys!"
Bakugo: [Ignores Mineta] "Fuck him! I could care for shit about the worm right now." [Leans in] "You go and make those hot milfs in your area real for once, dude! ...And not just figments of the male imagination on your computer."
(Y/n): "Uh...Right. Alright then, see ya, everyone!"
With a final offering of goodbye, (Y/n) turned around. Though, noticeably, this time around he was further encouraged by Bakugo, who outright spun him around and gave him a starting boost in his first few steps forward. Before long, (Y/n) was making his own way off into the distance as Bakugo spun himself around and returned to the others.
Bakugo: [Looks at the teachers] "Alright, let's get this shit started." [Turns to the student] "Who wants to be scared shitless first?"
No one responded, they just remained silent. The same could also be said for (Y/n), who simply offered a grin as he placed his headphones on and began walking through the dark wildness of the surrounding forest landscape. Though not for the reason he had previously stated. As I'm sure by now, a lot of you came to the conclusion that (Y/n) was not going off to meet any hot milfs in his area, despite how dumb not doing so sounded. Unfortunately, (Y/n) had other ideas on his mind, such as finding the whereabouts of Mandalay's nephew, Kota. You see, earlier in the day before dinner was eaten, (Y/n) had spotted Kota walking off into the forest.
Something that seemed off right away, but (Y/n) doing nothing about as he had his stew to finish cooking. But during the entire time he ate his meal with everyone else, he thought about Kota, and the story that Mandalay had told him earlier. The story of how Kota's parents were killed by a villain when he was young, leaving him an orphan left under the care of his aunt. What really stuck out to (Y/n), besides the similar origin stories, was how just like (Y/n), Kota had taken on a colder exterior after the death of his loved ones.
But unlike Kota, (Y/n) knew the toll it'd take on someone. And whilst (Y/n) knew it was far too late for him to have a happy life, he didn't want the same for Kota. He wanted to give the boy something (Y/n) never had...peace after a great loss. That's why, once he cleared the sight of his classmates and teachers, (Y/n) made his way back to the campsites outside kitchen where the leftover food remained in a stew, and heated some more up. Once done, he placed it into a bowl and began going off in the direction Kota had disappeared to earlier. However, as (Y/n) did so, he had no idea of the evil that lurked out in the shadows. The growing forces of Shigaraki's villain group slowly getting into position to make their leader's plan a reality.
--With Kota--
The stars shine brighter than ever in the beautiful night sky above. It was the perfect view one needed to help them clear their mind. In fact, clearing the mind was the exact use Kota now hoped the night sky above would help him with. After all, it seemed like every day that went by, he was stuck in a loop. He'd wake up, be greeted with smiles from his Aunt and her teammates. He'd go about his day; going to school and helping around the hero agency of the Wild Wild Pussycats when asked; and eventually, go back to sleep later that night. But out of all those similarities, there was one more that never seemed to stop. Never seemed to leave his mind, even when closing his eyes. It was a nightmare that was on repeat, over and over again.
The nightmare...of his parent's death. Kota's parents were the pair of heroes known as 'The Water Hoses'. They didn't usually take place in large fights with villains who clearly overpowered them. Instead, they focused on search and rescues, helping innocent people during such wild events that heroes like All Might or Endeavor were called to. They did all of it in hopes of saving lives and protecting the future. After all, isn't that what the true purpose of a hero is? Kota's parents believed so, and so did Kota himself. He looked up to his parents when he was a kid. Not only because they were taller than him, but because of what they stood for. He always took pride in his parent's hero work, even if he did get scared that one day he wouldn't see them again.
Even so, no matter how many times they did leave to help people in need, they would always come back, and offer him the same love and protection that gave to people in need. Unfortunately, despite the countless times they had already came home and showed their son that they were okay, eventually, a time came when they wouldn't walk through that front door of their home. All because one day things went wrong. Horrible wrong. The Water Hoses were in the process of saving innocents trapped on a bridge from the attack of a very strong villain. They were simply focusing on helping people as they awaited for heroes to arrive to actually take on the villain. However, fate seemed to shy away from the pair of heroes on this day.
For in the process of saving innocents, the villain who caused such destruction that left a good chunk of the city bridge in need of repairs, suddenly came upon them in the heat of saving innocents' lives...and they were killed. Despite all the events that they had gone through beforehand. Despite all the near death experiences they survived to tell the tale. This time around, they couldn't survive. They were killed, along with any sense of Kota's happiness he carried as a kid. He was broken, to say the least, and despite the best attempts from his Aunt, Mandalay, to cheer him up, nothing seemed to work. He became a broken shell of the person he once was, which left him to use all the strength he had to clear his mind whenever the thoughts of his parents did come back to him.
Right now was no difference. Just like every other night, the images of his parents, and the figments of their final mission, in which his brain came up with, flashed before his eyes. And just like every other night, Kota would find himself going off to a secret spot only he knew, so he could clear his head and rid himself of the memories of the past. That's why he found himself seated on the edge of a cliff in this very moment. Behind him, a darkened cave could be seen. But Kota's full attention was placed on the sky above, the dark night exterior that came with the late hours of the night. That was all he was focused on as he tried to use all his anger to force the memory of his parents out of his mind. That was all he wanted right now. All he needed. He thought he had finally achieved that goal, when suddenly...
"So this is where you got to, huh?"
Kota: "Huh?!"
Shocked half to death, Kota was immediately pulled from his thoughts at the sudden inclusion of a voice that wasn't his own. Upon turning around, Kota's startled gaze landed directly on the face of (Y/n) Midoriya. Kota knew him as the student who had earlier saved him from falling off the top of the wall in the hot springs, which he had previously been positioned on in case of pervs trying to sneak a peek at the girls.
However, he didn't expect his entire body to fall off the wall when (Y/n) was in the process himself of stopping an aforementioned perv from checking out the girls. Kota thought he was going to hit the ground hard, if it wasn't for (Y/n) saving him. Yet despite that kind action, it only made Kota hate heroes more, with his annoyance turning towards (Y/n) out of every other new arrival at the training camp. Something (Y/n) was about to get a taste of.
(Y/n): "This is a pretty cool place. Or what, you like to call it a hideout or something?"
Kota: "What are you doing here?!"
(Y/n): [Chuckles] "Don't worry, I think this place is cool. I kinda had a hideout as well when I was kid..." [Looks around] "Though not as cool as this. Mine was just the closet in my Mom's room."
Kota: "I don't care what you think about it! I said, what are you doing here?!"
(Y/n): "Oh...Well, you left earlier before you could have anything to eat. So I brought you some stew."
It was only in this moment that Kota lowered his gaze to see the bowl in (Y/n)'s hand. Even with the few meters that separated the pair, the smell of (Y/n)'s cooking could still enter the nostrils of the boy with ease. It that exact same moment, the sound of a stomach grumbling came from Kota. Just as quick as that sound escaped his body, the young boy quickly covered up his stomach with his arms and glared at (Y/n).
Kota: "I don't want your stew! And...And how'd you even find this place?"
(Y/n): [Smiles] "Well, I could say something cool like, 'I tracked you here using the taste of dirt and the smell of the air'...But I really just followed your footsteps."
As he says such, (Y/n) continues to walk closer towards Kota. The anger on the child's face does not waver as he does so. If anything, it only grew as (Y/n)'s final steps brought him within five meters of Kota's position. Yet, despite the harsh welcoming, (Y/n) never once drops his smile.
(Y/n): "...I thought you might be hungry."
Kota: "I told you, I don't want your food!"
(Y/n): [Chuckles] "Your stomach certainly seemed to disagree with you moments ago."
Kota: "I don't care! And I don't care about you! You want a thank you for saving me? Well, forget it! I didn't need your help! And I didn't need your food!"
(Y/n): "...I never said you did. But.." [Sighs; Leans over] "...I'll just leave it here on the ground for you, just in case."
Kota: "Wha--Whatever! Now get out of my secret hideout!"
(Y/n): [Stands back up; Smiles] "Ooooh. I see. This ain't just a normal hideout. It's a 'secret' hideout. I'm sorry for my earlier mistake."
A quick glance around, though, suggested it wasn't very secret. After all, from this spot, (Y/n) could still see the campsite in the distance, and the area where everyone was for the test of courage. (Y/n) wasn't the only one to spot this. Kota as well found his eyes drawn to the view in the distance. But instead of making him smile, like it did (Y/n), Kota's anger only continued to boil inside as he spat at the ground with a verbal punching.
Kota: "You're all wasting your time."
(Y/n): [Turns To Kota] "Hmm?"
Kota: "Getting all into trying to improve your Quirks. It's gross."
(Y/n): "Ha! I don't know if I'd call all Quirk's gross. Mineta's, maybe, but not the others."
Kota: "That's not what's gross about them! I'm talking about you! All you people! You want to show off your powers that badly? What to show everyone how strong you are? It's disgusting!"
Kota's words came quick and hard. The venom in them charged to double strength by the glare cast through Kota's gaze. He clearly had an intention to hurt (Y/n) in the moment, even if he failed to realize how wrong that would be. But despite his best efforts, (Y/n) was not phased by the words of a six-year-old boy. Instead, he simply stared at Kota and waited for him to finish speaking. Only once the words had left his mouth and no more came out did (Y/n) respond. Though, what no one was prepared for was the words (Y/n) chose to respond with.
(Y/n): "...Is that what you told your parents before they died?"
Kota: [Shock] "Huh?"
Instantly, Kota's head lifted. Instantly, his anger dropped, replaced with shock, as (Y/n) continued.
(Y/n): "Your parents were heroes who died, right? Died saving people with their Quirks. Did you tell them all of that because you were mad back then? Or are you just mad because they died, and you're hoping to get something out of me from saying it all. Well, I'm sorry, kid. But I ain't your aunt. And I'm not someone soft enough who will get hurt by your words. You need to learn to deal with the suffering. You lost your family, I'm sure that hurts. But trust me when I say...You're nothing special in that regard."
(Y/n)'s words came quick and hard. No remorse or hesitation was sensed in his tone as he stared directly into the spread eyes of young Kota, the boy left to look up at the hero in training in complete shock. Yet, despite (Y/n)'s choice of words and how direct they were, (Y/n) never once spoke in a tone that was anything but being supportive in a firm way. Before long, though, Kota's shock switched to anger, but even so, (Y/n)'s blank expression didn't change.
Kota: "How do you know that?! Did Mandalay tell you?!"
(Y/n): "Yeah."
Kota: [Growing agitated] "...Argh! Of course, she did! She always--"
(Y/n): "--But she didn't have to."
Kota: "Huh...?"
(Y/n): "Face it. You're not exactly trying to hide your anger. Mandalay may have told me the story, but it wouldn't have taken me long to figure out why you act the way you do."
Kota: "I act the way I do because I lost my parents, asshole! Stop judging me for it! I'm allowed to be angry!"
Just like (Y/n) seconds earlier, Kota's words were quick and hard, direct to the punch. However, unlike (Y/n), his tone was full of anger and eagerness to hurt the person before him. Unfortunately, words didn't have much effect on (Y/n) when it waa coming from someone who was only new to this lifestyle of losing a family member. (Y/n) was raised in the substance practically, left to go through a decade of being without someone he grew up alongside. And whilst (Y/n)'s situation didn't leave him without both parents, it did leave him without a brother.
Even if you wanted to add in the parent equation, (Y/n) also went without a Father since he was younger than Kota, so that only added to the fact that the young boy knew what it was like to lose someone. He also knew that despite how it directed his life into a more narrow space, where he focused on one goal and one goal alone, it wasn't healthy. He knew that, and he knew it wasn't what Kota needed. Kota shouldn't have to grow up to be like (Y/n). If anything, he should grow up to be exactly what (Y/n) wished he could have been as he got older...A good person.
Kota: [Glares at you] "You don't know anything about me! Okay?! Just...Just shut up and leave me alone! I don't want your food, or any advice you have to tell me."
(Y/n): "...Good. I'm not here to give advice. Advice gives off the idea that you're just suggesting something. But I'm not suggesting anything right now, I'm giving you a warning, kota. You keep this up--This anger; this attitude; this hatred towards Heroes and everyone around you...It's a waste--"
Kota: "WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW?! WHY DO YOU GET THE RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT AND WHAT NOT TO DO?! You're not my Aunt, or anyone I care about?! So why do you even care...?"
(Y/n): "Why do I care...? Because I know what it's like."
Kota: "Huh?"
(Y/n): "You may not think so; or even want to believe it. But I know what it's like...To lose someone. To feel angry at those around you and the heroes in this world. I also know what it's like to have this rage inside of you that just won't go away, no matter how much you try."
A soft smile found (Y/n)'s face, even as Kota's glare still remained on him. (Y/n) just kept thinking over his life, and how he reached this point in it. The driving force behind his time during youth, and the thoughts he never let free pushing him forward to keep speaking.
(Y/n): "...You think that since you lost your parents, the whole world is against you. You believe that no one knows the pain you're going through, and when they try to comfort you, or support you, you push them away because in your head, there's nothing they can do to take it all back. You feel that if they can't bring your parents back, what good is their help anyway? So you curse them off and go back to being alone..."
When (Y/n) was Ten, his Mother started taking him to a therapist. They both went because his Mother believed it could help her with her depression, and (Y/n) with his anger. But with each word that came out of that man's mouth, (Y/n) only saw it as bullshit. A load of crap that could do nothing to change the mistakes he had already created.
(Y/n): "...I understand if it feels like the only sense of relief now. Yelling at people and being alone. But after a while, that anger won't be enough. It'll send you down a path of violence and destruction. Both on the people around you, and the innocence inside of you. It feels good now, but before long that destruction will claw its way so deep into your heart you'll be trapped. You'll become a tool to it. By that point, you'll lose any chance of living a life that your parents would be proud of."
From the days of his birth to Ten Years Old, (Y/n) had rarely been in a fight before. Heck, he never even really thought about it, even after Izuku's death. However, that all changed after the wave of therapists and other adults came into his life, all of which gave him words of 'encouragement' and 'support'. But those actions only pushed (Y/n) further away from the innocence of his childhood and further down the path brought on him by his brother's death. Before long, the release of that anger was the only thing that brought him peace. Within the span of a single year, from ages Ten to Eleven, (Y/n) got into twenty-three separate fights. All of which brought on by futile means, but for (Y/n), those fights were needed.
(Y/n): "I know all of this may just sound like words coming out from the mouth of someone you hardly know, and I know I've already said it before, but I know what all of this is like. I know the lows and what's beneath them. The anger and frustrations, the desires and urges to release everything inside of you. It helps...for a while. But not long after you'll realize how pointless it all was. But you're lucky, Kota, you still have a chance to break free from the mould of all of this. So do what I couldn't. Walk away from the anger, and live a life your parents will be proud of."
Kota: "...Tsk. Why should I?"
(Y/n): "Hmm?"
Kota: "Why should I not be angry? And why should I care about living a life my parents are proud of? They're not here anymore! They're gone! They're gone because heroes, heroes stronger than them, weren't there to save the day when they needed them most! So why shouldn't I be angry at everyone?! And why do you even care?! You say you know what it's like, but how do you even know what I feel is the same as you?!"
(Y/n): "Because I know that face you carry. It's the one I saw in the mirror every single day of my childhood. Every single day I woke up remembering what it was like...to know my brother wasn't there to stand next to me."
Immediately, Kota went silent. His glare weakened, and his anger wavering. His eyes still remained on (Y/n), but this time it wasn't out of that aforementioned anger, but out of curiosity. Even after everything, (Y/n) still hadn't yelled at Kota. Instead, he spoke softly, whilst also being direct. At first, Kota thought he was just like every other person in his life. But as he was about to find out, (Y/n) wasn't like other people...
[Your POV]
When I was six years old, I watched my little brother die before my eyes. He was killed by a monster who wanted to hurt our Mother. She was on the ground, bleeding and crying, calling for a hero. My Father had died a few years back, and with him gone, it was my job to protect my family. To be their hero in the dark times when they needed one most. But...I was no hero that night. I was scared. I was scared of getting hurt. Scared of seeing my Mom dying. I was scared of the world itself. All I could do was watch whilst my Mother lay on the ground as the monster grew closer to her. But whereas I was too scared to move, my little brother, Izuku, wasn't scared of anything. He didn't wait a second to jump in between our Mom and the monster.
He used all his courage to stand between it and the person who loved us most. All the while I was left to watch from upstairs as it all went down. I watched in fear as my Brother died, protecting our Mom from someone who wanted to hurt her. He did what I, the oldest, couldn't even think of doing. He died being exactly what he dreamed of becoming when he got older...a hero. But me, I was a coward. I was too afraid to do what needed to be done in the moment, which meant I was forced to go through the rest of my life full of anger and frustration. Left to constantly be stabbed in the gut by the memories of my dying brother, and how he cried out in pain. The nightmares of that night still haunt me to that day, and it's left me a broken shell of the person I once was.
My only goal now is to get rid of all signs of evil in this world, and bring about an end to my suffering in the only way I know how. It's a life I don't want, but am forced to bare. Over the years I have missed out on friendships and relationships, happy memories and times I know I would have cherished if I had taken them. But I couldn't. I felt I couldn't. I didn't deserve to live a happy life because I was caught up in the one moment where I should have done something...but never did. Now I need--No...Now I HAVE to live a life no one should have to live. It's too late for me to live normally. Without this ambition for revenge and true justice inside of me, I'm nothing. The kid I was when my brother died, he also was killed that night. Now, I'm all that's left. A broken shell of a person I once could have been. I can't make my Mom proud anymore...
(Y/n): "...But you can still make your parents proud, Kota. Even if they are gone, they still live on through your memories and the actions of Mandalay. Just like your parents, she loves you. She wants the best for you. She wants you to be someone your parents can be proud of. She wants you to grow up in a world that isn't made twenty times smaller because you can't let go of your hatred and anger towards heroes. For the longest time I felt the same. I hated All Might and other heroes for not coming to rescue my brother that night. I was so angry that I never once imagined going to a school like U.A. because I hated everything about heroes. But then, something happened. I was told I needed a licence to be a hero, that sent me down a roller coaster of events in U.A. that showed me there are heroes who care...And I'm sure your parents were the same. They cared, Kota. About you, and the innocents in this world. That's what they died for, because they were brave and without fear. You need to be the same...For them."
By the time my words had come to an end I had almost forgot about where I was. All I could focus on were the words that pushed from my mouth faster than I could even think them up, as well as Kota. The young boy standing before left with eyes widened further than ever before due to the story he had just heard. I'm sure it was something hard to hear. Part of which from the revelation that I do know somewhat of what he's going through, as well as his previous words now probably coming back to regret him right now. But I didn't care for his earlier words, he could have had said anything to and I wouldn't have held it against him. All I cared about was making sure that Kota didn't end up like me.
Because I really meant it with everything I said. I may not regret any of the actions I take today, I know I have to do it to keep my promise to Izuku. But that didn't mean that I don't regret the actions of the past, back when I had a choice about who I wanted to be when I grew up. I wish I could have moved on from it. I wish I had someone like me talking to Kota now back when I was a kid. Maybe then I could have grown up happy. Growing up living a life that could have honoured Izuku in another way. But it seems any chance of that happening now was long gone. Nothing could be done until I killed the very sense of villainy in this world I live in.
But Kota still had a chance. He could change. He could find happiness where I failed to do so. That's why I tried to put everything I could into the words I've been saying to him for the last few minutes now. When they finally did come to an end, however, Kota didn't say anything. At least, not at first. He just kept silent, his head having lowered ever since he finished processing the story I told him about Izuku. Since then he hadn't said a word, or looked me in the eye. He just kept looking at the ground, and kept doing so even when I had finished speaking all together. It made me wonder if it really was worth saying it all, or just like as a kid, was I too late to save someone yet again?
Such seemed to remain on my mind for the following minute of silence between Kota and myself, to the point I was beginning to think nothing would be said at all before one of us went to leave. That's exactly what I believed had happened when I saw Kota move first. I thought he was going to keep his head low as he left the mountain edge and returned to camp, leaving me alone under the night sky. But to my surprise, Kota didn't leave. Sure, he kept his head low, but he only did so to keep the tears in his eyes from being seen by me. Unbeknownst to him, however, I could see all I need by hearing the emotion in his voice. The voice that slowly crept into the air after a whole minute and a half of silence.
Kota: "Everyone's crazy... Calling each other stupid names like 'hero' and 'villain' and killing each other... Talking about Quirk's and stuff. It's all because they're showing off that it ended up like that... Stupid..."
(Y/n): "So...It's not just heroes you hate, huh? You also hate Quirks as well?"
Kota: "Of course I hate them! Without them, people wouldn't be killed. My parents...Th-They wouldn't have been killed if it wasn't for Quirks..."
(Y/n): "I agree. At least, to a point..."
Kota: [Turns to you] "You do?"
(Y/n): "Yeah. I mean, it makes sense, right? Without Quirks, everyone would be on the same playing field. Any average person could take on another. Now, would they win? Well, that's hard to say. But it'd be nice if everyone was the same like you, right? Without a Quirk...?"
Kota didn't respond. But he didn't have to. I knew the face well of someone who felt left out for being Quirkless.
(Y/n): "...But then you have to think about it. If the world was without Quirks, do you think there'd still be no evil in it?"
Kota: "...I-I..."
(Y/n): "And if there would still be evil in it, then that means there would still be pain. Suffering. Death and anguish. It'd all still be there. My point is, Kota, Quirks or not, the world will still be the same. So your hatred towards Quirks, just because you don't have one, doesn't mean anything could change without them."
Kota: "...Of course, you're saying that! You have a Quirk! You don't understand what it's like to grow without one! To feel so useless, even more when your parents have powers. They go out every day to save people, and as much as you want to be there with them...You can't because you're weak..." [Lowers head; sighs] "...You then have to face facts. You can't be a hero without a Quirk."
Seeing Kota's disheartened face instantly reminded me of Izuku, and how much hope he always held out for becoming a hero even without a Quirk. I then thought back to my time first talking to All Might, and how I asked him if someone without a Quirk could still become a hero. He told me I should advise the person whom it was meant for, to just give up on their dream of being a Pro Hero. To instead focus on becoming a Police Officer or something else. Surprisingly, when I asked that question, I never once thought it'd be brought to me. Yet, here I was, standing before a kid like Izuku who eagerly wanted the same question answered. Now it was my turn, do I tell Kota the same. To bring his dreams back to reality now so it didn't crash and burn later on, or...I could tell him the truth.
(Y/n): "...Who told you that?"
Kota: [Lifts Head] "Huh?"
(Y/n): "Who told you you can't be a hero without a Quirk? Whoever told you that is probably a boy scout who was busy dealing with his own doubts in the moment."
Kota: "Wha...I..." [Shakes Head] "No one told me. They didn't have to. It's just common sense that--"
(Y/n): "--People without Quirks can't be heroes? Well, that's wrong. And I've seen the proof of it. Because, you want to know something? When my Mother was lying on the ground, crying for help, and I was too scared to do anything, my little brother stepped forward and saved the day. Like a hero."
Kota: "What does that have to do with being Quirkless? See! You older people don't listen."
(Y/n): [Chuckles] "It's funny you say that. Because I could say the same to you."
Kota: "What?"
(Y/n): "Who said my brother had a Quirk? Spoiler alert, no one. Because he didn't have a Quirk. And as much as he wanted one; as much as he was in the EXACT same place as you are now; that didn't stop him from being a hero when it really mattered. He even went up against someone WITH a Quirk, and he didn't back down because that's the true meaning of a Hero and Villain, Kota. Not someone with powers. But people who do right and wrong. I can tell you right now, confidently, even if I didn't have a Quirk, nothing would stop me from keeping a promise I made with my brother. The same should be for you and living a good life. It doesn't matter about Quirks or what. You can still make your parents proud."
It didn't take me long to realise my words had indeed taken an effect on Kota. The way his jaw dropped and his eyes widened for the third time now was a clear sign of such. Whether or not they would be enough to change his life for the better, though, was yet to be seen. Not because it'd take some time to see such, but before Kota or I could say anything we were suddenly cut off by a sudden explosion in the distance.
Kota: "Huh?"
(Y/n): "What?"
Within seconds, Kota and I had forgotten about everything that just happened and instead turned to look over the rock face of the cliff by our side and stared out into the distance where multiple tendrils of black smoke began forming into the sky. What really caught out attention was a little further to the left, over near the Main Campsite building was located, where bright blue flames could be seen cutting through the dark of the night.
Something that clearly stuck out due to the lack of light from anywhere else in the surrounding area. Immediately, my heart dropped as a realization struck my mind. Something bad was happening, and whilst I didn't know what yet, it was clear that whatever was happening needed to be stopped. But I couldn't just rush into the danger like I normally would. A quick glance back to the stunned Kota, who was still looking at the blue flames, was all the reminder I needed of such.
(Y/n): "Kota."
Kota: "Wh...What's happening?" [Turns to you] "Is this a part of the training?"
(Y/n): "I don't think so. But what we need to do now is--"
"Stay exactly where you are... Hero~"
(Y/n): "Wha--
Before the sound of my voice could even finish my head had already twisted itself in the direction of the dark voice. Once it finally came to a stop, it landed on a figure wearing a blank white mask over their face and a black cloak over the rest of their body. This mysterious figure spoke his sentence as he walked around from the other side of the mountain part that Kota and I currently found ourselves on. The appearance of this person alone was enough for me to jump into action, quickly jumping in front of the shocked Kota and giving him some distance between myself and the cloaked figure. Any sense of softness that previously resonated in my voice from talking to Kota was quickly shoved away, replacing it was the usual serious tone I took whenever coming across villains. Because that was exactly what this person in front of us was... A villain.
(???): "Ha! Ha! Ha! My, you are a quick one, aren't you? I didn't even say much and you already went to defend the boy. Truly an insitive hero, hmm?"
(Y/n): "Then what would that make you? A dull-witted villain?"
(???): "Ha! And an attitude to go with it? Gotta say, kid, don't see too many heroes like you these days. Guess it really was worth my time to come out here and see exactly what you are made of."
(Y/n): "So you're here for me then?"
(???): "Oh, I'm here for a lot of reasons. But I've heard a lot about you, hero. Like how you were the one to defeat the Hero Killer Stain; and how you were the front and centre of the attack of USJ. You're really getting a name for yourself in the world of villainy. Congrats."
Even though I couldn't see the villain's face, I knew he was grinning underneath his mask. Got to admit, I wasn't exactly a fan of having yet another villain going around looking for me, Stain was enough of that. Though I kept such information to myself for now. Instead, I focused on keeping my gaze on the masked figure before me, whilst also contemplating about what I should do next. Because as much as I would have liked for this guy to be the only villain here, the fact that there was smoke off in the distance.
As well as the blue fire near the main campsite building, suggesting that this was a planned attack from the get-go. Meaning that right now, there was no safe place to turn. Things would be different if I was by myself, but Kota was with me. I couldn't just charge in and attack without thinking of the possibilities about everything going on around me. To my surprise, though, it seemed my thoughts were rather readable on my face, as before I knew it, the voice of the masked villain entered the air once more.
(???): "You're thinking about what to do next?" [Chuckles] "Predictable...But admirable, I suppose. That's second nature to you heroes. Always thinking about other people."
(Y/n): [Turns to the villain] "Huh?"
(???): "But there's something you must remember, hero. If I've come here, all this way into the middle of fuck-all nowhere, then what exactly makes you think I'd even let you leave to help everyone else in the first place? Ha! I would never let a target like you get away from me so--"
Within a matter of a few seconds, this once talkative villain was immediately brought down to size, in multiple senses. Not only was he humbled in running his mouth constantly whilst in front of me, but he was also literally brought down to size. Kota's size, to be exact. A single punch that came rocketing through the air. A clenched fist embraced by green chaotic energy from my Nightmare Quirk mixed with One For All charging without hesitation. Before anyone knew it, even myself, the strike landed on right on the side of the villain's face.
The shocked face of Kota was left frozen in place due to the suddenness of it all. In the time it took for someone to take a deep breath in and out, I had launched off the ground at great speeds, placed a thunderous punch directly on the villain's body, and flipped backwards through the air to return to my spot right in front of Kota. It was as my feet touched the ground once again, that the villain's body collided with the ground of the mountainside heavily. A loud thud echoing into space as his dislodged mask landed on the ground some distance from his body. As for me, I just stared at the sight before me, and decided to leave a finishing remark.
(Y/n): "...What exactly makes you think I'd even waste my time with you?"
No response came. But I didn't need one. With my words fading into the air, I slowly turn around to face Kota once more. Like earlier, his shocked expression reigned supreme on his face. Even as I knelt down before him, Kota couldn't say a thing. He just stared at me. Whether if it was out of disbelief, a new sense of perspective brought on by my earlier words, was unknown. But it was clear I had his attention, and right now, that's all I needed.
(Y/n): "Kota. I need you to listen, okay? I'm not sure what is going on. But whatever it is, it's not safe for you to be by yourself now. I know you hate heroes, but right now, I need you to listen to me, okay? Can you do that?"
Kota: "...Uh...U-Uh, huh."
(Y/n): "Good. Because whatever is going on here, I need to get to the others so they can keep you safe whilst I--"
"Ha...Haha...Safe? You've got to be kidding, right?"
For the second time now, an unknown voice interrupted my sentence. However, this time around, it didn't take me as long to figure out who was doing the talking. I didn't even have to turn my head around to tell this newfound voice was the same as the one who had been running around a second earlier, it only sounded different due to the mask that previously covered the mysterious figure's face being dislodged. But mask or not, the fact alone that this person was still standing after my attack was enough of a jab in my pride to realise what needed to be done. So I turned my head around, and faced the villain head-on once more.
This time around, my eyes had a target, the eyes of the towering figure standing before me, his appearance now laid bare due to the voluntary removal of his cloak. Such allowed me to make out the large, bulky, and highly muscular man set wide with short, spiky, sandy blond hair and tiny black eyes. A large scar rested across the left side of his face, where his left eye replaced with a prosthetic one. If I had to give this person any sort of note, it was that he definitely looked like a villain going off appearance. The wicked grin now spread across his face as he wiped a smidge of blood from the corner of his lips only furthering such an opinion.
(???): [Wickedly Grins] "Hehe...That's a nice right hook, kid. Though in reality, I guess you're more like a 'Punk' huh? All punks like you think they're top shit after landing a single punch on guys like me. You just got lucky."
(Y/n): [Tilts head] "Lucky enough to do it again?"
(???): "Ha! Real cocky, aren't ya? I thought you said you had to get to the others. Isn't that your goal now?"
(Y/n): "No point in trying to get away if you're still standing. You see, I made a promise to someone...To end all Villains."
(???): [Smiles brightly] "Oh, good! Haha! You're willing to stay and fight? Great! I'm glad! And here I thought I was going to have to use other means to get you to stay...Like taking that kid and killing him right before your eyes..." [Grins wickedly] "...Punk."
Within seconds I felt the fear flood through Kota's body upon hearing the villain's words. The way he grabbed onto the back of my shirt, as he barely poked his head out from behind me a clear sign of how dependant he was on a hero now. But I wouldn't say such remarks that came to mind in this moment, instead, I'd keep my focus on defeating this villain. Unfortunately for me, there was still one think I wasn't expecting to come out of this moment. Such coming about as the villain shifted his gaze off me, and lowered it down to Kota's level, where only his hat could be seen.
(???): "Heeey! That's a nice hat you got there, kid? How about you give me it, and I'll give you that lame mask your punk friend knocked off my face a moment ago?" [Smiles crazily] "Huh...? How does that sound?"
Even with the words coming his way, for whatever reason, Kota found the strength to lift his head out from behind my back. Going off his angry expression, he seemed destined to yell at the towering villain before us. However, that all was to change when Kota finally got a good look of the villain. Once he did, that's when everything went sideways. Upon his eyes landing on the villain's face, Kota's eyes widened in horror as his jaw dropped, partially similar to the action he carried towards me. However, whereas that time carried no horror, there was also something else different about Kota's reaction.
He seemed scared beforehand about the sudden conflict and situation he found himself in, but that fear now doubled, tripled, to the point before I even knew it, he had suddenly turned away from me and went running down the path of the mountain that I had originally walked up to meet him here. That terrified look on his face that was the last thing I noticed before he did so, was stained to the walls of my brain. So much so it caused my focus to drop momentarily. Unfortunately, that split moment of loss was all the villain needed for him to take action. Quickly, without a second of hesitation, he launched off the ground at incredible speeds.
Charing through the air towards myself and Kota, he sent a powerful fling of his muscular arm through the air and struck me by the side, sending me flying over the edge of the cliff and seemingly into the abyss below. However, I was not the main target anymore. Continuing to travel through the opened space after shoving my body to the side, the villain's body suddenly contorted mid-air and bounced off the mountainside to the left, using it to propel his body suddenly back onto the ground where managing to land just before Kota was about to reach that position himself.
(???): "Aw~ Leaving already? But the fun was just getting started!!"
[3rd Person POV]
Caught off by the villain's sudden appearance before him, Kota's body paused in placed immediately. The twisted stare offered by the man with the prosthetic eye seemed to be the scariest thing the young boy had ever witnessed, only to be immediately overshadowed by the first showcase of this madman's Quirk. All of which coming about in a sudden motion, when the very muscle tendons beneath the villain's skin came bursting out from his skin, only to begin wrapping around his already muscular arm. It now looked like his left appendage had outright doubled in size, the entirety of his skin now covered by flexing muscles from within that caused his appearance to resemble that of an injured man.
But this wicked son of a bitch was far from injured, his grin only continued to grow as he savoured the look of fear that reigned supreme on Kota's face. However, despite what some may believe, the sight wasn't from fear of death, but of what he was seeing before him. The face of this madman, the villain willing to kill a child just for the sake of it. Kota had seen this face before, on a TV screen just a few years ago. It was the same TV screen that told him first of the death of his parents. The heroic duo known as 'The Water Hoses' murdered on a scene by a villain going by the name Muscular.
"Today we are forced to mourn the death of 'Water Hose'; they truly were wonderful heroes. But the couple's bright lives were cut short by a single brutal criminal. The suspect is on the run and is still being hunted by police and heroes. Yet so far, they have failed to capture him..."
The words the report said that night was the only thing to run through Kota's mind as his eyes took in the fearful sight of Muscular dashed forward, his arm wrapped around by muscular tendons, charging directly at him with great speeds. In a cruel sense of fate, time seemed to slow down enough so that Kota could take in every defining factor of the moment. Muscular's quirk-enhanced arm, the very same Quirk that killed his parents.
The snarky grin showcased zero lack of regret for anything he was about to do. Kota wouldn't be surprised if he did the same to his parents the night they died. But out of all of it, Kota wanted nothing more than to showcase his anger towards this terrifying villain. But he couldn't...The only thing he could do was cry. Cry out of fear. Out of regret. Cry that this would be the way he'd be reunited with his parents. At least, that's what he thought until...
The sheer impact of the sudden attack that struck Muscular right in the middle of his face was so powerful, that in the slowed-down state Kota was witnessing it all in, was able to cause a ripple that circulated throughout his entire body. From the starting point of his upper jaw and below his nose, causing a wave of blood to burst from both simultaneously; to it travelling up the rest of his head, causing his prosthetic eye to go flying from the socket of his skull within seconds. Swiftly following this, Muscular was outright sent off his feet from the sudden attack that came from behind Kota. The cause of which, by no surprise, being (Y/n).
Who had managed to grab onto the edge of the mountainside after being shoved off by the villain a minute earlier. A futile mistake (Y/n) instantly regretted but looked to redeem right away. He did such by attacking Muscular with all he had. A strike combining his Nightmare Quirk and his power levels of One For All. The Un-Nightmare States of Smash collision, as (Y/n) had taken a liking to calling it, immediately made its presence known as it caused a surge of pain throughout Muscular's body which he had never felt before. Mainly due to his quirk and the numbing of his muscles tendons leaving him almost invulnerable to physical attacks.
Countless people have tried to do the same previously, but none had quite the effect that (Y/n)'s did. Such left Muscular's face to carry a stunned expression through the bloody river that fell from his nose repeatedly as he flew through the air. Eventually, his body did come to a stop. Forcefully so once it slammed into the solid wall of the mountain, a large crator now carved in the shape of Muscular's figure left to remain. The sight alone caused Kota's teary gaze to widen in sudden shock. Eventually, that stunned gaze shifted up the back of the figure before him. The figure of (Y/n) Midoriya, who now stood as a panting shadow before Kota's feet.
Dirt covered parts of his face after his face collided with the side of the mountain when forced to suddenly grab onto the edge moments earlier. But none of that was going to stop him from punching Muscular one more time due to payback. The sheer action of everything just described all went down in a matter of seconds, but it felt like an eternity before the first set of words in some time broke the silence. The words coming from an angered, and confused, Muscular who now clutched the front of his bleeding face with his hand. His anger indused eye, only one remained since the prosthetic was dislodged from (Y/n)'s second punch, cutting a hole straight through (Y/n)'s body as he did so. Not that the young boy cared much at all.
Muscular: "WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?! YOU TRIED TO KILL ME? What kind of hero are you?"
(Y/n): "That's funny. You were about to kill a kid, and yet you're the one surprised I tried to kill you?"
Muscular: "OF COURSE I AM! Hero's aren't supposed to kill! That's what makes them weak, and fun to end their lives for! They won't kill you even if they really want to! They're pussy's!" [Narrows gaze] "But you...You're not like any other hero I've killed before!"
(Y/n): "Well, there's your first mistake. What made you think I'm a hero?"
Muscular: [Confused] "Wha...What? ARGH! Don't be ridiculous! You reek of hero activity! Besides, we knew you were here! We were told all about you..." [Grins brightly] "...(Y/n) Midoriya~"
A cocky chuckle came from Muscular's mouth, only to be silenced immediately due to the excess blood flowing from his lips. As for (Y/n), he didn't show any reaction of shock. He just stared at Muscular...blankly. He didn't want to give the villain any satisfaction. He wanted him to feel nothing but fear from this moment. What (Y/n) just did...was only the beginning of it.
(Y/n): "...And did that person tell you I was a hero?"
Muscular: "Huh...? Argh! Of course, you're a hero. Stop playing dumb, punk! If you're not a hero, what are you then? Hmm? Just a punk? Is that what you are?"
(Y/n): "I told you...I never said I'm a hero."
Muscular: "Then what the fuck are you?!"
(Y/n): "A lot of things. But how about we stick with something you know? You called me a punk before, right?"
Muscular: "So what?!"
(Y/n): "Well, think of me like that. Heroes follow the rules and try to end things peacefully. I'm not a hero. I'm a punk. And just like all punks...I do things my way, even if it means getting disowned by everyone else."
Muscular: "Wha...I...I don't understand?"
(Y/n): "What's not to understand? You're a villain, and I'm a punked up kid who hates them. Heroes may forgive you in the long run. But I won't. So don't think for a second that I'm going to fight you in hopes of redeeming you or something. I'm going to fight you to the point you feel pain. An unholy amount of pain that only the fear of innocence can breathe life into. I'm going to make you realise tonight, you and whoever else is here amongst us, that All Might, or any other hero around, they're not the ones you should be afraid of. It's me you should fear."
Muscular: [Coughs up blood] "Wh...Why would I fear a punk like you? Because you landed a punch on me? Ha! Big deal!"
(Y/n): "No...Not because I landed a punch on you. You should fear me because the next one won't be as soft. So remember that, okay? That I'm not a hero. I'm an idea. A thought. A Promise...That there are people out there who are sick and tired of taking shit from villains like you. Before tonight, you prowled on the weak and suffocated them with fear. But now, you get a taste of it yourself. The choking hazard that is the living nightmares of all you have wronged. So call me a hero or not, whatever! I don't care! All I care about is showing the world, and the good people in it, that they don't have to be afraid... Of simple-minded punks like you. Is that a good enough answer for you?"
Muscular's gaze just continued to narrow. His frustrations and confusion soon getting the better of him. Without thinking, he stormed to his feet. Roaring at the bottom of his lungs as he charged for (Y/n), pulling both his arms back and using his Quirk to wrap them with layers upon layers of his own muscles. All in the hopes of killing (Y/n) once and for all. But (Y/n), he didn't waver in fear once. He just stood there, and watched, as Muscular ran right at him. But what the villain didn't know was that he wasn't just running towards some normal hero, or a fight he could win. He was running towards a massacre. A living nightmare. A path...he would never come back from as the same person. And that wasn't a warning or a promise...It was a spoiler.
[Chapter done. 15k words, may not be my best work, but I wanted to get something out and I feel like it took the story where I wanted. Hopefully the few weeks off won't deter you guys from enjoying the book. I hope to come back more consistently and get into a good routine again. But I'll see how I feel after this chapter, and if I'm inclined to do so. But, yeah, thank you all for reading nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you all again next time for another chapter of ANTI-HERO!!]
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