Ch 25: 'First Date'
[Twenty-Five chapters...Damn...Already made it a quarter of the way to one hundred chapters. And who knows how many we would have been on now if Wattpad didn't take down the original? Even so, I'm just glad I have this book and can keep writing it. And even with the last chapter being a little lackluster, this is where we really get into things. Because now that you guys have your hero name, it's time to actually put it to use. But first, we have a little date to get on with first...So here we are. Enjoy~]
[3rd Person POV]
"Mom, come on! Seriously! I gotta go, okay?"
"Oh, (Y/n), please! Let me take one more photo!"
"Just one more? You said that seventeen photos ago!"
"It hasn't been that many, has it?"
Truth be told, it had been that many...Plus many more. The tired look on (Y/n)'s face said as much as he looked directly into the eyes of his Mother. But Inko Midoriya could only smile softly at her song, who could be seen standing in the hallway of his apartment home wearing none other than a suit.
Inko: "Come on, (Y/n)! My baby boy is going on his first date, of course, I'm going to want to remember this moment."
(Y/n): "And you need twenty photos for it?"
Inko: "Of course." [Smiles] "I'm going to want to remember the night my son took his first steps to giving me a grandchild."
(Y/n): "...Mom...Gross."
Inko: "Oh, relax. I'm only joking. Hehe...Kind of. But you get the point, sweetie."
(Y/n): "Yeah...I get the point...That you and Bakugo would make good friends. Maybe even better than me and him."
A sarcastic look was quick to form on (Y/n)'s face as he stepped passed his Mom. In doing so, he made his way back into the living room to finish up getting ready. After all, he was in the middle of fixing up his tie when his Mom suddenly grabbed him by the arm and took him into the hallway for photos. But thankfully he was able to sneak passed her and returned to the living room, where he now stood in front of a mirror. If (Y/n) was being honest, he found it weird to be wearing a suit. But after his Mom heard about his little 'date' she was quick to jump to the opportunity and rented the best one she could.
Inko: "Oh, (Y/n)...You look amazing. Uraraka is going to love this! Oh, I can't wait to meet her! Bring her by for dinner already, okay?"
(Y/n): [Sighs] "...Mom. I already told you. I'm not bringing Uraraka over to dinner yet. We've only just started dating. Besides...I'm not going with Uraraka. I'm going with a different girl from clas--"
Inko: "(Y/n) Midoriya!"
(Y/n): "Wha-Ow!"
A weak tap on the shoulder was all it took for (Y/n) to take his gaze away from the mirror, and to focus on his mother's narrowed eyes that showcased anger only a mother could offer.
(Y/n): "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Inko: "(Y/n) Midoriya. Are you two-timing poor Ochaco?"
(Y/n): "What? No! I'd never! And this was her idea! Also...Don't call her Ochaco. It's weird..."
Heck! (Y/n) hadn't even called her that yet. You know why? Because it felt weird! But (Y/n)'s mom didn't seem to mind, she also didn't seem to mind glaring at her son. Though, it didn't take much more for her gaze to soften. Eventually falling into a sigh, which followed as she stepped toward her son and began fixing up his tie.
Inko: [Sighs] "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'm just..." [Smiles softly] "I'm just really happy that you finally have seemed to move on from...Everything. I mean, you're going to U.A.! You've got so many new friends! And you have a girlfriend--Who I still want to meet, thank you very mu--"
(Y/n): "Mooom!"
Inko: "Okay. Okay. You get the point...Still." [Returns to fixing tie] "I want you to enjoy this, okay? You deserve it after everything. And I want you to be happy. And so would your Father. And...And so would Izuku."
(Y/n): "I don't think Izuku would know anything about dating or that, Mom."
Inko: "Hey, now. He was only a little bit younger than you. Besides... He wouldn't have to know anything about dating. As long as he saw you happy, that's all that would matter." [Cups your cheek] "It's all that does matter."
It seemed Inko tried to prove this point further as she looked into her taller son's eyes. As for (Y/n), he couldn't help but smile back at her. Honestly, after everything they had been through, a night like this was never really thought about previously. It was all school work, or (Y/n)'s promise to Izuku. That alone took up countless hours due to Judo training he took as a kid for four years, and then workouts at the gym. (Y/n) never really thought he'd be going anywhere with a girl, let alone have a girlfriend.
Let alone go anywhere with a girl who wasn't his girlfriend. Honestly, that part still confused him. Especially with how calm Uraraka was with all of this. Really, the more (Y/n) thought about it. The greater she was in his eyes. Looking past the fact she was pretty. She was kind, caring, and understanding. She was always able to put a smile on his face. And she just beamed up the room the more you were in it with her. Honestly, it sometimes felt like
Inko: "--(Y/n), you're blushing."
(Y/n): "H-Huh?"
Looking at his mother perplexed momentarily, (Y/n)'s eyes quickly snapped toward the mirror, where he could be indeed seen blushing. Such a thing only caused his mother's smile to grow ever so slightly as she finished up the work on his tie.
Inko: "So, Ochaco is fine with you going to the theatre with another girl then? That's nice of her..."
(Y/n): "Uh...Yeah. I mean, I already planned this night with Yaoyorou awhile ago. So--"
Inko: "Yaoyorozu? You mean the 'Yaoyorozu' family? You know, the rich fam--"
(Y/n): "Yes. Mom. Her...That family. And, yes, they just so happen to be rich." [Shakes head] "But it doesn't matter. Yaoyorozu's cool."
Inko: "Hmm...I hope that's all she is."
(Y/n): [Raises eyebrow] "Uhhh, you wanna give further details on that?"
Inko: "Huh? Oh. Oh. Right..." [Shakes head and smiles] "No."
A simple smile followed Inko's words before she suddenly turned around and went to walk into the kitchen. (Y/n), however, was not just going to give it up. It was with his raised eyebrow remaining that he slowly walked over to the bench, the only thing that separated the living room from the kitchen. It was thanks to the gap between the bench and the roof that (Y/n)'s mother was given a clear view of the confused look on his face.
Inko: [Without looking] "(Y/n), dear, you may want to change your face before the wind shifts. Otherwise, it'll be stuck that way."
(Y/n): "Yeah? Well, maybe I'll change it after you tell me what you mean exactly with everything you just said about Yaoyorozu?"
Inko: [Sighs] "Look, (Y/n), I don't mean to be rude or anything. It's just...You know how rich people can be to people who are less..."
(Y/n): "--Poor?"
Inko: "I was going to go with 'fortunate' but sure. What I'm saying is, know how Kaito treated you, and his family was on the wealthy side. So, I just want you to be sure you're not going to get into a similar situation."
(Y/n): "Similar situ--What? No. No. Mom, trust me, it's fine. Yaoyorozu, she's...She's nothing like Kaito. Besides! She had to deal with his crap too. I'm the one that helped her from it. Remember? Plus...Yaoyorozu was there to help me when...when I saw Akiko for the first time. And, even though she didn't know anything...She was still there to support me. So, that's another reason why I wanted to go tonight. To say thank you."
Now, Inko was a lot of things. She was a Mother. And she was a damn good cook. But one thing she wasn't, was unprotective when it came to her babies. Hence why she was concerned when she heard Yaoyorozu was on the wealthy side. But even so, she couldn't help but smile at her son. And trust him, when he said the words he had just spoken.
A few seconds of silence followed as the pair looked at each other, before Inko relented in her task of cleaning the dishes and instead went right around to where her son was. Not a single second passed after she reached him before she went in for a hug. Her arms wrapping around her boy's body and holding him close as she spoke up to him.
Inko: "I may still hold hesitation towards some people, but...I trust you, (Y/n). And if you say that this Yaoyorozu is a good person. Well..." [Smiles up at you] "...I can't wait to meet her."
Three seconds. That was all the time that passed following Inko's words before the sound of a notification went off from (Y/n)'s phone. The sound was loud enough to capture the attention of both (Y/n) and Inko. The pair looking down as (Y/n) retrieved his phone from his pocket.
Inko: "What was it?"
(Y/n): "Uhhhh..." [Looks over phone] "...That was Yaoyorozu. She's downstairs ready to pick me up in her family's limo."
Inko: "What? She's downstairs? I don't get to meet her? Why?"
(Y/n): "Because I told her downstairs was fine, Mom. Because I knew you'd act this way. First, you'd say--"
Inko: "I just want to meet her."
(Y/n): "Yeah...That. And then you'd want her to stay to chat. And before we know it, we'll be here all night and you'll just be talking with her."
Inko: "Well, sorry I want to make sure whatever girl is spending time with my baby nows how to treat him right. Besides, what if you end up marrying this girl? I need to find out if she's a good sort."
(Y/n): "Mom...Please...Don't say that again. Besides! How would you get any of that from just one night of speaking to her?"
Inko: "Motherly instincts, thank you very much."
(Y/n): "Yeah, well, you'll have to see those instincts for another night. Sorry. I gotta go."
Almost instantly Inko went to stop her son. But she took no more than a few steps before she realized it was pointless. Inko was eventually left to stand alone as (Y/n) closed the apartment door behind her. Speaking of the young boy, the time in which he took to head downstairs was rather quick. During that time he responded to a few of Bakugo's various text messages, before eventually deciding to just leave his phone on silent. And good choice too. Because only a few seconds later, (Y/n) reached the bottom floor of his apartment building where he was greeted by quite the sight...And he wasn't referring to the shiny white limo parked outside the building.
Instead, he was referring to the sight of none other than Momo Yaoyorozu, who wore a beautiful blue dress that held to her body nicely. It was weird, (Y/n) had never seen her in a dress before. Yet even with the dress, she still had her hair in the same style she had at school. Unbeknownst to (Y/n), Yaoyorozu had spent a long time figuring out what to wear and how to style herself for tonight. The majority of that time spent figuring out whether to leave her hair down, or up in its usual style. Eventually, she ended up deciding to just leave it.
Such ended up being a good choice, as (Y/n) liked her hair that way. Yaoyorozu felt like she got a hint of that when she finally caught a glimpse of (Y/n) walking her way. The smile on his face was like an alternate version of the one she sometimes saw at (Y/n) when she was checking (Y/n) ou--When she was admiring his style. So seeing this here, right now, was all it took to get rid of the blockade of fears that had previously blocked her mind from thinking of anything else other than what would happen if (Y/n) didn't like the way she looked. Thankfully, all such things were put to rest when the pair finally reached each other.
(Y/n): "Yaoyorozu--"
Yaoyorozu: "--(Y/n). Um--"
(Y/n): "--Uh..."
Yaoyorozu/(Y/n): [Chuckles] "How are you?"
Yeah...for the beginning of the night, it got off to a rather awkward start. Though, thankfully, this seemed to be the end of it. (Y/n) taking the moment to step back from talking to allow Yaoyorozu a chance to do so.
Yaoyorozu: [Smiles] "I'm fine. Thank you."
(Y/n): "Good. Cool. Uh...Wow!" [Smiles back] "You look really nice. I, uh...I haven't seen you in a dress before."
Yaoyorozu: "Yes, well, I am going out...And no matter where that is, my parents refuse for me to wear anything but a dress..." [Mumbles] "...As much as I'd rather not."
(Y/n): "Oh, yeah? So...Do you were dresses whilst eating burgers with your hands?"
Yaoyorozu: [Gasp] "(Y/n)! Sssh!" [Giggles] "My parents are in the limo behind us. They'll hear you."
(Y/n): "Oh, right..." [Smirks] "Because rich and fancy Yaoyorozu isn't allowed to eat such normal food with her hands, huh? I forgot..."
Though the smirk on his lips seemed to suggest otherwise. In the end, the pair just smiled to each other. It was this moment that confirmed the awkwardness of it all was finally over. At least, between them anyway. There was still the parents to meet, well...Meet again. After all, (Y/n) had met them once before...After yelling at them for not intervening with everything to do with Kaito. But (Y/n) held out hope that things wouldn't be so bad. And, you know what? They weren't! Sure, the first few seconds were off when he first entered the limo.
But everything became easy after Yaoyorozu's parents got out everything they wanted to say. Such involving asking (Y/n) for forgiveness, and thanking him for what he did by helping Yaoyorozu. All of which was kinda awkward for (Y/n) to answer. But thankfully for Yaoyorozu's parents, they were more than happy with the smile (Y/n) offered. And that seemed all to it for the awkwardness. The group from this point on took off to the theatre, with the car ride filled with various conversations ranging from school subjects, to dreams, to anything in between.
Honestly, (Y/n) was a bit surprised they were still so open with him. Especially with he fact he was still a 'commoner' in their eyes. But Yaoyorozu mentioned besides the good stuff she told them about him, the fact he did rather well in the Sports Festival and fought off villains didn't exactly do him any harm. Now, (Y/n) was kinda glad he did relatively well in the Sports Festival, because it only ended up making the night even better. And it remained that way for the next five hours or so as the young boy sat beside Yaoyorozu and her parents to watch some play.
(Y/n) wasn't entirely sure what the whole story was. But he could follow along enough to keep the conversation going. Then, before he knew it, the night was over, he was being dropped off by Yaoyorozu, and returned home to his Mother seeking answers for all the questions she had. But as for (Y/n), all he wanted was to sleep.
--The Next Day--
(Y/n): [Yawns] "Man! When will this train get here?"
A quick look at his phone was all it took for (Y/n) to realize that there was still some time to go. Currently, it was 8 o'clock in the morning, and (Y/n), along with every other member of Class 1-A, could be seen gathered in the underground train station that connected their city to the rest of Tokyo and the wider parts of Japan. Lots of nerves and fears could be sensed from among the students. After all, today was the first day of their hero internships. That meant leaving the comfort of their own homes to travel to different cities and districts to learn from the best.
It was amongst this large crowd that (Y/n) could be seen leaning against some lockers with Uraraka. The pair hadn't put anything into the lockers, per se, but they found it a good place to wait whilst everyone else went about discussing what awaited them in the internships. Before long, another loud yawn echoed from (Y/n)'s lips, leading Uraraka to look up toward her boyfriend with the usual cheery energy she carried often.
Uraraka: "Didn't sleep well last night?"
(Y/n): "Huh? Oh, no. I slept pretty well, actually."
Uraraka: "Oh." [Giggles] "Why do you seem tired then?"
(Y/n): [Sighs] "...That would be because of Bakugo."
Just the mention of his best friend's name was enough to queue Uraraka into the wide possibility of hijinks that went on due to the friendship between the pair. It only took another yawn from (Y/n) before such hijinks were revealed.
(Y/n): [Yawns] "I was up for a while this morning having to repeatedly explain to Bakugo that I wasn't choosing a female hero to intern under."
Uraraka: "Oh..."
(Y/n): "Yeah. Apparently, he wasn't cool with me choosing Death Arms. He, uh--" [Yawns] "--He wasn't very happy about that."
(Y/n)'s words were, once more, accompanied by a yawn. As they were, Uraraka looked up at his face as he shut his eyes and put all his focus into expressing his tired nature. Uraraka noticed it all. The way one eye slightly shut tighter than the other. The scrunching of the nose. The repeated blinks he gave after finally accomplishing the yawn. She couldn't help but smile noticing the cute nature her boyfriend gave when tired. She could only wonder what other cute habits she'd find out about the further they got into dat--
(Y/n): "Uraraka? Everything alright?"
Uraraka: "...Hmm?"
Upon regaining her focus, however, it was revealed that (Y/n) had been staring back at Uraraka, almost for the entire time she was lost in her thoughts whilst looking up at him. It didn't take long after realizing this, to notice the soft smile (Y/n) offered her currently, that led to Uraraka's face exploding into a wave of red.
Uraraka: [Blushes] "U-U-Uh! Y-Yep! Everythings fine! I'm just tired too!" [Tries to yawn and stretch] "Y-Yep! Whoa! So tired..."
(Y/n): "Um...Alright?"
Again, (Y/n) could only smile in confusion after Uraraka's awkward notion. But he decided not to dig any deeper into the matter. Much to Uraraka's gratitude. Honestly, she and (Y/n) had been dating for almost a full week now, she was still so new to it all that sometimes she even forgot they were together. Not that she'd forget something like that. But, they had been friends for so long, that the sudden upgrade to being in a relationship was still something she had to wrap her mind around. Thus leading to embarrassing outbursts like right now.
(Y/n): "Oh. That's reminds me. My Mom says hi."
Uraraka: "Oh...?"
And just like that her red blush took on a pink tint.
(Y/n): "Yeah, she, uh...She can get pretty wild knowing I have an, um...Girlfriend now." [Chuckles awkwardly] "You should have seen her last night. She was kinda embarrassing. She wants to meet you!"
Urarka: "Oh...?"
Her blush took on a perfect mixture of embarrassed red, and nervous pink.
(Y/n): "Though, uh, y-you don't have to...right away. I-I mean, we have internships and that. B-But, um, afterwards! If you, um...I-I don't know. We could maybe--"
Uraraka: "I'd love to."
(Y/n): "Oh?" [Smiles softly] "Y-Yeah? Alright then...Cool."
Uraraka: "Yeah...Cool."
Neither (Y/n), nor Uraraka, could stop themselves from garnering a simple colour on their cheeks after the conversation they just shared. Both smiling down to themselves as they glanced to their side. But such a thing just went to show, just because (Y/n) could handle himself on the battlefield, he still had struggles in life. But that wasn't to say such struggles like this one weren't something worth the risk.
Uraraka: "Oh! I almost forgot!" [Turns to you] "You had your date with Yaoyorozu last night, right? How'd it go?"
(Y/n): "O-Oh. I wouldn't call it a dat--"
Uraraka: "Yeah. Yeah. Sure. But how did it go?"
(Y/n): "Um... Yeah? Uh, it...Went pretty good. It was pretty fun."
Uraraka: [Smiles brightly] "Really?!"
(Y/n): "Yeah. She, um...She picked me up in her 'shiny' limo, as she liked to put it. I met her parents. We went to the theatre and had a fun time. B-But not too much fun, I swear."
Uraraka: [Tilts head] "Huh? What do you mean?"
(Y/n): "Well..." [Nervously chuckles] "You know...We just hung out. That was it."
Uraraka: "That's...It? Like, nothing else happened?"
(Y/n): "Nope. Nothing. We just hung out. Talked. And she dropped me off."
Uraraka: [Narrows eyes] "...Is that so? Hmm..." [Smiles again] "Would you excuse me for a moment?"
(Y/n): "U-Uh, um...Sure--"
Before the word could even leave his mouth properly, Uraraka had already twisted her body and began walking off in a seemingly random direction. Although, it wasn't random. For the further she got away from (Y/n), the more her smile dropped, until Uraraka's narrowed gaze returned. Now, the sudden exit from his girlfriend was enough to make (Y/n) worry. He began having fears that Uraraka thought he and Yaoyorozu did more than just hang out. Something he was worried she might think of.
Even after agreeing that it was alright for him to go on this 'date' with another girl. Little did (Y/n) know...Uraraka was annoyed for all the different reasons. As was soon revealed as the young girl ducked and weaved passed countless members of her class, until finally she reached a location next to a set of vending machines, where all the girls from Classes 1-A, minus Akiko, could be seen talking. Though out of all of them, Uraraka had her gaze set out on one person in particular.
Ashido: "So then I heard they were dating, but then not. But then they were, only to find out they weren't. But guess this! This is where things got crazy!"
The crowd of girls slowly leaned in closer as Ashido's smile grew.
Ashido: "...They weren't dating!"
Such a response, whilst confusing to most males, seemed to be easily understood by the girls present, who offered looks of shock amongst other reactions. Yaoyorozu simply smiled, just glad to be in such a conversation. Her attention was suddenly directed elsewhere, however, when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder followed by a familiar voice.
Uraraka: "Oh, Yaoyorozu~ Can I have a word, please?"
Yaoyorozu: "Hmm?" [Turns around] "Oh! Uraraka. Hello. How can I help?"
Uraraka: "You wanna come with me for a moment?" [Fake laughs] "I have something to discuss."
Yaoyorozu: "O-Oh...Okay? Let me just grab my thi--"
But before she could even turn around to grab her backpack, Yaoyorozu was suddenly pulled off her feet and dragged off in a random direction. Such left the group of girls confused, though, Ashido was quick to return the conversation to previous highs. As for Yaoyorozu, she was left confused for the entire journey being pulled along by Uraraka, until they eventually stopped next to the bathrooms. A full corner around from where (Y/n) was left walking around in confusion for Uraraka. Little did he know Uraraka had her focus currently directed on something else.
Uraraka: "What the heck, Momo!"
Yaoyorozu: "I'm sorry?"
Uraraka: "About last night with (Y/n)! Remember?"
Yaoyorozu: "O-Oh...I'm sorry? Did I over step with something? I didn't mean too. I was very grateful for you letting (Y/n) join me last night that I focused on not doing anything to hurt yo--"
Uraraka: "I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about the plan! You were supposed to confess to him last night, why didn't you?"
Yaoyorozu: "Um...Right. That was the plan...Wasn't it?"
A nervous smile found Yaoyorozu's face as she stated such. But not out of fear, well, not the fear some may think upon hearing what was just said. You see, whilst the notion of Yaoyorozu seemingly supposed to confess her feelings to (Y/n) sounded odd, for the group of Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and even Hagakure, it was a pact made amongst them the moment the three girls found out the others liked the same boy. Now, it all started with Yaoyorozu and Uraraka. The pair, at first, were at each others ends once they found out the other liked (Y/n). Constantly they went to one up the other. But everything they tried seemed to fail. It was thanks to these countless fails that both Uraraka and Yaoyorozu managed to get rather close to the other.
Seemingly the shared feelings for a boyfriend brought them understanding of the other. Something that only grew with more time passing by. Of course, this would presumably lead to eventual conflict, right? Well, neither girl wanted that. As over the course of trying to keep (Y/n) away from Hagakure, a wild third party in this triad of antics, they both came to the realization that hurting the other would only lead to pain. No matter who won (Y/n)'s heart. However, things took a turn when Hagakure's feelings were revealed to be something much more than just a simple playful crush. With Hagakure's backstory revealed to showcase the memories of (Y/n), it was made clear that each girl held the boy in high regard.
Such confessions all bring them to a moment where they all confess feelings for the boy, but no one wanted to hurt the other. This eventually led to a wild idea thrown out by Yaoyorozu, who mentioned sharing (Y/n). Of course, when such a ploy was first mentioned, it caused both Uraraka and Hagakure to freeze in confusion and slight shock that such a plan came from someone like Yaoyorozu. When they asked where she got such an idea, Yaoyorozu mentioned her fondness for...certain manga that revolved around sharing one lover. Now, that led to questions for another day. But the matter at hand was that every girl present had feelings for (Y/n), but no one wanted to hurt the other.
That seemed to leave the option of sharing him was best, right? Well, whilst it would seem obvious. It was still quite an odd thing to do. Only made worse, for some anyway, when out of nowhere (Y/n) decided to confess his own feelings for Uraraka. Going to the point of kissing her whilst she was deep in her own thoughts. This left everything in a state of flux. Uraraka was now with (Y/n), but she couldn't just forget the bond she made with Yaoyorozu and Hagakure. It was then that Yaoyorozu brought up the matter of sharing (Y/n), once more. This time, it was different, with Uraraka having been confessed to by (Y/n), it showed that he clearly had feelings for her. But despite gaining all she wanted, Uraraka didn't want to just forget about her friends.
So, she made the claim that the only way they could go about doing this whole 'sharing' thing, was that both Yaoyorozu and Hagakure would be allowed to confess to (Y/n). And that if he felt the same, Uraraka would be more than happy to share him with someone she herself had grown a close friendship with. Now, sure, there were multiple problems that could arise. But the matter of at least trying was the main goal. And, as of last night, it was Yaoyorozu's main goal to end of the night by confessing her feelings to (Y/n) to see how he'd take it. Yet, as Uraraka now knew, Yaoyorozu had not confessed anything. Such brings both girls to standing outside the train station bathrooms where they're left to wonder why the other didn't confess her damn feelings to the others boyfriend!
Uraraka: "What went wrong, girl?!"
Yaoyorozu: "I know! I know! I'm sorry, Uraraka. I know I was supposed to end the night by confessing to him, but...I-I don't know..." [Smiles softly] "I was really nice the night we shared, a-and I got nervous, and I didn't want to ruin it all if he said no. S-So I thought--"
Uraraka: "--You'd just drag it on? That wasn't the plan."
Yaoyorozu: "I know! Again, I'm sorry! I really am. I just...I had so much fun with him. I've never felt this way about a boy before, so it was all happening so fast I didn't really know what to do."
The more Uraraka heard, the more she couldn't really disagree. She knew what it was like to have a crush on (Y/n). There were countless times she questioned confessing her feelings to him on the spot, but got held back by fear and nerves. So, she couldn't really get mad at Yaoyorozu for feeling such a way.
Uraraka: [Sighs] "...You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I just forgot what it's like to have a crush on someone when you're not dating them, you know?"
Yaoyorozu: [Smiles softly] "Yes. I know that feeling very well..."
Uraraka: [Smiles] "Yeah..."
The gentle smile they shared between each other was enough to confirm that. For a brief moment, the pair just smiled at the ground as they thought over it, until they eventually regained focus on the matter at hand.
Yaoyorozu: "So what now? We're going on our internships? I won't be able to tell him anything...Unless I tell him now?"
Uraraka: "No! No...I mean, I know it sounds odd. Seeing that he's my boyfriend and everything. But...I want it to at least be special for you. I-In case he does say yes."
Yaoyorozu: "Oh..." [Smiles to herself] "Right. Thank you, Uraraka."
Uraraka: "That's okay. I'd, uh...I'd hope it'd be the same if our roles were reversed."
Yaoyorozu: "Most definitely."
The smiles they shared were enough to confirm just how grateful, and happy, that such a circumstance like the weird one they currently found themselves in, was going on with the person opposite them. Truly, in a weird way, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu had become quite good friends since they first found out about the others feelings.
Yaoyorozu: "So...What now then?"
Uraraka: "I don't know. I'd say...Wait until the internships are over, and hopefully you find a time to confess to him then?"
Yaoyorozu: "Right. Of course. I just hope Hagakure will be alright with that. Seeing as that was supposed to be her turn to confess."
Uraraka: "Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine with it. I mean, she's been in a pretty great mood since we decided to see if we could all date (Y/n). What could stop her from being happy?"
Hagakure: [Groans] "AAAHHH! I'm so nervous!"
Though, the first sentence Hagakure gave upon the two girls rejoining the group made Uraraks's previous statement seem less confident. Caution covered the faces of both girls as they slowly made their way beside (Y/n), who now stood amongst the girls, alongside Kirishima and Tokoyami.
Hagakure: "Argh! (Y/n)! Why does this have to be scary?"
The Invisible girl groaned as she turned toward the boy and seemingly looked up at him.
(Y/n): [Chuckles] "I'm sure you'll be fine, Hagakure. It shouldn't be that bad."
Hagakure: "Well, duh! That's easy for you to say! You're, like...You! Besides, you're doing an internship under Mirko. That's gotta be something to look forward too."
Now it was that particular part that caught Uraraka's attention immediately.
Uraraka: [Turns to you] "That's weird. I thought you said you were interning under Death Arms?"
(Y/n): [Smiles] "That's what I said to Bakugo. Because if I told him I was interning under Mirko, he'd be going crazy right about now."
Uraraka: "Oh...I see. Hey, where is Bakugo? I thought he'd be here too."
Ashido: "Yeah! It's kinda weird not having him suddenly scream every now and again."
Hagakure: "Do you know where he is, (Y/n)?"
(Y/n): [Scratches chin] "Uh...Last time I checked, I think he said his Mom was taking him and dropping him off at his internship."
Uraraka: "Oh, that must be fun? I mean...Beats taking the train, I guess?"
(Y/n): "Yeah. I'm sure it's, um...Something?"
Something indeed. For not far away from the train station, in a small blue car, Bakugo's mother, Mitsuki Bakugo could be seen driving with a gentle smile on her face. Sweet music played to showcase the happy mood. The same could not be said for the seat opposite her. As nothing but raging heavy metal played as Bakugo repeatedly pulled on the locked door to his right.
Mitsuki: "And I told you I wanted to take you to your internship. This is a big moment for you!"
Bakugo: "AND THIS IS A BIG MOMENT FOR (Y/N)! He said he was interning under Death Arms BUT I KNOW FOR A FACT HE'S LYING!" [Breaths heavily through nose] "I just know he picked a female hero and he just isn't telling me...I can sense it..." [Pulls on doorhandle] "NOW STOP THE CAR AND UNLOCK THIS DAMN DO--"
A loud slap flooded the air, one that collided with the back of Bakugo's head, causing him to stop all actions suddenly to turn his head around to look at his Mom.
Bakugo: "Did...Did you just slap me?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah! Cause you wouldn't stop pulling on the door!"
Bakugo: "I DIDN'T SAY THA--"
Bakugo: "STO--"
Bakugo: "STOP I--"
Bakugo: "I SAID STOP!"
Nothing but the sound of Bakugo screaming but abruptly being cut off by a slap was all that could be heard within the small car. Meanwhile, with the students of U.A.; (Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle silently to himself as he pictured such a situation.
(Y/n): [Chuckles softly] "I'm sure he's fine."
But even with Bakugo not being present, it did not mean that (Y/n)'s comment of interning under Mirko would go unnoticed. For it wasn't long before Kirishima took on the role of Bakugo, which in this case was tossing an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.
Kirishima: "Mirko, huh? The rabbit hero! Nice choice, bro." [Leans in and chuckles] "So why exactly did you choose her, huh, (Y/n)?"
(Y/n): "What do you mean?"
Kirishima: "Oh, come on, man! I'm not Bakugo! I won't go over the top!"
Such a response immediately got the attention of all the girls around, who turned to the boys in confusion. The trio of Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Hagakure left to tilt their heads as (Y/n) chuckled back to Kirishima.
(Y/n): "Haha. I don't know what you're on about dude. I'm just going there because I think she's a good hero."
Though, a quick second later, as (Y/n)'s eyes lifted toward the roof of the underground train station, an image of the Rabbit Hero in question appeared in a thought bubble. Sparkles formed around her body. Including her muscular arms, rabbit ears, hero costumes, and most noticeably, her muscular thighs. Like, sure, her arms were muscular. But they were nothing compared to her thighs. The image alone of Mirko was enough to make (Y/n) blush slightly.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "What? I may be me. But I'm still a guy..." [Shakes Head] "Besides! Believe it or not, she was actually kinda pushing for me to intern under her."
Ashido: "Huh? What do you mean?"
(Y/n): "I don't know. Apparently, she sent multiple requests to U.A.; from what I heard from Aizawa, she made the printer in the teacher's office run out of ink."
Ashido: "Huh...odd." [Smiles brightly] "Anyway! What about everyone else? Who did you choose?"
Immediately, out of nowhere, Mineta appeared in the middle of the group.
Mineta: "I'm going to Mt. Lady."
Kirishima: [Rubs forehead] "Well, that's a surprise."
Mineta: "I know, right? I'm still surprised she asked for me. Like, why would she? Unless..."
It didn't take long for a wicked grin to spread across Mineta's face as a thought bubble of other images started to appear. Though, before they could form properly, they were suddenly destroyed by the interruption of Tsu's voice.
Tsuyu: "Mineta. You are thinking of something perverted again, aren't you?"
Mineta: "I AM NOT!"
Tsuyu: "...I do not believe you."
Pure shock sprung across the face of the aforementioned male, however, thankfully for Mineta, it didn't take long for the conversation to change when Kirishima remembered something.
Kirishima: "Oh. Ashido."
Ashido: [Turns to you] "Yeah?"
Kirishima: "I forgot to ask when I first saw you, but what are you doing here?"
Ashido: "What do you mean?"
Kirishima: "I mean, um..." [Nervously sweating] "W-Well, you got pretty far in the sports festival, but, um...Last time I checked, you didn't get any offers...Right?"
It was clear Kirishima was hesitant to speak his sentence, something that was only doubled when he gathered the strength to glance back up at Ashido, to see her carry a similar shocked reaction that Mineta still had.
Kirishima: "Ah! Ashido! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to--"
Ashido: [Still shocked] "N-No. It's fine. I-I-I, um...I-I actually just came here to see you guys off. Y-Yeah...T-That's why I'm here."
Kirishima: "Oh...I see."
Nervous chuckles followed his voice as he struggled what to say next. Thankfully for him, Hagakure was quick to step in, tossing an arm around Ashido's shoulder.
Hagakure: "But that's alright, Ashido! I didn't get any offers and I'm still here!"
Ashido: "Huh? oh...Yeah!" [Smiles] "You're right!"
Uraraka: "Hey, that's right. What did you come here for, Hagakure?"
Hagakure: "Oh...You know~" [Leans towards you] "I was just coming to wish (Y/n) good luck~"
(Y/n): "O-Oh. Um...Thanks, Hagakure?"
Hagakure: [Giggles] "You're welcome, (Y/n)."
Unbeknownst to (Y/n), Hagakure offered a bright smile up to him. All before turning to Uraraka and Yaoyorozu and winked. Though, of course, neither one noticed such. But just the sight of Hagakure acting in such a way with (Y/n) made both nervous, as the invisible girl currently had no idea that Yaoyorozu failed in her task to confess to (Y/n). Meaning it was still technically her turn to confess, and not for Hagakure to go ahead.
Yaoyorozu: [Whispers to Uraraka] "I'll take care of Hagakure."
Uraraka: [Whispers back] "Right."
Yaoyorozu: [To Hagakure] "Um, Hagakure, could I borrow you for a moment?"
Hagakure: "Huh? Oh, sure, Yao-Momo!" [Giggles at you] "Bye, (Y/n)~"
(Y/n): "Um...Bye?"
The young boy was left to confusingly wave goodbye as the invisible girl walked off with Yaoyorozu. As for Uraraka, she was left slightly concerned. She just hoped Hagakure could take the news in a good way. After all, it seemed like she was rather excited to confess her to (Y/n). However, in was in the thought process of such a situation that Uraraka was suddenly pulled back to the scene in front of her.
(Y/n): "W-What about you, Uraraka?"
Uraraka: "Hmm?"
(Y/n): "Who did you pick for your internship?"
Uraraka: "Oh! I'm going to Battle Hero: Gunhead's agency!"
Hagakure: "Wow! Really?"
Uraraka: [Smiles] "Yep!" [Punches air] "I got an offer from him!"
(Y/n): "Wow? Gunhead, huh? I hear he's pretty tough. I thought you wanted to be a hero like Thirteen?"
Uraraka: "Ultimately, yes. But after realizing some stuff at the sports festival, like fighting Bakugo and...some other stuff, I-I realized the stronger I get, the more possibilities I'll get, you know?"
It was as Uraraka's words came to an end that a sweet smile found her lips as she swished a piece of hair behind her head. The sight alone led (Y/n) to go blank in the mind momentarily. But what pushed this reaction further was when Uraraka mentioned 'other stuff' that motivated her to reach such an ideal. Now, whilst (Y/n) didn't exactly know what that was, his mind quickly went to one place...
[Your POV]
The images flashed back to my mind instantly, of the time I went to first confess to Uraraka during the sports festival. My hand hovered inches from the door of the locker room where Uraraka stood alone, as the voice of her dad spoke to her over the phone.
"...Your Mom and I watched you on TV. You were so close! But you were amazing! You really gave that Bakugo boy a run for his money."
Uraraka: [Chuckles softly] "Thanks, Dad...But, it wasn't that close. And I wasn't amazing. I...I had other things on my mind out there so I couldn't focus on being a hero."
"Ochaco, is everything okay? What do you mean you couldn't focus on being hero?"
Uraraka: "I...I don't know. I...I knew this was my moment to show the pro heroes watching what I could do. But, somehow I just forgot all of that because...Because I went out there for another reason..."
I remember the heavy feeling that dawned on my heart when I first heard those words. It was the start of the doubt slowly creeping back into my mind.
Uraraka: "I..." [Sighs] "It's stupid, Dad. Really."
"Ochaco, I'm serious, okay? If something is bothering you, speak to me, okay? Your Mother and I are here for you."
Uraraka: "I know. It's just..." [Chuckles abruptly] "When I went out there, I...I was focused on something Bakugo said."
"What did he say?"
(Y/n): [Groans and mutters] "What did he say?"
I couldn't help but roll my eyes as hard as possible as soon as I heard that. It made me grow even more concerned about what he possibly could have said to Uraraka. However, my entire thought process was suddenly thrown on the side when the next words left Uraraka's mouth.
Uraraka: "Well...You know that (Y/n) person I was telling you and Mom about a while ago?"
"The boy that saved my baby girl in the USJ villain attack? I most certainly do remember him, and I am still waiting to be introduced to him, young lady."
Uraraka: "Dad! I'm being serious... Anyway. As I was saying. Lately, I've...Been thinking about him a lot."
(Y/n)/Uraraka Dad: "Oh..."
Uraraka: [Blushes Slightly] "A-And Bakugo was teasing me about it...because...I-I...I-I think I might...Like him."
Once more, that noise came from both Uraraka's Father, and myself. Though whereas I wasn't exactly sure what his body did for a reaction to the news, me on the other hand...I was now lying on the ground, flat on my ass, after being repelled from the door by the sudden news that...Uraraka...Liked...Me? Honestly, I still couldn't completely comprehend it so all I could do for the moment was remain lying on the ground looking up at the roof in complete disbelief.
(Y/n): "She...She likes me?"
The words fumbled from my mouth as I laid on the ground in the middle of the empty hallway, which I was now even more fortunate about. However, I was quick to pounce back to my feet when I heard the voice of Uraraka creep through the door once more.
Uraraka: "Dad! Stop! It's not that big of a deal that you have to scream..." [Sighs] "See?! This is why I don't tell you and Mom things. You make it more of a big deal than it is..."
"You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm just surprised my little girl is growing up so fast."
Uraraka: "Dad...? Are...Are you crying?"
"...No." [In the background] "Honey, take the phone...I'm too emotional right now."
A few seconds later, the voice of a woman crept over, who I presumed was Uraraka's Mom.
"Hello, dear?"
Uraraka: "...Hi, Mom. Is Dad okay?"
"He's...Fine. Just processing this news is all."
Uraraka: [Sighs] "Of course, he is."
"Now, about this boy. Do you really feel like you like him?"
Uraraka: [Nudges Shoulders] "I don't know...I think so? I mean, (Y/n)'s one of my best friends here at school. We hang out all the time. We sit together at lunch, and..."
Uraraka: "...And every time I get close to him, I...I can't help but smile, you know? And when I'm fighting by his side in class, or against villains, I feel safe. I know nothing won't hurt me if I'm close to him...Argh! That sounds so cheesy! This is stupid! Just forget it!"
"Ochaco. You're a grown girl now. If you keep fighting against these things you feel, you'll never be able to grow up into a proper hero. Now, what were you talking about with your Father? Is liking this (Y/n) boy what's causing you to feel like you didn't achieve anything in your match?"
Uraraka: "I...I...I don't know."
A moment of silence passed as Uraraka's words entered the air.
Uraraka: "I like (Y/n). I do. And I felt so happy up until when I saw Dad calling me earlier. As soon as I saw his name pop up on the screen, I remembered why I was becoming a hero in the first place. And when I remembered that...I remembered how my chance to show the Pro Heroes watching what I was capable of completely went to waste because I was focused on beating Bakugo solely so I could ask (Y/n) out...But now...I'm wondering if that was the right thing to focus on in the first place."
As the thoughts came to an end, I was sad at first. But all it took me was a single look in the direction of Uraraka, to see that sweet smile once more, for all sorrow to go away. I was reminded how it all ended up. Now, Uraraka was my girlfriend, and I felt actually happy in my life. An emotion I wasn't afraid to show as I smiled back at her.
(Y/n): "I'm sure you'll do great, Uraraka."
Uraraka: "Oh..." [Blushes and smiles] "You really think so?"
(Y/n): [Smiles softly] "I know so."
Truer words had never been spoken before. And, I feel Uraraka realized as much. For as my words came to an end, she looked up at me with a bright smile. One I happily returned once more. Untill, that is, it was suddenly broken.
(Y/n)/Uraraka: "Huh?"
In union, Uraraka and I turned in the direction of the voice to see it came from none other than Ashido, who smiled with her fists clenched. Behind her, faces like Kirishima, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Jiro, and even Mineta smiled as well. The sight was enough to make Uraraka and I to blush slightly. But as we glanced down to one another, we realized, in the end, it didn't matter. Surprisingly, it was this moment I left off with. A short while later, my smile remained as I headed toward the bathroom. However, it was just as I was about to step inside that a silent voice whispered from the side.
"Hey. Young Midoriya."
If it wasn't for my last name being called, I would have completely missed it. Though, it was because of this that I did stop and looked around momentarily.
(Y/n): "Huh?"
Confusion started to grow at this point. Because despite looking around, I couldn't see any sign of anyone. When suddenly...
"Psst! Young Midoriya. I'm over here."
This time I knew what I heard. And when I heard the particular way in which I was being called, my mind instantly went to one person in particular who tended to call me that. By this point, I had completely stepped back from the bathroom door and checked my lefts and rights. First, to my right, which was where the main area of the train station was.
There were countless people waiting to board their train, so I knew for a fact the whispering wasn't coming from there. This led me to turn to my left, which, didn't take me long to realize who was talking me. For all it took was a single second to see a large figure standing behind a potted planet. That tall figure, of course, was All Might.
All Might: "Young Miidoriya, I am he--"
(Y/n): "All Might?! What are you--"
All Might: "Ssh! Ssh! Ssh! Quiet!" [Looks around] "I can't have anyone know I'm here."
(Y/n): "What? But--Wait...If you wanted no one to know you were here, why are you in that form then?"
For a moment, All Might looked at me in confusion. Though, it wasn't until he glanced down at his tall, muscular appearance, the appearance everyone knew All Might as, that he realized his mistake.
All Might: "Oh. You are most right. How ridiculous of me. Haha!"
One loud laugh later and a cloud of smoke enveloped All Might's body. When it disappeared, he was back in his normal form. The slim body and 'un-hero-like' physic only a few people knew about was revealed. And it seemed like just in time. As out of nowhere, a trio of grown men wearing All Might shirts sprung from around the corner.
"I swear! I heard All Might's laugh! It definitely came from around here!"
The excited looks on their face, however, soon faded when they turned the corner to see me and, well, a person they presumed wasn't All Might. Even so, both All Might and myself couldn't help but get a little nervous. We glanced at each other momentarily before I turned back to the fans and slowly raised my phone.
(Y/n): "Uh...Sorry guys. That was my, um...Phone ringtone?"
"You're gotta be kidding me?"
"Man! Oh, well...I knew All Might wouldn't be in a place like this anyway."
With that the three turned around and took off with looks of disappointment on their faces. As they did, both All Might and I waited a few seconds to make sure they were gone before talking followed from either one of us. Though, when it did come time to drop the guard slightly, All Might was the first to speak.
All Might: [Sighs] "Boy. That sure was a close one, huh?"
(Y/n): "You don't say? Why'd you even come here like that? You knew you'd draw a crowd?"
All Might: "Well, yes, but with that form I could get here much quicker. That...And I forgot my wallet back at U.A. So I couldn't pay for a taxi."
(Y/n): "Oh...That's, um, fair, I guess?"
All Might only closed his eyes and smiled as he rubbed the back of his head. It wasn't much longer after this that I found myself sitting next to him on a bench just around the corner from the bathrooms. We were doing our best to make sure no one was around to hear before we finally turned back to each other.
(Y/n): "Alright. I think that coast is clear."
All Might: "Haha. Thank you, young Midoriya. You seem much better at this than I."
(Y/n): "Yeah, well...What can I say? I'm kinda getting good at keeping a secret."
All Might: [Smiles] "I truly wish you didn't have to, (Y/n). But with All For One sti--"
(Y/n): "Hey. It's fine. I get it." [Smiles back] "So...What's up? Here to wish me luck on my internship?"
All Might: "Huh? Oh, well, yes. But, actually...I came to speak to you about that."
(Y/n): "Oh? How come?"
It was definitely safe to say my interest had now been piqued ever so slightly. Especially when All Might leaned slightly closer, seemingly showcasing what he was about to say was serious.
All Might: "I heard you were interning under Rabbit Hero: Mirko, correct?"
(Y/n): "Uh, yeah. That's right."
All Might: "Oh. I see..."
A moment of silence followed from All Might as he looked to the ground, seemingly in confusion. When he didn't say anything for a short while more, I decided to step in.
(Y/n): "Um...Is something wrong with that?"
All Might: [Suddenly turns back] "Huh? Oh. No. Of course not." [Chuckles lightly] "I'm just surprised you actually chose someone. You seem to be more of the loner type is all."
(Y/n): "Oh...Right."
All Might: "Though, Mirko seems nice...I think? What made you decide to go with her out of everyone?"
Before I responded, I looked up to the roof of the underground train station and contemplated the question. As I did, a thought bubble of Mirko appeared once more. This time, the main focus, was her muscular thighs...What? I may be the way I am. But I'm still a guy...
(Y/n): "Uh, she seemed to ask for me quite a bit. That, and I didn't really care, so I thought I might as well go with someone with thighs--Highs! Like her..."
All Might: [Narrows eyes] "Oh...I see..." [Smiles suddenly] "Well! I see nothing off about that!"
(Y/n): "Um..." [Blushes slightly] "Y-Yeah. Uh, so, what did you want again?"
All Might: "Oh. Right. Well, I heard that you chose Mirko, which is actually perfect because she tends to travel around Japan instead of staying in one place at a time."
(Y/n): "And why is that perfect exactly?"
All Might: "Because she's currently placed in Yamanashi Prefecture near Shinkansen. The same location as someone I want you to meet. A hero...By the name of Gran Torino."
(Y/n): "Gran Torino?"
I couldn't help but mutter the name myself. I don't know why. Something about it just seemed off. My whole thought process on that one thing only jumped further when I turned back to All Might to see him...Sweating? He seemed hesitant?
(Y/n): "Uh...W-Who is Gran Torino?"
All Might: "...He was a teacher at U.A. for one year. He was also my homeroom teacher...He knows about One For All as well."
(Y/n): "He does?"
All Might: "In fact, that's probably why he asked for you."
(Y/n): "Wait! He...He asked for me?"
That one detail was enough to make me even more confused about everything currently going on. It only made All Might sweat harder.
All Might: "Indeed."
(Y/n): "Wait. But how does he know about it. I thought it was always some big secret?"
All Might: "Normally, that would be the case. But Gran Torino was the sworn friend of my predecessor. He retired a long time ago, so I forgot to count him..." [Body begins to shake] "Was it because I wrote of you when I sent him that letter? Or because he couldn't just stand by as he watched my inadequate teaching? If he went as far as using his old name to make an offer..."
(Y/n): "Uh, All Might?"
All Might: "It's scary...Too scary..."
(Y/n): "All Might."
All Might: [Lifts head] "Huh? Hmm? Oh, yes...Uh, sorry. I was...Picturing old memories."
(Y/n): "Oh...Uh, okay?"
Sure, that doesn't frighten me whatsoever.
All Might: "Yes. I'm fine...Haha...A-Anyway, it is my duty to train you, b-but since he asked to meet you. If you could possibly, when you're free from your training with Mirko, go an see him please? I'll write down his address."
(Y/n): "Um...Okay?"
Again, that was all I could say. I was honestly too confused to really venture with my thoughts as to what was going on. All Might seemed scared, but he said this person was his predecessor's sworn friend? So what could be scary about that? In the end, I didn't get the answer to it. All I could really do was wait and see. Once All Might wrote down Gran Torino's address on a piece of paper and handed it to me and wished me my final wave of luck for the internship before leaving. But even as he left, I found it odd with everything that just happened. To the point, it was all I could think about.
That was until it finally came time to board the train. Before then, I, along with the other students who got chosen for internships, including Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima, had to see Aizawa stood near the entrance of the train station. Though, when we reached him, I, along with everyone else, was shocked to see Iida standing there with him. I wanted to ask him where he had been. I hadn't seen him at school ever since the sports festival. I was worried if he hurt himself or something. I wanted to ask, but before I could, Aizawa was already ready to speak.
Aizawa: "Alright. Those of you who received offers, you all have your costumes, right? Remember, don't wear them in public. And don't leave them lying about or anything."
"Oh, sir!"
Aizawa: "Huh?"
Turning in the direction of a raised hand, it didn't take long for Aizawa to realize it was coming from Ashido. Who held onto her wrist with her other hand and closed her eyes tightly as she shook it about.
Ashido: "Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir."
Aizawa: [Sighs] "Yes, Ashido?"
Ashido: "What will the rest of us who didn't receive offers do?"
Aizawa: "Huh? I told you all the other day during class?"
Everyone: "You did?"
Now, if I'm being honest, I couldn't exactly remember what time Aizawa did any of this. But if I remember correctly, I think he said something the other day. But everyone was preoccupied by looking over the lists of everyone who did get offers to really hear Aizawa speak. Something he seemed to only be picking up on now by the looks of things.
Aizawa: [Sighs] "...I told you all the other day, those of you who didn't receive offers will be assigned places to intern under. You all will be leaving tomorrow. Those with offers will be leaving today."
Ashido: [Gasp] "Really? Really?"
Aizawa: "...Yes. So be sure to meet again here tomorrow with your costume, okay?"
Ashido: "Yessir!"
She said gleefully, bouncing up and down on her feet as she did so. Until...
Aizawa: "Speak clearly! 'Yes, sir', Ashido."
Ashido: [Embarrassed] "...Yes, sir."
Aizawa: "That reminds me. All of you, no matter whether you received offers or not, be sure to mind your manners with the heroes at your internships. You all are representing U.A. now."
"Yes, sir!"
The voices of us students was bundled together before we turned around and took our leave toward our designated trains. However, before I did that, I had something to do first.
(Y/n): "Hey, Iida! Hold on a second."
Iida: "Huh?" [Turns around] "Oh, (Y/n). Hello."
When Iida turned around, he seemed as normal as ever. A smile dawned his face as he looked down at me. Yet, for reasons unknown, that smile wasn't fooling me. I felt like I had seen it before somewhere. It was that thought that began to linger that held me back from properly speaking right away.
Iida: "Uh, (Y/n)? Is everything okay?"
(Y/n): [Shakes head] "H-Huh? Oh. Uh, yeah. Everythings fine. Sorry, um...I-I just wanted to see how you were. You hadn't been to school for a few days. Some of the others--Me and the others were getting worried."
I felt the correction was necessary. A showcase of the new me. One who was holding himself back from checking in on his friends. But just like before, Iida just smiled.
Iida: "Thank you for your concern, (Y/n). But...Everything is fine."
In the final few seconds, the smile from Iida's face began to fade. As he did, he turned back around and took off for his train. As for me, I couldn't help but linger in place for a moment. I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling something was going on with him. And that smile he offered. Like he was forcing it onto his face. It still felt familiar. That only added to the heavy thoughts I now carried. I probably would have stood there longer if it weren't for me needing to board my train. So...That's what I did.
One by one, each student from U.A. went to board their designated train. Some were lucky to be able to be on the same train together. As for me, I was alone. I was the only one going to Shinkansen. So that left me to silently sit in my seat looking out the window as I held tightly to the handle of my U.A. suitcase holding my costume inside. But even as the train passed through various fields and towns, I still couldn't get the idea like something was going on. Little did I know...I was right. But I couldn't focus on it for long.
Before I knew it, I finally reached the city district that I'd be following Mirko around in. Shinkansen, which is 45 minutes out from Yamanashi Prefecture. The place where All Might wanted me to meet Gran Torino at. But, honestly, I was so focused on thinking about Iida on the train that I almost forgot I had to meet an actual hero today. But that thought process of actual hero work came flooding back when I finally arrived at the actual location I was designated to meet up with the Rabbit Hero. There was only one thing off about it, however...
(Y/n): "...A gym?"
The words were filled with as much confusion as my face currently carried. I was left to hover this expression on my face as I looked up at the large sign stationed just above my head.
(Y/n): "Shinkensen's 24/7 gym? Huh..."
Even muttering it again still didn't make the scene any more right. Such left me to just look around at the surrounding area. It was in the middle of the city, so it was busy. A few people even walked into the gym whilst I was just left standing there in my school uniform. Honestly, it was a little awkward, me just standing there, dressed in my uniform holding a briefcase. It got even more awkward as time passed by. Five minutes passed with no one showing up. I even pulled out my phone to make sure it was the right time to meet up. And sure enough, it was 10:15 A.M. the time I was asked to--
"You're late, rookie."
And then, just like that, a tough yet feminine voice filled the air. It alone was enough for my eyes to wide slightly. An action that only grew as I finally lifted my head. This, however, only caused a slight blush to crop onto my face as my gaze landed on the sharp-toned eyes of one, Rabbit Hero: Mirko. But the eye contact wasn't what made me blush. It was the fact she currently stood in front of me, a few stairs of height all that separated us. She stood next to the entrance of the gym wearing nothing but a matching grey pair of a sports bra and leggings that ran down all the way passed her...toned...m-muscular--
(Y/n): [Gulps] "...Thighs." [Thoughts] "Shit!"
Mirko: [Raises eyebrow] "What was that?"
(Y/n): [Thought] "Shit! Fuck!" [Out Loud] "...H-Huh? Huh! Uh, hi! Um...H-Hi, I'm--"
Mirko: "(Y/n) Midoriya. Right? The student from U.A.?"
(Y/n): "U-Uh, um...Yep. That's me..."
I seemed to be in the clear from my earlier fumble. At least, that's what I presumed. But when I dared to look back at Mirko after calming down my blush, I saw she was still looking at me with a raised eyebrow. One that remained as her toned...l-legs--As she walked down the stairs and approached me. Though my mind was thrown off slightly when she began walking around my nervous body, as if examining a fruit before buying it at the market.
Mirko: "Really? Because, uh...You don't seem like him."
That, thankfully, was enough to snap me back to reality.
(Y/n): "Huh? What do you mean?"
Mirko: [Walking around you] "I mean what I said. You don't seem like him. The (Y/n) Midoriya I witnessed in the sports festival didn't seem so nervous. You know...Less of a pussy."
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Is she serious, right now?" [Out Loud] "Excuse me?"
Mirko: "See! That there! He didn't seem like the one to stutter. Especially--Haha--Especially when he punch that Kaito kid across the face. You know! Back then you were talking shit that actually impressed me. Not like any of these other heroes these days who are pussies. And partner up with rookies and stuff."
Honestly, I was having trouble trying to understand how a hero could be so open and talk about stuff like this. But Mirko, she seemed perfectly accustomed to it all. As soon as she was finished speaking she went right to opening a bottle of water in her hand and slowly drank it down. Even before she swallowed it, she removed the bottle to continue speaking.
Mirko: "Like, when I called up your teachers to see what you were like. They said you were a loner, who got shit done--Oh! Like in USJ! Yeah! I heard about that, how you took down thirty villains like a badass. Where's that kid?"
(Y/n): "Um...That's me."
Mirko: "What?" [Leans in closer] "Really? You're him?" [Looks you up and down] "I mean, you look like him. But, again, the Midoriya I saw didn't stutter or stuff."
(Y/n): "I don't normally. I'm just--"
Mirko: "What? Nervous? You never stand in front of a girl as hot as me?"
(Y/n): "I-I'm sorry?"
Mirko: "Or what? Is it what I'm wearing?" [Grins] "Do this outfit make your eyes immediately drawn toward my ass and tits?"
...No lie. As soon as she said that, my eyes were kinda forced to look down a little. But I used all my inner strength to keep them focused directly on Mirko's eyes. But still! Even as I looked at her sharp, examining gaze, I found myself wondering just how a hero could be like this. She seemed so... free-spirited. It was a complete twist on the usual, super-serious heroes. Like, Mirko definitely seemed serious. Just...She didn't have a filter when she spoke. She spoke her mind, and in a way, I could get behind that. But still, this...Whatever it was...I was not expecting it.
Mirko: "P-Pfft!"
(Y/n): "...Huh?"
Mirko: "Pfft! Haha! I'm--Haha--I'm fucking with you, kid."
(Y/n): "Oh...Um--" [Nervously Chuckles] "I-I see..."
Mirko: [Suddenly turns to you] "But you're really Midoriya, right?"
(Y/n): "Um, (Y/n)...Yes. I am him."
Now, I don't know whether or not it was a good thing, but following my statement, Mirko offered me one final look up and down before she completely spun around and began walking up the stairs toward the gym. Though, it wasn't until she reached the actual door that she told me to follow her. Thankfully, I was able to pounce off my feet quick enough to catch up with her once she was inside. The pair of us could now be seen walking passed the front desk and a set of stairs leading to the second floor, before we began making our way to a 100-foot-long gym area.
It was packed! And I mean, packed! I never saw a gym around my place this busy. The extra thing was...This building had three floors! But it seemed I was only destined to see the first floor today, as I unconsciously followed Mirko, who walked past a bunch of guys and girls currently working out on various equipment. By the look of it, most of them were heroes, which kinda took my focus away from Mirko momentarily. But I was quickly brought back to her when her voice spoke up from in front one more.
Mirko: "Sorry for bustin' your balls out there, Rookie. Just had to make sure you weren't a wimp."
(Y/n): "Um...That's okay."
Mirko: "Cool. Because, like, nothing against wimps or anything. I just don't want to be seen, thought, or stand, next to them. Especially when I'm doing my hero work. I'd rather work alone, honestly."
Now that did catch my attention. And thankfully, that meant taking my mind off everything that had happened up to this point.
(Y/n): "Is that so? Because I was told by my homeroom teacher at U.A. that you sent quite a few requests for me to intern under you."
Mirko: "Indeed I did. But you're pretty lucky to get that type of treatment from me."
She made sure to confirm that even more by looking over her shoulder and smiling at me. Honestly, it was one thing to hear her say the stuff she said before. But now that she was smiling, it only added another wave of confusion which I was forced to keep as we continued to walk through the busy gym. The more we did, however, the more we drew a few eyes our way. Of course, majority were dudes checking out Mirko. Something she seemed to either not notice, or just ignored. But, to my surprise, I even got a few looks my way. A few girls working out offering a whistle as I walked passed. Something that wasn't often.
Mirko: [Chuckles] "Seems like you've got yourself some fans?"
(Y/n): "Huh? Oh, no. I think they were just teasing a younger guy."
Mirko: [Without looking] "Yeah? And how old are you? Fifteen? Sixteen?"
(Y/n): "Uh, Eightteen."
Mirko: "Eightteen?!"
The sound of shock on her face was equally matched by what came from her voice as she outright stopped moving and turned around in the middle of the hall. Honestly, it came out of nowhere that I almost bumped into her. Thankfully for me, I was able to catch myself. My body leaning on the very edge of my toes to keep me from going any further. But this just led the shorter Mirko to look up at me with the same amount of shock.
Mirko: "You're Eightteen? I thought U.A. students were younger?"
(Y/n): "Uh, they used too. I think? I-I think they changed the rules a few years back. So, it's seventeen-eightteen-year-olds for first years."
Mirko: "Huh...I see." [Looks to the side] "Good to know."
(Y/n): "Um--"
I was about to ask Mirko what she meant by that last part, however, I was cut off by her simply turning back around and continuing on her way. Before long, we eventually reached a back room. Though it seemed more of a private room compared to others. At least, that's what I got when we entered the room to see a small kitchen to the left, a black leather couch with a small coffee table in front of it, and a flat-screen TV a little further in front of that. Then, in the far corner, a foldout bed could be seen. With a bag of clothes, and the slight sight of her hero costume could be seen. Though, my gaze was once more pulled away by the voice of Mirko.
Mirko: "Sorry about the place. This's just a temporary dig. I don't got a proper agency, y'see?"
(Y/n): "I expected as much. I mean, you're a new breed of hero who hops around Japan without a set jurisdiction."
Mirko: "Huh..." [Smirks] "Done your homework, I see?"
She said with a smile as she stood next to the sink in the kitchen and went about filling up her bottle. As for me, I just kinda stood in a random spot as I responded.
(Y/n): "Uh, yeah. Actually, it's kinda what made me choose to intern under you."
Immediately, as soon as the words reached her, Mirko's rabbit ears stood up. Honestly, it was kinda cool. Little did I know of the slight frozen expression that also reached her face at this time. I didn't see any of this, however, as she just continued to fill up her water bottle.
Mirko: "I-Is that so?" [Regains confidence, turns around] "And what about that interested a rookie like you, huh?"
(Y/n): "Well...Speaking clearly. I...I don't really like how heroes work."
Mirko: "Huh?"
(Y/n): "Like, heroes these days...They have jurisdictions. Clocked on hours. Heck, they even get paid for it."
Mirko: "What? You don't like getting paid?"
(Y/n): "I'm not saying that getting paid is a bad thing. But for a hero...I feel its become more of a business job than an act of determination. Heroes are supposed to be out there to help people. Not to just stop villains and put them away. It's a repeated cycle. But you...You don't like staying in one place. You go all over the place because you want to help as many people as you can. And...That's inspiring."
Now, some may say I got a little caught up on my own goals in the middle of that sentence, and honestly, I could see it. But it wasn't often that I talked about this with someone that inspires me. And that's exactly what Mirko does in one or more aspects. I kinda got a little nervous when I finished speaking, however. I was a little worried to see what she may say after hearing some of what I said. But when my eyes finally reached her own, I was greeted by the sight of her just staring at me. I feel a part of it was shock; some confusion. Heck, she didn't even blink until--
Mirko: "...I want you inside."
(Y/n): "Wha--" [Coughs] "C-Come again?"
Mirko: "I said I want you inside the changing room behind you. Put your suit on and meet me on the roof."
(Y/n): "You want me in the--Wait. Roof?"
That was the final thing I said, as Mirko just smiled before turning around and going toward the fridge. Now, weird or not, that's how the moment ended. I was once more left to my thoughts, and trust me, they were plenty. It was during this time that I entered a changing room and put on my hero suit. By the time I was done, Mirko was nowhere to be seen. After a while, I decided to make my way towards the roof. Though, when it came to standing at the door that would finally lead me to the outside, after climbing a flight of stairs up three floors, I found myself frozen in place momentarily.
(Y/n): [Sighs] "...Come on. You got this. It should be easy. Well, as easy as it can be. But, hey. When has your life ever been easy?"
Then I remembered who I was interning under.
(Y/n): "And for EVERYTHING that you call your own, don't...don't stare at her in a weird way. I mean, sure, she's attractive. B-But that doesn't matter. Like, you've got a girlfriend now! Uraraka's great!" [Mutters] "...Damn. Kinda makes me wonder what she'd look like with thighs like Mirkos--"
[3rd Person POV]
The sound echoed from within the stairwell behind the closed door that led to the roof. It was enough to leave Mirko turning around to face the door. As she did, a few seconds later, the door opened, allowing (Y/n) to step out onto the roof in the bright sunny day. Though, with his mask hanging from the back of his neck, he was forced to cover his face with his hand momentarily. That was until the voice of Mirko called out.
"Now you're looking more like the Rookie I saw during the sports festival."
Dropping his gaze from the sky immediately, (Y/n) found his eyes landing on Mirko. However, in doing so, his eyes quickly looked past her eyes when he realized she was in her hero outfit. An outfit which did NOTHING to hide the muscular thighs which (Y/n) hadn't been able to stop thinking about since meeting Mirko. Honestly, it was one thing seeing them in tights, but when they were free...T-Though, of course, that was an unprofessional mindset, one which he was quick to get rid of. Nevertheless...Curse his teenage brain.
(Y/n): "Uh, yeah. So, um...Why exactly did we meet up on a roof again?"
Mirko: "Mainly because it gives me a jumping boost. Though, it also helps because if we're on the street, people tend to crowd around heroes. And with the uncertain movement, the potential of hitting someone is there. So jumping from roof to roof makes it safer. That, and I like the view."
(Y/n): "Oh..."
Mirko: "But before we go onto anything else. I wanna bring up what you said before...About heroes helping people and how it isn't like it should be."
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Crap! Is she going to drop me right here?"
Though, despite this possibility. (Y/n) didn't regret what he said. It was true. And he stood by it. He was only really nervous about it because he didn't want to ruin his chance with a hero...Hero training! That is. H-He'd need to do good on this internship so he could keep his promise to Izuku. Of course. Thankfully for (Y/n), he seemed to finally catch a break.
Mirko: "...And you're right."
(Y/n): "Huh?"
Mirko: "Not many rookies these days think that way. And, honestly, I don't really think that way a lot either. But what you said, it got to me." [Grins] "Add in the fact you called me an inspiration is probably an added bonus. But still. What you said is something that definitely left me thinking. And that's not something a lot of rookies can do. Thats why...I'm going to reward you now, (Y/n)."
(Y/n): "Re...Reward?"
Mirko: "Yes, (Y/n), a reward. I'm going to reward you."
It was as she said that, that Mirko began slowly walking toward (Y/n). This only caused his mind to go into even more of a meltdown.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "What does she mean by a reward? And why is she looking at me like that? She said reward, but there's no way she means...That kind of reward, right? Right? W-Well, it doesn't matter. E-Even if it was a reward like that. I'm with Uraraka. I would never hurt her...It's just the idea of Mirko, someone like her, wanting to do anything like that with me is--"
He was suddenly cut off when he realized Mirko had stopped walking. Now she just stood in front of him with a smile. And, it wasn't sexy smile. Just a normal, regular smile. At first, (Y/n) was confused. Then, after a few seconds passed by, with Mirko still standing there, it left him even more confused.
(Y/n): "Um...So. What's the, um...What's reward?"
Mirko: "(Y/n)."
(Y/n): "H-Huh?"
Mirko: "Your reward. (Y/n). Being called (Y/n) is your reward. I'm not going to call you rookie anymore."
(Y/n): "O-Oh."
Mirko: [Raises eyebrow] "What? You don't like it?"
(Y/n): "No. It's not--"
Mirko: "Because I'll have you know. Everyone that's below me on rankings I call rookie. So for someone below me, let alone a student, to not be called rookie by me is quite an accomplishment. I was hoping you would--"
(Y/n): "--I really appreciate it!"
The response came quick and direct. Mostly because (Y/n) just wanted this awkward moment to be over. That, and he didn't want Mirko to hate him. Thankfully, this seemed to do the trick.
Mirko: "...Well, alright then. I'm glad to hear you appreciate it." [Grins] "Now, enough bitching around. We've got work to do."
Without a word more, Mirko suddenly turned around and began walking further along the roof. This left (Y/n) even more confused than he already was for a moment. In the end, he reluctantly followed her until she stood at the edge of the building and turned around to grin at him.
(Y/n): "S-So...What exactly are we doing first?
Mirko: [Smirks] "Well, this internship is about learning from me. So, lesson one...Catch me~"
(Y/n): "Hu--"
He wasn't even able to finish his sentence before out of nowhere Mirko bounced off the edge of the building launched into the air, high above the streets before landing on the opposite side of the street, where she safely landed on another roof. Once she did, she turned around to see the shocked look on (Y/n)'s face. However, it didn't take long for him to regain his composure when he saw her bouncing once more.
The rabbit hero dashing from roof to roof on the other side of the street. Each bounce taking her further away from (Y/n)'s current position. It was with this that he realized what needed to be done. It was at this moment where (Y/n) cast aside all the nerves, the shocking thoughts. It was time to do what he did best. And he went about that by tossing his mask over his face...And got to work. Because form now on, he wasn't just a student, he was an actual hero. A hero...With a job to do.
[Okay! There we have it! 13k words for this week! Now, a few things I want to bring up before we go.
1.) Some of you may have noticed a more humorous style with this chapter. Especially involving the reader. Now, some of you may think that's off for his character. And whilst it isn't wacky comedy, which he won't ever be apart of, I want you all to realize something. The first 23 chapters or so was about the reader dealing with what has happened to him in the past. Now, he's moved on. Allowing his spirit to be free. And I kinda want to showcase that through the humor that can come about. Like in this chapter! That, and, well, as he said...He's a guy, and Mirko's Mirko.
2.) That's another thing. As some of you may have noticed with previous arcs. I like to have a fun filler-like chapter before the start of a serious arc. That was the last chapter. Then, I like to have a semi-light chapter to kick off the actual arc. That was this chapter. Now, still, this chapter was 13k words and more, which is a lot! But to some it may have felt like not a whole lot happened. But this chapter, and what I mean by 'semi-light' chapters, is that basically they're used to set up stuff. And that's what this chapter was. To set up Mirko, and other plot points with Gran Torino and Iida. I was tempted to add a end scene with Stain, but I want his proper arrival to be really something. So look out for that.
3.) And finally, the whole Gran Torino thing may seem odd to have in this book. Given as the reader has good control over One For All. But the point for Gran Torino being in this book, without spoiling it, is basically to strength the readers ability with One For All. Because at the end of the day, the reader has two quirks, which can tend to be used either equally, or unevenly. That's where Gran Torino comes in and I can't wait to showcase what I have planned with him and Mirko! Because I have a lot more planned for both of them that I think you'll love!
But for now, that's it. I really do hope you enjoyed the start to this new ARC! If you did, feel free to vote and comment your thoughts, and I'll be sure to see you all again soon for another chapter!!]
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